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What can a human learn from God?

Here are the Core teachings of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam:Deuteronomy 13:3-4“God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. - It is God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him”.(God has promised blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience)Deuteronomy 11:26-28 “See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse, the blessing if you obey the commands of God that I am giving you today; the curse if you disobey the commands of God and turn from the way that I command you today”.Deuteronomy 32:46-47 "he said to them, Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law. They are not just idle words for you—they are your life”.Deuteronomy 28:2-6 confirms and reiterates the same message“All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey God: You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out”.(The most frequent teachings of the Old Testimony are 'blessings for obedience & Curses for dis-obedience)Deuteronomy 30:15-16 “See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. For I command you today to love God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess”.Deuteronomy 30:19 “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live”Deuteronomy 10:12-13 “what does God ask of you but to fear God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the LORD's commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?”.The same consistent teachings are also confirmed in Deuteronomy 7:12-16, Deuteronomy 11:13-15, Deuteronomy 15:5-6, Leviticus 26Leviticus 19:34 “The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt”.The same message of loving the foreigners was confirmed in Deuteronomy 10:19, and Leviticus 19:34Deuteronomy 10:19 “And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were foreigners in Egypt”.Leviticus 19:34 “The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself”In Deuteronomy 10:13-29, Moses has summarized what God wants from us.These verses teach us that God is just and merciful; he likes us to be just and merciful to orphans, strangers, and widows, to worship him as the only God and to obey his lawDeuteronomy 10:17-19 teach that God is great, mighty, awesome, does not show partiality; reminds us of the justice for the orphan and the widowDeuteronomy 27:19 “Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the orphan, or the widow”.Deuteronomy 24:17 “Do not deprive the foreigner or the fatherless of justice, or take the cloak of the widow as a pledge”.Exodus 23:2 is a warning to those who follow the majority“Do not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd”.The core teachings of Moses are also confirmed by the Prophets; they have also taught that God revealed the laws that are just and right, but most people became arrogant and did not obey God’s commandsOur life consists of a number of days, with each day passes, we lose a part of our life – this should urge us to think, the most important thing to do – is to get wisdom.Similar teachings are taught by David in Psalm 90:12Proverbs 17:15 states:“He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the righteous, both of them alike are an abomination unto God”.That should be considered as a warning to the teachers who promise free salvation to the sinners and who claim that Jesus has been punished to save the sinners.In Psalms 1:1-2 David taught that there are wicked people who choose the way of sinners and there are righteous people who choose to obey; he did not teach that people are born sinnersIsaiah 30:15 teaches “in repentance and obedience is your salvation”Isaiah 48:18 “If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea”.Isaiah 42:21 teaches that God could have consider them righteous if they had glorified the lawIsaiah 58:6-11 teach that the true worships are not the prayers, the fasting and the rituals, but are to loosen the chains of injustice, to defend the oppressed, to feed the hungry and to help othersSuch verses are sample prescriptions for those who seek righteousness and those who want God to answer their prayersIt is not impossible for people to follow such wisdom and to transform earth into a paradise“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loosen the chains of injusticeand untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter - when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear;then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I”.Isaiah 3:5 People will oppress each other - man against man, neighbor against neighbor. The young will rise up against the old, the nobody against the honored.He explained the reason of those disasters in 3:8-9 because they did not obey God but they chose to repel and have rewarded evil unto themselves.Core teachings of Christianity:Jesus taught that when we obey God and do good works; we will pass the test of this world and will become qualified to receive God’s rewards in heavenIn Matt 5:13-16, Jesus taught that the believers should act as the salt to protect against corruption and as a light to guide others to the truthThe same is also written in mark 9:50 and Luke 14:34-35In Matt 7:13-14, Jesus warned those who follow the majority“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it”.Most