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  • To get started, seek the “Get Form” button and tap it.
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How to Edit Your PDF Page: 1 1 Rn'S Signature Online

Editing your form online is quite effortless. There is no need to get any software through your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy tool to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.

Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:

  • Search CocoDoc official website from any web browser of the device where you have your file.
  • Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ option and tap it.
  • Then you will browse this online tool page. Just drag and drop the form, or upload the file through the ‘Choose File’ option.
  • Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
  • When the modification is finished, press the ‘Download’ icon to save the file.

How to Edit Page: 1 1 Rn'S Signature on Windows

Windows is the most widely-used operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit PDF. In this case, you can get CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents efficiently.

All you have to do is follow the instructions below:

  • Download CocoDoc software from your Windows Store.
  • Open the software and then upload your PDF document.
  • You can also select the PDF file from Google Drive.
  • After that, edit the document as you needed by using the various tools on the top.
  • Once done, you can now save the completed file to your cloud storage. You can also check more details about how do you edit a PDF file.

How to Edit Page: 1 1 Rn'S Signature on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. Using CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac without hassle.

Follow the effortless instructions below to start editing:

  • First of All, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
  • Then, upload your PDF file through the app.
  • You can select the PDF from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
  • Edit, fill and sign your file by utilizing this CocoDoc tool.
  • Lastly, download the PDF to save it on your device.

How to Edit PDF Page: 1 1 Rn'S Signature with G Suite

G Suite is a widely-used Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your job easier and increase collaboration across departments. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF file editor with G Suite can help to accomplish work easily.

Here are the instructions to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Search for CocoDoc PDF Editor and download the add-on.
  • Select the PDF that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by clicking "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your file using the toolbar.
  • Save the completed PDF file on your cloud storage.

PDF Editor FAQ

How do I study with focus and concentration and avoid distractions and procrastination?

