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How to Edit Text for Your Have Your Company Or Team Name Printed with Adobe DC on Windows
Adobe DC on Windows is a must-have tool to edit your file on a PC. This is especially useful when you deal with a lot of work about file edit without network. So, let'get started.
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How to Edit Your Have Your Company Or Team Name Printed With Adobe Dc on Mac
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How to Edit your Have Your Company Or Team Name Printed from G Suite with CocoDoc
Like using G Suite for your work to finish a form? You can make changes to you form in Google Drive with CocoDoc, so you can fill out your PDF with a streamlined procedure.
- Integrate CocoDoc for Google Drive add-on.
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If you could, what punctuation would you import from other languages into English?
I have searched through the internet, climbed the longest of low-quality lists on blogs, and journeyed to the very depths of Wikipedia to bring to you on this day the Seven Wonders of the World’s Punctuation. Some are widely used; some are now outdated even in their source languages but are wholly deserving of revival. I hope only that Quora shall render these characters successfully upon the digital page before ye.1. The Ge’ez Preface ColonI have covered the superior Ge’ez punctuation before; I maintain that its characters fully deserve importation into the English language, as well as all others.Alas, I may choose only one symbol from the glorious system for the purposes of the answer. Of its numerous treasures the greatest would be the preface colon ፦, which not only lowers the number of characters needed to type a nose-imbued smiley face but also notes that someone has said something.For example:A፤ B (using the regular Ge’ez colon): A is B.A፦ B (using the preface colon): A says B.The distinction is beautiful, isn’t it? See the linked answer above for further Ge’ezly punctual wonder.2. Chinese Quotation MarksRoughly one Asia away from Ge’ez’s habitat lies our second masterpiece. Plenty of languages have their takes on quotation marks - English’s “”, French’s «», German’s „“, to name a few - but the most elegant are, I believe, the 「」 of modern Chinese and Japanese. They appear equally well on a computer screen, printed book, handwritten note, or calligraphed page.What if you want to write vertically? Simply rotate them ninety degrees and print your text normally from there.Vertical Chinese with its literally wonderful quotation marks-at-an-angle. Image from here.3. The Armenian Abbreviation MarkHow many times have you stumbled over a sentence ending with an abbreviation, eg. “etc.” or “U.S.”, because the period’s double use as a full stop and as an abbreviation mark made it seem like the sentence wasn’t over yet? With the awesome although admittedly archaic Armenian abbreviation mark ՟, you’ll never have to worry again.Compare, for instance, the following two paragraphs:Did Team Red or Team Blue win? Because of good players like Todd, Gerald, Sean, etc. Team Blue lost by six points.Did Team Red or Team Blue win? Because of good players like Todd, Gerald, Sean, etc՟ Team Blue lost by six points.In the first paragraph, it’s not clear whether there are two sentences or three. In one interpretation, the second sentence is answering the first, and then the third sentence is stating how much Team Blue lost by. Another way of looking at it is that the second sentence is saying Todd, Gerald, Sean, etc. caused Team Blue to lose by six points. All because of a single ambiguous period!The second fixes this with the abbreviation mark. The full stop . is now dedicated solely to marking sentences’ ends, so the only possible interpretation is that Todd, Gerald, Sean, etc՟ caused Team Blue to lose by six points.Traditionally, the mark should be placed over the final letter, which looks much more appealing than shown here.4. The InterrobangThis is technically not “from other languages”, but it’s well worthy of Wonder status. Rather than writing the two-character ?! and using up unnecessary space, you can combing them into an exclamatory question mark: the interrobang‽Are you serious‽, you may ask, fully aware of the irony. First, that’s