people ignore that teachings and say, ‘As long as I am with the majority, I should be fine’, but they are wrong according to the teachings of Jesus in Luke 13:24-27, Matthew 7:13-14In Matt 7:15-20, Jesus warned from the false teachers who mislead people; he advised us to identify them from their bad deeds.In Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus warned of the false teachers who claim to perform miracles; he advised that only the believers who obey will enter the kingdom of heaven.The same is also written in Luke 13:25-27In Matthew 22:35-40, Jesus confirmed the teachings of the Old Testimony like Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 18:4-5Mark 12:33 teaches: And to love one’s neighbor as himself, is much more than all burnt offerings and sacrificesWhat Jesus taught here is not different from the wisdom taught by the old testimony Hosea 6:6“For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings”.Luke 12:16-21 is a parable to warn most people who treasure for tomorrow while turning a blind eye to the hungry people we see everyday.John 12:25 warns those who like to "live it up" urging them to prepare for the eternal life.The same is also confirmed in Matthew 10:39 and Matthew 16:25The same is also mentioned in Luke 9:23-25, Mark 8:34-35Matthew 13:44 teaches us to give everything to obey so that we get God’s rewards for the righteousJames 4:1-5 also warns those who compete to enjoy the pleasures of this lifeLuke 6:27-36 and Matthew 5:38-42 set the high standard for wise dealing with others; such teachings would replace hatred by compassion and would transform earth into a paradise.Matthew 7:12 reminds us of the “Golden Rule”, the common ground wisdom taught by all wise teachers and prophets.Matthew 6:24 urges us to shift from the material life into a spiritual life.Matthew 12:50 teaches that the real family of the prophet are the obedient believers.“For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother”.Luke 6:46-48 teaches that solid faith foundations are based on obedience to the teachings.The same is also taught in John 14:15 and John 14:21“If you love me, you will keep my commandments”.John 14:21 “They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them”In Matthew 25:31-45 Jesus described the final judgment as being based on good works; he clarified that those who obey the law will be saved.Salvation is not based solely on belief and nothing else; salvation is not granted to those who merely profess acceptance of Jesus without actually performing kind or compassionate deeds.Jesus did not teach that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law; In Matthew 16:27 and John 5:29, Jesus has confirmed that God will reward each person according to his deeds; those are the basic teachings of the old testimony like the verses taught in Psalm 62:12, Ecclesiastes 12:14, and many other old testimony verses.Matthew 25:41-46 teach that when we give the poor, we give to God .James 2:14 and 2:17 teach that faith without works is dead.The core teachings of Islam:Qur’an Verse 2:136 urges us to follow what God has revealed to the Prophets.Verse 42:13 teaches that there is one religion revealed by God to all Prophets.7:96 confirms the ‘blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience’ – the same teachings of Moses and other prophets.14:7 teaches that God rewards the grateful and punishes the ungrateful.45:30-31 the believers who obey and do good deeds will be blessed.7:35 comforts those who accepted and obeyed the prophets; no fears; no grieves. The verse is to all people, not to Muslims only”7:42 teaches that those who believe and do righteous deeds will be rewarded an eternal life in paradise. The verse is also to all people, not to Muslims only”.103:1-3 teach that mankind is in loss Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience”.30:41 teaches that Evil and the curses are the results of disobedience.7:164 urges us to guide the lost person to the truth and to bring him back to God.3:92 teaches that the evidence to the true belief is to spend money to support the poor.71:10 urges us to repent and pray to request God’s forgivenessMany verses like 11:51, 34:47, 6:90, 12:104, 34:39, and 36:21 teach that true Prophets do not accept any reward for preaching the truth,the same is also taught by many Prophets in 26:145, 26:164, and 26:18011:117 teaches that God does not punish the obedient righteous.41:30-31 teaches that the believers who obey God will be supported by angels in this life and in the hereafter.40:51 teaches that God supports the prophets and the believers in this life and hereafter,the same is confirmed in other verses like 37:171-17210:62-64 teach that the righteous have nothing to fear, and neither shall they grieve.41:46 teaches that people have the choice to do either good deeds or bad deeds. God does not predetermine the punishment or the rewards before the people are born and before they have a chance to do any good or bad deeds.38:28 clarifies that God does not treat the obedient believers as the wicked.16:90 reminds us about justice, spending to support the poor, and warns of immorality and oppression.12:105 teaches that there are enough signs in the heavens and on earth to guide people to God.16:10-14 mention some signs