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Why does PragerU get made fun of so much when they cite reliable sources?
“When they site reliable sources”…I can’t read that line without laughing.They never do and here is why:PragerU “University” is a conservative think tank and astroturf fake university spreading paranoid fear mongering political propaganda and anti science nonsense on YouTube.PragerU is so EXTREME biased they crush the Bias - O -meters:“Overall, we rate PragerU Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of propaganda, the use of poor sources who have failed fact checks and the publication of misleading information regarding immigration and climate change.”PragerU - Media Bias/Fact CheckPragerU videos are thus so controversial YouTube wont have them;“A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Google filed by the conservative educational site PragerU that alleged the internet giant was censoring its YouTube videos.”Judge dismisses lawsuit alleging Google censorship of conservative YouTube videosOne can only wonder how batshit crazy it takes to be rejected by YouTube. I look at this as an important step on the road to “fight fake news and conspiracy theorists by linking to reputable articles”.YouTube will fight fake news and conspiracy theorists by linking to reputable articlesPeople with extreme views have it harder to find “news” which pleases their cognitive biases and justifies their believes. They want to avoid the most batshit crazy ones, thus if they find Alex Jones and his ilk of lunatics to wacky, PragerU might provide a better option because of their tone trolling. Because they dont shout at you like mad dogs.Because ultra conservative wingnuts too, are part of the tribe of sheeples the 1% rich and the polluters needs to keep uninformed to keep their support, PragerU tells these people what they want to hear;All liberals are communists, non christians are baby eating satanists, and if we stop using fossil fuels, the “green dragon” will collapse world economy (their pocket books).If you want to hear about how women should stay at home and be “food makers”, “washerwomen and “breeding machines” for their happy and masculine husbands?Tune in to PragerU.If you want to hear about how universities has become corrupt because they teach people to become free thinking individuals ?Tune in to PragerU.If you want to hear about why you should become a nationalist?Tune in to PragerU.Thus all propaganda PragerU spews out is “strangely” enough twisting facts about the world, social issues and politics, so that it ends up convenient for old conservative rich white men. To justify their oligarchy and to ensure it is not attacked by silly ideas such as having a more fair distribution of the worlds wealth or rising minimum wages.It’s a place where the lobbyists of the the 1% rich tells usour views on political and social issuesmust never come into conflict with the self interests and the money flow of the rich.You will soon find out every “expert” they use in their videos are fossil fuel lobbyists hired by Heartland Institute, thus PragerU is part of the Denial for profit movement. It’s yet another arena where the filthy 1% rich are spewing pandering propaganda aimed at their tribe of low educated wingnuts.Why?Because keeping your tribe,repressed, duped and blinded by fear and anxiety driven paranoid conservative politics and corporate polluters pandering socialist fear mongering propaganda,is how you keep your tribe happy.Uninformed and duped yes, but still happy because they dont realize theyre getting ####ed.The goal of the fossil fuel industry is to keep its profits rolling in without interference by government or by new, competing energy sources. To do this they need the public embroiled in doubt and suspicion; they need to degrade public confidence in science and scientists; they need to harm America’s future—and the world’s future—so that one of the wealthiest industries on Earth can indulge itself in even more wealth.We will look into how PragerU lies about science. But first,Promoting the policies that support an ideology is a right, but denying hard science in support of that ideology is a no-no. And that's what you'll find from PragerU, one of the web's best funded and most comprehensive attacks on climate science. Resources like this are a very real problem for science, because they have the expertise and the means to change people's minds, but lack the ethics to change those minds for the better.PragerU is also a channel where fossil fuel interests hide their self interests in conservative ideology to pander conservative christians and creationists.“It doesn’t take long to realize that this isn’t an academic institution as the ‘U’ in its name might suggest, but a right-wing organization with strong Judeo-Christian origins whose raison d’être is to rail against the American left. Its founder, Dennis Prager, is a conservative radio talk show host who denies climate change and sees environmentalism as a replacement for God. He has no educational background in STEM or any credentials related whatsoever to science.After watching a handful of their videos, it’s probably not too difficult for one to conclude that PragerU is invested in pushing a conservative ideological agenda and is not a reliable resource on information about climate change, or any other science for that matter.”Rebutting Climate Denial, One Source at a TimeLETS ALSO DO A BACKGROUND CHECK ON THE CREATIONIST BEHIND PRAGERU:“Dennis Prager is a neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions. Despite being a fairly extreme conservative, to the point of being a weekly WND columnist, he does moderate on certain issues such as abortion and, to his credit, he does