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Is the accusation against the BBC that it's biased and left wing fair?

This is a long and rather detailed analysis of not only the BBC but more generally the global crisis of liberalism. If you reach the end, you might see the world rather differently. Or it might just make you rather angry.DECEPTION, SELF DECEPTION, BIAS AND FRANK DECEIT INHERENT IN THE BBC.The profound BBC bias is missed by many because it is not a simple Left or Right Political bias, and those who deny bias miss the subtlety of the problem.Amongst News and current affairs journalists about 70% were privately educated (v 7% of the population as a whole). This group wins 25% of our olympic medals, 26% of the places at our Law and Medical schools, but a full 70% of our BBC journalists, (and interestingly, about 70% of our judges). Moreover, within this group, the major,very expensive Public Schools are even more over- represented than the more modest less prominent private institutions. Within the 30% who are State Educated, Grammar schools (which most closely mimic the ethos of middle class private schools) are themselves massively over-represented versus Comprehensives. Finally, amongst those in charge of editorial control, and senior management, the major Public Schools dominate even more than amongst Journalists as a whole. (These figures are available and reproducible to anyone).Let me be clear. We are talking here about schools which cost £36,000-£42,000 per pupil, per year, and we are talking about families who may be financing two or three children through them for more than ten years each. You get the idea?It is this sensation of the stranglehold which the privately educated 7% exercise over the control of the media, the judiciary, and the Legislature, in controlling the agendas, the issues, the subjects we are even permitted to discuss, which has created the gulf of incredulity between the masses, and the elite.The result is not a question of political Left or Right bias, but a colossal Upper Middle Class bias which is so overwhelming that it passes without challenge within the BBC. It really doesn’t enter their heads that they could possibly be biased, because like many who have I fear somewhat missed the point in answering this question, they look only for clear political bias, and of course that bias probably isn’t there so obviously.I do not want to be misunderstood as suggesting any conscious “ruling class conspiracy” nor “old boy network”, not at all, it is vastly more subtle than these out-moded concepts, it is a sub-conscious and organic product of the human tendency to wish to recruit in our own image, and this afflicts institutions everywhere.The dishonesty of the BBC and “Diversity”, as a front to distract from Upper Middle Class domination.The reason the BBC is obsessed with physical “diversity” is because it wishes to distract from the monumental lack of genuine diversity of opinion. So it openly says it wants to move away from presenters who are “male, pale and stale” (itself both a sexist and a racist phrase which passes entirely unchallenged), it wants Blacks, Asians,Muslims women, the blind, Gays, the disabled, in a very public way, but only if these black disabled blind muslim gay women partake of the same upper middle class values of the institution as a whole. (And by the way, a very similar proportion of the Asian, Black, Muslim gay and disabled journalists were also privately educated).The organic, pervasive bias of the BBC arises because the institution is populated from top to bottom with people from backgrounds that have ensured that they have never at any time in their existence had to be concerned about money in the same way that 90% of the population have had to worry about money.If you are brought up in a family in which more money is spent on the education of its children than most families spend on rent or mortgage, food, drink, clothing, taxes and transport combined, you will be aware, and from a very early and impressionable age, that you have been born with advantages that you have neither personally earned nor merited.Teachers in these schools drum into their pupils how privileged they are, and how their hard work is required to justify the financial sacrifices of their parents. Now this can of course result in the production of arrogant spoiled brats who despise those not raised in the same way. But these sort tend not to be attracted into journalism, which tends to appeal to the inherently more philosophical, thoughtful, and possibly those more desirous of public attention and approbation than the pursuit of financial gain. And for these gilded children of the bourgeoisie, financial gain is anyway less of a pressing necessity than it is for most. However all from such backgrounds are likely to inherit an enduring sense of superiority (and I mean in a genuine, not an arrogant way), and entitlement, albeit one for which, to their credit, many feel no personal merit, and perhaps even a florid guilt complex, as it has just been bestowed upon them.Why does all this matter, and in what way does it produce bias? (I hear you cry).The colossally predominant Upper-Middle Class bias within the BBC makes those who work in it feel deeply uneasy about demanding from anyone not born and raised with the the advantages they have been given,the same social,moral and intellectual standards as they demand from those of their own class,race, and culture.Dishonesty about Social Class, Racial and cultural minorities.The result is that failings, faults and even iniquities associated with any disadvantaged group, will not be criticised, discussed or even aired in any proportionate manner, if at all. Now this of course applies far beyond the BBC, it applies to most of the media, and the liberal Upper- Middle Class who dominate the broadsheets regularly vilify the “gutter press” which is (to some extent) populated by journalists they consider their social inferiors, who more often were State Educated, or if privately educated are less likely to form part of the Class of recipients of massive inter generational wealth transfers, ( ie are the children of “new money”) and who have no such qualms about reporting highly negative stories on Lower Class, and underprivileged groups, from which they themselves have often emerged, and who therefore feel no compunction about “telling it like it is” (and admittedly, for reasons of circulation and attention, sometimes worse than it really is!).This reluctance to report by the mainstream media has had three very unfortunate and very enduring consequences for our society. Firstly, hushing up bad things that happen mainly within disadvantaged groups, doesn’t help disadvantaged groups, because it helps to hide the problem from them and from anyone who might be able to help, and secondly, when it is unavoidable to mention the fact of inadequacy, iniquity or crime in a disadvantaged group it doesn’t help to attribute the problem merely to “poverty”, as these well-meaning bourgeois fools serve up to the disadvantaged a ready-made excuse not to take responsibility or to change. Finally, of course, the veracity, honesty and trustworthiness of the mainstream media has been thoroughly trashed in the eyes of a public vastly less stupid than the highly educated toffs in charge can ever realise or accept. Somehow these people have forgotten there are such things as common sense, and personal life experience, neither of which requires a private education.There are millions of very poor Whites, Asians, and Blacks, Muslims, Hindus Sikhs and others, who are not obese, do not sexually abuse or torture their children, don’t genitally mutilate them don’t force them into arranged marriages, dont murder them if they bring dishonour to the family, are not racist, don’t become absentee fathers, do support their children financially following divorce, don’t beat up gays or women, don’t kill or attack those of a different sect or belief, who do treat women as equals, don’t rape, don’t hand out young girls in sex rings, don’t defraud the benefit system, don’t take drugs, don’t end up in prison, don’t end up pregnant at 13, don’t smoke in pregnancy, don’t break into other people’s homes to steal, do attend for cervical smears,flu jabs and breast screening, are not alcoholic, do take exercise, do get their children vaccinated, do ensure they attend school properly dressed and fed, and do not disrupt the class through bad behaviour, do brush their teeth, don’t eat and drink trash, dawn to dusk, and don’t sit mindlessly in front of the Box for 6 hours a day.So the criminal , abusive and inadequate minority within these groups are responsible for their actions and are regarded as being responsible by the decent and honest majority within these disadvantaged groups.There is vastly less sympathy for criminals among the Working Class than there is within the virtue signalling obsessed Toff Elite, who dominate both our media and our judiciary, because only the lower Classes realise that the lack of any social or financial advantage has not made them into rapists, fraudsters, thieves, abusers or delinquents : it is only the privileged elite who seem to want to exempt criminals from blame, punishment or reform.And with about 70% of the judiciary, and Journalists recruited from this group, it is not difficult to understand the paralysis that grips our justice and penal systems. There is simply no desire to criticise, hold to account, or to punish.This “privilege guilt syndrome” hobbles the privately educated in other ways too, they will criticise Nationalism (as long as it’s English) attack racism (as long as it is by Whites) decry sectarian and religious violence (as long as it is by Protestants against Catholics, or by Jews against Muslims).[edit. LBC 28.12.19, 14.39. A caller from London calls in to say since moving to live and work in Bedfordshire he feels ashamed to be white “to be honest with you”. Says he hears homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic and racist comments in his all-White workplace. His speech ends with the LBC host gushing “it really does make your ears prick up, doesn’t it”.Clearly since the General election and the sweeping national landslide for the Conservatives and for Brexit, the White metropolitan elite need to recruit a working Class White Londoner to reassure them that the Capital has been slapped down by the provinces “because they are 20 years behind”, and Neanderthals have won, but the moral victory lies with the White metropolitan elite.Yes, but perhaps the caller should try “being honest” with himself before he seeks to share his “honesty” with a national audience. It simply doesn’t enter anyone’s head at LBC to ask whether anyone from the Muslim, Indian, Sikh or Black communities within London (never mind Biggleswade) would like to call in to say whether they have ever felt embarrassed to be brown or Black because of sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or racist comments in their own communities? What do Hindus Sikhs and Muslims think of each other (let alone Whites). Funny how either nobody in these communities has either ever heard such comments or perhaps just don’t feel ashamed of them.This White elitist bilge is served up on LBC, taking its cue as it takes its staff, from the BBC, as if such questions will not cross the minds of the thick White Working Class. Well, guess what? it does cross their minds, even though it doesn’t cross the minds of privately educated elitists who have been honed not to even think let alone speak such thoughts.And what are the minorities to think, who hear sexist homophobic racist transphobic rants on a daily basis from within even the elites within their own groups? They simply conclude that the White metropolitan elite don’t even consider minorities to be in the same moral and social league as even provincial Working Class Whites. And this is why nobody asks these questions because only white people are expected to know how to think and behave properly. Can you see how liberalism itself has been betrayed by those who most vociferously proclaim their liberal pretentions?Dishonesty about obesity, homelessness and food banks.This has huge consequences for the way domestic social issues are handled. For example; The Obesity Crisis. This is currently responsible for overwhelming the NHS, even before the demographic time bomb can do so. We can’t do anything about ageing, but there is a great deal we can do about obesity. And what is the contribution of the BBC toff elite? They attack fast food outlets (especially if they are American,of course), Drinks manufacturers, Food producers and supermarkets for not labelling, Doctors for not “educating” patients, teachers for discouraging competitive sports, local authorities for a lack of exercise facilities. and finally of course the Government , for failing to control Fast food, supermarkets, food companies, doctors, teachers and the local authorities.The only group to escape attack is the children and their negligent parents, who freely choose what to eat, and how to conduct their lives to the detriment of their own health, and of the NHS .And of course this is because obesity is a Class issue, and therefore “untouchable” to toffs, the poorer you are, the more likely you are to be obese and to have obese children. And the fattest of all are those inter- generationally dependent on Social Benefits. Everybody living on council estates knows this. And of course the same goes for smoking and a dozen other hugely significant patterns of self destructive behaviour. These are discussed in what the toffs deride as “the gutter press” and on social media. But mainstream TV and radio is out in an orbit of its own, serving the planet self-delusion, with nothing to say to planet Earth.Homelessness.