like the rain, the fruits, the night, the day, the sun, the moon, the sea as a source of food and to enable transportation via ships, etc. (such signs should make people grateful)30:21-23 remind us of some signs like our creation, marriage, creation of the heavens and the earth, different languages, colors, our sleep, and earning our living; all those are signs we should think about30:44-45 teach that it is up to people to believe or to disbelieve; free will, no predestination.6:116 teaches that the majority do not follow the truth but follow opinions and guesses.38:24 teaches that the majority is not right (and that the true obedient believers are not the majority – but those are the minority).That is similar to the wisdom taught by Moses in Exodus 23:2That is similar to the wisdom taught by Jesus when he mentioned the narrow gate in Luke 13:24-27 and in Matthew 7:13-1433:67-68 is a scene from the hereafter to teach that those who follow the arrogant leaders will be misled.34:32 teaches that those who followed the arrogant leaders are also guilty.28:8 teaches that the soldiers who execute the commands of the wicked authorities are also guilty.15:42 teaches that the devil does not have authority to force people to sin16:99 teaches that obedient believers can resist devil’s temptations.17:65 teaches that the devil has no authority to mislead people (they can resist temptations).27:83-85 is a scene from the hereafter, when we are asked ‘what else have you been doing?’.28:65-66 is also a scene from the hereafter to warn those who reject the Prophets.6:120 teaches us to be transparent; we should not have any bad thoughts.25:43-44 warns those who follow their desires instead of following God’s commands.16:105 teaches that the disbelievers are liars (because they conceal the proofs of existence of God which they see everywhere).27:14 teaches that some people reject God’s signs and revelations although they know that the signs and revelations are true.16:22 teaches that non-believers are arrogant (those are arrogant because they conclude that there is no God and there is no hereafter without enough knowledge – they acted like the child who has limited knowledge but makes conclusions about the advanced science theories).23:64-66 is a scene from the hereafter to warn those who prefer to live a luxury life ignoring God’s message.46:20 is a scene from the hereafter to warn the arrogant people who did not obey but chose to enjoy a luxury life.That is similar to the wisdom taught by Jesus in Luke 16:254:150-152 Warns those who reject some of the prophets.7:30 teaches that God does not mislead people, but people are misled when they follow the devil’s temptations.7:146 teaches that God does not guide the arrogant who ignore the signs and deny God’s message.6:119 teaches that many are led astray by their own lusts through ignorance.7:28 teaches that we should not automatically inherit the bad traditions of the disobedient parents.37:69-70 warn those who blindly follow the father’s religion.The same is confirmed in 43:23-2516:35 warns those who say that it is all decided by God and we do not have decisions about faith matters16:53 reminds us about God’s gifts and the fact that he is the only refuge we seek in real disasters.16:83 warns those who enjoy the gifts of God but are ungrateful.17:14 is a scene from the hereafter teaches that each person will validate his records of his deeds.17:15 teaches that God enables people to choose their faith, they will be rewarded according to their deeds, and there is no punishment for those who do not know about the Prophets.17:72 warns those who turn a blind eye to the signs of God in this world that they will be blind in the hereafter.20:124-127 warn those who turn a blind eye to the signs of God in this world that they will be blind in the hereafter.43:7 teaches that people used to persecute the Prophets.23:44 teaches that people hate the true teachings of the prophets.21:35 teaches that we will be tested by bad and good things before we return to God.23:55-58 teach that gifts in this life are not rewards to the chosen, but are means to testing.27:14 warns those who reject the signs of God although they know that they are true signs and revelations.28:50 warns those who follow their desires without guidance from God.32:12 is a scene from the hereafter to warn those who fail to do good deeds.33:39 teaches that God will reward those who deliver his messages and fear none save God (the verse does not mention the reward; but say that those are very special people to God; God knows how to reward his very special people).34:25-26 teach that everyone will be judged for his deeds only (not for the mistakes of fathers or others).34:34 warns the people who have wealth and authority because those are usually the first people to reject the prophets.35:37 is a scene from the hereafter to explain the conditions of the disobedient who wish to go back to life to do good deeds (although they are granted enough time to demonstrate their behavior).39:59-61 is a scene from the hereafter to warn the arrogant who deny the signs and revelations.40:81 warns those who ignore God’s signs which he shows everywhere.42:40 teaches that it is better to forgive than to return evil for evil.42:43 urges us to be patient and to forgive.43:20 