seem to know quite a bit about religion and aspects of United States history.”Dennis Prager - RationalWikiDennis Prager Thinks Gay Marriage Bigger Threat Than Bad Economy:Dennis Prager denying evolution:“Honest atheists – scientists and lay people – must now acknowledge that science itself argues overwhelmingly for a Designing Intelligence. […] To posit the existence of a Creator requires only reason. To posit the existence of a good God requires faith.”Why some scientists embrace the 'multiverse' - WNDPRAGERU FUNDING :“PragerU has been generously funded by two of the richest men in the United States, billionaire brothers Dan and Farris Wilks, who made their fortunes in fracking. Farris Wilks is also the pastor of the Assembly of Yahweh Seventh Day Church near Cisco, a conservative Messianic Israelite church that was founded by his parents in 1947. The church takes a literal approach to the Bible, considering it historically and scientifically accurate. So much so, that in fact, they think homosexuality and abortion (including in cases of rape and incest) should be convictable crimes.Farris Wilks has called homosexuality“a perversion tantamount to bestiality, pedophilia and incest.”The Wilks brothers also believe in a sinister “gay agenda” that is held up by evildoers in order to curse the younger generation.Yeah… no surprise that these are the folks funding PragerU.”Yusoof Monawvil's answer to Who funds PragerU?"The Wilks brothers manage Interstate Explorations, an oil and gas field services company based out of Texas, and recently sold shares in the fracking and oil services enterprise Frac Tech, making them worth $1.4 billion each. In total, the Wilks family has donated $6,550,000 to PragerU."The religious right seems to believe that the education system is the perfect battlefield to win this 'culture war' taking place in America," writes Shea. "While conservatives continue to push for privatization, efforts on public schools center on curriculum. Whether by pushing creationism, lowering comprehensive sexual education standards, or refusing Common Core, with resources like Prager University and financial supporters like the Wilks, their efforts have been enormously strengthened."Fracking Titans Spend Millions Proselytizing School Children - Rewire.NewsFracking Titans Bankrolling Right-Wing InLETS SEE HOW PRAGERU LIES ABOUT THE SCIENCE.Who is this man in the PragerU video below (and attached to the question) attacking climate models and accusing hard working professionals for fraud?Who is this William Happer dude so eager to portrait C02 as “good for us?”Is he funded by fossil fuels?No kiddin’!!“William Happer, born 1939 (age 78–79), is a climate change denier and Professor of Physics at Princeton University, specialising in MRI imaging. He has no training in climate science. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the George C. Marshall Institute and is on the Academic Advisory Council of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, a denier think tank.”William Happer - SourceWatchWatch this video from War on our future: climate change panel set to be led by scientist who compared ‘demonisation’ of carbon dioxide to Holocaust“This is the equivalent of setting up a committee on nuclear weapons proliferation and having someone lead it who doesn’t think nuclear weapons exist,” he said. “It’s honestly a blunt force political tool designed to shut the national security community up on climate change.”David Titley, a professor and director of the Center for Solutions to Weather and Climate Risk at Pennylvania State University, told Newsweek: “This is an attempt by the Trump administration to bully and silence any discussion from his own intelligence community and Pentagon on the subject of climate as a security risk.Absolutely insane: “The demonization of carbon dioxide is just like the demonization of the poor Jews under Hitler,” said William Happer.Happer is a member of Trump's National Security Council, advising on climate change and emerging technologies.— Justice Democrats (@justicedems) May 28, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacyDonald Trump picks climate change denier to head committee on threat of global warmingGreenpeace exposes sceptics hired to cast doubt on climate science“Sting operation uncovers two prominent climate sceptics available for hire by the hour to write reports on the benefits of rising CO2 levels and coal.”“Happer wrote in an email that his fee was $250 an hour and that it would require four days of work – a total of $8,000. “Depending on how extensive a document you have in mind, the time required or cost could be more or less, but I hope this gives you some idea of what I would expect if we were to proceed on some mutually agreeable course,” he wrote.”“Our research reveals that professors at prestigious universities can be sponsored by foreign fossil fuel companies to write reports that sow doubt about climate change and that this sponsorship will then be kept secret,” said John Sauven, the director of Greenpeace UK. “Down the years, how many scientific reports that sowed public doubt on climate change were actually funded by oil, coal and gas companies? This investigation shows how they do it, now we need to know when and where they did it.”Happer even told them how to pay him, hiding the money as “dark money”Greenpeace exposes sceptics hired to cast doubt on climate scienceI know I didn’t have to tell you Happer is funded by the most anti science front group in the world, the one and only..Leak exposes how Heartland Institute works to undermine climate scienceThis video debunks Happer also:MY DEBUNK of HAPPERS CLAIMS:Why Happer is wrong about climate models:Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to How many past long term predictions about global warming/climate change are true versus false?Why Happer is wrong about “C02 is good for us”.Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to Why does the increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have ill effects on life?Is C02 a pollutant? C02 is many things, but also a pollutant. Think of it as the oceans. When the waters are in the oceans, its all good. But if the waters in the oceans floods your home, its a bad thing .The US supreme court ruled that carbon dioxide is a pollutant in a landmark 2007 case.Happer is simply a talking head for the polluters industry paid to talk down the dangers of climate change and to portrait C02 as a “gift from God”. The tobacco industry had similar fake experts to talk down the dangers of tobacco smoking."As early as the 1950s, the groups shared scientists and publicists to downplay dangers of smoking and climate change".Tobacco and Oil Industries Used Same Researchers to Sway PublicHere we see Happer doing his routine:An old smoking commercial:And am I over my head for comparing Heartland with tobacco denial?Not all all. Are they still denying the hazards of tobacco smoking!! Im kiddin’ right?No, im not. Tobacco giant Philip Morris have funded Heartland for a long time.Heart of the matterJust a few clicks away from their page on Happer, we find this:Heartland Institute 2019:"The public health community's campaign to demonize smokers and all forms of tobacco is based on junk science"."The anti-smoking movement is hardly a grassroots phenomenon: It is largely funded by taxpayers and a few major foundations with left-liberal agendas."“The association between tobacco smoke and coronary heart disease and lung cancer may be considerably weaker than generally believed.”"There are many reasons to be skeptical about what professional anti-smoking advocates say. They personally profit by exaggerating the health threats of smoking and winning passage of higher taxes and bans on smoking in public places."Even asbestos is harmless acording to Heartland:"As is often the case with environmental scares, the asbestos “cure” was pushed well ahead of a complete diagnosis. Research has confirmed that asbestos workers who do not use protective breathing apparatus suffer increased health risks. For the remaining 99+ percent of the U.S. population, however, asbestos health risks are virtually nil." Fjellstad Olsen's answer to Why is opposition to climate science more common in the United States than other countries?Science investigator and rational thinker Aron Raa speaks about Prager:BONUSOTHER PRAGERU DEBUNKS:“It doesn’t take long to realize that this isn’t an academic institution as the ‘U’ in its name might suggest, but a right-wing organization with strong Judeo-Christian origins whose raison d’être is to rail against the American left. Its founder, Dennis Prager, is a conservative radio talk show host who denies climate change and sees environmentalism as a replacement for God. He has no educational background in STEM or any credentials related whatsoever to science.After watching a handful of their videos, it’s probably not too difficult for one to conclude that PragerU is invested in pushing a conservative ideological agenda and is not a reliable resource on information about climate change, or any other science for that matter.”Rebutting Climate Denial, One Source at a TimeFAKE EXPERT PATRICK MOORELobbyist and Heartland / PragerU-puppet Patrick Moore claiming that Monsanto's (← now Beyer) Roundup is safe to drink, but refuses when offered a glass saying “I'm not an idiot” and then storms off when the interviewer is persistent.My own Patrick Moore debunk:Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to Why would the founder of Greenpeace suggest there is no evidence of man-made global warming?Brilliant rational takedowns of PragerU:Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to Why is opposition to climate science more common in the United States than other countries?Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to Are there any prominent and well-respected scientists who do not believe in climate change?
Can someone offer a rebuttal of William Happer’s PragerU video on climate models?
PragerU “University” is a conservative think tank and astroturf fake university spreading anti science propaganda on YouTube.Promoting the policies that support an ideology is a right, but denying hard science in support of that ideology is a no-no. And that's what you'll find from PragerU, one of the web's best funded and most comprehensive attacks on climate science. Resources like this are a very real problem for science, because they have the expertise and the means to change people's minds, but lack the ethics to change those minds for the better.These videos are even so controversial YouTube wont have them;“A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against Google filed by the conservative educational site PragerU that alleged the internet giant was censoring its YouTube videos.”Judge dismisses lawsuit alleging Google censorship of conservative YouTube videosOne can only wonder how batshit crazy it takes to be rejected by YouTube. I look at this as an important step on the road to “fight fake news and conspiracy theorists by linking to reputable articles”.YouTube will fight fake news and conspiracy theorists by linking to reputable articlesWho is this man in the PragerU video below (and attached to the question) attacking climate models and accusing hard working professionals for fraud?Who is this William Happer dude so eager to portrait C02 as “good for us?”Is he funded by fossil fuels?No kiddin’!!Watch this video from War on our future: Happer, born 1939 (age 78–79), is a climate change denier and Professor of Physics at Princeton University, specialising in MRI imaging. He has no training in climate science. He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the George C. Marshall Institute and is on the Academic Advisory Council of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, a denier think tank.William Happer - SourceWatchGreenpeace exposes sceptics hired to cast doubt on climate science“Sting operation uncovers two prominent climate sceptics available for hire by the hour to write reports on the benefits of rising CO2 levels and coal.”