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What are 20 things that are not worth it?

I’ve learned a lot in the 24 years I’ve been alive. With that 24 years and change of being alive comes a lot of lessons, some easy and some very painful.Not listening to your gutThe minute you have a bad feeling about something you need to bolt. Do not ignore your intuition and do not fret about what people will be saying if you leave. Listening to your instinct can literally save your life, trust me.There’s been plenty of times where I felt I’ve needed to change lanes or leave an area and have done so only to find out that if I hadn’t a semi would have slammed into me or I would have been in the middle of a robbery.Worry about what other people think of youGenerally there’s only a few people you should worry about this with. Those people are the ones that are closest to you. Otherwise, they are too busy trying to impress people that they don’t know/care about because they think they are being judged by those people.I spent some of my life trying to work my way to the “in” crowd and when I was in seventh grade I learned just how stupid it and they were. I overheard a conversation between two of such people and they were berating another crowd member because they wore Aeropostale underwear with an American Eagle t shirt and pants. Who the hell cares?Flowery languageLook I’m all for having fun and using big words, but honestly it just makes me so photosynthesis when someone uses really big words especially if they don’t know what they mean. All joking aside, I promise you that your life will be better if you are direct and honest, you can and probably will lose a lot of “friends” however the ones that stick around will appreciate someone who won’t bullshit them.Case in point one of my best friends was considering getting a Monroe and asked my opinion on the matter. I told it to her straight and said that she would look awful with one (granted I wasn’t the only one who told her that she would when she asked a couple other people). She more than appreciated my honesty.Not having fun in lifeDo what really makes you happy in life. If you want to take that big trip or just a weekend away to go caving (done that plenty of times) then just do it. Save up some cash if you must, but don’t be afraid of living in the minute. You won’t be as miserable.Look, I’m autistic and I hate spontaneous plans however the surprise trip that I took to Chicago with my girlfriend that I had planned about 2 days before (and that was pushing it) was one of the most exciting times in my entire life.Doing drugsI have plenty of stories I could tell, but I won’t. I’ll cap this off with my example.Look I’ve been addicted to painkillers, caffeine, and nicotine at least some point in my life. I smoked for 10 years, been chewing for 10 years, and I’ve been drinking coffee since I was about 12. I’ve done numerous other drugs too and the only one that I had fun with was ecstasy. I’ve smoked pot, bumped coke, smoked opium (I know it’s weird sounding), bumped hydros, and several other drugs and it was a waste of time and money. It was never worth it to smoke as much pot as I did and nothing else was honestly valuable either.Not focusing on your mental healthI’ll just do this by example.I’ve suffered from depression, anxiety, and Asperger’s my entire life that I can remember. I’ve been medicated and gone off of meds several times in my life and I can tell you that honestly I probably should go back on my anxiety meds at some point because it’s just not worth trying to stave it off and deal with it as it comes.There were times where all I wanted to do is just lay in bed and never leave. At one point during a Summer (I don’t know how old I was) I didn’t leave my room except for morsels of food and bathroom for about 12 days. I wish I could say that someone yanked me out of it, but no. I had to force myself to do anything, to even get out of bed. I took a shower (something I hadn’t done for about 5 days at that point probably longer) and it helped immensely. Just taking a shower took so much energy, but it helped so much.Taking the harder classesThose AP (or your equivalent) courses aren’t worth it at any level of education. They meant exactly nothing to any of the colleges that I applied to and the same goes for that academic honors diploma that I earned. Obviously if you want the challenge, sure go ahead and take them, but they aren’t worth one red cent.Dartmouth didn’t care about it, they only cared about how good I would look for them and honestly whether the school was a good fit for me (they actually made me feel like they cared about me). The five other colleges that I applied to didn’t really care about them either. One straight up told me that their admissions teams didn’t even care about it and were tired of seeing AP classes on people’s records.Not being yourselfLook, I’m all for people being boring asshats, but be yourself.I’m a creep and I’m a weirdo. I nerd out over model trains, coins, and stamps (I’ve got plenty of valuable pieces that I’ve come across). I love being a bit off and presenting as a bit weird, it’s part of my boyish charm that my girlfriend absolutely loves that I have.Not accepting consequencesEspecially when it comes to being yourself. You will have consequences no matter what you do. If you want to get your face tattooed and have more metal than skin on it, that’s your choice however don’t throw a fit because you didn’t get your dream job or people won’t talk to you.Places won’t hire me because I have earrings as a guy. Whatever, I don’t give a shit because there are other places to work. If I don’t fit their profile that’s their problem.Certain places wouldn’t hire me because I had frosted the tips of my fauxhawk blue. Whatever, I found other jobs.Not making connectionsThis is a biggie. Make connections and make yourself known to people. Networking is key in life because you’ll probably have to know someone to get an interview or even a shot at something. Trust me when I say that you will need these.I have plenty of connections through my previous jobs: judges, teachers, lawyers, corporate