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Could somebody explain to me rationally why they support Donald Trump? I want to understand this.
Here you go, here’s why I’m excited about Trump:1. Trump is the Opposite of Racist, a Nationalist. Nationalism was conceived as a means of overcoming tribal racism, of uniting diverse peoples with a mutually supportive, overarching national identity. Does dividing us by races, ethnicities, and identities and prevent us from being united as Americans? E Pluribus Unum – from the many, one people.And yes, he has denounced white supremacists: Trump condemns 'racism, bigotry and white supremacy' in speech after mass shootings kill 31 and 'Racism Is Evil': Trump Denounces The KKK, Neo-Nazis And White Supremacists and Frank Macera's answer to Has Trump denounced white supremacy? and President Trump Releases The Platinum Plan for Black Americans: Opportunity, Security, Prosperity, and Fairness)The Chairman of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, is both black and Hispanic.Trump receiving the Ellis Island Award along with Rosa Parks:Lowest black and Hispanic unemployment in our history.Support for historically black colleges. “Provided long-term funding for historically black colleges and universities in his three years in office, and has helped redirect resources to opportunity zones, or low-income areas where new investments may be eligible for tax breaks.Criminal Justice Reform with the First Step Act has released 1,000’s of non-violent offenders.First Step Act, landmark criminal justice reform legislation enacted by an 87-12 vote in the Senate on December 18 and a 356-36 vote in the House on December 20. President Donald Trump signed the bill into law on December 21.”First Step Act Was This Past Year's Second Example Of Federalism At Its FinestEven Obama adviser Van Jones says Trump doesn't get credit for the good things he has done for the black community.Lowest black and Hispanic unemployment in our history.Support for historically black colleges. “Provided long-term funding for historically black colleges and universities in his three years in office, and has helped redirect resources to opportunity zones, or low-income areas where new investments may be eligible for tax breaks.Criminal Justice Reform with the First Step Act has released 1,000’s of non-violent offenders.First Step Act, landmark criminal justice reform legislation enacted by an 87-12 vote in the Senate on December 18 and a 356-36 vote in the House on December 20. President Donald Trump signed the bill into law on December 21.”First Step Act Was This Past Year's Second Example Of Federalism At Its FinestEven Obama adviser Van Jones says Trump doesn't get credit for the good things he has done for the black community.Van Jones says Trump 'doesn't get credit' for helping black people2. Covid-19:Jan. 31. Trump restricts travel by anyone who had been to China within 2 weeks to returning citizens and authorizes screening and quarantine as needed:“The entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of all aliens who were physically present within the People’s Republic of China, excluding the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation. I have also determined that the United States should take all necessary and appropriate measures to facilitate orderly medical screening and, where appropriate, quarantine of persons allowed to enter the United States who may have been exposed to this virus.”Feb. 1 Biden calls Trump a xenophobe and fear-monger and offers no plan of his own. Apparently, it would have been a lot worse if Biden were president. “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.” – Joe Biden @JoeBiden 4:01 PM · Feb 1, 2020·TweetDeck?Biden was a United States Senator with 47 years in politics and a national platform. What new anti-virus policies is he endorsing? Is criticizing Trump enough to end the virus?De Blasio’s actions in New York were responsible for the majority of the spread in the United States:Feb. 9 De Blasio urged the 500,000 person Chinese New Year celebration to go forward with tourists from all over the country and the world, especially Europe. This resulted in nearly half of all the early cases, and all those tourists going home and initiating the spread in a number of places around the country.New York Chinese New Year Feb. 20203. Apprenticeship training - Apprenticeship.gov4. School Choice. Why shouldn’t hard working poor kids be able to join others of like mind and get a good education? Public school isn’t always the best choice: Ted Kord's answer to Shouldn’t well-behaved students have a right to a peaceful and safe environment in which to learn? Restorative justice in my kids’ schools is making my kids miserable and inhibiting their learning.5. Block education grants allow local districts to spend money the way it makes sense in their district instead of the current “knowledge isn’t important” and “no discipline” philosophy coming out of Washington. Our spending has risen dramatically in the last decades, yet test scores haven’t gone up and teachers complain about their salaries. Shouldn’t we try another way?6. Lowest black and Hispanic unemployment in our history.7. Lower foreign student enrollment to make room for our own children.8. Tax code that stopped subsidizing the rich with $10,000 maximum local tax deduction. I paid more myself, but I think it’s fair. Individual tax receipts were higher in 2018 than 2017. Middle and lower incomes paid less, with childcare credit doubled to $2,000, standard deduction raised to $12,000, and tax brackets lowered, so where did the money come from to pay for these cuts? People with expensive houses paid for it.9. Big companies like Apple and Goldman no longer allowed to transfer income overseas to avoid taxes. This cost Goldman $5 billion in 2018.Goldman Sachs Is Taking a $5 Billion Hit From the Republican Tax Bill10. Equalized corporate taxes between the US and the developed world. Britain is 19%, China 20%, Sweden 21%, and now the US is 21%. How can we keep our jobs if we don’t at least avoid adding higher taxes to the incentives to leave? Apple announced building their first computer plant in America Jan. 1, 2018, the same day Trump allowed them to bring their billions home from China at 15% tax instead of 40%. They had been planning since 2013, and were just waiting for the tax to be lowered. Apple expands in Austin11. Fighting to prevent Chinese technology theft. Tariffs have already caused movement away from China to countries without state-sponsored technology theft. Blocking Huawei will spur more US component manufacture and send other business to Nokia and Ericsson who respect our laws.12. Net neutrality. Remember when charging based on data usage was going to censor the internet? Now everything is running better than ever, as promised.13. Ended Obamacare tax on poor who cannot afford health insurance even with subsidies.14. Drug pricing – Companies like GoodRx have shown us disclosing and comparing pricing caused drug prices to drop so much I’ve been able to drop my drug insurance. The pharmacy benefit manager middle men and drug stores had large markups, and now we’re reaping the benefits of competitive capitalism with lower prices. Epi pens were up to $600 under the previous administration, now the price is down to $110 at CVS and Target. Unlike single payer or insurance, you can get any drug cash pay with no hassles. Adrenaclick Prices, Coupons & Savings Tips - GoodRx15. Competitive, efficient hospital pricing. Actual hospital pricing will be disclosed starting Jan 1, 2020. This will rationalize and lower healthcare cost in the US. All the paid hours that go into our labyrinth of hidden pricing and negotiation, and multitudinous paperwork is expensive, and it prevents people from making informed decisions. Administration is about 1/4 of every healthcare dollar. All that paperwork and process costs a lot, there are separate contracts for every insurance company and fees are individually negotiated for each patient, all hidden and protected from competition. Straight forward healthcare pricing will save a bundle on administrative cost.My recent X-rays were billed at $1736. The insurance discount $1528, insurance payment $168, my payment $42. Obviously, I have to have insurance for the discount. But what if the X-rays were just billed at $210 cash pay? I wouldn’t need $1500/month insurance for ordinary care, I could have low cost catastrophic insurance, and pay cash for everything else. This would save a lot of administrative expense, and the more healthcare delivered per dollar, the more we’ll all have. The only way we can afford to provide healthcare for everyone is get that cost down. Total healthcare spending in 2018 was $3.65 trillion.Hospitals Sued to Keep Prices Secret. They Lost.Trump scores court win on hospital price transparencyU.