“Happer wrote in an email that his fee was $250 an hour and that it would require four days of work – a total of $8,000. “Depending on how extensive a document you have in mind, the time required or cost could be more or less, but I hope this gives you some idea of what I would expect if we were to proceed on some mutually agreeable course,” he wrote.”“Our research reveals that professors at prestigious universities can be sponsored by foreign fossil fuel companies to write reports that sow doubt about climate change and that this sponsorship will then be kept secret,” said John Sauven, the director of Greenpeace UK. “Down the years, how many scientific reports that sowed public doubt on climate change were actually funded by oil, coal and gas companies? This investigation shows how they do it, now we need to know when and where they did it.”Greenpeace exposes sceptics hired to cast doubt on climate scienceI know I didn’t have to tell you Happer is funded by the most anti science front group in the world, the one and only..Leak exposes how Heartland Institute works to undermine climate scienceThis video debunks Happer also:MY DEBUNK of HAPPERS CLAIMS:Why Happer is wrong about climate models:Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to How many past long term predictions about global warming/climate change are true versus false?Why Happer is wrong about “C02 is good for us”.Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to Why does the increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have ill effects on life?Is C02 a pollutant? C02 is many things, but also a pollutant. Think of it as the oceans. When the waters are in the oceans, its all good. But if the waters in the oceans floods your home, its a bad thing .The US supreme court ruled that carbon dioxide is a pollutant in a landmark 2007 case.Happer is simply a talking head for the polluters industry paid to talk down the dangers of climate change and to portrait C02 as a “gift from God”. The tobacco industry had similar fake experts to talk down the dangers of tobacco smoking."As early as the 1950s, the groups shared scientists and publicists to downplay dangers of smoking and climate change".Tobacco and Oil Industries Used Same Researchers to Sway PublicHere we see Happer doing his routine:An old smoking commercial:And am I over my head for comparing Heartland with tobacco denial?Not all all. Are they still denying the hazards of tobacco smoking!! Im kiddin’ right?No, im not. Tobacco giant Philip Morris have funded Heartland for a long time.Heart of the matterJust a few clicks away from their page on Happer, we find this:Heartland Institute 2019:"The public health community's campaign to demonize smokers and all forms of tobacco is based on junk science"."The anti-smoking movement is hardly a grassroots phenomenon: It is largely funded by taxpayers and a few major foundations with left-liberal agendas."“The association between tobacco smoke and coronary heart disease and lung cancer may be considerably weaker than generally believed.”"There are many reasons to be skeptical about what professional anti-smoking advocates say. They personally profit by exaggerating the health threats of smoking and winning passage of higher taxes and bans on smoking in public places."Even asbestos is harmless acording to Heartland:"As is often the case with environmental scares, the asbestos “cure” was pushed well ahead of a complete diagnosis. Research has confirmed that asbestos workers who do not use protective breathing apparatus suffer increased health risks. For the remaining 99+ percent of the U.S. population, however, asbestos health risks are virtually nil." Fjellstad Olsen's answer to Why is opposition to climate science more common in the United States than other countries?LETS ALSO DO A BACKGROUND CHECK ON THE CREATIONIST BEHIND PRAGERU:Dennis Prager is a neoconservative radio host, professional tone troll, and conspiracy theorist who believes that the United States is a Christian nation, and that it's under attack from "secular leftists" who control the media, universities, public education system, and other institutions. Despite being a fairly extreme conservative, to the point of being a weekly WND columnist, he does moderate on certain issues such as abortion and, to his credit, he does seem to know quite a bit about religion and aspects of United States history.Dennis Prager - RationalWikiDennis Prager denying evolution:“Honest atheists – scientists and lay people – must now acknowledge that science itself argues overwhelmingly for a Designing Intelligence. […] To posit the existence of a Creator requires only reason. To posit the existence of a good God requires faith.”Why some scientists embrace the 'multiverse' - WNDPRAGERU FUNDING :“PragerU has been generously funded by two of the richest men in the United States, billionaire brothers Dan and Farris Wilks, who made their fortunes in fracking. Farris Wilks is also the pastor of the Assembly of Yahweh Seventh Day Church near Cisco, a conservative Messianic Israelite church that was founded by his parents in 1947. The church takes a literal