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What are the inaccuracies in the movie Avengers: Infinity War?

Thanks for the A2A!This question has been sitting in my inbox for a couple of days, and I avoided answering because it seemed like it would entail days of research, until I just realized… it doesn’t!What are the inaccuracies about Infinity War? Everything, when compared to reality! Literally none of this stuff could happen. Even RDJ and Gwyneth Paltrow couldn’t walk casually around in Central Park; there would be a huge crowd following them.There are no “inaccuracies” per se, because we are dealing with a work of fiction. And not just reality-based fiction; it’s a combination of science fiction, mythology, and sheer fantasy. The MCU films have their base in comics. Someone wrote superhero comic books, but they never had an official cannon or “bible.” The stories evolved as issues were published each week, with a new adventure for Our Heroes. Characters came and went; powers were adjusted, the dead were revived… and all sorts of villains appeared, only to be dispatched in an issue or two.Infinity War (and all other comic-book based movies) borrows from works of fiction that have gone before it. But, if there is a difference between the a comic book, a movie, and now Infinity War, who is to say what the correct portrayal is?For instance, Wanda could never fly in the comics, and she didn’t during 99.99% of Ultron (we just see her lowering herself to the floor from a few feet up at the very end), she didn’t fly at all in Civil War (it would have come in handy!) but in IW, she’s flying and lifting Vision along with her! (He had to carry her out of the falling Sokovia). So can Wanda fly or not? The term you are looking for is consistency as opposed to accuracy. (It seems to be apparent that the MCU Wanda has practiced and developed the ability to fly at least short distances, we assume.)In order to make the fictional series of movies believable, there does have to be consistency. We have to agree on each character’s traits, origin stories, powers and abilities. We have to agree on a universe where there’s life on other planets, and people can move about between these planets in ships. Wizardry, telekinesis, vibranium, strange realms, etc. all have to be accepted as possible so the movies work together.What are the inaccuracies and inconsistencies compared to the printed comics? That would take years and the result would be a large book or entire website, because some of these characters are 50–60 years old; inconsistencies abound. Fans have complied a huge amount of data in the two fan wikis: MCU and the Marvel Comics wiki. Compare any two iterations of the same long-standing character.What are the inconsistencies when comparing the prequel Avengers and other MCU movies to Infinity War? I think the writers and producers have done an amazing job at keeping 18 films consistent! Anything that seems out of place has already been beaten to death on the ‘net: where were the Wakandan air force and armored rhinos, for example? (That was my biggest “inconsistency” gripe). I consider that all nit-picking; the MCU has been remarkably consistent.

What were Quora's best answers of 2014?

Following Murali Krishnan's format from last year, here are some of the best answers from Quorans in 2014 (capped at a maximum of 2 answers / Quoran; names in alphabetical order by first name; Anon answers at the end)(I am sure I have missed out many good ones. Feel free to suggest edits or leave a comment and I will update the same in the answer)Ladies and gentlemen, presenting 365 of Quora's best* answers.*chosen by an idiot​EDIT (29 Dec 2014): 365 days of 2014. 365 answers. Yay!Aaron Ellis's answer to It's March 2014. Is Jared Leto regarded more highly as an actor or musician?A. Joseph Layon's answer to What was it like practicing medicine in the early 1980s, before HIV had been isolated, when people first started dying from HIV/AIDS-related illnesses? Was it terrifying? How did people in medicine react?Abhinav Sharma's answer to Is the Apple Watch really a breakthrough user interface?Adam D'Angelo's answer to Why was Erlang chosen for use in Facebook chat?User-11476019696279376039's answer to Do you think that "gender equality" really seeks equality or it is just a movement for discrimination against males?Adriana Heguy's answer to Do all living organisms on Earth share a common ancestor, or did life begin more than once?User's answer to Why are movies such a prominent component of the American and Indian cultures? Why did these countries spawn large scale movie