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What are the public health laws in Nigeria?

I am giving my answer in the context of kenya citing the two as African countries which are both members of the common wealth.Their public health laws are almost similarLAWS OF KENYAPUBLIC HEALTH ACTCHAPTER 242Revised Edition 2012 [1986]Published by the National Council for Law Reportingwith the Authority of the Attorney-GeneralKenya Law: Home PageCAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public HealthCHAPTER 242PUBLIC HEALTH ACTARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONSPART I – PRELIMINARYSection1. Short title.2. Interpretation.PART II – ADMINISTRATION3. Central Board of Health.4. Appointments to be gazetted.5. Filling vacancies.6. Substitute members.7. Rules as to meetings of board, etc.7A. Committees.7B. Establishment of district health management boards.8. Functions of board.9. Appointment and duties of officers.10. Functions of Medical Department.11. Power to direct inquiries.12. Powers of persons directed to make inquiries.13. General duties of health authorities.14. Proceedings on complaint to board of municipal councils.15. Minister to be consulted over municipal council by-laws.16. Provisions of Act in relation to other Acts.PART III – NOTIFICATION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES17. Application of Part.18. Notification of infectious diseases.19. Fees for certificates.20. Manner of sending notices and certificates.PART IV – PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASESA—General Provisions21. Inspection of infected premises and examination of persons suspected to be sufferingfrom infectious disease.22. Health authority to cause premises to be cleansed and disinfected.23. Destruction of infected bedding, etc.24. Provision of means of disinfection.25. Provision of conveyance for infected persons.26. Removal to hospital of infected persons.27. Isolation of persons who have been exposed to infection.28. Penalty for exposure of infected persons and things.[Issue 1] P48 - 3CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public HealthSection29. Penalty for failing to provide for disinfection of public conveyance.30. Penalty for letting infected house.31. Duty of person letting house lately infected to give true information.B—Hospitals32. Power of municipal council to provide hospital.33. Recovery of cost of maintaining patient in hospital.34. Power to provide temporary supply of medicine.C—Special Provisions Regarding Formidable Epidemic, Endemic orInfectious Diseases35. Formidable epidemic, endemic or infectious diseases.36. Rules for prevention of disease.37. Health authority to see to execution of rules.38. Power of entry.39. Repealed.40. Notification of sickness or mortality in animals suspected of plague.41. Medical officers of health to report notification of formidable epidemic diseases bytelegraph.42. Director of Medical Services may requisition buildings, equipment, etc.PART V – VENEREAL DISEASES43. Venereal diseases.44. Persons suffering from venereal disease to have themselves treated until cured.45. Duties of medical practitioners.46. Duties of parents or guardians of infected children.47. Infection by employees.48. Duties of medical officers of health and district surgeons to report, and powers ofmagistrates.49. Conveyance of infection an offence.50. Detention in hospital of infected person.51. Medical examination of inhabitants of localities where venereal disease believedprevalent.52. Examination of females.53. Rights of persons detained in hospital.54. Secrecy of proceedings.55. Publication of advertisements of cures.PART VI – PORTS AND INLAND BORDERS OF KENYA56. Interpretation of Part.57. Application of Act as regards vessels.58. No communication between vessels and shore before granting of pratique.59. Notification of infectious disease or death on board of vessel.60. Powers of port health officer.61. Notification to medical officers of health at ports.62. Granting of restricted or conditional pratique to and quarantining of vessels.63. Declaration of infected places, ports of entry, etc.64. Master of vessel from proclaimed place to take precautionary measures.[Issue 1]P48 - 4CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public HealthSection65. Removal of quarantined vessels.66. Master of vessel may decline to submit to quarantine or removal.67. Removal of patient from vessel and treatment on shore.68. Surveillance or isolation of persons who have been exposed to infection.69. Burial of the bodies of persons dying on board of vessel.70. Clearance papers may be withheld from vessels pending inquiry into offence.71. Powers to enforce precautions at frontiers.72. Agreements with either governments regarding reciprocal notification of outbreaks.73. Rules concerning port health matters.74. Orders, rules and penalties under Part.75. Protection of Government.PART VII – LEPROSY76. Interpretation of Part.77. Establishment of leper asylums.78. Duty to notify suspected case of leprosy within specified area.79. Magistrate to isolate suspect on notification.80. Magistrate to arrange for medical examination.81. Discharge of suspect if not affected.82. Interim reception order in doubtful case.83. Interim reception order and reports to be sent to Minister.84. Voluntary submission to treatment of persons affected with leprosy.85. Where Minister satisfied that person detained under interim reception order isaffected with leprosy.86. Where Minister not satisfied that person detained under