[edit. 5.3.19] BBC businesses news 08.50, discussion of the reasons for the increase in homelessness to 320,000. The “BBC causes”? - high property prices, and cuts to Housing Benefit. Fair enough, but not mentioned are rising alcohol,drug and gambling addictions and breakdowns in relationships. Has anyone ever asked why people end up on the streets? Toff Soft Left are principally concerned to be seen to “want to help” by throwing other people’s money at the problem rather than asking difficult and uncomfortable questions about how and why so many people in such an incredibly abundant society end up on the streets and even at food banks. To even dare to ask such questions is simply beyond the concept of public decency for the BBC. Yet it is only by asking about and addressing these unspeakable realities that problems can be addressed and lives can be changed. eg how many people begging for food at food banks are simultaneously spending money on cigarettes, illicit drugs, alcohol, and gambling, how many also buy fast food, or are unable to access Benefits because of past convictions for fraud, or because they are illegal immigrants? instead we are allowed only to ask about the government’s errors and delays in Benefit payments (which have indeed caused hardship), but there is simply no discussion whatever permitted about these other hugely important things and we are asked to believe the the BBC toff myth that tens of thousands of people are somehow managing to starve in what is probably the nutritionally and socially best provided major State in the history of civilisation, and starving through absolutely no fault whatever of their own!On Council Estates, where none of the toffs live, it is well known who is dissipating their resources on which particular vice, and such BBC elitist bourgeois absurdities are met with utter derision.Because the BBC recruit and train even most journalists who end up on ITV and Sky, the whole TV media is left in a state of utter paralysis in dealing with one of the most pressing domestic issues of our day, because they are constitutionally incapable of identifying faults failings and causes of any problem which requires criticism to be made of anyone who is not also, like them, privileged and Middle Class. The Working Class, and in particular the “Benefits Class” are simply beyond criticism, in exactly the same way that the behaviour of “disadvantaged” ethnic and religious minority groups are beyond criticism, and not to be deemed responsible for their actions.The poor and minorities are treated as if they were infants or mentally handicapped, entirely beyond being considered in any way either responsible for their own crippled lives or iniquitous inclinations.Dishonesty in International reporting on non Western States and cultures. In international news reporting the suppression is even more dramatic. When a Student is murdered, torn apart in Pakistan for “blasphemy” by other students in a University of 10,000,(Mashal Khan, 13 April 2017) shortly after the Pakistani PM (Nawaz Sharif) has declared blasphemy to be an “unpardonable offence” and all this after a Pakistani Cabinet minister (Shabaz Bhatti) had been murdered,2.3.11, for his opposition to blasphemy laws,and the Hudood Ordinances, (which ban eg alcohol, homosexuality or sex outside marriage for muslims and non muslims alike) and the Govenor of Punjab (Saalman Tazeer) murdered 4.1.11 by his own bodyguard for having suggested blasphemy against The Prophet by a Christian woman shouldn’t be a crime, and hundreds of thousands turn out onto the streets to protest at the execution of his killer, (just a couple of more recent examples) these absolutely incredible stories are barely mentioned, nor is there any attempt to analyse the cultural issues behind them.Compare the (absolutely correct) soul-searching by the BBC over the hideous Stephen Lawrence murder all the in-depth analysis of what gives rise to racist impulses, etc. And compare it with the even more hideous case of Kris Donald, (a white 15 year old seized off the street in Glasgow at random by a racist Pakistani gang, castrated and tortured for hours then burned alive) for which Francesca Unsworth was eventually publicly criticised for suppressing. (So successful was this suppression that you will probably not have heard of either of these names, but Auntie Google will help you, just put the two names together and read).[edit 19.9.18] And almost unbelievably, Unsworth has just been made head of editorial control for BBC News and Current Affairs. Yet she was also the one behind the helicopter fiasco when she spared no expense (or sense), in trying to expose the real evil at the heart of our society: Cliff Richard. (Yes, she causes the Corporation to lose millions in legal costs and fines when the Courts denounce her mismanagement and stupidity; but she’s still in post). These same people spend two decades making sure no journalist looks into Pakistani taxi sex rings and rapings of black and white girls “in Care” across all major cities in the U.K. And when an independent person blows this wide open, so even the BBC can’t ignore it, who do they attack? The police and white social workers. No attempt whatever to ask if there is any sickness at the heart of a religion which doesn’t recognise the testimony of a single woman as equal to that of a man in their own “Sharia Courts”. Christ, no! That would be Cultural Imperialism![edit.13.12.19 1300, BBC Asian Network radio reported that in Pakistan Lawyers had trashed a hospital and attacked and driven doctors out, causing three patients in intensive care to die, in a dispute between the two professions. This almost incredible story, somehow never made it beyond the Asian Network on the radio and certainly never made it onto TV. What are we to make of a society whose most educated, best paid and leading members conduct themselves in this way? The fact is, the BBC is either simply not shocked that Pakistani lawyers and doctors behave in this way, or they want to make sure the British Public outside the Asian Community is not shocked. I’m not sure which is worse, but either is an indictment of the BBC. I’m sure the British Asian community was pretty damned shocked.The huge efforts made by people in charge of the “Ministry of Truth” (George Orwell based this on his two years experience of working at the BBC) to pin false paedophile charges on entirely innocent establishment figures like Sir Edward Heath, Lord Bramall, Sir Leon Brittan, Lord McAlpine, and countless others, does indeed appear mind bogglingly stupid. We were treated to headlines, police standing outside homes inviting any fantasist, compensation fraudster, social misfit or nut case to “come forward”, with evidence of abuse, at the same time this same Media, police,and social workers completely ignore the hundreds of raped and pimped white and black girls “in care” who “came forward” in huge numbers without anyone having to go on TV and ask them to, telling of the hundreds of depraved Pakistani taxi drivers, only to be completely ignored over two decades, by the very same authorities so earnestly begging for evidence against Upper Class Whites!It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the Toff Elite are much less concerned with who is being sexually abused than they are with who is doing the abusing,and that only Middle Class Whites should be punished for not behaving with decency and it really isn’t fair to expect the same moral standards of brown and Muslim people.[Edit 20.10.19] I reviewed all the Google references to the Manchester Arndale stabbing of 11.10.19. On the day it happened I listened to bulletin after bulletin on BBC radio, and the reference even now is only to “a man in his 40s” or “the assailant”, tantalizingly we are told “anti terrorist police are handling the investigation” but absolutely no mention whatever of the race, colour, or religion of “the assailant” and even now, ten days later, trawling over google I can find no reference whatever to the obvious question on everyone’s mind, “was this another Islamicist atrocity perpetrated against the innocent British public?”We simply are not allowed to know, not allowed even to ask.But actually we DO know, know that he is not White, know that he is a Muslim, because IF he had been a White right wing terrorist, we would all have been told this immediately, repeatedly and gleefully, by the BBC, as indeed we were over the murder of Jo Cox by a white supremacist. His motivation, his book cases, his online reading and activities all minutely described and debated. But when it is a non white muslim knife attacker acting in the name of Islam, absolute silence. Even now. We are deemed all to be such blind racist bigots that we are not able to handle the truth.[edit 13.12.19] Listening to the BBC Asian Network the day after the General Election, I heard the presenter casually say that a contributory reason why a West Midlands Labour MP had failed to get elected in a predominantly Asian constituency was because she was White, and her constituents “preferred to have one of their own”. Breathtaking. Had White electors demanded they not be offered an Asian candidate, I wonder if the BBC might have reacted rather differently! Equally astounding was the same programme a few minutes later held forth that “both major Parties have real problems of racism”. True enough, but the fact is that Asian electors have also just been openly declared to be racist (without using the word, of course). And the BBC perceive no contradiction because by definition “racism” is what only Whites can be guilty of. It was the same in the 1970s when Asian Ugandans were expelled, This was not racism, merely “Africanisation”. Educated Whites have been brainwashed into not even noticing the hypocrisy of applying different moral standards to Whites and non Whites. The irony is that this is so patronising towards non Whites. Working Class Whites have no difficulty recognising that racism by Whites is widespread (just look at football supporters) but don’t try to tell them that what some Asians, Chinese, Arabs, and Blacks feel for each other and for Whites is not also racism. Ordinary folk just know something the expensively educated don’t, which is that if it barks and wags its tail, it is a dog.Honestly, these are just a miniscule taste of merely the more recent acts of suppression by the BBC and other mainstream News outlets. I have included names and dates so you can look up everything I say, because I know your instinct will be to think “this stuff can’t possibly be right”. I’m afraid its just a taster.Dishonesty about Class origins of Journalists. Hiding their own Class privilege, for shame, even makes the BBC dishonest, and a striking example of this was when , in an interview to James Landale, David Cameron announced, to the astonishment of the world, that he would not serve more than one more term as PM, and James was asked why Cameron had chosen to share this with him, he never once mentioned the highly pertinent fact that he had been a slightly younger contemporary of Cameron at Eton.Dishonesty about history; Ireland and the Crusades.[Edit 22.11.17]. Two more major examples of BBC and other TV media deceit I have drawn attention to elsewhere, illustrates the way Auntie believes it has to suppress historical facts in order to protect vulnerable minorities like Irish Catholics and Muslims from potential British Working Class thuggery. So in the 1970s and 1980’s any “History Of Ireland” was only allowed to present the Irish as the passive victims of English oppression. Thus the period c 385 AD-760. AD (when it was the Irish who invaded Britain, created 4 Irish States in what later became England Wales and Scotland, raided and enslaved the length of Western Britain) is simply ignored. As if just never happened. St Patrick himself was a christian Welsh boy, seized by Irish invaders near Carlisle, and sent as a slave back to Ireland. So it’s not as if this aspect of Dark Age Irish imperialism towards Britain is unknown in Ireland itself.Precisely the same is done with any “History of the Crusades”, which are exclusively presented as a violent attack by Christians upon Muslim territory, again airbrushing out of History the fact that in the 400 years prior to the Crusades, the whole of the Middle East and North Africa was largely Greek or Latin speaking and almostly entirely Christian, were over run and many forcibly converted by The great Islamic “Crusade” of the 7C-10C.In both cases, terrorist bombings and atrocities were being conducted (by The IRA and Islamic terrorists) and the BBC felt the need to manipulate facts to help avoid a thuggish “backlash” against innocent Irish and Muslim minorities vulnerable on British housing estates, and in some contorted way felt lying about history might make ordinary British people somehow feel they “deserved” to be knifed, mown down by vehicles and blown up, and so less likely to put a brick through a minority neighbours window or slash his tyres. All utter tripe, of course every group has a few lunatics amongst them, but the British Working Class is nothing if not fair minded.But however could the Toffs in charge know this? Their parents spent up to £45,000 pa to make damned sure their children never had to risk being contaminated by contact with Working Class kids.It’s not that the BBC will never discuss negative aspects of Islam, for example Jenny Murray has addressed it, but this is only done on places like Radio 4 “women’s hour”, where the toffs can rest assured that the audience are going to be exclusively Middle Class housewives, the sort of people who can be relied upon not to subsequently drop off half a pig’s carcass on the steps of the local mosque, en route back home from Waitrose.Upper Middle Class people live their entire lives without any meaningful contact with Working Class people, whose cause they espouse so ostentatiously.( No change since Disraeli’s book “The Two Nations”). Indeed they will do anything for the Working Class except sit next to them on a train, eat, drink, or allow their own children to be educated alongside them.So they have a real fear of what they perceive to be the lower Classes’ potential for bigotry, racism xenophobia and thuggery. They feel that all that stands between civilised man and utter brutishness is an education at Eton Marlborough or Harrow. So they don’t think the public can be “trusted” with the full facts. “They can’t handle the truth”.Indeed, to tell the truth is regarded as socially irresponsible.Thus lies, distortion, suppression and deceit have become moral guiding principles!This perversion of morality is breathtaking, but passes without challenge within the BBC.The only approach that the televisual media have made towards acknowledging even the existence of a “Social Disaster Class” is in series like “The Jeremy Kyle Show” (ITV) (inspired by Jerry Springer in the USA, of course) and “Benefits Street” (Channel Four), but rather than deal with the devastatingly serious impact this Class is having in destroying both our public services and the National finances, the issue is treated rather as a type of social comedy, (without the need for any script writer - you just couldn’t make it up half the time). In fact it puts me in mind of “The Chimps’ Tea Party” that I used to see as a child in the 1960s at the London Zoo, in the era before we learned to take animals seriously.Of course the BBC themselves haven’t dared go here at all.Dishonesty about migration. The reasons why millions of people want to get away from what President Trump (who has a way with words) called “shithole Countries” is fairly easily comprehensible to most of us, even without the help of the BBC. Why they want to get out of France, however, is another of those enigmas, which the BBC, and the rest of mainstream media, simply will not allow us to ask, without implying we are all racist bigots, even for the thought to have crossed our minds.One reason is that this would involve an intimate explanation of another area we are not allowed to know about, the UK benefits system. This includes “tax credits” - handouts from the taxpayer to workers in businesses which can therefore get away with not paying a living wage, which has also been a colossal part of the drawing of 3.5m non “shithole” EU migrants to the UK. You see, benefits are what poor disadvantaged people get, so its a topic utterly toxic to toffs, and none with any shred of decency would ever wish to expose such a quagmire to public scrutiny.The second point is that so many of the unfortunate migrants from countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria and Libya, are disproportionately the Upper Middle Class, medics, dentists, businessmen, academics, the sort of people who have access to the thousands of pounds needed to pay human trafficking gangs to get them to the West, and of course usually highly literate and articulate English speakers. Precisely the sort of people with whom