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What is the difference between direct selling and network marketing?

I have heard most people use these terms interchangeably however, we need to know that network marketing is a part of the direct selling concept. In this system, products or services are offered on a one-on-one basis and sold directly by the salesperson to the consumer. The approach of network marketing and direct selling is different.Network marketing is your thing if you wish to build a long-term residual income. The sales process usually begins with the "warm" market, i.e. their friends, family, or relatives. These companies offer retail commissions. A major portion of the payout consists of the available commissions is directed toward bonuses paid to various upline management people in the sponsor tree. Therefore the more elaborate the downline, the better-earning one guarantees. While on the other hand, direct sellers need to form downline, the payout is solely based on product sales.Having seen people in this industry for over 1 decade now, I have noticed that it is easier to attract people to a network marketing opportunity for a number of reasons. Residual income is one; here are some others:Cost: Apart from the cost of sample products and distributor kit, there is usually no investment. Customer orders can be drop-shipped by the company, with the designated bonuses going to the person that made the sale. Consequently, this doesn't require a major inventory.Part-time Opportunity: People with housework or jobs can also be involved as the concept embraces the part-time salesperson along with the full-time career builder.Potential for exponential growth: Distributors can leverage their energy and efforts through a small number of people they train who manage to in turn train and manage their own people and so on. In this way, sales create bonuses for the sponsor and upline.One of the most important things to take into consideration be it network marketing or direct selling is having a network marketing tool. A network marketing tool like Loopin proves to be of great help to people who are stepping into this industry.

Talent Acquisitions: Should a potential hire be asked to do work for free (as a sample)? Why or why not?

Ah, I have to jump into this conversation about my comment on my white board. :)First, I agree essentially with all these comments, but what I was writing could only fit on a small white board, and not tons of space like I could answer in this Quora answer. So I will elaborate on my small whiteboard comment!I personally have benefited ENORMOUSLY by working for free. Examples include submitting a "spec" of my work to a potential employer or to just create samples for my business. This goes to Eva's comment that if you don't have enough experience. Let me walk through a couple of examples:EXAMPLE 1: Years ago I wanted to work in the corporate entertainment industry. A company called Live Marketing in Chicago, very well known in the industry brought in a dozen prospective writers. They gave us all a chance to submit a spec script. I worked really hard on my spec, got no money for it, nor do I think it got produced, but ultimately I got hired by the company and wrote many scripts for the company and they paid me well. They do this once a year. They bring in about a dozen potential writers, ask for a spec, and HALF of them don't do it. THAT'S why you ask for free work. You need to see who really WANTS the job and can DO the job.EXAMPLE 2: I was trying to prove my worth in creating content at live events, so I started producing videos and articles for free at trade shows and conferences. I gave this content away for free as well. This is a service that I today charge trade show and conference producers or event sponsors. It's become a core part of my business at Had I not started producing content for free to create samples, they would never have seen my work nor seen the value of it.I STILL WORK FOR FREE: To this day I still do TONS of work for free. Much of that is in the form of guest blogging on well known blogs (e.g., Mashable) which provides valuable content for them which translates into advertising revenue and brand building, plus it builds my brand and exposes me to an audience who has never seen my work or even knows about me.My business has grown tremendously with this attitude and in fact next month I'm asking a prospective reporter to join me for a day of free work because I plan on hiring him a ton in 2012. But I need to see if he can do the job and that's why I'm asking him to work one day for free for me.You see, I couldn't fit that all on a white board.

How did carbon end up being the basis of life on earth?