interim reception order isaffected with leprosy.87. Minister may order discharge from asylum at any time.88. Appointment of superintendent of asylum.89. Duties of superintendents.90. Intercourse of persons detained in asylums.91. Suspects and detained lepers deemed to be in lawful custody.92. Visiting of persons detained.93. Cost of erection and maintenance of asylum to be defrayed out of public funds.94. Superintendent may recover certain sums from inmates and allow private building.95. Court may appoint manager of detained persons.96. Cleansing and disinfecting of residence of persons isolated.97. Photographing of persons confined in asylums.98. Penalties for contravention of Part.99. Rules under Part.100. Examination and report of one medical practitioner to suffice temporarily where twonot available.101. Police officer to execute orders under Act.102. Private asylums.[Issue 1] P48 - 5CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public HealthPART VIII – PREVENTION OF THE SPREAD OF SMALLPOXSection103. Interpretation of Part.104. Vaccination of children.105. Vaccination of persons entering Kenya.106. Emergency vaccination of population in area threatened with smallpox.107. Person unfit for vaccination.108. Person insusceptible of successful vaccination.109. Certificate to be given for successful vaccination.110. No fee to be charged by public vaccinator, and certificate to contain description ofperson vaccinated.111. Vaccination of inmates of institutions.112. School children to be vaccinated.113. Prohibited methods of inoculation.114. Rules.PART IX – SANITATION AND HOUSING115. Nuisances prohibited.116. Local authorities to maintain cleanliness and prevent nuisances.117. Health authorities to prevent or remedy danger to health from unsuitable dwellings.118. What constitutes nuisance.119. Notice to remove nuisance.120. Procedure if owner fails to comply with notice.121. Penalty respecting nuisances.122. Court may order health authority to execute works in certain cases.123. Examination of premises.124. Demolition of unfit dwellings.125. Duty of department as to overcrowding, etc.126. Rules under Part.126A. By-laws as to buildings and sanitation.126B. Power to relax requirements of building by-laws.126C. Passing or rejection of plans and retention of plans, etc.126D. Power to require removal or alteration of work in certain cases.PART X – PROTECTION OF FOODSTUFFS127. Construction and regulation of buildings used for storage of foodstuffs.128. Prohibition of residing or sleeping in kitchens or food stores.PART XI – PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES, MEAT, MILK AND OTHERARTICLES OF FOOD129. Duty of local authority as to protection of water supplies.130. Rules for protection of water supplies.131. Sale of unwholesome food prohibited.132. Seizure of unwholesome foods.133. Penalty respecting unwholesome food.[Issue 1]P48 - 6CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public HealthSection134. Rules for protection of food.135. Orders for protection of food.135A. Powers of certain municipal councils respecting milk, etc.PART XII – PREVENTION AND DESTRUCTION OF MOSQUITOES136. Breeding places of mosquitoes to be nuisances.137. Yards to be kept free from bottles, whole or broken, etc.138. Premises not to be overgrown.139. Wells, etc., to be covered.140. Cesspits to be screened.141. Gutters may be required to be perforated.142. Larvae, etc., may be destroyed.143. Mere presence of mosquito larvae an offence.PART XIII – CEMETERIES144. Dead to be buried in appointed cemeteries.145. Authorized cemeteries.146. Permit to exhume.147. Exhumation needed for execution of public works may be ordered.148. Record of permits and orders for exhumation.149. Closing of cemeteries.150. Reimbursement of expenses to the board.PART XIV – GENERAL151. Basements not to be occupied without permission.152. Regulation of lodging-houses.153. Regulation of nursing homes, etc.154. Markets.155. Board may apply for additional public latrines on unleased public land.156. Regulation of public washermen.157. Control of irrigated land, and rules for the regulation of standing or running water.158. Supervision of importation or manufacture of vaccines, etc.PART XV – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS159. Notices, etc., may be printed or written.160. Service of notices, etc.161. Power and duties of officers of department.162. Defect in form not to invalidate notices, etc.163. Powers of entry and inspection of premises and penalties for obstruction.164. Penalty where not expressly provided.165. Liability of secretary or manager of company.166. Proceedings against several persons.167. Prosecutions.[Issue 1] P48 - 7CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public HealthSection168. Power of municipal council outside its area.168A. Power of municipal councils respecting mosquitoes, flies, etc.169. General power to make rules.SCHEDULE[Issue 1]P48 - 8CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public HealthCHAPTER 242PUBLIC HEALTH ACT[Date of Commencement: 6th September, 1921.]An Act of Parliament to make provision for securing and maintaining health[Act No. 38 of 1921, Cap. 130 of (1948), Act No. 39 of 1956, L.N. 187/1956, L.N.188/1956, L.N. 172/1960, L.N. 173/1960, Act No. 28 of 1961, Act No. 36 of 1962,Act No. 44 of 1962, L.N. 142/1963, L.N. 256/1963, L.N. 2/1964, L.N. 365/1964,Act No. 21 of 1966, L.N. 41/1970, Act No. 14 of 1971, Act No. 16 of 1977, ActNo. 