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Do you think that Barack Obama should go to jail?
Though I liked Eugene Lim’s answer to this question very much, I will approach the question from a broader perspective, considering legal principle beyond the person of Barack Obama.In the context of modern history, the question of whether Barack Obama should go to jail seems rather quaint, considered in and of itself. The actions of modern-day presidents which, morally and often enough legally, ought to constitute crimes, from at least Lyndon Johnson through, there can be little doubt, Donald Trump, might fill a diligent researcher’s book, or so my sketchy awareness in regard to this topic suggests. The question may seem partisan or even silly, but if we consider it not only applicable to Barack Obama, but to presidents in general, we end up discussing an important principle that is supposed to apply to life in America. However, it is a principle which has been demonstrably abandoned by our nation.The principle Americans abandoned held that “no man is above the law,” though limited exceptions were made from the inception of the Federal Government after the Articles of Confederation were abandoned as the governing document of the USA. We are supposed to be, it has often been said, “a nation of laws, not men.” But are we?The American nation’s experiment was, in essence, an experiment in exploring the question of whether, and how, a government could ever be held accountable to its people. Elections were to be the vehicle of accountability, as the electorate, however defined for a period, had a chance to “throw the rascals out.” We were supposed to know if they were rascals because of our free and independent press, which would probe into and expose their rascally deeds while they held office.A limited exception to equality of the law was included in the US Constitution, specifically for the members of Congress, as follows: ““They [Congress] shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.” (Article 1, Section 6).We are told this provision was included to prevent a President, as head of the Executive Branch, from ordering the arrest of political opponents. The exception is not supposed to be absolute — it does not apply when Congress is in session, and it does not apply to members of Congress with respect to their committing violations of the laws they themselves pass, or in cases where they are found to have actually commissioned a crime.A 1982 case known as Nixon Vs. Fitzgerald was settled 5-4 by a Supreme Court ruling which held that the President is entitled to absolute immunity from legal liability for civil damages based on his official acts; but the same decision proclaimed that the President is not immune from criminal charges stemming from his official or unofficial acts while he is in office. The Jones vs. Clinton case later settled that a president is not legally immune from civil liability over acts which preceded his assuming the office of the presidency.So, with these foundational facts established, we next arrive at the question of, “who is going to charge the president with a crime?” (The questioner, here on Quora, has not named a crime for which Obama might be jailed.) I would think the only official with standing to do so would be a part of a president’s own Administration, namely, an Attorney General. The FBI or any lower level criminal investigative official body who had gone to the trouble (and peril) of investigating a president to the point of establishing facts indicating criminal charges were warranted would have to bring their case to the Federal AG, upon whose shoulders would rest the responsibility for a major disruption of the Federal Government. The AG would presumably need to present the case to Congress, Congress would have to impeach, and prosecution could then proceed.Presumably, the AG would have been, at best, de facto fired and returned to private practice long before that highly-improbable scenario could play itself out. At any rate, a close look at the published analyses of the way the Federal government actually operates these days indicates that initiatives instigated by the people for the sake of procuring accountability in government actually tend to die at the second-in-command level, the obscure “assistant” or “-under” top official holder essentially vetoes meaningful steps toward procuring accountability.Historically, now, did President Lyndon B. Johnson suffer for ordering military inaction when Israel mercilessly attacked the USS Liberty sig/intel ship on June 8, 1967 for hours on end, strafing and bombing, killing 34 crew members and wounding 171? No. He even, reportedly, told his officers, “I want that God-damned ship going to the bottom!” His orders for inaction could easily have been construed as an act of treason. But officialdom responded, across the board, with a cover-up.Evidence published indicates that the Reagan campaign employed treason to help ensure its candidate came to power. The operation was called “October Surprise.” President Carter was trying to negotiate an arms-for-hostages deal with the Iranians who had seized control of their country from the Shah Pahlavi. Reagan operatives (Oliver North, perhaps, already ensconced in the National Security Council which operated out of the White House basement?) stole his briefing book right out of the Oval Office so the Reaganites could accurately out-bid Carter. This could quite easily and properly be construed as treason, of course. Their condition