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What makes a GDP grow high or stay high?
1 IntroductionI have so far spent 46 years and four months in researching the answers to that question and much of the Answer is in the two books co-authored with John Carrington or in the further five I’ve written on my own or in many of the 228 Answer-articles on Quora and the other 150 on a few other sites. I’ll attempt a brief and inevitably incomplete reply. I apologise for the brevity: I have about half a million words, much of it unpublished, on this topic and I must prioritise my University studies which I have estimated may be complete after 50 years, in 2021.2 My Quora Profile in November 2016This profile summarises part of my my lifescript about these issues:“Part of mylifescript has been my investigation over more than four decades into the mechanisms of explosive economic growth in the USA from 1938-45, in post-war Japan 1945-75, and in post-rapprochemont China 1975-now. Following articles (co-authored by Lord Harold Lever in the Sunday Times during November and December 1979) I tried to advise the Thatcher governments about these issues, lobbying parliament through the Grylls Group during the 1979-83 years, but I failed to have any positive effect due to well-funded Clearing Bank opposition to the interests of the British people. The titles of the seven books I have co-authored or written accurately reflect my interest in these issues. The first four titles were all published by Macmillan Academic (now the Palgrave Press) and are:John C Carrington and George T Edwards, Financing Industrial Investment, 1979.John C Carrington and George Edwards, Reversing Economic Decline, 1981.George T Edwards, How Economic Growth and Inflation Happen, 1984.George T Edwards, The Role of Banks in Economic Development, The Economics of Industrial Resurgence (Foreword by Harold Lever), 1987.A fifth book published in June 2014 ia about Dr Osamu Shimomura who was "Japan's most influential postwar economist" whose insights and policies lie at the root of the high growth of the Tokyo Consensus economies: Shimomuran Economics and The Rise of The Tokyo Consensus and a sixth book tells the story of the economic bomb Lucky Bastards of the 20th Century and a seventh deals with the gerrymandering of the right to vote by the Cameron-led Coalition using the 2013 Individual Registration and Administration Act - seeHow David Cameron Fixed the 2015 Election and Much Else: How They Plan To Fix The Next Election, and How We Could Restore a Prosperous Representative Democracy In Britain: Mr George Tait Edwards: 9781517060794: Books “I have also published 76 articles mainly about economics at a further 44 articles at is not accurate to add the 228 Quora Answer-articles to the 76 Medium-site articles and the 44 articles published in the London Progressive Journal to form an overall total of 348 published items because about 30 articles are duplicated and another 20 co-authored or authored have been published in newspapers and magazines prior to 1990 plus there are ten articles co-authored with Bryan Gould on the London Progressive Website and a scattering of about half a dozen articles on various American Web locations such as the Huffingdon Post. I have also authored half a dozen lengthy blogs on Quora and elsewhere and there is little point in listing pre-1990 articles because these are not currently available on the internet.If you wish to develop a detailed understanding of this issue you should perhaps consider buying a few of these above-listed books as well as reading articles like this one.3 Further Researches3.1 The Credit Creation Key All economic miracles began with a source of expansionary funding in the form of promissory notes. All bank notes (invented by the Chinese Tang Dynasty 618–907 AD) were and are promissory notes because they were initially promises to pay a specific value, usually of gold or silver, and as such became a medium of exchange to purchase goods or services and a store of value to the holder. That observation is valid for all the major economic miracle countries and colonies, fromThe Southern Song Empire in China 980–1279The Three Tobacco States of the USA 1650–1776Scotland 1700–1800England 1750–1880Germany 1778-present dayThe Mantetsu, or the Japanese Colony of the South Manchurian Railway Company, 1905–1944FDR’s Economic Miracle 1938–44The Japanese Economic Miracle 1945–73The South Korean Economic Miracle 1960–1980The Chinese Economic Miracle 1975-now.This is an incomplete list. It could include Taiwan and Singapore and a separate analysis of East and West Germany prior to their reintegration into a single state, but I must draw the line somewhere, and the above examples are adequately illustrative while the potential additions are often less clear.3.2 Brief Comments on Each Of These Economic Miracles Only the briefest of comments is possible here: please explore the subject in depth by digging down into the references to the extent you wish.3.2.1 The Southern Song Empire in China 980–1279 As Professor Fitzgerald has remarked in his brief History of China, the industrial revolution nearly began in the Chinese Southern Song Empire during the three centuries from 980–1279 (See Economy of the Song dynasty - Wikipedia) but its development was halted by the genocidally murderous Mongols, who probably halved the previous population of China. Song development is perhaps best illustrated by one statistic: by 1078 the steel melt in China was about 125 thousand tons a year. Most people in the West have a limited idea and minimal recognition of the fact that China almost started the industrial revolution about four centuries before it began in Scotland. Wang Anshi (1021-1086) was the first practitioner of investment credit creation for productive purposes. That Chinese economist was an innovator and friend of emperor Shenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty where Wang was Prime Minister and Chancellor. He created credit for productive purposes and established the first welfare state. He believed the state had a duty of care towards all its citizens and instituted New Economic Policies to bring that about. See How did Wang Anshi contribute to the economic world?3.2.2 The Three Tobacco States of the USA 1650–1776 The economic development of the three US East coast states - the colonies of Maryland Virginia, and North Carolina - was accelerated by the use of the promissory notes, initially used as payment for tobacco by the Scottish Tobacco Lords. These promissory notes were redeemable for goods at the 125 stores established by the Tobacco Lords in these states, and these notes became a large alternative currency used for the purchase of slaves, wives and goods. The value of all items was assessed for several decades in terms of pounds of tobacco. See two of the outstanding books written by Sir Thomas Devine The Scottish Nation 1700–1999 (Penguin books, 1999) and The Tobacco Lords: A Study of the Tobacco Merchants of Glasgow and their Trading Activities, c. 1740–90 ( John Donald, 1975; Edinburgh University Press, 1992).3.2.3 Scotland 1700–1800 As part of my PhD studies at the University of Southampton, I am currently continually rewriting and extending the article at The Scottish Industrial Revolution, or The Scottish First Industrial Miracle 1700–1800 .The fortunes of the Tobacco Lords were initially based upon tobacco smuggling, much of it through Whitehaven in the Lake District.The Tobacco Lords, along with the Scots who had made fortunes in the Jamaican sugar trade (as Sir Tom Devine meticulously points out) can be identified as 90 people who invested in 36 Scottish companies - in three leather companies, nine sugar processing companies, seven linen companies, ten pig iron firms and seven cotton mills. They also invested (usually alongside landowners) in fourteen coal mining companies, and in three breweries, three rope and sailcloth companies, two glassworks, two soapworks and a pottery and delphworks. Overseas profits helped establish and grow about 88 Scottish companies which later became the backbone of the Scottish industrial revolution. 