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Editing your form online is quite effortless. No need to install any software on your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy tool to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.

Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:

  • Find CocoDoc official website from any web browser of the device where you have your file.
  • Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ button and click on it.
  • Then you will visit this awesome tool page. Just drag and drop the file, or append the file through the ‘Choose File’ option.
  • Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
  • When the modification is done, click on the ‘Download’ button to save the file.

How to Edit Public Health And Social Services Department on Windows

Windows is the most widespread operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit form. In this case, you can install CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents easily.

All you have to do is follow the guidelines below:

  • Get CocoDoc software from your Windows Store.
  • Open the software and then choose your PDF document.
  • You can also choose the PDF file from Google Drive.
  • After that, edit the document as you needed by using the a wide range of tools on the top.
  • Once done, you can now save the customized template to your cloud storage. You can also check more details about how do you edit a PDF file.

How to Edit Public Health And Social Services Department on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. Utilizing CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac easily.

Follow the effortless steps below to start editing:

  • To start with, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
  • Then, choose your PDF file through the app.
  • You can attach the form from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
  • Edit, fill and sign your paper by utilizing this tool developed by CocoDoc.
  • Lastly, download the form to save it on your device.

How to Edit PDF Public Health And Social Services Department with G Suite

G Suite is a widespread Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your job easier and increase collaboration across departments. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF editing tool with G Suite can help to accomplish work effectively.

Here are the guidelines to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Seek for CocoDoc PDF Editor and install the add-on.
  • Attach the form that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by choosing "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your paper using the toolbar.
  • Save the customized PDF file on your cloud storage.

PDF Editor FAQ

How do I get rid of the homeless guy that is camped outside my house in San Francisco?

Tell him that it's not ok to camp out there and you will try to get him help from social services. If he does not want help you will call the authorities because he is creating a nuisance. Then call 311 and/or the office of public health (link at San Francisco Department of Public Health) and explain the problem. If you are seriously harasses and you are in any danger call the cops immediately. Treat him like a human being yes, but don't invite a potentially mentally disturbed/unstable individual into your house. Also ignore the overly passive-aggressive responses, aside from being cold-hearted the cops will just let him go in a bit and he'll return.

Which government agencies hire linguists, translators, and interpreters?

Various agencies hire interpreters: Department of Social Services, Department of Health and Human Services, Immigration, IRS, Housing Authority, etc.Essentially any government organization that exists for social welfare or to provide social services, as well as any entity that enforces or provides regulations that impact the public at large.Not all agencies work with individual freelancers; most contract with companies to provide a variety of languages.

What makes your blood boil?