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018 - A new analysis from U.S. federal government actuaries, the U.K., Mexico, Spain, and Canada.16. Defeated the ISIS Caliphate in short order by empowering military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission. Trump has refused to get involved in any new wars, which is lovely.17. Criminal Justice Reform bill, “First Step Act” eliminated required minimum sentences. “More than 3,000 inmates have been released and another roughly 1,700 people convicted of crack cocaine offenses have seen their sentences reduced thanks to the First Step Act, according to data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the U.S. Sentencing Commission.” The First Step Act promised widespread reform. What has the criminal justice overhaul achieved so far?18. Recognized Jerusalem. Israel wasn’t going to give up their ancestral home, so it was a necessary condition for peace in the Middle East. Trump was right, the fears of violence were unfounded, and putting the recognition behind us paved the way for the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan to recognize Israel for the first recognitions since Jordan in 1994. Egypt was first in the region in 1979.19. Improved the quality of VA care with the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and established safeguards for whistleblowers.Trump’s VA MISSION Act:• Strengthens VA’s ability to recruit and retain clinicians.• Authorizes “Anywhere to Anywhere” telehealth across state lines.• Empowers Veterans with increased access to community care.20. Did something about the 185,000 pages of conflicting overregulation. It isn’t even possible to meet all the regulations because different regulations call for different things. Here’s How Much Red Tape Trump Has Cut21. Rational EPA regulations. It doesn’t help the environment to let stock ponds turn black and stink and make the cattle drink it. You really do need to treat for invasive weeds and bacteria. I couldn’t treat the water in my tank to drinking water standard so the bacteria broke my skin out every time I ran my pump. Then, to add insult to injury, they said that water’s nasty so you have to spend $10,000 to have it disposed as hazardous material. Drinking water is hazardous to the environment?He plowed his field; now he faces a $2.8 million fine22. Great American Outdoors Act. “The fund must be used for priority deferred maintenance projects in specified systems that are administered by• the National Park Service,• the Forest Service,• the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,• the Bureau of Land Management, and• the Bureau of Indian Education.22. Brought stranded citizens back home:Here Are The 17 Prisoners Trump Has Freed Since He Took Office23. Expensive illegal immigration and the associated crime is being reduced. The cost of additional schools, healthcare, housing, and food benefits is substantial, especially when we’re spending over a $trillion/yr we don’t have. And there’s the gangs with their associated theft, murder, drugs, and sex slaves. Trump’s border wall construction:Trump Wall Construction - Track the Status of Trump's Border Wall!400th mile of border wall celebrated it turns out the major objections to Trump just aren’t true:1. Covid Mismanagement was Trump’s fault?List: 74 actions taken by Trump to fight virus and bolster economy.List: 74 actions taken by Trump to fight virus and bolster economy (List: 74 actions taken by Trump to fight virus and bolster economy)Jan. 31 Trump restricts travel to and from China, and those who had been to China:“The entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of all aliens who were physically present within the People’s Republic of China, excluding the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation. I have also determined that the United States should take all necessary and appropriate measures to facilitate orderly medical screening and, where appropriate, quarantine of persons allowed to enter the United States who may have been exposed to this virus.” 1 Biden calls Trump a xenophobe and fear-monger and offers no plan of his own. Apparently, it would have been a lot worse if Biden were president. “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.” – Joe Biden @JoeBiden 4:01 PM · Feb 1, 2020·TweetDeckDe Blasio’s actions in New York spread Covid in the United States:Feb. 9 De Blasio urged the 500,000 person Chinese New Year celebration to go forward with tourists from all over the country and the world, especially Europe. This resulted in nearly half of all the early cases, and all those tourists going home and initiating the spread in a number of places around the country.New York Chinese New Year Feb. 2020“NYC health officials were on high alert, on Jan. 23, as deadly Coronavirus spreads around globe. Yet they did not stop Chinese’s New Year parades, Feb. 9, in all 5 boroughs, that typically draw 500,000 people. “ 13: "There are ZERO confirmed cases of coronavirus in New York City, and hundreds of Chinese restaurants that need your business!" the New York City mayor's office tweets. "There is nothing to fear. Stop by any Chinatown for lunch or dinner!"Feb. 24 Pelosi does her own spreading: “Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown Monday to send a message. She said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.‘That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here,’ Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation."March 13, 2020And then, even worse, they refuse to shut the schools until mid-MARCH. 1.2 Million kids spreading the virus and infecting parents and grandparents.“Cuomo, De Blasio Resist Calls to Close New York Schools”“New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said he does not see a need to close schools statewide and would leave such decisions to the localities.His statement comes as New York Mayor Bill de Blasio faces pressure from the leaders of the teacher’s union and the City Council to close schools as cases of the new coronavirus surge.” took place in 20 places across NYC in February.,q_85/naujawgeoqdga3iored6/new-york-chinese-new-year.jpgAnd then, after we know that rest homes are vulnerable, Cuomo allows this:“Coronavirus spreads in a New York nursing home forced to take recovering patients” “It’s reckless and careless,” said the granddaughter of a 96-year-old man whose family withdrew him from a Long Island nursing home. “Over 1,700 more coronavirus deaths reported in New York nursing homes”“New York refused to send nursing home’s COVID-19 patients to nearly empty USNS Comfort”“An NYC nursing home forced to take coronavirus patients was also sent a supply of body bags for when they died” of course, Nancy Pelosi wants to investigate how the response was handled after she did the same thing as NYC in February.