warns those who worship other Gods and who claim that they do not have a choice to choose the right faith.43:36-37 warns those who ignore God Guidance that they will be misled by devils.43:72 Teaches that people are rewarded according to their deeds (God does not create people as holy or sinners. He does not predetermine their salvation, but he delegates that task to each person).45:15 teaches that people determine their fate by their deeds.45:28-31 explains a scene from the hereafter; people will be rewarded for their deeds, all deeds are recorded.46:13 teaches that the obedient believers can earn their salvation.51:50 teaches that God is the only refuge to flee to. The verse does not mention the sources of the risks to flee from; the only safe haven from all disasters is God.63:10 urges us to spend money to support the poor.76:27 warns those who just enjoy life and forget to think about their salvation.80:34-37 warn about the Day of Judgment.“On the Day a man will flee from his brother, and his mother and his father, and his wife and his children, on that Day, to every one of them will his own state be of sufficient concern”.24:22 urges forgiveness.“...and you should forgive and overlook: Do you not like God to forgive you? And God is The Merciful Forgiving”.4:8-9 urge people to take care of the orphans and the needy.The following answers include the details:Sabri Shahin's answer to What can a human learn from God?Sabri Shahin's answer to How do we know our purpose of existence in this world?Sabri Shahin's answer to What makes a person truly happy?Sabri Shahin's answer to Can all religions be correct? Can multiple gods exist?Sabri Shahin's answer to Is it true that everyone is born innocent?Sabri Shahin's answer to What's wrong with Hinduism?Sabri Shahin's answer to What is the most important thing in this life? in Life is Beautiful

Why do you believe your twin flame is your twin flame?

The only reason why I'm answering this is because i feel as though I'm losing my mind sometimes. Talking and reading about twin flame subjects eases me a bit because i don't know anyone in my personal life that is going through remotely the same thing, and everyone I've shared it with doesn't understand at all. But i digress…I first learned about twin flames 2 years prior to meeting him. I considered someone else was, but it didn't make sense so i dismissed it.Few months prior to meeting him, the twin flame thing popped up again, almost as a reminder. Again, i dismissed it, chalked it up as fairytale bs. Went about my life.November 2018 I began to feel unsettled in my 4.5 year relationship i had with my boyfriend. I was beginning to feel like our relationship was lacking. My soul was screaming, my ego was rationalizing. I had recently moved in with him, however, because i got a job mid November at a warehouse. I applied to the job on a whim, little thought beforehand.I saw my twin a few times before officially meeting him at work. Everytime i saw him, i felt the urge to talk to him, but i resisted because i found him attractive, and i didn't want temptation while in a relationship. But he was out my mind after each mini meeting, but i did remember his face after each meeting.My relationship was beginning to feel off. Something didn't feel right and I couldn't ignore it anymore. Soul was knowing, ego was thinking. I felt that we should try an open relationship. Although my boyfriend didn't like it at first, he eventually gave in. We began it 2/2/2019.I officially met him 2/23 (or 22)/2019. I was working in inbound, which was my first time there, he came into the trailer it was some time into the shift. I'm speculating it might have been 4:44 pm but i can't be sure. When i first saw him, i thought to myself “finally, I've found him again and i can finally talk to him without feelings if guilt!” and i said one thing to him, and he spoke to me like i was his best friend or something. The conversation was amazing and very memorable. He was funny and very interesting. But i was told to go somewhere else. I thought to myself, damn, it'll probably be forever before i saw him again because beforehand i rarely saw him. Our encounter resonated deeply with me. This is when things started changing…2 days later i was going through tinder, on a whim, and i found him not that long into swiping. An overwhelming feeling came into me of shock, surprise, and excitement. When i swiped, we matched instantly. I messaged him, “didn't i just talk to you like, 2 days ago?” some time later he messaged back.We arranged to meet and it didn't happen until sometime later that week. I can't recall the date. We talked for hours and it was amazing. He seemed so similar to me and something about him seemed eerily familiar. We're talked about anything under the sun. I wanted to spend the whole day with him, and we prolonged the stay, but eventually i left.After that, i kept seeing him at work almost all the time. It was insane. I was going to change schedules soon, however. But it was strange to me that previously I'd almost never see him, then after meeting him, i couldn't not see him.Our relationship did take a sexual route and i think this changed things for him especially. I met his friend and he kept bringing up what-if scenarios regarding the potential of me leaving my