15 of 1990, Act No. 2 of 2002, Act No. 17 of 2006, Act No. 12 of 2012.]PART I – PRELIMINARY1. Short titleThis Act may be cited as the Public Health Act.2. InterpretationIn this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—“adult” means a person of eighteen years of age or over;“approved” and “prescribed” means respectively approved or prescribedby the Minister or the board or by the appointed officers or by the regulationsframed under this Act as the case may be;“basement” means any cellar, vault or underground room;“board” means the Central Board of Health constituted under section 3;“building” includes any structure whatsoever for whatever purpose used;“burial” means burial in earth, interment or any other form of sepulture, orthe cremation or any other mode of disposal of a dead body, and “buried” hasa corresponding meaning;“child” means a person under eighteen years of age;“commercial area” means any area in any municipality, township or districtwhich the Minister may, by order, define;“dairy” means any farmhouse, cow-shed, milk-shop, milk-store or otherplace from which milk is supplied on, or for, sale, or in which milk is kept or usedfor purposes of sale or in which only surplus milk is manufactured into butteror cheese, or in which vessels used for the sale of milk are kept, but does notinclude premises from which milk is not supplied otherwise than in receptacleswhich are properly closed and sealed on delivery to the premises and whichremain properly closed and sealed during the whole time from their delivery tothe premises until their removal by the purchaser;“dairyman” includes any cow-keeper, purveyor of milk or occupier of a dairy,and, in cases where a dairy is owned by a corporation or company, the secretaryor other person actually managing the dairy;“drain” means any drain used for the drainage of one building only, or ofpremises within the same curtilage and made merely for the purpose of[Issue 1] P48 - 9CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Healthcommunicating therefrom with a cesspool or other like receptacle fordrainage, or with a sewer into which the drainage of two or more buildings orpremises occupied by different persons is conveyed;“drainage authority” means the Ministry of Works or any other authoritythat the Minister may appoint for any particular area;“dwelling” means any house, room, shed, hut, cave, tent, vehicle, vesselor boat or any other structure or place whatsoever, any portion whereof is usedby any human being for sleeping or in which any human being dwells;“factory” means any building or part of a building in which machinery isworked by steam, water, electricity or other mechanical power, for the purposesof trade;“food” means any article used for food or drink other than drugs or water,and any article intended to enter into or be used in the preparation of such food,and flavouring matters and condiments;“guardian” means any person having by reason of the death, illness,absence or inability of the parent or any other cause the custody of a child;“health authority”, in relation to the area of a municipality, means themunicipal council of the municipality concerned, and, in relation to any otherarea, means the Minister;“infected” means suffering from, or in the incubation stage of, orcontaminated with the infection of, any infectious or communicable disease;“infectious disease” means any disease (not including any venerealdisease except gonorrhoeal ophthalmia) which can be communicated directlyor indirectly by any person suffering therefrom to any other person;“isolation” means the segregation and the separation from and interdictionof communication with others, of persons who are or are suspected of beinginfected; “isolated” has a corresponding meaning;“keeper of a lodging-house” means any person licensed to keep a lodging-house;“land” includes any right over or in respect of immovable property;“latrine” includes privy, urinal, earth-closet and water-closet;“lodging-house” means a building or part of a house including the verandathereof, if any, which is let or sublet in lodgings or otherwise, either by storeys,by flats, by rooms or by portions of rooms;“magistrate” means any magistrate empowered to hold a subordinate courtof the first, second or third class;“meat inspector” means any person employed by a health authority toinspect any meat;“medical officer of health” means—(a) the Director of Medical Services; and(b) in relation to the area of any municipality, the duly appointedmedical officer of health of the municipality including a publicofficer seconded by the Government to hold such office; and[Issue 1]P48 - 10CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health(c) in relation to any other area a medical officer of health appointedby the Minister for that area;“medical observation” means the segregation and detention of personsunder medical supervision;“medical surveillance” means the keeping of a person under medicalsupervision; persons under such surveillance may be required by the medicalofficer of health or any duly authorized officer to remain within a specified areaor to attend for medical examination at specified places and times;“the Minister” means the Minister for the time being responsible for mattersrelating to Health;“occupier” includes any person in actual occupation of land or premiseswithout regard to the title under which he occupies and in case of premisessubdivided and let to lodgers or various tenants the person receiving the rentpayable by the lodgers or tenants whether on his own account or as an agentfor any person entitled thereto or