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How to Edit Your PDF Pdf Download Budget Planner Bill Organizer Online

Editing your form online is quite effortless. You don't need to download any software with your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy tool to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.

Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:

  • Browse CocoDoc official website from any web browser of the device where you have your file.
  • Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ icon and press it.
  • Then you will open this free tool page. Just drag and drop the template, or upload the file through the ‘Choose File’ option.
  • Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
  • When the modification is completed, tap the ‘Download’ option to save the file.

How to Edit Pdf Download Budget Planner Bill Organizer on Windows

Windows is the most conventional operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit template. In this case, you can download CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents productively.

All you have to do is follow the steps below:

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  • After that, edit the document as you needed by using the varied tools on the top.
  • Once done, you can now save the finished paper to your laptop. You can also check more details about how do I edit a PDF.

How to Edit Pdf Download Budget Planner Bill Organizer on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. Thanks to CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac directly.

Follow the effortless guidelines below to start editing:

  • To start with, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
  • Then, choose your PDF file through the app.
  • You can upload the template from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
  • Edit, fill and sign your template by utilizing this amazing tool.
  • Lastly, download the template to save it on your device.

How to Edit PDF Pdf Download Budget Planner Bill Organizer with G Suite

G Suite is a conventional Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your job easier and increase collaboration between you and your colleagues. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF editor with G Suite can help to accomplish work handily.

Here are the steps to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Look for CocoDoc PDF Editor and get the add-on.
  • Upload the template that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by selecting "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your template using the toolbar.
  • Save the finished PDF file on your cloud storage.

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How can I compensate for ADD?

