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How dangerous are parabens, sulfates, and phthalates in everyday beauty products?
They're not, except when they are. (see also, Is sodium lauryl sulphate harmful?)That's not intended as a flip answer, because there are so many confounding factors. When people mention an entire class of compounds, they are typically using shorthand to describe specific chemicals that have a history of how they were made. Carrageenan, for example, is just a highly purified form of compound found in algae ("Irish Moss") and might be more cost effective to make rather than grow and harvest. Either way, there's a legacy to both: natural carrageenan might have been grown in waters contaminated by heavy metals or radioactive substances, and synthetic or bioengineered carrageenan might have residues of the process by which it was made. In both cases, there are typically strict controls on the use of food and cosmetic additives to help prevent random acts of bioterrorism.carrageen moss (Irish carraigín, "little rock")If you do a search on carrageenan, you'll find thousands of sites devoted to the horrible digestive problems "caused" by carrageenan, and you'd probably think that it is made in a vat by a company like Monsanto rather than harvested from the rocks of the Irish coast. (for example: Is Carrageenan Safe? - Ask Dr. Weil.) Agar Agar-Agar is another "non nutritive" carbohydrate derived from seaweed and digested by intestinal bacteria, but is consumed harmlessly and is a popular, natural, vegan ingredient. (I don't know, but there might be Agar websites devoted to how vegan gelatin will kill us all.) So how does one know, simply by applying a technical synonym or class name of a compound, which ingredients are safe and which ingredient is going to cause me to die a slow, horrible death?You don't!What is perfectly OK for someone to eat may be deadly for another person. Aspartame and other similar chemicals, both natural and manmade, are deadly to someone who has the disease PKU (Phenylketonuria). Most people are perfectly capable of making their own Tyrosine, an amino acid that is used by our bodies to make proteins and is found in abundance in cheese. But for people with PKU, they lack an enzyme that makes tyrosine from phenylalanine, and phenylalanine accumulates as phenylpyruvate instead, causing the person to suffer increasing mental retardation while they might be innocently consuming foods high in phenylalanine that their parents, siblings, and friends can eat without problems.The things that cause us to slide into disease tend to get highlighted, but even things you need, like glucose and oxygen, can cause your body to go off the rails, and everybody is different. Some things, like roasted potatoes or grilled peppers, are perfectly fine to eat even though laden with poisons and carcinogens because most people are capable of digesting and excreting the poisons those foods bring. You eat them in moderation, so you lower your chances of dying of anthracene-induced cancer or suffering painful kidney stones, or even nightshade poisoning. That which makes life enjoyable might also be killing us- but being an ascetic is not the solution, since very few average ascetics live long and happy lives beyond what is average for everyone else.So how do I make rational choices?Best thing is experience. When choosing a cosmetic, is it produced by a business with a long reputation of testing for safety? Do you have many friends and family members who use it without irritation or problems? Get the advice of others that you trust, and who don't have a reputation for gossiping about the latest deadly chemical. You'd be surprised, but listening to your own body and what it is telling you is a highly underrated skill. I am horrified when I hear stories of women using cosmetics or other goods because they want to conform to a particular beauty craze or fashion trend and wind up sick or disfigured 10, 20, even 50 years later. Every day as a young woman, my grandmother wore "shoes that hurt" because "they looked good", and wound up crippled as an old lady due to bad feet. And just because something is "natural" or "earth friendly" doesn't mean it isn't a dangerous fad with unintended consequences. Trusting that something is "kosher" or "vegan" does not mean "safe for everybody at any speed".At one time, soaps were made from animal fat and lye. Likewise, you can use some vegetable-based oils and aggressive alkalis to make vegan soaps. People who were born before 1950 or so remember that folk wisdom was that the burning, reddening of the skin meant you were doing a good job with cleaning, but in reality, they were likely being burned by traces of the harsh chemicals used in their manufacture, and abrading skin and creating open sore wounds with the grit in e.g. pumice soaps. You don't have to be Howard Hughes level OCD to use perfectly safe, occasional items in a way that is seriously detrimental to your health. Listen to what your body says, and if you develop reddening, rashes, or other unexplained phenomena, stop using it and see if it goes away. Science works- do an experiment. Slowly introduce it back- do your symptoms come back? At what level of use? Don't overdo things, and don't follow fads and fashions blindly.Finally, learn something every day. Having an open mind and a questioning, skeptical attitude (in appropriate doses) lets you see when you are right, and helps guide you when you are wrong. Question yourself harder than anyone else, because the easiest person to fool is yourself.So let's talk about the chemical classes discussed.Parabens:Wow, looks nasty. But then again, lets look at cinnamic acid, ubiquitous in nature, in almost all plants, and eponymously named for cinnamon:and coumaric acid, also present in lignin and most woody plantsThere's thousands of these kind of chemicals. Another one is gallic acid, again common in tannin from plantsSo how do you decide between these? Well, some people can lie comfortably on grass, and some people are allergic. Is it the gallates, tannins, or cinnamates? Probably not. But, you have to listen to your own body and trust that almost nobody intends to harm you deliberately. If you are feeling