The torture, abuse and murder of 7-year-old Victoria Climbié.Warning: Contains descriptions of child abuse and images some may find upsetting and/or disturbing.  What makes my blood boil is when the people who are supposed to protect our children don’t do their jobs. When society fails children like this girl.(This case is rather long, so if you’d rather skip to find out what happened to the girl, it’s the section in bold towards the bottom.)The little innocent soul of Victoria Climbie was born November 2nd 1991, in a small village on the Ivory Coast - Africa. Her parents wanted what was best for the child, as their country was being torn from civil wars, endemic poverty, many women were also illiterate. Deciding that this wasn’t the life they wanted for their child, before Victoria’s seventh birthday, her 42-year-old great aunt, Marie-Therese Kouao offers to take their daughter back with her to France.Of course, the parents of Victoria jumped on the offer, and felt that they had no reason to be concerned. After all, Victoria was going with her great aunt—a family member, someone you trust and love. However, Marie Therese only wanted Victoria so she could access state benefits.(Marie Therese and Victoria)Little did the parents know, their little girl would be dead within 18 months.Originally, Marie Therese had another target in mind. She was going to take a girl named Anna but, Anna’s parents refused the offer. Instead of getting a new passport, Victoria was made to wear extensions to resemble the girl in the photo—Anna. When Victoria came to France, she was made to use the name Anna.It worked, and they were in France (Paris) and this is where things went downhill…Victoria (registered as “Anna”) was supposed to attend school, but she rarely attended. The teachers became so concerned over her lack of attendance they got the authorities involved in March of 1999, who threatened to take action if nothing was done. Victoria would fall asleep in class, and the teachers noticed she was wearing a wig with her head shaven. The excuse given for this was a skin condition that irritated her scalp. After only 5 months, in April of 1999 - Marie Therese brought Victoria to West London, England. At this point, Victoria couldn’t speak English. Only French and her village’s language. (She was able to speak French as it was spoken in her original country.) When Marie Therese had left, she’d owed the French government over £2,000 after being wrongly paid in child benefit.On 25 April 1999, Therese and Victoria Climbié visited Esther Ackah, (a distant relative of Therese by marriage, and a midwife, counsellor and preacher). Ackah and her daughter noted that Victoria Climbié was wearing a wig and looked small and frail. On 26 April 1999, Therese and Victoria Climbié visited the Homeless Persons' Unit, where they were seen by Julie Winter, a homeless persons' officer.(Parents of Victoria Climbie)Together, Therese and Winter completed a housing application form. Therese again, as routine, explained that Victoria Climbié was wearing a wig because she had short hair, an explanation accepted quickly by Winter. Although Winter was shown Victoria passport (with a photograph of Anna). Winter confirmed her decision with believing they weren’t eligible for housing, and told Therese. She rang the referral across to Pamela Fortune, a social worker in Ealing's Acton referral and assessment team. She did not produce documentation of the referral—something which would have helped in double-checking the accounts that Therese gave.Between 26 April and early July 1999, Therese visited Ealing’s social services 18 times for housing and financial purposes. Victoria was with her on at least ten occasions. The staff there noted Victoria's unkempt appearance, with one staff member, Deborah Gaunt, thinking that she looked like a child from an “action aid” (charity) advertisement. Yet, no action was taken. They assumed that Victoria’s appearance was intentional to "persuade the authorities to hand out money". On 8 June 1999, Therese got a job at Northwich Park hospital. During her first month, no effort was made by Therese or Ealing social services to enroll Victoria in school.(Victoria’s social worker)On 8 June 1999, Therese took Victoria to a local GP surgery. The doctor never carried out a physical examination as she was not reported to have any current health problems. By the middle of June 1999, Victoria Climbié was spending the majority of her days at the Brent home of Priscilla Cameron, (an unregistered childminder, who Therese met at her job at the hospital.) On several occasions, Cameron observed small cuts to Climbié's fingers. When questioned by Cameron, Therese said that they were caused by razor blades that Climbié played with. Therese and Climbié met Ackah on the street on or around 14 June 1999. Ackah noted a scar on Climbié's cheek, which Therese said was caused by an apparent fall on an escalator. On 17 June 1999, in response to what she had seen three days earlier, Ackah decided to visit Therese and Climbié's home, and thought that the accommodation was unsuitable.On 18 June 1999, Ackah anonymously rang social services expressing concern over Climbié's situation. Samantha Hunt, the customer-service officer who received the call, faxed the referral to the children's social work department on that same day. Nobody picked up the referral on that Friday afternoon. A few days later, possibly on 21 June 1999, Ackah phoned Brent social services again to make sure her concerns were being addressed. Ackah said that she was told by the person on the other end of the telephone that "they (social services) had done something about it". Yet, nothing happened - again. The referral was not seen until THREE WEEKS later on 6 July 1999, when RobertOn 14 June 1999, Therese and Victoria, whilst on a bus met a man named Carl Manning, only 2 weeks later did they move in together.On 7 July 1999, social services sent a letter to where Therese and Climbié were staying, informing them of a home visit. On 14 July 1999, two social workers (Lori Hobbs and Monica Bridgeman), visited the address but found no answer: Therese and Climbié had already moved out on 6 July 1999.Hobbs and Bridgeman made no further inquiries at the property; inquiries that might have led to a trail on Climbié's whereabouts! Prior to the visit, they had not done any background checks and had only the "haziest idea" of what they were investigating. The Laming report suggests that no reports or follow-up notes were made and that the only information additional to the referral were the notes "Not at this address. Have moved."In 13 July 1999, Therese took Climbié to Cameron's house, asking her to take Climbié permanently because Manning did not want her. Cameron agreed to take her, only for the night. Cameron, her son Patrick, and her daughter Avril, noticed that Climbié had quite a few injuries; including a burn on her face and a loose piece of skin hanging from her right eyelid, which Therese said was supposedly “self-inflicted.” Carl Manning's (Therese’s new boyfriend’s) account of inquiry differed and he said that he hit Climbié because of her incontinence, beginning with slaps, but progressing to using his fist by the end of July.