people, etc. Those help me keep in work when I need some.I also have other connections in life.Not having a back up plan for life.Learn a skill that will always be in demand. I’m sorry Karen, but you’ll need to learn how to ask if someone wants fries with your Lesbian Underwater Basket Weaving Gender Dance Studies degree because you don’t have any other plan.Should things not work out for you with your degree or your career falls flat and you lose your job, you’ll need something to fall back on. Like me, if nothing pans out I know some basic welding (though I’ve never been trained officially).Case in point, my girlfriend has a degree in acting and her backup plan is substitute teaching and massage therapy. Two skills always in demand.Not learning how to do minor fixes for your own homeThis goes with 11, learn some basic skills in everything. I know how to cut wood, how to fix a leaking pipe, as well as other things. Do you really want to shell out $100 or whatever for a plumber to come out, shut the water off, cut a pipe out, and replace it in about 20 minutes or would you rather save most of that and just buy the stuff yourself?Case in point, I can do all of that myself.If you can’t figure out how to do something basic, there’s two great resources Youtube and Wikihow. Those two have taught me how to do a whole lot of stuff including how to change brakes, change my oil, as well as other oddball stuff like how to build circuit boards.Not having off the wall knowledgeThis could possibly save your life or more likely just help you kick everyone’s ass at trivia.Typewriter is the longest word you can type on one row of the keyboard (for English obviously). Stewardesses is the longest word you can type only on the left hand side of the keyboard. Antiskepticism is the longest word where you can alternate hands on the keyboard every letter. Monimolimnion is the longest with the right hand only (it’s a very technical term for a specific part of water from a specific kind of lake).Off the wall cleaning knowledge that should be common (it’s not because stores sell them on the same shelf or in the same aisle all the time) is to never mix bleach and ammonia cleaners cause that’s how you create chlorine gas. Of course if you paid attention in chemistry class you already know this.If you’re ever poisoned with methanol (it’s actually one of the more popular methods of poisoning, whatever you have will be sweeter than normal and your brain likes sugar) you need to immediately begin drinking the highest abv alcohol you have on hand if you can’t get to medical help soonish.If you ever find yourself in need of fire and quickly or just to get through something that you can’t get into (provided you’re legally allowed to of course) thermite is easy to mix and provides a pretty much immediate firesource, it’s just aluminum (preferably powdered) and iron oxide (rust) mixed together and set on fire.If you have any oddball marks on your body (pimples, bug bites, etc) and there’s any red lines streaking away you need to seek help immediately because if you don’t you’re gonna die a real slow and painful death.If you’re not sure if someone is diabetic and they’ve passed out, hopefully they’ve pissed themselves. In the case that they have, taste the urine. If they are diabetic it’s pretty much guaranteed to be sweet. That’s how it was diagnosed for years before modern techniques.Not owning survival toolsJust in case it’s best to own some stuff or at bare minimum have the knowledge.My EDC pocket knife for example has a seatbelt cutter, window breaker, flashlight, and a magnesium rod (firestarter) all tucked into it.At minimum a weapon is better than no weapon. If you have to find a weapon and you have absolutely no training with any kind of weapon, lash a knife to a pole and make a spear. We’ve been using spears since the stone age and they are built into our DNA and they are overly simplistic (just put the pointy end into the other guy as many times as necessary)Not having primitive knowledgeYou’ll likely never have to use it, but in the case of natural disaster or such. It’s always good to at least know how to get and make water safe because you need water more than you need anything else.Do you know how to distill water so it’s not going to kill you?One pot method: Fill a container with water about halfway, place a bowl that will float (if not, put it on a surface inside of the container), put a lid on the container, cover the lid in ice, and turn on the heat.Do you know how to obtain groundwater? (generally safe, though best to distill after of course) Dig a hole in the ground so you have a few inches (about 6 or 7 centimeters) of space above a container, put the container in the hole, place a stretchy and non absorbent fabric over the hole (preferably cling wrap), and place a rock on the fabric. You’ll have water.Spending way more than you need to on clothes and electronicsLook, clothing quality is generally based on how much you spend up to a certain point. You don’t need to shell out a ton of money for good clothes.Case in point, if you want your clothes to last you’re gonna have to shell out a bit of money. Columbia and other outdoorsman brands have the best track record for this in my opinion as I’ve had the same fishing shirt (I wear it at least once a week if not more) for a decade. I’ve got belts from them that have lasted just as long.When it comes to spending money on it, those Yeezys aren’t worth it. They don’t hold up better than other shoes, you’re just paying for the branding and nothing else at that point. Do a little bit of research on clothing quality and you’ll findThe same is generally true although there are darkhorse brands that nobody expects in electronics. Your Beats are an absolute joke unless all you do is listen to bass filled music. I paid less than half of what they cost for headphones that are twice as good around the board and even better in most categories. Darkhorse brands for headphones are Skullcandy (though lately they’ve seriously improved their QC) and AKG (I’ve had good and bad from them).Goodwill is the place to hit for clothes. Go to the rich towns and hit their