our own toff elite readily identify, and want to help through their natural sense of humanity. However, they can’t facilitate the entry of these into the UK, without also facilitating the entry of those desperately poor, illiterate, often Islamic fundamentalists, who have trekked to Europe with nothing more than a desperate sense of necessity and fantastic bravery and resourcefulness. But the manipulation and dishonesty of the BBC means that we cannot be told anything important or truthful about either group.Have you ever heard any journalist attempt even to ask the question why those refugee camps in Calais were full of people desperate to swap France for England? No, nor me.The dishonesty is not, however confined to silence. Active deception is deployed. So when Simon McCoy (Sherborne school, £38,000 pa) pretends to ask this question, of an Iranian “academic” living in the UK, what makes a family of Iranians, who have been rescued in the dead of night, sinking in an inflatable dinghy, decide to set off in the dark into the busiest shipping lane on Earth, from the French coast (November, 2018) risking the lives of their little baby and small children? The Iranian academic lady explains to chirpy Simon that owing to “Western Sanctions” the Iranian economy has collapsed, and the Regime is controlled by ruthless Islamic fundamentalists. But instead of saying “But Iran doesn’t border the English Channel”, Simon, our great investigative journalist, says “Thank you very much”.Now either his parents should seek a refund from the geography dept of Sherborne school, or Simon is participating in the programme of pro migrant fraud and deception at the BBC and mainstream media. Any UK family launching a dinghy from France in those circumstances would have their children taken into care, as the parents are manifestly unfit to look after them, and risk their lives for no conceivable reason. But because these are economic migrants, attempting to get from one European benefit system to a more generous one, no criticism is to be permitted, on the contrary, we get a co operative “academic” wheeled out to give some sort of credence to the irrelevant “answer” she provides, all an utter fraud, and it is played out before us on the national one o’clock news.And of course, the utter contempt the toffs in charge must have for the general public, quite sure that “nobody will notice”.Dishonesty in Natural History. Criticising Sir David Attenborough is akin to breaking wind in front of the Pope. But this dear man, (not himself educated at any major Public School), was born to the principal of University College, Leicester, and was raised in the finest traditions of academic Upper Middle Class gentility. And this national treasure (a term he is known to loathe) illustrates how even a rigorously scientific mind is twisted away from honesty and truth. He is at the centre of the attack against the decimation of our environment and our wild animals by modern society. Had the ear of President Obama. But he is constitutionally incapable of acknowledging that ALL humans everywhere have decimated their environment as soon as they set foot on a new island or continent.Native Americans exterminated almost every large mammal from the Americas, following their arrival there some 20,000 years ago. Elephants, horses, giant ground sloths, all the large South American marsupials, countless species eradicated. The same happened in Australia after the Aboriginal peoples arrived there some 40,000 years ago, bringing the dingo with them. Wombats the size of bison, Kangaroos 12’ tall. Utter annihilation. Same on Madagascar some 2,000 years ago, lemurs the size of gorillas, giant flightless birds twice the size of an ostrich. The same in NZ after the Maoris arrived, as recently as about 1200 AD. Yet (and I will illustrate with just a couple of examples) in his introduction to his programme on the kiwi, Attenborough presents the Maori as children of nature, and ascribes the survival of this flightless bird to the Maori having “ regarded it as sacred”. Yet Attenborough is much less keen to make any mention of the 13 odd species of giant flightless moas that were slaughtered to extinction by the Maori within a couple of centuries of their arrival. The fact is the kiwi survived, not because it was protected as sacred, but simply because it is nocturnal, lives underground, and hasn’t much meat on it. Attenborough can’t bring himself to say anything that might be thought critical of any native people, and indulges himself in all the sentimentalist tosh about native peoples somehow being gentle folk living “in harmony with nature”, and this same Upper Middle Class trait suffuses his discussion of the Aborigines, whose “wisdom” he applauds in “knowing” the Platypus laid eggs, but he attacks stupid White academics like Richard Owen (the man who first recognised the existence of dinosaurs, and the possibly the greatest comparative anatomist in history) for refusing to simply believe what the Aborigines said. What he doesn’t mention is that these same aborigines had also informed White British academics that the Earth was formed by a giant crocodile having intercourse with an emu, that human tribes spirits are carried inside animals etc, etc. Such was the “wisdom” these foolish White men chose to ignore! The fact is that even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day, but it is outrageous for a man of science to criticise our brilliant Victorian forebears for having adopted a rigorous and proper scientific skepticism towards the claim that a mammal lays eggs, and to misrepresent this as “cultural arrogance”, as Attenborough does, is outrageous, when rigorous doubt and the need for proof is absolutely fundamental to everything at the heart of science reason and logic.This shows how even a man of science like Sir David can be utterly dishonest to himself and to the World, in propagating absurd fairy stories about Native peoples. Only Whites and Westerners are to be deemed culpable and responsible for the plight of the natural World. Sound familiar? And all in the name of the pervasive false humility of the White Upper Middle Class, which so loathes itself for its unmerited privilege of birth.Deception over Scottish Independence and Brexit. [edit 3.5.19] I will not go into the claims of misrepresentation and deceit in either of these, as books have already been written about them. But I have to mention a deeply worrying characteristic that is emerging in our media, and that is to prohibit the expression of truth, if it is felt “irresponsible” to utter or publicise truth for fear of how the masses will react to it. We have of course come across this already in the torture and murder of Kris Donald, Pakistani taxi driver sex rings, the “history” of the crusades and of Ireland.However last week I noticed an orchestrated extension of this “principle”. Krishnan Guru Murthy, (Channel 4), Faisal Islam, and Nick Robinson were all heard , independently to berate and call “irresponsible”, anyone who said that Anna Soubry, and other MPs demanding a second referendum to reverse the result of the last one, “traitors”, on the basis not that what they were doing was not a reversal of everything they had previously agreed to, but on the basis that death threats were being made by various Right Wing nutters, against these MPs. But consider this: are we to be prohibited from saying things like “there is no scientific evidence whatever that the Koran and the Bible were divinely inspired, and therefore can have no authority, nor is there a shred of evidence for the existence of any God”, merely because there are plenty of religious nutters who will feel very good about killing anyone who says such things ? So are we destined to be “irresponsible” if we say such things as this too? These Journalists would consign us into a shroud of perpetual intellectual medievalism.And if voting to agree to hold a referendum, agreeing to be bound to respect the result, voting to trigger Article 50, then get re elected on a manifesto that says the same thing, but then, to say you refuse to respect it, if this be not treachery, then I know not what treachery is. Yet these journalists now try to prevent the word even being uttered.Indeed there was an attempt, following the murder of Jo Cox, to say “well this is what you get if you support Brexit”, (that absurd three day “truce” in the campaign, designed to really ram home the message), so because some Leave supporters will murder for Brexit, you should not support it. But does this mean that when some religious nutter murders in the name of Islam, people should not support Islam either?Our elite don’t stop to think about the implications of what they demand. One Right wing nutter kills in the name of Brexit, and this is held up as typical of the sort of thing that Brexit leads to, yet after each nutter Muslim act of carnage, these same people fall over each other saying “oh, this murder has got nothing whatever to do with Islam or Muslims”.The elite are simply blind to the utter hypocrisy and duplicity of demanding one thing in respect of Brexiteers,(because they are perceived to be white) and another entirely different thing for Muslims (because they ain’t).The White Working Class may not have been to Eton or Harrow, but they aren’t as stupid as many who have.Indeed all these issues have made me question whether there is actually something in receiving a very high level of education that can imbue such a devotion to certain liberalist principles, that the intellect is rendered incapable of perceiving glaring anomalies and contradictions which arise from them, which the educated simply can’t see, (I would say have been trained not to see) but the less educated masses grasp clear as day.Certainly, this idea that it’s perfectly fine to call a second referendum to reverse the result of the one you had, in which it was promised there would be no second referendum, and that it would be respected and article 50 triggered “immediately”, is the most bizarre case of media groupthink self delusion I have ever encountered. And millions of highly educated people have convinced themselves that it is perfectly reasonable to do so. When the streets erupt, it will I suppose be met with blinking incomprehension by the chattering Classes. Now I’m no politician, and no clairvoyant. All I know is what patients tell me day after day across the GP consulting desk, without any provocation or inducement to do so.The BBC introduces the discussion on the proposal to block and reverse the greatest expression of direct democracy in the history of our Nation, as if it were announcing a controversial proposal to cancel a proposed bypass on the A38.It’s all very subtle, just part of a carefully orchestrated attempt to normalise the outrageous. Never more than the third or fourth item. “Knife crime” took the headline spot all week when democracy was quietly being throttled in Westminster. And this should be recognised whether you voted Leave or Remain.Prejudice exposed by how identical situations are handled differently between Parties by the BBC.[Edit Dec 2019]. There is sometimes even blatantly Party political partisanship. The most recent was probably the way the resignations of Jo Johnson and David Miliband were handled so differently. Incessantly Jo Johnson was presented as having resigned “because he couldn’t trust his own brother”, whereas when David Miliband resigned, in far “worse” circumstances- Ed having specifically stood against his own brother for the leadership- no issue of “trust” was raised, it was just accepted (as should Jo’s resignation have been accepted) that different siblings are perfectly able to have different political views that make it impossible for them to share collective responsibility in Cabinet. But of course the knives are out for Boris because the BBC hates Brexit, to a man, to a woman, to a transexual.ConclusionI hope in this brief canter through some of the broad subjects within the remit of the BBC, has shone an uncomfortable light upon the wider adverse consequences of the stranglehold of the Upper Middle Class in the media, entertainment, social work, higher education, the judiciary the legislature, and many other key areas of our society.I hope also to have made these generally decent and well meaning guardians of the public conscience aware that the subconscious acceptance of lower moral standards of behavior from non Whites and non Westerners is itself a most refined and subtle form of racial and cultural supremacism, with which it is fatally tempting for racial and social minorities to collaborate. Of course Muslims are glad not to have their atavistic sexist and profoundly homophobic instincts and traditions paraded on our screens, but in conniving with the privileged elite in this act of suppression and dishonesty, they are themselves accepting their position as a moral underclass.But most damaging of all is that the White underclass, who live cheek by jowel with racial and cultural minorities on housing estates know first hand what is going on, how only White iniquities are called out, and this is why the attempted acts of deceit and delusion by the toff elite, cuts no ice whatever. Because personal knowledge and experience of life, of neighbours, of workmates, trumps political correctness propaganda every time, and invokes a sense of fury and rage at the insult to their intelligence as well as the unfairness of double standards being applied. And they simply will not have it.It is because the internet has blown wide open this traditional Upper Middle Class stranglehold on mainstream media that the public has been able to learn the truth about so many forbidden things, and the public is simply appalled.The plague of “false news” on the internet comes from a public now fully aware of the “false NO news” that governs the BBC, which has entirely and rightly lost the confidence and trust of the masses.The result of all this “double-think” and exceptionalism by the privileged liberal privately educated elite which controls the BBC is that the ordinary masses have come to regard the BBC in particular and the liberal elite in general as a bunch of dishonest, inconsistent self-regarding virtue-signalling, out of touch, fools and hypocrites whose opinion on anything can no longer be trusted or taken seriously. So the masses have simply stopped listening to their social and educational superiors, and hence, of course, Brexit and Trump. It simply doesn’t matter what the ruling liberalist elite think or say any more.The inability of the intelligent educated liberal elite to even see (let alone admit or recognise)the self contradictions in the values they so loudly espouse, and the absurdity of their randomly chosen pet subjects to promote, is not shared by either by relatively uneducated Working Class Whites, nor, interestingly, by highly educated Chinese. For both these groups the stupidity of virtue signalling woke elite is seen clear as day. Hence the term (I try to avoid) “Libtards” and it’s close Chinese equivalent “baizuo”.There has been nothing like this since the invention of printing and rise of literacy blew apart the monopoly of the Church on learning and knowledge, and it has, sadly, brought “experts’ ”, learning and knowledge more generally and widely into disrepute.

Which constitution works better, the U.S. Constitution or the UK Constitution?