industries, namely Hollywood and Bollywood?Aditya Verman's answer to Is there any scientific explanation behind the Indian/Hindu rituals and traditions? What are they?Agratha Dinakaran's answer to What's the bravest thing you have ever done?Ahmad Ali's answer to What are the best study methods?Aishwarya Nair's answer to What is the general state of women in Kerala?Ajim Bagwan's answer to What is the most awesome paradox?Akand Sitra's answer to Is the Mahabharata a true story?Akash Randheer's answer to What can I learn/know right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of my life?Akash Selvaraj's answer to Is it safe for a single American woman to travel in India (southern India and Delhi)?Akash Shah's answer to What is string theory? How can I gather a clear concept about the string theory?Alaka Halder's answer to How is methylglyoxal produced in ketosis?Alex Wilson's answer to How can an independent artist (music) increase chance of being discovered?Alok Sharma's answer to What are some fascinating things that happen once a year?‎Alon Amit (אלון עמית)‎'s answer to In an online lecture, a professor mentioned that Einstein could draw or imagine a 4-dimensional figure. How can one possibly do that?‎Alon Amit (אלון עמית)‎'s answer to What does it feel like to have your sibling die?Amanda Tendler's answer to What advice would you give a 21-year-old American woman traveling to China for the first time?Amin Ariana's answer to What kind of jobs do software engineers who earn $500k per year do?Amir Memon's answer to Why does Mark Zuckerberg have a 99% approval rating from his employees?User's answer to What does it feel like to be poor?User's answer to What elements of “Mahabharata” make it timeless, and what are the basic lessons we can learn from it?Andrew Hamada's answer to Why do people think Apple Pay is so innovative when an equivalent feature has been part of Android for more than two years?User-9497531471687060170's answer to Video Games: What are the characteristics of a multiplayer opponent that makes their multiplayer opponent remember them, even after 10-20 years?Ankush Saxena's answer to What are some possible reasons for Arvind Kejriwal's resignation as Chief Minister?Ankush Saxena's answer to What is the significance of WhatsApp for Facebook? Why did Facebook acquire WhatsApp at such a hefty price of $19 billion?Anne K. Halsall's answer to Are things getting better or worse for women in Silicon Valley?Anita Sanz's answer to How does one go about truly forgiving someone for doing something to them that has adversely affected their life?Antariksh Bothale's answer to Should Sanskrit be made a compulsory subject in schools as suggested by RSS to Smriti Irani?User-11383319046987876708's answer to How does Canada have more economic freedom with nationalized health care than the USA?Archie D’Cruz's answer to How do the Emirates manage to rake in profits from their A380 flights operating to so many destinations? Is it because of cheap fuel or are they smart and efficient? Do they have that many high demand routes to justify 140 A380s on order?Archie D’Cruz's answer to How come British India did not develop a football culture whereas cricket flourished despite the fact that both sports were equally popular in England?Archie Ward's answer to What it is like to quit your job and travel the world?Ariel Williams's answer to What is it like to transition gender socially, legally, and/or physically?Ariel Williams's answer to What would a competent alien invasion force do differently from the normal Hollywood portrayals?Aurora Weston's answer to What is it like to burn out as a student at MIT?Austin Li's answer to What was it like to be in Hong Kong during the protests (Occupy Central)?User-10736666450139283330's answer to What are the best book reading tips you've ever received?Balaji Viswanathan (பாலாஜி விஸ்வநாதன்)'s answer to What are the best ways to fight corruption in India?Balaji Viswanathan (பாலாஜி விஸ்வநாதன்)'s answer to What would happen if 1 USD = 1 INR?Ben Skirvin's answer to Who says "aluminum" outside of the U.S.A., and who says "aluminium" outside of the UK and Australia? Which word is the original and which is the derivative form? Are they both derivatives of an older word?Bhuvi Jain's answer to I'm Indian (22). I don't know much about the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, or Indian history, and I'm very poor in GK. How should I go about increasing my knowledge of Indian history?User-13549896247056403385's answer to What is the most valuable programming language to know for the future and why?Brandon Lee's answer to What's