to the Iranians was that they would receive more arms than Carter was willing to offer if only they would *continue* to hold the American hostages until Reagan’s election. Reagan hammered the idea on the election stump that he would bomb Iran mercilessly if they did not release the hostages. The hostages were, in fact, released on the day of Reagan’s inauguration. The American public, fed the superficial news by a press still relatively widely owned and controlled compared to our current era, was awed and grateful for Reagan’s tough talk. Though books on the October Surprise operation were later published, most Americans do not read such fare.Recall that AG Edwin Meese was the first Reagan Administration official to publicly admit, on Nov. 25, 1986, that profits from weapons sales to Iran via Israel (made through private channels as a fig leaf tactic to skirt the law) were made available to the Contra fighters who waged a terror campaign to try to unseat the Sandanista government of Nicaragua. It is not as if Meese took the lead, though, in attempting to bring prosecutions; Reagan appointed John Tower to head a commission. The government went through the motions, though, with the US Congress and Tower Commission pursuing inquiries. Some Administration figures eventually were actually prosecuted, though their convictions were overturned on appeal, or they were pardoned by the next president, George H. W. Bush.The Administration’s crimes in that affair involved, at a minimum, the sale of illegal drugs in US communities by operatives of the “Just Say No” Administration to pay for arms, the sales of arms to an embargoed enemy state for the sake of hostage releases, all for the sake of an “insurgency” which operated as a terrorist campaign to try to frighten the Nicaraguan people sufficiently to lead them to massively demand the ouster of the Sandanista regime for the sake of regaining some peace and security in their daily lives. Despite various serious crimes having been committed, Congress, in the end, merely scolded President Reagan for not knowing enough about what his National Security Council was up to.Israel, the Saudis, and Pakistani officials all played roles in the Iran-Contra affair, as facts eventually came to light; this was, of course, long after all the crimes were faits accompli.In my view, by permitting the crimes of the Iran-Contra scandal to go unpunished under the law, Congress opened the door to every manner of subversion and criminality on the part of elected officials in the years to come. As Americans, we have borne the bitter fruits of that outcome ever since. We now live under police-state level surveillance and we are fish in a barrel to an elite class of financial predators who plunder the nation every few years; this is our “new normal.” Also, ever since the Reagan Administration years and the absolute enshrinement of big business, vital industries ranging from vaccine manufacturers to would-be food monopoly corporations have, themselves, gained immunity from lawsuits brought by the mere commoners, no matter the damage the products manufactured by the now-immune corporations may have wrought on citizens among our atomized, “every-crumb-for-himself” populace. There went equality under the law. If corporations are “persons,” increasingly, they have become “royal” persons, operating under Divine Right.At the very least, the Bush/Cheney Administration might well have been found guilty of a violation of US Code, Title 18 U.S.C. § 371, making it a felony to defraud the US government in its fraudulent Osama bin Laden and Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction claims which cost the nation at least $6.4 trillion to date.Previously, President George H. W. Bush might have also been found guilty of this crime, if prosecuted and tried, for hiring PR personnel to fabricate evidence and impersonate royalty for the sake of misleading the American people when he was whipping up the first Iraq War; both these CIA-connected presidents told Big Lies to the public to fool them into supporting their planned and costly wars on Iraq and elsewhere under false pretexts for purposes never made public to the broad masses, but which certainly dovetail nicely with Israeli plans for territorial expansion known as the Oded Yinon Plan for a Greater Israel.The money trail of 9/11 and the New Jersey arrest record uncovered by some researchers seemed to indicate the same Bush-coordinated coalition of nations involved in the Iran-Contra affair played roles in 9/11. The G. W. Bush Administration was chock-a-block in dual-citizen Zionist war-hawks occupying key positions in the Executive Branch, typically acolytes of Leo Strauss, one of the advocates of myth-making or making sure the public is subjected to the “mushroom treatment” (kept in the dark and fed manure about government actions), and often people who had first obtained Executive positions during the de facto appointed presidency of former Michigan Congressman and Warren Commission member, Gerald Ford.The latter, G.W. Bush Administration might also have been found guilty on war crimes charges over the widespread implementation of torturing captives, euphemistically referred to as “enhanced interrogation techniques,” had the course of American justice, military or civil, been followed. But, of course, they never were, any more than G. W. Bush’s initial edict that the mass murder/mass destruction crime of 9/11 would not be investigated (as a “waste of precious intelligence resources, because we already