UK constitution works — Flint still doesn’t have clean water :)US Supreme Court itself said:“England has no written constitution, it is true; but it has an unwritten one, resting in the acknowledged, and frequently declared, privileges of Parliament and the people, to violate which in any material respect would produce a revolution in an hour."—Justice Bradley, Slaughter House Cases, 1873 [1].Indeed ‘no taxation without representation’ in The Colonies. It manifests that English constitution (rather than the American).UK Riots (1990) denotes that: people should rebel (and election is holiday); Americans rarely riot about taxes, millions cannot vote.[2]That English constitution keeps government on toes; US Constitution hinders revolts, promotes power-grabs, and prevents resolutions.Flint takeovers ignore the Sovereign (People); meanwhile British PM is complaining to his local council, on behalf of his constituencies! [3][4]Without immediate electoral threats Government ignores the public.[5](2016, Source)INTRODUCTION: GOVERNANCE — ACTUAL TO ABSTRACT(1) The concept of the ‘unwritten constitution’ is the core of the issue, it is fundamental and will be repeated here tiresomely.(2) ‘UK versus Flint’ framing is intentionally provocative. It is symbolic, yet it holds: these are real life results endemic to the nature of each constitution.A constitution is nothing but a list of our basic principles: what constitutes our society. If some principles allow toxic water then some principles do not work well. A good constitution allows amendment of failures.Far from being a single incident or a local issue Flint is emblematic, it is an epitome of decades of receivership, neglect and corruption (Alabama Water same). The UK had known hardship and corruption, but not to such systematic extensive violations of basic human needs. We forget these are not ‘rights’ nor ‘freedoms’ — these are basic necessities to sustain life.Constitutional law defines first and foremost the roles, powers, and structure of state entities[6]. It also defines values, however those are divergent (the concept of freedom changed). Over millennia humanity have developed and maintained many consistent core beliefs — British and Americans share most. But, by nature values across different centuries and cultures are malleable. Therefore it is extremely hard to judge by. But how do we structure values? By our basic political structure. This is our ‘social decision-making system’, and it enabled different phenomena over centuries.Constitutions are means to an end. And this review is an abstraction of that process. Rather than referring directly and dissecting its explicit content (say freedom) — it refers to the conventions that construct values. Simply put: how the system works.These two cornerstones, governance structure and basic life, are irrefutable and will form the scope of this article.(1) GOOD REVOLUTIONS (and bad legislatures)This constitutional investigation will start with the process of impeachment. And canceled instantly: no such a thing in the UK.Each and every PM in the parliamentary system is forced to resign, by their own party members. For example, both Margret Thatcher and John Major enjoyed a nasty leadership contest[7][8] [July 2018 update][9].UK Prime Ministers face an election threat on a daily basis. The PM’s own cabinet revolts against them, while they are all still the acting Government (and maintain legislative functions). It is common for cabinets to constantly plot against the PM. This is the norm for Westminster systems, and Australia follows closely with its ‘spills’[10]. [updated Aug 2018]These mechanics are intertwined to legislation itself — it works the same. British ‘welfare boom’ of 1906–1911[11] was revolutionary by itself. The Lords vetoed that which was revolutionary as well. And the Government called two General Elections in one year, later to change the constitution (again quite a revolution).Produce a revolution within an hour, indeed! The UK system encourages political revolt and change - which the US Constitution discourages.To be fair the US has a different political structure (Federation) with another layer of government (States) and super-majority requirements (Senate). Legislative changes are not meant to be quick. The Electoral College and The Senate were meant to empower smaller states, to prevent the tyranny of the majority, and are effective in doing so. However, Congresses and Presidents failed while many other federal states succeeded (Australia, Canada, Germany). Even the European Constitution, residing over a much looser co-federation, protect against basic rights, why did the US Constitution fail?US constitutional amendments require obtaining a special ¾ super-majority, which is common; but to do so with more than 100 legislative assemblies (50 States’ bicameral legislatures plus Congress). This amounts to a staggering 7,383 State legislators[12]. Now that’s a proper bureaucracy.This clearly denotes a co-federation: a loosely grouped nations with very strong veto powers each (see regional integration spectrum). The US had decided to move to an integrated federation but failed to practically to do so.States determine their own basic laws (basic like marriage; until recently). For most Americans crossing a State border is nothing special, but in many judicial aspects it’s like crossing to a different country. Rather than small changes the laws of the land may be completely contradictory. Shooting guns, or shooting pornography, may be illegal (or perfectly lawful).States also tend to refuse federal laws. For decades Southern States did not enforce civil law[13], Sanctuary Cities do the same today[14]. Apart from suffrage not many amendments since the 14th dealt with federal integrity or personal rights[15]. In a sense the US’ legislative framework had frozen in time.Child Labour[16] and Women Rights[17] failed as amendments to the US Constitution. The Civil Rights movement required 100 years of litigation[18] and another 15 years of protest in the streets just to start desegregation. That’s not a constitution that works better.Congress may (and should) legislate Federal laws instead of Constitutional Amendments. Indeed Congress protected women’s rights. But at best the Federal legislation is slow, incomprehensive, lack enforcement, easily impeded, and its incorporation constantly contested (Federal laws to States). At worst it is not written in stone and could be changed any day. State level legislation is lacking as well and many issues require nation-wide cooperation.While Representatives are constantly under election threat (House elections every two years) that’s a misleading impression: the system as a whole lacks instantaneous political threats.The President cannot demote Members of Congress, while himself being immune; Members of Congress, although sworn to serve the United States, are positioned by the Constitution to mostly service their districts. Lacking imminent threats they are less inclined for comprehensive legislation, nor to enforce it afterwards. No wonder Federal Shutdowns have become the norm. The Constitution offers no solutions, and it was meant that way.These problems are neither theoretical nor contemporary. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 against discrimination was not enforced, and later deemed unconstitutional by our very own Judge Bradley[19]. The 14th Amendment forbids State discrimination but not discrimination by individuals. Indeed the 1964 Act prohibit such ‘private’ discrimination[20]. Not only did it came almost 100 years late it is based on Congress’ right to “regulate commerce”[21] .What a pure legal chaos. To this date full equality is yet to be incorporated constitutionally.This is clearly endemic and an epidemic. It is endemic in that regular issues that are inherent characteristics; it is an epidemic as it spreads and seriously affects the mass population. It also indicates Congressional disillusionment of the constitutional route: using the British norm of ‘simple’ parliament legislation, with the many disadvantages discussed.——— POWER GRABS — Update, December 6th 2018 ———As Republicans in Michigan and Wisconsin stripped Governors powers[22], Rick Taylor, a Republican strategist spoke with Stephanie Ruhle (MSNBC) on this issue, on Tuesday, December 4th, 2018:Ruhle: “THIS IS WHY PEOPLE HATE GOVERNMENT”Taylor: “POWER-GRABS ARE ENDEMIC, they're part of the system. I don't want to sound cynical, this is what they do --”Ruhle: "So we should accept them?"Taylor: "I don't know.. I'm not sure.. Because.. No, we shouldn't accept them. The voters shouldn't accept them"Ruhle: "VOTERS DON’T HAVE A CHOICE. The voters went and voted last month and now this is happening, WITHOUT THEM KNOWING”Democrats did the same, e.g. Houston 1988[23] , so this is an epidemic. Instead of policy the representatives are busy with power-grabs; instead of justice for the people — the judicial is busy with lengthy legal battles.It also COSTS TAXPAYER MONEY — “The power struggle between Democratic Gov. Cooper and the Republican legislature over political appointments has cost taxpayers more than $1.5 million in legal fees from private lawyers.”[24]——— End of update ———In sharp contrast the European Constitution directly calls EU states to actively combat any discrimination (Amsterdam 13, Rome 19[25], ECHR 14, EUCFR/CFREU 21, FRA[26]). The UK adheres to these laws and British lawmakers were involved in its drafting. It is of such importance and consensus the British Parliament is obliged to legislate in accordance with it. Section 3(2) of The Human Rights Act 1998[27] is probably the only UK law allowing the judiciary to override Parliament.(Notes: (1) UK lacks ‘equal branches’ — Sovereignty of Parliament is absolute. (2) UK outside the EU will incorporate these into its legislation.)The machinery of the legislative in both countries was laid bare here and clear patterns emerge. While the UK entertain itself with political revolutions leading to change, the US legislature fails to deliver crucial persistent ones. The US framework lack real political threats for its representatives, uniform consistent rule of law, federal integrity, and basic contemporary rights.These two constitutions offer legislative frameworks with profoundly different processes — leading to quite distinct outcomes.(2) NATURAL CHAOSThe Founding Fathers were wary about primitive ‘checks and balances’ of their time (rightly so) and wanted more: a proper democracy. Not only did they saw far above Monarchy they wished for an authentic political discourse. Government itself, a stronghold of the few at the time, was viewed as a threat to be curtailed. They created many strong individuals, institutions, and states — with the price of an overall impotent governance.Many compare constitutional formats (technical), or popular content (values), but miss the political system a constitution encourages (framework). It’s not about codification but rather about dynamic parliamentary system versus a rigid presidential one; the doctrine of parliamentary supremacy versus judicial review; the weakened individual actors versus brutal empowerment; and the norms and aims of each system.Members of Parliament are under direct pressure from the Prime Minister (and vice versa), as well as direct pressure from his or her constituency. In contrast, the Constitution has no consequences. When a UK Parliament or Government fails they all go down. If Congress or President fails nothing happens.The UK laws encourage constant ‘revolt and change’ which turns the political arena to a real free market of ideas. Every MP and PM has multiple imminent political threats, forcing them to take action beforehand; ‘if we are all to perish (politically) we’d better do something now’. There is an urgency to make things work rather than just win a partisan gain (though it is politics after all). In contrast the Constitution actually encourages procrastination. The market of ideas is perpetually forced upon the elected. It’s rigid rules are infused with more legislatures, encouraging conflicts and vetos, infighting and lawsuits, twists and turns. It was meant to achieve a stalemate. It’s genuine admirable plans of sophisticated discourse and negotiated solutions were quickly forgotten in favour of partisan wins.While The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives can refuse a vote[28] solely on their own — such veto powers would be outrageous in the UK. The Speaker of the House of Commons is actually required to sever ties with their party and act impartially. Unlike Representatives and Senators, UK Members of Parliament can be instantly demoted from their position at all times. Despite the whip MPs vote against their party and leadership, and backbenchers have power[29]. MPs are obliged by their constituency surgery on a weekly basis — which put US Representatives’ once-in-a-year town hall meetings to the shame.Many British resent their electoral system, and it may appear undemocratic.[30] It lacks proportional representation and distorts the electorate. For example the Conservatives got only 36% of the popular vote — yet 51% of seats in parliament. UKIP received 12.6% of the votes but only 0.2% of the seats. More than half of MPs were elected without winning the majority of their constituency votes (just a plurality). Not to mention the closed party-list selection, in contrast to American open primaries.(Source)But, looks can be deceiving. Members of parliament, including government ministers, have a direct link to their constituency. For the UK a ‘constituency’ is not a technical term but a concept rooted in the sense of community.[31] The ‘hashing of votes’ (aforementioned distortions of British FPTP and party-selection) promote tactical voting and local alliances, while positioning politicians on a shaky ground. This is by no means exculpatory of British politics, but it does establish their urgency to make things work.Only in the UK would a PM write to his own party-run local council, complain about local cuts that his own government initiated, and receive a detailed answer. [32]Somewhat absurd but this phenomena is quite extraordinary: elected officials are forced to be involved in the nitty-gritty daily business. The examples are many: overburdened with constituency work, facing a bewildering array of events and cases, dangerous job while satisfying demands of every person, constituency surgeries vital part of democracy; MPs are attuned.While not a law, this tradition dates centuries back and forms a crucial part of constitutional conventions (unwritten customs).[33] Conventions are not foreign to the US Senate as well: seniority, blue slip, quorum call, etc.Conventions are an inseparable part of any constitution. The concept of ‘unwritten constitution’ is rooted in constitutional norms. Indeed, ‘the link between MPs and their constituents is one of the most highly prized aspects of British democracy’.