Under review. This answer was written some time ago and is out of date. Sorry if you got this in a digest, Quora doesn't check before sending them.I must apologise for a long answer here, but sometimes big questions need long answers. So I will start by explaining that life is not just carbon, it involves mainly hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen chemistry. These are all contained within the lightest eight elements of the periodic table. Water is made from light elements. The answer to the question posed is that carbon readily makes long chains and it is abundant throughout the universe.The reason these lighter elements are abundant is that they are formed within stars by the basic processes of nuclear fusion. Bigger and older stars produce produce heavier and heavier elements. From hydrogen up to iron and nickel, thermonuclear fusion reactions produce these elements and release energy. The carbon was not created in some big bang, it comes from the "carbon flash" as that reaction ignites in a "burning" star. For all the googlers out there the search term would be something like: Stellar nucleosynthesis as the wiki shows:​Incidentally, in order to produce elements heavier than iron and nickel, the star has to borrow energy from its existing structure and undergo an explosion. Basically a massive star consumes enough of its lighter fuels, and then suddenly and catastrophically collapses under its own gravity, releasing large amounts of energy. This mass rushes into the core and then literally bounces out again and throws matter out into space, like cosmic fertiliser, along with a lot of radiation energy. In the process elements heavier than iron are given a chance to be created by the fusion reaction, and then a lot of them also then decay back into more stable atoms. Another source of neutrons is from interactions involving compact objects such as neutron stars and even near black holes, that can create the heavier elements. The relative amounts are known as the "cosmic abundances" of the elements. This means that life in the universe is very likely to have access to the full range of heavier elements according to the cosmic abundances, although it depends very much on the way that planets form and their history, and whether they are icy, gaseous or rocky.The Wikipedia chart below is more regular that the weight based chart, because it is expressed in atomic number rather thn atomic weight. (See the comments below discussing why Li Be and B might be so low.)File:SolarSystemAbundances.pngNow a newly formed planet is a bit of a sad affair, if it is rocky then there is a good chance that all the heavy elements have migrated to the core, and the radiation they produce keeps the planet hot for a long time, which tends to boil off the volatile substances, assisted by the solar wind which effectively blows them away. It would appear that the earth had a collision which produced the moon and increased the iron core to give us extra protection from harmful radiation, not to mention a thinner crust which permits plate tectonics and evolutionary possibilities deriving from that. No other planet we know has plate tectonics. Also no other planet has granite, which certainly suggests it has a biological origin, well at least as a consequence.And it also appears certain that a good deal of water, and minerals such as gold etc. were deposited on the surface of our planet from impacts, along with a rich brew of organics. These can be surprisingly complex, there is an entire organic chemistry going on between the stars, and it pays to remember that the rules can be quite different under such different conditions. Most significantly, it is likely that the phosphorus which higher life forms are so dependent on, was also delivered from space onto the surface of our planet. Was this phosphorus already part of some life form? Controversial.The large bodies in the asteroid belt like Ceres are probably not Asteroids as such, but are captured outer planets, and these are the kinds of bodies that delivered water to the early earth. The early earth built up stockpiles of ammoniated clays, as a precursor to life, these have been dated back to 3.8Gyr. New results from the Dawn mission over Ceres indicate that the surface of Ceres holds ammoniated clays, as do various moons of the outer solar system, and there is a school of thought that holds clay materials are implicated in early life on earth.The oceans once contained a lot of dissolved iron too, but with the advent of oxygen producing bacteria, it was deposited as oxides. Life has a tendency to clean up the oceans of heavy metals by precipitating them as mineral flocs, and so the radioactivity in the oceans can be kept down to safe levels. Unfortunately the activities of man are attempting to reverse this hard work.Silicon is not the next best candidate for life, and it doesn't form long chains easily at all. In fact the silica chains in rocks are alternating silicon and oxygen. This idea probably derived from scifi movies and the confusion with silicon chip technology. Also don't forget that the natural atmosphere for planets is a reducing atmosphere, not an oxidising one. In fact your next best candidate is Sulphur. It is in the same column of the periodic