reserved for a completely different character, and second, I certainly am.The interrobang in all its glory. Depending on your device, it may not render on mobile, so imagine this character where all the little boxes are. Image from Wikipedia ( you be surprised, you may say What‽ and make full use of its power. If you happened to live in the mid-20th century, you could gaze upon one of the many technological advancements the period had to offer and exclaim What‽ A Refrigerator That Makes Its Own Ice Cubes‽The symbol is the greatest element of advertiser Martin K. Speckter’s legacy, so much so that his obituary (New York Times, 1988) begins:Martin K. Speckter, a retired advertising executive known to lexicographers as the creator of the interrobang, a punctuation mark used to convey disbelief, died of bone cancer Sunday at Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan. He was 73 years old and lived in Manhattan.From 1956 to 1969, Mr. Speckter was president of Martin K. Speckter Associates Inc., which handled promotion for The Wall Street Journal, The National Observer, Barron's weekly and the Dow Jones News Service. In 1962, Mr. Speckter developed the interrobang, since recognized by several dictionaries and some type and typewriter companies.The interrobang predictably fell out of use soon afterwards, but has noticed something of a revival on the internet since then. For more on its history, see here; to carry on the tradition, the ‽’s alt code is Alt+8253.5. ꧁The Javanese Rerengan꧂The Javanese writing system never fails to be as flashy as orthographically possible. Its colons ꧌ and ꧍ resemble a pair of torches; to begin a poem, all you need is a special punctuation mark called a purwapada, which happens to be the relatively simple character ꧅ꦧ꧀ꦖ꧅.A full paragraph of Javanese looks like this:꧋ꦱꦧꦼꦤ꧀ꦲꦸꦮꦺꦴꦁꦏꦭꦲꦶꦂꦫꦏ꧀ꦏꦺꦏꦤ꧀ꦛꦶꦩꦂꦢꦶꦏꦭꦤ꧀ꦢꦂꦧꦺꦩꦂꦠꦧꦠ꧀ꦭꦤꦲꦏ꧀ꦲꦏ꧀ꦏꦁꦥꦝ꧉ꦏꦧꦺꦃꦥꦶꦤꦫꦶꦁꦔꦤ꧀ꦲꦏꦭ꧀ꦭꦤ꧀ꦏꦭ꧀ꦧꦸꦱꦂꦠꦏꦲꦗꦧ꧀ꦥꦱꦿꦮꦸꦁꦔꦤ꧀ꦲꦁꦒꦺꦴꦤ꧀ꦤꦺꦩꦼꦩꦶꦠꦿꦤ꧀ꦱꦶꦗꦶꦭꦤ꧀ꦱꦶꦗꦶꦤꦺꦏꦤ꧀ꦛꦶꦗꦶꦮꦱꦸꦩꦢꦸꦭꦸꦂ꧉(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Text from Omniglot.)The objectively best Javanese punctuation marks - which is saying something - are the rerengan, ꧁꧂, a pair of characters used around a title as I’ve done above. One does not get fancier typography than in Javanese, and for this I name the rerengan the fifth Wonder.(If this text didn’t load properly, see here.)6. The Khmer Cock’s Eye and Cow’s UrineAs much as it may seem like it, this is not a lost line from Macbeth; it’s a pair of the Southeast Asian language Khmer’s sandwichly introductory and final punctuation, respectively. If you’d like to note the absolute beginning of a text, you use the pnɛɛk moan, ៙, literally the “cock’s eye”; to say that it’s all over, the koo moot (“cow’s urine), ៚, ends the text. An example paragraph (from here) utilizing the eye and urine would look like this:៙เขมร ភាសាខ្មែខ្រមែរ ឬ ខេមរភាសា គឺជាភាសារបស់ ប្រជាជាតិខ្មែរ ។ ភាសាសំស្ក្រឹត និងភាសាបាលីបានជួយបង្កើតខេមរភាសា ព្រោះភាសាខ្មែរបានខ្ចីពាក្យច្រើនពីភាសាអស់នោះ ។ เขมรមានអក្សរក្រមវែងជាងគេនៅលើពិភពលោក ។ វាជាភាសាមួយដ៏ចំណាស់ ដែលប្រហែលជាមានដើមកំណើតតាំងតែពី ២០០០ ឆ្នាំមុនមកម៉្លេះ ។៚Not only do they look and sound fantastic, they’d be an invaluable addition to any language’s writing system. Gone shall be any uncertainty of where a story begins or ends!These are unfortunately no longer regularly used in Khmer, though they clearly should be.7. Spanish Inverted PunctuationYes, you’re all familiar with it, but you can’t go wrong with a classic, ¿can you?Just as English has parentheses and quotation marks on both ends of the text they refer to, Spanish encloses ¡exclamations! and ¿questions? with punctuation in both directions. Makes sense, ¿doesn’t it? It’s especially useful for Spanish, which only distinguishes between a statement and its question form by rising intonation, so it needs all the written interrogative-marking it can get.If you’d like to do both at once along the lines of the interrobang, you have three options:¡Qué?, with one on each side.¡¿Qué?!, with both on both sides.⸘Qué‽, with an inverted interrobang, because the Spanish weren’t going to let themselves be excluded from this combined punctuation business.Thanks for asking!
I am IT manager and want to get attention from the top management in my company by starting an RPA initative. How can I start?