78 local banks and their bank branches were established, beginning with the Tobacco-Lord banks established in and around Glasgow, and these banks provided funds to the companies in which their founders were engaged.3.2.4 England 1750–1880 The English Industrial Revolution happened because the English rich established about 800 local banks to fund local industry. Here’s a map of where these banks were.Source: The Country Banks of England and Wales, Margaret Dawes and C N Ward-Perkins, Financial World Press, 2004, p17.As you can see, England was covered by about 800 of these “Country Banks” established by local worthies who used these banks to provide funding, mainly for the SME companies in which they were involved. These banks funded the companies which formed the English industrial revolution. Two-thirds of these country banks were amalgamated into the English Clearing Banks, and a third of these went bankrupt. A similar map today would have four dots in London. The British Clearing Banks no longer provide the SME investment funds that the “Country Banks”once did.These Country Banks of England served as Adam Smith’s “hidden hand” of the industrial revolution, transforming local inventiveness into factory floor innovation and production in the way Schumpeter saw as fundamental to the process of economic growth.In 1979, Professor Glynn Davies (with whom I discussed this issue) told the Wilson Committee that“If we had the industrial revolution with the banking system we have today, that revolution would have ben stillborn.”in 1810, any industrial company could form their own bank by paying £20 “Stamp Duty” for a Banker’s Licence in England at a British Post Office. Here’s a copy of that licence:Source: Page 55 (illustration 74 “Licence to Issue Bank Notes, 1810) of “British Banks and Banking: a pictorial history” by R M Fitzmaurice, Bradford Barton, Truro, 1975.These licences enabled hundreds of industrial companies to issue their own banknotes.3.2.5 Germany 1778-present dayGermany has the most effective local public bank system in the world - the Sparkassen Banks - which were founded to assist the foundation and development of German SMEs.See German public bank - Wikipediawhich lets you know thatthe first such bank was founded in 1778 and “founders were rich merchants, clerks and academics. They intended to develop solutions for people with low income to save small sums of money and to support business start-ups. In 1801 the first savings bank with a municipal guarantor was founded in Göttingen to fight poverty” and“The 431 savings banks operate a network of over 15,600 branches and offices and employ over 250,000 people.”So out of the German labour force of 45.9 millions, about 0.54% (250,000) work for the Sparkassen Banking System. The Sparkassen Banks had total assets of $1.533tr. (or Euros 1.112tr) on 31 December 2013 and an operating profit of $10.68bn (Euros 8.9bn). See the Fitch Ratings of the 417 Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe by Google by searching for “Total Loan Assets of Sparkassen Banks” and selecting Sparkassen Banks are responsible for German exports exceeding those of China.As Hermann Simon has argued in his book about the Sparkassen-assisted development of “Hidden Champions” in Germany, the above result has been brought about due to the commitment of local banks to the funding of the development of high-technology excellence in German SMEs.Furthermore, the development of world-beating innovators in Germany contrasts with the very low level of “Hidden Champions” in many other countries.Source: Calculated from the above table by me.There are four major groups in this tablethe fully or partially German-speaking European nations, with Sparkassen-like public banking systems- Austria’s 128 Champions for 8.8m people, so 14.5 champions per million - 90% of the German level-Switzerland -110 champions for 8.0 millions, so about 13.8 champions per million - about 85% as effective as GermanyFour countries that operate at between 1 to 1.2 Champions per million people, at about six to eight percent as effectively as Germany - the USA, the UK and Italy and France.China seems to performs very badly in the creation of SME world champions - only 68 champions in a nation of 1,374m people - about 20.2 million people per SME champion - about 0.3% as effectively, or about 330 times worse than Germany. But some Chinese SME are larger than Simon’s definition allows, so the number of Chinese champions may be definitionally understated.More recent (2016) data shows that Germany now has 1,600 “Hidden Champions” and that these champions do not grow beyond a medium size.That may be because the Sparkassen banks support the growth of SMEs to a medium size but the lack of major (Shimomuran) funds prevents German SME champions from becoming significant world producers.The underlying rate of innovation in Germany appears to indicate about 20 champions per million people (based on 1600 champions from about 80 million people). The real rate may be higher than that, because of two factors: first, East Germany has not yet arrived at the same innovation level as West Germany due to its lengthy rule by Russia, and second, the rationalisation of Sparkassen Banks into 413 banks from their 2,834 local banks in 1903 has reduced the availability of funding in those locations where the 15,600 or so local bank branches may lack the funding power and focus of a local Bank HQ.I provisionally calculate that the potential maximum rate of innovation may lie in the range of 25 to 30 champions per million people.Governments operating under the mistaken system of Neo-Liberal economics are failing more than 95% of the innovators in their countries due to the lack of local banks providing SME establishment and development funding.3.2.6 The Mantetsu, or the Japanese Colony of the South Manchurian Railway Company, 1905–1944The Mantetsu was funded by large amounts of investment credit creation agreed by the Bank of Japan. It was a very successful Japanese colony. SeeThe Comprehensive History of South Manchurian Railways Company [満鉄全史] - Japan Society of the UKfor brief information. Incidentally, Shinzo Abe’s grandfather managed the Mantetsu for a while.3.2.7 FDR’s Economic Miracle 1938–44 SeeFDR’s American Economic Miracle 1938-44, or the First Economic Bomb - The USA from 1938 to 1944 (Part 1)Part 2 has not so far been published, because I’m still working on it. The American single period of hegemonic dominance when the USA was the leading world economy lasted for 70 years from 1945 to 2015, and that resulted from FDR’s policy (assisted by John Kenneth Galbraith) of investment credit creation.The USA doubled the real size of its economy between 1938 and 1944, growing at an average rate of 12.2% pa. There were perhaps 26,000 local banks in the USA during that period and FED credit creation canalised funds to the millions of US SMEs,who played a crucial part in inventing and innovating the products required to win the war.The aircraft production lines in US factories during the period 1940–44 had to be continually stopped to instal the latest products of the SME factories producing plane components.3.2.8 The Japanese Economic Miracle 1945–73 SeeHow Japan Zoomed From War Devastation into Prosperity 1945–52Dr Osamu Shimomura was the great economic growth guru who helped PM Hayato Ikeda achieve the objective of the “Income-Doubling Plan”, which aimed to double the prosperity of the Japanese people during the decade 1960–1970. In fact the plan succeeded in 1966, after six years. SeeDr Osamu Shimomura (1910–89) — His Major Achievements andThe Rough Guide To Shimomuran Economics – George Tait Edwards – Medium andHow Long Will The West Lag Behind – George Tait Edwards – Medium3.2.9 The South Korean Economic Miracle 1960–1980President Park of South Korea copied the key Japanese economic-accelerating institutions and the South Korean economy performed the “Miracle on the Han River” growing at an average rate of 14% pa from 1960 to 1980. See sections 1.3 to 1.6 for an incomplete description of that miracle atMiracle on the Han River - WikipediaPresident Chung-He Park was assassinated on Friday, October 26, 1979 by his Head of Security Jae-Kyu Kim and the economic miracle ceased the following year as the new new government fell into line with Washington Consensus macroeconomics.3.2.10 The Chinese Economic Miracle 1975-now.SeeGeorge Tait Edwards's answer to How did China develop so quickly? When did it start to happen? How did the government manage to stay focused and executed plans so fast and efficiently as they aimed?How China Surpasses The EU and the USA, or The Seven Pre-Requisites