table as oxygen.There is an animation here Crofts Lab Home pagedescribing a complex molecule that consists of alternating Fe-S bonds (Iron - Sulphur). There are two images so you can look at it cross-eyed to get a stereoscopic image. These kinds of discoveries are characteristic of thermophilic bacteria and similar life forms.There is a passage in the bible that talks of the seas becoming sulphur. In the early days of atomic testing on the ocean, somebody pointed out that there was a possibility of nuclear chain reaction that fused two oxygen atoms together, producing sulphur. They no longer conduct such explosions underwater, just to ensure that we don't fulfill a biblical prophecy.You don't have to presume that life started only on earth. There are really only two possibilities, either life exists only on earth, or it is ubiquitous throughout the universe.The other essential ingredient is water, and water is literally everywhere. If life does start everywhere then it might easily have multiple starting points. It could in fact have begun with carbon and sulphur, and later switched to oxygen. Sulphur is able to interact with proteins, which is the basis of hair conditioner incidentally. The deep sea vents (white smokers and black smokers) are very interesting from the point of view of the origins of life, you have great conditions. Sea water is sucked down to mix with reactive basaltic rock which gives you a great source of energy, because the basaltic rocks deep beneath our feet are in fact very reactive and richer in minerals, unlike the boring lightweight granites that float on top and are essentially a biological waste product anyway. (That is another whole story, how life terra-forms planetary geology). Then it flows up through myriad channels bringing chemicals with it. Its like a vast flow reactor as heated water percolates through myriad channels, right down to the microscopic. You don't have to find breakfast, the system will bring it to you from below.Again we have a natural system that develops an order, minerals will naturally stratify in a system of upwelling minerals dissolved in solution.When scientists investigated life around the vents they found a system not based on carbon and oxygen, it is based on carbon and sulphur. Of course life could have adapted to the vents but the research continues.Also bear in mind that a reaction doubles in speed for every ten degrees rise in temperature, so here we have water heated to hundreds of degrees, and bacteria that rain from the vents like snow.Most of the earth's bio-matter is below ground in the form of bacteria. Here is a nice video of life forms living in deep caves, and of rock eating bacteria.There seems to me to be a certain disconnect between bacteria and "higher" life forms, and there is ample evidence that bacteria have "sponsored" development of the higher forms of cellular life in many regards. There is also a rich variety of viral life in association with the bacteria, and probably intermediate nanoscopic forms of life. Nanobes are a highly controversial topic, there is some evidence of nanobes surviving meteoritic impacts. You often see Hollywood movies depicting fiery meteoritic impact bodies, but recall that in space it is extremely cold. It is not uncommon for a larger meteorite to develop a layer of frost after the exterior cools down.Aside : Food for thought. You could be forgiven for thinking that if life forms do arrive from space and incubate on earth, it is almost as if they anticipate planets like earth. If microbes do terraform environments on the cosmic scale, is there a form of cosmic-super-darwinism going on here? Is the existence of planets like earth connected to the fact that microbes will very likely intercept them? Even if it isn't true, its a nice idea. :) The study of biological precursors in space and the potential for life, is known as exo-biology.You will often hear this story about long atom chains with carbon, but that is not a proper answer until you explain WHY a long molecule is so important. The answer has to do with entropy. An organic chemical is one that contains carbon, so when we say organic in chemistry we don't mean that it comes from free range chickens. The first useful fact to appreciate is that when you mix organic chemicals in a bucket of water they are surprisingly un-reactive. Its not like mixing soluble salts in water. The basic reason is called "stereo-chemistry". This means that the relative angles that two molecules take to each other. With carbon based chemistry it basically means that you need to align things at the right angle, just-so. (its the angles made by joining little four pronged pyramids). And this is the secret to life being able to do a kind of computing. This basic stereo chemistry idea allows a kind of lock-and-key system to develop. The key must be hard to fit into the lock, so the doorway is protected, but at the same time once you align things correctly, it should open easily. This is the kind of system that is ideally suited to preserving information in a material system.The problem is that freely floating molecules are able to adopt all different orientations and the chances of getting the correct reaction in your bucket is very low. What we need to do is to keep two reactions centers still somehow. One way is to form sheets of bubble-shaped structures so at least one surface stays put quite well. Proto-cells will form spontaneously from detergent-like molecules and so if we pack things inside the bubble, and/or pack the bubbles into some cavity, or larger bubble, then we have a better chance of holding things more still.