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What do you think about Absolute monarchy?

Everything written is my personal opinion guided by my views and upbringing. I may write as if it’s fact because I do believe I am correct. But I am open to debate if one thinks I’m wrong.I think it’s the best political system available.There’s an old British Sitcom named Yes Minister that I like to watch and one of the exchanges between the two main characters best reflects my view of government and thus why I think absolute monarchies are the best political system.Humphrey is a civil servant and his boss is Jim Hacker, a minister in the cabinet who is naïve and wants to do good. Their exchange about morality in government is as follows:Humphrey: Government isn’t about morality.Hacker: really? What is it about then?Humphrey: Stability. Keeping things going. Preventing anarchy. Stopping society from falling to bits. Still being here tomorrow.Hacker: What for?Humphrey: I beg your pardon?Hacker: What is the ultimate purpose of government? if it isn’t for doing good.Humphrey: Minister, government isn’t about doing good and evil, it’s only about order or chaos.Humphrey’s argument is precisely why I think absolute monarchies are the best form of government.How does this relate to absolute monarchies?Absolute Monarchies tend to rule for an indefinite period of time. When King Mohammed VI of Morocco inherited the throne from his father in 1999 , he didn’t do so with the expectation that he would have to relinquish power in 2004 forcing him to work in a 5 year time frame. He did so with the expectation that he would rule until his death.This permitted him to focus on a long term strategy for Morocco.First he reformed society slowly by introducing liberal ideas. In 2004, he gave women equal rights in the civil code. He introduced modern freedoms when they were palatable to Moroccans such as somewhat free elections, freedom of speech (within reason) etc.He began to introduce better education for Moroccans, encouraging them to go to school. improving the universities and so on.and now in 2018, we get to reap the benefits of his work:Thanks to Mohammed VI, Moroccans are now entering the academia and many Moroccans are now making a name for themselves in agricultural science.Many Moroccan researchers are cited in agricultural science papers or even author them. is now industrializing while other Arab nations have failed. Morocco is following the Taiwan model in which they showcased the stability of the government to prove their investments will be secure and very profitable.Automotive Giant Nexteer to open new facility in MoroccoPrettl to Open New Plant in MoroccoSiemens opens wind turbine blades factory in MoroccoJapan's Furukawa opens US$22 million fibre optic plant in MoroccoThus as Humphrey stated, in Morocco the government’s objective isn’t good or evil but rather order and stability. Everything King Mohammed VI does is in the name of stability.Moroccan women in a clothing factoryWhich brings me to a popular argument against Absolute Monarchies. The argument is often that many Monarchs are not fit for rule as they’re merely spoiled brats lucky enough to be born or if they’re a bad ruler, the nation is trapped with them in power.This however is rarely the case.In Morocco, King Mohammed VI has a son: Crown Prince Hassan. From his birth, the Crown Prince has been groomed for power and educated in the art of statesmanship so that when the day comes that King Mohammed VI passes away, Crown Prince Hassan can continue to protect the stability within Morocco.Thus Crown Prince Hassan is essentially in a 40 year apprenticeship to prepare for the throne. This is more than can be said for many politicians in Democracies.Crown Prince Hassan with King Mohammed VI and President Macron in France.Furthermore it’s not as if the Monarchy isn’t able to be corrected. If the crown Prince is shown to not be capable to take power then they are forced aside as has happened several times before in Saudi Arabia and in Jordan.If somehow an incapable Monarch makes into power then they will be forced to relinquish power for a more capable Monarch to use two modern examples from the Arab world:King Talal I of Jordan was forced to hand over power to his 16 year old son King Hussein who became the greatest monarch in Jordan’s history.Emir Saad of Kuwait who was forced to hand over power to his cousin in 2006.In both cases it was found the Monarch had mental issues that rendered them incapable. Contrary to the popular misconception that we’re trapped with horrible Monarchs, both these men were removed from the throne.So you can see some of the merits of an Absolute Monarch:The Absolute Monarch trains for decades to become the leader of his nation , often making them superior to their democratic counterparts.The Absolute Monarch can plan decades in advance and guide their kingdom into development.If an Absolute Monarch is not fit for the throne, they are removed.An Absolute Monarch guarantees stability both domestically and internationally. Thus nobody has to fear that the Monarch will break a treaty signed just a couple years before unlike say in a Democracy where a new President can do this because the old President signed the treaty.Trump pulls US out of Iran dealAn absolute monarchy is the best political system available.