[34]——— Update, July 9th 2018 ———British Prime Ministers answer to Parliament every week, televised live. Question Time is theatrical yet works. Gordon Brown was easily embarrassed. A proper fight: challenging and confronting the PM directly. This amounts to a weekly presidential debate, can one imagine the President answerable to Congress in a live debate on a weekly basis?Nothing happens if a US secretary resigns, but when the British PM presented her EU policy it took just one day for ministers to resign and threaten the Government. Indeed a ‘revolution in an hour’.This may not change history, the event itself is not the issue but the constitutional principle: public outcry swoop Government instantly, no equivalent in the US.(Presidents are rarely confronted by cabinet nor ousted by Congress. The Constitution creates a limbo: no real balances but endless checks; procrastination.)(Boris Johnson resigns as Foreign Secretary, BBC News, 9/7/2018)——— End of update ———That pattern is well-felt: the insignificance of an individual turns Parliament from a bunch of powerful people (like Congress) to a powerful institution that stands on its own. In the long run Parliament is composed of its body of work not by the people who work there. This impermanence is manifested daily.A funny example happened when the Defense Secretary was asked “Why should the public believe you, a transient here-today gone-tomorrow politician?”[35] :That orderly chaos of Westminster system is its beauty.European countries mastered this well, and Belgium excelled this chaos: 9 parliaments[36], 6 constitutional reforms[37], 589 days without a government![38](Parliaments inc Senate and European)This mode of action is possible even for a federal multi-cultural state with a codified constitution, like Belgium. Indeed a single regional parliament in Belgium halted a trade deal for the entire EU. [39] Unlike a US State vetoing an Amendment resulting in stalemate, the ‘natural chaos’ in EU and Belgium forced them to fix the issue.(3) “RESOLVE AND CHANGE” (Threats and Reforms)Radical changes are a coin with two sides, or more accurately two world wars (and many bloody civil wars). But the constant abrasive forces, tragic, also taught Europe it must make it work.North Korea, though a threat for Americans, is faraway. For the British the threats are close both in time and space: Franco, The Wall, The Troubles, Kosovo, to name few. Crimea, Calais, Brussels still are, and so is Derry (Irish border). The UK is constantly reminded it must shift its focus. Its governance cannot deal with political warfare and must focus on public welfare.The country and its leadership are forced to constantly stop and review issues, devise themselves wisely, and act. This is not about a commercial innovation of the country as a whole, but rather a societal-political dynamics and shifts. UK policies are not infallible (on the contrary as follows), but over time it works. It must work. This sort of maneuverability is a national political flexibility.(Note: UK ‘devise wisely’ when compared to how Congress works)The U-turn is a well known British institution. Unlike President Trump’s volatility the British U-turns are a consistent behaviour: ‘public rejects, Government reverses’ (embarrassing government u-turns). Unlike American legislatures the UK counterparts cannot afford to do otherwise. They can never rest assured. This political reality is part of the constitution and vice versa.For example UK welfare reforms at the turn of the century were prompted by Liberals’ need to remain in power. The Labour Party emerged with popular socialism and gained seats in the Parliament. There were fears of trade unions gaining political power. Germany enjoyed success and implemented a social legislation that threatened the UK. And soldiers fighting the Boer War were in such poor conditions the army couldn’t enlist recruits.It’s interesting to compare US’ changes in welfare policy during the 1930s with UK’s welfare reforms of 1900s, not by the policy itself, or its effectiveness; it is the modus operandi that is of interest here.The US was forced to change its course due to a humanitarian crisis, while the UK saw a political party urged to reform. Imminent political threats and sour war experience pushed the reforms. The Liberals went all the way: King George V even planned to install 500 new Lords to neutralize their power. At the time The Lords acted as a supreme court of appeals and as a senate (at a limited scope; nothing like the American ones) — so this really echoes Roosevelt’s 1937 attempt for a Supreme Court power grab[40].While President Roosevelt was halted, UK’s constitutional crisis caused the country to reform its constitution: after 2 elections a tentative coalition passed the Parliament Act 1911[41] . The US Constitution not only lacks flexibility but also lacks the ability to resolve issues and change; it brushes them aside.The aforementioned Belgian constitutional reforms and federalization really manifest that ‘natural chaos’ and ‘resolve and change’. Learning about that process is highly recommended. [42](Passing of the Parliament Bill, 1911, source)"The partisan warfare that raged around these topics was so fierce that by 1913, this country was brought to the verge of civil war."— Lloyd George, UK Chancellor and Prime MinisterJustice Bradley said it first, ‘produce a revolution within an hour’.——— RESOLVE, CHANGE? — Update, December 6th 2018 ———1973 — Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox1994 — Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr2017 — Special Counsel Robert MuellerEvery counselor more controversial than the other; every time a new constitutional crisis arises..This is not about power abuse but incompetence: US has yet to find accepted constitutional tools to resolve basic issues. It hadn’t figured out simple tasks (like the proper way to investigate the executive branch).——— End of update ———(4) USA: NO REVOLUTIONS, PLEASEThe American Revolution left little room for contemporary revolutions. It resolves the few revolts it allows with gridlocks (note revolts today are social, less of a violent power-grab). This was its ingenious (at the time) plan . The Constitution was aimed first and foremost to sustain the independence (1776) and the integrity (1861) of a federation, especially against its own dark innerworkings.We The People? The United Colonies of America were above all. Not the government but the existence of The States. Freedom is a fundamental hallow value, but the Constitution was meant first and foremost to “keep it all together”. It was written to heavily mitigate public uproars via sophisticated and elaborate political discourse, and many built-in brakes and stops. Its clockwork of ‘smart bureaucracy’ (complicated political procedures) is its real magic and beauty.That’s a noble design and a noble cause. It is also written beautifully (especially compared to English Law). The Constitution is ingenious and visionary, and it mostly works wonders. But intentionally adding spokes in the wheel worsened unresolved problems and created half-baked solutions.This subject must be approach carefully, as contemporary public resentment is high. In determining effectiveness civil unrest, past and present, must be set aside. Neither a single protest nor a single decade can be indicative.For decades huge portions of American society found itself left behind, lacking basic infrastructure (health, education, transportation). Far from being a minorities or a cultural issue it affects all. The UK had known hardships but living without drinking water for years is unheard of. The average Brit would revolt in a minute (write a strongly-worded letter). What can Flint do?[43]Not much, their constitution does not allow them to revolt.This encapsulates the ironic problems of the Constitution. The encouragement to fight government was violent and futile, thus countered by proper process and rule of law. And vice versa: fighting the public was countered by due process. This friction is extremely common around the world, but in the US these principles were hurtled upon the public. The Constitution (and Federal laws) did not accommodate comprehensive solutions. Unlike most constitutional resolutions around the world the Constitution did not create dialectic solutions, a synthesis. It empowered a strong government — and then empowered a strong public. It intentionally pitted one against the other, later using crude remedies, finally making all participants too slow to act.So this situation is not unique to Flint. We must remember this is not a rant about delayed trains — proper drinking water is crucial and toxic water kills. Rather than a mishap or a localized issue, and as detailed above, it is clear that this governance system actively pushes cities and states to spiral into financial and public health emergencies.(American water pipes, Flint, Michigan)The Flint Crisis is much more than toxic water, it presents a nation-wide dysfunctioning governance (enabled by the Constitution).Unelected Emergency Managers, who may not work for the best interests of the people, cannot be removed. Appointed by a Governor that cannot be removed. Overseen by Congress and President that cannot act.Flint City Council voted to reconnect with Detroit water but Emergency manager overruled the vote. Michigan Governor Snyder knew about the imminent crisis a year beforehand but failed to act, against the backlash of ACLU and EPA alarming warnings. Although rejected a referendum the Governor signed a controversial emergency manager law. President Obama refused a mere 55$ million emergency aid, and Congress also failed to act. For more details review ‘Flint Water Crisis Fast Facts’[44]and A Step-By-Step At The Makings Of A Crisis[45] .Is that shambles unique to the State of Michigan?No, power-grabs and lack or responsibility are common. The Constitution not only lack protection against those but encourages it. Though US’ governments and people relentlessly employ advanced tools like referenda, recalls, lawsuits and impeachments, this rich toolbox fails to provide accountability. Governors simply go rogue (one Chris Chrsitie comes to mind).Now, compare government response to Flint’s crisis with British PM complaining to his local council.The unwritten English constitution, avoiding an artificial tinkering of political powers and elevating individuals, put its elected officials at constant peril. Its toolbox: the rogue rebellious Public itself. Raw. Unhinged at times. Well before nasty water hits the taps, even low-pressure flow would send the British storming the streets. No wonder a complaint letter would suffice. (Note: written humorously nonetheless true.)The American Constitution, which allows many to speak, to dream, to succeed — inherently created a political structure that perpetuate and exacerbate problems, where fundamental things don’t work for many people.(5) POWER, CORRUPTION, REVOLTTyranny is not limited to freedom, privacy, democracy, speech, individualism, etc — it is also freedom from aggressive unjust prosecution.IRS and FBI hold enormous powers. They can literally own you. I’m not protesting their powers just stating the obvious: these bodies are very powerful (compared to UK’s HMRC or the Met).Accordingly many Americans think the Federal Government is ‘too strong’. However neglect, corruption and abuse exists on the state and city level. Many focus on the States-Federal tension but forget they both fail.Police brutality is not just a Federal thing. And a British constable would not act aggressively. There were many riots in the UK and police used force. But when it wrongly does so — the British fight persistently. American still find it hard to hold police accountable.Just 20-something years ago the British rioted against poll tax[46]. People swept the streets over taxes and few months later Thatcher was forced out; ‘produce a revolution within an hour’.Tyranny and prosecution: UK did not have McCarthy Hearings[47]. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg’s trial was marred by clear judicial and legal improprieties and they should not have been executed (this view is in consensus). The US wrongly executed its citizens.A century ago, as boom and bust come and go, freedom meant you could succeed or die (especially when resources were sparse). Applying this concept today is cruel and oppressive. Again: basic human rights.(Poll tax riots 1990, scenes from the event, source: wikimedia)UK tax riots are modern day Boston Tea Party. What can Americans do against wrongdoings? Wait for years. Lawsuits and Senate elections take time. Political capitulations are unconstitutional in the US as you cannot depose anyone. And there won’t be any ‘IRS Revolt’.The Constitution encourages people and institutions to 'go rogue' then gives them immunity. This is used mostly by the powerful. The UK had its scandals: Cash for Honours, expenses scandal[48], Lords were put to jail[49], Thatcher and Blair subjugation, etc. But things like Chicago’s jailed mayors[50], Watergate, Lewinsky, just wouldn't happen in the UK.It’s not a cultural issue, Americans are not corrupt by nature. At the end UK's constitution does not allow mega-corruption to these levels. At times British people viewed their leadership as abhorrent, but a Prime Minister’s actions amount to horrible decisions — not an extended abuse of power or ill-intentions.The Constitution intentionally gave ‘too much’ power to everyone. Freedom of Speech is almost ultimate, including Nazis[51] . And so are the powers of Senators, rarely impeached. This is an active artificial push to ultimate freedom, a forcible empowerment, that may prevent actual tyranny but does not protect against grave injustices. While most constitutions protect (deal with modern rights), the US Constitution allows malice.Over the last century the UK’s constitution, if compared to the 'brute force' of American lawmaking and policy-making, nudged its participants to be thoughtful. Even British Prime Ministers viewed by some as ‘evil’ had to accommodate demands and show attention and careful consideration. Failing to do so brought public’s revolt that could not be ignored.At the end all prime ministers fail, it is inherent to the system: confidence is routinely checked until failure — and removal. Indeed all British Prime Ministers were ousted. This is revolutionary by nature. Be it Blair or Thatcher, many thought they weren’t deposed fast enough. Swings and roundabouts, resigning or early elections were there all along: Tony Blair to Resign in a Year , Gordon Brown and the 2007 election, David Cameron resignation, to list a few.A prime minister is destined to fail and resign — and that’s a good thing.