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A Step-by-Step Guide to Editing The London Mobility Team Newsletter

Below you can get an idea about how to edit and complete a London Mobility Team Newsletter conveniently. Get started now.

  • Push the“Get Form” Button below . Here you would be brought into a webpage allowing you to make edits on the document.
  • Select a tool you desire from the toolbar that appears in the dashboard.
  • After editing, double check and press the button Download.
  • Don't hesistate to contact us via [email protected] for any questions.
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The Most Powerful Tool to Edit and Complete The London Mobility Team Newsletter

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A Simple Manual to Edit London Mobility Team Newsletter Online

Are you seeking to edit forms online? CocoDoc can assist you with its detailed PDF toolset. You can utilize it simply by opening any web brower. The whole process is easy and quick. Check below to find out

  • go to the PDF Editor Page.
  • Import a document you want to edit by clicking Choose File or simply dragging or dropping.
  • Conduct the desired edits on your document with the toolbar on the top of the dashboard.
  • Download the file once it is finalized .

Steps in Editing London Mobility Team Newsletter on Windows

It's to find a default application able to make edits to a PDF document. Luckily CocoDoc has come to your rescue. Examine the Manual below to know ways to edit PDF on your Windows system.

  • Begin by downloading CocoDoc application into your PC.
  • Import your PDF in the dashboard and conduct edits on it with the toolbar listed above
  • After double checking, download or save the document.
  • There area also many other methods to edit PDF for free, you can get it here

A Step-by-Step Manual in Editing a London Mobility Team Newsletter on Mac

Thinking about how to edit PDF documents with your Mac? CocoDoc has come to your help.. It enables you to edit documents in multiple ways. Get started now

  • Install CocoDoc onto your Mac device or go to the CocoDoc website with a Mac browser.
  • Select PDF form from your Mac device. You can do so by pressing the tab Choose File, or by dropping or dragging. Edit the PDF document in the new dashboard which encampasses a full set of PDF tools. Save the content by downloading.

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Editing PDF on G Suite is as easy as it can be

  • Visit Google WorkPlace Marketplace and find out CocoDoc
  • establish the CocoDoc add-on into your Google account. Now you are more than ready to edit documents.
  • Select a file desired by clicking the tab Choose File and start editing.
  • After making all necessary edits, download it into your device.

PDF Editor FAQ

What are the best ways to promote an app?

I would say this is a very broad question.Disregarding the fact that your app needs to solve a real world problem or at least be useful or extremely entertaining to the consumer, I would suggest following some of these steps liad out by Mashable to launch your app successfully:One month BeforeCreate a video. Video is one of the most expressive and effective ways to show off your app’s interface and capabilities. Consider creating a video that demonstrates its features and workflow. And you don’t necessarily have to invest in a production team — by using a smartphone screen emulator, Simfinger (free) and iShowU HD ($60 for Pro), you can easily create simple, professional-looking video tutorials that showcase your app's coolest features.Decide where you want to be. If you’re launching an app for Android, don’t try to submit your app to every store. Centralize your user base and focus your promotions to drive all potential users to one store. This will allow your app to get higher ratings, higher ranking and more visibility. Also, fewer distribution channels makes it easier to update and track. Start with an official smartphone market, then expand to others once you start to build awareness.Draft and finalize your content. Make sure your press release, blog post, newsletter copy and even the text for your tweets and Facebook posts are all drafted, proofed and finalized in advance. Don’t leave this to the last minute! You’ll have plenty of other things to think about the day before you launch.Get to know the press. Reporters and bloggers can help you extend awareness of your app to scores of potential new users. Research the publications that cover and review apps that fall in the same category as yours, and make sure you know who at each publication would be most excited about your app.Two to Three Days BeforeReach out to press. Ideally, reporters and bloggers should be able to publish content about your app right when it launches, so you’ll need to let them know in advance. Choose a handful of reporters to reach out to pre-launch, and be sure to let each know the specific date and time that the app will be released. Reserve time to answer questions and make yourself available to the press the day before and day of your launch, should they need any additional information. Remember that you’ll want to reach out to your full list of researched reporters on the day of launch.Offer a sneak peek. If you can offer media previews of your app, do it. Allowing reviewers to play around with your app before it’s available to the public helps make their articles more in-depth and informed.Organize and finalize your visual assets. The more visuals you have, including artwork, logos, screenshots and video, the prettier and more dynamic your resulting articles and marketing collateral will look, and the more interesting and communicative it will be to your audience. Make sure every reporter you’re in touch with has access to all assets before your app is released.Launch DayReach out to everyone on your press list. Hopefully you’ll get plenty of positive press the day of launch. To boost awareness, reach out to your expanded list of relevant reporters and bloggers and let them know about your launch. Be sure to send information about your app to the big app review sites and any other publications you think would love to know about it.Tap your existing users. If you’re launching on a new platform, be sure encourage the fans you already have to help you spread the word. Leveraging your existing community to evangelize your product can have an immense impact on your launch. Reach out to your existing user base via blog, social media, newsletter or all three, and be sure to specifically ask users to help you spread the word. Consider a refer-a-friend campaign to boost response.Be social. Tweet and post to Facebook right when your app is released and a few more times throughout the day. Try a retweet campaign coupled with a giveaway-specific hashtag to boost Twitter activity and capitalize on the excitement of your launch. And don’t forget to monitor all social media channels closely; respond often with a simple “thanks” or retweet users when appropriate.Post-LaunchAfter your fantastic launch, how can you sustain the momentum and prevent your app from dipping under the radar?Paid advertising. If your app is hot, oftentimes paid promotion campaigns will keep it visible and extend the momentum that your launch, users and press attention have already garnered. But take advantage fast, and make sure the campaigns are live within a few days after launch.Don’t drop the press. First, right after you launch, don’t forget to thank participating reporters for their interest and time. Second, as you continue to develop and add features to your app, be sure to keep reporters posted.Partner up with other app developers. Integrating with other apps can be a wonderful way to both expand the capabilities of your app and get it in front of brand new, already engaged audiences. In order to choose the right integration partner, think first about what is most valuable to your existing users. Don’t choose your partner purely based on the size of its user base — often, that’s not most important for the earliest stages of awareness. If both your app and your integration partner’s app are useful and smart, you'll be able to grow together.Continue to engage your users. Be active on social media: Ask your users questions and respond to their inquiries, ideas and feedback right away. If they make recommendations that you implement in a future update, be sure to thank them for contributing.I also occasionally blog about app promotion and general growth marketing here: Growth Hacker | London - Marketing, Growth & User Acquisition

