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K-12 Education: Which is a better high school, Edgemont or Scarsdale?

I can tell you one thing. Edgemont is toxic as it can get. The town is comprised of individuals with low low morale. In terms of science competitions, that’s completely dependent on how innovative one’s idea is. It has nothing to do with the school’s program, unless you go to Great Neck high school where there are multiple teachers for the program and they help way more than edgemont and scarsdale combined. The AP sciences are not as great, and many students come crying out of the physics class (also the bio class is taught by an inefficient old teacher). The best teachers are in the English, History, and French departments.

Why might Pearland, Texas make the perfect home for Harry and Meghan?

Diamonds.Baseball diamonds, that is. Should their son Archie inherit his father’s cricket skills, it could very well translate to American baseball and there are few places possessing as many baseball fields in which a budding player can hone one’s skills as Pearland, Texas. Pearland’s little-leaguers have made several finals appearances. My friend and classmate Jeff DeWillis enjoyed time in the big league. He lived on Yost Road.Emeralds.Emeralds are the gemstone of the goddess Venus, my wife’s birthstone and are said to symbolize truth and love. In the 1980s two curious images appeared on the bricks of a Pearland home near Yost Road - in one a Christ-like figure on the 31st layer of brick. And on the 3rd layer an image of Pi, the mathematical symbol expressing as a fraction the relationship between the length of an orbit and her breadth. These clues led to a major mathematical discovery called the Spiral of Life.An impressive feature of Pearland’s older neighborhoods are the large lots which are shades of green year-round but shine with an emerald green in Springtime. In Revelations 4, John is given a glimpse into Heaven. He describes seeing an over-arching emerald hue - like a rainbow - surrounding the throne where one sits. Yost Rd was once home to several fruit orchards and for a time Pearland was considered to be the fig capital of the entire world. It is perhaps not surprising then that in such a lush and green part of the planet the Spiral of Life would be discovered among her gardens but who could ever imagine that the outlines of this object may also be found within the Biblical descriptions of Heaven itself?Revelation 4 King James Version (KJV)4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.4:2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne. Within the description of the Spiral of Life interval one ‘sits’ at the throne, that is, the stable orbit where 77 and 125 converge.4:3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.4:4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. It is a description sufficient in one-direction. That is, there are four and twenty (24) seats round about the throne (forming a semi-circle). Thus there would be eight and forty (48) potential seat locations. Why? The rainbow comparison invites us to consider that a rainbow will always maintain a 42-degree angle position to the horizon from the viewer's perspective. We may infer from it the idea that the 24 'seats' about the 'throne of one' are likewise seen from whichever angle one approaches it.John's view of the semi-circle of seats suggests a good probability of 48 seats all angles considered. This calls to mind the orbital path of the Spiral of Life which is itself an intersection of ever-expanding and contracting paths offering in calculation as an average of paths pointing towards a 48-interval orbital equilibrium. The two basic paths, orbital and expanding are highly in sync and follow a course which are the only available paths at the small scales due to the lower limit imposed at Planck scales. Although the Spiral of Life consists of a 48-interval orbit it takes 76 intervals of expansion to reach the orbit. Thus the 24 intervals from 77 to 101 are as ‘elders’ and they trace out the shortest route along the curve from one side of the orbit to the other.4:5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. There are seven rungs of expansion from center to orbit marked in southward heading by 3, 5, 11, 17, 29, 47 and 77. In chapter 5 we are introduced to the visual description of the holy spirit as having ‘seven eyes’ calling attention to its expanding shape in contrast to the picture of a moving charge inherent in the image of a burning fire. On her orbital path 125 completes the orbit and is not in requirement of an additional rung. 125 brings the sum of the southern array to 314.4:6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. The four intervals of the core are unique in that the object is rotating about in such a way that the object’s imaginary x y coordinate lines are crossed over multiple times by the four intervals as if they had ‘eyes before and behind.”4:7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.4:8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. The six wings about the four beasts correspond to the flight (through an alignment) which the core intervals (the first four of the object) will take along the Fibonacci six line which is located adjacent to the southern expansion of the column. at 6, 12, 18. 