unsure, write a nice letter or email to the manufacturer- something might have gone horribly wrong, and the only way the people selling you the cosmetic can know there is a problem is if enough people allow them to correlate incidents with particular batches or lots.A quick story: the chemical above is a nasty pesticide called 2,4-D. It's not something you would leave out next to the pet dish- it's a poison, but at low levels it is a selective poison that is useful for no-till weed control. In the 1950s, the US Government asked Monsanto to make this and 2,4,5-T and called it agent orange. When made properly and used sparingly, it is powerful. However, if you don't watch the temperature that you make these compounds, and let a little "get burnt", you form the deadly dioxin 2,3,7,8-TCDDMost of the lingering heath issues caused by the overuse of agent orange trace to this byproduct and related dioxins. You can make these chemicals without making dioxin, but as any home cook knows, you occasionally burn a batch, and it's not as easy to fix as scraping off your toast.Reputable companies don't want to poison you, and listen very carefully to their call in centers to determine if there are safety issues. Companies that respond quickly and aggressively are your best ally. There's a long chain of supply on almost everything you eat, drink, and wear, and the number of ways that it can go "horribly wrong" is infinite. Following the advice above might have made the problems with agent orange so much less damaging, even above and beyond the advice "don't wage chemical war".Sulfates.Boy, this is a hard one to talk about. Sulfate of what? Sulfate is part of the sulfur-cycle of microorganisms, including ones that turn carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen. It's also the salt of sulfuric acid, a nasty oxidizing acid. But just like sodium chloride, the salt of two deadly poisons, is much less of a poison and unlikely to kill you at levels that either sodium and chlorine would, sulfate salts are common throughout the world.Things like the mineral gypsum (calcium sulfate), and other Sulfate mineralssuch as the beautiful blue copper sulfate, very poisonous to some aquatic plants and fungiBut sulfate is also a component, a side chain, of a number of organic salts that are common detergents and cleaning agents- if you buy cheap shampoo or dish cleaning detergent, you may have seen Sodium dodecyl sulfate (aka sodium lauryl sulfate) or Sodium laureth sulfate. But to hear certain sites (e.g. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: Facts Versus Fairytales) refer to these compounds, you would think they are deadly poisons: and they are! at very, very high levels. Rub some natural soap in your eyes, or lemon, and you know intuitively that anything at the right level and in the wrong application can be problematic. There's no reason to overdo these things, but mindlessly calling them unsafe at any speed seems overly harsh. Use them sparingly, and if you have problems, discontinue using them. But the overwhelming majority of people should have no problems with these chemicals.Even uranium has a sulfate: Uranium sulfate. Don't write off an entire family of compounds just because of one bad actor.Think about things like methanol and ethanol. Methanol is a dangerous poison, causing blindness. Ethanol is... also a poison, but the kids seem to like drinking it, and many live to tell the tale. There are both methyl and ethyl parabens, and likewise, there are many different compounds where a single carbon is the difference between safe and poison. Ethylene glycol is a sweet tasting antifreeze that is deadly, causing liver failure. This poison was added to cough syrup, "Elixir sulfanilamide" for children in the 1920's because they wanted to make it sweet and palatable, not realizing that it will kill them. The existence of the FDA is a direct result of elixir sulfanilamide, leading (among other horror stories) to the 1928 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. And yet, one more carbon and you have Propylene glycol, which is probably as safe as water, slightly sweet, and used ubiquitously. Dr Mercola and his kin will denigrate things the FDA calls safe, but the FDA was created to protect you from the very kind of dangers he is claiming. Thats not to say, people don't make mistakes. They do- and it's tragic when a mistake results in lives lost. But to ignore all the hard work that goes into keeping people safe against the "free market" of the 1920's is sadly often forgotten to time.Finally, phthalates.Update: The FDA On BPA SafetyI really don't know how to feel about this. I don't think it's as simple as "BPA bottles are the devil". Just about any chemical, including plutonium, can be detected in the body, but even zero levels of plutonium don't mean that you aren't going to die of cancer. People have been dying of cancer for millenia.IF I had to guess, I suspect that there's a trace contaminant like dioxin that is super poisonous, hard to detect, and present in only some batches of phthalates, because they look a lot like (the highly dangerous, chlorinated pesticides mentioned above) other things that form dioxins (NB: dioxins also form in nature. See: Dioxin Controversy - Industry Responses - dioxin is natural). But almost universally, what is talked about is the chemicals' estrogenic effect, on the idea that anything with two alcohol (OH) side groups a similar distance apart on either side will act "just like estrogen"bisphenol aterephthalic acidGenisteinEstrogen (estradiol)People have been going on and on about phytoestrogens like Genistein for decades, being a natural component of a number of beans including soy. I've heard that its estrogenic effects are responsible for why there's such a low incidence of breast cancer in Japan, and I've heard that it's responsible for early onset of puberty in girls due to GMO soy. Both claims are likely bullshit, or the difference in one out of millions of people.Again, very few people set out with the intent of poisoning babies, and it's often a tragedy when it happens accidentally. The twentieth century has seen a dramatic increase in lifespan, largely correlated with and attributed to the move from an agrarian to a manufacturing economy. This is well documented by farmers such as Paul Conkin (http://www.amazon.com/Revolution-Down-Farm-Transformation-Agriculture/dp/0813192420) and the tremendous lifesaving work of e.g. Norman Borlaug and his green revolution. We understand chemicals better than we did 100 years ago, and we will understand chemicals better 100 years hence. Go slow, be wise, and always in moderation. Replacing nearly unbreakable phthalate bottles with breakable glass or dentable, leaching metal certainly is no complete solution.