The hallmark traits of ADHD are inattention and distractibility—making organization perhaps the biggest challenge adults with the disorder face. If you have adult ADHD, the prospect of getting organized, whether it be at work or home, may leave you feeling overwhelmed.However, you can learn to break tasks down into smaller steps and follow a systematic approach to organization. By implementing various structures and routines, and taking advantage of tools such as daily planners and reminders, you can set yourself up to maintain organization and control clutter.Develop structure and neat habits—and keep them upTo organize a room, home, or office, start by categorizing your objects, deciding which are necessary and which can be stored or discarded. To organize yourself, get in the habit of taking notes and writing lists. Maintain your newly organized structure with regular, daily routines.Create space. Ask yourself what you need on a daily basis, and find storage bins or closets for things you don’t. Designate specific areas for things like keys, bills, and other items that can be easily misplaced. Throw away things you don’t need.Use a calendar app or day planner. Effective use of a day planner or a calendar on your smartphone or computer can help you remember appointments and deadlines. With electronic calendars, you can also set up automatic reminders so scheduled events don’t slip your mind.Use lists. Make use of lists and notes to keep track of regularly scheduled tasks, projects, deadlines, and appointments. If you decide to use a daily planner, keep all lists and notes inside it. You also have many options for use on your smartphone or computer. Search for “to do” apps or task managers.Deal with it now. You can avoid forgetfulness, clutter, and procrastination by filing papers, cleaning up messes, or returning phone calls immediately, not sometime in the future. If a task can be done in two minutes or less, do it on the spot, rather than putting it off for later.Tame your paper trailIf you have ADHD, a major part of your disorganization might be with paperwork. But you can put a stop to the endless piles of mail and papers strewn across your kitchen, desk, or office. All you’ve got to do is take some time to set up a paperwork system that works for you.Deal with mail on a daily basis. Set aside a few minutes each day to deal with the mail, preferably as soon as you bring it inside. It helps to have a designated spot where you can sort the mail and either trash it, file it, or act on it.Go paperless. Minimize the amount of paper you have to deal with. Request electronic statements and bills instead of paper copies. You can also reduce junk mail by opting out of the Direct Marketing Association's (DMA) Mail Preference Service.Set up a filing system. Use dividers or separate file folders for different types of documents (such as medical records, receipts, and income statements). Label and color-code your files so that you can find what you need quickly.Tips for managing your time and staying on scheduleTrouble with time management is a common effect of ADHD. You may frequently lose track of time, miss deadlines, procrastinate, underestimate how much time you need for tasks, or find yourself doing things in the wrong order. Many adults with ADHD spend so much time on one task—known as “hyperfocusing”—that nothing else gets done. These difficulties can leave you feeling frustrated and inept, and make others impatient, but there are solutions to help you better manage your time.Time management tipsAdults with attention deficit disorder often have a different perception of how time passes. To align your sense of time with everyone else, use the oldest trick in the book: a clock.Become a clock-watcher. Use a wristwatch or highly visible wall or desk clock to help you keep track of time. When you start a task, make a note of the time by saying it out loud or writing it down.Use timers. Allot yourself limited amounts of time for each task and use a timer or alarm to alert you when your time is up. For longer tasks, consider setting an alarm to go off at regular intervals to keep you productive and aware of how much time is going by.Give yourself more time than you think you need. Adults with ADHD are notoriously bad at estimating how long it will take to do something. For every thirty minutes of time you think it will take you to get someplace or complete a task, give yourself a cushion by adding ten minutes.Plan to be early and set up reminders. Write down appointments for fifteen minutes earlier than they really are. Set up reminders to ensure you leave on time and make sure you have everything you need ahead of time so you’re not frantically looking for your keys or phone when it’s time to go.Prioritization tipsBecause adults with ADHD often struggle with impulse control and jump from one subject to another, completing tasks can be difficult and large projects can seem overwhelming. To overcome this:Decide what’s first. Ask yourself what is the most important task you need to accomplish, and then order your other tasks after that one.Take things one at a time. Break down large projects or tasks into smaller, manageable steps.Stay on task. Avoid getting sidetracked by sticking to your schedule, using a timer to enforce it if necessary.Learn to say noImpulsiveness can lead adults with ADHD to agree to too many projects at work or make too many social engagements. But a jam-packed schedule can leave you feeling overwhelmed, overtired, and affect the quality of your work. Turning things down may improve your ability to accomplish tasks, keep social dates, and