- Ted A. Brewster and Cal Stowe2. Trump was not responsible for “ripping babies from their mother’s arms”, in fact it was a Democrat policy ended by Trump. It was the propaganda coup of the century to turn a noble fight to get illegal children treated the same way as citizens into something evil and hang it on Trump.In September 2018, the Trump Administration proposed regulations that sought to end the practice of forcing children to be “ripped from their mother’s arms” by the Flores Agreement won by liberal lawsuits. Democrats voted it down, saying “ripping children from their mother’s arms” is actually “legal safeguards for children”, in order to keep the practice and blame it on Trump. Trump officially ended the practice with an executive order in June 2018 - .Citizen children are always separated from parents in childcare centers, jail not being considered a suitable environment for children, but historically illegals were considered a special case, and children stayed with their parents. There was a problem with unaccompanied minors, and a suit was filed on the behalf of JENNY LISETTE FLORES. Negotiations and court proceedings dragged on for nine years, spanning three presidencies. This resulted in the Flores Settlement in 1997. In short, unaccompanied illegal children were to be detained in the same facilities and subject to the same rules as citizen children.In 2016, liberal activists got the 9th U.S. Circus of Appeals to extend the 1997 Flores Settlement from unaccompanied illegal minors to children detained with their parents. Children were ordered to be separated from the parents detained under immigration law. Trump put the children in childcare centers as the law requires, and Democrats claimed he was “ripping them from their mother’s arms” and “throwing children in cages”. This was widely believed, a testament to the propaganda power of the media. Pelosi, to her credit, backed a bipartisan bill to avoid all this, but the other Democrats would not have it.2016 Ruling, see page 13 I. The Settlement Applies to Accompanied Minors. “We agree with the district court that “[t]he plain language of the Agreement clearly encompasses accompanied minors.” Agreement – Janet Reno under Clinton 1997 Flores settlement, the court order Trump blames for family separation, explainedU.S. must release child migrants held in family detention, court says - :~:text=S. must release child migrants held in family,the Rio Grande into Texas. %28John MooreCourt: Illegal immigrant parents can be detained, children must be released - :~:text=Court%3A Illegal immigrant parents can be detained, children,on June 25, 2014. %28Associated Press%29 more >3. Tax Cuts for the Rich? No, the new tax code stopped subsidizing the rich with $10,000 maximum local tax deduction. I paid more myself, but I think it’s fair. Let’s and look at the results:a) Individual tax receipts were higher in 2018 than 2017. Middle and lower incomes paid less, with childcare credit doubled to $2,000, standard deduction raised to $12,000, and tax brackets lowered, so where did the money come from to pay for these cuts? People with expensive houses paid for it.b) State and local tax deductions permanently limited to $10,000. Ordinary tax payers have been subsidizing the wealthy for a long time, by letting them deduct their local tax from income for federal tax. This accounted for the majority of the tax increase on the wealthy, and spurred migration out of New York and California. Not to mention the slump in high end real estate prices.“The SALT-tax [cap] was incredibly damaging to the market, and the additional mansion and transfer taxes have also caused people to pause,” said Pam Liebman, president and CEO of the Corcoran Group brokerage.”Manhattan home prices in ‘near free fall’ as median dips below $1M“changes to the tax law that have hit high-tax states hardest and sellers who are still clinging to 2014 prices.”Real estate in the Hamptons had its worst spring quarter in 8 yearsc) On average, the top 6% paid more tax in most states, and the top 9% paid more in California, New York, and New Jersey.d) Maximum deductible mortgage size was lowered from $1 million to $750,000.e) Truly wealthy hedge fund managers like Goldman and international companies like, Apple, Big Pharma, etc. avoid tax by shifting income overseas to low tax countries. Now they have to pay 15% even on overseas income from foreign subsidiaries. This cost Goldman $5 billion in 2018.Tax overhaul costs Goldman Sachs $5 billion
Should Ron Paul be president? Would he be an improvement from Obama?
[EDIT #3: I've deleted more comments, because I'm not allowing rude, often vulgar remarks and claims to just pile up here. It's the equivalent of throwing litter out a car window, and I'm simply now blocking those people who cannot respond in civil, intelligent fashion. If you are driven into a frenzy or rage over my disliking and criticizing a candidate you are devoutly loyal to, or you are driven into equal frenzy over notions that your ideology is the only right one and is under some kind of broad attack by "the left" or "progressivism" or whatever other term you want to apply, I think you're not arguing in a healthy or productive manner, and there are now too many people engaging in that kind of discourse toward other users simply over our criticism of Ron Paul or the perception -- often glaringly false -- that we're members of whatever ideology the angry loyalists assign to the perceived persecutors. I know a lot of Ron Paul supporters, and am aware that a lot of them are well-meaning, intelligent, and merely disagree over this and that aspect of the debate about him and his positions. This is not about those people, it's about those responding constantly and with increasing rage and personal insults and wild accusations at anyone critical of Ron Paul or perceived to be critical of their personal ideology. If that's how you're behaving, and you are posting that kind of extreme commentary, I will simply not allow it to remain and will likewise block you. You won't like this, and I won't enjoy doing it, so please do us both a favor and refrain from posting it here in the future. Thanks.][Edits: New links added at the bottom of the answer][Edit #2: Despite the continued posting of disingenuous answers make excuses for Ron Paul's racist positions (or, sometimes, just outright agreeing with them, such as his opposition to "forced integration" which some folks shockingly just openly admit agreeing with) and claiming -- falsely -- that I or others misrepresented etc Ron Paul's positions, more of the mainstream press has now started to dig into the newsletters and confirmed that yes, Ron Paul publicly took credit for authoring those newsletters and defended them with overt racist remarks ON THE RECORD IN INTERVIEWS. So these answers that merely attempt to cover up that fact by telling readers that Ron Paul denies authorship and we'll just never know etc etc are demonstrably -- and, I think, knowingly -- presenting false information.Here's another outlet that recently ran a story about the truth of this matter... that include videos of Ron Paul promoting the newsletters, and note the fact that to date Ron Paul has STILL refused to explain why he now denies authorship etc but previously took credit and defended the newsletters... more, including his signature on the mailer warning of a race war... won't respond to the media about his current denials contradicting his past embrace of the racist newsletters, because he can't comment on it because he is lying about it, plain and simple. And at this point, there's no excuse for his defenders to continue being disingenuous about this issue and/or trying to mislead other people about it.]No, Ron Paul should absolutely NOT be President. And I urge you to read the following in order to see why he shouldn't be president.Too few people know that Ron Paul has in the last several years "remade" himself into this supposedly moderate civil libertarian. Too few people are aware of his very real, and very bad, links to all manner of white nationalists and very fringe, irrational, and frankly paranoid groups and conspiracy theories (I use the term to mean the common-use understanding of the phrase, because it absolutely applies here) about secret international cabals plotting to take over the USA, be it a Mexican invasion to seize the southern U.S. or U.N. troops commanded by "international/European bankers" (very transparent and common anti-Semitic code for "Jews") who will seize our guns and create a one-world religion and government, a big race war that will seek to enslave white citizens, and other such dangerous, far-right extremist ramblings.Here is a sampling of information about Ron Paul that I like to share, to make the factual and undeniable case that he is indeed a racist who embraces many seriously delusional, dangerous, and hateful