interested therein;“offensive trade” includes the trades of blood-boiler, bone-boiler, fell-monger, soap-boiler, tallow-melter and tripe-boiler, and any other noxious oroffensive trade, business or manufacture whatsoever;“this Act” includes any rules or order made thereunder;“owner”, as regards immovable property, includes any person, other thanthe Government, receiving the rent or profits of any lands or premises from anytenant or occupier thereof or who would receive such rent or profits if such landor premises were let whether on his own account or as agent for any person,other than the Government, entitled thereto or interested therein; the termincludes any lessee or licensee from the Government and any superintendent,overseer or manager of such lessee or licensee residing on the holding;“parent” means the father and the mother of a child, whether legitimate ornot;“premises” includes any building or tent together with the land on whichthe same is situated and the adjoining land used in connexion therewith, andincludes any vehicle, conveyance or vessel;“public building” means a building used or constructed or adapted to beused either ordinarily or occasionally as a place of public worship or as ahospital, college, school, theatre, public hall or as a public place of assemblyfor persons admitted by ticket or otherwise, or used or adapted to be used forany other public purpose;“public latrine” means any latrine to which the public are admitted onpayment or otherwise;“rules” includes regulations and by-laws made or deemed to be made underthis Act;“slaughterhouse” means any premises set aside for the purpose of theslaughter of animals for human consumption;“stock” means all domesticated animals of which the flesh or milk is usedfor human consumption;[Issue 1] P48 - 11CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health“street” means any highway, road or sanitary lane, or strip of land reservedfor a highway, road or sanitary lane, and includes any bridge, footway, square,court, alley or passage whether a thoroughfare or not, or a part of one;“trade premises” means any premises (other than a factory) used orintended to be used for carrying on any trade or business;“veranda” includes any stage, platform or portico projecting from the mainwall of any building;“veterinary officer” means a veterinary surgeon in the employment of theGovernment;“workshop” means any building or part of a building in which manual labouris exercised for purposes of trade.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch., ActNo. 28 of 1961, Sch., Act No. 36 of 1962, Sch.,L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., Act No. 21 of 1966, First Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]PART II – ADMINISTRATION3. Central Board of Health(1) There shall be established a Central Board of Health (hereinafter referredto as the board), having its seat at Nairobi, which shall consist of the Director ofMedical Services (who shall be chairman), a sanitary engineer, or such personas may be appointed by the Minister to perform the duties of sanitary engineer,a secretary, and such other person or persons not exceeding six (three of whomshall be medical practitioners) as are appointed from time to time by the Minister.(2) In the absence of the Director of Medical Services the board shall elect achairman from the members present.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.]4. Appointments to be gazettedThe names of all members appointed to the board shall be forthwith notifiedin the Gazette and any number of the Gazette containing a notice of any suchappointment shall be deemed sufficient evidence thereof for all purposes.5. Filling vacanciesThe Minister shall, as soon as possible, fill up vacancies occurring in the board,but the board shall continue to exercise its powers as long as there shall remain onthe board at least five members of whom the Director of Medical Services is one.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.]6. Substitute membersIf any member of the board is at any time prevented by absence or other causefrom acting, the Minister may appoint some other person to replace such memberuntil he returns or is able to resume his functions.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.][Issue 1]P48 - 12CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health7. Rules as to meetings of board, etc.The Minister may make rules as to the convening and holding meetings of theboard, the quorum thereof, the procedure thereat, allowances payable to membersthereof and the circumstances in which any member shall vacate his membership.[L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch.]7A. CommitteesThe board may appoint committees, whether of its own members or otherwise,to carry out general or specific functions as may be specified by the board andmay delegate to any such committee such of its powers as the board may deemappropriate.[Act No. 15 of 1990, s. 2.]7B. Establishment of district health management boards(1) There shall be established a district health management board in eachdistrict which shall be charged with responsibility of overseeing the running ofGovernment health institutions in that district.(2) The Minister may make rules as to the composition of the district healthmanagement boards, the convening and holding of meetings of the boards, theprocedure thereat, allowances payable to members thereof and the circumstancesin which any member shall vacate his membership.