live a healthier lifestyle. Check your schedule first before committing to something new.Tips for managing money and billsMoney management requires budgeting, planning, and organization, so for many adults with ADHD, it can be a true challenge. Many common systems of money management don’t tend to work for adults with ADHD because they require too much time, too much paper, and too much attention to detail. But if you create your own system that is both simple and consistent, you can get on top of your finances and put a stop to overspending, overdue bills, and penalties for missed deadlines.Control your budgetAn honest assessment of your financial situation is the first step to getting budgeting under control. Start by keeping track of every expense, no matter how small, for a month. This will allow you to effectively analyze where your money is going. You may be surprised how much you’re spending on unnecessary items and impulse purchases. You can then use this snapshot of your spending habits to create a monthly budget based on your income and needs.Figure out what you can do to avoid straying from your budget. For example, if you’re spending too much at restaurants, you can make an eating-in plan and factor in time for grocery shopping and meal preparation.Set up a simple money management and bill paying systemEstablish an easy, organized system that helps you save documents, receipts, and stay on top of bills. For an adult with ADHD, the opportunity to do banking on the computer can be the gift that keeps on giving. Organizing money online means less paperwork, no messy handwriting, and no misplaced slips.Switch to online banking. Signing up for online banking can turn the hit-or-miss process of balancing your budget into a thing of the past. Your online account will list all deposits and payments, tracking your balance automatically, to the penny, every day. You can also set up automatic payments for your regular monthly bills and log on as needed to pay irregular and occasional ones. The best part: no misplaced envelopes or late fees.Set up bill pay reminders. If you prefer not to set up automatic payments, you can still make the process of bill paying easier with electronic reminders. You may be able to set up text or email reminders through online banking or you can schedule them in your calendar app.Take advantage of technology. Free services such as Mint and Finovera can help you keep track of your finances and accounts. Both services take some time to set up, but once you’ve linked your accounts they automatically update. Finovera consolidates your statements and bills from all of your accounts into one place. Mint tracks all of your bank account and credit card transactions, and also offers budgeting and other financial analysis tools. Both tools can make your financial life easier.Put a stop to impulse shoppingImpulsivity from ADHD and shopping can be a very dangerous combination. It can put you in debt and make you feel guilty and ashamed. You can prevent impulsive buys with a few strategic tactics.Shop with cash only—leave your checkbook and credit cards at home.Cut up all but one credit card. When you shop, make a list of what you need and stick to it.Use a calculator to keep a running total when shopping (hint: there’s one on your cell phone).Stay away from places where you’re likely to spend too much money, throw away catalogs as they arrive, and block emails from retailers.Tips for staying focused and productive at workADHD can create special challenges at work. The things you may find toughest—organization, completion of tasks, sitting still, listening quietly—are the very things you’re often asked to do all day long.Juggling ADHD and a challenging job is no easy task, but by tailoring your workplace environment you can take advantage of your strong points while minimizing the negative impact of your ADHD symptoms.Get organized at workOrganize your office, cubicle, or desk, one manageable step at a time. Then use the following strategies to stay tidy and organized:Set aside daily time for organization. Set aside 5 to 10 minutes a day to clear your desk and organize your paperwork.Experiment with storing things inside your desk or in bins so that they don’t clutter your workspace as unnecessary distractions.Use colors and lists. Color-coding can be very useful to people with ADHD. Manage forgetfulness by writing everything down.Prioritize. More important tasks should be done first. Set deadlines for everything, even if they are self-imposed.End distractionsWhen you have attention issues, where you work and what is around you can significantly affect how much you get are able to get done. Let your workmates know you need to concentrate, and try the following techniques to minimize distractions:Where you work matters. If you don’t have your own office, you may be able to take your work to an empty office or conference room. If you are in a lecture hall or conference, try sitting close to the speaker and away from people who chat mid-meeting.Minimize external commotion. Face your desk towards a wall and keep your workplace free of clutter. To discourage interruptions, you could even hang a "Do Not Disturb" sign. If possible, let voicemail pick up your phone calls and return them later. If noise distracts you, consider noise-canceling headphones or a sound machineSave big ideas for later. All those great concepts that keep popping into your head? Jot them down on paper for later consideration.Stretch your attention spanAs an adult with ADHD, you are capable of focusing—it's just that you may have a hard time keeping that