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Are you seeking to edit forms online? CocoDoc can help you with its detailed PDF toolset. You can accessIt simply by opening any web brower. The whole process is easy and user-friendly. Check below to find out

  • go to the free PDF Editor page.
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  • Conduct the desired edits on your document with the toolbar on the top of the dashboard.
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Steps in Editing Computer Work Order Form Template For It Department on Windows

It's to find a default application able to make edits to a PDF document. Luckily CocoDoc has come to your rescue. View the Advices below to find out ways to edit PDF on your Windows system.

  • Begin by downloading CocoDoc application into your PC.
  • Upload your PDF in the dashboard and conduct edits on it with the toolbar listed above
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  • There area also many other methods to edit PDF, you can get it here

A Quick Manual in Editing a Computer Work Order Form Template For It Department on Mac

Thinking about how to edit PDF documents with your Mac? CocoDoc has come to your help.. It enables you to edit documents in multiple ways. Get started now

  • Install CocoDoc onto your Mac device or go to the CocoDoc website with a Mac browser.
  • Select PDF document from your Mac device. You can do so by hitting the tab Choose File, or by dropping or dragging. Edit the PDF document in the new dashboard which includes a full set of PDF tools. Save the file by downloading.

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  • Select a file desired by clicking the tab Choose File and start editing.
  • After making all necessary edits, download it into your device.

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I am scoring 276 in JEE advance 2014, which can be best guessed to fetch me a 100 rank in JEE. Which should I choose, IIT-K CS or IIT-D CS?

Disclaimer: I am a 4th year IIT-K CS student. So, my answer might be slightly biased. I would also recommend that you get advice from an IIT-D CS guy as it would give you a more balanced perspective. I will list out the pros and cons of IIT-K as I don't have a good idea about IIT-D.I will first list out the pros and cons of the institute in general and then focus on the CS department.Pros:1) Liberty:You don't have LAN bans, download limits, compulsory attendance(well, it is a percentage of the overall course weightage in some courses, but generally, not even that), no fixed time by which you should be in the hostels, the campus etc. There are no restrictions regarding the dress code.( I have had several meetings with my advisor in slacks and slippers) Boys are allowed in girls' hostels and vice-versa until 12 in the night.2) FoodI am sorry, but this is the thing I like most about my campus. You can get some food for 22.5 hours of the day. Only for a very short period of time between 4 AM and 5:30 AM will you be unable to get any food. Hostel canteens open at 2 in the afternoon and remain open till 2 in the night. The Food Court remains open till 4. At 5:30 in the morning, you would be able to get samosas, tea etc. Also, having lived in a Kota hostel, the food in my hostel was surprisingly better.3) ClubsInterested in something? There will be a club for it. If there isn't one, you can open your own. (assuming, of course, that you get enough people interested in the same activity) More importantly, you don't have to approach a professor for opening a club, you just put up a proposal in front of the "Students' Gymkhana"(composed almost entirely of students in executive positions). If the Gymkhana approves it, you are done.4) Counselling Service:The counselling service is, in my humble opinion, the most important organization in IITK. In my stay here, I have seen the mind-numbing amount of work done by people in the counselling service. They organize extra lectures for the weaker students, provide guidance and support for those on the brink and bring them back.5) Flexible branch change policyStarting from my junior batch( the Y12 batch), branch changes are allowed in case there is a vacancy in the department which you wish to shift to.6) Flexibility regarding course templateI guess this should be present in most institutes. You are allowed to shift the order in which you take courses (to a certain extent). For example, in my 5th semester, instead of the department prescribed template, I took some PG level courses which were being offered. I would obviously have to do the courses specified, but not necessarily in the order in which the department specifies them.Cons:1) Compulsory coursesAs far as I know, this particular irritant is present in all IITs. We need to do some very stupid compulsory courses in our first and to a certain extent, in our second year. These courses are intended to give an idea about all the damned departments present in the institute.I will now move to the specifics of the CSE department.The CSE department is, in my humble opinion, one of the most liberal departments at IITK. As far as I know, it allows academic flexibility unheard of in other departments of IITK. In my batch, we have students who have done as many as 5 PG level courses in the 3rd year, something which would be unthinkable in most other departments.However, we have a huge faculty crunch. I think this would be present in most other CS departments, but if you are interested in research, this might pinch you. If you do have some idea about your area of interest (most people don't, so don't worry about it), you could look at the following to know about the profiles of the faculty. Department of Computer Science and EngineeringIn case you do know about your research interests, a majority of our faculty members are interested in theoretical computer science, specifically, in computational complexity theory, randomized algorithms, streaming algorithms etc.(and if you are interested in theoretical computer science, I would recommend IITK) while we have fewer faculties interested in systems, code verification etc. and very few faculties interested in machine learning, AI, artificial intelligence etc.PS:I had the same doubts three years ago. In hindsight, because I became interested in theoretical computer science, it looks like I made the right decision. However, do not fret too much over the decision. Both of them are good IITs and it wouldn't be a life-changing decision. You have done the hard work, do not worry too much over this decision.Edit:I don't think this would influence your decision, but the CS department has 6 open electives which can be any course from any department.(IITK has an MBA program as well and you could potentially pick all these courses to be MBA courses.) We also have, in addition to the common courses in the first year, 4 science options and 4 departmental electives. Just in case.