Is E442 and E476 halal?
Key words:Halal( Arabic Islamic term): permissibleHaram( Arabic Islamic term): prohibitedMushbooh( Arabic term):dubious in this context it means ( depending on)These are the E code mostly food, and coloring. E numbers are used to identify some food additives that are derived from animal fat;If animal fat is derived from pork, insects, and other prohibited ( for eating purpose)animals meat then it is not halal.Any of these ingrediants if dissolved in fermented solvant eg wine/alcohol is Haram.If calcium derived from animal bones it is considered Haram, some disagree and judge it as “Mushbooh”, or makrouh ( not recommended).99% of Lactic acid because it is derived from fermented(haram process) roatbeet, and starch;it is not of dairy products( halal)., hence E442 is halal, while E475 is “makrouh”/“Mushbooh” unless we know it is made of, or contains plant/ vegetable fat, and prohibited “haram” if it contains pork fat; usually the fats in this product are of Soya beans, or castor beans; the thing is some of the detailed infos we don’t have access to can only be attained from the producer.Halal meat is definitly humane, we eat to maintain our health and hence our life too.First do you mean the word "inhuman"= animal, or "inhumane" = the negative characteristics one uses to describe a human being behaviour such as:cruel, relentless , brutal …etcIf you mean "inhuman" Is E442 and E476 halal?my answer would be yes it is inhuman,? It is animals meat.By “haram” I included the following:These are some products which include E ingredients:TOOTH PASTE,SHAVING CREAMCHEWING GUM,CHOCOLATE,SWEETS,BISCUITS,CORN FLAKES, TOFFEES,CANNED FOODS,FRUIT TINSHere is are the E Codes additives and colouring substances for all interested to know.E100 Curcumin, turmeric [Colouring] halalE101 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), formerly called lactoflavin (Vitamin G) [Colouring] [likely to be GM] mushboohE101a Riboflavin-5'-Phosphate [Colouring] [likely to be GM] mushboohE102 Tartrazine [Colouring] [possible allergic reaction] halalE103 Chrysoine Resorcinol [Colouring] ?E104 Quinoline Yellow [Colouring] [possible allergic reaction] halalE105 Fast Yellow AB [Colouring] ?E106 Riboflavin-5-Sodium Phosphate [Colouring] mushboohE107 Yellow 2G [Colouring] ?E110 Sunset Yellow FCF, Orange Yellow S [Colouring] halalE111 Orange GGN [Colouring] ?E120 Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines [Colouring] [animal origin] haramE121 Orcein, Orchil [Colouring] ?E122 Carmoisine, Azorubine [Colouring] halalE123 Amaranth [Colouring] halalE124 Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A, Brilliant Scarlet 4R [Colouring] halalE125 Scarlet GN [Colouring] ?E126 Ponceau 6R [Colouring] ?E127 Erythrosine [Colouring] halalE128 Red 2G [Colouring] halalE129 Allura Red AC [Colouring] halalE130 Indanthrene blue RS [Colouring] ?E131 Patent Blue V [Colouring] halalE132 Indigo carmine, Indigotine [Colouring] halalE133 Brilliant Blue FCF [Colouring] halalE140 Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins: (i) Chlorophylls (ii) Chlorophyllins [Colouring] haramE141 Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins (i) Copper complexes of chlorophylls (ii) Copper complexes of chlorophyllins [Colouring] haramE142 Greens S [Colouring] [possible allergic reaction] halalE150a Plain Caramel [Colouring] [likely to be GM] halalE150b Caustic sulphite caramel [Colouring] [likely to be GM] halalE150c Ammonia caramel [Colouring] [likely to be GM] halalE150d Sulphite ammonia caramel [Colouring] [likely to be GM] halalE151 Black PN, Brilliant Black BN [Colouring] halalE152 Black 7984 [Colouring] ?E153 Carbon black, Vegetable carbon [Colouring] [likely to be GM] mushboohE154 Brown FK, Kipper Brown [Colouring] halalE155 Brown HT, Chocolate brown HT [Colouring] halalE160a Alpha-carotene, Beta-carotene, Gamma-carotene [Colouring] mushboohE160b Annatto, bixin, norbixin [Colouring] halalE160c Capsanthin, capsorubin, Paprika extract [Colouring] halalE160d Lycopene [Colouring] [possibly GM] halalE160e Beta-apo-8'-carotenal (C 30) [Colouring] halalE160f Ethyl ester of beta-apo-8'-carotenic acid (C 30) [Colouring] halalE161a Flavoxanthin [Colouring] mushboohE161b Lutein [Colouring] haramE161c Cryptoaxanthin [Colouring] [likely to be GM] halalE161d Rubixanthin [Colouring] halalE161e Violaxanthin [Colouring] halalE161f Rhodoxanthin [Colouring] halalE161g Canthaxanthin [Colouring] haramE162 Beetroot Red, Betanin [Colouring] halalE163 Anthocyanins [Colouring] halalE170 Calcium carbonate [Colouring] halalE171 Titanium dioxide [Colouring] halalE172 Iron oxides and hydroxides [Colouring] halalE173 Aluminium [Colouring] halalE174 Silver [Colouring] halalE175 Gold [Colouring] halalE180 Pigment Rubine, Lithol Rubine BK [Colouring] halalE181 Tannin ?E200 Sorbic acid [Preservative] halalE201 Sodium sorbate [Preservative] halalE202 Potassium sorbate [Preservative] halalE203 Calcium sorbate [Preservative] halalE210 Benzoic acid [Preservative] halalE211 Sodium benzoate [Preservative] halalE212 Potassium benzoate [Preservative] halalE213 Calcium benzoate [Preservative] halalE214 Ethyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halalE215 Sodium ethyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halalE216 Propyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halalE217 Sodium propyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halalE218 Methyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halalE219 Sodium methyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halalE220 Sulphur dioxide [Preservative] halalE221 Sodium sulphite [Preservative] halalE222 Sodium hydrogen sulphite [Preservative] halalE223 Sodium