What are the best books for product managers, especially those with an engineering background?

These are not only the books, but also the courses, blogs, videos and podcasts that helped me bring my Product Management career to the next level:(Original post on Joan Senent´s blog: Bootstrapping your Product Management Career)A) Part-time courses. The following courses are the ones that made the most impact on my PM performance:Product Management, General Assembly gives a good overview of the typical product manager’s tasks throughout the product lifecycle. It includes a lot of practical exercises and there’s a final course project.User Experience Design, General Assembly helped me understand how important UX is and what it’s made of. Also made me able to handle the information architecture and wireframing of complex web platforms.Backend Engineering, The Iron Yard. The course to take if you want to understand the MVC framework, to practice with Test Driven Development, Continuous Integration and Git. Recently a good colleague, JS developer, recommended the book Javascript and jQuery which I found easy to follow and in turn recommend it to you, if you don´t have the chance to do that part time course.I really enjoy attending these 10 week part time courses. Although they are quite pricy, it is a really good way to spend time with likeminded peers in your city and learn the best practices from top professionals.B) Product related books.If you’re not up for taking a course right now, or you are and want to make the best of it, go with any or all of the books below.The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses. This book will make an even bigger impact if you follow it up with the workshop Lean Startup Machine which will help you consolidate the learnings through practice.Inspired: How To Create Products Customers Love. Most PMs start their career in large companies and it would be helpful if you knew how innovations are implemented in those companies and what’s really important for them and their clients.Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability (Voices That Matter). This is a really good introduction to User Testing, which is one of the main parts of User Research.The Lean Product Playbook: How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer Feedback. If the Leans Startup book explains what and why, the Lean Product Playbook explains how – and you have to know how.Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products is a great book for those PMs who deal with mobile consumer applications. It explains how to build state of the art habit forming products.Agile Product Management with Scrum: Creating Products That Customers Love. This book is a good guide for all those PMs dealing with a Scrum team.Lean B2B: Build Products Businesses Want. This book is the Lean Startup equivalent for B2B products. If you’re in the B2B industry, it’s definitely worth reading.It's Our Research: Getting Stakeholder Buy-in for User Experience Research Projects, gives you new perspectives on researches and how they should be performed.C) Entrepreneurship related books. Product Managers must be very self-driven and goal oriented, which means they are mostly entrepreneurs at heart. The following books inspired me as an entrepreneur and helped me take charge and better handle the daily challenges in my PM role:Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the WorldFounders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early DaysZero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the FutureThe Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy AnswersGood To GreatOutliers: The Story of SuccessThe Start-up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your CareerRaising Venture Capital for the Serious EntrepreneurThe Launch Pad: Inside Y Combinator, Silicon Valley's Most Exclusive School for StartupsSlicing Pie: Fund Your Company Without FundsThe 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich...and more: Screw work let´s play, The Money Gym, Rich Dad Poor Dad (and all Robert T. Kiyosaki book series), more on this Amazon listNext books to read: How Google Works and more on this other Amazon list.D) Online courses. The following courses reinforced and built on the knowledge gained on the part time courses I listed above.Hardvard CS50: Introduction to Computer Science, ideal for non-software engineers like myself, this free online course offers you the gist of what a computer science degree would teach is a course that helps you consolidate your UX knowledge and apply it better.Pluralsight:Leadership and Communication Skills for Software Engineers, Rapid JavaScript Training ( Academy where you will learn the fundamentals of inbound marketing.E) Other Videos and audios:Ycombinator podcast on SoundcloudStartup Class by Y Combinator´s President Salt AltmanI also collected this list on Youtube with 70+ videos.F) Blogs and forums to keep an eye on:Product Hunt daily curated apps feedHacker NewsPaul Graham´s Essays funder notesTechCrunchQuora topic on Product ManagementSilicon Valley Product Group NewsletterMind The Product blogG) Networking with peers:Meetups in London: Product Tank meetup, Lean Startup Circle London meetup, The Product Group London. There must be very similar groups in your city if you search in MeetUp or other local websites.Slack groups:, product-school.slack.comMentorship: I had a few sessions with the OpenTable Head of Products and they were very useful to me. I met him through the CTO of my company who had worked with him previously. Consider asking a colleague to recommend a PM external to your organization to mentor you.