views.There are some of the more fanatical and extreme supporters who will refuse to even look at or believe the documentation about Ron Paul's views, his past, his votes, his links to extremist white nationalist groups and conspiracy theories, etc, and who will just not even address any of it but instead outright dismiss it as "lies/slander/whatever" or claim it's a conspiracy against him (that apparently includes a clone of him who went back in time to give interviews taking credit for writing those inflamatory newsletters and even went into detail to defend them and explain the "research" he did to "prove" his remarks about black people etc). But hopefully the vast majority of folks, who are rational and intelligent supporters of progressive policies and support civil liberties, will realize they simply weren't aware of these facts because these things rarely get covered in the media and Ron Paul's campaign and most vocal supporters have just been very good at shouting it down and denying it.Anyway, here is the text from a document I keep on hand to send to friends and family and others when they ask for information/evidence/whatever about Ron Paul's true nature...Ron Paul now claims he isn't the author of racist comments published under his byline in his Texas newsletter in the mid-1990's.The problem with these denials is, back in the 1990's, he wasn't denying authorship of those articles, he was admitting to it and in fact DEFENDING the remarks. Let's take a look at some news excerpts from press reports at that time, including quotes from the articles under Ron Paul's byline and quotes from Ron Paul himself when asked about those articles...(1.) Dallas Morning News, 5-22-96:Dr. Ron Paul, a Republican congressional candidate from Texas, wrote in his political newsletter in 1992 that 95 percent of the black men in Washington, D.C., are "semi-criminal or entirely criminal."He also wrote that black teenagers can be "unbelievably fleet of foot." [...]Dr. Paul, who is running in Texas' 14th Congressional District, defended his writings in an interview Tuesday. He said they were being taken out of context."It's typical political demagoguery," he said. "If people are interested in my character ... come and talk to my neighbors." [...]According to a Dallas Morning News review of documents circulating among Texas Democrats, Dr. Paul wrote in a 1992 issue of the Ron Paul Political Report: "If you have ever been robbed by a black teenaged male, you know how unbelievably fleet of foot they can be."Dr. Paul, who served in Congress in the late 1970s and early 1980s, said Tuesday that he has produced the newsletter since 1985 and distributes it to an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 subscribers. A phone call to the newsletter's toll-free number was answered by his campaign staff. [...]Dr. Paul denied suggestions that he was a racist and said he was not evoking stereotypes when he wrote the columns. He said they should be read and quoted in their entirety to avoid misrepresentation. [...]"If someone challenges your character and takes the interpretation of the NAACP as proof of a man's character, what kind of a world do you live in?" Dr. Paul asked.In the interview, he did not deny he made the statement about the swiftness of black men."If you try to catch someone that has stolen a purse from you, there is no chance to catch them," Dr. Paul said.He also said the comment about black men in the nation's capital was made while writing about a 1992 study produced by the National Center on Incarceration and Alternatives, a criminal justice think tank based in Virginia.Citing statistics from the study, Dr. Paul then concluded in his column: "Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.""These aren't my figures," Dr. Paul said Tuesday [when interviewed about the column's comments]. "That is the assumption you can gather from" the report.(2.) Houston Chronicle, 5-23-96:Paul, a Republican obstetrician from Surfside, said Wednesday he opposes racism and that his written commentaries about blacks came in the context of "current events and statistical reports of the time." [...]Paul also wrote that although "we are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, it is hardly irrational. Black men commit murders, rapes, robberies, muggings and burglaries all out of proportion to their numbers."A campaign spokesman for Paul said statements about the fear of black males mirror pronouncements by black leaders such as the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who has decried the spread of urban crime.Paul continues to write the newsletter for an undisclosed number of subscribers, the spokesman said.Writing in the same 1992 edition, Paul expressed the popular idea that government should lower the age at which accused juvenile criminals can be prosecuted as adults.He added, "We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such."Paul also asserted that "complex embezzling" is conducted exclusively by non-blacks."What else do we need to know about the political establishment than that it refuses to discuss the crimes that terrify Americans on grounds that doing so is racist? Why isn't that true of complex embezzling, which is 100 percent white and Asian?" he wrote.(3.) Austin American-Statesman, 5-23-96:"Dr. Paul is being quoted out of context," [Paul spokesman Michael] Sullivan said. "It's like picking up War and Peace and reading the fourth paragraph on Page 481 and thinking you can understand what's going on." [...]Also in 1992, Paul wrote, "Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions."Sullivan said Paul does not consider people who disagree with him to be sensible. And most blacks, Sullivan said, do not share Paul's views. The issue is political philosophy, not race, Sullivan said."Polls show that only about 5 percent of people with dark-colored skin support the free market, a laissez faire economy, an end to welfare and to affirmative action," Sullivan said. [...]"You have to understand what he is writing. Democrats in Texas are trying to stir things up by using half-quotes to impugn his character," Sullivan said. "His writings are intellectual. He assumes people will do their own research, get their own statistics, think for themselves and make informed judgments."(4.) Washington Post, 5-26-96:Paul, an obstetrician from Surfside, Tex., denied he is a racist and charged Austin lawyer Charles "Lefty" Morris, his Democratic opponent, with taking his 1992 writings out of context."Instead of talking about the issues, our opponent has chosen to lie and try to deceive the people of the 14th District," said Paul spokesman Michael Sullivan, who added that the excerpts were written during the Los Angeles riots when "Jesse Jackson was making the same comments.""Ron knows our society and our nation has done some horrible things to the black community, which has pushed a majority of young black men in some areas, in Washington, D.C., for example, into criminal activities," Sullivan said.(5.) Dallas Morning News, 7-25-96:Dr. Paul, who faces Mr. Morris in the 14th District race for the U.S. House, dismissed the criticism as "name-calling and race-baiting." [...]In a written statement, Dr. Paul said, "Repeated attempts by my liberal opponent to reduce the campaign to name-calling and race-baiting is just more of the same old garbage we expect from his camp and will not deter me from continuing to address the real issues."Dr. Paul said his opinions about Ms. Jordan, who died earlier this year, "represented our clear philosophical difference."(6.) Roll Call, 7-29-96:In a statement, Paul said he had "labored to conduct a campaign based upon the issues that are vital to our nation" and charged Morris with "repeated reduce the campaign to name calling and race-baiting."He called Morris's request that he release all back issues of the newsletter "not only impractical, but...equivalent to asking him to provide documents for every lawsuit he has been involved in during his lengthy legal career."Of his statements about Jordan, Paul said that "such opinions represented our clear philosophical difference. The causes she so strongly advocated were for more government, more and more regulations, and more and more taxes. My cause has been almost exactly the opposite, and I believe her positions to have been fundamentally wrong: I've fought for less and less intrusive government, fewer regulations, and lower taxes."