metabisulphite [Preservative] halalE224 Potassium metabisulphite [Preservative] halalE225 Sodium sulphite [Preservative] ?E226 Calcium sulphite [Preservative] halalE227 Calcium hydrogen sulphite [Preservative] [Firming Agent] halalE228 Potassium hydrogen sulphite [Preservative] ?E230 Biphenyl, diphenyl [Preservative] halalE231 Orthophenyl phenol [Preservative] halalE232 Sodium orthophenyl phenol [Preservative] halalE233 Thiabendazole [Preservative] halalE234 Nisin [Preservative] ?E235 Natamycin, Pimaracin [Preservative] halalE236 Formic acid [Preservative] halalE237 Sodium formiate [Preservative] halalE238 Calcium formiate [Preservative] halalE239 Hexamethylene tetramine, Hexamine [Preservative] halalE240 Formaldehyde [Preservative] ?E242 Dimethyl dicarbonate [Preservative] halalE249 Potassium nitrite [Preservative] halalE250 Sodium nitrite [Preservative] halalE251 Sodium nitrate, saltpetre [Preservative] halalE252 Potassium nitrate (Saltpetre) [Preservative] haramE260 Acetic acid [Preservative] [Acidity regulator] halalE261 Potassium acetate [Preservative] [Acidity regulator] halalE262 Sodium acetates (i) Sodium acetate (ii) Sodium hydrogen acetate (sodium diacetate) [Preservative] [Acidity regulator] halalE263 Calcium acetate [Preservative] [Acidity regulator] halalE264 Ammonium acetate [Preservative] ?E270 Lactic acid [Preservative] [Acid] [Antioxidant] halalE280 Propionic acid [Preservative] halalE281 Sodium propionate [Preservative] halalE282 Calcium propionate [Preservative] halalE283 Potassium propionate [Preservative] halalE284 Boric acid [Preservative] halalE285 Sodium tetraborate (borax) [Preservative] halalE290 Carbon dioxide [Acidity regulator] halalE296 Malic acid [Acid] [Acidity regulator] halalE297 Fumaric acid [Acidity regulator] halalE300 Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) [Antioxidant] halalE301 Sodium ascorbate [Antioxidant] halalE302 Calcium ascorbate [Antioxidant] halalE303 Potassium ascorbate [Antioxidant] ?E304 Fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid (i) Ascorbyl palmitate (ii) Ascorbyl stearate [Antioxidant] mushboohE306 Tocopherol-rich extract (natural) [Antioxidant] halalE307 Alpha-tocopherol (synthetic) [Antioxidant] halalE308 Gamma-tocopherol (synthetic) [Antioxidant] halalE309 Delta-tocopherol (synthetic) [Antioxidant] halalE310 Propyl gallate [Antioxidant] halalE311 Octyl gallate [Antioxidant] halalE312 Dodecyl gallate [Antioxidant] halalE315 Erythorbic acid [Antioxidant] halalE316 Sodium erythorbate [Antioxidant] halalE317 Erythorbin acid [Antioxidant] ?E318 Sodium erythorbin [Antioxidant] ?E319 Butylhydroxinon [Antioxidant] ?E320 Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) [Antioxidant] halalE321 Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) [Antioxidant] halalE322 Lecithin [Emulsifier] mushbooh; halal if it is from soy fat or egg yolk; haram if it is from animal fatE325 Sodium lactate [Antioxidant] halalE326 Potassium lactate [Antioxidant] [Acidity regulator] halalE327 Calcium lactate [Antioxidant] [possibly of animal origin] halalE329 Magnesium lactate [Antioxidant] ?E330 Citric acid [Antioxidant] halalE331 Sodium citrates (i) Monosodium citrate (ii) Disodium citrate (iii) Trisodium citrate [Antioxidant] halalE332 Potassium citrates (i) Monopotassium citrate (ii) Tripotassium citrate [Antioxidant] halalE333 Calcium citrates (i) Monocalcium citrate (ii) Dicalcium citrate (iii) Tricalcium citrate [Acidity regulator] [Firming Agent] halalE334 Tartaric acid (L(+)-) [Acid] [Antioxidant] halalE335 Sodium tartrates (i) Monosodium tartrate (ii) Disodium tartrate [Antioxidant] halalE336 Potassium tartrates (i) Monopotassium tartrate (cream of tartar) (ii) Dipotassium tartrate [Antioxidant] halalE337 Sodium potassium tartrate [Antioxidant] halalE338 Phosphoric acid [Antioxidant] halalE339 Sodium phosphates (i) Monosodium phosphate (ii) Disodium phosphate (iii) Trisodium phosphate [Antioxidant] mushboohE340 Potassium phosphates (i) Monopotassium phosphate (ii) Dipotassium phosphate (iii) Tripotassium phosphate [Antioxidant] mushboohE341 Calcium phosphates (i) Monocalcium phosphate (ii) Dicalcium phosphate (iii) Tricalcium phosphate [Anti-caking agent] [Firming Agent] mushboohE343 Magnesium phosphates (i) monomagnesium phosphate (ii) Dimagnesium phosphate [Anti-caking agent] ?E350 Sodium malates (i) Sodium malate (ii) Sodium hydrogen malate [Acidity regulator] halalE351 Potassium malate [Acidity regulator] halalE352 Calcium malates (i) Calcium malate (ii) Calcium hydrogen malate [Acidity regulator] halalE353 Metatartaric acid [Emulsifier] halalE354 Calcium tartrate [Emulsifier] ?E355 Adipic acid [Acidity regulator] halalE356 Sodium adipate [Acidity regulator] halalE357 Potassium adipate [Acidity regulator] halalE363 Succinic acid [Acidity regulator] halalE365 Sodium fumarate [Acidity regulator] ?E366 Potassium fumarate [Acidity regulator] ?E367 Calcium fumarate[Acidity regulator] ?E370 I,4-Heptonolactone [Acidity regulator] ?E375 Nicotinic acid, Niacin, Nicotinamide [Colour Retention Agent] ?E380 Triammonium citrate [Acidity regulator] halalE381 Ammoniumferrocitrate [Acidity regulator] ?E385 Calcium disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate (Calcium disodium EDTA) halalE400 Alginic acid [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] halalE401 Sodium alginate [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] halalE402 Potassium alginate [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] halalE403 Ammonium alginate [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halalE404 Calcium alginate [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] halalE405 Propane-1,2-diol alginate (Propylene glycol alginate) [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halalE406 Agar [Thickener] [Gelling agent] [Stabiliser] halalE407 Carrageenan [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] [possible allergic reaction] halalE407a Processed eucheuma seaweed [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] ?E410 Locust bean gum (Carob gum) [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] halalE412 Guar gum [Thickener] [Stabiliser] halalE413 Tragacanth [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halalE414 Acacia gum (gum