[Act No. 15 of 1990, s. 2.]8. Functions of boardThe functions of the board shall be to advise the Minister upon all mattersaffecting the public health, and particularly upon all matters mentioned insubsection (2) of section 10.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch., L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch.]9. Appointment and duties of officers(1) There shall from time to time be appointed a Director of Medical Services,a Deputy Director of Medical Services, assistant directors of medical services,medical officers of health, assistant medical officers of health, medical officers,pathologists, health inspectors, port health officers and such other officers as maybe deemed necessary.(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), any municipal council may, with theapproval of the Minister, and shall if so directed by the Minister for the time beingresponsible for Local Government with the approval of the Minister, appoint for itsarea a medical officer of health and such deputy and assistant medical officers ofhealth and such health inspectors as it may deem necessary.(3) The Minister, in consultation with the Minister for the time being responsiblefor Local Government, may prescribe the qualifications to be held by, the modeand terms of engagement of, and the duties to be performed by, all or any of theofficers and inspectors referred to in subsection (1).(4) Every medical officer and every medical officer of health appointed underthis section shall be a medical practitioner.[Issue 1] P48 - 13CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health(5) The officers appointed under this section shall carry out such duties inrelation to public health as the Director of Medical Services may respectively assignto them.(6) The Director of Medical Services or Deputy Director of Medical Servicesor any assistant director of medical services, medical officer of health, assistantmedical officer of health, port health officer or health inspector acting on hisauthority and behalf shall also make any necessary inquiries and inspections inregard to or advise local authorities on any matter incidental to public health.[Act No. 44 of 1962, Sch., L.N. 365/1964, Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]10. Functions of Medical Department(1) There shall be a department, to be known as the Medical Department, whichshall be under the control of the Director of Medical Services.(2) The functions of the Medical Department shall be, subject to the provisionsof this Act, to prevent and guard against the introduction of infectious disease intoKenya from outside; to promote the public health and the prevention, limitationor suppression of infectious, communicable or preventable disease within Kenya;to advise and direct local authorities in regard to matters affecting the publichealth; to promote or carry out researches and investigations in connexion withthe prevention or treatment of human diseases; to prepare and publish reports andstatistical or other information relative to the public health; and generally to carryout in accordance with directions the powers and duties in relation to the publichealth conferred or imposed by this Act.(3) It shall be the duty of the department to obtain and publish periodicallysuch information regarding infectious disease and other health matter in Kenya,and such procurable information regarding epidemic disease in territories adjacentto Kenya or in other countries, as the interests of the public health may require.11. Power to direct inquiriesThe Minister may, on the advice of the board or of the Medical Department,cause to be made such inquiries as he may see fit in relation to any mattersconcerning the public health in any place.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]12. Powers of persons directed to make inquiriesWhen an inquiry is directed to be made by the Minister, the person directed tomake the same shall have free access to all books, plans, maps, documents andother things relevant to the inquiry, and shall have in relation to witnesses and theirexamination and the production of documents similar powers to those conferredupon magistrates by the Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 75), and may enter andinspect any building, premises or place the entry or inspection whereof appears tohim requisite for the purpose of such inquiry.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]13. General duties of health authoritiesIt shall be the duty of every health authority to take all lawful, necessary and,under its special circumstances, reasonably practicable measures for preventingthe occurrence or dealing with any outbreak or prevalence of any infectious,[Issue 1]P48 - 14CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Healthcommunicable or preventable disease, to safeguard and promote the public healthand to exercise the powers and perform the duties in respect of the public healthconferred or imposed on it by this Act or by any other law.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]14. Proceedings on complaint to board of municipal councils(1) Whenever complaint is made to the board that the public health in anylocality is endangered by the failure or refusal on the part of any municipal councilto exercise its powers or perform the duties devolving upon it under this Act or anyother Act which it is its duty to enforce, the Minister on the recommendation of theboard, if satisfied after due inquiry that the municipal council has been guilty of thealleged default, may make an order directing the municipal council to perform itsduty in the matter of such complaint, and prescribing a time for such performance.