(Tearful Thatcher announcing retirement from Commons in 1991, source)(6) AMERICAN GREATNESSMany principles of the Constitution are not discussed here. They critically pushed freedom and entrepreneurship and spun many cultural and economical forces. This American success boosted its citizens’ welfare. US economical, scientific, and social revolutions are incomprehensible and its success stories are innumerous. But this is not about success, it’s about failure: which constitution hurts people.Some of the great US political standoffs, when its institutions and its citizens fought for their rights, were not discussed. The Senate and The Supreme Court are the most honorable and distinguished clubs in the world. Their body of work is superior. So is the US Government, composed of millions of hard-working men and women, doing an impeccable job.While this review may appear to bash the US Constitution, it is is actually in the spirit of it. It may be a cliché but the simple notion of ‘fighting for democracy and freedom’ is important. It is a very American thing, and so is dissecting justice and values. These are not ‘British things’ — or as Brenda from Bristol famously said about elections: “Not another one?!” [52]. It is no coincidence that Justice Bradley’s eloquent words guide this text. Modern perception of justice and the conventions in which to apply it rely heavily on American work, not to mention the phenomenal “Theory of Justice”[53]. It has become such an immense dogma any law student around the world learn it unknowingly.And of course this does not devalue the American people, their hard work and professionalism, their kind heart, and their clever minds. Simply put — the American political system as a whole is creaking and cracking (from the start).(7) CONCLUSIONTo sum things up, this review focused on(1) how US basic laws and political structure (“which constitution”),(2) contribute to basic welfare of citizens (“works better”),(3) in recent century,(4) in comparison to the UK.If compared so, not only does The US Constitution appears to be inflexible and curbs reforms of fundamental principles — it also does not allow real conflict and resolution of daily political discourse; it heavily mitigates and excessively endures.Ironically, it does not create immediate threats for the powerful. While the UK’s constitution encourages revolts the American one doesn’t. It does not allow neither Congress nor President to fail and fall. The British chaotic system of natural pressures is effective. The US constitutional system may be a masterpiece by design — but it glitches a lot. It works by over-empowering political players and by power grabs.As a system it is neither natural nor fluid — it dictates ejections and jerks violently. Instead of squeezing grapes and allowing wine to ferment the Constitution guides people to throw grapes at each other. The English system is shaken and stirred, it bubbles, explodes, mixes, convolutes, coagulates, and rests; the American system is like a game of conckers, but with heavy rocks, and people’s lives. This “raw-power politics” bring about animosity and procrastination.Justice Bradley’s quote opened the discussion and it will close it. Its phrasing should be given a careful attention, as it is particular and peculiar. Paraphrasing in simpler terms:acknowledge the declaration of privilege; to disobey something that warrants a revolution..Is that ‘a constitution’? Are those ‘principles’ or ‘values’? It sounds more like a psychologically twisted plot, from a Hitchcock tale of terror and suspense.Indeed Justice Bradley does not speak of a simple law nor real acts of rebellion. Bradley ingeniously eludes to a naturally occurring entangled web, theoretical counter-reactions, and multi-threaded perceived threats.(Judge Joseph Bradley. Library of Congress)DISCLAIMERI do not disparage the US (which I like) nor its system. Prime-ministers exercise powers to an alarming extent, but if a serious review is warranted, that cannot be about preferences.Our scope is of basic political structure and how it affects people’s basic needs. That avoids economical indicators. It is not about success, contemporary issues, society and economics; nothing here takes a stance on big social-economical ideas.In accordance, terms mentioned lack ideological connotation: welfare is not ‘government support’ (but general well-being), freedom is not ‘libertarian’ (but basic rights), fairness is not ‘socialism’ (but a judicial concept), etc.Somewhat hollow to ’rule’ for one constitution, as I have done:Constitutional strengths are weaknesses (‘no government’ can be good and bad).Different constitutions suit different situations (and cultures).US is huge and its federal structure is crucial, compared here with a minuscule Westminster system.Comparable federations are problematic: Canada, Australia, Belgium, Germany — smaller than US by order of magnitude.Interesting comparisons: parliamentarian India[54], presidential Brazil[55] (both huge federal nations with codified constitution).This is a long write which has not been proofread, editorial rewrites are welcomed.EPILOGUEDespite a bold opening I hardly ‘picked a winner’ — this is a reflection not a verdict. I tried to dive in, find patterns of behaviour, and describe them from afar. I learned as I wrote.A big portion of written constitutions is not about “freedoms” but just how to set up the system. A constitution is first and foremost like an IKEA manual. The formation of governing bodies and their behaviour as institutes throughout centuries (rather than on a slice of time or on a single issue) is fundamental.Many today resent “the system”, but at the end we choose our self-governance, based on our social contract; constitutions describe its format. This answer deals with that aspect.● DO NOT TROLL | This is a review of governance structure — not a cultural / political / economical debate ●Footnotes[1] Slaughterhouse Cases[2] Tax Revolts: Some Succeed, Most Don't[3] Emergency manager calls City Council's Flint River vote 'incomprehensible'[4] David Cameron complains to his local council about cuts to services[5] Sack cartoon: Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder[6] Constitutional law - Wikipedia[7] Conservative Party (UK) leadership election, 1990 - Wikipedia[8] Conservative Party (UK) leadership election, 1995 - Wikipedia[9] Boris Johnson has resigned as Foreign Secretary - BBC News[10] Why Australia is not done with leadership spills[11] Liberal welfare reforms - Wikipedia[12] State legislature (United States) - Wikipedia[13] Why President Trump Can't Directly Order National Guard Troops To U.S.-Mexico Border[14] Maps: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States[15] Amendment Summary: 27 Updates to the U.S. Constitution[16] Child Labor Amendment - Wikipedia[17] Equal Rights Amendment - Wikipedia[18] Dred Scott v. Sandford - Wikipedia[19] Civil Rights Cases (1883)[20] Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia[21] Commerce Clause - Wikipedia[22] First Wisconsin did it. Now Republicans in Michigan move to strip Democrats' power.[23] Houston Democrats Strip Chairman of Power[24] Your $$$ pays for political battles[25][26] Article 21 - Non-discrimination[27] How the Human Rights Act works[28] Why is the Speaker of the House able to stop a vote on a clean spending bill?[29] Backbencher - Wikipedia[30] Voting system leading to break-up of UK, says report[31] Why not use proportional representation?[32] Cameron accused of hypocrisy over letter complaining of cuts[33] Constitutional convention (political custom) - Wikipedia[34] Are MP surgeries under threat?[35] John Nott. Walks out of interview[36] Communities, regions and language areas of Belgium - Wikipedia[37] State reform in Belgium - Wikipedia[38] 2010–11 Belgian government formation - Wikipedia[39] EU-Canada free trade deal at risk after Belgian regional parliament vote[40] Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 - Wikipedia[41] Parliament Act 1911 - Wikipedia[42][43] Flint water crisis - Wikipedia[44] Flint Water Crisis Fast Facts[45] Lead-Laced Water In Flint: A Step-By-Step Look At The Makings Of A Crisis[46] Poll tax riots - Wikipedia[47] McCarthyism - Wikipedia[48] United Kingdom parliamentary expenses scandal - Wikipedia[49] Expenses peers facing suspension[50] Blagojevich Joins 4 Former Illinois Govs Behind Bars[51] Post–World War II legality of Nazi flags - Wikipedia[52] Election 2017: "NOT ANOTHER ONE!" Brenda from Bristol's reaction[53] A Theory of Justice - Wikipedia[54] Constitution of India - Wikipedia[55] Federal government of Brazil - Wikipedia

What is the real history of India?

Note: This is a work of love. Errors and omissions are regretted. Please feel free to suggest edits and changes. I will be adding more details and completing this answer over a week’s time. Thank you for your patience.The Chronological Modern History of the Indian Subcontinent.From 1901 to 1985. I will try and add more in future.This answer primarily tells the story of 3 nations. Between the text, there is a subtext about the reasons of why we are, the way we all are.This is the story of the Indian Subcontinent. The Indian Subcontinent - home to almost every 3rd human being - regular people, who share geography, history, passions, music, food, jokes, tragedies and perhaps the future as well.Once you’re done, you’d perhaps agree that our history is simply a series of KLPDs - one after the other. We’ve often got heroes we never deserved and leaders who make us all agree, that we deserve better.So, without further ado, as they say in Afghanistan:- Noshe Jaan!(Substandard Translation: Enjoy buddy!)1901 AD:A New Era, A New EmperorIndia is under the British Rule. King Edward VII takes over as the Emperor from Queen Victoria in the first month of the year[1] - he would assume the title of the Emperor of India, two years later, and die thanks to his habit of chain smoking, in 1910.We still have a large statue of his in Cubbon Park, Bengaluru[2].His coronation forces the babus of the Calcutta Mint out of their inertia to struck thousands of new coins, bearing his face - preparing for his eventual inaugural Delhi Durbar in 1903.A Case of Two LawyersWorld War I is 14 years away. Mohammed Ali Jinnah is a 25 year old hot shot lawyer in Bombay, who’s got appointed as the Presidency Magistrate of Bombay last year. Most of his colleagues agree that he is the best in the business.His 7 years senior, Mohandas K. Gandhi has tried his luck in the Bombay and Kathiawad Courts but failed - He currently is a 32-years-old, slightly popular young Indian NRI lawyer, settled in South Africa, married for the last 18 years.Mohandas has earned a bigger name for himself as a social worker though, being a member of the Indian Ambulance Corps during the famous Boer War, for which he even wins the Queen’s South Africa campaign medal[3].The Grand old Man of India.The most powerful and popular politician of India at this point - 71 year old ‘Grand old man of India’ - Dadabhai Naoroji. The father of the “Drain Theory” - Mahatma Gandhi called him the father of the Nation[4].He was the first Asian to become a British member of Parliament, while in London, he had hired a young and promising Mohammad Ali Jinnah as his personal secretary[5] .1902 AD:The Birth of UPThis is a special year for many who belong to the state of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. This is the year, when the province of United Province of Agra and Oudh is established on the orders of the then Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon[6].This long name was shortened to simply United Province in the year 1935, most Indians shortened it further and still call it - ‘YouPee’.Swami Vivekananda’s DeathThis is also the year, when Swami Vivekananda, the founder of the Ramkrishna mission, and perhaps the first Pan-Indian youth icon of the modern Indian history, died at the young age of 39.He was best known for his badass speech in Chicago and many co-credit him as one of the reasons, smoking isn’t considered such a bad thing in Bengal.1903 AD:Another Delhi Durbar and the father of Khushwant Singh.This is the year when King Edward VII is formally declared, the Emperor of India. 2 full weeks of festivities are organised in Delhi, paid for by the People of India. Lord and Lady Curzon arrive to the party on an elephant.King Edward was a little busy, so he sent his brother instead - Prince Arthur, 1st Duke of Connaught - yah you guessed it right, the hottest piece of commercial real estate in Delhi is named after him as the Connaught Place - blame this on Sardar Bahadur Sir Sobha Singh - Who built CP from the money he earned as one of the chief civil contractors of Lutyens Delhi and the modern day Rashtrapati Bhavan - He was also the father of the famous magazine editor - Khushwant Singh.Birth of a HeroThis is also the year when my personal hero Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay is born. Why is she special - well, ask the people of Faridabad, or the people associated with National School of Drama or the Sangeet Natak Akademi :)1905 AD:Divide and Rule Vol. 1This is the year when the Partition of Bengal takes place on Religious grounds. After the revolt of 1856, this was one of the first major moves made by the British under their Divide and Rule Policy in India .Although this decision is taken back 6 years later owing to large scale protests, the damage done by this decision to the social fabric of India was immense and one of the prime stimulus for the eventual partition in the year 1947.This was followed by the institution of the Separate Electorate system for the Hindus and the Muslims in 1909 which polarised the Indian Society further.1906 ADThe Muslim League.Shortly after the partition of Bengal, this is the year when the All India Muslim League is founded in Dhaka, by the likes of Nawab Viqar ul Malik, Nawab Samiullah of Dhaka, and a few others who claimed inspiration from Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Bahadur, a former judge in the East India Company and a well known muslim social reformer, who went on to establish the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College in Aligarh - known today as the Aligarh Muslim University.The Clerics and Scholars of the Deoband Seminary condemned Sir Syed for his reformist ideas and excommunicated him from the religion of Islam .Note: All India Muslim League was disbanded on 15th August 1947.1909 ADDivide and Rule Vol. 2This is the year of the famous Morley Minto Reforms in India, also known as the Indian Councils Act 1909.This is basically an act of the British Parliament, which provides for greater participation of the Indians in the governance of India.Why are they so infamous? - Well after the partition of Bengal, experts see this as the second move by the British in their game of Divide and Rule. Under these reforms, the British provided for 25% reservation in the legislative seats for the Muslims of India - seats were only Muslims were allowed to stand for elections and only Muslims could vote.Needless to say that the Muslim population