arabic) [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halalE415 Xanthan gum [Thickener] [Stabiliser] halalE416 Karaya gum [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halalE417 Tara gum [Thickener] [Stabiliser] halalE418 Gellan gum [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halalE420 Sorbitol (i) Sorbitol (ii) Sorbitol syrup [Emulsifier] [Sweetener] [Humectant] halalE421 Mannitol [Anti-caking agent] [Sweetener] halalE422 Glycerol [Emulsifier] [Sweetener] [possibly of animal origin] mushboohE425 Konjac (i) Konjac gum (ii) Konjac glucomannane [Emulsifier] ?E430 Polyoxyethylene (8) stearate [Emulsifier] [Stabiliser] [possible allergic reaction] haramE431 Polyoxyethylene (40) stearate [Emulsifier] haramE432 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate (polysorbate 20) [Emulsifier] mushboohE433 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate (polysorbate 80) [Emulsifier] mushboohE434 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monopalmitate (polysorbate 40) [Emulsifier] mushboohE435 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate (polysorbate 60) [Emulsifier] mushboohE436 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan tristearate (polysorbate 65) [Emulsifier] [possibly of animal origin] mushboohE440 Pectins (i) pectin (ii) amidated pectin [Emulsifier] halalE441 Gelatine [Emulsifier] [Gelling agent] [animal origin] haramE442 Ammonium phosphatides [Emulsifier] halalE444 Sucrose acetate isobutyrate [Emulsifier] halalE445 Glycerol esters of wood rosins [Emulsifier] mushboohE450 Diphosphates (i) Disodium diphosphate (ii) Trisodium diphosphate(iii) Tetrasodium diphosphate (iv) Dipotassium diphosphate (v) Tetrapotassium diphosphate (vi) Dicalcium diphosphate (vii) Calcium dihydrogen diphosphate [Emulsifier] halalE451 Triphosphates (i) Pentasodium triphosphate (ii) Pentapotassium triphosphate [Emulsifier] mushboohE452 Polyphosphates (i) Sodium polyphosphates (ii) Potassium polyphosphates (iii) Sodium calcium polyphosphate (iv) Calcium polyphophates [Emulsifier] mushboohE459 Beta-cyclodextrine [Emulsifier] ?E460 Cellulose (i) Microcrystalline cellulose (ii) Powdered cellulose [Emulsifier] halalE461 Methyl cellulose [Emulsifier] halalE462 Ethyl cellulose [Emulsifier] ?E463 Hydroxy propyl cellulose [Emulsifier] halalE464 Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose [Emulsifier] halalE465 Ethyl methyl cellulose [Emulsifier] halalE466 Carboxy methyl cellulose, Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose [Emulsifier] halalE468 Crosslinked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose [Emulsifier] ?E469 Enzymically hydrolysed carboxymethylcellulose [Emulsifier] ?E470a Sodium, potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids [Emulsifier] [Anti-caking agent] mushboohE470b Magnesium salts of fatty acids [Emulsifier] [Anti-caking agent] mushboohE471 Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids (glyceryl monostearate, glyceryl distearate) [Emulsifier] mushboohE472a Acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushboohE472b Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushboohE472c Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushboohE472d Tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushboohE472e Mono- and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushboohE472f Mixed acetic and tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushboohE473 Sucrose esters of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushboohE474 Sucroglycerides [Emulsifier] mushboohE475 Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushboohE476 Polyglycerol polyricinoleate [Emulsifier] mushboohE477 Propane-1, 2-diol esters of fatty acids, propylene glycol esters of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushboohE478 Lactylated fatty acid esters of glycerol and propane-1 [Emulsifier] mushboohE479b Thermally oxidized soya bean oil interacted with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] halalE481 Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate [Emulsifier] halalE482 Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate [Emulsifier] halalE483 Stearyl tartrate [Emulsifier] halalE491 Sorbitan monostearate [Emulsifier] mushboohE492 Sorbitan tristearate [Emulsifier] mushboohE493 Sorbitan monolaurate [Emulsifier] halalE494 Sorbitan monooleate [Emulsifier] mushboohE495 Sorbitan monopalmitate [Emulsifier] mushboohE500 Sodium carbonates (i) Sodium carbonate (ii) Sodium hydrogen carbonate (Bicarbonate of soda) (iii) Sodium sesquicarbonate [Acidity regulator] [Raising Agent] halalE501 Potassium carbonates (i) Potassium carbonate (ii) Potassium hydrogen carbonate [Acidity regulator] halalE503 Ammonium carbonates (i) Ammonium carbonate (ii) Ammonium hydrogen carbonate [Acidity regulator] halalE504 Magnesium carbonates (i) Magnesium carbonate (ii) Magnesium hydroxide carbonate (syn. Magnesium hydrogen carbonate) [Acidity regulator] [Anti-caking agent] halalE507 Hydrochloric acid [Acid] halalE508 Potassium chloride [Gelling agent] [Seasoning] halalE509 Calcium chloride [Sequestrant] [Firming Agent] halalE510 Ammonium chloride, ammonia solution [Acidity regulator] [Improving agent] halalE511 Magnesium chloride [Firming Agent] halalE512 Stannous chloride [Antioxidant] halalE513 Sulphuric acid [Acid] halalE514 Sodium sulphates (i) Sodium sulphate (ii) Sodium hydrogen sulphate [Acidity regulator] halalE515 Potassium sulphates (i) Potassium sulphate (ii) Potassium hydrogen sulphate [Seasoning] halalE516 Calcium sulphate [Sequestrant] [Improving agent] [Firming Agent] halalE517 Ammonium sulphate [Improving agent] halalE518 Magnesium sulphate, Epsom salts [Acidity regulator] [Firming Agent] halalE519 Copper sulphate [Preservative] halalE520 Aluminium sulphate [Firming Agent] halalE521 Aluminium sodium sulphate [Firming Agent] halalE522 Aluminium potassium sulphate [Acidity regulator] halalE523 Aluminium ammonium sulphate [Acidity regulator] halalE524 Sodium hydroxide [Acidity regulator] halalE525 Potassium hydroxide [Acidity regulator] halalE526 Calcium hydroxide [Acidity regulator] [Firming Agent] halalE527 Ammonium hydroxide [Acidity regulator] halalE528 Magnesium hydroxide [Acidity regulator] halalE529 Calcium