(2) If the duty is not performed within the time prescribed in the order, theMinister may appoint some person to perform the duty, and shall by order directthat the expense of performing the same, together with a reasonable remunerationto the person appointed for superintending such performance, and amounting toa sum specified in the order, shall be paid by the municipal council in default, andany order made for the payment of such expenses and costs may be recoveredin a court of competent jurisdiction.(3) Any person appointed under this section to perform the duty of a defaultingmunicipal council shall, in the performance and for the purposes of that duty, haveall the powers of such municipal council, other than the powers of levying ratesvested in any municipal council pursuant to the provision of any Act in that behalf;and the Minister may from time to time by order change any person so appointed.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch., Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch., L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch.,L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]15. Minister to be consulted over municipal council by-lawsThe Minister for the time being responsible for Local Government shall, beforeapproving any by-law made by a municipal council affecting public health, obtainthe agreement of the Minister for the time being responsible for Health.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N 172/1960, Sch., L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]16. Provisions of Act in relation to other Acts(1) Except as is specially provided in this Act, the provisions of this Act shall bedeemed to be in addition to and not in substitution for any provisions of any otherAct which are not in conflict or inconsistent with this Act.(2) If the provisions of any earlier Act are in conflict or inconsistent with this Act,the provisions of this Act shall prevail.PART III – NOTIFICATION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES17. Application of Part(1) The provisions of this Act, unless otherwise expressed, shall, so far asthey concern notifiable infectious diseases, apply to smallpox, plague, cholera,scarlatina or scarlet fever, typhus fever, diphtheria or membranous croup, measles,whooping-cough, erysipelas, puerperal fever (including septicaemia,[Issue 1] P48 - 15CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Healthpyaemia, septic pelvic cellulitis or other serious septic condition occurring duringthe puerperal state), enteric or typhoid fever (including para-typhoid fever),epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis or cerebro-spinal fever, acute poliomyelitis,leprosy, anthrax, glanders, rabies, malta fever, sleeping sickness or humantrypanosomiasis, beri-beri, yaws and all forms of tuberculosis which are clinicallyrecognizable apart from reaction to the tuberculin test.(2) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette—(a) declare that any infectious disease other than those specified insubsection (1) shall be notifiable diseases under this Act;(b) declare that only such provisions of this Act as are mentioned in suchnotice shall apply to any notifiable infectious disease;(c) restrict the provisions of this Act, as regards the notification of anydisease, to any area defined in such notice.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]18. Notification of infectious diseases(1) Where an inmate of any building used for human habitation is sufferingfrom any notifiable infectious disease, unless such building is a hospital in whichpersons suffering from any notifiable infectious disease are received, the followingprovisions shall have effect—(a) the head of the family to which such inmate (in this Act referred toas the patient) belongs, and in his default the nearest relatives of thepatient present in the building or in their default the person in chargeof or in attendance on the patient, and in default of any such personthe occupier of the building, shall, as soon as he becomes aware thatthe patient is suffering from any notifiable infectious disease to whichthis Act applies, send notice thereof to the nearest medical officer ofhealth;(b) every medical practitioner attending on or called in to visit the patientshall forthwith on becoming aware that the patient is suffering fromany notifiable infectious disease to which this Act applies send thenearest medical officer of health a certificate stating the name ofthe patient, the situation of the building and the notifiable infectiousdisease from which, in the opinion of such medical practitioner, thepatient is suffering; and shall also inform the head of the householdor the occupier of the premises or any person in attendance on suchpatient of the infectious nature of the disease and the precautions tobe taken to prevent its conveyance to others;(c) in any case in which a medical practitioner has been called in, theobligation to notify an infectious disease shall rest on such medicalpractitioner only;(d) every medical practitioner who becomes aware, by post-mortemexamination or otherwise, that any person has died of a notifiableinfectious disease shall immediately furnish a written certificatethereof to the nearest medical officer of health, and shall also informthe head of the household or the occupier of the premises or any[Issue 1]P48 - 16CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health(2) Every person required by this section to give a notice or certificate and whofails to give the same shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceedingeighty shillings:Provided that if a person is not required to give notice in the first instance, butonly in default of some other person, he shall not be guilty of an offence if hesatisfies the court that he had reasonable cause to suppose that the notice hadbeen duly given.19. Fees for certificatesThe health authority shall pay to every medical practitioner, other than aGovernment medical officer, for each certificate duly sent by him in accordancewith this Act a fee of four shillings if the case occurs in his private practice.