an efficient way to overcome procrastination?Brian Collier's answer to Whenever I drink whiskey all I taste is the alcohol. How can I learn to detect flavors and differences in whiskey, scotch, bourbon, single malt vs. blended, etc.?Brian Farley's answer to What does DNA taste like?Brian Roemmele's answer to What is the farthest human-made object?Brian Wong's answer to What are some methods or algorithms I can use to make doing laundry more efficient?Burton Malkiel's answer to How should a young person invest money?C.V. Krishnakumar's answer to What are the top 10 most powerful weapons in Mahabharata?CamMi Pham's answer to What can I do to read more books in short time?Carrie Cutler's answer to What is it like to have an autistic child? I saw an autistic child with his parents. He seemed impossible to manage, but when I heard their conversation, I knew he was their child no matter what disorder he has. I want to learn about such parents.Carter Moore's answer to How much climate damage can we really do before fossil fuels run out?Carter Moore's answer to What would happen if the 20 biggest cities of the US were wiped out by nuclear weapons? The US doesn't know how the terrorist organization acquired the weapons. How would the US retaliate against an organization that isn't a country?Carter Page's answer to Financially speaking, which computer languages can earn the most for the programmer?Catherine Beale's answer to Did people jump from the WTC towers on 9/11 because their rooms were on fire and they were about to be burned alive?Chang Lee's answer to What are some books that expand our mind?Carlet Langford's answer to What are the tricks employed by casinos to attract and retain gamblers?Chloe Shani Malveaux's answer to Why do some people think Kim's cover photo on Paper was racist?Chloe Shani Malveaux's answer to How do African-Americans feel about the grand jury's decision not to indict the Ferguson officer?Christoph Marschall's answer to Why is making a round touch screen so difficult?User-12342614556208391459's answer to What are the ten most important things about personal finance that someone without a finance background must know?Christopher VanLang's answer to Why did Brazil lose to Germany in the 2014 World Cup semifinal?Chrys Jordan's answer to What does it feel like to have Asperger syndrome?Clayton C. Anderson's answer to Why do astronauts need to shower in space? How important is hygiene aboard the International Space Station?Clayton C. Anderson's answer to Does the ISS's structure ever creak or groan due to gravitational differences?Craig Montuori's answer to What are the most challenging computer war games (no "first-person shooter" games)? Any era will do, but I do have a preference for WWII games.Cristina Hartmann's answer to What is it like to go blind?Cristina Hartmann's answer to Why did it take The Great Gatsby 20 years before becoming recognized as an American masterpiece?Dan Rosenthal's answer to What is the best thing to do when a grenade is thrown at you?Daniel Da Vinci's answer to What are common items that savvy travelers bring with them that less-savvy ones don't, especially for international or long-haul flights?Daniel McLaury's answer to How does the thinking or talent of a top 99.999% percentile math person differ from a 99% percentile math person?Daniel McLaury's answer to What would happen tomorrow if coffee were banned?Daniel Viljoen's answer to Is there any organism that can change shape, colour, or form to resemble its own predator? Is there any organism that can change shape, colour, or form to resemble its own prey? If yes, what keeps it from being mistaken for prey by its own kind?Dave Cheng's answer to What are the greatest Chinese sayings (translated into English)?Dave Cheng's answer to What are the biggest cultural differences between Yale and Harvard?David R. Carpenter's answer to What is the oldest surviving religion in the world? What is the reason it has survived so long?David Cole's answer to What questions should I ask when interviewing for a product design position at a startup?David Cole's answer to What can software product designers learn from game designers?David Ding's answer to What do physicists think about the 2014 movie Interstellar?David Karger's answer to What qualities characterize a great PhD student?David S. Rose's answer to Why are there crushed stones alongside rail tracks?Deba Jyoti Khawas's answer to What is your review of Interstellar (2014 movie)?Debarghya Das's answer to What are the hottest startups in India?Debjyoti Banerjee's answer to Why do people adore celebrities but not intellectuals