(7.) San Antonio Express-News, 9-30-96:Paul's spokesman Michael Quinn Sullivan said the candidate does not want to "rehash" old issues. [...]Paul has said he opposes racism and accused Morris of reducing the campaign to "name-calling and race-baiting."(8.) Houston Chronicle, 10-11-96:Paul, who earlier this week said he still wrote the newsletter for subscribers, was unavailable for comment Thursday. But his spokesman, Michael Quinn Sullivan, accused Morris of "gutter-level politics."Sullivan said it was "silly" to try to make a political issue of something written in an "abstract" sense. [...]NOW, how about a list of some other lousy things Ron Paul believes and has done?1. Ron Paul explains his opposition to “forced integration” and to affirmative action are the reasons he gives for his vote AGAINST reauthorizing the Civil Rights Act of 1964… Ron Paul voted AGAINST renewing the Voting Rights Act … Ron Paul also voted against reopening the unsolved murder investigations into race-related killings during the Civil Rights Movement… Some more of Ron Paul’s comments from his newsletter regarding black men:* “If you’ve ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be,”* "Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5 percent of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market, individual liberty and the end of welfare and affirmative action,"* “We are constantly told that it is evil to be afraid of black men, it is hardly irrational. Black men commit murders, rapes, robberies, muggings and burglaries all out of proportion to their numbers,"* "Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal,"[One of the primary sources for Paul's "information" above about black crime was Jared Taylor, who writes for and runs American Renaissance magazine, a white nationalist magazine that also hosts a biannual conference of white nationalist and outright whitesupremacist groups and neo-Nazi organizations. Paul got much of his data directly from the June and August1992 issues of the magazine.]5. Ron Paul supports lowering the age at which children can be charged and prosecuted as adults, saying (see the above link), “[B]lack males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such."6. Ron Paul’s positions on minorities and civil rights legislation MIGHT be why Ron Paul gets the endorsement of “White Civil Rights – European American Unity and Rights Organization: The Website for Europeans and Americans Wherever They May Live”, thewhite supremacist group run by David Duke:… and more support on David Duke’s site in support of Ron Paul’s candidacy…[Not that a person should strictly be judged based on who might peripherally endorse them, but takenalongside his comments and votes on racial issues and immigration, I think the endorsements from white supremacists does in fact inform and educate regarding the implications of his positions.]7. Ron Paul voted in favor of banning gay adoptions in D.C., in favor of continuing ban on gays in the military, in favor of “protecting” the Pledge of Allegiance in schools by forbidding federal courts from hearing cases on the issue, in favor of ending affirmative action in college admissions… Ron Paul voted against allowing any federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research, against federal funding for any abortions and contraception, against restrictions on employer interference in union organizing, against minimum wage increase, and voted to abolish federal Medicare… Ron Paul voted to amend the Constitution to revoke citizenship to infants of undocumented immigrants (even if the children are born on U.S. soil), voted against all federal affirmative action programs, voted against any citizenship path for undocumentedimmigrants inside the U.S. … Ron Paul voted to keep “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance, was one of the sponsors of the school prayer amendment, and supported keeping the Ten Commandments on the courthouse lawn… Ron Paul is on the national board of Christian Voice, which calls for mandatory AIDS testing and advocates banning homosexuality and pornography. He regularly argues that there should be no real separation of church and state. Quote from Ron Paul's article "War on Religion", Dec. 2003, at Lew Rockwell site online:"The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders’ political views were strongly informed by their religious beliefs. Certainly the drafters of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, both replete with references to God, would be aghast at the federal government’s hostility to religion. The establishment clause of the First Amendment was simply intended to forbid the creation of an official state church like the Church of England, not to drive religion out of public life." Ron Paul signed a fundraising letter for a Republican Senate candidate attacking George McGovern for supporting gay rights, women's rights, and minority rights. Ron Paul signed a letter that ran as a full-page ad in the New York Times and called for the overthrow of the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, and Paul asked Reagan to use military force to stop the "spread" of Communism in Central America. Ron Paul also argued on the floor of Congress against any and all negotiations with the Soviet Union for the reduction of nuclear weapons. And sponsored legislation requiring the U.S. to withdraw from the ABM Treaty: Ron Paul opposes the International Criminal Court, which prosecutes war-crimes, and sponsored bills to declare the ICC invalid and unrecognized by the U.S. Ron Paul : Ron Paul opposed the Panama Canal Treaty that returned control of the territory back over to Panama, and he pushed for the U.S. to retain "sovereignty" over the Canal: Ron Paul sent a recent fundraising letter (link to pdf below) that included claims that a "world elite" is forming a "North American Union", that the UN is planning to "confiscate our firearms" and to "impose a global tax", and the "elites" also plan on taking "control [of] the world's oceans" and use the U.S. military "to police the world", code-words that directly appeal to the right-wing white supremacist militia movement (the letter also includes claims of a government plan "to give amnesty to illegal immigrantsand erase our national borders", and that "our American way of life is under attack"): Ron Paul has been regularly linked to the "patriot movement", including a 2004 banquet held in Ron Paul's honor thrown by The Patriot Network, and Ron Paul's frequent writings for the neo-Confederate site Dixie Daily News (for which he also appeared at their "FreedomFest" in Las Vegas this past summer). Ron Paul spoke at the Robert A. Taft Club in Oct. 2007 – this group is a white nationalist organization, headed by Marcus Epstein, an advocate for white supremacist groups and frequent attendee at the white supremacist biannual conference American Renaissance. (At the Patriot Network, about one-fifth of the way down the page, includes photo of Ron Paul at event) (Dixie Daily News' multiple links about Ron Paul, including middle of page link to Ron Paul at FreedomFest event) (video of Ron Paul's speech to Robert A. Taft club) Ron Paul voted for the so-called "DeLay rule" that changed House ethics rules to allow Tom DeLay to remain in office after he was indicted (Ron Paul received $6,000 from DeLay's ARMPAC).18. Ron Paul has long been obsessed with a particular theory about the Federal Reserve and gold. His early links to Gary North (son-in-law of R.J. Rushdoony, founder of Christian Reconstructionism), including North serving on Ron Paul's staff, led to Paul attending a seminar by North at the LA Hyatt in 1985, and the seminar was filled with far-right conspiracy theories (and featuring such luminaries as Constitution Party founder Howard Phillips (the Constitution Party is a white nationalist party). Ron Paul slowly came to embrace the notion that the Federal Reserve is secretly a false entity with no real