What's the best method to hide source code from a boss? For the past 2 years I’ve been automating my job at home, if I put the code on the work computers I’m worried I’ll automate my own job and they might do me over. Its in VBA.

I have a lot of experience with this particular question as I’ve written a ton of tools for a few companies years ago.First of all, don’t leak the code to an external web app without the consent of your boss. Even though your tool doesn’t contain any business sensitive data itself, it will expose at least some sort of information about your workflow. I agree that you might think that what the tool exposes is basically meaningless, but I’m not sure if the action itself is legal if you don’t have permission from an internal authority.It is easy to technically hide VBA tools from your boss. VBA requires a host application to function (presumably a MS Office application), and the code that you write is merely a part of the file that you store on your hard drive. You don’t even need to expose the file extension on your hard drive, you can access your tool from USB if you want to, and run the application independently from the external resources on which you’re operating.In reality, depending on your particular situation it may be very hard to hide the fact that you are using tools. Sooner or later they will notice that something is off; as routine becomes part of daily life, they will notice that at times you don’t seem to be doing much while the work gets done. This can only mean that you’re dealing with some sort of automation. If you have colleagues, they will notice that you’re clicking buttons sooner or later and they will try to figure out what you’re doing.Now your boss most likely won’t mind and may even be surprised by the unexpected power of VBA. He’ll see the error margin drop, and work getting done faster. He may congratulate you for your good work, perhaps ask you to create a few more tools, and you may even get a raise and more authority. This isn’t very unlikely and it happened to me at my first serious job: as you learn to develop the tools, you become very familiar with the business flows (more than usually required). You’ll get the opportunity to teach others, and your manager sees you as some sort of technical wizard since nobody has possibly done what you did before. In order to create the tools, you obviously have to understand the business first. Profoundly. Business people usually like to see fast results and VBA makes it very easy to deliver. So everybody is happy. Or not?Some caution is required. (Note that what I tell you next is not an answer to your question, just some thoughts that I want to share).VBA is a very controversial solution to business automation and not without reason. I have written a ton of Excel and Access tools with VBA in the past and I have been a first class witness of its possible consequences. Be aware that for business people other than yourself, VBA tools are basically a magical black box and potentially result in disastrous consequences for stability of business continuity.As you automate your work, the newly delivered speed / quality quickly becomes the standard, and it’s only a matter of time when shit hits the fan. When you’re not available and someone else takes over your work, bang, a bug appears. Everyone looks at you as being the evil guy who created the black box and left everyone else helpless. Some day, another guy who knows some VBA supports the tool and adds some code “on top of” (literally) what you’ve written, without actually understanding how you constructed the tool (if there is any structure in it - at all). It becomes a literal mess. I’ve analysed a VBA tool which had existed for 10+ years, and it took data from a ton of Excel sheets, for which most administrators didn’t understand what the data represented anymore. Ridiculous business flows occurred (in one of the largest existing energy companies of which I’m not going to mention the name) like communicating data between departments through Excel attachments in automated Outlook emails. One department sent the xls, the other department retrieved it from the mail, based on the subject title and/or attachment filename of the email. This data contained exchange and auction information, and was sensitive. It was total madness, looking backward. Some day some auditors come along and want to see the data but guess what…. the name of the xls files changed, the template structures were changed over time, the subject of the emails changed, etc.If you happen to work for a large corporation, don’t count on any help from the IT department and there are in my opinion three main reasons for it.The first reason being that the largest benefit of VBA is also it most dangerous feature: the fact that you don’t have to be a programmer to write usable code. Most tools I’ve witnessed (including the tools that I have developed myself during the first years) are all written in procedural fashion. Opposite to common belief, VBA is a language that offers object oriented features, and one should understand and use them! Most development I’ve seen from business people happens in random VBA modules without giving any consideration to basic principles like encapsulation. Most business people writing VBA assume that a module is “the place where you write code”, but this isn’t how it is supposed to work. So what you’ll often see is one large module with all the business knowledge written in one giant “blob” with a ton of code duplication and worse, code that is even plain redundant but happens to be past leftovers. If you throw a lot of nested loops with “offset” into the mix, you’re in for a world of trouble. Not using basic good practices like parameter sheets and named ranges to make code more dynamic turns it into an absolute abomination. Maintaining the code becomes worse than hell and if you’re the guy who happens to know VBA, be sure that over time they’ll be at your desk daily to solve annoying bugs (for tools written by yourself, but also - and probably worse for you - others).The second reason being that writing a VBA tool usually doesn’t precede the required system analysis to build solid software. Without going into detail on the topic, it is usually clear that VBA tools are written “on the fly” and miss solid ground. This means that they are quickly modified over time, another reason why these tools have the tendency to quickly turn into an unmaintainable mess.The third reason is that VBA is a dying language although Microsoft can’t seem to get rid of it, even though they have tried it in the past. My guess is that too many businesses still depend on it for business continuity. The reasons why it matters is because I don’t have the impression that there is a good community who is willing to bring some unity for stable VBA app design. I’ve read a few books on VBA in the past, and they don’t explain what really matters for a business; which is how to write stable VBA tools in a way that prevents (or at least reduces) the previously mentioned problems from happening. Writing standard frameworks / modules could help; they possibly exist, but I haven’t seen any dominant player during my VBA years.I could probably give a ton more thoughts on the subject, but I’ll leave it at that. Anyway, good luck. Just be warned not to write tools that grow out of proportion. :-)