like scientists, researchers, etc.?Deepak Mehta (दीपक मेहता)'s answer to What should every person be knowledgeable about or be proficient in by the age of 20? Can we please create an answer wiki for this?Deepak Mehta (दीपक मेहता)'s answer to What are the most common mistakes businesses make with their social media strategies?Denis Grammakov's answer to What are some remarkable facts about Switzerland?Denis Oakley's answer to Ukraine: What would be a good strategy for Ukrainian leadership to take at the moment?Diana Crețu's answer to What are some of the best examples of people getting what they deserved?Athena Meriwether's answer to How do I drive a car while I am drunk?Dolly Singh's answer to What are the best kept secrets of successful business people? I would like to know about the dark side secrets as well.Drew Eckhardt's answer to Why do so many CS graduates flunk simple interview questions on algorithms? I work at a large technology company and interview many candidates for technical (but not straight coding) positions, and many seem to have forgotten basic things.Dustin Moskovitz's answer to How large, typically, does a Silicon Valley company have to be before it has an in-house kitchen and staff to prepare meals on site?Edmond Lau's answer to What are the best tricks to keep yourself motivated?Eivind Kjørstad's answer to Why do we try the impossible?Eivind Kjørstad's answer to Why is everyone on Quora smarter than I am?Emmanuel Fabella's answer to How can the Oculus Rift be used for healthcare?Eric Pepke's answer to Question That Contains Assumptions: Why do many feminists refute the alpha-beta classification of males even though it is scientifically valid?Erica Friedman's answer to How can someone support gay marriage and believe in evolution?Erin Parker's answer to I am 24 years old and just started learning coding. I want to be a programmer. Am I too late in the game?Eva Kor's answer to What was it like being in Josef Mengele's twin experiments in the Holocaust?Eva Kor's answer to What was Josef Mengele like as a person? Did the Holocaust survivors’ perception of him change before and after their captivity?Evan Asano's answer to What is the most effective yet efficient way to get rich?Evan DeFilippis's answer to What small lifestyle changes have the biggest impact?Faisal Abid's answer to What is it like to be in a train crash?Feifei Wang's answer to What are people's initial impressions of Destiny?Gabriel Seah's answer to Why is Ebola so difficult to contain in Western Africa?Garima Pandey's answer to What is it like to live in places with 24 hours of full daylight or darkness? How is life affected due to these extremities? Is there visible impact on business, governance and essential activities?Garrett Reisman's answer to What do astronauts think about the movie Interstellar?Garrick Saito's answer to Why don't people eat turkey more often than at Thanksgiving?Gayathri Sitaraman's answer to What are the hottest startups in India?Gayle Laakmann McDowell's answer to How do atheists explain the appearance of design in the universe?George Moromisato's answer to Now that “Watchmen” and “Ender's Game” have been made into movies, what are some "unfilmable" books that you would love to see as a film?Gerard Danford's answer to What are the best kept secrets of successful business people? I would like to know about the dark side secrets as well.Giordon Stark's answer to What should a Ph.D. student look for in a thesis adviser? What're your thoughts on what a student should look for when choosing an advisor?Giordon Stark's answer to If a person is born deaf, which language do they think in?Glenn Anderson's answer to Are there any "transitional life forms" which have yet to be debunked by modern science? I'm wondering if anyone can provide an example of a transitional evolutionary life form. Or, as it's commonly called, a “missing link”.Glyn Williams's answer to Is Android doomed in light of its device fragmentation that frustrates developers?Graeme Shimmin's answer to What are the topics I should mute to get a knowledge centered feed on Quora?Graeme Shimmin's answer to What makes a writer great?Gurudutt Mallapur's answer to Should we respect Sarita Devi for her action at the podium? Why or why not?Hadi Partovi's answer to What was the one line of JavaScript that President Obama wrote as part of the Hour of Code 2014?Hamid Shah (ஆமித் சா)'s answer to What is the reason that Buddhism diminished in India while Jainism still exists?Hans Zimmer's answer to How did Hans Zimmer get involved in Interstellar?Hans Zimmer's answer to What is it like working