focus, especially when the activity isn't one that you find particularly engaging. Boring meetings or lectures are hard on anyone, but for adults with ADHD, they can be a special challenge. Similarly, following multiple directions can also be difficult for those with ADHD. Use these tips to improve your focus and ability to follow instructions:Get it in writing. If you're attending a meeting, lecture, workshop, or another gathering that requires close attention, ask for an advance copy of the relevant materials—such as a meeting agenda or lecture outline. At the meeting, use the written notes to guide your active listening and note taking. Writing as you listen will help you stay focused on the speaker’s words.Echo directions. After someone gives verbal instructions, say them aloud to be sure you got it right.Move around. To prevent restlessness and fidgeting, go ahead and move around—at the appropriate times in the right places. As long as you are not disturbing others, taking a walk or even jumping up and down during a meeting break, for example, can help you pay attention later on.Tips for managing stress and boosting moodDue to the impulsivity and disorganization that often accompany ADHD, you may struggle with erratic sleep, an unhealthy diet, or the effects of too little exercise—all issues that can lead to extra stress, bad moods, and feeling out of control. The best way to stop this cycle is to take charge of your lifestyle habits and create healthy new routines.Eating well, getting plenty of sleep, and exercising regularly can help you stay calm, minimize mood swings, and fight any symptoms of anxiety and depression. Healthier habits can also reduce ADHD symptoms like inattention, hyperactivity, and distractibility, while regular routines can help your life feel more manageable.Exercise and spend time outdoorsWorking out is perhaps the most positive and efficient way to reduce hyperactivity and inattention from ADHD. Exercise can relieve stress, boost your mood, and calm your mind, helping work off the excess energy and aggression that can get in the way of relationships and feeling stable.Exercise on a daily basis. Choose something vigorous and fun that you can stick with, like a team sport or working out with a friend.Increase stress relief by exercising outdoors—people with ADHD often benefit from sunshine and green surroundings.Try relaxing forms of exercise, such as mindful walking, yoga, or tai chi. In addition to relieving stress, they can teach you to better control your attention and impulses.Get plenty of sleepSleep deprivation can increase symptoms of adult ADHD, reducing your ability to cope with stress and maintain focus during the day. Simple changes to daytime habits go a long way toward ensuring solid nightly sleep.Avoid caffeine late in the day.Exercise vigorously and regularly, but not within an hour of bedtime.Create a predictable and quiet “bedtime” routine, including taking a hot shower or bath just before bed.Stick to a regular sleep-wake schedule, even on weekends.Eat rightWhile unhealthy eating habits don’t cause ADHD, a poor diet can exacerbate symptoms. By making simple changes in what and how you eat, you may experience big reductions in distractibility, hyperactivity, and stress levels.Eat small meals throughout day.Avoid sugar and junk food as much as possible.Make sure you include healthy protein at every meal.Aim for several servings of fiber-rich whole grains each dayHere are some additional resources:Adult ADHD and Relationships: Dealing with Symptoms Together and Overcoming Relationship ChallengesTreatment for Adult ADHD: A Guide to Finding Treatments That WorkADHD Medications: Are ADHD Drugs Right for You or Your Child?Self-help tips and tools for adults with ADHDSeven Helpful Habits for ADDers – Article describes how to uncover your special talents and use them to achieve important goals. (ADDitude)Managing Money – Practical ADHD-specific tips on how to improve your money management skills, follow a budget, and stay on top of bills. (National Resource Center on ADHD)A Guide to Organizing the Home and Office (PDF) – Explains why adults with ADHD have trouble with organization how to improve organizational skills at the home and office how to stay organized. (National Resource Center on AD/HD)ADHD and Choosing The Right Kind Of To-Do Lists – A comparison of paper and smartphone apps. (Marla Cummins, ADHD coach)Using a Day Planner as a Life Planner – Tips on using a day planner for short- and long-term planning. (ADDvance)Adult ADHD: Free Downloads – Download free tip-filled handouts about managing adult ADHD. Includes information on getting organized, bringing bills under control, and staying focused. (ADDitude)ADHD in the workplaceTop Ten ADHD Traps in the Workplace – Covers the top workplace stumbling blocks for people with ADD, and strategies for avoiding them, written by Dr. Kathleen Nadeau. (Healthy Place)Memo to ADHDers: Fix Your Workplace, Revive Your Career – Advice for getting organized and focused at work and maximizing your effectives. (ADDitude)How to Succeed in the Workplace – An information-packed guide to succeeding at work despite adult ADHD. (National Resource Center on ADHD)ADHD and relationshipsInteracting with Others: Tips for Adults with ADHD – Learn how the symptoms of ADHD can result in social and relationship issues and find out how to improve those interactions. For the complete guide, see Social Skills in Adults. (National Resource Center on ADHD)Finding support for adult ADHDFind Local CHADD Chapters – Searchable directory of support groups that focus on both children and adults with ADHD