boyfriend. I knew he was asking for himself. I told him I'd be loyal. That's when things got more strained.He somehow started to have a potential girlfriend, as he told me, which perplexed me because beforehand he didn't want one. He even tried cutting himself off from me sexually which he failed at, so yes, he cheated with me.I started to think he was in my life for a reason the universe had in place but i didn't know why yet. I barely knew about twin flames when I'd seen it, and forgot most of what I'd learn at that point.We started mirroring each other's deep seeded issues. Neither one of us recieved it very well.We realized later that we were very different in our personalities, damn near opposing. He's a yang fire sign, a sagittarius. I'm a yin earth sign, a capricorn. But i wanted to learn him because in the past, i would always attract so many sagittarius and i didn't know why because they never dealt with me for long once they couldn't handle our differences. After that they were completely out of my life.He would ghost me so many times. I began to feel heart centered feelings towards him that i couldn't explain at the time, but knowing what i know now, it was the push and pull energy with or souls. At work, if he knew i was near, he'd look for me, and if he saw me, he'd often stare either from afar or close. He looked at me with the deepest infatuation I'd ever known. Piercing on a new level. I'd look at him probably the same way without realizing it. The intensity i felt was insane, but it drew me near to him and once i was closer to him at work, i finally felt right.He's tried cutting me off just as many times as i have and it never lasts very long.He never said or did anything to hurt me. He was always very encouraging of any art related thing I'd do, not only encouraging, but excited. He seemed to care more than anyone else. He even spiked an idea in me for a collection I'm working on.The longest he ghosted me for was 2.5 months. It might not have lasted that long had i texted him first. I was trying to move on from him because i no longer saw him at work, but the last times i did see him, the energy between us felt much better than when he first ghosted me. I made amends, but i didn't get over him completely. I missed him very much.During the ghosting, twin flames popped up again, along with just spiritual videos. This time i couldn't completely ignore it. Everything i researched sounded just like my relationship with him. I was only about 40% sold, however.When he came back into my life, which shocked me, i could tell he missed me a lot by how he was acting. 50% sold. I felt so happy, so comfortable, so at peace. It got to the point where i didn't feel the need to converse with him. Just being with him and occasionally smirking at him felt like enough.There are things he says or does that resonate with me deeply which i later realize is a form of mirroring.I began realizing what i felt for him was unconditional love because despite his personality, his smoking and eating habits, i didn't give a single care.I opened all of my chakras one day, and i think this led me to having a much deeper connection with him. I began to feel his feelings on a deeper level, even when i was far away from him. They would come on suddenly, and out of the blue. It was shocking. He would contact me shortly after these strong emotions, validating what i felt to be his emotions. 80% sold.I think about him constantly. I can't distract myself from him, and I've tried. Drugs make it worse, surprisingly. Sometimes i feel like he's with me. I can no longer meditate without him there. Sometimes i feel like i am him, it's very strange. It drives me insane! 90% sold.There's a deep yearning for him, one I've never experienced before. It's almost painful. There are days where i feel perfectly fine, then suddenly, something feels off. I begin to feel depressed almost, and i miss him so much it's painful. Then the feeling leaves and I'm back to normal.He ghosted me again about 3 weeks ago, and I'm in pain. Some days I'm okay, others I'm so sad. The numbers 11, 22, 33, and 44 have been haunting me since. 44/444 is the most haunting, i literally see it almost every hour of the day; i saw it in a fortune cookie, the beginning of a plu code on some grapes; license plates; phone battery percentage; the amount of messages i deleted in a thread with my friend was 444; i saw 444 as a scan rate at work; i see the time 4:44 at work sometimes; and the list goes on. I know it's about him because I'm thinking of him when i see it.When I'm doing spiritual work on myself, i see mirroring numbers like 1:01, 2:02, 3:03, […], 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 3636, 7777, 96, 69, 11, 22, 33, […]. It's driving me insane.We started working at that place at the same time, and now we're moving at the same time, 10/1/2019. He's moving 400+ miles away. I'm moving 4.8 miles away.Most importantly, he makes me want to be a better person. More than anyone else I've ever dealt with. I'm a stubborn person, but he's destroyed every stubborn wall with ease.I literally just looked at 4:04 on a whim.If he's not my twin flame then give me a straight jacket. But i know he feels the same and he's in deep denial and running again. I love and miss him so much, it hurts.

