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  • Attach the document that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by choosing "Open with" in Drive.
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PDF Editor FAQ

When should homeopathy medicine be taken, before food or after food?

This tip is from a well known homeopathic doctor about the time gap between food intake & homeopathic medicine. Though most doctors recommend before meals it is not sacrosanct, what is important is the time gap. Perhaps to do with the fact that homeopathy medicine is a form of energy, it should not be interfered by food which is another form of chemical energy. For more useful tips follow homeopathic blog here

Is homeopathy the best form of treatment?

According to World Health Organization (WHO), homeopathy is the world’s second leading system of medicine for primary health care.Homeopathic medicines are proven and experimented on healthy people, not on animals.Homœopathy cures a disease, rather than merely suppressing its symptoms.Homœopathy uses only natural substances in minute doses.Homœopathy improves the body’s resistance and immunity.Homœopathy enhances Health rather than Diminishes IllnessHomœopathy ensures long-term benefits.Homœopathy gives long lasting to permanent cure.No complicated procedures for taking the medicines.No bitter pills or painful injections.It does away with unnecessary surgery.Potent PreventiveCost effective – Homeopathic medicines are remarkably inexpensive compared to regular medicationsHomœopathy treats the patient as a whole and not just the disease.Homœopathic remedies are gentle, non-toxic, harmless, safe and without any side-effects.Homœopathy is gentle and effective system of medicine.Unlike Antibiotics, homœopathic remedies do not disturb digestive system nor do they lower the immune system (Body’s resistance).Homœopathy is very effective in various allergic disordersHomœopathy is a boon in the hands of qualified doctors (Classical Homœopaths) who strictly follow the rules and instructions laid down by Dr. S. Hahnemann.Homœopathy is equally effective and safe to human beings, animals, birds and plants.Homœopathic treatment is given to correct the root cause of the illness.Homœopathic medicines are administered in minute doses that act gently and stimulate the body’s self-healing response.Homœopathic treatment is ideal to optimize the body’s natural defenses against microbes.Homœopathy works in harmony with the immune system, unlike Allopathic Drugs which suppress and destroy the immune system.Homœopathic remedies are not addictive – once relief is felt, patient should stop taking them.Homeopathy is equally effective for children, adults and the agedNo after effects or contraindications: the Homoeopathic treatment is effective, free of side effects. There are no known adverse reactions.Highly effective: Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating diseases, particularly, the chronic diseases.Palliative: Several incurable conditions pains experienced by cancer patients on death-bed the intake of homeopathic medicines act as palliative remedy.Anti-viral, anti-allergic: Homeopathy has treatment with non-drowsy medicines for allergic hay fever, viral warts, cold etc.Anti-septic – some homeopathic medicines act as anti-septic. After surgery the use of homeopathic remedy gives an anti-septic effect, wound healing etc.Easily taken by children- These medicines being made from sugar pills or non-bitter substances, which are medicated, are loved by children and hence there is no need for forcing them for taking the medicines.Immunity and resistance increased: Immune system of children is increased and resistance is built up in cases of recurrent attacks of cold, tonsillitis etc.Surgery avoidance: In some cases, we can avoid surgery by in certain case like tonsillitis, adenoid enlargement, PCOD, Uterine fibroid, renal calculi, hemorrhoids etc.Cost-effective: Homeopathic medicines are cheap compared to allopathic medicines and can be used by all. It is the most economic form of healthcare treatment.Homeopathy has no painful injection or invasive methods.Prophylactic treatment: We can use these medicines as preventive medicines for several ailments such as chicken-pox, measles, travel

Can homeopathy cure benign prostatic hyperplasia?

DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical doctor. Following is for information purpose only and does not imply a medical diagnosis, treatment, prescription or advice. Please consult your health care provider.Thank you for the A2A.There are many homeopathic medicines for benign prostatic enlargement. Medicine is selected according to the constitution, temperament, modalities etc. There are homeopathic OTC complex that contain more than one medicine in a tablet, globules or liquid form, all in low potencies to cover a range of symptoms.For more information, please read the following:My answer to: Are there any homeopathic remedies for benign prostatic hyperplasia?Homeopathic Treatment of Enlarged ProstateHomeopathic Treatment for ProstateWhat is prostate gland, what is its role in the body?Prostate gland is a gland about the size of a walnut that surrounds the first part of urethra just below the urinary bladder in males. Its job is to secrete prostatic fluid. Prostatic fluid is a component of the semen and forms around 30% of the total semen. Prostate gland muscles also aid expulsion of semen during ejaculation.What is the normal size and weight of the prostate gland?The approximate weight of prostate gland ranges between 8-15 grams. The normal size of the adult prostate gland is about 15cc to 30cc. A prostate gland of more than 30cc usually indicates benign prostate hyperplasia.What is benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH)?Benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH refers to a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. It is also termed as benign enlargement of the prostate. The enlargement of the prostate gland blocks the urinary outflow and results in many urinary symptoms.Can Homeopathy treat benign prostate hyperplasia (BHP)?Homeopathic medicines offer much help in treating benign prostate hyperplasia. Homeopathic medicines for BPH are prescribed based upon the symptom presentation in each individual case. They decrease the intensity and frequency of symptoms arising from benign prostate hypertrophy. In fact, a visit to a Homeopathic physician well in time may save a person from surgical intervention for BHP. Homeopathic medicines that work wonders in treating benign prostate hyperplasia cases include Sabal Serrulata, Lycopodium Clavatum, Conium Maculatum, Clematis Erecta and Chimaphila Umbellata.Why does benign prostate hyperplasia occur?The exact cause of benign prostate hyperplasia is not yet known. It is, however, age related. An imbalance in male hormones as age advances is thought to play a role in benign prostate hyperplasia.What are its symptoms?A few key symptoms can aid a clinical diagnosis of benign prostate hyperplasia. However, to get a confirmed diagnosis, medical investigation is necessary. The clinical symptoms of BHP include straining to begin urination, frequent urge to pass urine, weak urine stream, dribbling after urination, urgent need to urinate, interrupted urination and sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder. In case of a urinary tract infection, pain and burning while urinating is also felt.Is benign prostate hyperplasia related to age?Yes, benign prostate hyperplasia is an age related complaint in males. There are more than 50% chances for prostate gland enlargement between the age of 50 years and 60 years.Can benign prostate hyperplasia cause sexual dysfunction?Yes, benign prostate hyperplasia can lead to sexual complaints. Complaints of erectile dysfunction and reduced sex drive are common in BHP.I have frequent urination at night (nocturia), could it be due to BPH?Yes, it could be. Frequent urination at night is one of the indicating features of benign prostate hyperplasia. But, there are many other conditions that can cause frequent urination at night as well; diabetes, urinary tract infection and overactive bladder, for example. Therefore, a detailed case evaluation and investigation must be carried out before a conclusion can be drawn.Does a weak urinary stream necessarily mean prostate enlargement?No. A weak urinary stream is one of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. However, urinary stricture may also lead to a weak urinary stream.Do we need to conduct tests to investigate suspected benign prostate hyperplasia?Various tests need to be conducted. Investigations include an ultrasound of the prostate gland, transrectal ultrasound, cystoscopy, postresidual volume test, urinary flow test. A urine test is also conducted to rule out urinary infection. PSA (prostate specific antigen) is checked. If the PSA value is above normal, biopsy of prostate tissue needs to be done to rule out cancerous changes.What is PSA and what does it signify?PSA is prostate specific antigen. It is produced by prostate gland cells. PSA is a screening test to rule out prostate cancer in men. The normal PSA value is below 4.0 ng/mL. A raised PSA arouses suspicion of cancer of the prostate gland. Therefore, in such cases, a biopsy of prostatic tissue is