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Who are some unsung heroes of India?

This answer consists of some unsung heroes of India who are contributing so much in the field of education.These people are actually trying to build a better India.Alakh PandeyThat smile and the introduction “Hello Baccho” is quite popular among students of India. Sadly, there are so many people in India who doesn't even know this man.He is Alakh Pandey who is the owner of the beautiful channel 'Physics Wallah' on YouTube. He literally was the first person in India to upload whole content of JEE and NEET for free.Speaking of quality, his content is no less than the contents taught in big institutes and coaching centres. He has taught each and everything required for these competitive exams. I think I don't have to say about his methods of teaching. We all know he is one the best teachers of India currently. I can say one thing that if you want to learn whole Physics of JEE/NEET for free, you can blindly follow him.Holy Trinity of Unacademy (Roman Saini, Gaurav Munjal & Hemesh Singh)My friends, these three men started the revolution of Education in India. They launched the successful platform for competitive exams till now : Unacademy.They are highly qualified professionals. This startup changed the face of India. They brought the best teachers of India in a single platform. I myself is a student of Unacademy Plus. I think this platform is far better than offline coaching institutes which takes so much much money from students and still no guarantee of quality. But here, you can actually choose your educators.Anyways, they are quite unpopular among the Indians. They proved that quality edges over quantity.Anand KumarWhat Alakh Pandey is to online education, Anand Kumar is to offline education.He is the founder of the perfect institute “Super 30” in which he took 30 underprivileged students and all of them cracked JEE. Isn't it amazing?For several, the institute has been a huge success. This man couldn't afford to go to the Cambridge University but later he decided to help students like him who dreamt to be an IITian.Even a film has been made on him called 'Super 30′ starring Hrithik Roshan.Aditi PrasadI am sure most of you doesn't know her.Aditi Prasad is the COO and CIO of Robotix Learning Solutions which aims to inspire and equip the next generation of innovators and creators. Under the aegis of Robotix, she launched the ‘Indian Girls Code’, a free, hands-on coding and robotics education programme for underprivileged girls.Isn't it a great work? That's actually what we call an inspiration to women. But unfortunately, we will take selfies with only female actresses and singers.Haimanti SenWho is she?A 22 years old Mumbai girl who started to teach underprivileged children at a skywalk in Kandivali.Later, she started the NGO, 'Junoon' where she taught many such children under a same roof.Haimanti Sen is indeed an inspiration and a reformer who has been featured in many articles and videos highlighting her major achievements as the 'good samaritan' in many ways.She has also been featured in a Colgate ad :These were some people who proved this amazing quote by Nelson Mandela :I want to conclude with this line which is not an opinion but a fact :When Indians start giving more attention and importance to teachers, that day, we will be the best country in the World.Yes, it's my dream to be featured like this in someone's answer on Quora. I want to be a Doctor and help underprivileged kids to be successful in life. That's because “Sharing of knowledge” is the best thing you can do to help someone learn. That word, “Thank You Sir” is still a dream for me and many others out there.Share your knowledge for free and you will get lots of love from so many children who needs you. That love is much more than any awards or recognition.Thank You.~ Amartya ~

Why is it that Mary only appears to Catholics in places like Fatima and Lourdes?

There have been hundreds, probably thousands, of appearances of Mary, going back through history.Just to take two 20th century apparitions.Zeitoun, a suburb of Cairo, 1968–70, over the domes of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Mary was seen by millions: Copts, Muslims, Orthodox, Atheists, Catholics…..of all social classes and ranks in society, including members of the Government. Google it and you can see the pictures.Hrushiw, near Drohobych, Lviv oblast, Ukraine.From 26 April 1987, exactly one year after the Chernobyl catastrophe, Mary appeared on the balcony of the closed chapel of the Presvyatoe Troitse, Most Holy Trinity. She continued to appear for several months into 1988. Hundreds of thousands saw her, including some of my students when I taught in the Greek-Catholic seminary in Lviv in 1995. This was despite the KGB's attempts to block roads and prevent pilgrims reaching the village. But they came in their thousands and tens of thousands from all over Ukraine, the Baltics, parts of Russia, even Kazakhstan.She does often appear to children. After all, she was probably 14–15 when the Angel Gabriel appeared to her. And she favours the poor and lowly, but that is God's way cf the Magnificat.I have been present during several apparitions at Medjugorje, and though I didn't see anything, I did experience an intense sense of peace at these apparitions. I have a Cambridge doctorate in chemistry, so I tend to be cautious and like to see the evidence before making up my mind, but I would say there was evidence aplenty for the Medjugorje apparitions.