What are the illnesses that can be reliably detected by odor?

Just analyze someone's breath, mucus, saliva, sweat or urine and diagnose whether they have diabetes, cancer, COPD, IBD, Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), Tuberculosis (TB), or any other disease for that matter. Now that would be a seismic revolution in medicine. For one, fully non-invasive in complete contrast to the present-day staples, needles and blood draws, and the pain and fear they entail. Could also be done as often as possible, even when asleep or anesthetized during surgery, even in real-time, as point-of-care, i.e., truly portable and thus truly mobile. Underlying idea is the body's physiological emanations reliably communicate unique signatures of underlying diseases in the form of singular mixes of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), i.e., the human 'volatilome'. The reality, OTOH, is a sharp, painful thud since the ground reality is one where most of these possibilities remain not even remotely feasible in the near future.Volatilome historians point to the French chemist, Antoine Lavoisier, as the modern inspiration for diagnosis using exhaled breath (1). He showed the body produces and exhales carbon dioxide. In turn this became the basis for Capnography, monitoring the concentration pressure or partial pressure of carbon dioxide in respiratory gases, the most common breath test. Antiquated roots notwithstanding, using unique signatures from breath and other emanations for disease diagnosis still remains deep in research mode and far from much practical utility. A 2014 review lists a total of only 7 US FDA-approved breath-related tests (see below from 2).Obstacles To Widespread Non-invasive Sampling of Body Emanations For Disease DiagnosisI. Unlike Animal Olfaction, Human Technology's Remained Too Constrained In Choice Of What To AnalyzeDefault, standard analytical approach to sampling and analyzing compounds present in emanations is to rely on 'headspace' analysis (3, see below from 4), jargon that means sampling what is already in the gas phase, i.e., already volatile in the material, rather than attempt to extract compounds of interest from it.Problem is this can cut off too thin a slice of the pie. This shows up in the results since technical approaches continue to fail to mimic what animals do so effortlessly when they use smell to communicate, forage and assess the health of those around them. This brings us to animals and their remarkable capacity to sniff out disease so much so that anecdotal reports suggest they can even be far more accurate in diagnosing human diseases compared to human technologies.Two diseases with substantial research on animals successfully sniffing them out in humans are Skin Cancers by dogs and TB by Giant African pouched rats.IA. Dogs Can Spontaneously Detect Human Skin Cancer & Can Also Be Trained To Detect Clostridium difficile infection (CDI)In 1989, the Lancet published what is perhaps the first modern report of a dog sniffing out its owner's melanoma (See below from 5)In 2001, a follow-up anecdotal study (6) added two other case reports of dogs accurately sniffing out skin cancer lesions,One, a London, UK report on Parker, a pet labrador who sniffed it out on a 66 year old man's left thigh. The patient had developed an eczema patch there. Treated unsuccessfully by topical steroids and antifungals, it grew slowly over 18 years. In 1994, Parker became a family member. Around 1999, Parker started to persistently push his nose against the patient's trouser leg and sniff the lesion beneath it, i.e., could smell something about the lesion even through clothing. This induced the patient to re-consult his family physician. The lesion was excised in September 2000 and histology showed it to be a fully excised basal cell carcinoma. Once lesion was fully removed, Parker no longer showed interest in that area.The other, by George, a Florida, USA, K-9 unit schnauzer trained by his retired handler to recognize in vitro malignant melanoma samples. A local dermatologist had read the original 1989 Lancet case report and teamed up with the handler to see if such a result was repeatable with another dog. When George was introduced to a patient with several moles considered cancer-free, he went 'crazy' over one particular mole, which when excised confirmed 'early malignant disease'.Authors of this second case report speculated dogs might also be able to detect odors associated with specific diseases such as TB and Ebola.In 2012, The BMJ published a proof of principle study on Cliff, a 2 year old beagle trained to sniff out human Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) remarkably accurately (7).Such reports have provoked more systematic studies, which conclude that dogs could detect unique odors emanating from human melanoma and other cancers (8, 9, 10).Problem is clinical scope for using dogs to diagnose diseases is limited given the costs, effort, space and time required to