Dangers of genetically engineered food maize?

**Weaponization of the Food System: Genetically Engineered Maize Threatens Nepal and the Himalayan Region***Not only Nepal but the entire Himalayan region is under threat. Genetically Engineered seeds are weapons of mass culling. The Nepalese Government’s foolishness in inviting USAID and Monsanto for ‘agricultural development’ through genetically engineered maize will destroy the quality of its livestock and humans. The contamination of its fragile ecosystem will be in perpetuity and irreversible.*Monsanto has close strategic ties with the U.S. Department of Defense [DoD, which should actually be renamed as Department of War] and the USAID is actually a division of the US-DoD.USAID’s current administrator Dr Rajiv Shah was top honcho of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and served the US administration as chief scientist in the Department of Agriculture [US-DoA]. US-DoA was a prime mover in the development of the “Terminator Seed” and patent holder. Terminator was later transferred to Monsanto.USAID’s Economic Growth Advisor Rave Aulakh was lying when she said “We have been trying to help the Nepalese farmer to increase his total production of the food crops,” making him “a little bit more competitive by bringing his costs down,”[1]. They are all straight-faced liars.Independent research by agricultural scientists after nearly two decades of experience with GE crops in the USA now clearly shows that these seeds neither increase yield, nor lower the cost of production, nor enhance nutrition. In fact there is incontrovertible evidence that GE crops disrupt soil nutrient balance and prevent uptake of certain critical nutrients by the roots. Moreover, GE crops contaminate non-crops from cross-pollination.The sole purpose of genetic engineering of seeds is control over seed supply and global food availability. This weaponization of food system is being implemented by a few American and European multinational firms.**Bill Gates and Depopulation**Gates now talks power politics:>“The world faces a clear choice. If we invest relatively modest amounts, many more poor farmers will be able to feed their families. If we don’t, one in seven people will continue living needlessly on the edge of starvation.” [2]What he says before and after those lines is even better and what he doesn’t know is actually the best of Bill Gates’ philanthropy. He may have founded Microsoft but Bill would not be hired as a janitor or toilet cleaner by the world’s top agriculture scientists. So this scoundrel can rant what he believes in and the media scoundrel can go on printing what this scoundrel thinks.The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation purchased 500,000 shares of Monsanto in 2010 and Bill Gates has openly spoken in favor of vigorously promoting (i) genetically engineered crops and (ii) vaccination, the two silent weapons of mass culling. Gates’ main occupation these days is to take over global food and seed supply through a monopoly of few genetically engineered food and seeds firms. [3]The US Government’s Global Food Security baloney is a sinister plot because it is administered by the USAID. Note that the US regulatory authorities have never regulated industries in the interest of the people. Monopolies have been protected and private cartels continue to kill people in the US and across the world. USAID actually serves US foreign policy interest which has little to do with humanitarianism. [4] Just two examples here: (a) during early years of Vietnam war CIA used the USAID for its covert operations and it has been the front for covert operations all along in every country targeted by the US administration, and (b) USAID played a role in the attempted coup in Venezuela in which Hugo Chavez was deposed for about 48 hours [April 10, 2002] and George Tenet, then head of CIA was directly involved. According to insiders, the two major failures of CIA since WWII were China’s occupation of Tibet and to a lesser extent the failed 2002 Venezuelan coup.USAID has three Congress approved accounts: Development Assistance, PL 480, and Economic Support Fund. Development Assistance and PL480 together account for about 80% of the budgetary allocation. For instance,>“In FY2008, about 40% of USAID’s agricultural development programs were funded by the DA account. For FY2009, about $375 million of the $1.8 billion DA appropriation was earmarked for agricultural development….. PL480 Food for Peace Program, which provides food aid for both emergency relief and development purposes.…” [5]Beware of slick words and note that Melissa Ho, an agriculture expert, was an aide to Hillary Clinton of the “we came, we saw, he died, infamy”, and earlier worked in the agriculture division of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with Rajiv Shah as head of that division. The ‘Congress approved financial appropriation’ is for the consumption of stupid academics and the media; in reality this institution has access to unlimited funds.This agency works in subtle ways. One of its most important work is to identify and nurture future leaders in the third world countries, particularly scientists (especially those working in agriculture and information technology) bureaucrats, judges and political leaders, invite them to ‘prestigious international seminars,’ essentially lavish holidays, to create a sort of ‘group think’ that furthers America’s foreign policy interests. This is the operational side of covert operations; the real strategists never show their faces and the real agenda has to be pieced together from thousands of evidences. But the key point is that this agency and their controllers are perfectly capable of disregarding even American Presidential orders. [6]The Pentagon’s National Defense University, on the eve of the 2003 Iraq War, issued a paper declaring: ‘Agribiz is to the United States what oil is to the Middle East.’ Agribusiness had become a strategic weapon in the arsenal of the world’s only superpower. William Engdahl has astutely pieced together the weaponization of seeds and control over global food production as the central strategic weapon of world’s only super power. [7] These silent weapons are used by USAID and the powerful American tax-free foundations. Investigations starkly reveal that many of India’s leading anti-GM NGOs are also either victim or willing partners in this nefarious agenda; some are definitely willing partners.