(Another side note about surfaces, the surfaces of substances and interfaces between phases are very interesting from the point of view of quantum chemistry, and the kinds of phemomena in two dimensions can be manifestly different from the three dimensional case. I suspect that there is room for self organising and/or cooperative phenomena, which always makes me sit up and take notice, especially when thinking about how life might have evolved. Electrical effects at interfaces are also more pronounced, for example if there are charged particles (ions) then it is more likely that the larger ions will occupy surface locations than smaller ions.)Silicate minerals can come into play in this regard because they can have cavities, but even better, they can be naturally layered right down to the nano-scopic level, and can contain water in between sheets of mineral as well. Protected little homes, shielded from radiation, supplied with water, what more could an organic chemical wish for. Maybe as comets approach the sun, precisely these conditions occur naturally as well. Minerals can also form nano-scopic irregular structures with fractal-like surfaces, like miniature christmas trees. Room for more speculation. Another issue that cries out for an explanation is chirality, why the molecules of life have a particular "handed-ness", whereas left alone an organic soup has an equal mixture of left and right forms. Something to explain elsewhere.But there is also one very interesting and important fact that I have left to last here. As you throw your chemicals into a watery bucket, and you use longer and longer carbon based molecules, suddenly and like magic, you reach a point where some chemical reactions occur much much faster. It is as if being longer gives you an advantage The reason is that a longer molecule is like a snake thrashing about. But because of the pyramid shape of carbon bonds, it only thrashes with combinations of those kinds of twisted angles. At some stage the molecule will become long enough to be able to bend around and make contact with itself! And it will do this at precise angles, and much more frequently than it could make contact with neighbouring molecules in this way. Being longer lets you touch your own toes. (PS. Docking with your neighbour is also more likely if your neighbour is partially or temporarily immobilised, and of course fully consenting.) In essence you will start to segregate molecules into classes by natural processes, like exclusive clubs which recognise and react with club members in preference to non-members.There are other effects that come in to play that are also related to the spontaneous segregation of chemical species. It is a feature of organic carbon chemistry that different "functional groups" are readily attached to different parts of a long chain and so we can get molecules with "detergency". where one end dissolves in water whilst the other end dissolves in fat. These molecules have extraordinary characteristics. They can naturally form mono-molecular films on surfaces, and can spontaneously self-assemble into spheres in order to minimise surface energy. When the compartments so formed have an electrical charge on the inside surface, any molecules that enter the compartment and become charged will gain the opposite charge, and become trapped in the compartment. In particular naturally acid molecules will become trapped in alkaline compartments and naturally alkaline molecules become trapped in acidic compartments. See PH partition and Ion trapping.You have to remember with all this, at smaller dimensions, that electric forces dominate other forces. As you get smaller, the electrical effects at the surface of a solid or liquid could easily pin you to that surface, much as a comb picks up pieces of tissue paper via static electricity.) You can still see this kind of effect with food and drugs, alkaline substances are absorbed from the acidic stomach, and acidic substances are absorbed from the more alkaline intestines. Alkaline drugs are secreted into the stomach (for example morphine) , and acidic drugs are excreted in urine which is alkaline. These concentrated substances will partition passively, without any external energy source needed. Eventually cells developed active machinery to pump ions in the opposite direction, using enzymes and energy. Pumping electrically charged ions is the basis of electrical action.So there you have it, the entropy constraint on longer molecules, this is the secret to the lock and key chemistry of carbon, longer molecules become self aware. The word "steric" is key to biochemistry. It means geometrical arrangement in space. Furthermore, a vital bridge is created between chemical energy and motion. Thermal motion is essentially random wiggling, but once you can engineer structures where the wiggling motions are constrained, you can start to couple tiny motions into engineering