for High-Growth Shimomuran… andGeorge Tait Edwards's answer to What did China get right in its economic and social development which the US got wrong?4 Conclusions and A Very Brief Answer4.1 The Need For An Intelligent and Benign GovernmentThere are only two kinds of governments in the world - there are those which rule in the interests all the people and those who act in the financial interests of the rich and privileged. China is in the first category and the previous hegemonic leaders of the UK and the USA are now in the second category.During the 1945–1978 Keynesian post-war period, both the UK and USA did act in the interests of all of their people. The establishment of the NHS and a welfare state in Britain and the widespread American prosperity illustrated that. Only governments maximising their economic development through local banking system support for SME development and introducing welfare state systems and thus acting in the interests all their people can have high growth and hegemonic leadership.But after the elections of Thatcher and Reagan in 1979 and 1980, the British and American Governments acted in the interests of their monied elites and a greater share of the annual growth of national income went to the already rich. Both countries had financial policies but no industrial policies so their manufacturing industries declined and large sections of it were often destroyed and their previously prosperous workforces experienced stagnant or reducing wage levels.See the mistaken IMF report about this at Drivers of Declining Labor Share of IncomeNaturally these IMF authors are not prepared to see neo-liberalism as the cause of the declining labour share in the western and westernised economies. But it is.Monetarism/ Washington Consensus Macroeconomics/Neoliberalism /Austerity is responsible for the decline of the West, because it prioritises tax cuts for the rich and produces many millionaires and billionaires but funds neither SMEs nor manufacturing industry nor rising worker incomes.Shimomuran macroeconomics is responsible for the rise of China, which is becoming a tremendous world power because it has involved nearly all of its people in its recent development. There is a declining wage share in China also but this does not matter when economic growth is so high and is being transferred to workers on a scale that results in continually increasing prosperity. The Tokyo Consensus economies have lifted over a billion people out of poverty during the last 40 years. The Washington Consensus (WC) economies have failed to improve similarly the lot of the rest of the world in the WC Zone. SeeWashington Consensus Macroeconomics Is Not The Best System For Increasing Prosperity and Economic…Which contains the table below which illustrates that point.Both South Korea (in 1981) and Japan (in 1991) adopted Washington Consensus policies and became low-growth economies (in Japan, 26 years of relative economic stagnation) and now have high percentages of poverty due to that near-to-useless WC set of government activities.4.2 The Importance Of SME DevelopmentIn every economy the Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) arethe most numerous enterprises, typically over 99% of all enterprisesthe source of most employment and most employment growththe wellsprings of invention and innovation within each nation.All economic miracles have begun with the funding of these local enterprises by local banks established by the rich and also through the direct involvement of local landowners and the privileged.It makes an enormous difference whether these banks exist or have been shut down. They are essential to bring about a high invention and innovation-based future development.5 A Short AnswerThe Answer to what makes GDP grow and stay high is that Governments can act toFund invention and innovation by creating and supporting local public banks to establish and develop local SMEsFund the conversion of Small Enterprises to Medium-sized Enterprises through regional banks dedicated to that purposeUnderstand and practise the no-cost Shimomuran investment CB credit creation system to produce continual high green economic growth and fund major world industriesAnd canalise that credit creation for all of its necessary aspects, for major industry investment, social overhead capital investments (eg new cities, roads, hospitals, educational facilities, public buildings, etc) and adding to demand in a demand deficient economy, funding new government projects, etc.See A Short Personal StatementI have a single-minded and focused intention: I intend eventually to do for failing economies what Gordon Ramsey does for failing restaurants. Tenacity in the pursuit of personal objectives is, in my opinion, one of the keys to success in life, and I think I may have been blessed with that.More follows in due course.
Which country's aircraft is advanced technology, IAF (Indian Air Force) and PAF (Pak Air Force)?
Hi,so PAF V/S IAFFirst PAFChalo inki kundali nikaleBadge of the Pakistan Air ForceFounded:14 August 1947; 72 years agoCountry: PakistanType: Air forceRole :Aerial warfareSize70,000 active-duty airmen8,000 reserve force128 civilian personnel~871 aircraftPart of:Pakistan Armed ForcesHeadquarters : Air Headquarters (AHQ), Islamabad, ICTMotto(s)Urdu: قوم کے لئے فخر کی علامت,'A symbol of pride for the nation' (official)Persian: ارباب همه من بررسی,'Lord of all I survey' (unofficialColours :Sky blue, air force blueAnniversaries: Air Force Day: 7 SeptemberEngagements: Major conflicts and wartime operationsCurrent inventoryA PAF JF-17 taking off from Zhuhai Jinwan Airport, China.A PAF F-16BM in flight.A Lockheed L-100 Hercules departing the RIAT in 2006.An Ilyushin Il-78 of the PAF in flight over Pisa International, Italy.A Pakistani Hongdu JL-8 trainer aircraft.Combat aircraftPAF F-16s in 2010.General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon: The F-16 Fighting Falcon currently serves as the primary air fighter of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) in addition to its ground attack capabilities. The PAF currently has ~75 F-16s in active service, comprising 44 F-16AM/BM Block 15 MLU, 13 F-16A/B ADF and 18 F-16C/D Block 52+ variants.CAC/PAC JF-17 Thunder: A multirole combat aircraft produced by Pakistan with Chinese assistance, the JF-17 was developed to replace Pakistan's aging fleets of A-5, F-7 and Mirage aircraft. Currently, 112 JF-17s are in active service with the PAF, comprising 50 Block I and 62 Block II variants.[108] A further 50 aircraft of the Block III model, incorporating advanced avionics systems and a new AESA radar, are expected to be produced. In addition the PAF is also expected to order 26 of the two-seat JF-17B variant.[109] The JF-17 is set to become the "backbone" of the PAF alongside its fleet of American F-16s.Dassault Mirage III: Having been in service since 1967, the Mirage III (together with the Mirage 5) serves as the primary strike aircraft of the PAF. The PAF operates more than 80 Mirage III aircraft, comprising multiple variants including the Mirage IIIEP, IIIEL and IIIO fighter-bomber variants, the Mirage IIIRP reconnaissance variant and the Mirage IIIBE, IIID, IIIDL and IIIDP training variants, all of which have been upgraded under a PAF program: Project ROSE.PAF Chengdu F-7PG in flight.Dassault Mirage 5: The PAF operates around 90 Mirage 5 aircraft of multiple variants, including the Mirage 5PA, PA2, PA3 and 5F ground attack aircraft, the Mirage 5DR reconnaissance variant and the Mirage 5DD and DPA2 training variants.Chengdu F-7: The Chengdu F-7 serves primarily as an interceptor, and around 140 aircraft are in service. The PAF has phased out most of its F-7P aircraft from active service, with the remaining aircraft set to be replaced by the JF-17 Thunder in the coming years. The F-7PG variant remains the primary variant to remain in service with the PAF, while the two seat FT-7P and FT-7PG variants are in use as operational conversion trainers.Special mission aircraftSaab 2000: The PAF has been operating the Saab 2000 using the Erieye radar as its primary AEW&C platform since 2009. Out of the original four Saab 2000 in service, one was destroyed and two were damaged in a Taliban attack on PAF Base Minhas in August 2012. The damaged aircraft were subsequently repaired and put back into service. The PAF had ordered three more Erieye AEW&C aircraft from Saab with the first batch having been delivered in 2017.Shaanxi Y-8: Four ZDK-03 variants, locally designated as the Karakoram Eagle, are also in service. These incorporate a Chinese AESA radar mounted on a Y-8F-600 airframe.Dassault Falcon 20: The PAF operates three modified Dassault Falcon 20 aircraft with a primary role in electronic-warfare.Saab 2000 ERIEYE AEW&C.Transport aircraftLockheed C-130 Hercules: The C-130 Hercules has served as the backbone of the PAF's transport fleet since its induction in 1962. 