oxide [Acidity regulator] [Improving agent] halalE530 Magnesium oxide [Acidity regulator] [Anti-caking agent] halalE535 Sodium ferrocyanide [Acidity regulator] [Anti-caking agent] halalE536 Potassium ferrocyanide [Anti-caking agent] halalE538 Calcium ferrocyanide [Anti-caking agent] halalE540 Dicalcium diphosphate [Acidity regulator] [Emulsifier] halalE541 Sodium aluminium phosphate, acidic [Emulsifier] halalE542 Bone phosphate [Anti-caking agent] [animal origin] haramE543 Calcium sodium polyphosphate halalE544 Calcium polyphosphate [Emulsifier] halalE545 Aluminium polyphosphate [Emulsifier] ?E550 Sodium silicate [Anti-caking agent] halalE551 Silicon dioxide (Silica) [Emulsifier] [Anti-caking agent] halalE552 Calcium silicate [Anti-caking agent] halalE553a (i) Magnesium silicate (ii) Magnesium trisilicate [Anti-caking agent] halalE553b Talc [Anti-caking agent] halalE554 Sodium aluminium silicate [Anti-caking agent] halalE555 Potassium aluminium silicate [Anti-caking agent] halalE556 Calcium aluminium silicate [Anti-caking agent] halalE558 Bentonite [Anti-caking agent] halalE559 Aluminium silicate (Kaolin) [Anti-caking agent] halalE570 Stearic acid (Fatty acid) [Anti-caking agent] mushboohE572 Magnesium stearate, calcium stearate [Emulsifier] [Anti-caking agent] mushboohE574 Gluconic acid [Acidity regulator] halalE575 Glucono-delta-lactone [Acidity regulator] [Sequestrant] halalE576 Sodium gluconate [Sequestrant] halalE577 Potassium gluconate [Sequestrant] halalE578 Calcium gluconate [Firming Agent] halalE579 Ferrous gluconate [Colouring] halalE585 Ferrous lactate [Colouring] halalE620 Glutamic acid [Flavour enhancer] mushboohE621 Monosodium glutamate [Flavour enhancer] mushboohE622 Monopotassium glutamate [Flavour enhancer] mushboohE623 Calcium diglutamate [Flavour enhancer] mushboohE624 Monoammonium glutamate [Flavour enhancer] mushboohE625 Magnesium diglutamate [Flavour enhancer] mushboohE626 Guanylic acid [Flavour enhancer] halalE627 Disodium guanylate, sodium guanylate [Flavour enhancer] halalE628 Dipotassium guanylate [Flavour enhancer] halalE629 Calcium guanylate [Flavour enhancer] halalE630 Inosinic acid [Flavour enhancer] halalE631 Disodium inosinate [Flavour enhancer] [possibly of animal origin] mushboohE632 Dipotassium inosinate [Flavour enhancer] halalE633 Calcium inosinate [Flavour enhancer] halalE634 Calcium 5'-ribonucleotides [Flavour enhancer] haramE635 Disodium 5'-ribonucleotides [Flavour enhancer] [possibly of animal origin] haramE636 Maltol [Flavour enhancer] halalE637 Ethyl maltol [Flavour enhancer] halalE640 Glycine and its sodium salt [Flavour enhancer] [possibly of animal origin] mushboohE900 Dimethyl polysiloxane [Anti-foaming agent] [Anti-caking agent] halalE901 Beeswax, white and yellow [Glazing agent] [animal origin] halalE902 Candelilla wax [Glazing agent] halalE903 Carnauba wax [Glazing agent] [possible allergic reaction] halalE904 Shellac [Glazing agent] [animal origin] halalE905 Microcrystalline wax [Glazing agent] ?E907 Crystalline wax [Glazing agent] halalE910 L-cysteine [animal origin] halalE912 Montanic acid esters halalE913 Lanolin, sheep wool grease [Glazing agent] halalE914 Oxidized polyethylene wax [Glazing agent] halalE915 Esters of Colophane [Glazing agent] halalE920 L-cysteine hydrochloride [Improving agent] [animal origin] haramE921 L-cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate [Improving agent] [animal origin] haramE924 Potassium bromate [Improving agent] ?E925 Chlorine [Preservative] [Bleach] halalE926 Chlorine dioxide [Preservative] [Bleach] halalE927b Carbamide [Improving agent] halalE928 Benzole peroxide [Improving agent] ?E938 Argon [Packaging gas] halalE939 Helium [Packaging gas] halalE941 Nitrogen [Packaging gas] halalE942 Nitrous oxide [Propellant] halalE948 Oxygen [Packaging gas] halalE950 Acesulfame K [Sweetener] halalE951 Aspartame [Sweetener] halalE952 Cyclamic acid and its Na and Ca salts [Sweetener] halalE953 Isomalt [Sweetener] halalE954 Saccharin and its Na, K and Ca salts [Sweetener] halalE957 Thaumatin [Sweetener] [Flavour enhancer] halalE959 Neohesperidine DC [Sweetener] halalE965 Maltitol (i) Maltitol (ii) Maltitol syrup [Sweetener] [Stabiliser] [Humectant] halalE966 Lactitol [Sweetener] [animal origin] halalE967 Xylitol [Sweetener] halalE999 Quillaia extract [Foaming Agent] halalE1103 Invertase [Stabiliser] halalE1105 Lysozyme [Preservative] haramE1200 Polydextrose [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] [Humectant] [Carrier] halalE1201 Polyvinylpyrrolidone [Stabiliser] halalE1202 Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone [Carrier] [Stabiliser] halalE1400 Dextrin [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal.E1401 Modified starch [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] ?E1402 Alkaline modified starch [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal.E1403 Bleached starch [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] ?E1404 Oxidized starch [Emulsifier] [Thickening agent] halal.E1410 Monostarch phosphate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal.E1412 Distarch phosphate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal.E1413 Phosphated distarch phosphate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halalE1414 Acetylated distarch phosphate [Emulsifier] [Thickening agent] halalE1420 Acetylated starch, mono starch acetate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal.E1421 Acetylated starch, mono starch acetate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] ?E1422 Acetylated distarch adipate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halalE1430 Distarch glycerine [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] ?E1440 Hydroxy propyl starch [Emulsifier] [Thickening agent] halalE1441 Hydroxy propyl distarch glycerine [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent]E1442 Hydroxy propyl distarch phosphate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal.E1450 Starch sodium octenyl succinate [Emulsifier] [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal.E1451 Acetylated oxidised starch [Emulsifier] [Thickening agent] ?E1505 Triethyl citrate [Foam Stabiliser] halal.Ref:https://www.halalcertifiering.se/halal_haram_e_nummer.pdfE-numbers : 441 GelatinE Numbers Not Suitable for a Halal DietMuslim Consumer Group: Your Source for Halal Foods Informatione476 -