authority, that federal money should only exist as a currency for paying our taxes, and that the U.S. should return to the gold standard and abolish the Federal Reserve. Ron Paul explains his views on the conspiracy involving the Federal Reserve in his book "The Case for Gold", which he doesn't mention much during his campaign appearances but which is full of the most bizarre aspects of the theory (but has removed or used code-words for a lot of the anti-Semitism and notions of Jewish conspirators at the heart of the Federal Reserve): Ron Paul discussed the New World Order and other secret society global conspiracies in an interview with "Conspiracy Planet", which included back-and-forth discussions about the "banking elites" that is code for "Jews” in the discussion: Paul has, for roughly 30 years or more, had strong ties to key extremely right-wing beliefs and the groups – often white nationalists – who espouse these theories and ideas. He is strongly tied to certain far-right religious conservative groups and has consistently championed social conservative ideologies on gay marriage, abortion, and women's rights.He has championed U.S. military intervention in Central America, has been staunchly in favor of military action to confront the supposed threat of Communism, and opposed efforts to reduce nuclear weapons.His economic and general governing philosophy is rooted in specific bizarre and extremist conspiracy theories that Paul has adhered to for decades, and he has recently openly discussed his fear of secret U.N. plans to take over the U.S., merge it with Mexico and Canada, impose a global tax, and confiscate citizens' guns, as part of a New World Order plot for global domination by "certain elites" at the U.N. and in "international banking".Ron Paul has a history of opposing desegregation in the South, voting rights legislation for minorities, and his newsletter frequently featured openly racist remarks and claims about African-Americans.In short, Ron Paul pretends to be a just an anti-war civil libertarian voice of reason, when in fact he’s a far-right extremist tied to fringe racist theories and is only “anti-war” sometimes when he doesn’t like a particular military action, when acting anti-war will gain him followers and donations. Too many civil libertarians have been fooled by his dishonest misrepresentation of his true nature and views, and it’s important to expose these things to the public and to prevent Ron Paul from developing a following among people who simply aren’t aware of his true history and nature.If you are a Ron Paul supporter who is now unhappy and doesn't know who to support anymore, I will note for the record that there is actually a candidate who really is everything Ron Paul pretends to be -- Gary Johnson. I'm merely noting that if that's the kind of candidate you wanted to support, a real-life version exists who can stand up to any intensive "background check" like the one above, and who will remain precisely what you thought he was. Johnson is a case of "what you see is what you get" as a civil libertarian and "real" fiscal small-government conservative. Johnson ran for the GOP nomination, but has now dropped out of that race and is going to run for (and probably easily walk away with) the Libertarian nomination instead. So just hypothetically, there's a candidate for all the Ron Paul supporters, for libertarians and Libertarians, for moderate conservatives who feel the GOP has left them behind, and for a lot of liberal/progressives who are unhappy with Obama but refuse to support the GOP and don't feel that the Green Party or others are adequate representatives of your range of views and focus of concerns etc.That's NOT an endorsement, by the way, It's just to say that I hope all of the folks who previously supported Ron Paul will stop and will instead look elsewhere, and if they insist on needing a candidate very close to the public persona Ron Paul tries to project, then Johnson is pretty much exactly what they want. So in that way, then, it's another part of the answer to "should Ron Paul be president" because besides all of the other information explaining why Paul shouldn't be president, another reason is that there exists a far better and honest example of what Paul claims to be, and thus the reasons one might give for supporting/voting for Ron Paul would instead make far more sense as reasons to support this other alternative instead, if that's what you want to support.ADDITIONAL INFO: I want to also link over to some extra information that's very relevant and worth looking at if you're seriously interested in finding out about Ron Paul and his links to these sorts of far-right, racist, paranoid beliefs/people/groups/etc.Mark Hughes's answer to Aside from newsletters, what evidence exists that Ron Paul is or is not racist?Nathan Ketsdever's answer to Aside from newsletters, what evidence exists that Ron Paul is or is not racist?
Why does half of America still vote for Trump after 4 years?
Here you go, this is why I’m excited about Trump:1. Trump is the Opposite of Racist, a Nationalist. Nationalism was conceived to overcome racism, to unite diverse peoples with a mutually supportive, overarching national identity. Doesn’t dividing us by races, ethnicities, and identities and prevent us from being united as Americans? E Pluribus Unum – from the many, one people.And yes, he has denounced white supremacists: Trump condemns 'racism, bigotry and white supremacy' in speech after mass shootings kill 31 and 'Racism Is Evil': Trump Denounces The KKK, Neo-Nazis And White Supremacists and Frank Macera's answer to Has Trump denounced white supremacy? and President Trump Releases The Platinum Plan for Black Americans: Opportunity, Security, Prosperity, and Fairness)The Chairman of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, is both black and Hispanic.Trump receiving the Ellis Island Award along with Rosa Parks:Lowest black and Hispanic unemployment in our history.Support for historically black colleges. “Provided long-term funding for historically black colleges and universities in his three years in office, and has helped redirect resources to opportunity zones, or low-income areas where new investments may be eligible for tax breaks.Criminal Justice Reform with the First Step Act has released 1,000’s of non-violent offenders.First Step Act, landmark criminal justice reform legislation enacted by an 87-12 vote in the Senate on December 18 and a 356-36 vote in the House on December 20. President Donald Trump signed the bill into law on December 21.”First Step Act Was This Past Year's Second Example Of Federalism At Its FinestEven Obama adviser Van Jones says Trump doesn't get credit for the good things he has done for the black community.Van Jones says Trump 'doesn't get credit' for helping black people2. Covid-19:Jan. 31. Trump restricts travel by anyone who had been to China within 2 weeks to returning citizens and authorizes screening and quarantine as needed:“The entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of all aliens who were physically present within the People’s Republic of China, excluding the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation. I have also determined that the United States should take all necessary and appropriate measures to facilitate orderly medical screening and, where appropriate, quarantine of persons allowed to enter the United States who may have been exposed to this virus.”Feb. 1 Biden calls Trump a xenophobe and fear-monger and offers no plan of his own.? “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.” – Joe Biden @JoeBiden 4:01 PM · Feb 1, 2020·TweetDeckWould it have been worse if Biden had been president?Were De Blasio’s actions in New York were responsible for the majority of the spread in the United States?Feb. 9 De Blasio urged the 500,000 person Chinese New Year celebration to go forward with tourists from all over the country and the world, especially Europe. This resulted in nearly half of all the early cases, and all those tourists home and initiating a spread in a number of places around the country.New York Chinese New Year Feb. 20203. Apprenticeship training - Apprenticeship.gov4. School