systems. The random motions of atoms can be channeled up into coordinated mass movements.The coupling of chemistry to physical movement is a subtle and wonderful thing, and is deeply implicated in living systems, beginning with the molecule that touched its toes, right up to large scale mass movement of muscle tissue. So not only mass movements, but actual forces can be generated, so we arrive at a true nano-engineering environment. Using programmed instruction, living systems can ship materials to a site, construct an apparatus to perform some function, and then disassemble the apparatus and even re-use some of the components elsewhere. As scale increases the organic world of proteins scales up to secondary structure and tertiary. The conformation of simple chains evolves into elaborate conformational properties in three dimensions, and eventually a reorganisation of the coding schemes concentrates information in increasingly abstract and more efficient forms of organisation, as the cell develops a concept of the nucleus.As an illustration of nano-engineering capability, here we see Kinesin molecules literally walk up and down tubulin trackways consuming ATP energy in distinct quanta. (Actin does a similar trick as kinesin and dynein).There is some debate as to whether it is stochastic or stochiometric. Here the stochastic model gives you a feel for the sampling space.I trust you picked up in the fact that these are effectively time-lapse movies on the scale of human processing, and these events are occurring from tens to hundreds of times per second. Those micro-tubule trackways are nano-tubes and we are just beginning to appreciate the properties of nano-tubes in the lab. The trackways are not just used in in ways shown in the video below, they have multiple structural uses, like scaffolding. The walkers are used in other functions, and there are more complex things happening, such as cargo the walkers carry, and chaperones that go with the walkers and direct them to various places and functions.The trackways are also tubulins and have many structural uses as well as electrical properties. If you take two of these walkers and join them head to head, and each one has its own trackway, and then get one of them to walk at a different rate than the other, you can get the trackways to bend under the forces generated. This is how your body moves mucous around. Or you can work the system backwards, bending cilia can send signals back to make sensory organs.I feel compelled to include a reference here to molecular nano engineering talk here that is, for want of a better word, compelling.Having seen that, don't you wish that there was a project called "Google Body" or some such? If you look closely at the micro-tubules you find they are growing at one end and dissociating at the other. In this way they can be moved along. This chemical effect can also be used to push or pull with the tubules by adding or subtracting from their length dynamically. The proteins embedded in them modify their function.Here is a reference to a connection between physical tension and cell regulation Cell membrane homeostasis, tension regulation, area regulation, mechanosensitive membrane traffic and osmotic pressureAddendumSince writing this I have learned a little more about possible routes for life on earth to develop, and I will probably rework this soon to give a better picture of the process by which the carbon chains operate. It does seem that there are in fact two separate sources of energy to consider. One route is the fixation of carbon from carbon dioxide into sugars, by natural photosynthesis. The other route is the fixation of nitrogen from a separate photosynthetic route. Both of these systems build up the chemical potential in the oceans. Remembering that the earth is sterile, and the shelf life of fairly complex molecules can be very long. If the atmosphere is oily, then there will be a scum or oily layer on the oceans. This will be constantly irradiated by sunlight to recirculate compounds, but any water solubility within an organic molecule constitutes detergency, so we may have a constant shower of molecules with detergency raining from the surface into the body of the oceans, entrapping components as they form.The polymeric families that result from carbon and nitrogen fixation, are sugars and carbohydrates in one complex churn, and amino acids and proteins in another churn.Perhaps it is no coincidence that life appears to have developed from an intersection between these two major families. RNA is a Ribose (Sugar family) combined with a nucleic acid (Nitrogen family) after all. Polymeric substances that form from the intersection between two churning energy cycles would remove themselves from the churn due to stability of the union. Sulphur must be implicated in the union, that eventually gave way to phosphorus.To survive being over-polymerised and bouyed to the surface, to be exposed to radiation and broken down again, a molecule will need to be stabilised to fit into a physical niche for survival.These kinds of models have a certain Darwinian flavour, which makes them appealing. Clays, scums, hot water, panspermia, maybe all of the above?To be continued....

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