What is the top SaaS tool you recommend for outbound prospecting?

Thanks for the A2A!Just a quick note! I work for Reply, which is a sales automation tool itself, but I’ll try to keep my mind open about the matter. So what I write here is solely what we at Reply do for our own outbound prospecting, no hidden agenda.So yeah, we use a combination of LinkedIn for finding relevant outbound prospects + our own tool for segmenting and outreach.LinkedInThere are quite a few tools on the web that can generate you millions of outbound leads. But we at Reply like to do our own research in order to filter out non-relevant leads on the fly, while also finding something extra.Here's the thing about outbound leads: it's not just a list of random people. You must have a clear picture of your ideal buyer in mind and use relevant filters to find people who fit the description.A rough picture will be something like: Industry — Computer Software, Title — CEO and/or VP of Sales, Company Size — 1-50, Location — USA.All these criteria can be used as filters on LinkedIn for a more targeted lead generation.Note! We use the Sales Navigator plan by LinkedIn (which gives extended opportunities for filtering) and the LeadGibbon tool to back it up.Why LinkedIn? Because it is a) a great source of personal emails, and b) allows using leads’ profile information for personalization. And LeadGibbon helps with finding and validating emails from LinkedIn together with exporting full leads’ records.We at Reply really put our faith in email personalization, even when it’s outbound prospecting. Which brings us to the second part of my answer.ReplyReply was created with a simple and quite obvious idea in mind: all the boring routine must be automated, but sales emails should stay personalized.With Reply, everything about reaching out to outbound leads can be automated — you can segment your leads by various criteria, write email templates, set up a sequence of follow-ups and choose the right time for deliveries.But once again, Reply is all about personalization. That's why we've designed a number of tools to make your automated emails feel personal.We have some powerful filters for segmentation of your leads, so that you're able to customize each email depending on which prospect you're sending it to. And you can use variables such as names, titles, companies and other to customize your email templates.Basically, you can tweak email template for each prospect or segment separately. In its turn, Reply is programmed to make your emails look as if you’ve sent them manually.Naturally, we have a lot more in the contact management, integration with other tools, and analytics department. But that’s basically how we do our outbound sales prospecting in a nutshell.I’d also appreciate any tips and tricks of what can be added or changed in our process.

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