recommended.I have been advised surgery for BPH, can Homeopathic medicines help avoid it?Homeopathic medicines can work wonders in such cases and help avoid surgery. The conventional system of medicine considers benign prostate hyperplasia a case for surgical intervention. Not Homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating benign prostate hyperplasia. In fact, most cases of mild to moderate enlargement of prostate gland respond exceedingly well to Homeopathic treatment.My USG shows post voidal residual urine with enlarged prostate, what does that mean?Residual urine refers to the urine remaining in the urinary bladder at the end of micturition. Residual urine from benign prostate hyperplasia shows incomplete emptying of the bladder due to obstructed urinary outflow. A post residual urine volume of less than 50ml is normal. In elderly people of over 65yrs of age, post residual volume ranging between 50 ml – 100ml is normal. However, acute urinary retention, where a person is completely unable to pass urine, needs to be treated as a medical emergency.What are grades of BPH, what do they signify?There are three grades of benign prostate hyperplasia and they show the level of progression of the disease. In BPH grade 1, there are no troublesome symptoms and no significant obstruction. In BPH grade 2, bothersome symptoms appear, but there is no significant obstruction. In BPH grade 3, there is significant obstruction and post residual urine volume of more than 100ml.Is prostatitis different from benign prostate hyperplasia?Yes, prostatitis and benign prostate hyperplasia are different conditions. Prostatitis is swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostatitis can be acute or chronic. The main cause of prostatitis is bacterial infection. On the other hand, benign prostate hyperplasia is enlargement of the prostate gland, which is mainly age related.Why are people with BPH vulnerable to urinary tract infections (UTI)?In men with benign prostate hyperplasia, urine outflow is obstructed. This results in incomplete emptying of the urinary bladder. The urine that remain in the urinary bladder gives a chance for bacteria to grow and leads to urinary tract infection.FAQs – Homeopathic medicines for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH)What are the best Homeopathic medicines for treating benign prostate hyperplasia?Homeopathy offers a wide range of medicines for benign prostate hyperplasia. However, in my clinical practice, I have seen remarkable recovery with Homeopathic medicines Sabal Serrulata, Lycopodium Clavatum and Conium Maculatum, which I recommend.I have difficulty initiating urine due to BPH, which Homeopathic medicines will help?I have BPH and I always feel the urgency to urinate. How can Homeopathy help?Homeopathic medicine Thuja Occidentalis is an ideal choice for treating BPH where urgency to urIn persons having difficulty in initiating urine from BPH, Homeopathic medicines Clematis Erecta and Chimaphila Umbellata will show best results. In such cases where these medicines will aid recovery, the urine does not start flowing freely. One has to strain hard to initiate urination.For dribbling urine in benign prostate hyperplasia, which Homeopathic medicines are beneficial?Dribbling urine in benign prostate hyperplasia can be effectively treated with Homeopathic medicines Baryta Carb and Clematis Erecta.I have interrupted urine stream from BPH, which Homeopathic medicines do you advise?There is a vast list of Homeopathic medicines to choose from for interrupted urine from BHP. In my clinical experience, Homeopathic medicine Conium Maculatum can fix is problem most effectively.inate is well marked.Does Homeopathy have a medicine to cure a weak urinary stream due to BPH?Yes, it does. Homeopathic medicine Argentum Nitricum and Clematis Erecta are well indicated for weak urinary stream from BPH. They can efficiently cure the condition.What are the most useful Homeopathic medicines for burning during urination in benign prostate hyperplasia?Burning while urinating in case of BPH mainly arises from a urinary tract infection (UTI). Homeopathic medicines Cantharis Vesicatoria and Sarsaparilla Officinalis are a sure remedy for this condition. Among them, Cantharis Vesicatoria is suggested when there is burning while urinating or burning before and after urination. Sarsaparilla Officinalis is the better choice in case of BPH where burning is mainly felt at the close of urination.Can Homeopathy help a person who suffers erectile dysfunction due to BPH?Yes, Homeopathic medicines can treat erectile dysfunction resulting from benign prostate hyperplasia. Agnus Castus, Lycopodium Clavatum and Sabal Serrulata are established Homeopathic prescriptions that are known to cure this condition.Homeopathic medicines for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH)Sabal Serrulata – One of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for benign prostate hyperplasiaSabal Serrulata is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for