What word rhymes with 'late'?
3 letters:ate, est, m-84 letters:aydt, bait, bate, beit, cate, date, fait, fate, fete, gait, gate, hait, hate, kate, mate, nate, pait, pate, rait, rate, sate, tait, tate, wait, wayt5 letters:-gate, -mate, aight, blate, brait, brate, chait, clait, clate, crate, eight, eyght, flate, frate, grate, great, guate, krait, maite, mayte, ncate, plait, plate, pleyt, prate, quate, raitt, saite, scate, skate, slate, spate, state, taite, taitt, trait, trate, waift, waite, waitt, whate, abate, alate, amate, avait, await, ciate, coate, efate, elate, emate, enate, irate, iwate, odate, siete, teate, uvate6 letters:feight, great-, haight, leight, playte, rf ait, rheydt, strait, strate, traite, twaite, weight, ablate, achate, arzate, belate, berate, carate, cerate, create, debate, delate, derate, digate, dilate, dimate, donate, empate, ensate, equate, estate, filate, fixate, gelate, gyrate, hecate, hekate, inmate, innate, iodate, irrate, jugate, kinate, kuwait, levate, locate, mcfate, mecate, morate, mutate, negate, nutate, oblate, ornate, patate, porate, rabate, ramate, rebate, refait, relate, remate, rotate, rutate, savate, sebate, sedate, tomate, uncate, undate, update, id est, a421287 letters:fraight, freight, l-plate, neighed, p-plate, speight, thwaite, aheight, attrait, au fait, benlate, bromate, buccate, calaite, callate, chelate, cholate, cirrate, collate, combate, connate, cravate, deflate, dictate, disrate, enstate, exarate, explate, extrait, fregate, furcate, gallate, gestate, holgate, hydrate, ilvaite, implate, inflate, instate, lithate, magnate, mandate, migrate, misdate, mismate, misrate, narrate, nitrate, or gate, outdate, predate, prelate, primate, probate, prolate, prorate, quilate, quinate, reflate, regrate, replait, replate, restate, retrait, seagate, serrate, shumate, sigmate, sublate, sucrate, sulfate, sumgait, testate, thecate, to date, uncrate, ungrate, unplait, unstate, upstate, wingate, acetate, actuate, adulate, agitate, animate, deodate, deviate, educate, elevate, emanate, emirate, emulate, expiate, foliate, imitate, isolate, mediate, obviate, operate, overate, radiate, situate, unimate, urinate8 letters:straight, streight, abstrait, allstate, and gate, backdate, bathgate, braccate, castrate, coestate, conflate, constate, cut rate, distrait, due date, filegate, iceskate, macheted, misstate, pay rate, playmate, postdate, pro-rate, prostate, punctate, retraite, roommate, shipmate, shoemate, stagnate, stargate, sufflate, sulphate, sunstate, tailgate, tax rate, teammate, tristate, truncate, unweight, westgate, abdicate, abrogate, activate, adequate, advocate, aguacate, alienate, allocate, amputate, angulate, annotate, arrogate, aspirate, automate, carafate, cogitate, copulate, decimate, decorate, dedicate, delegate, desolate, detonate, dominate, emigrate, enialate, escalate, estimate, excavate, federate, fumigate, geminate, generate, glaciate, graduate, herniate, hesitate, immolate, incubate, indicate, innovate, insulate, intimate, inundate, irangate, iraqgate, irrigate, irritate, judicate, lacerate, laminate, latinate, levitate, liberate, litigate, marinate, medicate, meditate, militate, mitigate, moderate, motivate, mutilate, nauseate, navigate, nominate, obligate, omoplate, overrate, permeate, populate, recreate, reestate, regulate, relegate, renovate, resonate, ruminate, salivate, saturate, scituate, separate, silicate, simulate, tabulate, telerate, titanate, tolerate, uncinate, undulate, vegetate, venerate, emaciate, evacuate, evaluate, initiate9 letters:affreight, bank rate, baud rate, bay state, birthrate, breakmate, checkmate, classmate, clickbait, corestate, distraite, dose rate, downstate, duck pate, floodgate, flow rate, frustrate, gem state, head gate, homestate, hot plate, ice skate, mccreight, nameplate, northgate, phonemate, poor rate, rain date, soul mate, southgate, stagflate, stalemate, substrate, tail gate, tin plate, translate, tri-state, acclimate, aggravate, alternate, antiquate, appellate, applegate, arbitrate, bifurcate, bombilate, calculate, calibrate, captivate, carbonate, castigate, celebrate, circulate, commutate, conjugate, cooperate, correlate, corrugate, crenelate, culminate, cultivate, data rate, deliquate, denigrate, deprecate, desecrate, designate, devastate, dissipate, duplicate, explicate, extirpate, extricate, fabricate, fascinate, fluctuate, formulate, fulminate, germinate, glutamate, gravitate, hibernate, hyphenate, immigrate, implicate, incarnate, inculcate, inquorate, instigate, integrate, intestate, legislate, liquidate, lubricate, monoclate, multimate, obfuscate, oblectate, oscillate, overstate, papermate, patrizate, penetrate, percolate, perforate, permutate, perroquet, pollinate, postulate, potentate, predicate, procreate, propagate, punctuate, re-create, reinstate, replicate, segregate, speculate, stimulate, stipulate, subjugate, suffocate, surrogate, syncopate, syndicate, terminate, tesselate, titillate, underrate, vacillate, ventilate, watergate, affiliate, alleviate, associate, attenuate, coagulate, delineate, devaluate, ejaculate, elaborate, eliminate, elucidate, enumerate, enunciate, eradicate, evaporate, excoriate, exonerate, extenuate, humiliate, inebriate, infatuate, infuriate, inoculate, irradiate, koreagate, negotiate, officiate, originate, oxygenate, reeducate, reiterate, remediate, repudiate, retaliate10 letters:airfreight, birth rate, blind date, cheapskate, crime rate, deadweight, first-rate, first mate, free state, garthwaite, gold plate, gray skate, heart rate, home plate, schoolmate, soup plate, southstate, speedskate, wall plate, biquadrate, caffeinate, chlorinate, city state, compensate, complicate, condensate, confiscate, congregate, consecrate, constipate, consummate, dichromate, disinflate, distillate, flagellate, gastrulate, illustrate, impregnate, in-migrate, infiltrate, interstate, intrastate, magistrate, masterbate, mastergate, masturbate, menstruate, mithridate, multistate, net estate, overweight, perpetrate, profligate, realestate, travelgate, understate, vertebrate, water