Goodwills and you’ll find brand clothes for nothing probably only worn a handful of times.Not working problems out with peopleLook I’m gonna be straight honest here, the only way you’ll help any relationship grow is to attack issues, not each other.I’ll use my relationship with my girlfriend for example. We don’t fight at all. We disagree and rarely get into a pissing contest unless it’s a joking manner.When you have disagreements in your relationship it’s best to sit down with level heads (leave each other alone and cool off before attacking the issue) and then talk about the issue. Take notes for crying out loud. When my girlfriend and I have a disagreement on something I literally start taking notes to outline the issue on her side and on mine. Oftentimes the issue is communication (it’s my weak point) and not really an actual issue. The last disagreement we had turned out to be something where she wasn’t making something clear enough for me (I prefer concrete issues while she handles the abstract thinking) and I had taken it the wrong way.The next to last was an actual misunderstanding. Religion is super important to her and more so than it is myself and can be a hot topic issue for us. She was raised that if it’s not overtly shown and actively visible to everyone, it’s a “cheap” or not very valued matter of religion. I’m more reserved and I don’t flash my faith to everyone in shouting distance as I’m more of the “if they want to talk about it, then they’ll ask me” opinion than I am of the let everything in existence know type. We outlined the issue as an actual miscommunication to see if that was it, it ended up being a partial miscommunication and a partial disagreement. Neither of us are wrong, neither of us are right. It’s not that there’s nothing behind “Jesus is my savior” it’s that I believe that’s all that needs to be said about the matter and she wasn’t really aware of that.Falling into food trapsOrganic free range eggs are a great example of thisYou know why they are brown? It’s not because they are organic or free range raised, it’s because it’s a different breed of chicken. If you don’t believe me you can google it or go to a farm. I promise you that’s the only reason they are a different color.Non GMO is the way to goThis is extremely debatable, but I can tell you that GMO is why we aren’t starving. Pretty much everything you see is GMO be it direct manipulation of the genome with CRISPR or through selective breeding. Carrots weren’t orange huge sticks and in fact most used to be the size of your thumb and purple or white or some other strange color. Everything you eat today is the result of carefully bred things over hundreds of generations.Feel free to eat however you wish, I’m just gonna leave this one here.Brand name is better than genericThis generally tends to be a matter of opinion however I can tell you that generics are generally the exact same food as what’s in the name branded packaging. The only difference is that it tends to be stuff that would never pass QC for regular brands because of an off color or an off size and is just labeled with a store brand because they couldn’t sell it otherwise. Sometimes the generic is better than the name brand, case in point is the brown sugar cinnamon poptarts. Poptart brand is thin and wimpy on filling and size, but Kroger brand has much more filling and is a much better value by weight than name brand.Getting the latest in anythingThis goes along with 2 and 16, but needs to be its own separate matter. You don’t need to have the latest phone or console or computer or whatever have you.If you really want to shell out a grand for a phone that won’t really work in 2 years (looking at you Apple…damned cult) then do it, but it’s not gonna get you points in what you need. I like getting new tech and manipulating the old ones to see what I can make them do, but still I’m not going out to get a thousand dollar phone. Settle in with brands that aren’t as expensive or as well known or as widely made anymore. My Nokia 6.1 has lasted me almost 2 years and she’s still doing wonderfully. I paid $150 for it NIB and it will outlast all of my family’s iPhones by a good margin.This is more of a point of how stupid a lot of Apple customers are. There’s plenty of them that want Airpods that plug into their phones…yes seriously. Or when people buy the cords that connect the pods together ($149 for the headphones + minimum $8 for the cord = $157+ for the setup when you can just get a pair of Skullcandy for $30. Yes, you are being gimmicked and yes I laugh at you for it. Not to mention that God forbid you try to customize your iPhone to the way you want it because that will literally void everything in your warranty. All of these are features I have as a droid user that Apple users do not: new launchers, new icons, home screen customization, multiscreen, PiP so I can use 2 apps at once, etc. Sorry guys, you’ve been had by Apple.JewelryDiamonds are especially guilty of this.If you’ve bought diamonds, sorry however you’re a fool. Diamonds aren’t rare at all, they are just held by a select few people who know that if they release too much into the supply then the “scarcity” will go away. Their stashes are worth basically nothing if more than about 1/5 is released into the world all at once because there are literally that many.Gold really isn’t all that precious because there’s plenty of it for everyone and it’s in pretty much everything you touch especially electronics.If you want something that will last longer than your grandchildren because of how durable it is, go with steel or tungsten-carbide jewelry. It’s a fraction of the price and way more durable. I’m wearing a steel ring that I bought for 37 cents (okay after shipping it was about $5.50) in place of my much more expensive ring because I can literally replace this ring 30 times over with the little money I have in my account and still not be able to replace the expensive ring that I only wear when something serious is going on (it was a gift. I’ll post pictures if you’re interested!)

I want to start my own private business, but I don't know this way. What are some suggestions?