with Christopher Nolan?Hari Kumar Jayan's answer to Chicken/egg problem in Interstellar: Does "they" in Interstellar mean aliens?Quora User's answer to Why is Hanumanji so popular among Hindu gods?Harish Tatavarthy's answer to In Interstellar, it is shown that we can travel to the future through black holes. How?Harold Kingsberg's answer to Why was Japan so aggressive during World War II? They attacked and conquered a vast amount of territory.Harold Kingsberg's answer to How was Hitler able to rebuild Germany so quickly? How was it possible to reduce the number of unemployed, control inflation, and advance technologically in such a short time?Howie Reith's answer to Is someone else getting poorer when I make money? For example, if I make a million dollars from scratch in a year by doing some business, those million dollars have to come from somewhere. And they come from people.Ian York's answer to Why did dinosaurs have feathers?Ilter Canberk's answer to What do they teach in Y Combinator?Inna Vishik's answer to If there is a sentient species 1% smarter than humans, what could it do? How probable is its existence?Inna Vishik's answer to If there is a sentient species 1% smarter than humans, what could it do? How probable is its existence?Ivan Mazour's answer to What happens to the founder of a company backed by angel investors if the company fails?Coba Weel's answer to What are some lifestyle changes that save money?Jae Starr's answer to What does a person with Alzheimer's disease typically experience on a daily basis?Jae Won Joh's answer to What do doctors think of HealthKit?Jai Parimi's answer to Is the Jan Dhan Yojna the biggest scam by the prime minister? How is it helping the people? The poor assume they are going to get Rs 1lac and 5k in their accounts, and Modi is boasting about it. What is the direct benefit to the people?James Altucher's answer to How is the game of chess similar/dissimilar to life?James Altucher's answer to What is success if you don't know your main goal in life?Jane Chin (陳盈錦)'s answer to What does it feel like to get stuck in a PhD? What is the next course of action after realizing it’s going nowhere? Did anyone change their thesis due to stagnation of productive research?Jane Dinh's answer to What have been some of your best experiences while traveling?Jason M. Lemkin's answer to Is Microsoft's layoff a one-off case or are there other major tech companies likely to follow suit?Jason M. Lemkin's answer to How do I reject a VC without spoiling the relationship?User's answer to What 10 things should we expect from a completely reformed education system of India (if it happens)?Jay Wacker's answer to Is the outrage/mockery of Black Friday and Thanksgiving day shopping a form of classism? It appears many of the shoppers are of lower economic status and likely enticed by the chance to purchase things they couldn't afford the rest of the year.Jay Wacker's answer to What explains the disappearance of a significant chunk of dark matter since the Big Bang?Jawwad Farid's answer to What is the ideology behind the inhuman terrorist attack on children in Peshawar?Jeff Darcy's answer to What are the best secrets of great programmers?Jeff Meyerson's answer to How can I overcome the discouragement from being rejected by all the top tech companies I have applied to?Jeff Nelson's answer to What was eBay the company's route to the top? If you were in charge of it would you have changed their path to benefit the company more? How so?User's answer to My boyfriend of 2 years doesn't like me talking to guys, controls me and is extremely jealous. He frequently asks me to send screenshots of my chat list on WhatsApp and becomes furious if he sees chats with a guy. What should I do?Jim Cantrell's answer to How did Elon Musk learn enough about rockets to create and run SpaceX?Jim Stone's answer to What are some trippy thought experiments?John Chesire's answer to What is it like to have an anti-aircraft missile chasing your aircraft?John Hudak's answer to What, if anything, can President Obama do this late in his presidency to spur some Congressional cooperation?John McCain's answer to What is it like to be a prisoner of war? How were you treated by your captors? What kind of contact did you have with the outside world? How did you adjust to society after, and how did you change as a person as a result of this experience?John Renfroe's answer to What are some Chinese characters with a great story or interesting etymology behind them?John Savidge's answer to In "The Lord of the Rings", why didn't the dwarves who were given Rings of Power turn to the dark