15 aircraft comprising of five C-130Bs, nine C-130Es and one L-100 are currently in service. PAF C-130s have been upgraded with Allison T56-A-15 turboprops and extended fatigue lives.[115][116]CASA/IPTN CN-235: The PAF operates three CN-235-220 STOL transporters as medium transport, in addition to one aircraft equipped for VIP transport operations.Harbin Y-12: Three Harbin Y-12 are operated as light utility aircraft by the PAF.Gulfsteam IV: The PAF currently operates two Gulfstream IV-SP variants.Embraer Phenom 100: Approximately four of these aircraft are in service with the PAF for transportation purposes.Cessna Citation Excel: Currently, only one of these aircraft are used by the PAF.Il-78 aircraft of the Pakistan Air ForceA pair of Mirage III fighters are refuelled in the air by the PAF's Il-78 tanker during exercise High Mark 2010.Super Mushshak Trainer of the Pakistan Air Force (developed by the PAC).Aerial refuelling aircraftIlyushin Il-78: The PAF operates four Il-78MPs equipped with UPAZ refuelling pods, procured from Ukraine, as aerial refuelling tankers. The Il-78 can also be used as a general transporter by removing the refuel tanks from the cargo hold.Trainer aircraftPAC MFI-17 Mushshak: The Mushshak serves as the PAF's basic trainer. The PAF operates 120 Mushshak aircraft, including the improved Super Mushshak variant.Cessna T-37 Tweet: The PAF has operated the T-37 as a basic jet trainer since 1962, and these have been supplemented over the years with additional aircraft from Turkey and the United States.Hongdu JL-8: The K-8 is operated as an intermediate trainer, before cadets move on to conversion trainers. The K-8 is also operated by the PAF's aerobatics display team, the Sherdils.Shenyang J-6: A small number of FT-6s remain in service as jet trainers.HelicoptersAérospatiale Alouette III: The Alouette III served as the PAF's primary search and rescue platform since the 1960s, also serving as a liaison aircraft.AgustaWestland AW139: Beginning in 2018, the PAF started inducting the AW139 to replace the venerable Alouette. The first AW139 unit became operational in March of that same year.Mil Mi-17: The PAF also operates the Mi-171, which serves primarily in CSAR roles.Air defence systemsMBDA Spada 2000 – A medium altitude air defence system consisting of a radar with range a range of 60 kilometres and four 6-cell missile launchers that can intercept enemy missiles and aircraft at a range of over 20 kilometres. A contract for ten batteries was signed when Aspide was selected over competing systems from Raytheon, Diehl BGT and Saab AB after pre-contract firing tests in Pakistan with assistance from the Italian Air Force. Reports state that Pakistan tested the air defence system in July 2010, following deliveries of the first few batteries. Deliveries of all ten batteries are reported to have been completed in 2013 with further orders possible upon immediate request. The missile system was tested by the Range & Instrumentation Division of SUPARCO in synergy with the PAF. Three drones were successfully intercepted and shot down by the missile system following extensive testing. With the procurement of the Spada 2000, Pakistan reportedly decommissioned most of its Crotale short-range air defence missile systems.HQ-2 – The PAF extensively uses a Chinese adaptation of the Soviet S-75 Dvina high altitude air defence system, with reportedly 12 or more batteries procured in the 1970s.HQ-9 – In October 2003, it was reported that China had closed a deal with Pakistan to supply an unspecified number of FT-2000 systems, an anti-radiation variant of the HQ-9 long-range air defence system. However, in March 2009, a report was published stating that Pakistan was not considering importing the missile. It was reported in mid-2008 that Pakistan intended to purchase a high altitude air-missile defence system and the FD-2000, another variant of HQ-9, was expected to be chosen.AML HE 60-20: A modified version of the French Panhard armoured vehicle equipped with a 20mm anti-aircraft cannon used primarily for on-base security. At least five were originally in service in the late 1990s.Drone technologyOn 7 September 2015, Pakistan became the ninth nation globally to develop and use an armed unmanned combat aerial vehicle (drone), the NESCOM Burraq. Pakistan first started exploring drone technology when it acquired Falco drones from Selex Galileo for approximately $40 million in 2008. Since then, Pakistan has been developing variants of the original Falco drone in the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) in collaboration with the Italian firm. The Burraq was developed which was based on the Falco's technology. By March 2015, Pakistan was able to test-fire Burraq armed with an air-to-surface missile named Barq with pin-point precision. Burraq drones were used extensively to provide support to the Pakistan Army during Operation Zarb-e-Azb.Modernization and acquisitionsThe first F-16D Block 52 fighter of the PAF, rolled out on 13 October 2009 after undergoing flight testing in the United States prior to delivery.PAF ZDK-03 AEW&C in flightThe modernization stall ended in April 2006 when the Pakistani cabinet approved the PAF's proposals to procure new aircraft and systems from several sources, including modern combat aircraft from the U.S. and China. The AFFDP 2019 (Armed Forces Development Programme 2019) would oversee the modernization of the Pakistan Air Force from 2006 to 2019.The Bush administration on 24 July 2008 informed the US Congress it plans to shift nearly $230 million of $300 million in aid from counterterrorism programs to upgrading Pakistan's ageing F-16s.The Bush administration previously announced on 27 June 2008 it was proposing to sell Pakistan ITT Corporation's electronic warfare gear valued at up to $75 million to enhance Islamabad's existing F-16s.Pakistan has asked about buying as many as 21 AN/ALQ-211(V)9 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite pods, or AIDEWS, and related equipment.The proposed sale will ensure that the existing fleet is "compatible" with new F-16 Block 50/52 fighters being purchased by Islamabad.After 9/11 the U.S. and Pakistan began discussing the release of the embargoed F-16s and a purchase of new aircraft. Of the 28 F-16A/B built under the Peace Gate III/IV contracts and embargoed in 1990, 14 delivered as EDA (Excess Defense Articles) from 2005 to 2008.,two of which were delivered on 10 July 2007.Between 2005 and 2008, 14 F-16A/B Block 15 OCU fighters were delivered to the PAF under renewed post-9/11 ties between the U.S. and Pakistan. These had originally been built for Pakistan under the Peace Gate III/IV contracts but were never delivered due to the U.S. arms embargo imposed in 1990.To upgrade the F-16A/B fleet, 32 Falcon STAR kits were purchased for the original Peace Gate I aircraft and 35 Mid-Life Update (MLU) kits were ordered, with 11 more MLU kits optional. Four F-16A/B being upgraded in the U.S. to F-16AM/BM, delivery expected December 2011.F-16A/B in PAF service to be upgraded starting October 2010 by Turkish Aerospace Industries, one per month.The Peace Drive I contract for 12 F-16C and six F-16D Block 52+ (Advanced Block 52) aircraft, powered by F100-PW-229 engines was signed on 30 September 2006.The first F-16 to be completed, an F-16D, was rolled out on 13 October 2009 and began flight testing.The first batch of F-16C/D Block 52+, two F-16D and one F-16C, landed at PAF Base Shahbaz, Jacobabad, on 26 June 2010and one more F-16C was received by 5 July 2010.On 13 December 2008, the Government of Pakistan stated that two Indian Air Force aircraft were intercepted by the PAF kilometres within Pakistani airspace. This charge was denied by the Indian governmentDuring talks with a delegation from the French Senate on Monday 28 September 2009, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani stated that the PAF had