Here Are 55 Business Idea You NeedToday, a huge number of individuals are thinking about going into business, and for valid justifications. Overall, individuals can hope to have two and three vocations during their work life. Those leaving one vocation regularly consider their second or third profession move being one they can run out of their own home. The uplifting news: Starting a locally established business is inside the scope of nearly any individual who needs to face a challenge and buckle down, similar to a plenty of other ease thoughts.1. ACCOUNTANTExperience, preparing or permitting might be requiredMake a flier laying out your administrations. Before you do that, you need to understand what those administrations will be. Would you like to just do accounting for a private company? A more elaborate degree of bookkeeping is stir up monetary records, pay explanations, and other monetary reports on a month to month, quarterly, and additionally yearly premise, contingent upon the requirements of the business. Different specializations can incorporate duty bookkeeping, a colossal region of expected work.2. Bike REPAIRIn numerous pieces of the country, this business will in general be occasional, however you can discover ways around that. Lease a capacity unit and offer to store individuals' bikes ridiculous after you do a check up and any required fixes on them. On the off chance that you need to take into account the Lance Armstrong wannabes, you can have business lasting through the year. These street race riders are preparing through snow, slush and dull of night. Some of them work on their own bikes, however a considerable lot of them don't, so you can get their business the entire year. What's more, in the event that you keep Saturday shop hours, you can be certain you will have a bunch of fans stopping by to talk everything cycling.Boats that are pulled out of the water for the colder time of year or even only for mid-season fixes will require the body cleaned. Also, contingent upon the kind of boat, it is a fun chance to give a significant cleaning all the other things as well - the decks, the dozing quarters, the head, and the holds. Start by moving toward homes that have a boat sitting in the yard. Or then again you could showcase your administrations to the marina to contract you to do the boat cleaning it offers to clients.4. Marketable strategy SERVICEHas extension prospectsOffer a soup-to-nuts strategy, including statistical surveying, the strategy story and the budget reports. Plan your expense around the principle one that the customer will need and offer the others as extra administrations. You can give customers an electronic document and permit them to take it from that point, or you can keep the field-tested strategy on record and offer the assistance of tweaking it at whatever point important. Have strategy tests to show customers - and make a point to incorporate your own!Getting paid to drive during your spare energy is an extraordinary method to bring in additional cash. It will not probably supplant an everyday check except can be a worthwhile additional income stream. As indicated by Nerd Wallet, here is a separate of the pay you can expect: "To make a yearly pay of $50,000, the normal Uber driver needs to give 60.21 rides every week, while those working for Lyft need to give 83.76 rides seven days, and Sidecar drivers would have needed to give 72.03 rides in seven days."6. CLEANING SERVICEThere are numerous headings you can take this business. On the off chance that you need to work during hours when nobody else does, you can zero in on office customers. You can zero in on retail organizations and keep your clients bunched into a couple of squares. Cafés are in extraordinary need of every day careful cleaning and can be an incredible wellspring of consistent customers. Maybe you would be more keen on house keeping. Ordinarily with cleaning administrations you don't need to spend loads of cash on promoting or showcasing on the grounds that your clients will drop by overhearing people's conversations.7. CHILDREN'S PARTY PLANNERThe youngsters' birthday celebration business is a numerous million dollar industry, with the normal American burning through $500 per party. The book Start Your Own Kid-Focused Business reveals to you all you require to know to get your own child business going: from protection expenses to food and refreshment determination to masterminding life-changing diversion that gets bunches of grins and loads of references from glad clients.8. CONSULTANTHas extension prospectsTo be a specialist, you need to have ability in something so you can showcase yourself as a counselor to others hoping to work here. Maybe you dealt with a few enormous stockrooms in your profession with a pharmacy organization, you did all the showcasing for a long time for a huge shoe producer or you set up a chain of excellence supply shops or take-out cafés. You can utilize this experience to help other people do comparable things without committing the very errors that you made en route. A decent schedule application will probably prove to be useful as time following is critical to exact charging.Canine walkers take pooches out for their day by day protected at least one times each day, either exclusively or in little gatherings. In certain urban communities across the United States, as New York, canine strolling alone can be a flourishing business. Yet, it's in reality more normal for canine walkers to offer extra administrations, incorporating playing with and taking care of pets, getting papers and mail, and turning lights on and off.Do you have things hiding around your family that you could sell on eBay? Sort out your asking cost and conclude whether to sell it or put it in your eBay store. At that point choose if you need a base offer and how long you need the sale to last. You will need to set up a PayPal record to use for exchanges. The eBay site gives all the data you need to know to get ready for action with an eBay business. Chatbots are offering inventive better approaches to assist organizations with these capacities.This business is like the PC fix business, yet you will take on a wide range of electronic gear other than PCs. With more modest gadgets, you should be set up to have clients bring their maintenance tasks to you, as you would experience issues recuperating the expense of cruising all over getting broken hardware and bringing it back. You may likewise need to urge individuals to give you their old gadgets so you can utilize them for parts.13. Occasion PLANNINGHas development prospectsOne of the main things you need to do is visit each potential occasion area