know who’s guilty”, he told us), a matter which the president does not have authority to decide absolutely in our Federal system. For instance, if the prescribed course of justice had been pursued over 9/11, a New York Grand Jury would have been convened immediately by the State Attorney General for the Southern District. Finally, in 2018, the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry presented dozens of evidentiary exhibits indicating controlled demolition of the World Trade Center buildings in New York,, and on November 2018, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District in N.Y. stated he had reviewed Petition and would comply, to assemble the requested grand jury. The only visible result from that point is that the official in question, Geoffrey Berman, was removed from his office by Donald Trump and AG William Barr in June of 2019.Personally, I had given up hope for the USA to be other than a lawless, rogue nation by the time Barack Obama, a one-term Senator and gifted orator sponsored by Zbigniew Brzezinski of the Council on Foreign Relations, became president. I admit that about that time, I finally stopped being as diligent about scrutinizing the actions of government as I had been over the previous decades since the election of Reagan, which I considered shocking. For me, the handwriting was on the wall; I had long since concluded the world is ruled by a global crime syndicate centered in the central banking system which controls the nations though ever-growing indebtedness. (This was the essential revelation contained, in other words, in Georgetown Prof. Carroll Quigley’s massive history book, “Tragedy & Hope,” Macmillan, 1966, a “talk out of school” for which he was rendered from a prestigious member of the US elite, seated on many corporate director boards, into an abject non-person.) The public will never mobilize and might not be able to recover from their bondage in any event, but as a people, we seem not to care to understand or to try to comtest the forms of societal corrosion wrought by this system.However, I could not help noticing some things...besides the fraudsters of the top-level financial community who helped foster the gigantic Ponzi scheme (the “mortgage crisis,” the press helpfully called it) which imploded in Sept. of 2008 being pronounced “too big to jail.” I also believe the entire story of the killing of Osama bin Laden at a compound in Pakistan was a fabrication. The deaths of Seal Team Six, said to have staged the killing raid, a few months later, seemed to confirm this idea, to me. Dead men tell no tales, after all.ISIS, I presume, was another Big Lie sold to the public. Why so few ask “who paid to arm and equip and feed all those men in the desert and who gave them that vast convoy of new Toyota vehicles to travel in?” is a mystery to me. I suspect this was a mercenary force, probably organized from Iraqi and Libyan military men at loose ends, meant to, as usual, terrorize us all, and carry on the mission of breaking up Arab nations in the Middle East (Syria, this time, just as mercenaries —“rebels” — who made no secret even before the fall of Tripoli that they were out to establish a central bank for Libya (under control of the usual money mobsters, of course, for whom these “rebels” delivered the murder of Ghaddafi before he could unify Africa under an independent economic model and alter the world balance of power as he had long hoped).This shattering of yet another nearby, prosperous African nation conveniently also made it easier for Israel to expand its geographical territory.But, who would preclude a president from engaging in such fun and games? No one. Precedent for total presidential unaccountability dates back at least to 1947, when Pres. Harry Truman signed the National Security Act of 1947, an act he later, in the ‘70s upon publication of his book “Plain Speaking,” called the worst mistake of his presidency since it enabled the creation what he called “an American Gestapo.” At any rate, “plausible deniability” became the watchword from then on regaring presidencies and high crimes. Any crime could be committed with any president capable of claiming limited, or no knowledge at all, of what the espionage agents have taken it upon themselves (or, perhaps, enacted on orders from their real bosses) to do.So, in the interests of preserving “order” and permitting Presidents whatever latitude they need to conduct foreign policy, Obama either did not deserve to go to jail, or he and several other still-living former Administration members do deserve to, along with him. Opinions will surely vary!It’s a moot point, whichever opinion we hold, because the political will to enforce the law against criminal abuses of presidential authority does not exist within the USA.
What are the regulations regarding having a hedgehog as a pet in Texas?