Choice. Why shouldn’t hard working poor kids be able to join others of like mind and get a good education? Public school isn’t always the best choice, and different types of students thrive in different enviroments: Ted Kord's answer to Shouldn’t well-behaved students have a right to a peaceful and safe environment in which to learn? Restorative justice in my kids’ schools is making my kids miserable and inhibiting their learning.5. Block education grants allow local districts to spend money the way it makes sense in their district instead of the current “knowledge isn’t important” and “no discipline” philosophies coming out of Washington. Our spending has risen dramatically in the last decades, yet test scores haven’t gone up and teachers complain about their salaries. Shouldn’t we try a different approach?6. Lowest black and Hispanic unemployment in our history.7. Lower foreign student enrollment to make room for our children.8. Tax code that stopped subsidizing the rich with $10,000 maximum local tax deduction. I paid more myself, but I think it’s fair. Individual tax receipts were higher in 2018 than 2017. Middle and lower incomes paid less, with childcare credit doubled to $2,000, standard deduction raised to $12,000, and tax brackets lowered, so where did the money come from to pay for these cuts? People with expensive houses paid for it.9. Big companies like Apple and Goldman no longer allowed to transfer income overseas to avoid taxes. This cost Goldman $5 billion in 2018.Goldman Sachs Is Taking a $5 Billion Hit From the Republican Tax Bill10. Equalized corporate taxes between the US and the developed world. Britain is 19%, China 20%, Sweden 21%, and now the US is 21%. How can we keep our jobs if we don’t at least have equal taxation? Apple announced building their first computer plant in America Jan. 1, 2018, the same day Trump allowed them to bring their billions home from China at 15% tax instead of 40%. They had been planning since 2013, and were just waiting for the tax to be lowered. Apple expands in Austin11. Fighting to prevent Chinese technology theft. Tariffs have already caused movement away from China to countries without state-sponsored technology theft. Blocking Huawei will spur additional US component manufacture and send other business to Nokia and Ericsson who respect our laws.12. Net neutrality. Remember when charging based on data usage was going to censor the internet? No censoring by providers, and everything is running better than ever, as promised.13. Ended Obamacare tax on poor who cannot afford health insurance even with subsidies.14. Drug pricing – Companies like GoodRx had been disclosing and comparing pricing for a while, but with support from the administration it really took off. This lowered drug prices so much I’ve dropped my drug insurance. The pharmacy benefit manager middle men and drug stores have had to reduce their markups substantially, and now we’re reaping the benefits of competitive capitalism. Epi pens were up to $600 under the previous administration, now the price is down to $110 at CVS and Target. Unlike single payer or insurance, you can get any drug cash pay with no hassles. Adrenaclick Prices, Coupons & Savings Tips - GoodRx15. Competitive, efficient hospital pricing. Actual hospital pricing will be disclosed starting Jan 1, 2020. This will rationalize and lower healthcare administrative cost substantially. The paid hours that go into our labyrinth of hidden pricing, negotiation, and multitudinous paperwork is expensive, and prevents people from making informed decisions. We have separate contracts for every insurance company and fees are individually negotiated for each patient, all hidden and protected from competition. This paperwork and process is expensive, my experience is that kind of administration costs about 25 cents of every revenue dollar. It’s far more costly than you would think. Straight forward pricing will save a bundle on administrative cost.My recent X-rays were billed at $1736. The insurance discount $1528, insurance payment $168, my payment $42. Obviously, I have to have insurance for the discount. But what if disclosure and competition made that discount available to everyone, with or without insurance? If the X-rays were just billed at $210 I wouldn’t need $1500/month insurance for ordinary care, I could have low cost catastrophic insurance, and pay cash for everything else. This would save a lot of administrative expense, and the more healthcare delivered per dollar, the more we’ll all have. The only way we can afford to provide healthcare for everyone is get that cost down, total healthcare spending in 2018 was $3.65 trillion.Hospitals Sued to Keep Prices Secret. They Lost.Trump scores court win on hospital price transparencyU.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018 - A new analysis from U.S. federal government actuaries, the U.K., Mexico, Spain, and Canada.16. Defeated the ISIS Caliphate in short order by empowering military leaders to “seize the initiative and win,” reducing the need for a White House sign off for every mission. Trump has refused to get involved in any new wars, which is lovely.17. Criminal Justice Reform bill, “First Step Act” eliminated required minimum sentences. “More than 3,000 inmates have been released and another roughly 1,700 people convicted of crack cocaine offenses have seen their sentences reduced thanks to the First Step Act, according to data from the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the U.S. Sentencing Commission.” The First Step Act promised widespread reform. What has the criminal justice overhaul achieved so far?18. Recognized Jerusalem. Israel wasn’t going to give up their ancestral home, so Jerusalem was a necessary condition for peace in the Middle East. Trump was right. The fears of violence were unfounded, and putting the recognition behind us paved the way for the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan to recognize Israel for the first recognitions since Jordan in 1994. Egypt was first in the region in 1979.19. Improved the quality of VA care with the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act allowing senior officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs to fire failing employees and establishing safeguards for whistleblowers.Trump’s VA MISSION Act:• Strengthens VA’s ability to recruit and retain clinicians.• Authorizes “Anywhere to Anywhere” telehealth across state lines.• Empowers Veterans with increased access to community care.20. Did something about the 185,000 pages of conflicting overregulation. It isn’t even possible to meet all the regulations because different regulations call for different actions. Here’s How Much Red Tape Trump Has Cut21. Rational EPA regulations. It doesn’t help the environment to let stock ponds turn black and stink and make the cattle drink it. You really do need to treat for invasive weeds and bacteria.I couldn’t treat the water in my test tank to drinking water standard so the bacteria broke my skin out every time I ran my pump. Then, to add insult to injury, they said this water’s nasty so you have to spend $10,000 to have it disposed as hazardous material. Drinking water is hazardous to the environment?He plowed his field; now he faces a $2.8 million fine22. Great American Outdoors Act. “The fund must be used for priority deferred maintenance projects in specified systems that are administered by• the National Park Service,• the Forest Service,• the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,• the Bureau of Land Management, and• the Bureau of Indian Education.22. Brought stranded citizens back home:Here Are The 17 Prisoners Trump Has Freed Since He Took Office23. Expensive illegal immigration and the associated crime is being reduced. The cost of additional schools, healthcare, housing, and food benefits is substantial, especially when we’re spending over a $trillion/yr we don’t have. And there’s the gangs with their associated theft, murder, drugs, and sex slaves. Trump’s border wall construction:Trump Wall Construction - Track the Status of Trump's Border Wall!400th mile of border wall celebrated, it turns out the major objections to Trump just aren’t true when you do the research:1. Covid Mismanagement was Trump’s fault?List: 74 actions taken by Trump to fight virus and bolster economy.List: 74 actions taken by Trump to fight virus and bolster economy (List: 74 actions taken by Trump to fight virus and bolster economy)Jan. 31 Trump restricts travel to and from China, and those who had been to China:“The entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of all aliens who were physically present within the People’s Republic of China, excluding the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States is hereby suspended and limited subject to section 2 of this proclamation. I have also determined that the United States should take all necessary and appropriate measures to facilitate orderly medical screening and, where appropriate, quarantine of persons allowed to enter the United States who may have been exposed to this virus.” 