used most of its stockpile of laser-guided munitions against militants in the Malakand and FATA regions and that replacements for such types of equipment were urgently required.December 2009 saw the delivery of the PAF's first Saab 2000 Erieye AEW&C from Sweden and Il-78MP Midas aerial refuelling tanker/military transport aircraft from Ukraine.The PAF is reported to be considering purchasing the Hongdu L-15 advanced jet trainer to train pilots for high-tech fighters such as the FC-20. Extensive evaluations of the aircraft took place in Pakistan during December 2009.On 26 June 2010 the first batch of three F-16C/D Block 52+ fighters were delivered to PAF Base Shahbaz, Jacobabad.According to Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman (the then Chief of Air Staff) the new fighters would eliminate the PAF's limitations in precision night-time strike operations,the existing capability being based on around 34 Dassault Mirage 5 fighters upgraded with new avionics for night-time precision strike missions under the Retrofit of Strike Element (ROSE) programme during 1999–2004.SABIR (Special Airborne Mission Installation & Response System) which is a FLIR System that has Brite Star II and Star Safire III EO/IR sensors installed on the one C130. (this a 'bolt on system' and is installed in place of the parachute door) This system was extensively used during operation in FATA.Planned acquisitionsMass production of PAC JF-17 Thunder A Block-3 a 4.5 generation Aircraft is about to start to replace all the vintage Aircraft, after every 3–5 years newer blocks of the aircraft will be produced by the plug and play approach. Pakistan have been in talks with China to acquire 40 to 60, JF-31 5th Generation Stealth fighters also known as Shenyang FC-31 or J-31 for short. Turkish TAI TF-X us another 5th generation fighter option for Pakistan, these fighters can strengthen PAF fleet before country's own 5th generation fighter is produced under the umbrella of Project Azm. Pakistan is also working on ZF-1 Viper the stealth before the production of this drone country will produce 58 CAIG-WINGLOONG-2 MALE-UCAV with the joint collaboration with China.Project AzmOn 7 July 2017 the Pakistan Air Force announced the development of a fifth-generation fighter, a medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle (MALE UAV) and munitions under the banner of Project Azm (resolve or determination).Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman stated that the design phase for the MALE UAV was in its final stagesNow IAFFounded: 8 October 1932; 87 years agoCountry: IndiaType:Air forceRole:Aerial warfareSize:139,576 active personnel140,000 reserve personnelApprox. 1,748+ aircraftPart of Indian Armed ForcesHeadquarters: New DelhiMotto(s) नभः स्पृशं दीप्तम् (Sanskrit)Nabhaḥ spr̥śaṁ dīptam (ISO)transl. 'Glory that touches the sky'Colours:Navy blue, sky blue & whiteMarch Quick: Desh pukare jab sab ko (When the nation calls)Slow: Vayu Sena Nishaan (The Air Force Emblem)Anniversaries Air Force Day: 8 OctoberThe Indian Air Force has aircraft and equipment of Russian (erstwhile Soviet Union), British, French, Israeli, US and Indian origins with Russian aircraft dominating its inventory. HAL produces some of the Russian and British aircraft in India under licence. The exact number of aircraft in service with the Indian Air Force cannot be determined with precision from open sources. Various reliable sources provide notably divergent estimates for a variety of high-visibility aircraft.Flight International estimates there to be around 1,721 aircraft in service with the IAF,while the International Institute for Strategic Studies provides a similar estimate of 1,724 aircraftBoth sources agree there are approximately 900 combat capable (fighter, attack etc.) aircraft in the IAF.Multi-role fighters and strike aircraftSukhoi Su-30MKI: The IAF's primary air superiority fighter with the additional capability to conduct air-ground (strike) missions is Sukhoi Su-30MKI. The IAF have placed an order for a total of 272 Su-30MKIs[152] of which 242[153] are in service as of January 2016.Mikoyan MiG-29: The Mikoyan MiG-29 known as Baaz (Hindi for Hawk) is a dedicated air superiority fighter and constitutes a second line of defence after the Sukhoi Su-30MKI. 69 MiG-29s are in service, all of which have been recently upgraded to the MiG-29UPG standard.Dassault Mirage 2000: The Dassault Mirage 2000, known as Vajra (Sanskrit for Diamond or thunderbolt) in Indian service, is the primary multirole fighter, the IAF currently operates 49 Mirage 2000Hs and 8 Mirage 2000 TH all of which are currently being upgraded to the Mirage 2000-5 MK2 standard with Indian specific modifications and 2 Mirage 2000-5 MK2 are in service as of March 2015. The IAF's Mirage 2000 are scheduled to be phased out by 2030.HAL Tejas: The MiG-21s are planned to be replaced by the indigenously built HAL Tejas. The first Tejas IAF unit, No. 45 Squadron IAF Flying Daggers was formed on 1 July 2016 with two aircraft. Initially being stationed at Bangalore, the first squadron will be placed at its home base at Sulur, Tamil Nadu. The Tejas will be 40 aircraft of the MK1 variant and 83 of the MK1A variant. The latter will have an AESA radar, improved EW fit and internal changes for ease of maintenance.TejasSEPECAT Jaguar: The SEPECAT Jaguar known as Shamsher serves as the IAF's primary ground attack force. The IAF currently operates 139 Jaguars. The first batch of DARIN-1 Jaguars are now going through a DARIN-3 upgrade being equipped with EL/M-2052 AESA radars, and an improved jamming suite plus new avionics. These aircraft are scheduled to be phased out by 2030.Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21: The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 serves as an Interceptor aircraft in the IAF. The IAF have phased out most of its MiG-21s and plans to keep only 125 that have been upgraded to MiG-21 Bison standard. The phase-out date for these aircraft has been postponed several times. Initially set for 2014–2017, it was later postponed to 2019. Currently phase-out is scheduled for 2021–2022.Airborne early warning and control systemThe IAF is currently training the crew in operating the indigenously developed DRDO AEW&CS flying on the Embraer ERJ 145 aircraft. The IAF also operates the EL/W-2090 Phalcon AEW&C incorporated in a Beriev A-50 platform. A total of 3 such systems are currently in service, with possible orders for 2 more.The two extra Phalcons are currently in negotiation over price differences between Russia and India. India is also going ahead with Project India, an inhouse AWACS program to develop and deliver 6 Phalcon class AWACS, based on DRDO work on the smaller AEW&CS.Aerial refuellingThe IAF currently operates 7 Ilyushin Il-78MKIs in the aerial refuelling (tanker) role.Transport aircraftBoeing C-17 Globemaster IIIFor strategic airlift operations the IAF uses the Ilyushin Il-76, known as Gajraj (Hindi for King Elephant) in Indian service.The IAF operated 17 Il-76s in 2010,which are in the process of being replaced by C-17 Globemaster IIIs.The IAF C-130Js are used by special forces for combined Army-Air Force operations.India purchased six C-130Js; however one crashed at Gwalior on 28 March 2014 while on a training mission, killing all 5 on board and destroying the aircraft.The Antonov An-32, known in Indian service as the Sutlej (named after Sutlej River), serves as a medium transport aircraft in the IAF. The aircraft is also used in bombing roles and para-dropping operations.The IAF currently operates 105 An-32s, all of which are being upgraded.The Dornier Do 228 serves as light transport aircraft in the IAF.The IAF also operates Boeing 737s and Embraer ECJ-135 Legacy aircraftas VIP transports and passenger airliners for troops. Other VIP transport aircraft are used for both the President of India and the Prime Minister of India under the call sign Air India One.The Hawker Siddeley HS 748 once formed the backbone of the IAF's transport fleet, but are now used mainly for training and communication duties.A replacement is under consideration.Trainer aircraftIAF BAE Hawk Mk 132The HAL HPT-32 Deepak is IAF's basic flight training aircraft for cadets.The HPT-32 was grounded in July 2009 following a crash that killed two senior flight instructors,but was revived in May 2010and is to be fitted with a parachute recovery system (PRS) to enhance survivability during an emergency in the air and to bring the trainer down safely.The HPT-32 is to be phased out soon.The HPT 32 has been replaced by Pilatus, a Swiss aircraft. The IAF uses the HAL HJT-16 Kiran mk.I for intermediate flight training of cadets, while the HJT-16 Kiran mk.II provides advanced flight and weapons training.The HAL HJT-16 Kiran Mk.2 is also operated by the Surya Kiran Aerobatic Team (SKAT) of the IAF.The Kiran is to be replaced by the HAL HJT-36 Sitara.The BAE Hawk Mk 132 serves as an advanced jet trainer in the IAF and is progressively replacing the Kiran Mk.II. The IAF has begun the process of converting the Surya Kiran display team to Hawks.A total of 106 BAE Hawk trainers have been ordered by the IAF of which 39 have entered service as of July 2010.IAF also ordered 72 Pipistrel Virus SW 80 microlight aircraft for basic training purpose.HelicoptersChinook helicoptersThe HAL Dhruv serves primarily as a light utility helicopter in the IAF. In addition to transport and utility roles, newer Dhruvs are also used as attack helicopters.