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]20. Manner of sending notices and certificatesA notice or certificate to be sent to a medical officer of health in pursuance ofthis Act may be sent by being delivered to the officer or being left at his office orresidence, or may be sent by post addressed to him at his office or his residence.PART IV – PREVENTION ANDSUPPRESSION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASESA—General Provisions21. Inspection of infected premises and examination of persons suspectedto be suffering from infectious diseaseA medical officer of health may at any time enter and inspect any premisesin which he has reason to believe that any person suffering or who has recentlysuffered from any infectious disease is or has recently been present, or any inmateof which has recently been exposed to the infection of any infectious disease,and may medically examine any person in such premises for the purpose ofascertaining whether such person is suffering or has recently suffered from anysuch disease.22. Health authority to cause premises to be cleansed and disinfected(1) Where any medical officer of health is of opinion that the cleansing anddisinfecting of any building or part thereof, and of any articles therein likely to retaininfection, would tend to prevent or check infectious disease, it shall be his dutyto give notice in writing to the owner or occupier of such building or part thereof,specifying the steps to be taken to cleanse and disinfect such building or partthereof and articles within a time specified in such notice.(2) If the person to whom notice is so given fails to comply therewith, he shallbe guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred shillings forevery day during which he continues to make default; and the health authority ormedical officer of health may cause such building or part thereof and articles to becleansed and disinfected, and may recover the expenses incurred from the owneror occupier in default as a civil debt recoverable summarily.[Issue 1] P48 - 17CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health(3) Where the owner or occupier of any such building or part thereof is frompoverty or otherwise unable, in the opinion of the health authority or the medicalofficer of health, effectually to carry out the requirements of this section, suchauthority may, without enforcing such requirements on such owner or occupier, withor without his consent, enter, cleanse and disinfect such building or part thereofand articles, and defray the expenses thereof.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]23. Destruction of infected bedding, etc.Any health authority may direct the destruction of any building, bedding, clothingor other articles which have been exposed to infection from any infectious disease,or in the opinion of the medical officer of health are infected, and may givecompensation for the same.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]24. Provision of means of disinfectionAny health authority may provide a proper place, with all necessary apparatusand attendance, for the disinfection of bedding, clothing or other articles whichhave become infected, and may cause any articles brought for disinfection to bedisinfected free of charge, and any such direction shall be sufficient authority fora medical officer of health or sanitary inspector or person authorized thereto todestroy the same.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]25. Provision of conveyance for infected personsAny health authority may provide and maintain a carriage or carriages suitablefor the conveyance of persons suffering from any infectious disease, and may paythe expenses of conveying therein any person so suffering to a hospital or otherplace of destination.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]26. Removal to hospital of infected personsWhere, in the opinion of the medical officer of health, any person certified by amedical practitioner to be suffering from an infectious disease is not accommodatedor is not being treated or nursed in such manner as adequately to guard againstthe spread of the disease, such person may, on the order of the medical officerof health, be removed to a hospital or temporary place which in the opinion ofthe medical officer of health is suitable for the reception of the infectious sick andthere detained until such medical officer of health or any medical practitioner dulyauthorized thereto by the local authority is satisfied that he is free from infection orcan be discharged without danger to the public health.