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What is a day in the life of a Marine drill instructor like, and how do they get through it? It seems as if it requires 100 times the discipline a typical recruit would need.

In the late 80s, I was privileged to be a U.S. Army DI at Fort Sill, home of the Field Artillery. During my time on the trail I was additionally privileged to a Army/USMC DI swap, I think the logic behind it was that during that time the U.S. Army trained Marine artillerymen as there was no Marine AIT for gun bunnies. So yeah I did get to see the USMC side as well, and honestly, not extremely different, I think the Marines got more CADRE led training than the Army did at that time, we Army (Drill Instructors) , Taught NBC classes, BRM (Basic Rifle Marksmanship), Hand Grenades, Light Infantry weapons and tactics, whereas my Marine counter part had a little more additional Cadre help for those classes, I don’t think either as better or worse.The Army Drill Instructor (my) day started during fill week at about 0330 hours and ended about 10 or 11 weeks later on graduation , get a week off , rinse and repeat for 2 years, or if your a masochist do a 3rd year, after being psychologically evaluated. it seems I was caught in a preputal personnel shortage and had the responsibility of having a platoon of 42 recruits by myself or if lucky only one other Drill Sargent.The DI is always “on” constantly, no real downtime, for me it was very difficult to switch off the Drill Sargeant after a 18 hour day, during the first few weeks , I essentially stayed the night in my office , allowing myself brief off duty time to see my wife and two kids just to make their lives miserable and to let them know I was still around.Your under Someones scrutinizing eye at all times , the recruits , the chain of command , other cadre staff, other military personnel etc…Like I said your always, “on”.My Day started at 0330- I need to be awake and perfect , I would usually stretch and do some light PT , what the recruits needed to see is a pro, setting the example , not some beat up old man that was 15–20 years their senior , with neck, back and knee issues, get em up , bunks made , and herded outside for PT. Hour or hour and half of PT , herd them all in for showers and sick call (what you thought you could get out of PT for vaginal issues by going on sick call ? Not in my platoon)March them to morning chow, try and get some additional training time in while they are waiting in line, go over rank structure, General orders , vehicle identification, NBC procedures anything to get them prepared to be an effective combat solider.After morning chow it’s probably getting close to 0830–0900 time to start the training day!March them to class where either I conducted the training and was responsible for the content and material or turned the platoon over to a cadre instructor, either way the DI is there making sure the recruits are learning as well as assisting the instructor, depending on what class and what phase the cycle was in, some of these classes could be close by the barracks , or maybe a small road march away, it varied, and again depends on what part of the training cycle your in.Lunch Chow 1230-1330 again totally depends where you are in the training cycle, could be hot chow in the mess hall, MRE in the field, Sack Lunch in the field , (Ranges , Basic Rifle Marksmanship, NBC classes, etc) or classroom, sometimes Hot served in the field if lucky, as this is also a training opportunity i would try and utilize each time I got a chance, treat it like a tactical exercise if possible, or teach hygiene , lords knows some of these recruits had no upbringing and simple hygiene was new to them.Afternoon-More Classes to conduct or assist with.End off the official Training Day about 1700–1730 or soEvening Chow1800–1830 Fallout for some evening PT -I tried to mix it up, do some competitive sport type stuff, relays, king of the sand pit, or maybe a “Fun Run” which was to go by the other training barracks or permanent party and do derogatory cadence calls, establishing that this platoon was beyond doubt, The Best Damn Battery in BCT !!!”Back in the Barracks, Mail call around 2000, have some informal training, maybe some one on one if needed, mail call was always a good time to evaluate how the platoon was responding to training, who was weak , who was strong etc…clean and maintenance time, laundry, square away gear and uniform and prepare for next training day, showers and lights out at 2200.2200- (essentially 5 1/2 hours until I start my day again), look at PT scores or BRM scores , there usually was some piddly paperwork to take care of, some stat report or reply by endorsement nonsense I had to do or answer to because Pvt. Snuffy hadn’t written or called home , or because Major so and so’s wife heard our morning PT cadence call and there was foul language in it and she was offended, hopefully no late night counseling had to be done, and I do mean real counseling, such as Pvt Heartbroken is sure his girl friend is leaving him for his brother, and he is going to kill himself or go AWOL, so it’s the DI’s duty to talk him down or out of doing something stupid.So on a goodnight, I shower about 2300, and hit the bunk in my office at about 2315 , on a busy night , you do the math.How did I get though it ? I don’t know , I wasn't aware there was another option, It never occurred to me to complain or tell my Senior Drill , 1st Sergeant or Commander , hey I can’t do this, if I didn’t do it then some other Drill Sergeant would have to pick up my slack, and that was just not a option I could deal with. In regards to being constantly understaffed, that was just the way it was, generally a Army DI back then did a year in BCT and the last year in AIT , AIT being a little less time intensive on the DI’s part, because of the shortage I did 2 years in BCT (Basic Combat Training).Did we get burnt out ? teaching the same classes, over and over, hell yea ! but I had good leadership and I like to think my recruits did not suffer, my Senior Drill Instructor and 1st Sergeant would monitor us DI’s (more of those “eye’s constantly on you) Switch up our classes, and if it ever got to be too much , the Senior Drill was there to step in and take over.Did it take MORE discipline ? nah I never felt like discipline was the word or issue, a sense of duty, or if I don’t do this who will? maybe is a better term.Maybe More discipline to keep my own shit together, I seen Drill Sergeant Duty ruin a couple careers, and seen it destroy several marriages.I witnessed several DI’s methods and can honestly state that some DI’s should never have been awarded the “This We’ll Defend” patch, mistakes are made, some people personalities just should not have the kind of power a DI has, and I can honestly and proudly say this those that “shouldn’t” have been DI’s were held in check and removed from the position.Steal a line from the Movie “Fury” , “ best job I ever had”, not because of the power or the ego trip, some get off on that, but the satisfaction of taking 42 civilians and turning them into or priming them into something the US Army can use to defend this great country with, there is no better feeling.“Truly The Best Job I ever had!”Drill Sergeant Creed.I am a Drill SergeantI will assist each individual in their efforts to become a highly motivated, well disciplined, physically and mentally fit Soldier, capable of defeating any enemy on today's modern battlefield.I will instill pride in all I train, pride in self, in the Army, and in country.I will insist that each Soldier meets and maintains the Army's standards of military bearing and courtesy, consistent with the highest traditions of the U.S. Army.I will lead by example, never requiring a Soldier to attempt any task I would not do myself.But first, last, and always, I am an American Soldier, sworn to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.I am a Drill Sergeant.

Who is Undertaker's best friend?

Who is Undertaker´s best friend?.The ´´Undertaker´´ has two best friends in this world.ProfessionallyIt is this man that The ´´Undertaker´´ is choking to death. He is the egotistical greedy ´´SOB´´ maniac of WWE. The ´´Undertaker´´ loves him for life because of financial stability. In 2019, the ´´Undertaker´´ signed a massive WWE deal that is considered to be a lifetime changer. He will be ending his professional career with WWE for life.This ´´CEO of WWE´´ that the ´´Undertaker´´ love is no other than Vincent Kennedy McMahon that created the empire of this enormous entertainment global wrestling company.PersonallyShe is a former WWE wrestler herself. They got married on June 26th, 2010 in Houston, Texas.This woman is ´´Undertaker´s´´ best friend and her name is Michelle McCool and she is with their beautiful child. And, this precious baby name is Kaia that was born on August 28th, 2012.In 2019 ….. the ´´Undertaker´´ (Mark Callaway) and Michelle McCool together.

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