[194]Four Dhruvs are also operated by the Indian Air Force Sarang Helicopter Display Team.[134]The HAL Chetak is a light utility helicopter and is used primarily for training, rescue and light transport roles in the IAF.[195]The HAL Chetak is being gradually replaced by HAL Dhruv.[195]The HAL Cheetah is a light utility helicopter used for high altitude operations. It is used for both transport and search-and-rescue missions in the IAF.[196]An AH-64 ApacheThe Mil Mi-8 and the Mil Mi-17, Mi-17 1V and Mi-17V 5 are operated by the IAF for medium lift strategic and utility roles. The Mi-8 is being progressively replaced by the Mi-17 series of helicopters.[197][198]The IAF has ordered 22 Boeing AH-64E Apache attack helicopters, 68 HAL Light Combat Helicopters (LCH), 35 HAL Rudra attack helicopters, 15 CH-47F Chinook heavy lift helicopters and 150 Mi-17V-5s to replace and augment its existing fleet of Mi-8s, Mi-17s, and Mi-24s.[199]The Mil Mi-26 serves as a heavy lift helicopter in the IAF. It can also be used to transport troops or as a flying ambulance. The IAF currently operates three Mi-26s.[200]The Mil Mi-35 serves primarily as an attack helicopter in the IAF. The Mil Mi-35 can also act as a low-capacity troop transport. The IAF currently operates two squadrons (No. 104 Firebirds and No. 125 Gladiators) of Mi-25/35s.[201]Unmanned Aerial VehiclesThe IAF currently uses the IAI Searcher II[202]and IAI Heron[203]for reconnaissance and surveillance purposes. The IAI Harpy serves as an Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) which is designed to attack radar systems.[204]The IAF also operates the DRDO Lakshya which serves as realistic towed aerial sub-targets for live fire training.[205]Land-based missile systemsAkash missileSurface-To Air MissilesThe air force operates twenty-five squadrons of S-125 Pechora, six squadrons of 9K33 Osa-AK, ten flights of 9K38 Igla-1, two squadrons of Akash along with a single squadron of SPYDER for air defence.[206][207]Six squadrons of Akash were ordered in 2010 and an order for seven more squadrons is planned.[208]An order for eighteen SPYDER systems was placed in 2008, which is expected to be organized into a total of four squadrons.[209][207]Ballistic missilesThe IAF currently operates the Prithvi-II short-range ballistic missile (SRBM). The Prithvi-II is an IAF-specific variant of the Prithvi ballistic missile.[210]FutureMain article: Future of the Indian Air ForceThe number of aircraft in the IAF has been decreasing from the late 1990s due to the retirement of older aircraft and several crashes. To deal with the depletion of force levels, the IAF has started to modernise its fleet. This includes both the upgrade of existing aircraft, equipment and infrastructure as well as induction of new aircraft and equipment, both indigenous and imported. As new aircraft enter service and numbers recover, the IAF plans to have a fleet of 42 squadrons.[211]Expected future acquisitionsSingle-engined fighterOn 3 January 2017, Minister of Defence Manohar Parrikar addressed a media conference and announced plans for a competition to select a Strategic Partner to deliver "... 200 new single engine fighters to be made in India, which will easily cost around (USD)$45 million apiece without weaponry" with an expectation that Lockheed Martin (USA) and Saab (Sweden) will pitch the F-16 Block 70 and Gripen, respectively. An MoD official said that a global tender will be put to market in the first quarter of 2018,[212][213]with a private company nominated as the strategic partners production agency followed by a two or more year process to evaluate technical and financial bids and conduct trials, before the final government-to-government deal in 2021. This represents 11 squadrons of aircraft plus several 'attrition' aircraft.[214]India is also planning to set up an assembly line of American Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon Block 70 in Bengaluru. It is not yet confirmed whether IAF will induct these aircraft or not.In 2018, the current defence minister Nirmala Seetharaman gave the go ahead to scale up the manufacturing of Tejas at HAL and also to export Tejas. She is quoted saying "We are not ditching the LCA. We have not gone for anything instead of Tejas. We are very confident that Tejas Mark II will be a big leap forward to fulfil the single engine fighter requirement of the forces.".[215]IAF committed to buy 201 Mark-II variant of the Tejas taking the total order of Tejas to 324.[216]The government also scrapped the plan to import single engine fighters leading to reduction in reliance on imports thereby strengthening the domestic defence industry.[217]The IAF also submitted a request for information to international suppliers for a stealth unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV)[218]Current acquisitionsDassault RafaleThe IAF has placed orders for 120 HAL Tejas fighters,[219]36 Dassault Rafale multi-role fighters,[220]112 Pilatus PC-7MkII basic trainers,[221][222]72 HAL HJT-36 Sitara trainers,[132]72 Pipistrel Virus SW 80 microlight aircraft,[223][193]65 HAL Light Combat Helicopters,[224]139 Mi-17V-5 helicopters,[199][225]18 Israeli SPYDER Surface to Air Missile (SAM) units,[226]6 Airbus A330 MRTT[227]22 AH-64E Apache Longbow heavy attack helicopters,[228]15 CH-47F medium lift helicopters[229][230]and IAI Harop UCAVs.[204][231]DRDO and HAL projectsIndian defence companies such as HAL and DRDO are developing several aircraft for the IAF such as the HAL Tejas,[158][159]Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA),[232]DRDO AEW&CS (revived from the Airavat Project),[233]NAL Saras,[234]HAL HJT-36 Sitara,[235]HAL HTT-40, HAL Light Combat Helicopter (LCH),[236]HAL Light Utility Helicopter (LUH),[237]DRDO Rustom[238]and AURA (Autonomous Unmanned Research Aircraft) UCAV.DRDO has developed the Akash missile system for the IAFand is developing the Maitri SAM with MBDA.DRDO is also developing the Prithvi II ballistic missile.HAL has undertaken the joint development of the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA (Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft)(a derivative project of the Sukhoi Su-57) with Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). HAL is also close to develop its own fifth generation fighter aircraft HAL Amca which will be inducted by 2028. DRDO has entered in a joint venture with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) to develop the Barak 8 SAM.DRDO is developing the air-launched version of the BrahMos cruise missile in a joint venture with Russia's NPO Mashinostroeyenia. DRDO has now successfully developed the nuclear capable Nirbhay cruise missile.Network-centric warfareThe Air Force Network (AFNET), a robust digital information grid that enabled quick and accurate threat responses, was launched in 2010, helping the IAF become a truly network-centric air force. AFNET is a secure communication network linking command and control centres with offensive aircraft, sensor platforms and ground missile batteries. Integrated Air Command and Control System (IACCS), an automated system for Air Defence operations will ride the AFNet backbone integrating ground and airborne sensors, weapon systems and command and control nodes. Subsequent integration with civil radar and other networks shall provide an integrated Air Situation Picture, and reportedly acts as a force multiplier for intelligence analysis, mission control, and support activities like maintenance and logistics. The design features multiple layers of security measures, including encryption and intrusion prevention technologies, to hinder and deter espionage efforts.An Su-30MKI of No. 2 Squadron during an exercise with Royal Air ForceA C-130J Hercules on approachAntonov An-32B at Leh AirbaseA Mil Mi-17 helicopterAn Ilyushin Il-78MKI at RIAT 2007An AEW&C Embraer ERJ 145A HAL Dhruv on the Indian Air Force Sarang display teChinook helicoptersAn AH-64 ApacheAkash missileNOW YOU DECIDEHOPE IT HELPSFOLLOW ME!!Also check out one of my best answer :Shlok Dwivedi's answer to How is North Korea still unaffected by COVID-19?