approach to the Bible, considering it historically and scientifically accurate. So much so, that in fact, they think homosexuality and abortion (including in cases of rape and incest) should be convictable crimes.Farris Wilks has called homosexuality“a perversion tantamount to bestiality, pedophilia and incest.”The Wilks brothers also believe in a sinister “gay agenda” that is held up by evildoers in order to curse the younger generation.Yeah… no surprise that these are the folks funding PragerU.”Yusoof Monawvil's answer to Who funds PragerU?"The Wilks brothers manage Interstate Explorations, an oil and gas field services company based out of Texas, and recently sold shares in the fracking and oil services enterprise Frac Tech, making them worth $1.4 billion each. In total, the Wilks family has donated $6,550,000 to PragerU."The religious right seems to believe that the education system is the perfect battlefield to win this 'culture war' taking place in America," writes Shea. "While conservatives continue to push for privatization, efforts on public schools center on curriculum. Whether by pushing creationism, lowering comprehensive sexual education standards, or refusing Common Core, with resources like Prager University and financial supporters like the Wilks, their efforts have been enormously strengthened."Fracking Titans Spend Millions Proselytizing School Children - Rewire.NewsFracking Titans Bankrolling Right-Wing Indoctrination Effort in Schools: InvestigationScience investigator and rational thinker Aron Raa speaks about Prager:BONUSOTHER PRAGERU DEBUNKS:My own Patrick Moore debunk:Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to Why would the founder of Greenpeace suggest there is no evidence of man-made global warming?Brilliant rational takedowns of PragerU:Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to Why is opposition to climate science more common in the United States than other countries?Roger Fjellstad Olsen's answer to Are there any prominent and well-respected scientists who do not believe in climate change?
What is the deep state?
The simple answer to your question would be the people behind the curtains who pull the strings. How does one find themselves in such a position? It helps if they have almost exclusive control of something everyone wants. In this case, that thing would be money. People who do have vast hordes of money tend to become very self-important, and begin to view less fortunate people as less deserving.When Rockefeller bought control of the CFR, after Congress forced him to split his company because he had monopolized the oil industry, he did it with the idea that congress wasn’t going to tell him what to do. Instead, he would tell them what to do. And he achieved that through his network of organizations and banks. He was a megalomaniac the likes of which president Trump could never hope to be. To someone like me, who’s been around long enough to see many changes over the years, some occurring spontaneously in an evolving society, and others occurring through strategic manipulation, what the recently coined term “Deep State” refers to is quite clear. New name, same game, same money, same aspirations it began with in the year 1918.Around twenty-five years ago was when I first began observing these subtle moves they make through whatever avenue will possibly influence the highest number of people, and are clearly designed to gradually turn our country against its’ own independent existence. The fascinating thing about it, is that they've made no secret of their intentions for several years now, (I noticed an acceleration in the paradigm shift right after 9/11) yet there are millions of Americans who are enthusiastically on board with the whole agenda. My suspicion is that a great deal of them don’t actually understand what they’re signing up for.The entity in question has hijacked the democratic party disguised as liberals, (though that's definitely not what they are) managed to convince half of a free nation that freedom isn't all that great, and somehow have millions of people believing that the planets‘ wealthiest people have the best interest of the common people at heart. They believe it would be better to have a government that will make all of your choices for you right down to what you can eat, what time to go to bed, what you may or may not own. They have many convinced that the constitution which has served as our guiding light in matters of ethics, liberty, human rights, and equality while we have lead the world into the modern age, does not serve us well and shouldn't be taken seriously.In just two centuries time, we have become the most powerful, the most wealthy, the most innovative nation on the planet, based on freedom for all, using the constitution as a set of guidelines to keep us on the right course. And it has. Look around you. Where do you think all of this came from? It came from the freedom to create, express, endeavor, and achieve.So, why would anyone think that should be changed? Because they have not reached, but rather have been deceptively and quite intentionally lead to conclusions that are negative and incorrect. They have been educated in an ”America was never great” system, and they believe it.The deep state goal is one world government. When they achieve that, they will rule the world with financial power, enforce their laws with the only armed forces that exist, and micro-manage the lives of every individual using technology that already exists and is in the possession of nearly everyone.Let's take a trip back in time to where it all began. Right around a century ago, when the first world war ended, there were a few highly educated and well-to-do people who believed the world would be better