(Carl Manning)The doctors alerted Brent police and social services, she was then placed under police protection, with a 72-hour protection order preventing her from leaving hospital. Therese told the doctors that Victoria had scabies, and that the injuries were self-inflicted. Many doctors and nurses suspected that the injuries were non-accidental. However, Ruby Schwartz, the consultant paediatrician and named child protection doctor at the hospital, diagnosed her with scabies and decided that it was scratching that caused the injuries (which bearing in mind, were supposedly looking non-accidental). She made the diagnosis without even speaking to Climbié alone. Another doctor, one of Schwartz's juniors, wrote to social services saying there was no child protection issues. Preventing Victoria from help, even FURTHER.After two weeks in North Middlesex hospital, Victoria returned to her aunt's flat (August 6th 1999). On the previous day, in a meeting at Haringey's social services department, Therese had told them and the police (P.C Jones) that Victoria had poured boiling hot water over her head because it was itchy and that the girl injured herself with a fork and spoon.The next day, Therese made a sexual assault allegation against her new boyfriend, Karl Manning. She claimed that he had sexually assaulted Victoria, and then quickly withdrew the statement.After months of torture, Victoria died of hypothermia at her aunt's flat. She had 128 injuries all over her body.Over the 18-month period, the 7-year-old girl had been tied up for periods of over 24 hours, starved, hit with hammers, bike chains, boiling water poured over her, burnt with cigars. She only weighed 3 stone and 10 pounds (23kg). Manning forced her to sleep in the bathtub with only a black trash bag to keep her warm. She was often tied up in the trash bag and forced to urinate and drop her faeces in it and left there in her own excrement. They also forced her to eat from a bowl on her hands and knees tied up—like a dog. Except, dogs aren’t tied up and in bin bag’s full of their own excrement. Victoria was beaten so bad that only after a few months of being in the country, she couldn’t control her bladder or bowels.(Bath tub she was made to sleep in)All this happening whilst the social services only had “the haziest idea” of Victoria and why they were even involved. Virtually happening for everyone to see. It was said that there were up to 12 occasions where social services could have stepped in.They didn’t even bother looking into the allegations of sexual assault of the 7-year-old.The pathologist described it as “the worst abuse case, he’d ever seen”On November 20th - 2000, the trial of Marie Thérèse Kouao and her boyfriend Carl Manning for Victoria's murder opened at the Old Bailey, London.(Photo of Victoria’s hand—just to give you an idea of the condition her body was in)The court heard how the girl was beaten and tied up for 24 hours or more. The child protection team's investigation of Victoria's case, which allowed her to be returned to Therese and Manning, was criticised as "blindingly incompetent". The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children called for a complete overhaul of child protection procedures.On January 12th, 2001, Marie Thérèse Kouao and her boyfriend Carl Manning were jailed for life for Victoria's murder. Judge Richard Hawkins said: "What Anna endured was truly unimaginable." The health secretary, Alan Milburn, ordered a statutory inquiry into her death headed by former chief inspector of social services, Lord Laming. The government also placed Haringey social services department under special measures requiring close supervision by the social services inspectorate.The government announced that the inquiry into Victoria's death will be public, on April 22nd, 2000. John Hutton (then the health minister responsible for children's services) said it would be the first "tripartite" investigation using powers under the Children's Act, the NHS Act and Police Act. In effect there would be three simultaneous inquiries, producing a single report in spring 2002 to the health secretary and the home secretary.Lord Laming appealed for witnesses to give evidence at the inquiry. Speaking to the Guardian, he disclosed that ministers believed her death may have been the result of "a gross failure of the system" rather than the failings of individual staff in May 7th of 2001.May the 31st, of 2001, official inquiry into how Victoria died opened. Lord Laming revealed that her killers, Marie Thérèse Kouao and Carl Manning, were likely to be called to give evidence on the role of social services in the period leading up to her death.The high court ordered that internal disciplinary proceedings against the two Haringey social workers suspended from duty following Victoria's murder be postponed for at least two months in July of 2001. However, the court rejected attempts by Lisa Arthurworrey and Angella Mairs to delay the disciplinary proceedings, in which both were accused of gross misconduct, until after the Climbié inquiry had reported in a year's time.The head of the commission for racial equality, Gurbux Singh, was ordered to give evidence at the inquiry. Mr Singh was chief executive of Haringey council at the time when its social services failed to act and stop the horrific abuse of Victoria. By now 232 witnesses had been called, 144 were to take the stand, on September 21st 2001.Victoria's parents (Bethe Amoissi and her husband, Francis Climbié) travelled from the Ivory Coast to Britain, on September 23rd, 2001. They would be the first witnesses to give evidence at the inquiry on the following Friday.The murderers have been sentenced to life in prison and Victoria has finally been laid to rest.If you know or feel that someone is being abused. Please contact social services or abuse helplines for your country.It’s better to get it wrong, and look like a fool. Than to ignore it and be partially responsible for a child’s death and suffering.This poor soul is just one of many children who suffered the same fate.This is the hardest case I’ve researched. There was so much information and facts, it was like information overload. So, if I’ve mixed anything up or gotten anything wrong, please tell me, but don’t bite my head off. :)Took me 3 weeks to research this…If anyone has any grammar edits, please suggest them.If there’s too much info. Here is the case broken down for you.Timeline for the Climbié case | Children | The GuardianBBC NEWS | UK | Timeline: Victoria ClimbieBBC NEWS | UK | Victoria Climbie: Chain of neglect

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