with which you intend to work. Work with the advertising supervisor to visit each site and realize what is accessible at every area. Start an information base that will permit you to sort scenes by shifting highlights, for example, the quantity of individuals each site holds, AV hardware accessible on location, on the off chance that you should orchestrate rental seats, and so forth At that point when you are starting to design an occasion with a customer, you can discover what the key boundaries are for the occasion and effectively pull up the three or four destinations that meet the fundamental measures. also, commitment parties, and so onOne approach to bring in cash in this field is by being a specialist witness yourself. On the off chance that you have aptitude that could be valuable in lawful cases, you can advertise yourself to lawyers to go about as a specialist witness. Another approach to be dynamic in the master observer field is to play such a relational arranger, coordinating lawyers with master observers for their cases- - either for the safeguard or for the indictment. Master observers for huge cash cases can be required to fly anyplace to affirm. There's no explanation your information base of witnesses can't be from all pieces of the country.To begin, you should go through the confirmation cycle with the goal that you can mark yourself a CFP (Certified Financial Planner). Your authentication shows that you have ability and validity, and this separation will assist individuals with picking you as their monetary organizer.16. Insect MARKETHas development prospectsIndividuals love to go through ends of the week scavenging through tables loaded with others' undesirable things, searching for treasures. Try to change your design and put new stuff out available to be purchased frequently. You need individuals to return on numerous occasions to perceive what's happening. You don't must have that much new stuff to make things look new. Simply moving a thing from a table to the highest point of a shelf may get it seen, despite the fact that the thing has been in your stock since you initially began having deals.Tell the neighborhood public courses about your training business. Develop associations with the staff and urge them to suggest you as a mentor. Somewhere else to search for clients is in the corporate world. Hitting the fairway is a game that money managers use to create connections outside the workplace. You do should be a better than normal golf player to build up a standing as a golf trainer. You likewise should be a decent educator, realize that how generally will be inspirational and work with a wide range of kinds of individuals.All property holders are consistently watching out for approaches to save money on their service bills. You can go to their guide by giving them a review of their home and giving them a breakdown of how they could achieve genuine reserve funds in warming, cooling and electrical use. You can go above and beyond and do the execution and establishment of a portion of your ideas in their home yourself. Do a total apparatus review, with proficiency evaluations and counts dependent on the age of the machine. Furthermore, remember the water radiator!To be fruitful, you will need to build up contacts with realtors who can prescribe your administrations to clients. The home examination field is one where you should do consistent refreshing of your schooling and information. New items are continually coming out available - in the event that you just think about decks made of wood, you won't realize how to investigate and survey the new materials available, for example, composites that are made to look like genuine wood. Likewise keep informed about all security updates of materials and issues with things like off-gassing, carbon monoxide creation, and other compound safeguards.You can pick either to accomplish the getting sorted out work or counsel on the things that the property holder could never really coordinate themselves. Have a portfolio.17. GOLF COACHExperience, training or licensing may be neededLet the local public courses know about your coaching business. Cultivate relationships with the staff and encourage them to recommend you as a coach. Another place to look for customers is in the corporate world. Golfing is a game that business people use to develop relationships outside the office. You do need to be a better than average golfer to develop a reputation as a golf coach. You also need to be a good teacher, know how to be motivational and be willing to work with many different types of people.18. HOME ENERGY AUDITORExperience, training or licensing may be neededAll homeowners are always on the lookout for ways to save on their utility bills. You can come to their aid by providing them with an audit of their house and giving them a breakdown of how they could accomplish real savings in heating, cooling and electrical use. You can go one step further and do the implementation and installation of some of your suggestions in their home yourself. Do a complete appliance audit, with efficiency ratings and calculations based on the age of the appliance. And don't forget the water heater!19. HOME INSPECTIONExperience, training or licensing may be neededIn order to be successful, you will want to establish contacts with real estate agents who can recommend your services to customers. The home inspection field is one where you will need to do constant updating of your education and knowledge. New products are constantly coming out on the market--if you only know about decks made of wood, you will not know how to inspect and assess the new materials on the market, such as composites that are made to look like real wood. Also keep apprised of all safety updates of materials and issues with things like off-gassing, carbon monoxide production, and other chemical precautions.20. HOUSEHOLD ORGANIZERHas expansion possibilitiesYou can choose either to do the organizing work or consult on the things that the homeowner could do to better organize themselves. Have a portfolio of different organizational scenarios in different rooms in the home and talk with the homeowner about the style he or she likes. Create checklists and questionnaires to understand how the family uses the home. Are the kids wildly busy with after-school activities? Or are they usually home after school and want access to their toys? Do they share rooms? All of these things will help you tailor an organizing plan and become a family's hero.21. IMPORT/EXPORT SPECIALISTExperience, training or licensing may be neededIf you don't already have work experience with importing and/or exporting, you will have a