1 Biden calls Trump a xenophobe and fear-monger and offers no plan of his own. Apparently, it would have been a lot worse if Biden were president. “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.” – Joe Biden @JoeBiden 4:01 PM · Feb 1, 2020·TweetDeckDe Blasio’s actions in New York spread Covid in the United States:Feb. 9 De Blasio urged the 500,000 person Chinese New Year celebration to go forward with tourists from all over the country and the world, especially Europe. This resulted in nearly half of all the early cases, and all those tourists going home and initiating a spread in a number of places around the country.New York Chinese New Year Feb. 2020, this took place in 20 places across NYC in February.“NYC health officials were on high alert, on Jan. 23, as deadly Coronavirus spreads around globe. Yet they did not stop Chinese’s New Year parades, Feb. 9, in all 5 boroughs, that typically draw 500,000 people. “ 13: "There are ZERO confirmed cases of coronavirus in New York City, and hundreds of Chinese restaurants that need your business!" the New York City mayor's office tweets. "There is nothing to fear. Stop by any Chinatown for lunch or dinner!"Feb. 24 Pelosi does her own spreading: “Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown Monday to send a message. She said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.‘That’s what we’re trying to do today is to say everything is fine here,’ Pelosi said. "Come because precautions have been taken. The city is on top of the situation."March 13, 2020And then, they refuse to shut the schools until mid-March - 1.2 Million kids spreading the virus and infecting parents and grandparents.“Cuomo, De Blasio Resist Calls to Close New York Schools”“New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said he does not see a need to close schools statewide and would leave such decisions to the localities.His statement comes as New York Mayor Bill de Blasio faces pressure from the leaders of the teacher’s union and the City Council to close schools as cases of the new coronavirus surge.” we know that rest homes are vulnerable, Cuomo allows this:“Coronavirus spreads in a New York nursing home forced to take recovering patients” “It’s reckless and careless,” said the granddaughter of a 96-year-old man whose family withdrew him from a Long Island nursing home. “Over 1,700 more coronavirus deaths reported in New York nursing homes”“New York refused to send nursing home’s COVID-19 patients to nearly empty USNS Comfort”“An NYC nursing home forced to take coronavirus patients was also sent a supply of body bags for when they died” Nancy Pelosi, wanted to investigate how the response was handled after she encouraged people to go out and mingle in February.- Ted A. Brewster and Cal Stowe2. Trump was not responsible for “ripping babies from their mother’s arms”, in fact it was a Democrat policy ended by Trump. It was the propaganda coup of the century to turn a noble fight to get illegal children treated the same way as citizen children into something evil and blame it on Trump.In September 2018, the Trump Administration proposed regulations that sought to end the practice of forcing children to be “ripped from their mother’s arms” by the Flores Agreement won by liberal lawsuits. Democrats voted it down, saying “ripping children from their mother’s arms” is actually “legal safeguards for children”, in order to keep the practice and blame it on Trump. Trump officially ended the practice with an executive order in June 2018 - .Citizen children are always separated from parents in childcare centers, jail not being considered a suitable environment for children, but historically illegals were considered a special case, and children stayed with their parents. There was a problem with unaccompanied minors, and a suit was filed on the behalf of JENNY LISETTE FLORES. Negotiations and court proceedings dragged on for nine years, spanning three presidencies. This resulted in the Flores Settlement in 1997. In short, unaccompanied illegal children were to be detained in the same facilities and subject to the same rules as citizen children.In 2016, liberal activists got the 9th U.S. Circus of Appeals to extend the 1997 Flores Settlement from unaccompanied illegal minors to children detained with their parents. Children were ordered to be separated from the parents detained under immigration law. Trump put the children in childcare centers as the law requires, and Democrats claimed he was “ripping them from their mother’s arms” and “throwing children in cages”. This was widely believed, a testament to the propaganda power of the media. Pelosi, to her credit, backed a bipartisan bill to avoid all this, but the other Democrats would not have it.2016 Ruling, see page 13 I. The Settlement Applies to Accompanied Minors. “We agree with the district court that “[t]he plain language of the Agreement clearly encompasses accompanied minors.” Agreement – Janet Reno under Clinton 1997 Flores settlement, the court order Trump blames for family separation, explainedU.S. must release child migrants held in family detention, court says - :~:text=S. must release child migrants held in family,the Rio Grande into Texas. %28John MooreCourt: Illegal immigrant parents can be detained, children must be released - :~:text=Court%3A Illegal immigrant parents can be detained, children,on June 25, 2014. %28Associated Press%29 more >3. Tax Cuts for the Rich? No, the new tax code stopped subsidizing the rich with $10,000 maximum local tax deduction. I paid more myself, but I think it’s fair. Let’s and look at the results:a) Individual tax receipts were higher in 2018 than 2017. Middle and lower incomes paid less, with childcare credit doubled to $2,000, standard deduction raised to $12,000, and tax brackets lowered, so where did the money come from to pay for these cuts? People with expensive houses paid for it.b) State and local tax deductions permanently limited to $10,000. Ordinary tax payers have been subsidizing the wealthy for a long time, by letting them deduct their local tax from income for federal tax. This accounted for the majority of the tax increase on the wealthy, and spurred migration out of New York and California. Not to mention the slump in high end real estate prices.“The SALT-tax [cap] was incredibly damaging to the market, and the additional mansion and transfer taxes have also caused people to pause,” said Pam Liebman, president and CEO of the Corcoran Group brokerage.”Manhattan home prices in ‘near free fall’ as median dips below $1M“changes to the tax law that have hit high-tax states hardest and sellers who are still clinging to 2014 prices.”Real estate in the Hamptons had its worst spring quarter in 8 yearsc) On average, the top 6% paid more tax in most states, and the top 9% paid more in California, New York, and New Jersey.d) Maximum deductible mortgage size was lowered from $1 million to $750,000.e) Truly wealthy hedge fund managers like Goldman and international companies like, Apple, Big Pharma, etc. avoid tax by shifting income overseas to low tax countries. Now they have to pay 15% even on overseas income from foreign subsidiaries. This cost Goldman $5 billion in 2018.Tax overhaul costs Goldman Sachs $5 billion
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