Focus and concentration are our factory settings; or ‘built-in basic programme’.Distractions and procrastination are essential components of the body but may turn out to be cancerous (if allowed to thrive uncontrollably), which may wipe out the basic programme.Observe the newborn babyObserve the focus of the newborn baby. How deeply it concentrates in order to learn new things. The baby keeps looking at the mother and thus records the fact that she is its mother. In the same way, it learns everything meticulously. During its learning process, it does not easily get distracted and shifts its attention to another object.Based on these inborn learning skills, a baby learns new information and the connections in the brain grow accordingly. It may be learning something about toys or balloons but there is a strong focus. If you take them away, the baby cries because you have disturbed its focus.Therefore you realise that focus and concentration essentially come with our original software.Perhaps you may be surprised to know that nothing superfluous is ever built into our body structure. Anything that is designed as part of our body is an essential component of the body for its survival.Perhaps it is time that we human beings start enquiring profoundly into the construction of our own bodies.Take for example, anger; we brand it as a bad quality. No, it is not so. It is an essential quality that is of use on certain occasions. Can you imagine an officer who knows no anger! What would his office be like? Could you imagine? Anger is a necessary quality to be displayed to set the erring on the right direction and wrong actions right. However, an angry person should know that he is just pretending to be angry and is not angry in the real sense.Similarly, desire is a built-in mechanism, necessary for life. Imagine a youngster with no desire, what can he achieve for himself, his family, his country and humanity!However, when desire is free and uncontrolled, it becomes a deadly greed!Name any quality that the human being has, it is essential for him. However, the misuse of that quality is a recepie for man made disaster.In the same way, distraction and procrastination are essential qualities that may be necessary at times but may turn out to be actual viruses for our mind computer if we do not know how to handle them.Many times procrastination may be necessary while taking the final decision. We have to naturally evaluate things and the process of evaluation takes time. The distraction becomes necessary when a long focus and concentration are consuming a set of our neurotransmitters beyond normal usage and warrants a circuit break for their replenishment. It is similar to the circuit break in electrical connections during surges.If we did not have a gratification centre we could not have been working with the same zeal. Every action of ours must be certified and encouraged by the hedonistic centre in the brain which gives us an impetus to move on (imagine a dolphin being rewarded with a fish for its deft action by its trainer).If a person who is not properly trained is asked to fly Airbus A380, what will be his performance? Naturally, it will be disastrous.The same thing has happened to us with this extraordinary instrument. We have taken the ownership of this exceedingly sophisticated instrument without learning its proper controls.We own such an exquisite instrument and by its proper usage, we can decode and understand the creator of this instrument itself!The first mistake what we commit while handling this body/mind gadget is a false assumption that I am this instrument. What happens if you operate the Airbus A380 as indecisively as you handle yourself; start blubbering confusing instructions; go left, go right, land or fly? Accident is the inevitable outcome! We should first know about the aeroplane before we fly it. In the same way, we should know about the operating instructions of this body before we operate it.What are the things that we should know about our body before we use it successfully?You should clearly understand that the body and mind are your possessions which should obey your orders.This is where all of us have failed. Instead of controlling this gadget, we are being controlled by the gadget. As soon as you get up, you should plan to give the body its essential brief about what you expect from it during that day. (The very fact that this kind of a thing appears abnormal shows that we have all fallen into the trap of body machinations)We should always be aware that our body is like a dolphin in a water park; we have to give it an incentive or it will not work.Sit quietly and make your instrument understand how beneficial it will be for itself if a particular work is completed within the prescribed time. How can the body appear on TV? How can it be voted as the best entrepreneur, employee and so on? How can it buy a new car for itself? Where would it be more comfortable, etc?Plan and try to write down the benefits, incentives of the hard work that you are planning. The body likes to work for gratification.There is a problem here.The body immediately starts thinking only about gratification and not about the work. This is where the majority of us have failed. A balance is required.The whole body is run on balance. When you have switched the gratification switch on, you should immediately be ready to switch its feedback. We need to have a counter mechanism to break the present circuit if thought about gratification goes on increasing without any check. This type of control involves a negative feedback mechanism. You should take a break and start educating yourself about its disadvantages.Here we should take care and instruct the mind to learn more about the actual work that gives benefit rather than daydreaming over the benefit which has not yet arrived. Those who show extreme dedication to learn about their pet project and spend time in executing it and not bothering much about the results until the project (study) is completed will invariably become successful. The benefits of this particular mindset are enormous. This is where the fine line between success and failure lies.Be very clear that you should be the master of that particular event and the process of learning should give pleasure and not the actual result which comes as a by-product at the end.Stop daydreaming and start taking pleasure in completing the project!Modern youth have gone wrong here. They have trained themselves to see the results first and start daydreaming about the results from day one. In the process, the whole body process gets upside down. The imbalance of neurotransmitters results in stress, anxiety and psychological illnesses. Distractions and procrastination take over. If you are already suffering from distractions and procrastination, it is an indication that you have lost the balance of your system. You have to regain your balance.Clear thinking is your meditation!Start thinking transparently right from the beginning. Did your greed to achieve come well before the execution or during the process? Observe your mind and see how it went out of control and started focussing more on results and achievements rather than the actual labour.Distractions and procrastination which are in reality the essential components of our body have taken abnormal control of our actions and have ruined our mental health. They eventually lead you unto wrong paths like drugs, addictions.The head is heavy and confused, distractions are at work!Whenever your head is heavy and confused, you can be sure that your mind is on the wrong path and it is time to balance it. Whenever you want to get up even in the middle of the night just to complete the work which is so interesting to you, then success is at your doorstep.Get up early in the morning, provide essentials to the body and give it the list that it has to complete.Whenever the mind starts daydreaming about money, car, a posh office, bungalow etc; take a break. You are losing your balance. It is time to gain balance. Sit quietly and start looking at your work. Think how you can improve your performance.Have an incentive in your mind but don’t always think about it.Have clarity about your final achievement (certainly not money and objects, they should always come as by-products).Whenever you feel heavy and confused, relax and start looking at your mind objectively.Be a witness.Thank youDr R N SreenathanDirector Chinmaya International Foundation

As a doctor or surgeon, how comfortable would you be operating on an aggressive/litigious medical malpractice lawyer?