of India was much below 25% and such a move helped sow seeds of distrust within the Hindus and the Muslims of India - tearing them further apart.1913 AD:The Ghadar PartyThis is the year when the Indian freedom struggle went truly international when NRIs in USA and Canada came together to form the Ghadar Party[7] .Initially, the party comprised primarily of the Punjabi Sikh community in North America. Sooner, members from other Indian communities joined in as well.Sohan Singh Bhakna, a former laborer in a timber mill, became the founder president of the Gadar Party. Some of the founder members included Kartar Singh Sarabha, V. G. Pingle, and Maulavi Barkatullah.These men went on to hatch a plan to initiate a mutiny in the British Indian Army in the year 1915 - which came to be known as the Ghadar Mutiny. More about this later.The First NobelApart from the birth of the Gadar Party, many historians note this as the year when Allama Iqbal stopped writing poems for India and changed his priorities - the reason, his contemporary, Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel Prize in literature[8] .1914 AD:The Start of the WarThis year marks the official start of the First World War. Many in India join the British War efforts wholeheartedly, believing that their support to the British will result in the Indian Home Rule.This is also the year of the so called - Hindu German Conspiracy, which in part is the reason for the awesome Aurobindo Ashram today in Puducherry.1915 AD:3 Important things happened this year.Mahatma Gandhi finally returned back to India from South Africa.The First Provisional government of India is established in Kabul lead by Raja Mahendra Pratap as the President and Abdul Hafiz Mohamed Barakatullah as the Prime Minister.An international plan is initiated to start a Pan India Mutiny among the ranks of the British Indian Army, fighting along side the British in the First World War. The plan is hatched between the members of the Ghadar Party in North America and the Berlin Committee. This plan was eventually foiled by the British.1917 AD:The First Taste of BloodAfter receiving a hero’s welcome in Bombay, instead of joining a political movement, Mahatma Gandhi decides to take a tour of India. During one of his speeches, he meets a young leader from a small village in Bihar, who manages to convince him to visit Champaran.This is the year when Mahatma Gandhi takes on the British might for the first time on Indian Soil - in favor of the Indigo Cultivators of Champaran.Birth of Indira GandhiThis is also the year when Priyadarshini Indira Gandhi is born on 19th of November in Anand Bhawan, Allahabad.1919 AD:The First World War officially ends this year. Many Indian Soldiers return back to their towns and villages with stories from around the world. This is a new awakening - a new dawn.Jallianwala Bagh and Sardar Udham SinghOn the festival of Baisakhi, 13th April 1919, Colonel Reginald Dyer orders firing on a crowd of unarmed pilgrims in an enclosed Park leading to the death of at least 379 men, women and children.This is the point in Indian History, where the Britishers lose their moral right and supremacy to rule over India. The public mood changes to a complete consensus against them - the reverse counting of their days in India starts.Among the survivors is a 20 year old boy - Sardar Udham Singh, who goes on to take a revenge for this massacre, a full 21 years later in Caxton Hall London, when he shoots to kill Michael O'Dwyer, the British Lieutenant-Governor of Punjab at the time of the massacre, who had approved Dyer's action and was believed to have been the main planner.1920 AD:Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is born.This is the year when Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is born on17 March 1920, in Tungipara Village of Gopalganj district in modern day Bangladesh.His father Sheikh Lutfur Rahman is a court clerk and he is the third child in a family of four daughters and two sons.The Khilafat MovementThis is also the year when Mohammad Ali Jauhar and his younger brother Shaukat Ali, together known as the Ali brothers, with the political support of Mahatma Gandhi launch the Khilafat Movement in India - a nation wide agitation to pressure the British to reinstate the Ottoman Caliph to his throne in modern day Turkey.Gandhi’s idea here was to use the Khilafat movement to gather steam for his Swaraj agitation/ Non Cooperation Movement. He also hoped that this protest joint venture will help strengthen the Hindu-Muslim unity in India.The Mappilas of Kerala prove him wrong the very next year.Gulistan-e-Jauhar, a famous locality in Karachi, and the Mohammed Ali Park in Kolkata are named after the elder of the Ali Brothers. He reportedly threatened the British during the round table conference, stating that he would not return to India alive till India is set free - he died in London in 1931 and was buried in Jerusalem.The younger of the Ali Brothers, Shoukat Ali, died in Delhi in 1938 and was buried near the Jama Masjid.1921 AD:The Moplah RevoltThis is the year of the Malabar Rebellion.It started as a part of the Khilafat movement, demanding the reinstatement of the Ottoman Caliphate - turned into an armed rebellion against the British - mutated further to become an open season full fledged large scale massacre of the local non muslim population.This lead to over 100,000 locals being forced to leave their homes. 10,000 rioters were killed and around 50,000 were arrested (many were sent to the Penal Colony in the Andamans).Most leaders of this Massacre were sentenced to death.This was unprecedented in many levels. Dr. B R Ambedkar responded to this as follows:The blood-curdling atrocities committed by the Moplas in Malabar against the Hindus were indescribable. All over Southern India, a wave of horrified feeling had spread among the Hindus of every shade of opinion, which was intensified when certain Khilafat leaders were so misguided as to pass resolutions of " congratulations to the Moplas on the brave fight they were conducting for the sake of religion". Any person could have said that this was too heavy a price for Hindu-Muslim unity. But Mr. Gandhi was so much obsessed by the necessity of establishing Hindu-Muslim unity that he was prepared to make light of the doings of the Moplas and the Khilafats who were congratulating them. He spoke of the Moplas as the "brave God-fearing Moplas who were fighting for what they consider as religion and in a manner which they consider as religious.1922 AD:Chauri ChauraThe Non Cooperation movement lead by Mahatma Gandhi is in full swing. A few protestors in a place called Chauri Chaura clash with the police and end up burning down a police station killing at least 22 policemen.The British catch this opening in the so far Non-Violent struggle lead by Mahatma Gandhi like Jonty Rhodes and claim a moral upperhand. Gandhi ji decides to call off the Non Cooperation movement as a result of this incident.The incumbent Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, was a 5 time Member of Parliament from this area.1925 AD:Indira is celebrating the first death anniversary of her young brother. This is also the year when perhaps the most popular train robbery of the Indian history takes place.Kakori Train RobberyThe robbery is planned by RamPrasad Bismil and Ashfaqullah Khan who were members of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association. They needed funds to buy weapons - they decide to rob a train carrying British moolah.All people involved in the robbery were either killed or arrested and tried. 4 Indians tried in the courts were eventually given the death sentence.The Birth of RSSThis year on 27th September 1925, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was founded by K. B. Hedgewar.1928 AD:Simon Go backThe Year when the 7 member committee of British lawmakers, under the chairmanship of Sir John Allsebrook Simon, arrive in India - they become popular as the Simon Commission.The idea is to report on the progress of the Constitutional Reforms in India.Indians are outraged over the fact that a committee set up to decide the future of India does not have even a single Indian representative. Indian National Congress decides to boycott the commission. They are joined in this boycott by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who is now representing the Muslim League.Lala Lajpat Rai’s deathDuring an ensuing protest against the commission - On 30 October 1928, Lala Lajpat Rai - a senior leader of the Indian Freedom Struggle is critically injured - he dies a fortnight later.This is the point in history that instigates Sardar Bhagat Singh.Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is bornThis is also the year when Lakhi bai who had become Khursheed Begum after getting married to Sir Nawaz Bhutto, the super rich landlord and the Prime Minister of Junagarh, gives birth to a baby boy in Larkana Sindh. The parents decide to name him after the famous sword of the prophet - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.1929 AD:Lata and KishoreThis is special because this is the year when Mother Teresa Arrives in Kolkata for the first time. This is also the year when perhaps the greatest male and female playback singers of the world, Kishore Kumar and Lata Mangeshkar are born. Kishore Da is 25 days older to Lata Didi.For those who had turned deafOn April 8, 1929, two young men entered the Delhi Central Legislative Assembly building. Went on to sit in the visitor’s gallery. And while the assembly proceedings were on - threw a smoke bomb towards the well of the house and courted arrest while shouting slogans and distributing pamphlets. Those two young men were Batukeshwar Dutt and Bhagat Singh[9].Complete IndependenceBy the end of the year, the Indian National Congress in its annual convention, which this time is held in Lahore - announced the demand for Purna Swaraj of Complete Independence.This was a major shift from the earlier demands of Home Rule and Self Rule by the Indian National Congress. Many experts point to the Jallianwala Massacre for this shift in the policy and the public mood.This in a way was diverging from the Nehru Report[10] as well, which was compiled under the leadership of Motilal Nehru - which had demanded for a Self Rule for the Indians, within the dominion status of the the British.1930 AD:Ahh the year when India celebrated her first Independence day. please don’t be alarmed, the Indian National Congress declared 26th january 1930 as an Independence day - the day of Poorna Swaraj or Complete Independence.It is the importance of this anniversary, that the founding fathers of modern India decided to remark this day as our Republic day.The Dandi MarchIt was a piece of strategic brilliance for Gandhi to choose Salt as a symbol of the Civil Disobedience Movement. While the draconian salt taxes affected every Indian household, the British did not take the threat seriously and allowed the initial proceedings to go on - helping transform it into a nationwide movement.Gandhi in his usual gangsta style, informs the Governor General of India, that he’s going to start a new Civil Disobedience Movement in India.True to his words, on 12th March, he starts walking from his Ashram in Sabarmati towards the sea. Over time, a huge hoard of people join him.On the 5th of April, he breaks a British law which prohibits Indians from making their own salt. He is duly arrested and sent to jail - but is starts a wave of acts of Civil Disobedience across the country - the most notable of which takes place in Vedaranyam, lead by Rajaji and Sardar Vedarathinam Pillai.First Indian Woman ArrestedRemember Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay I spoke about earlier, during the nationwide wave of the Civil Disobedience movement - Kamaladevi was arrested for trying to sell salt to the traders at the Indian Stock Exchange.She thus becomes the first Indian woman jailed by the British [11] .Round Table ConferenceMeanwhile, the first so called Round Table Conference is convened from 12 November 1930 to 19 January 1931, in London. It is supposed to be a series of discussions and debates among the prominent representatives of the British and the Indian society to help define, among other things, the future of India.The Indian National Congress does not participate in this conference as most of its senior leadership is in Jail.The British soon realise that the conference will be as meaningless as the Simon Commission, if the representatives of the Congress Party and Gandhi in particular do not become a party to it.Thus, all ordinances and charges against the Congress Part were removed and all political prisoners arrested during the Civil Disobedience Movement were freed - paving way for Gandhi to take part in the second Round Table Conference, which took place in London next year[12] .Chittagong Armoury RaidWhile the back room dealing were taking place in the corridors of power, in Bengal, one teacher was planning to take over the British Power in his own way.Master Da Surya Sen along with his colleagues, planned and executed a daring raid on the armoury of the police in Chittagong. This development electrified the local population against the British.Almost all members involved in this daring raid were either captured or killed as shown in the picture below.Massacre of PakhtoonsDuring a Satyagraha march in Peshawar organised by the Khudai Khidmatgars, under the leadership of Ghaffar Khan, the British Troops opened fire at the unarmed and peaceful protesters in the famous Kissa Kahani Bazaar area of Peshawar in modern day Pakistan.At least 200 people were killed and many were Pashtuns were injured. Despite every possible provocation, not a single Pashtun turned violent and took to a weapon - choosing to face the British bullets instead.When one British Indian Army Soldier Chandra Singh Garhwali and troops of the renowned Royal Garhwal Rifles, refused to fire at the crowds. The entire platoon was arrested and many received heavy penalties, including life imprisonment.1931 AD:This is the year when New Delhi was formally inaugurated as the grand Capital of India (announcements were made in 1911).A few heros lostThis is the year when Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev are hanged in a hurry by the British in Lahore, hoping to quell the spreading fire of disgust against the British, thanks to the widely reported public trial.This is also the year when Chandrashekhar Azad[13] gets into a gun fight with the British in the then named Alfred Park in Allahabad. Surrounded and wounded, with the last bullet in his Colt Pistol, Azad holding true to his pledge to never be captured alive, shoots himself dead and becomes immortal.1932 AD:When India Beat United States 24–1The Field Hockey Team representing India wins a Gold in the Los Angeles Olympics. The Captain of the team - Major Dhyan Chand. In the semi-finals, India beat host United States 24–1 to reach the finals where they defeat Japan 11–1. Those were the days :)This is also the year when the 3rd Civil Disobedience movement starts in India under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi is soon arrested by the British and put in the Yerwada Jail in Pune.The Poona PactThis is the moment in Indian history when two great Indian heroes cross swords. This was a compromise which still divides opinions and experts.British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald had decided to give separate electorates to the so called depressed classes of India just like the separate electorates awarded to the Muslims of India.Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar was in favor of this move. He saw in this an opportunity for the Dalits (members of the so called lower castes) to exert political autonomy and thus, parity. Mahatma Gandhi who was lodged in the Yerwada Jail in Poona (now Pune) was against this, as he saw in this, another cunning move of the British to further divide the Hindus of India.Mahatma Gandhi went on a hunger strike against this - finally, the well wishers and friends of Babasaheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar succeeded in convincing him to have a dialogue with Gandhi. After a long and tenuous discussion between them, a compromise was agreed - according to which, the members of the so called depressed classes got a quota in seat allocation within the number of seats allotted to the Hindus instead of separate electorates.This compromise is known in history, as the Poona Pact.1934 AD:Eye injury nearly makes Sheikh Mujeeb Blind1935 AD:The government of India Act is Passed1936 AD:Indira’s mother dies.1937 AD:Provincial Elections take place in India.1938 AD:Indira Gandhi takes the primary membership of the Indian National Congress.1939 AD:Subhash Chandra Bose Starts the All India Forward Block1940 AD:Sheikh Mujeeb Joined the All India Muslim Student's Federation - starting his Political lifeLahore Resolution is passed.1942 AD:Indira Married with Feroze Gandhi - was jailed for the first time spent 8 months in jail.Sheikh Mujeeb (Officially) marries cousin Begum FazilatunnesaCripps Mission1943 AD:Indira is imprisoned for 8 months from September 1942 to May 1943 for 243 days.Sheikh Joined the Bengal Muslim League - worked towards the creation of Pakistan - a homeland for the Indian Muslims.Zulfikar Gets married to Shireen Amir BegumProvincial Government of Free India is formed by Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.1944 AD:Rajiv Gandhi's born.Subhash Chandra Bose calls Gandhi the Father of the Nation.1946 AD:Sanjay Gandhi's born.Sheikh Mujeeb Became secretary general of the Islamia College Student's Union - he was known to be very close to the Muslim League leader - Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy3rd July - Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy assumed the post of the Prime Minister of Bengal.Royal Navy Mutiny - Bombay is taken over for a few days by the Mutineers ||||| Direct Action Day and Calcutta Killings take place..1947 AD:India and Pakistan gain independence on 15th AugustJawaharlal Nehru is elected by the Indian National Congress as the first prime minister of independent India.Zulfikar Enrols himself in University of Southern California - studies political science.1948 AD:Sheikh Mujeeb cofounds East Pakistan Muslim Chhatro (Students) LeagueFirst war with Pakistan over Kashmir starts - Mahatma Gandhi dies - Princely States integrate to IndiaMahatma Gandhi DiesGovernor-General of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah declares in a civic reception that "Urdu, and only Urdu" will remain as the state languageJinnah Dies of TBI will be completing the following sections in the coming days.Thank you for your patience.1949 AD:Sheikh Mujeeb Expelled from Dhaka University ||||| Awami league is formed by those who come out of the Muslim League in protest of Urdu being imposed as the national language over the whole of Pakistan without consultations - they are lead by Shaheed Suhrawardy - Sheikh Mujeeb is elected as the Joint Secretary of the East Bengal unit of Awami League.Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Transfers his college to University of California, Berkeley - graduates from this college.Liaqat Ali Khan - the no. 2 of Jinnah and the drafter of modern day Preamble of Pakistan's constitution is assassinated. ||||||||||||||||||| - On 26 January 1949 the government of Pakistan announced that Urdu would be the only official state language of Pakistan - despite the fact that the Bengalis were in Majority in Pakistan - this lead to riots - which lead to death of students - which even today is commemorated around the world as the UNESCO Mother Tongue Day.Formation of the Awami Muslim League1950 AD:Zulfikar Goes to London to study Law at Christ Church.India Becomes a Republic.1951 AD:Gets married for the second time - the wife's name is Begum Nusrat IspahaniFirst General Election - Congress Party wins the mandate under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru.1952 AD:Sheikh Mujeeb Hunger strikes from jail during Bhasha AndolonBengali Language Movement reaches its peak as the police open fire on protesting students.1953 AD:Sheikh Mujeeb Becomes the General Secretary of the Awami league Party.Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Attains his LLB degreeBenazir Bhutto is born on 21st June in Karachi.The Awami Muslim League becomes the Awami League.1954 AD:Sheikh Mujeeb Jailed for 7 months after Jukta Front win election ||||| Elected to East Bengal Legislative assembly ticket - Serving briefly as the minister for agriculture during A. K. Fazlul Huq's government.The United Front wins most of the seats in the East Bengal Legislative Assembly. |||| Governor General Ghulam Muhammad deposes United Front government and establishes Governor-rule.1955 AD:Indira Became a member of the Congress Working CommitteeSheikh Mujeeb Elected to the second constituent assembly pf Pakistan - served between 1955 and 1958.Asif Ali Zardari is born in Karachi, Sindh on 26th JulyNationalisation of the Indian Insurance Sector - formation of LICThe United Front government is reinstated, Awami League does not participate. ||||| East Bengal renamed East Pakistan1956 AD:Indira Became Chairperson of the All India Youth CongressHuseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy was appointed as the Prime Minister of Pakistan on 12th September.Dr B R Ambedkar converts to buddhism along with 600,000 folloers on 14th October.First Constitution of Pakistan is ratified - Pakistan now is an Islamic Republic |||||||| One unit is promulgated in pakistan - the Western Provinces are administratively united under West Pakistan and East Bengal becomes East Pakistan.On 29th Feb - Bengali becomes one of the state languages of Pakistan.1957 AD:Zulfikar is handpicked by the military dictator - Becomes the youngest member of a delegation representing Pakistan in the United Nations.1958 AD:Indira Became a member of the Central Parliamentary board of the Congress PartyMujib was arrested for organizing resistance and imprisoned till 1961Zulfikar Appointed as a cabinet minister in the Ministry of Water and Power in 1958 by Field Marshal Ayub KhanPresident Iskandar Mirza carries out the first official Coup of Pakistan - suspending the constitution. - Shortly, Mirza himself is deposed by General Ayub Khan - starting a new tradition of Pakistani military.Constitution abrogated and martial law declared in Pakistan.1959 AD:Indira Elected Congress president in Bangalore.Sheikh Mujeeb is in Jail1960 AD:Feroze Gandhi died.Sheikh Mujeeb is in JailGiven the charge of the Ministry of Commerce, Communications and Industry1961 AD:Sheikh Mujeeb is still in Jail1962 AD:Sheikh Mujeeb Starts the Swadhin Bengal Biplobi Parishad.India China War takes place - India earns a humiliating defeat - Daman Diu and Goa are taken over from the Portuguese.Second constitution of Pakistan is implemented - promulgating a presidential form of government with Ayub as the President.1963 AD:Mujib becomes the head of Awami League after the death of the founder - Suhrawardy. - He renames the party from Awami Muslim League to Awami League.Zulfikar Appointed Foreign Minister of Pakistan - keeps this portfolio until his death.Suhrawardy dies.Inauguration of the Shaheed Minar language martyr memorial.1964 AD:Sheikh Mujeeb Supports the Candidature of Fatima Jinnah in the Presidential Elections against Ayub Khan - Ms Jinnah wins a majority in East Pakistani provinces but looses the race due to apparent and reported rigging of the elections in West Pakistan. ||||||||| Arrested 2 weeks before the election - charged with sedition and put behind bars for 1 year.Jawaharlal Nehru dies after 17 years as prime minister. His only child, Indira Gandhi, joins cabinet.1965 AD:India and Pakistan fight another war - the peace agreement is mediated by former USSR in Tashkent.Zulfikar is Critical of the Tashkent agreement - critical of Ayub Khan - despite the fact that many claim him to be the architect of Operation Gibraltar which failed and lead to loss of Lahore and Sialkot to India.6th to 23 september - Second war with Pakistan takes place - East Pakistan is left almost unguarded - leading to the seeds of local discontent which leads to seperation in 1971.Fatima Jinnah decides to fight the presidential elections against dictator Ayub Khan - the dictator calls the mother of the nation an Indian Agent and wins the election.Discontent of the Bengali population of East Pakistan grows - especially after the 1965 war where East Bengal is left undefended and the Pakistan Army concentrates its force to defend the areas of West Pakistan - Despite forming a majority of the population, the Bengalis were poorly represented in Pakistan's civil services, police and military1966 AD:Indira Gandhi Became Prime Minister - Congress Oldtimers considered her to be Easily managable - Gungi Gudiya |||||Mujib proclaimed a 6-point plan titled Our Charter of Survival at a national conference of opposition political parties at Lahore - in which he demanded self-government and considerable political, economic and defence autonomy for East Pakistan in a Pakistani federation with a weak central government.The 6 Point movement of East Pakistan started - leading to voilence and counter violence in Dhaka and many other cities and towns of East Pakistan.1967 AD:Zulfikar Ali Bhutto founds the Pakistan People’s party.1968 AD:Green Revolution started in India.The Agartala Conspiracy Case was filed - implicating Sheikh Mujeeb and others for conspiring with India against Pakistan.1969 AD:Indira Split the Indian National Congress |||| Gave the popular slogan - Wo Kehte hain Indira hatao - Main Kehti hoon gareebi hatao.Tofail Ahmed gives honorary title of "Bangabandhu" ||||| 5 December 1969 - Declares that East Pakistan hence forth will be known as BangladeshAyub Khan resigns when he hears his own children say go Ayub go while playing in the garden - realising how unpopular he's become - he gives way for Yahya Khan.Agartala Conspiracy Case charges were dropped on Shekh Mujib and he received a Hero's welcome in Dhaka on his arrival after the acquittal ||||| The 1969 Uprising of East Pakistan took place during this time.1970 AD:Sheikh Mujeeb Gives the 7th March speech, which changed the destiny and the will of the people of East Pakistan ||||| ArrestedRefused to accept an Awami League government and demanded that Sheikh Mujib form a coalition with the PPPFirst and relatively free and fair elections are held in Pakistan for the first time - Awami League of East Pakistan wins a Majority - is not allowed to form the government - leader Shikh Mujeeb is arrested under the Agartala Conspiracy Case.The 7th March speech of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman ||||| Bhola Cyclone of 1970 arroves in November - the government of Pakistan mismanages the relif work fanning the Anti-Pakistan sentiments among the locals of East Pakistan. |||| The Pakistani general elections take place shortly - where Awami League of Sheikh Mujeeb wins by a landslide.1971 AD:Sheikh Mujeeb Addresses over a million Bengali crowd with historic "Ebarer Sangram" speech in Ramna Racecourse, Dhaka ||||| Arrested at the start of Muktijuddho and jailed in West Pakistan for nine-and-half monthsZulfikar Ali Bhutto The defeat resulted in the stepping down of President Yahya Khan and Bhutto became the President and the first civilian Chief Martial Law Administrator of Pakistan on December 20, 1971. - President of PakistanThird war with Pakistan - Pakistan is broken into two and Bangladesh is born on 16th December - India signs a 20 year treaty of friendship with Soviet Union.Yahya Khan declared martial law, banned the Awami League and ordered the army to arrest Mujib and other Bengali leaders and activists ||||| The army launched Operation Searchlight to curb the political and civil unrest, fighting the nationalist militias that were believed to have received training in India. Speaking on radio even as the army began its crackdown, Mujib asked his fellows to create resistance against Pakistani Army of occupation by a telegraph at midnight on 26 March 1971 ||||||||||||||| Pakistan preemptively strikes Airbases in India officially starting the 1971 war on 3rd December 1971 - The War ends on 16th December 1971 following the surrender of over 90,000 Pakistani troops in Dhaka - following which Bangladesh becomes independent.7 March 1971 that Mujib called for independence and asked the people to launch a major campaign of civil disobedience and organized armed resistance at a mass gathering of people held at the Race Course Ground in Dhaka ||||| Bangladesh gains independence on 16th December 1971. ||||| Sheikh Mujeeb is arrested and secretively taken to West Pakistan. |||||| Soon most of the senior Awami League leaders go under ground - Many leave the country - a new government in Exile if formed in Kolkata under the leadership of Tajuddin Ahmad. ||||| Major Ziaur Rahman broadcasts the declaration of independence on behalf of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman over the radio.Thank you for reading. Cheers and peace.Footnotes[1] Coronation of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra - Wikipedia[2] Statue of Edward VII, Bangalore - Wikipedia[3] Mahatma Gandhi's role in 1899 Anglo Boer War.... Very Few people know this.[4] Meet the man whom Mahatma Gandhi called ‘the Father of the Nation’[5] Jinnah, Naoroji and Gokhale[6] United Provinces of Āgra and Oudh | historical Indian state[7] Ghadr | Sikh political organization[8] Why wasn’t Iqbal awarded a Nobel?[9] A Bomb That Changed the Course of Indian History[10] Image on[11] First Indian woman to be arrested[12] Round Table Conferences, 1930-1932[13] Chandra Shekhar Azad - Wikipedia

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