longer learning curve. You can start by learning the basics and hosting educational sessions to teach others what they need to know to get started in import/export. That alone would probably gain you your first couple of clients. If you keep going with educational seminars and expand your reach to outside your immediate region, you could probably develop a sufficient and ongoing customer base very quickly, but be careful not to outpace your learning curve!22. INTERIOR DECORATORExperience, training or licensing may be neededMarket your talents to building contractors. People purchasing new homes can often be overwhelmed with the choices and possibilities in home decorating. Design some questionnaires for each major element and each major room in the house. Find out how the homeowner will use the home--are there children? Pets? Does the woman of the house wear high heels? Do the home's residents neglect to remove shoes? How will each room be used? Where might task lighting and ambient lighting be most appropriate?23. JEWELRY MAKINGExperience, training or licensing may be neededThere are many different ways of getting into the jewelry business and many different types of materials with which you can work. Working in metal will probably require the most in the way of specific tools. You need to be able to heat the metal to manipulate it, and you need metalworking tools to cut and engrave it. But there are many other materials that you can work with to make jewelry--glass, plastic, beads, feathers, even wood, to name just a few.24. MARKETING COPYWRITERExperience, training or licensing may be neededIf you can write copy that gets people excited about purchasing what your client has to sell, you can make good money in this business. Unless you are highly experienced from working in the copywriting field, take a course. There are online courses or classes at community colleges and universities that can give you a leg up in getting savvy at writing copy for brochures, catalogs, advertising and, of course, marketing copy for the web.25. NOTARY PUBLIC/JUSTICE OF THE PEACEExperience, training or licensing may be neededIn most states in the U.S., a notary public is a state officer who is authorized to witness and attest to the legalities of certain documents by signature and stamping a seal. Most states require that you pass an exam and a background check. It costs very little to become a notary and your income from notary work is negligible. A justice of the peace typically performs wedding ceremonies. States have varying rules and procedures for becoming a JP and performing services. Becoming a JP and/or notary public does not cost much money. And it is not a big moneymaking venture! Many states set the fees you can charge for JP services. JPs can add additional fees, and often do, including travel and hourly rates for additional meetings such as rehearsals, other prep time and any special requests.26. PERSONAL CONCIERGEThis business is for someone who is supremely efficient and has the ability to make things happen. People who hire you will expect things when they want them and you need to be able to come through with not only what they want, but with a personal touch and a smile on your face. The most likely clients for a personal concierge service are top executives who find themselves at the office by 7 a.m. and are there most nights until 9 p.m., leaving them very little time to do all those things that often need to be done during those very hours.Advertise your services in places where everyone goes, like restaurants and grocery stores. Having a website is a good idea--people want some privacy in their decision-making when it comes to getting fit. They can go to your website and determine if your approach to personal training is an approach that would work for them. It is important to emphasize the safety aspect of using a personal trainer. You can help clients get fit and avoid injury.27. PERSONAL TRAINERExperience, training or licensing may be neededAdvertise your services in places where everyone goes, like restaurants and grocery stores. Having a website is a good idea--people want some privacy in their decision-making when it comes to getting fit. They can go to your website and determine if your approach to personal training is an approach that would work for them. It is important to emphasize the safety aspect of using a personal trainer. You can help clients get fit and avoid injury.28. PROPERTY MANAGEMENTExperience, training or licensing may be neededYour job, in the case of rental units, will be to make sure the property is running smoothly. For seasonal properties, you will most likely spend your management time making sure the property is ready for seasonal visits and well-maintained when no one is around. If the owners go away for six weeks in the winter, the property manager makes regular checks on the property. You will be the contact number if the security system operator needs to contact someone about a breach in security.29. SMALL ENGINE REPAIRExperience, training or licensing may be neededMost community colleges offer some level of engine-repair courses. Another way to learn would be to take a part-time position at a repair shop or a rental facility where you could learn on the job, although you will want to be open about your plans. You should be prepared to work on push-behind lawn mowers, riding lawn mowers, generators, garden tools such as rototillers and edgers, chainsaws, wood chippers and snowblowers. You need to decide whether you'll want to take on bigger jobs, such as tractors, snowmobiles and ATVs; space may be your decision-maker.30. SOLAR ENERGY CONSULTANTExperience, training or licensing may be neededHas expansion possibilitiesAs a solar consultant, you can basically conduct a home inspection and give clients a report on their solar options for their particular home and site. This can range from full-fledged general solar installations that generate electricity to simple solar walkway lighting. You might want to start by working in a solar products company to become knowledgeable in the solar energy field. However, to be a consultant, it is often best not to be affiliated with any one company or product and be able to recommend products and options across the field of solar energy.31. TAX PREPARERExperience, training or licensing may be neededMost tax preparation franchises offer courses, seminars, and training to get you ready to work for them. You will learn a lot about tax preparation while working for them before going out on your own. There is a lot of educational support out there to learn tax preparation and all its complexities. And there are lots of individuals and