What are the highlights of a union budget?
Top 100 Key Highlights of Budget 2019 by Nirmala SitharamanThe first budget of Modi government is present today by Nirmala Sitharaman following are the top 100 highlights of budgetNo income tax for less than 5 lakh per annum income3% Increase in surcharge for individuals with incomes between 2 to 5 cr. 7% increase in surcharge for incomes above 5 crPropose to make PAN and Aadhaar interchangeable. ITR can be filed without PAN by quoting AadhaarDirect tax revenue has grown 78 percent from 2014 to 2019. The tax collection has increased to 11.37 lakh crore to 2018-19 from 6.37 lakh crore from 2013-14.To discourage practice of making business payments in cash, I propose to levy TDS of 2% on cash withdrawal exceeding Rs 1 crore a year from a bank accountPropose to increase special additional duty and road and infrastructure cess on diesel and petrol by Re 1Currently, the lower rate of 25% is applicable to firms with annual turnover of Rs 250 crore. I propose to widen this to all companies with annual turnover of up to Rs 400 crore. This will cover 99.3% of all companiesAdditional income tax deduction of Rs 1.5 lakh on the interest paid on loans for EVs350 crore rupees allocated for 2% interest subvention for all GST-registered MSMEs on fresh or incremental loansPropose to extend period of exemption of capital gains arising from sale of residential house for investment in startups to 31-3-2021GST rates have been eased with a relief of Rs 92,000 crore provided during the year. Further measures are being worked out to ease filing returns and tax compliance. A simplified single monthly return is now being ruled out. Taxpayers with an annual turnover of less than Rs 5 crooe will have to file only quarterly returnsAdditional deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakh for interest on loans borrowed upto March 31, 2020 for purchase of house upto Rs 45 lakhBusiness establishments with annual turnover of Rs 50 crore will offer low-cost digital mode of payments to customers and no charges or merchant discount rates shall be imposed on customers as well as merchantsEvery verified woman SHG member having a Jan Dhan account, an overdraft of 5000 rupees will be allowedThe Securities Transaction Tax or STT is proposed to be restricted to the difference between settlement and strike price of optionsTo resolve the issue of Angel Tax the startups and investors who file requisite declarations will not be subjected to any kind of scrutiny in respect of valuation of share premium. A mechanism of e-verification will be put in place and with this, the funds raised by startups will not require any tax scrutiny.One woman in every SHG shall be made eligible for a loan of Rs 1 lakh under MUDRA schemeNRI investment in Indian capital market is less. I propose to merge the NRI portfolio investment scheme route with FPI route95 crore houses proposed to be provided under PMAY Grameen by 202125 lakh kilometers of roads will be upgraded:The government proposing to streamline multiple labour laws into a set of 'four labour codes'Aim to simplify tax admin and bring greater transparency. My tax proposals will aim to stimulate growth.Tv program for the start-ups Stand up india scheme for entrepreneurs. A new channel is proposed to be started under Doordarshan bouquet to provide a platform for startups to disseminate information in the industryRs 100 lakh crore for infrastructure development for next 5 yearsBy 2022, power and LPG will be provided to all households. Assures that every single rural family will have electricity and clean cooking facility by 2022Propose setting up a Social Stock Exchange for listing Social enterprises, voluntary organisations. Social Stock Exchange under SEBI proposedThe government is setting an enhanced target of Rs 1,05,000 crore for disinvestment during FY20 and will continue with disinvestment of PSUs in the non-financial space as wellMore than 45,000 public toilets have been uploaded on Google maps and nearly 1 crore citizens have downloaded the Swachhta appSeveral reforms would be undertaken to promote rental housing, current rental laws are archaic as they do not address lessor-lessee relationships fairlyHave suggested to SEBI to increase threshold of public shareholding in listed companies from 25% to 35%,100% FDI will be permitted for insurance intermediary. FDI inflows have remained robust despite global headwinds. India's FDI inflows remained strong despite global slippages. We saw a 6% y-o-y growth in foreign investment Government is mulling organizing an annual global investors' meet in IndiaGovt will create a payment platform for MSMEs to enable filing of bills and payment on the platform itselfAs key source of capital to Indian economy, it is important to ensure hassle-free experience to foreign portfolio investors. We plan to streamline KYC to make it more investor-friendlyPension benefits will be offered to 3 crore shopowners with annual turnover of less than Rs 1.5 crore under new scheme called Pradhan Mantri Man dhan SchemeA modern tenancy law will be finalized and given to the statesUpfront incentive to be offered on purchase of EVsRailway infra would need an investment of Rs 50 lakh crore between 2018 and 2030It is proposed that several reform measures will be taken up to promote rental housingIndia have become fifth largest economy in the world. 5 years ago we stood at 11th position. In Purchasing Power Parity we are at number 3 only next to US and ChinaIndian Economy well within capacity to reach $5 tn target in a few years. Our economy was $1.85 trillion when we assumed power and it reached $2.7 trillion. We have the capacity to reach 5 million US in five years. It took us over 55 years to Indian economy to reach $1 trillion but the people's hearts filled with Vishwas and Akansha (hopes of the people of the country) has helped us achieve the next couple of trillions within a short spanLast mile delivery stood out, citizens in every nook and corner of the country felt the difference; our objective was and continues to be Mazbooth Desh Ke Liye Mazbooth NagarikIf before India Inc understood Swadeshi they now look at Make in India. Gone are the days of policy paralysis and Licence Raj regimes. India is now a wealth creator, says Sitharaman, adding she wishes to announce a number of reforms to further the country's growth prospects.The ambitious project of Bharatmala will enhance road connectivity and Sagarmala will help port and waterways connectivity, she says. These along with other such initiatives such as Udaan scheme will improve India's infrastructure and enable connectivity and bridge the rural and urban divideThe department of fisheries will address critical gaps in the value chain, including production, quality control, post-harvest management, etcConfident of achieving our goals, says FM, quotes Chanakaya, 'With determined humans efforts, the task shall surely be completed'Mega programmes that we initiated in the first five years will now be further acceleratedBetween 2014 and 2019, we provided rejuvenated Centre-state dynamic, cooperative federalism, GST Council and a strident commitment to fiscal discipline; set the ball rolling for a New IndiaNew metro rail projects have been approved during 2018-19. Also, during 2019, 210km of metro lines have been operationalizedThe time is right for India to enter into aviation finance. The Udan scheme is providing air connectivity to the common man. All these programmes are also helping bridge rural and urban divide. The ambitious programme of Bharatmala will help develop roads and highways, while Sagarmala will enhance port connectivityNational