First thing to ask yourself is if there are wastes and inefficiencies in your company’s current system.If the former is the case, are there some wastes/inefficiencies in your current system like unnecessary printing, unnecessary business routines, duplicates in the applications e.g database, unnecessary retailer documentation protocols etc that your company has overlooked over the years? are they some wastes that indirectly affects the company in terms of cost savings? I like to explain leaning manual processes like this picture down here. One doctor can satisfy 4 patients in a scenario where these patients are ill but tests need to be conducted before they can be attended to by the GP. These patients walk into one NHS health centre go through some health form with the receptionist (e.g NI, Name , Date, GP they want to see, what the problem is etc) and after going through all this a nurse attends to them and request they conduct a medical test before seeing the resident doctor. The patients are asked to visit a test clinic in Coventry city centre, which is 3.8 miles from the health centre. On getting there, they had to queue before they were attended to. They probably get their result in a day or two and book an appointment in the clinic. All this routine is giving the patients negative experiences about the health centre and the doctor can only attend to them when this is done. What if the health centre had its own lab assistant and a web application where patients can register and confirm their details at the clinic with their passports, wouldn’t these inefficiencies be alleviated? probably yes, if it was a private clinic and they get some pounds in return from the medical tests.If you can identify these inefficiencies, you can come up with ideas on how to lean the manual/current system by through your investigations, some facts gathered through historical records, how much your company has lost based on these wastes. Provide a concise report & documentation as evidence to show your top management. This is an opportunity to have a face- face conversation with them and discuss your concerns, your ideas for eliminating such wastes/inefficiencies. This will show case your great attention to detail and create an impression on your top managers.I know you may not like to hear this but before taking the approach of providing an RPA solution, you should have thoroughly thought about it. Notably, a lot of companies use RPA to introduce more productivity, customer experience, cost savings, virtual workforce so it isn’t just about getting attention from your top management but changing the face of the company. You need to be aware of different kind of RPA systems out there e.g Blue Prism, Pega, Work Fusion, UIPath, Kapow, Automation Anywhere etc. Successfully identifying the best RPA system that will fit into your current system/organisation structure is very crucial. Is your company IT estate flooded with legacy systems or more recent technologies? how would UIPath fit into this? what is the governance & compliance structure in your company? how much will your company be saving? how would it improve your customer experience(retailers, professional business users etc)? would your company be willingly to pay for it as the licensing cost for an RPA system could be very pricey? does your company have capacity for such RPA initiative?Would your company be willing to pay for professional help (contractors or full time staffs) as well as incur the cost of setting up an RPA team? how much will RPA affect the current system ? positively or negatively(relieving staff of their jobs)?So these kind of questions should be clearly investigated. I have included a chart of the RPA positioning so you should get an understanding of what kind of RPA system is beneficial for your work place. Work fusion is in the process of releasing a free version of their RPA system, you should take advantage of that as see how RPA works. Let me also remind you, you can wow your top management by putting on a good presentation on the above questions and also talking about some potential Minimum Viable Products(MVP) you have in mind as part of your pilot .Once, you figure all these out and get a go ahead from the top management, it’s best to have a conversation with the RPA providers for a company demo to explain in detail how they can help your company.I hope this helps.
How do I build a reputation as an industry expert if my work belongs to my employer and is thus a trade secret?
Where there's a will, there's a way.The trade secret, as you already know, must be protected but...But how do you know that your team has achieved much more than your peers?It means that there are ways - legal normal ways - of your peers to share information: trade shows, conferences, some technical forums, or newsletters, perhaps even professional organizations where persons like yourself mingle and network and otherwise connect and share thoughts.As such, you need to become a participant - if your work is highly technical and involves some niche which others are not privy to, it is my own (unqualified) opinion that there's severe lack of recognition of your and your team's talent around here.Since I don't know the first thing about your line of work, please reach out to the reputable sources within your industry - be it a magazine (print or online) and ask about the submission requirements for a written piece (an opinion, a scholarly work, etc).From that, you take it to your boss or your C-level person and say that it's a shame that your company is not showcased as well as it should, and perhaps it's time to change that.Say that you would write something up, and marketing and legal (and any other internal department) can definitely have a look before you send the submission: it's a normal way of putting your name out there, and promoting your work and your company.You have made your company sound very sheltered and secluded as far as publicity goes, and it's not entirely clear whether it's due to the technical aspects and patents or if it's because that's the way things have always been at your workplace (some companies are more averse to publicity than others).Hope this helps.
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