managed as one population, under one set of laws, and more importantly, one currency. They formed a small group of diplomats and scholars and travelled to the Paris peace conference in 1919 to inform the attending nations of their ideas. At the conference, like minded American and British diplomats were brought together to form an Anglo (that means white) group called the Institute of International Affairs. Most nations were very proud of their independence at that time, so there were only a few people who shared their views. That being the case, they weren't well received with their ‘integrated world’ plans. But there were still those few who were brought together by the conference, and were determined to shape society to their vision.After the conference they began attending meetings in New York City with a group they learned about while attending the conference called The Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR had been holding clandestine meetings for about a year prior to that, and had similar ideas and interests about shaping the world to their preferences. The membership consisted of high-level bank officers and financiers, lawyers, and owners of manufacturing and trade industries. There were just over a hundred very ambitious, very wealthy, aspiring rulers of the world. I realize that doesn't sound very threatening. Generally when people with a lot of money and influential credentials join forces with a common goal, trust me, it's threatening. They truly believed their way was better for everyone, and that they had a sublime right to exalted ministry over the ordinary people. That belief has only strengthened over time. (generational elitism).Realistically, at this point, It looks as though they will inevitably prevail. But the election of someone who is not for sale was a big setback for them. That's why they went absolutely nuts when president Trump won the election. It set them back years in progress toward their highest aspiration. Never were they as self-revealing as they became the very moment he announced his candidacy. All pretense of neutrality in the media was instantly gone. They were definitely pissed, and they haven’t even begun getting over it.To put this into perspective, one needs to understand that Hillary was their nail in the coffin for the sovereignty of this nation. That’s how close they were to achieving a major milestone that was a full century in the making. Bill and Hillary are not only deep state, they are property of the deep state. Their success was only a small part of a big plan. They had become quite accustomed to choosing the president simply by leading the audience to the candidate of their choice with their most valuable weapon, the media. I think maybe they became a little too visible for their own good, because people came out in droves to vote for the pro-American candidate who seemed more concerned with what Americans think about the USA than people in other nations do. To their dismay, they learned that the nation is still full of Americans who care what happens to their country.Anyway, the council formally became an incorporated entity in 1921, and began publishing a foreign policy magazine shortly thereafter that was financed by the one thousand richest people in America who were all solicited for donations. As I mentioned, globalism is not what the ordinary citizen class liberals who only know what their globalist programming has indoctrinated them to know, think it is. There's a difference between those of us who have watched it all unfold, and someone who has never seen anything else. It's normal to them. They will be perfectly willing to give the nation away for the bankers’ aspirations in exchange for being accepted and admired by “the world,” because the programming through the media and education systems assigns much higher priority to the view of them from other parts of the world than their view of themselves. They have been indoctrinated to believe that is the best direction for everyone. You think Trump is a con artist? He's not even playing in the same league as these people.Moving on, the council grew and became a club of the elite in academics, law, banking, and industry who's purpose was to manipulate the government to their designs. Eventually, the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation became involved as well as Carnegie, and they solicited prominent figures from around the nation to gain influence in communities across the country. With Rockefeller money and dedicated involvement now at the helm, over time they were able to infiltrate the government to reach a level of over 50% of the top foreign policy officials being council members under certain administrations. Eventually, what it became was the unofficial headquarters for the CIA, security advisors, foreign policy advisors, and a lot of movie stars and other entertainment figures to get together and discuss their plans for our future.They have been the ones who decided, when, why, and with who we went to war, who we would provide with weapons and finances for war, and who was not worthy of our sponsorship, mostly based on what was in for them. Orchestrating coups, waging proxy wars, and installing puppet governments around the world for profit and power. They have been the engineers of all kinds of very nasty business. This is an exclusive organization which not only still exists and is still made up of the most elite and wealthy people in the nation, but through many years of secrecy and treachery have purchased their way out of hiding and are now in control of mainstream ideology, mainstream media, and the world economy (with the exception of nations who will not allow a World Central Bank inside their borders. It