Common Mobility Card was launched by PM Modi in March this year. This will enable people to pay multiple transport charges across India. This card runs on RuPay card and allows users to pay bus charges, parking charges, etcOne Nation, One Grid" for power availability to states at affordable rates. It is therefore proposed to use Public-Private partnership to unleash faster developmentIndia's FDI flows in 2018-19 remained strong compared to global at $54.2 billion, 6 percent higher than last year. The government will examine options of opening up FDI in media, animation and some other sectors to improve these flows furtherThe government is contemplating organising an annual global meet to get all three sets of global players: Industrialists, corporate leaders, corporate sovereign and venture fundsIndia has emerged as a major space power. Time has come to harness this ability commercially. New Space India Limited, a public sector enterprise, has been incorporated to tap the benefits of R&D carried out by Isro. The company will spearhead commercialization of various space productsThe Gaon (village), Garib (poor) and Kisan (farmers) are at the Centre of all our efforts:By 2022 Every rural indian family will have Electricity and clean cooking facilityLauds efforts of farmers in production of pulses75000 entrepreneurs targeted in Agri sectorEase of doing business to extend to farmers and they should not face state level arbitrages Back to Basics - zero budget farming farmers are being trained on this - extend to othersJal ministry to focus on providing adequate drinking water, which is a primary area of concern. We seek to provide water to all rural households under 'har ghar jal. Steps such as these will help double farmers' income by 2022Time for completion of houses under PMAY reduced from 314 days in 2015-16 to 114 days in 2017-18, enabling the scale of achievement in PMAY1592 critical blocks over 256 districts identified for Jal Skhakti Abhiyan6 crores toilets have been constructed under Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan5 lakh villages are now open-defecation freeMore than 95% of our cities have declared themselves open-defecation freeWe aim to make India open-defecation free by October 2, on 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma GandhiA Gandhipedia is being developed to sensitize youth and society at large on positive Gandhian values:Local sourcing norms for FDI to be eased for single-brand retailing sector.Propose to establish National Research Foundation to fund and coordinate research in India80 Livelihood business incubators and 20 technology business incubators to be set up in 2019-20 under ASPIRE to develop 75,000 skilled entrepreneurs in agro-rural industriesGreater focus on R&D through a National Research Foundation. This will fund, promote research. Funds will be assimilated from schemes running across various ministriesFocus on Global Education Model and R&D will arm the Youth of today to fight the unknown future we see ahead full of disruption and new age entry and exitsNone of our technological institutions were in top 200 in 2014. But now, there are five in the listTo upgrade level of teaching, Gian initiative was started. It was a roadmap to counter challenges, To upgrade level of teaching, Gian initiative was started. It was a roadmap to counter challenges. To upgrade quality of teaching, the GYAN was started aimed to bring in the global pool of scientists and researchers, she says, adding such initiatives have paid off. From no single Indian institute in top 200 universities ranking until 5 years ago, we now have 3 institutions in the top 200 global institutions bracket. To make India a hub of higher education the government proposes 'Study in India' to bring in foreign students to pursue education hereIndia will be soon a hub of higher education. 'Study in India' initiative will be started for the exchange of foreign studentWe will increase our efforts to improve the skills of our youth in newer areas such as Artifical Intelligence, Big Data, Robotics, etc valued highly within and outside the country to ensure they can secure high paying jobs both in India and abroadUnder Pradhan Mantri Grameen Digital Saksharata Abhiyan, Bharat Net is targeting internet connectivity in local bodies in every panchayat in the country; this will be speeded under Universal Service Obligation Fund100 new clusters to be set up in 2019-20 under SFURTI, which will enable 50,000 artisans to join the economic value chainThe Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan Yojana of providing Rs 3,000 - nearly 30 lakh workers have joined the schemeApproximately 35 crore LED bulbs have been distributed under the Ujala scheme, saving Rs 18,341 crore annuallyFor the women of India - Naari to Narayani has been the tradition of the country., she says quoting Swami Vivekananda, "There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. It is not possible for a bird to fly with one wingContribution of women is significant in every sector. The recent election saw record turnout of women voters, at par with men. We also have a record 78 women MPs in the HousePropose a committee to evaluate and suggest measure to improve women's welfare, she says, pointing out how India's women have stood out distinctly in every field. This reinforces our approach of going beyond just women-centric policies to building women-led movementsUnder PMAY (Urban), over 81 Lakh houses with investment of about Rs 4.83 Lakh Cr have been sanctioned of which construction has started in about 47 Lakh houses. Over 26 Lakh houses have been completed of which nearly 24 Lakh houses have been delivered, to beneficiaries.400 crore rupees under head, World Class Institutions in 2019-20, more than 3 times the revised estimates of previous year.The government proposes to consider issuing Aadhaar cards to NRIs with Indian passports in India without having to wait for the necessary 180 daysTo popularize sports at all levels, National Sports Education Board for development of sportspersons to be set up under Khelo IndiaThe government is developing 17 iconic tourism sites as world-class tourist centres to improve the flow of domestic and foreign tourists to these destinations. Documentaries with anthropological details will be stored for touristsPSBs are now proposed to be further provided Rs 17,000 crore of capital to boost credit.Government has smoothly carried out consolidation, reducing the number of PSBs by 8Record recovery of over Rs 4 lakh crore due to IBC (Insolvency code) have been effected in the last four yearsNPAs of commercial banks have reduced by over Rs 1 lakh crore over the last yearThe government has proposed to allocate Rs 70,000 crore for PSU Bank recapitalisationFor purchase of high-rated pooled assets of financially sound NBFCs amounting to a total of Rs 1 lakh crore, govt will provide a one-time six-month partial credit guarantee to PSBs for first loss up to 10%Broadbased committee to evaluate and suggest actions for moving forward on gender analysis of budget to be formedGovt proposes to return the regulation authority over housing finance sector from National Housing Board to the RBITo further encourage women entrepreneurship, Women SHG Interest Subvention Programme to be expanded to all districts in India4 new embassies to be opened in 2019-20, to improve footprint of India's overseas presence and to provide better public services to local Indian communitiesIndia's sovereign external debt to GDP is among the lowest globally at less than 5%, she points out.A new series of coins including for Rs 20 will be made available for public use shortlyForeign shareholding limit of CPSEs is proposed to be hiked to permissible sectoral limitsSeparate NPA trust with PFRDA. A move for providing the pensioners' ease of investment and procedure.Because of taxpayers, government is able to work for a collective dream of inclusive developmentShe quotes a verse in Tamil - 'Just a few mounds of rice cooked from a small piece of land is enough for the elephant. But if the same elephant enters a paddy field it will end up trampling more than it would consume' Explaining the verse, she says the government does not intend to 'trample' anybody like the elephant.Proposes incentives to IFSC including profit linked deduction u/s. 80LA for 10 years in 15 years block.
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