Many years ago, such a situation happened in the Detroit area. He had sued many of the hospitals, doctors, surgeons, etc.. Many of the suits were over lack of informed consent.He was admitted to the Hospital a day early for tests and dept. visits by all who would be involved in his care. (He was to have a Transurethral Resection to remove most of his prostate to allow him to “pee” again.Each involved person met with him and the Hospital Legal team to explain “ALL” of the possible things that could go wrong. Their explanations scared the Bee Jesús out of him and he elected to have a permanent cystostomy catheter connected to a leg bag the rest of his life.Karma.Update: There have been many responses indicating that if you follow standard of care or have done nothing wrong….You have nothing to worry about.NOTHING could be further from the truth. I have been named in multiple suits. I later found out from the “Lawyers” that it was because I was the “Deep Pocket.” Which means I carried the highest amount of Malpractice Insurance for anyone looking for a payday.Once, a different Anesthesia practitioner from India had placed an epidural for labor and then abandoned the patient to go to another hospital to do an anesthesia $$$ (1 1/2 hour drive away.) The baby was born not breathing. The OB tried multiple times to intubate unsuccessfully. Finally, after about 15 mins, they called to the OR and asked me to respond for an infant resuscitation. I immediately left my OR patient in the care of another and quickly intub. and successfully resuscitated the baby as the mother and father looked on. I had to quickly return to the OR. I was never given the details that the anesthesia provider had abandoned the patient care. About a year later, a Lawyer showed up at a new hospital where I was working to tell me he represented the hosp. where the baby turned out to have severe brain damage from hypoxia and that he was going to represent me. I told him to get lost, that my Mal Practice. Ins. Co. covered my Lawyer for any actions against me. He went to the Adm. of the new hosp. (he was also their Lawyer) and insisted she make me talk with him. I simply asked her was she going to take over my mal. prac. Ins. payments and refund all the money I had paid over the years. She was upset that I did not obey her. She got over it when the facts of the case came out.I contacted the Med Rec. Dept at that hospital and asked to be sent a full copy of mother and the baby’s chart. They sent me one piece of paper. It was the Code Resuscitation Form with perfect hand writing and unrealistic time recordings. I called an old friend (RN) who had signed the form. She broke down and told me that the Hospital Administration had made her create the fake Form when they found out the parents were suing the Hosp. Armed with this info. I had my new Attorney subpoena the records a second time with a threat of legal action for fraudulent records.There was a small notation of the time the Epidural was placed and by whom on the back of a page they had not noticed, or it too would have been destroyed in the revised Fake Chart. Prior to that there was no mention of the Epidural or the Anesthesia Provider who was an employee of that hospital making them responsible for his actions.The Administrator of the Hosp. had just divorced his wife and married an unscrupulous Attorney who advised the Hosp. They made all Practitioners Employees and only insured them for $300,000 total. The Hosp. Atty. told the parents Atty that I was insured for $3 Million and to go after me instead for a better payday.This administrator and his Administrative Assistant were well known in the community and among the employees for their illegal dealings. I was told about them shortly after going on staff. So, when there was an untoward event that happened and papers from the charts ended up in the wastepaper baskets, I made copies and kept a file. When I came across false charting, I would print in very small braille what really happened on the backsides of the false charting.I called this hospital lawyer and told him that because of their illegal actions, they had until the next day at 3pm to notify me that I had been dropped from the suit or 10 letters were going to be mailed to the families of patient’s that were negligently killed at that hospital during my time there, showing the original charting with dates confirming the facts. They called at 2pm.At first they tried to tell me they would take legal action for violating patient confidentiality. I explained that privilege rested with the next of kin who would then be armed with the proof then needed to go after the hospital. And that I would make sure that all of the news outlets were informed of what had taken place and did they really want to open that can of poop.It was only through my actions and not those of the Insurance provided Lawyers that the other cases were dropped.One Lawyer would care me up (supposedly to inform me how the case was going) and talk for about 20 mins about his new yacht. I called the Insurance Company Legal Dept. and told them the extent, date and duration of each call and that he was padding their Billing. He was taken off the list of Lawyer referrals.Just so all of you who think it is no problem to be sued if you are innocent. Try paying the Lawyers, and the increase in Mal. Pract. Ins. Payments. Try getting your name off list of those who have had legal actions brought against them. Try having to explain all of this when you apply for privileges to practice in a new hosp. or state.I noticed a few family practitioners proclaiming it is no problem. They are on the list as being the least sued practitioner because their level of practice does not involve procedures or complicated treatments.

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