shouldn't be hard to guess which ones. *hint* Any nation that refuses to turn their economy over to the global bankers is EVIL. Some are not allowed to say no, and if they do, they get what Kaddafi got. And a brand-new Central Bank branch within one week of their death, like Libya got.They've pretty much taken over everything but the half of the United States population that refuses to sign it over. They're powerless to do anything about us besides keep the propaganda and indoctrination going strong, and wait for my generation to die off. There have been many quotes over many years that make their intentions clear, and their psychopathic egos even clearer. The Rockefeller family has been at the helm for decades. David Rockefeller wrote in his memoir “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” ― David Rockefeller.Now, instead of the hundred rich white men it began with, there are about 5000 members. The members include the owners of the mainstream television networks, many affluent entertainers, Bankers, CEO's, former government officials, CIA and military leaders, and even a few trust babies who inherited vast fortunes such as the Folgers and Disney families. All are people who care so much about all the refugees and immigrants that they won't let them pitch a tent on the lawns of their mansions or even through the gates, yet from the security inside the walls around them they will tell you there is no need for a wall. If they have their way, a mass influx of immigrants will arrive in overwhelming numbers so they can use our own system against us to dissolve our constitution, disarm us, and remove our borders so they can rename all of North America "Zone D".They've known for many decades that they must remove the word "united" from the United States to achieve their goal. They've been doing that at a pretty efficient pace over the last few years. "To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.” _Brock Chisholm -former President of the World Health Organization, and Globalist. They're also pissed off about the tariffs because they are the ones who own the trading companies. In short, the richest people in the country, and the people they own, (movie stars, singers, news anchors, professors, etc. - people they can use for the purpose of influence) are very accustomed to telling our government what to do based on their personal finances and investments. They have completely infiltrated the government, the education systems, the information and entertainment industries, and they've owned the newspapers for decades. That is how they went from clandestine meetings with a hundred rich men, to an unofficial branch of our government with more power than any other branch. They own the media, so you will never hear about them on the news. They are not an official part of the government, so they are not subject to House oversight. They run the CIA, so most government officials are either members or afraid of them.Where did you think this whole globalism movement originated? Did you think this just happened as a result of intellectual evolution? Globalism is the brain child of the filthy rich who have bought every politician they could, and killed the ones who became a threat for a hundred years now, so they can literally shape the world the way they think it should be shaped. Why do you think everything in the media these days is about global this or world that? Why do you think "nationalist" has become a bad word? Why do you think that after a hundred years of entering buildings on the right, and exiting on the left, suddenly we now enter Walmart on the left and exit on the right? Do you think someone just put the wrong sticker on the door one day and no one noticed? That's one of the subtle moves I mentioned earlier with a strategic subliminal purpose.Why do you think they are so adamantly against a border wall? Because they care about Mexico? Wrong. Because one of their strategies is to mix all cultures so diversely and so rapidly that citizenship becomes a minority status, and therefore diminished in every sense. In rights, in ownership, in authority, in definition. In other words, when there are more Arabs in Germany than German people, is it still Germany? I don't think it is."Oh, Trump is such an embarrassment on the WORLD stage. Look how he looks to the WORLD. He's upsetting WORLD leaders. Our GLOBAL allies. "OMG those guys are nationalists!" (Yes, suddenly if you believe in an independent nation {you know, that thing George Washington's army fought the British so we could have?} that makes you a villain. This language is not spontaneous. It is scripted quite intentionally to negate national values and culture.Selective history is being taught in schools to devalue the constitution and weaken the unity of our nation. AND IT'S WORKING. The media is being used to promote political, racial, even gender division. AND IT'S WORKING. (Incidentally, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, son of Gloria Vanderbilt, of the once richest family in the US Vanderbilt’s, is also a cousin of the Rockefellers, and in the business of influence on their behalf. Just in case you thought he was someone who struggled their way to the top.) Do you think the progressive young liberals who hate their own country and place no value in their nationality are an accident? They were manufactured in the education systems of the cities quite intentionally for the same purpose. To weaken our resolve as an independent nation.Look, this response really doesn't even scratch the surface. It's only a rough sketch of one piece of a very large puzzle. I could literally write a book about it, but I'm sure you weren't looking for that. So, the simple answer is, there is nothing “mythical” about the deep state. It has been called "the shadow government" "the new world order" the "deep state" and "The Liberal Global Order" and a few other names I'm sure. But it's always been the same families with the same goals, which started with a handful of wealthy scholars who believed they were so superior to the common people that the world would be a better place if they and their kind were in charge of it. The goal is to dissolve all borders and sovereign governments and blend them into one global population so their power will become as absolute as the emperors of ancient Rome over the entire world.Their weapon of choice is money, and it has served them well. From the Council on Foreign Relations there are many branches including international (of course) extensions like the tri-lateral commission. (Founded by David Rockefeller) This is a similar and very connected group of filthy rich bankers from other countries.So, how can I put this so you will grasp the reality of what globalism really means? Maybe with some analogies? How about a couple more quotes that are quite real and well documented from our harmless global banker friends. This one is from a speech to the council by Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, and foreign advisor to many administrations. Also, a very close friend of the Clinton's. "Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order (referring to the 1991 LA Riot). Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, (climate change?) that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears, is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.” _Henry Kissinger. I think that shows a pretty clear interest in removing rights that Americans are guaranteed by our constitution.Democrats say Trump is in it for himself and cannot represent the American people because of his wealth. The people who back the democratic party and own every politician in it make Trump look like a pauper. Do you really think these people have the best interests of the average working American at heart? These are the people who decide your children are going to die 3000 miles from home so they can stay in control of the money. They made up a bullshit story about weapons of mass destruction to kill Saddam Hussein because he removed Iraqi oil sales from the Federal Reserve note. (American Dollar) We went to war and lost lives because rich people decided it was in their best interest if we do.Globalism is not about equality, and fair play, and holding hands dancing around the global camp fire. It's a plan that was conceived a century ago to integrate the world so the people who own the most of it can make the rules for everyone. They will rule with financial power and use technology to micro manage the lives of every individual. Please don't take my word for it. Research everything I have said. The information is all there, but you have to look for it. They sure as hell are not going to volunteer anything through the media.They have had complete control of our economy since the 1980's. The bailouts? Yes, same people just assuring that their empires didn't crumble, and didn't see why we should mind kicking them almost a trillion dollars to keep them in power. We all know what we know and we can only assess the world based on that. But there is even more that we don't know. So, how can our assessments be accurate when all we know is what they want us to know? One thing they didn't bargain for was the internet, and how fast it exploded into the information super highway. Suddenly, instead of just having to trust Walter Cronkite on all of the countless evenings he fed us bullshit, now we could communicate with people all around the world, just like ourselves. Ordinary people.They set about immediately to get that reigned in, but it's taken them 20 years to assume the control they have now. During those two decades a hell of a lot of information was exchanged that they would like to have kept concealed. Seeing that this could still work in their favor, they went completely in another direction. Instead of staying behind closed doors to continue effecting subtle changes, and buying people with secret pacts and lots of cash, they went full on "make our move," and took over pretty much all of the information outlets including public schools. They couldn't pull that off in rural America because constitutionalists and patriots who love this nation are by far the majority. Instead they set about creating the divide we are seeing now.The only way to defeat us is with our own system. All they have to do is trick over half the population into supporting them. And they did it. But it didn't work this time around because of the electoral college. Is the electoral college a bad thing that needs done away with because Trump won? Well of course it is. Hillary won in 487 counties. There are 3,141 counties in the U.S. If not for the electoral college, the U.S. would not be represented. Only a few cities would. They have only been able to infiltrate and indoctrinate mostly in the coastal population centers, so the next course of action will be to keep as large an influx of illegals coming across the borders as possible to try and outnumber the Americans overwhelmingly.There's a scratch in the surface for you regarding the deep state. People believe they are real because we see what they are up to as clear as you can see the sun rising in the morning. I see every move they make, subtle or bold, to turn the nation left. The Walmart thing being a perfect example of a subtle change with deliberate intent. Yes, they support globalism. Obviously. I invite and challenge anyone who wishes to prove me wrong. View Upvote
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