side like the nine men did?Jon Davis's answer to What are the top survival tips in a warzone for a fresh recruit?Jon Davis's answer to How can we destroy the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS)?Jon Mixon's answer to What is the likelihood of evading a manhunt? How can it be done?Jonathan Brill's answer to Why did Nest Labs buy Dropcam?Jonathan Weinberg's answer to What did it feel like to be inside the World Trade Center at the time of the 9/11 attacks?Jong-Moon Kim's answer to If Steve Jobs were handed a pen and told, "sell me this pen", how would he go about it?Jose Maldonado's answer to What is it like to be kidnapped?Joseph Misiti's answer to What skills are needed for machine learning jobs?Joshua Kaplan's answer to What was it like meeting a Holocaust survivor? What was her/his story?Joydeep Sen Sarma's answer to Why has India failed to produce tech giants like Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.?Judith Meyer's answer to If two polyglots could communicate in several languages, how would they choose which language to use?Julien Vaché's answer to What is it like to eat at "41º Experience, by Albert Adrià"?Julien Vaché's answer to What is it like to be on Top Chef?R. Justin Freeman's answer to Why do police officers often come across as arrogant?Kah Keng Tay's answer to I have a month of a free time. What coding languages can I learn which will be helpful in the future since I am a 1st yr undergraduate in IT dept?Kai Peter Chang's answer to How do I break up with an old boyfriend, whom I have dated for 4 years, for a new, better guy I've known for 1 year? He’s more interesting/exciting and model, hot-looking. They both make around the same salary; everything else is similar.Kaiser Kuo's answer to Why do so many people feel that the Chinese can't possibly be OK with their government or society? It seems that many in West deem the current Chinese government/society as wrong and that any "right-thinking" person would agree and join in the fight.Kamal Hassan's answer to What are some policies that would improve millions of lives, but people still oppose? Why do people oppose them? What is the one area where you wish politicians and the public would pay attention to scientific consensus or other data?Kamal Kishor Sharma's answer to What are the most productive ways to spend time on the Internet?Kåre Lohse's answer to What was it like to be in Hong Kong during the protests (Occupy Central)?Kartik Ayyar's answer to What is the significance of WhatsApp for Facebook? Why did Facebook acquire WhatsApp at such a hefty price of $19 billion?Kate Simmons's answer to Why does chewing gum give me a headache?Keith Shannon's answer to How did game developers pack entire games into so little memory twenty five years ago?Ken Miyamoto's answer to Who would win in a fight between Wolverine and Freddy Krueger and why?Ken Miyamoto's answer to Is the legendary "Best Supporting Actress Curse" real?Ken Rosen's answer to If Steve Jobs was such a bad boss, why did so many people work with him?Kettner Griswold's answer to What is the story behind Evolutionary Solutions?Kevin Suttle's answer to What is the most valuable programming language to know for the future and why?Kim Huynh's answer to What's the craziest thing you've done to get a job?Komal Charan Garlapati (కోమల్ చరణ్ గార్లపాటి)'s answer to What is something electrical engineers know that others don't?Krishna Bindu's answer to What are some lesser known must-see movies of the 21st century?Krishi V Bhat's answer to What are some things that mechanical engineers know and others don't?Kshitij Salgunan's answer to What do you think about Modi's visit to Siachen to meet soldiers on Diwali? Does it remind you of the leaders of the freedom-fighting era?Kshitij Salgunan's answer to Why does Kerala have a higher crime rate even though most of the population is well educated?Kyle Murao's answer to What are the most epic acts of narcissism?Kyle Murao's answer to What are some societal norms in France that Americans would find strange?Kyle Pennell's answer to Is India a good travel destination?Leonard Kim's answer to How could I get rich?Leonard Kim's answer to What are the best bargaining techniques when buying a car from a dealer?Leonardo Morán's answer to How do different people around the world describe Che Guevara? How is he so popular?Leonardo Morán's answer to What is it like to be an ethnic minority in a place where there are none?Levi Wilder's answer to What does it feel like to be a prison guard?Logan Forbes's answer to Handedness: Is trying to become ambidextrous a good idea? Why or why