What job opportunities exist currently in VR or AR?

Marxent Labs reports that there are 5 virtual reality jobs.UX/UI Designers: UX/UI Designers create roadmaps demonstrating how the app should flow and design the look and feel of the app, in order to ensure user-friendly experiences.Unity Developers: Specializing in Unity 3D software, Unity Developers create the foundation of the experience.3D Modelers:3D artists render lifelike digital imagery.Animators: Animators bring the 3D models to life. Many 3D modelers are cross-trained in animation, which is a highlyrecommended combination a 3D candidate to possess.Project Manager: The Project Manager is responsible forcommunicating deadlines, budgets, requirements, roadblocks, and more between the client and the internal team.Videographer: Each project is captured and edited into clips to make showcase videos for marketing and entertainment.When VR projects involve implementing hardware or environmental scanning, a Computer Vision Engineer is an asset on the team. Their job is to look ahead of the game, ensuring the team is up-to-date with the latest technologies, wearables, platforms, and softwares. The CV Engineer provides things like image classification, segmentation, and feature extraction.Interested in becoming a Virtual Reality Developer?More Resources:Free Interactive 3D Graphics CourseFree Computational Photography by Georgia TechFree Introduction to Computer Vision by Georgia Tech“Given that Microsoft and Oculus/Facebook—the two largest employers—account for less than 2% of all VR gamingprofessionals, there’s much more opportunity in the long tail,”– Jeremy Schifeling, CEO of Break into Tech, in Silicon Valley.Here are a list of sources to expand your Mind that you should check on the daily.Daily VR YouTube videos PublishedVU Dream’s Resources + NewsletterUploadVRVRFocusVRScoutRoad to VRFuturism – VirtualityConnections, Connections, and ConnectionsWe live in a world where I can pick up my phone and meet up with people in real life based on similar interests. Try and imagine how difficult it would be before the internet.Strategically research on social media about your niche in Virtual Reality. Make connections with experts and professionals online. Use commonalities you have with that person as a reason for them to care. Talk about it and show genuine interest in what they are doing.The best way I can describe virtual reality communities online is a bee hive. Buzzing, Growing, and filling with sweet social interaction. You need to insert yourself in every social VR group online.Facebook:Oculus Rift Creative CommunityAR & VR DevelopersAR VR Women and AlliesLinkedIn:Augmented & Virtual Reality Professional NetworkAugmented reality AR, Virtual reality VR and Mixed reality MR #1 group for professionalsAugmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) & Virtual Worlds (VWs)Twitter:15 Must-Follow Twitter Influencers for Virtual RealityMaking connections online is huge. Yet, meeting people in real life is even more imperative to your success.The Meetup Website is great for Virtual RealityFind out what’s happening in Virtual Reality Meetup groups around the world and start meeting up with the ones near you.According to Meetup there are over 328,894 members and 944Meetups spread out around the world.Largest Virtual Reality Meetups1. Silicon Valley Virtual Reality5,500+ Members | Mountain View, CA2. Hardwired NYC5,000+ Members | New York, NY3. (NYVR) Virtual Reality NYC4,500+ Members | New York, NY4. Mobile Monday Silicon Valley4,500+ Members | San Francisco, CA5. Augmenting Reality4,000+ Members | London, United KingdomRead More: Complete Guide to Virtual Reality Careers

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