train sniffer dogs to detect various diseases (11).IB. Giant African Pouched Rats Can Be Trained To Reliably Detect Human Tuberculosis (TB)Used to diagnose lung TB in resource-poor settings, the antiquated microscopic Ziehl–Neelsen stain is a standard method for detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Sputum (coughed up mucus). A few studies suggest trained Giant pouched rat are not just as sensitive and accurate but also able to process >50 times more samples per day compared to a lab technician, i.e., much more economical (12). The WHO recommends microscopists not analyze more than an average of 20 samples per day to minimize misdiagnoses (13) while two trained giant African pouched rats could reach a total of 70 consensus results in 32 minutes over 2 sessions each. This means trained rats could screen larger populations in a much shorter time meaning faster TB diagnoses and hence potential for reduced TB transmission, i.e., a potentially enormous public health benefit.The video below shows how the Belgian social enterprise APOPO trains these rats in Tanzania to accurately diagnose TB from human samples.II. Inadequate Research Efforts To Deconstruct The Human VolatilomeClearly animals are able to smell broader, more complex mix of volatile chemicals that the most sophisticated chemical extraction techniques used in volatilome analysis miss (3). In order for technologies to be able to replicate what animals seem to do so effortlessly, research needs to systematically unravel the human volatilome and establish a reference base of what that looks like in health in order to be able to discern and diagnose cause of ill-health simply from analyzing someone's emanations.What compounds are present in normal breath, urine, skin emanations, saliva, blood and feces? A compendium of the healthy human volatilome was first described only in 2014 (14), meaning a foundational study has come along only in the very recent past. This study is foundational for the following reasons,It identified compounds in breath (874), urine (279), skin emanations (504), saliva (353), blood (130), feces (381).It classified these compounds by their CAS Registry Number (CAS), unique numerical identifier assigned to every chemical substance described in the published scientific literature.Hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific papers are routinely published on the human volatilome. Problem is there is as yet no standardization of procedures or data reporting. As a result, the literature is awash in duplicates.Does exhaled breath really have ~3000 different compounds? Umm, looks like it's less than a fourth of that.This 2014 paper (14) is thus the first step in the right direction, namely to consolidate, synthesize and whittle down published information into a potentially universal 'megatable' of compounds present in healthy human emanations.III. Too Much Technical Sensitivity Can Sometimes Be Too Much Of A Good ThingIterations over decades have vastly improved sensitivity of state-of-the-art volatilome analysis methods like Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and Proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-TOF-MS), Selected-ion flow-tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) and other techniques such that they can easily measure ~1000 compounds.Problem is most volatilome studies investigate a handful of subjects, not the thousands necessary to validate variables that are different between those with or without diseases.One review (1) suggests number of subjects should be >5X the number of analytes measured, clearly something that adds prohibitive cost to such studies but not doing so increases chances for what they call 'voodoo correlations', an issue compounded by dividing test populations further into sub-groups.Volatilome data are also not standardized, neither are the procedures (1, 3, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18). This makes meta-analyses, i.e., comparison of data across multiple studies, well-nigh impossible.As with so many topics in biomedical research, human volatilome studies have heretofore paid scant attention to human Microbiota (19), how it shapes the human volatilome and how that process not only differs between health and disease but also yields different outcomes, i.e., different volatile signatures (1, 3).That said, there are several diseases with candidate volatile biomarkers that await final validation (see tables below from 20). The sky's very much the limit for diagnosing diseases through their distinctive odors.Bibliography1. Amann, Anton, et al. "The human volatilome: volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath, skin emanations, urine, feces and saliva." Journal of breath research 8.3 (2014): 034001.2. Amann, Anton, et al. "Analysis of exhaled breath for disease detection." Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 7 (2014): 455-482.3. Kimball, Bruce A. 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