As a teacher, who are your most memorable students who turned their life around?

About 5 years ago I had a young man that was heading down the wrong path. I had him as a sophomore, and Jr. At Christmas break of his Jr. year of high school he was arrested with some marijuana and under age drinking. When school started back in January he came to me and asked what it would take to get prepared for a career as a machinist. I taught Machine Tool and Computer Aided Drafting. He explained what had happened over the break and that he had always just thought he would end up dealing like his brothers but now knew where that would lead. I had had students tell me things like this in the past but he was the first to follow through with the commitment to succeed. As a senior he went to competition and ended up finishing 7 in the nation for CNC programming and began working at a local company shortly after graduation. He moved to a larger company after about six months. He began to work as much as they would allow him to and he moved up very quickly. He returns to visit a few times each year. He has done amazing for himself. At 20 years old he bought a house with several acres of land. He had l that paid off before his 24th birthday. He brings home over six figures each year since he was 19. He just recently switched to a new company. He is now a tooling engineer for a major automotive manufacturer and travels across the United States and to Japan to redesign stamping tools and repair issues that come up. He achieved all of this before the age of 25 and never set foot in a college classroom. He has done it on his own with hard work and dedication. In 18 years in education and hundreds of students in industrial careers I am most proud of him. He is a once in a lifetime student and he constantly thanks me for guiding and believing in him when everyone else thought he would fail in life. That is why I teach because every student needs someone to believe in them and they will find success.

How was your interview experience at IIM Lucknow?

Profile:10th - 92.812th - 90.8B.Tech - 77.14 (Mechanical Engineering, IGDTUW)29 months of work experience in R&D of TVS Motor CompanyInterview Date- 5th of April, 2018Location - Hotel Monarch Luxor, BangaloreWAT Topic - It’s high time that the Indian government shifts its focus from manufacturing sector to agricultural sectorWAT was decent for me. I was able to come up with 3 points and correlated facts from the Financial budget for this year to the topic.Personal Interview - 2 Professors (P1 & P2)P1 was a gentleman, around 60 years of age (He is a faculty of Operations Management in IIM L); P2 was a middle aged man, couldn’t find his profile on the IIM L faculty directory.*I entered the room, greeted them, and was told to sit down*No introduction askedP1: Tell me about you work experience in TVS Motors*I did that, pretty smoothly. I had a lot to talk about my work experience, and the work I dd was pretty interesting too, along with some patents that I had* *The fact that I had some patents caught P2’s eye, and he asked me to elaborate on that, which I did. No cross questioning*P1: *Is checking out my file with all concentration. Stops at my semester marksheets* So, what all Management subjects did you have in your engineering course?*The person just before me was asked the same question, so I was prepared for it. I listed the management subjects*P1: I know you would have asked the previous person, never mind. Tell me, what is the difference between quality control and quality assurance?*So basically, he chose a subject of mine - Quality control & Quality Assurance (QCQA). I had absolutely no clue about this subject, it was in my 7th semester. And I had prepared for main subjects like Thermodynamics, SOM, Automotive Engineering etc, but not QCQA! I thought to myself, okay, there goes my interview*I composed myself, and attempted to answer the question with my limited knowledge. Gave P1 an answer, but he wasn’t satisfied. I asked for 1 minute and a paper to jot down my points, which he nicely obliged. I tried to seem as methodical and organized as possible, and made a 2 column difference point table, started jotting down my points. Within 30 seconds I had sufficient points to start answering again. Was nicely shot down again. After this, I started to try and make logical layman comments over the difference between QC & QA, and even mentioned that my day to day work doesn’t involve me in these parameters.Was asked about how QCQA was employed in my company, which I told. Was asked in detail about 6 sigma, which I told. Was asked about DMAIC and DMADV, which I told.P1: Okay, we are done with you. Have a nice day and all the best!P2: *After I had got up from the chair and was heading towards the door* What other calls do you have? I answered.P2: Where are you currently settled? I answered.Okay then, we are done with you. Please close the door.That’s it. It seemed like a very dull and dry interview, I was sure the QCQA goof up will definitely pull me down.Verdict - Converted! :D

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