Quora required LINK: Are hedgehogs legal in my state? — Hamor Hollow Hedgehogs .This answer sponsored by Spike, an African Pygmy Hedgehog that permits me to feed and house him In Texas/THE SHORT ANSWER ~ Hedgehogs are legal in all of New England and most of the United States. Unfortunately, hedgehogs are still illegal or restricted in:CaliforniaGeorgiaHawaiiPennsylvaniaThe Five Boroughs of New York CityHedgehogs may require a permit and/or certificate of veterinary inspection in:New JerseyWisconsinRECENTLY LEGALIZED OR UNRESTRICTEDArizonaMaineWashington, DC (Fairfax County, Virginia)WyomingTHE LONG ANSWERHedgehogs are usually considered an exotic animal and may be classified invasive or dangerous in some areas.Many times this is due to local lawmakers misclassifying hedgehogs as the wrong species or simply not understanding what a hedgehog is.Please be aware that misclassification is not a magical loophole and legal possession of a hedgehog is ultimately decided and enforced by local law enforcement. This may be a city or town police department, county sheriff's office, state department of fish and wildlife, or the US Fish and Wildlife Service.ARIZONAUnrestricted: 05-Dec-2015Updated: Mon 08-Apr-2019Per Arizona Game and Fish Department:The Arizona Game and Fish Department, as part of its regular five-year review rulemaking process, has updated its Article 4 (Live Wildlife) rules. The new provisions will be effective Dec. 5, 2015.The updated rules were recently approved by the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council.The new provisions include some notable changes including:• Removal of hedgehogs from the restricted live wildlife list to allow them as pets.• Expansion of the restricted primate species that can be possessed by private individuals without a special license, to include all non-human primates in an effort to protect public health and safety.• Prohibiting a person from allowing native desert tortoises to reproduce in captivity in an effort to reduce the number of unwanted captive desert tortoises.• Improved consistency between federal and state rules, for example listing all birds under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act as restricted live wildlife.• Inclusion of red shiner, certain species of tilapia, paddlefish, sturgeon, Chinese mystery snail, and false dark mussel as restricted live wildlife as all are non-native to Arizona and pose significant threat to native species.• Clarification of definitions and language, consolidation of some rules, and updating of references.CALIFORNIAIllegal/RestrictedUpdated: Sun 07-Apr-2019Per the California Department of Fish and Wildlife:There are at least 17 known species of hedgehogs. All species are restricted from possession as pets in California primarily because they can become pests where introduced into the wild where they don’t naturally occur. There are also many unknown questions related to natural predators and potential diseases when any non-native animal is introduced into the wild. If personal ownership were possible for hedgehog species, it's likely that there would be similar requests for many other non-native species, putting California’s rich wildlife diversity at risk.Why can't I have a hedgehog, sugar glider, ferret, or other restricted, non-native species as a pet in California?RESTRICTED SPECIES LAWS AND REGULATIONS – IMPORTATION, TRANSPORTATION AND POSSESSION OF WILD ANIMALS – MANUAL 671GEORGIAIllegal/RestrictedUpdated: Mon 08-Apr-2019Per Georgia Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division:The animals listed below are examples of the exotic species regulated under Georgia Law. The exotic species listed below, except where otherwise noted, may not be held as pets in Georgia. This list is not all inclusive.• Insectivores (shrews, moles, hedgehogs, tenrecs, etc.); all species .We at Hamor Hollow are erring on the side of caution by listing hedgehogs as Illegal/Restricted in Georgia. In our opinion, hedgehogs still being listed on Georgia’s Wild Animals/Exotics list outweighs the current effort to legalize them through 2013 House Bill 780, 2015 House Bill 273, 2015 Senate Bill 180, and 2017 Senate Bill 21.We applaud the legalization effort in Georgia and hope to see them fully-legalized soon!HAWAIIIllegal/RestrictedUpdated: Mon 08-Apr-2019Per State of Hawaii Plant Industry Division:IMPORTING NON-DOMESTICATED ANIMALSSome non-domesticated animals are allowed to be imported to Hawaii. These are listed on the List of Conditional Approved Animals.Any animal that is not found on any of the lists is considered prohibited.Neither the domesticated African Pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) nor any other species of hedgehog appears on Hawaii’s approved list outlined in List of Conditional Approved Animals §4-71-6.5.MAINEUnrestricted: 11-May-2017Updated: Mon 08-Apr-2019Per Maine Senate Republicans:Hedgehog Licensing Issue Resolved Without LegislationAUGUSTA – After receiving word that the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife added hedgehogs to the unrestricted animal list, the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee voted Ought Not to Pass on Senator Eric Brakey’s (R-Androscoggin) bill, LD 35.The idea for LD 35 was brought to Sen. Brakey by a 6th grader from Elm Street Elementary School in Mechanic Falls who wanted the ability to have a hedgehog as a pet without having to jump through hoops and obtain multiple licenses, as you can in every other New England state.Now that hedgehogs have been added to the unrestricted animal list, licenses are no longer required for ownership.