**Monsanto**Monsanto was responsible for mass marketing of carcinogen PCB, Agent Orange defoliant that was sprayed all over Vietnam, and glyphosate that must be used in combination with their patented genetically engineered seeds. Dr. Don Huber, in a discussion with Dr Mercola, pointed out that the glyphosate kills beneficial soil organisms vital for uptake of critical minerals. That results in less healthy, less nutritious food and makes plants vulnerable to diseases and pest attacks.[8] This criminal corporation now controls global seeds supply of food, feed and fibre crops; it is systematically taking over natural seed firms. Nearly 95% of genetic engineering research is paid for and controlled by Monsanto and other multinational seed corporations who manipulate scientific research to hide the dangers of genetically altered plants and animals.Every independent scientist who found out the dangers of genetically engineered foods “has been under well structured and extraordinarily coordinated attack; some even express surprise that they are alive” says Jeffrey Smith. [9] Over fifty microbiologists have died under mysterious circumstances.According to an investigative report by the Center for Food Safety, “Monsanto has an annual budget of $10 million and a staff of 75 devoted solely to investigating and prosecuting farmers.” [10] When farmers purchase Monsanto seeds, they also sign a technology agreement for not saving seeds. Let us also give credit to those hundreds of upright scientists of US-DoA who knew of the dangers and warned. Their documented concerns are in the public domain but USAID, the US Government and Monsanto have immense resources to silence their critics. [11] Nepal matters to them for other than humanitarian reasons.People don’t realize that genetically engineered seed is essentially of military value: it neither increases yield, nor enhances nutrition, nor lowers the cost of production for the farmers. The idea of gene control and its reconstitution has clear military use and it has helped the US planners to set a different kind of military strategy and specific command and control goals. [12]Monsanto hired a consulting firm to work out the strategy for global food control and they were told that unless they control the regulatory process in the governments they can’t succeed. Monsanto knew that they could control every aspect of decision making including the regulatory system because they had the US Government backing. For example, they virtually took over India’s seed regulatory system just as they did in the USA and almost grabbed the European Community’s regulatory authority. The moment Iraq was forcibly occupied the military governor ordered that only Monsanto’s seeds will be planted by Iraqi farmers.Monsanto is not an ordinary company selling seeds. It has been tasked to take total control over global food production through control of seeds. It has been tasked to contaminate all natural foods’ system that will also destroy local health traditions of South Asia as well.Nepal’s scientists and Government officials regularly go to the USA at US government expenses but those ‘holidays’ will destroy their health and that of their progenies too. Like their Indian counterparts, they have been bribed into submission and silence.The main role of USAID is to penetrate the socio-economic fabric of a nation, eat into the innards of national unity like termites, and compromise political sovereignty. When that fails the final military onslaught by US armed forces starts. Nepal is too valuable a nation to Asia to allow USAID and MONSANTO to get in.**Notes:**[1] http://rt.com/news/monsanto-nepal-crops-maize-seeds-095/ (http://rt.com/news/monsanto-nepal-crops-maize-seeds-095/)[2] Annual letter from Bill Gates;http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annual-letter/2012/Pages/home-en.aspx (http://www.gatesfoundation.org/annual-letter/2012/Pages/home-en.aspx)[3]http://www.naturalnews.com/035105_Bill_Gates_Monsanto_eugenics.html#ixzz1sf3GvP7t (http://www.naturalnews.com/035105_Bill_Gates_Monsanto_eugenics.html#ixzz1sf3GvP7t)[4] Arun Shrivastava; ‘For Us Tolls the Bell- Poverty and Food Insecurity in the Developing World; Centre for Research on Globalization; http://2009.http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=13527 (http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=13527)[5] Charles Hanrahan and Melissa Ho; US Global Food Security Initiative; Congressional Research Service; 2009; Page 10-11.This slick document can be accessed here:www.crs.gov (http://www.crs.gov/)[6] This aspect was comprehensively dealt with by President Kennedy’s top security aide, Mr. Leroy F. Prouty in his classic “The Secret Team, in 1972. I have reasons to believe that the post 9/11 events of criminal global resource loot have been facilitated by the Secret Team within the CIA. See here: http://www.salem-news.com/articles/september032011/911-necessity-ar.php (http://www.salem-news.com/articles/september032011/911-necessity-ar.php)[7] William Engdahl; ‘Seeds of Destruction’; 2007; page 143[8] The YouTube video records an exceptional discussion on the technical aspects of GE seeds and plants and the way they destroy the living soil and plants’ nutrients. See here:(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4swW9OFmf8)[9] Some of the leading scientists who warned of the dangers of Genetically engineered seeds and foods are Dr. KP Prabhakaran Nair, Dr Arpad Pusztai, Dr Ignacio Chapella, Dr irina Ermakova, Dr Seralini [who exposed the Bt Brinjal fraud], Dr PM Bhargava, Dr Don Huber, so many upright scientists. Watch this video:http://www.scientistsunderattack.com/ (http://www.scientistsunderattack.com/)[10] Kimbrell and Mendelson; ‘Monsanto vs. U.S. Farmers’; 2005; PDF file, freely downloadable[11] Key FDA documents revealing GMO hazards has been compiled by ALLIANCE FOR BIO-INTEGRITY under two main headings: (a) Hazards of genetically engineered foods and (b) Flaws with how the agency made its policy. These documents can be accessed here: http://www.biointegrity.org/ (http://www.biointegrity.org/)[12] Guo Ji-wei and Xue-sen Yang; ‘Ultramicro, Nonlethal, and Reversible: Looking Ahead to Military Biotechnology’; Military Review; July-August 2005;http://www.army.mil/professionalwriting/volumes/volume3/october_2005/10_05_4.html (http://www.army.mil/professionalwriting/volumes/volume3/october_2005/10_05_4.html)Guo Ji-wei is Director, Department of Medical Affairs, Southwest Hospital, Chongqing, People’s Republic of China. Yang Xue-sen is a biotechnology lecturer and writer.[13] http://www.presstv.ir/detail/233402.html (http://www.presstv.ir/detail/233402.html)

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