30, 48 and 78. The highly composite line follows the Fibonacci form yet in multiples of 6. The second interval of a new expansion is born at the orbit corresponding to this alignment.4:9 And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever,4:10 The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.King James Version (KJV)Public DomainGold.Over the course of many years, construction projects have connected three area roads - Scarsdale, Yost and Shadycrest Drive into a single boulevard united by exit 31 off the Gulf Freeway.The curious images on the brick led to a search for their meaning and resulted, quite surprisingly, in a model unifying the disparate models of time and space into a single framework suggesting the pre-eminence of the arrow of time. Hidden within time’s arrow are her golden eggs - geometric relationships which, in alignment and in succession mark the passing of a baton to a new generation wave cycle.The unified roads off exit 31 are symbolic of the model whose discovery came through the events which occurred at the end of this road in the Pearland neighborhoods of Shadycrest and Sleepy Hollow.Kings and Queens.Recently a 64-year old black woman in Michigan named Deborah Gatewood died after suffering from complications worsened by the COVID virus. After driving herself to an emergency room, she had been advised to go home and recuperate and she was told a test was unnecessary because her symptoms were deemed not severe enough to require it.It brought me to tears hearing her story. Mrs. Gatewood had worked for 31 years at the very hospital she had driven herself to for treatment that was ultimately denied her before it was too late.I am married to a Japanese woman who was critical to the discovery of time’s arrow, known as 935 qkk: The Holy Grail Spiral of Life. Her name ‘Kumiko’ is reflected in the model’s name ‘935’. In the Japanese language 9, 3 and 5 have sound-alikes, respectively, in ku, mee and ko.We have seen ignorance and abuse-of-power at a massive scale leading to our efforts to stop the Islamist plots prior to 9/11 and August 2006. We also called attention to the flu epidemic of 2017 which led to her broken ribs from coughing.At Thanksgiving last year (2019) I received a receipt for 17.00 exactly (the sum of 9, 3 and 5). The alignment of 9, 3, 5 at the model’s core is followed southward by 11 and 17. Since 11 appears as an ‘equal’ sign it draws attention to the sum of the core equaling 17. This equality surrounding 17 and 9–3–5 is known as the ‘fundamental identity’ of the object.. Also, get this, I had just parked in front of a vehicle license plate KZJ-0935 prompting me to ask to borrow a camera from my friend working at the Walmart to take its picture prior to my purchase. “KZJ” is reminiscent of ‘KZ” from Japan who asked pointedly if I were a spy after I filed a harassment complaint after being assaulted and stalked at the Torrance, California navigation company. I am happy to report my Walmart friend has been making an effort to include items suggested by the receipt - white onion, broccoli, cob corn, cabbage, brown and wild rice combo pack and is healthy.A worker at HEB nearby was recently diagnosed with COVID and in response both local Walmart and HEB stores have erected acrylic shields in front of all cashiers to protect them from unmasked customers. We need a fundamental sea change. We are facing preventable problems exacerbated by short-sighted people making a killing playing with fire (by using fear to boost funding for their pet projects while keeping the public out of the loop).With the Thanksgiving Walmart receipt it is as if God was responding to our plea for help for meaningful change in both our lifestyles and in our leadership.(Please note It is not necessary to believe the receipt to be a prophecy. I have received this criticism. Please note my wording that “it is as if God was responding to our plea for help for meaningful change”.I responded to the receipt by starting a Facebook group to advocate a healthy diet called the White Onion Diet based on the only items listed on the receipt, the first of which was a white onion. The receipt represents a high degree of synchronicity. It has 17 instances of ’17′ on it including the address (1710 E. Broadway) the amount (17.00) and the timestamp (17:03). All of the items listed on the receipt are immune system boosters. I was highly motivated to help boost our collective immunity due to the trepidation I felt with the coming arrival of flu season.An image of the Walmart receipt is below. The bottom license plate corresponds to the plate I blindly parked across from and photographed using a borrowed phone from a Walmart employee before making my purchases. The top license plate reflects the plate my wife and I parked across from at Texas A&M when we visited their physics department and discussed the model with a professor. Our visit was impromptu and we made zero attempt to search out a 935 plate when parking our vehicle. In fact we didn’t notice the plate at all until returning to our vehicle after the visit.We realize those claiming our receipt to be a ‘false prophecy’ are distracting from our central contention that synchronicity often accompanies memorable moments and memorable moments can serve to improve situational awareness leading to noble ends.Synchronicity can serve to boost recollection and prepare us for the battles ahead. It would be a shame to dismiss the value of synchronicity by labeling it as ‘false prophecy’.)We need truly responsible leaders now more than ever. Prince Harry and Meghan share the same dream Princess Di held for a more compassionate world. Harry’s mother was inspiring to me for reasons you may find in this story. Prince Blake's answer to Where can I find the knowledge of the kings?The discovery of the regenerative flow of Time’s arrow is a watershed moment in history. The original plan was to open Planet Erthe Castle and Museum in Washington, D.C. as home to the Spiral of Life.However the proposed location for the museum at 935 Pennsylvania Ave will not be