What did John Maynard Keynes mean when he said that Isaac Newton “…was not the first of the age of reason. He was the last of the magicians”?

Keynes meant that Newton sought to understand the world not in the manner of a modern scientist, but rather like an ancient sage who believed in a hidden meaning behind the natural world. To use the terminology of sociologist Max Weber, Keynes thought that Newton’s world was not yet “disenchanted”. In the same essay Keynes goes on to say that Newton’s “deepest instincts were occult, esoteric, semantic.” See: “Newton, the Man”.I think that this is quite wrong. Keynes wrote that because, wealthy bibliophile and proud Cambridge man that he was, he acquired many of Newton’s alchemical manuscripts after Newton’s heirs (the family of the Earl of Portsmouth) put them up for auction in 1936. See “The Sotheby Sale”.John Maynard Keynes, 1st Baron Keynes (1883 – 1946)Keynes read those alchemical papers, but he was not equipped to make sense of them and therefore came to hasty conclusions that have had a long-lasting and regrettable influence on Newton’s subsequent biographers and on many historians. I don’t personally blame Keynes for this, since he was an economist who could hardly have had the expertise to make sense of Newton’s private and disorganized manuscripts, by then already more than two centuries old. I find it more regrettable that scholars whose day job was supposed to be the study of the history of early modern science should’ve in many cases embraced the misconceptions contained in Keynes’s essay.To be sure, Newton’s outlook wasn’t quite that of a modern scientist. It could hardly have been such, since he personally did so much to usher in modern science. For instance, Newton was totally convinced of the historicity of biblical prophecies. But, in certain key respects, Newton’s outlook was precisely the opposite of “occult, esoteric”, or “semantic”.The foremost expert on Newton’s private papers working today, Prof. Robert Iliffe of Oxford, has just published detailed study of Newton’s religion. One of the topics that he delves into is what he dubs Newton’s “counter-allegorical hermeneutic”. Far from believing in an occult, emblematic meaning behind natural appearances, Newton thought that ancient myths were often a code for factual statements about nature and history. See R. Iliffe, Priest of Nature: The Religious Worlds of Isaac Newton (Oxford U. P., 2017).Newton explicitly dismissed astrology, Cabalism, Neoplatonism, and the other esoteric traditions that were so influential in his own day. He thought that belief in the soul’s immortality and in the possibility of communicating with spirits was a pagan, idolatrous corruption of the true Christian faith. He even dismissed the orthodox Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity as a fantasy introduced during the 4th century by minds addled by the Hellenistic taste for metaphysics (in Newton’s writings metaphysics is always used disparagingly).What threw off Keynes and many others after him was that Newton was deeply involved in alchemy and that he copied out reams of alchemical documents couched in weird, mystical language and symbols. But everything that we understand now about Newton’s outlook indicates that what he was trying to do was to decipher the symbols of the alchemists into factual chemical observations and recipes. And, in that respect, Newton’s attitude was not unusual or eccentric for his own time. In fact, he corresponded extensively on alchemy with philosopher John Locke and with pioneering physico-chemical scientist Robert Boyle, among others.There are at least three reasons why alchemists used mystical language and images. One is that they wanted to advertise their prowess while also protecting their trade secrets from competitors. Another is that the veil of mystery allowed many of them to pretend to having accomplished more than they actually had (for instance, that they had turned lead into gold). The third is that some alchemists (Boyle was one such) did believe that there were connections between alchemical processes and the spiritual world. But that was probably not Newton’s case, since in other contexts he explicitly denied the possibility of communicating with spirits.Western alchemy, including belief in the transmutation of metals, had been going on for 1,500 years when Newton took it up. Although alchemists did make technical progress on matters like metallurgy and the preparation of pigments and medicines, their approach swiftly lost credibility in the 18th century because the new, modern culture of open scientific debate, which had only just started to grow in Newton’s lifetime, revealed that belief in transmutation and other key aspects of alchemy had been sustained by a mix of secrecy, confusion, and fraud.See also my answer to Was Isaac Newton a scientist or a sorcerer?

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