benign prostate hyperplasia (BHP). There are many symptoms that guide use of Sabal Serrulata. The first among them is difficulty and pain once you start urinating. The person also experiences a frequent desire to pass urine at night. Dribbling urine is another problem. Aching pain in prostate that extends to abdomen is another symptom indication for prescription of Sabal Serrulata. Retention of urine from prostate enlargement can also be treated well with Homeopathic medicine Sabal Serrulata. It is also the cure for emission of prostatic fluid during stool or urination. Last but not the least, Homeopathic medicine Sabal Serrulata effectively treats the complaint of erectile dysfunction from enlarged prostate.Conium Maculatum – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for interrupted urine flow in BPHConium Maculatum is another extremely effective Homeopathic medicine for benign prostate hyperplasia. A major indication for use of Conium Maculatum is interrupted urine flow from enlarged prostate. Here the urine starts and stops several times before complete voiding. After passing urine, burning pain may be felt in the urethra.Cantharis Vesicatoria and Sarsaparilla Officinalis – Homeopathic medicines for burning pain while passing urine in BPHCantharis Vesicatoria and Sarsaparilla Officinalis are top rated Homeopathic medicines for burning pain while passing urine in BPH. Cantharis Vesicatoria is prescribed if the burning in urethra is felt before, during or after passing urine. There is also a constant desire to pass urine in such cases. In some cases, the scalding sensation is extreme, with passing of urine in drops. Homeopathic medicine Sarsaparilla Officinalis is taken when there is severe burning pain at the conclusion of urination.Lycopodium Clavatum – Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for frequent urination at night from benign prostate hyperplasiaFor frequent urination at night from benign prostate hyperplasia, Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium Clavatum works wonders. Besides frequent urination at night due to enlarged prostate, another guiding feature for use of Lycopodium Clavatum is the need to wait to start urinating. In short, a person who needs Lycopodium Clavatum passes scanty urine during the daytime and suffers profuse urination at night.Baryta Carb – One of the most useful Homeopathic medicines for dribbling urine due to BPHHomeopathic medicine Baryta Carb is known to effectively treat the problem of dribbling after urination in benign prostate hyperplasia cases. Another indication for using Baryta Carb in BPH is sudden urge to urinate, with the inability to retain urine. The urine may be scanty. Burning while passing urine may also be observed.Clematis Erecta and Chimaphila Umbellata – Valuable Homeopathic medicines for BPH with difficulty in initiating urineHomeopathic medicines Clematis Erecta and Chimaphila Umbellata are very helpful in treating benign prostate hyperplasia. Clematis Erecta is indicated when there is difficulty in starting to urinate due to prostate enlargement. The person needs to strain hard before urine starts to flow. Intense burning may arise while passing the last drops of urine. Dribbling after urination may also be present in some cases. Homeopathic medicine Chimaphila Umbellata is just as helpful where a person needs to strain hard to start passing urine. Urine is scanty and may also be offensive. Burning or scalding while passing urine may also be present. In extreme cases, the urine is passed with a lot of strain, with the body inclined forwards.Thuja Occidentalis – Well recognized Homeopathic remedy for urgency to urinate in benign prostate hyperplasiaIn case of marked urgency to urinate in benign prostate hyperplasia, Thuja Occidentalis is the most appropriate Homeopathic prescription. The urine stream is small. Frequent urge to pass urine may be present. Burning or cutting pain while urinating may be observed. Thuja Occidentalis also effectively treats involuntary urination at night.Agnus Castus – Valuable Homeopathic medicine for sexual complaints in benign prostate hyperplasiaAgnus Castus is a very well indicated Homeopathic medicine for treating sexual complaints in men from benign prostate hyperplasia. Agnus Castus can treat weak erections or complete loss of erections from prostate enlargement. Loss of sex drive in men who suffer BPH can also be treated well with Agnus Castus.What lifestyle changes can I adopt to manage benign prostate hyperplasia?Reducing daily fluid intake, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, limiting intake of fluids towards the evening and trying to void urine whenever the urge arises are some basic lifestyle patters to adopt to be able to live more comfortably inspite of this condition. Going to void urine every time the need arises is a call that must never be ignored.Source: 7 Top Homeopathic Medicines for Prostate EnlargementHope this will help!

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