businesses willing to spend a few hundred dollars a year to have someone else prepare their taxes and keep watch for tax breaks or tax burdens on their behalf.32. MUSIC LESSONSExperience, training or licensing may be neededTurn down the volume and listen up: your music skills can earn you between $50—$75 an hour. There are a few ways to approach running your own music biz: you can be mobile and teach in your clients’ homes, or you can run it out of your own space (a separate building or designated area of your home.) To get started, try to connect with local music schools for part-time gigs, which will allow you to see if you really like it, and also help you build a reputation with clients.33. UPHOLSTERINGIf you have a knack for sewing, upholstery repair might be a perfect business for you. One of the best ways to learn how to upholster is to get some discarded upholstered furniture and start tearing it apart. Many books and some videos are available to help you learn this trade. Often furniture ready for upholstering will also need repairs. Have a list available of furniture repair people you can recommend to your customers. Or you can take the piece in, have repair people you work with do this work for you, and add it to the overall cost. You can also learn to do this work, especially minor repairs, yourself.34. USED BOOK SALESAlmost everyone has a few boxes of books stashed away in the house somewhere. Why not make a business out of them? In order to gain customers--especially repeat customers--you will need to have some regular shop hours. Make your shop known for something-a specific category (or two) of books, having some first editions for sale, all paperbacks a dollar and all hardcovers two bucks, and/or a swap program. Maps, illustrations, postcards, greeting cards and magazines are good sidelines to include in your shop.35. WEDDING PLANNERYou will need to be up-to-date on wedding trends and fads, dress styles, color trends--almost everything under the sun! Offer your customers an ala carte menu of services, from helping pick flowers, the wedding gown and bridesmaid dresses to picking the venue and hiring the caterer. Before you open your business, shop at all the wedding shops, and even pretend you are a bride-to-be to see what kinds of services the wedding gown shop provides and how they treat potential customers. You need to know every detail of the business to give the accurate impression that you are the go-to person for anyone planning a wedding.36. APPLIANCE REPAIRExperience, training or licensing may be neededEvery household has a number of appliances, large and small. You can work on your own or on contract with appliance stores to cover their warranty service calls--or, best of all, you can do some of each. Plan to start slow and build your customer base on recommendations and referrals based on work well done. Consider developing relationships with contractors to be the go-to person to install appliances in newly constructed houses.37. COMPUTER TRAININGExperience, training or licensing may be neededHas expansion possibilitiesIf you are proficient in both Macintosh and PC, you should offer training in both types of computers. You could probably make a living helping seniors learn how to use the internet and e-mail to keep in touch with their loved ones, who are now commonly spread around the country. Err on the side of caution in this business. People do not want to know all the details about what makes a computer work. If you overload them with information from the beginning by explaining bits, bytes, and megapixels, they will stick to their paper and pencil forever.38. DESKTOP PUBLISHERExperience, training or licensing may be neededYou can use desktop publishing software to create newsletters, magazines, books or even marketing materials. You can create the content for your desktop publications, or you can pay a writer to create the content for you. Alternatively, you can advertise your desktop publishing services to design and create newsletters and books for others with their content.39. FENCE INSTALLATIONSFences are everywhere. And they don't last forever, so they need to be repaired and replaced with a certain amount of frequency. The most common fence material is wood. However, vinyl has become a popular fence choice due to its longevity and relative freedom from maintenance. Wrought iron is another common fencing, especially in urban environments. You can have fun shopping for vintage wrought iron fencing at salvage yards.40. FREELANCE GRAPHIC DESIGNERExperience, training or licensing may be neededDespite the proliferation of the internet, print media is here to stay for the foreseeable future! Fliers, newsletters, magazines, information sheets, letters and advertisements are just a few of the types of print media that business hire freelancers to create for them. Websites and online advertising need graphic design services as well. Even if your expertise is only in design, offer the works for potential clients, including the editorial creation and the printing and even mailing of the final piece. You can line up regular freelancers for those parts of the job you can't do.41. GIFT BASKET SERVICEHas expansion possibilitiesFinding a niche is the best way to start out in the gift basket business. Are you a dog lover, horse lover, or exercise guru who could put together baskets that hold the things that people with this interest would like? Do you already create a product that a gift basket could be built around? Have you made your own soaps for the past 10 years? A gift basket that included one or two of your soaps, hand lotion, a scrub brush and manicure kit could be a lovely basket to receive.42. GRAFFITI REMOVALCreate an arsenal of cleaning products that can clean almost every kind of product (paint, chalk, markers) from every kind of surface (cement, wood, pavement). The best way to conduct a graffiti service is to offer a subscription-like arrangement. Once a month or whatever interval makes sense for your clients, go around to their property and clean off the graffiti. Charge them a monthly or quarterly fee and make it simple for everyone--they don't have to think about graffiti, and you just do your job.43. HAIRSTYLISTExperience, training or licensing may be neededHairstyling is a popular business that can be quite lucrative. Generally a home based hairstylist business is likely to be started by someone who has already has a cosmetology career and wants a change. If you already have your cosmetology training and license, and loads of experience under your belt working in a hairstyling salon, you probably have a following that will follow you right home without any