not?Lukas Tencer's answer to What's the best way to visualize high-dimensional data?Madsen Zimbric's answer to What are some of the most important key concepts to grasp that can truly help you understand the world around you?User-11557562667646777609's answer to What are the best travel hacks?Manoj Memana Jayakumar's answer to What are the best Python scripts you've ever written?Manoj Memana Jayakumar's answer to In just 4 years since conception, Xiaomi is now the 3rd largest smartphone manufacturer behind Apple and Samsung. What are some lessons for entrepreneurs from its growth strategy? What has Xiaomi done right?Marc Bodnick's answer to Why is WhatsApp's CEO joining Facebook's board?Marcus Geduld's answer to Interpersonal Interaction: What is the quickest way to get people to trust you?Marie Stein's answer to What's it like to have attended an elite school and then be an utter failure afterward?Mark Eichenlaub's answer to What shaped object if dropped into a still body of water would produce the highest splash and why (keeping all other variables the same e.g. mass, volume)?Mark Hughes's answer to Did Batman kill the Joker at the end of The Killing Joke?Matt Johnson's answer to To what extent do admissions officers at elite universities believe in stereotypes about Asian Americans?Mattias Petter Johansson's answer to Will the iPhone 6 be the most technologically advanced phone on the planet so far? Why or why not?Melissa Lorenzen Smith's answer to What does it feel like to be pregnant, emotionally and physically?Melissa Hoy's answer to How physically intense is ballet?Michael Brandt's answer to What is it like to work as a PM (Product Manager) at Google?Michael Forrest Jones's answer to Is it stealing if you take certain items in your already paid-for hotel room like soap, shampoo, stationery, etc?Michael Morton's answer to What is it like to be wrongly convicted? What goes through their mind that first night after the verdict? What happens as the weeks turn into months and years?Michael O. Church's answer to Question That Contains Assumptions: Why do the bad guys get the good girls, and the bad girls get the good guys?Michael O. Church's answer to What kind of jobs do software engineers who earn $500k per year do?Mick Stute's answer to What is a coder's worst nightmare?Michael Barnard's answer to Which is more scalable, nuclear energy or wind energy?Mike Leary's answer to I'm THIS close to achieving my dream. 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What are the possible reasons for this?Vishal Khandelwal's answer to How should a young person invest money?Vivek Mehta's answer to What is the best way to stop feeling lonely? I am a 15 year old boy and am currently on summer vacation. I become unbearably sad when I think of how happy I used to be when I was in middle school.Waqas Ahmed's answer to What technologies should one learn to stay ahead in the IT industry from now until 2020?Will Wister's answer to Why did oil prices plummet in 2014 and 2015?William Chen's answer to How can I become a data scientist?William Chen's answer to What should everyone know about making good charts and graphs to represent data?User-12616619705513344996's answer to Feminism: Why is there so much concern about rape culture and not about murder culture?Yash Bhatnagar's answer to What images will change the way a person sees the world after viewing them?Yishan Wong's answer to Why did Yishan Wong resign as Reddit CEO?Yishan Wong's answer to In a growing tech company, what are the most valuable things on which an engineering manager should spend time?Yogesh Indolia's answer to What are the most surreal places one can ever visit in India?Zach Elko's answer to What is the best comment in source code that you have ever encountered?Zoletta Cherrystone's answer to Do women like unintelligent men? Why or why not?Someone anonymous's answer to What is it like to talk to a serial killer?Someone anonymous's answer to What is it like to be wrongly convicted? What goes through their mind that first night after the verdict? What happens as the weeks turn into months and years?Someone anonymous's answer to What is it like to find out you have HIV/AIDS?Someone anonymous's answer to What does it feel like to live in the U.S. as an undocumented immigrant?Someone anonymous's answer to What does it feel like being the CEO of a startup?My Quora Q&A Lists: Technology |Entrepreneurship | Books | Book Recommendations | Hinduism | Travel |Cooking | GoogleI keep a running tracker of all such lists and resources in my post Bookmarks.

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