available for many years.The rewards of the project will not be limited to technical discoveries and applications but extend to shifts in perception allowing for greater progress on political fronts which seek to end radicalism and violence through education, science, and finding common-ground. The model of space and time will resonate with audiences seeking a natural and mathematical explanation to our world and give strength to our aims of promoting tolerance and bridging divides.No divide stands a greater chance of being bridged by this model than the Israeli-Palestinian divide. This project grew out of efforts to reshape public policy after several Islamist plots rocked America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East leading to the mobilization of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.Clearly we can and must do more to offer a non-violent way forward and education is the key to this path. I spent many childhood vacations at Random Farm where my Irish grandfather Hugh Kelly was manager of the estate and stables left by Sir Edmond Vivian Gabriel to his American wife and children.Hugh’s son Joe was a leader in speaking out against the Vietnam War. A generation later, I pleaded to stop the Islamist airline plots that had rocked Japan in the mid-1990s during my seven years there as a business owner. Flight 434 narrowly escaped disaster on December 11th, 1994 when one of the plotters placed a bomb under a seat and departed. Had Haruki Ikegami not absorbed the blast over Japan with his body the plane would have been destroyed. He did not survive. I was living in Japan at the time.My thesis had been on navigation and security risks stemming from the shoot-down of two Korean airliners. I associated an imaginary child born in Ohio with our responsibility to protect future generations of Americans from these plotters. I understood the Islamists aim was to take down America completely. Due to the good fortune of my thesis and time spent in Japan, I was able to recall Haruki Ikegami’s name when I appealed to stop the return of the plot in 2001. The plots had been postponed in 1994 by an accidental fire but were revived in Germany and America.I am happy and humbled that Pearland can make this contribution to our understanding of time’s arrow and I hope as a consequence of this discovery Harry and Meghan will consider making this community their home.Today is May 18th and it is my wife Kumiko’s birthday. We will be visiting Galveston Island. I was drawn to Kumiko by her beauty and artistry. On our first date we visited Bizen, another city that (like Galveston) hugs the coast. Bizen is famous for its unglazed pottery adorned only with markings from the firing process known as ‘yohen’. After moving to Los Angeles we saw a play, an East-West Players production of the same name - Yohen - with the lead roles played by Danny Glover and Nobu McCarthy.Image: Blake and Kumiko Galveston 5/18/2020Like Prince Harry and Meghan we also had California dreams and to that end we both worked hard at difficult jobs. We survived Japan by starting our own school - Alamo - and we carried this challenge forward after my wife suffered harassment from the company I worked at. We found refuge at a center in the Boeing building where we pleaded to stop the Islamist airline plots which were initially hatched in Asia and drew their first victim in Japan.The negative hounding, the unfair characterizations and poor treatment that Prince Harry and Meghan have experienced is all too familiar to us.For the benefit of the entire world it is important we come together to at least agree that standards need to be raised. The press, internet commentators and lawyers must all set higher standards for themselves.How do other cultures deal with negativity even when it is completely justified? When Mohammed’s aunt dare challenged Mohammed’s assumptions Mohammed fantasized torturing and killing both his aunt and uncle. Due to her criticism he aimed to silence her by choking her with a rope of palm fiber and merely because her husband sustained them as a woodcutter he dreamed to cut his hands off in humiliation before throwing them both into a fire.We must resist any encroachment of this bullying culture of Mohammed on our precious lands. This is why when I suffered being beaten, pinned down, and stalked I went to authorities and pleaded not only to stop those immediately harassing me at Awtec but to also stop those planning on hitting us en masse and who had invaded our flight schools for this purpose.This was and is my life’s mission: to stop plots and lay the foundation for a long-lasting peace.We must respect the sacrifices of the generations which came before us and never ever allow the terrorists to gain the upper hand on our soil or the soil of any of our close allies. In an environment where the press hounds and harasses her own good citizens, where crimes flourish against her law-abiding citizens, what chance do we have at meeting our obligation to subdue our enemies?To this end, I have worked hard to uncover a model of time’s arrow which I have confidence will go a long way to bridging the divides which have plagued humankind for too many centuries.And I found it not only in time for my wife’s precious birthday but also for another notable day in recent history.Tomorrow, May 19th will be Prince Harry and Meghan’s 2nd anniversary and we wish them all the best in their search for a new home. Thanks in part to the legacy of Lady Block, a war bride who survived the London bombings in WW II and settled in Shadycrest, the folks at the end of the path of exit 31 will always give them a warm welcome.

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