hesitation.44. HERBAL FARM STANDYou need to decide whether you will sell your herbs as live plants, picked or cut in bunches and packed, or dried. If you plan to market to cooks instead of gardeners, you will want to sell your herbs either fresh cut and packed in sealed bags, or dried and sold in baggies. You can also consider a "pick-your-own" arrangement; however, be aware that herbs are more delicate than most P.Y.O. products. You may save your garden a lot of strife and your plants a lot of wear and tear if you do the picking.45. LANDSCAPERExperience, training or licensing may be neededIf you have a knack for this type of work, a degree won't be necessary. Most people want their yards tidied up in the spring, their lawns mowed in the summer, their leaves removed in the fall, and their shrubs and driveways ready for winter snow. You will also want to offer garden work such as spring planting of annuals and perennials; vegetable garden preparation, planting and fall cleanup; pest control and watering. You can offer tree care service. There is plenty to do in the yard that has nothing to do with plants: stone wall restoration, fencing, irrigation system installation.46. MASSAGE THERAPISTExperience, training or licensing may be neededYou will want to become certified in massage therapy to be able to effectively market your services. Courses that lead to certification include not only information on human anatomy and physiology and the effects that massage has on both, but also on how to make a business out of the field of massage. You could do either a certification program or an associate's degree and stay within the $5,000 scope of this book.47. MOVING SERVICELots of people who are moving want to hire someone to do the heavy lifting for them. You can leave the large-scale, long-distance moving to the big moving companies. Your work can be the local, moving-across-town or to the town-next-door jobs. These are the ones that people start off thinking perhaps they could do themselves, and it will be your job to convince them otherwise. Your signs around town will tempt them to let you take care of that part of the move, while they are busy taking care of those other 500 items on their list.48. FRANCHISE OWNERThe benefits of owning a franchise are many: you have a proven business model, a built-in brand and corporate support. And the good news, not every franchise will cost you millions of dollars to start. There are many you can start for less than $10,000, in fact, including: Dream Vacations, Cruise Planners and Jazzercise Inc.49. PHOTOGRAPHERExperience, training or licensing may be neededMaking money as a photographer can be done in a number of different ways. You can specialize in one area, the most common being weddings. There are niches you can explore for photography: portraits of people and their pets, families, and homes; photographs of holiday events, birthday parties or Christmas cards; the possibilities are endless.50. RUG CLEANINGYou will need to learn how to work with all kinds of carpet fabrics, from synthetic to wool carpets. Decide whether you will take on valuable antique carpets and family heirlooms; if so, you will want to get specialized training in how to handle these carpets and the specialized ways of cleaning them. Learn how to get tough stains and odors out of carpets--such as dog and cat odors--and your services will be in great demand.51. WEBSITE DEVELOPERExperience, training or licensing may be neededMany courses exist (many of which, logically, are offered online) where you can learn the language of website creation and can learn about the details, like how to set up shopping cart systems, security concerns, etc. You will, of course, need to learn about each company you design for. What is the atmosphere of the company that you need to reflect in the website design--is it wild and contemporary, meaning brilliant colors and fun graphics? Or will more classic colors like black, navy blue and maroon be more appropriate?52. BED AND BREAKFASTDo you have a room that has its own bathroom and is private from the rest of the living space? Are you near attractions such as a tourist area, sports stadium or venue for a large annual event? Or is your home in the country with spring peepers, summer crickets and crisp fall nights that could give a city-dweller a weekend of peaceful living? Say you can rent the room for $150 a night for Friday and Saturday nights 48 weeks a year--that's $14,400 in revenue! Utilize what you have and create a unique experience.53. CHRISTMAS TREE SALESIf you want to start a Christmas tree farm, you need to plan ahead. It takes approximately seven years for a Balsam fir--perhaps the most traditional Christmas tree--to grow from a small sapling to a 5- to 6-foot tree. Selling your trees yourself is the best option. Consumers come to the property, pick the one they want, and you harvest it for them. The other option is to buy your trees from a wholesaler and sell them either in your yard or in a vacant lot that you rent from Thanksgiving to Christmas.54. DAY CAREExperience, training or licensing may be neededPerhaps you love children. Perhaps you have children of your own and the idea of taking care of a few more for part of the day appeals to you. Childcare needs continue to soar in the United States. Many people prefer the option of their child being cared for in a home environment while they are at work, as opposed to a more institutional-like setting. These things mean that a home-based childcare business can get off and running immediately.55. PET SITTINGExperience, training or licensing may be neededStarting a pet sitting service requires almost nothing in start-up costs. You do need some general credentials that will cost little or nothing to acquire. Your list of credentials should probably include personal pet ownership--if not currently, at least in the past--as well as other pet-related experience, including working at a pet food store, an animal hospital or other animal-related business. You will need to spend a little to become "bonded." This is known as "honesty insurance," and ensures your clients that you won't get their house keys and make off with their valuables (or that they'll get their money back if you do).If you like my answer ,Upvote and share.Thank you.

Feedbacks from Our Clients

This company has been taking £20 from my credit card every year for the last 5 years. I just realised recently. Impossible for me to cancel the recurring amount through the account. No one gets back on emails or chat. Had to report my card as stolen - so that they no longer had my credit card details. Do not buy from this company under any circumstances.

Justin Miller