gate, abbreviate, accelerate, accumulate, acoelomate, adjudicate, adulterate, amalgamate, ameliorate, annihilate, anticipate, appreciate, articulate, asphyxiate, assimilate, cogenerate, coordinate, deactivate, debilitate, decapitate, decelerate, degenerate, deliberate, demodulate, denominate, depopulate, depreciate, dilapidate, effectuate, emancipate, emasculate, equivocate, eviscerate, exacerbate, exaggerate, exasperate, exhilarate, expatriate, facilitate, felicitate, halogenate, inactivate, inadequate, incinerate, ingratiate, innoculate, inseminate, intimidate, intoxicate, invalidate, italianate, lanceolate, manipulate, obliterate, opinionate, perpetuate, reactivate, recuperate, redecorate, rededicate, regenerate, rejuvenate, remunerate, renominate, renunciate, repatriate, reregulate, unallocate, isocyanate, reevaluate11 letters:braithwaite, breastplate, clean slate, first state, goldthwaite, ground bait, growth rate, lightweight, lose weight, peach state, sash weight, slave state, speed skate, steel plate, troy weight, armor plate, bishopsgate, body weight, boilerplate, concentrate, contemplate, cover plate, demonstrate, golden gate, heavyweight, lie in wait, life estate, ocean state, orchestrate, paperweight, real-estate, real estate, rider plate, salad plate, silverplate, solid-state, strangulate, underweight, wicket gate, accommodate, agglomerate, agglutinate, aloha state, appropriate, approximate, assassinate, at any rate, collaborate, commemorate, commiserate, communicate, concatenate, confederate, consolidate, contaminate, corroborate, desegregate, determinate, disoppilate, disseminate, domesticate, encapsulate, expropriate, exterminate, extrapolate, glucosamate, hydrogenate, impersonate, incarcerate, incorporate, incriminate, instantiate, interpolate, interrelate, interrogate, investigate, misallocate, necessitate, participate, pontificate, precipitate, predominate, premeditate, proliferate, recalculate, reciprocate, recriminate, reformulate, refrigerate, regurgitate, reincarnate, reintegrate, resuscitate, subordinate, bilaciniate, deteriorate, renegotiate, unaffiliate12 letters:change state, charge plate, freight rate, armour plate, badger state, balkan state, baltic state, bargain rate, beaver state, buffer state, chinese date, dinner plate, figure eight, figure skate, finger plate, first estate, garden state, golden state, gopher state, gross estate, lime hydrate, line of fate, little skate, mental state, middleweight, mormon state, nutmeg state, payment rate, police state, roller skate, running mate, silver plate, silver state, sooner state, third estate, thorny skate, welterweight, zinc sulfate, administrate, authenticate, carbohydrate, congratulate, coyote state, decaffeinate, discriminate, disintegrate, electroplate, empire state, extortionate, hydrobromate, interestrate, invertebrate, korea strait, lead acetate, methotrexate, miscalculate, parjdigitate, prefabricate, sophisticate, substantiate, trimetrexate, uncompensate, uncomplicate, vacancy rate, disorientate, incapacitate, overestimate, overregulate, recapitulate, rehabilitate, reinvigorate13 letters:beehive state, bering strait, buckeye state, counterweight, cowperthwaite, dessert plate, diamond state, discount rate, exchange rate, fashion plate, featherweight, fourth estate, granite state, hawkeye state, head of state, hoosier state, hundredweight, interest rate, license plate, prairie state, quarter plate, section eight, show me state, sparring mate, starting gate, welfare state, zinc sulphate, absentee rate, atomic weight, korean strait, landed estate, lying in wait, natural state, pelican state, procrastinate, prognosticate, public debate, second estate, turnover rate, decontaminate, dehydrogenate, differentiate, ethyl acetate, excommunicate, insubordinate, maturity date, reincorporate, underestimate14 letters:chief of state, keystone state, mountain state, new york state, old line state, piece of eight, sandwich plate, spin the plate, sunshine state, tar heel state, threshold gate, treasure state, attrition rate, copper sulfate, ecstatic state, excursion rate, inflation rate, lead carbonate, magnolia state, palmetto state, repayment rate, self-pollinate, self-replicate, silver nitrate, american state, circumnavigate, equality state, fertility rate, metabolic rate, misappropriate, miscommunicate, mortality rate, multicandidate, occupancy rate, polychlorinate, sodium nitrate15 letters:bluegrass state, change of state, old north state, pine tree state, sagebrush state, cognitive state, copper sulphate, cross-pollinate, evergreen state, figure of eight, herod the great, louis the great, sunflower state, volunteer state, wolverine state, barium sulphate, calcium hydrate, calcium nitrate, emotional state, personal estate, self-perpetuate, sodium sulphate, temporary state, aluminosilicate16 letters:north star state, australian state, collection plate, combining weight, installment rate, irish free state, pompey the great, reporting weight, at an equal rate, calcium sulphate, centennial state, molecular weight, walking delegate, ammonium nitrate, sodium carbonate17 letters:charles the great, great lakes state, battle born state, light heavyweight, atmospheric state, cellulose nitrate, equivalent weight, exercising weight, gregory the great, unemployment rate, calcium carbonate, capital of kuwait, cellulose acetate, depreciation rate, lithium carbonate, magnesium sulfate, mercury fulminate, potassium nitrate, sodium dichromate, polyvinyl acetate18 letters:grand canyon state, junior lightweight, long hundredweight, peace garden state, constitution state, old dominion state, photographic plate, aquatic vertebrate, hydrogen carbonate, secretary of state, sedimentation rate, tomato concentrate, ammonium carbonate19 letters:frederick the great, prime interest rate, short hundredweight, catherine the great, department of state, junior middleweight, junior welterweight, alexander the great, psychological state, physiological state, potassium carbonate20 letters:green mountain state, mount rushmore state, sailor's breastplate, junior featherweight, metric hundredweight, plantlike flagellate, amphetamine sulphate, basal metabolic rate, potassium dichromate21 letters:mithridates the great, infant mortality rate
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