“I’m really glad this issue could be resolved for these students without the need for further legislation,” said Sen. Brakey. “This whole experience has been a great learning opportunity for the entire Elm Street Elementary School’s 6th grade class. They were involved in the process from the very beginning, traveling to Augusta back in February for the day to testify at the public hearing for LD 35. I have since been in touch with the class to let them know that because of their initiative, we were able to make positive changes in Augusta.”128th MAINE LEGISLATURE — LD 35 — LR 938(01) — Resolve, To Allow the Unlicensed Ownership of Hedgehogs as PetsSP0014 — LD 35 — LR 938 Item 1 — Resolve, To Allow the Unlicensed Ownership of Hedgehogs as PetsNEW JERSEYUpdated: Mon 08-Apr-2019Many breeders and Wikipedia list hedgehogs as requiring a permit in New Jersey but do not cite a source. We at Hamor Hollow are still researching this location.New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife — Exotic and Nongame Wildlife Permit ApplicationsNew Jersey Individual Hobby Wildlife Species Possession Permit Application (for pets)New Jersey 7:25-4.3 Exotic Species and Nongame species requiring a permit for possessionThis list only specifies European hedgehog - Erinaceus europeaus. We are still researching to cite a source for domesticated hedgehogs.PENNSYLVANIAIllegal/Restricted: 23-May-2018Updated: Mon 08-Apr-2019Per Pennsylvania House of Representatives:In the near future, I will introduce legislation which would allow for the ownership or possession of certain “pocket pets,” namely hedgehogs and sugar gliders, to be kept as pets in Pennsylvania.Currently in Pennsylvania, hedgehogs and gliders are not listed as exempt exotic animals in statute and may therefore be banned by the Game Commission under their legal authority. The reasoning for such a disallowance by the Commission is that they’re not native to Pennsylvania and could compete for food or cover if they were to be released or escape into the wild. Be that as it may, almost every other state in the nation allows these harmless tiny creatures to be kept as pets similar to a gerbil, hamster, etc. I believe that it is time to end this unnecessary prohibition.Introduced as House Bill 1273.House Bill 1273 was defeated per Pennsylvania General Assembly:An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in permits relating to wildlife, further providing for definitions. Third consideration and defeated on final passage, May 23, 2018 (71-120)We at Hamor Hollow are erring on the side of caution by listing hedgehogs as Illegal/Restricted in Pennsylvania. In our opinion the defeat of House Bill 1273 outweighs any previously-debated grandfathered possession loopholes relating to the amendment of § 137.1 in 1992.Per The Pennsylvania Code:§ 137.1. Importation, possession, sale and release of certain wildlife.(a) Unless otherwise provided in this section or the act, it is unlawful for a person to import, possess, sell, offer for sale or release within this Commonwealth the following wild animals or wild birds or the eggs of the birds or a crossbreed or hybrid of the wild animals or wild birds, which are similar in appearance:(11) Game or wild held captive. Game or wildlife held in captivity or captive bred in another state or nation.20 Pa.B. 4488; amended May 29, 1992, effective July 1, 1992THE FIVE BOROUGHS OF NEW YORK CITYIllegal/RestrictedUpdated: Sun 07-Apr-2019Per The Official Website of the City of New York:You can make reports of people selling or keeping wild or illegal animals. Violations are issued when appropriate. By law, wild or illegal animals may not be sold or kept as pets.The following animals may not be kept as pets:• Gophers, woodchucks, beavers, hedgehogs, porcupines, and other large rodentsWASHINGTON, DC (FAIRFAX COUNTY, VIRGINIA)Legalized: Tue 22-Jan-2019Updated: Mon 08-Apr-2019Per Fairfax County NewsCenter:Until yesterday, it was a crime to be prickly but loveable — if you were a hedgehog, that is.These spiny animals were banned as pets in Fairfax County until Tuesday, Jan. 22, when the Board of Supervisors legalized hedgehogs as pets, as well as lifted the need for zoning permissions to keep chinchillas and hermit crabs.The board added these three animals to the list of commonly accepted pets in the county’s zoning rules. This means they can be kept as household pets without any special permissions.Previously, hedgehogs were prohibited while chinchillas and hermit crabs required a special permit from the Board of Zoning Appeals.The county made the change because hedgehogs have become popular, and zoning officials said they have received an increasing number of inquiries about whether it was allowable to keep them as pets.Fairfax joins Arlington and Loudoun counties as jurisdictions in Northern Virginia that permit hedgehogs.WISCONSINRequires certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI)Updated: Mon 08-Apr-2019Per State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:A "household pet" is an animal from a traditional companion animal species: dog, domestic cat, ferret, hedgehog, pet bird, rabbit, or domestic rodent (gerbil, guinea pig, hamster, or domestic mouse or rat). All other animals kept as pets, including dog hybrids, domestic cat hybrids, and exotic small cat species such as servals, are either considered livestock or exotic pets."Importing" refers to animals being brought into Wisconsin during vacation travel as well as animals relocating permanently into the state.Required:Certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) with complete physical destination address - we no longer accept the computer-generated APHIS 7001 form which has no preprinted CVI number (the older multi-copy forms with printed numbers are still accepted).WYOMINGUnrestrictedUpdated: Mon 08-Apr-2019Many breeders and Wikipedia list hedgehogs as requiring a permit in Wyoming but do not cite a source.Per Wyoming Game and Fish Department hedgehogs do not require a permit!”””, Are hedgehogs legal in my state? — Hamor Hollow Hedgehogs .
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