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]27. Isolation of persons who have been exposed to infectionWhere, in the opinion of the medical officer of health, any person has recentlybeen exposed to the infection, and may be in the incubation stage, of any notifiableinfectious disease and is not accommodated in such manner as adequately toguard against the spread of the disease, such person may, on a certificate signedby the medical officer of health, be removed, by order of a magistrate and at thecost of the local authority of the district where such person[Issue 1]P48 - 18CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Healthis found, to a place of isolation and there detained until, in the opinion of the medicalofficer of health, he is free from infection or able to be discharged without dangerto the public health, or until the magistrate cancels the order.28. Penalty for exposure of infected persons and thingsAny person who—(a) while suffering from any infectious disease, wilfully exposes himselfwithout proper precautions against spreading the said disease in anystreet, public place, shop, inn or public conveyance, or enters anypublic conveyance without previously notifying the owner, conductoror driver thereof that he is so suffering; or(b) being in charge of any person so suffering, so exposes such sufferer;or(c) gives, lends, sells, transmits or exposes, without previous disinfection,any bedding, clothing, rags or other things which have been exposedto infection from any such disease,shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding thirty thousandshillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both; and aperson who, while suffering from any such disease, enters any public conveyancewithout previously notifying the owner or driver that he is so suffering shall inaddition be ordered by the court to pay such owner and driver the amount of anyloss and expenses they may incur in carrying into effect the provisions of this Actwith respect to disinfection of the conveyance:Provided that no proceedings under this section shall be taken against personstransmitting with proper precautions any bedding, clothing, rags or other things forthe purpose of having the same disinfected.[Act No. 2 of 2002, Sch.]29. Penalty for failing to provide for disinfection of public conveyanceEvery owner or driver of a conveyance shall immediately provide for thedisinfection of such conveyance after it has to his knowledge conveyed any personsuffering from an infectious disease; and if he fails to do so he shall be guilty ofan offence and liable to a fine not exceeding forty thousand shillings; but no suchowner or driver shall be required to convey any persons so suffering until he hasbeen paid a sum sufficient to cover any loss or expenses incurred by him in carryinginto effect the provisions of this section.[Act No. 2 of 2002, Sch.]30. Penalty for letting infected house(1) Any person who knowingly lets for hire any dwelling or premises orpart thereof in which any person has been suffering from an infectious diseasewithout having the same and all articles therein liable to retain infection efficientlydisinfected to the satisfaction of a medical officer of health as testified by acertificate signed by him shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine notexceeding eighty thousand shillings.(2) This section shall apply to any owner or keeper of an hotel or boarding-house who lets any room or part thereof to any person.[Act No. 2 of 2002, Sch.][Issue 1] P48 - 19CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health31. Duty of person letting house lately infected to give true informationAny person letting for hire or showing for the purpose of letting for hire anydwelling or premises or part thereof who, on being questioned by any personnegotiating for the hire of such house as to the fact of there being or within six weekspreviously having been therein any person suffering from any infectious disease,knowingly makes a false answer to such question shall be guilty of an offence andliable to a fine not exceeding one thousand shillings.B—Hospitals32. Power of municipal council to provide hospital(1) Any municipal council with the sanction of the board may provide for theuse of the inhabitants of its area hospitals or temporary places for the reception ofthe sick, and for that purpose may—(a) themselves build such hospitals or places of reception; or(b) contract for the use of any such hospital or part of a hospital or placeof reception; or(c) enter into any agreement with any person having the management ofany hospital, for the reception of the sick inhabitants of their area, onpayment of such annual or other sum as may be agreed on.(2) Deleted by L.N. 41/1970, Sch.[L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]33. Recovery of cost of maintaining patient in hospitalAny expenses incurred by a municipal council in maintaining in a hospital, or ina temporary place for the reception of the sick (whether or not belonging to suchhospital), a patient who is not a pauper shall be deemed to be a debt due from suchpatient to the municipal council, and may be recovered from him after his dischargefrom such hospital or place of reception, or from his estate in the event of his dyingin such hospital or place.[L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]34. Power to provide temporary supply of medicineAny municipal council may, with the sanction of the board, themselves provideor contract with any person to provide a temporary supply of medicine and medicalassistance for the poorer inhabitants of their district, but may at their discretioncharge for the same.[L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]C—Special Provisions Regarding FormidableEpidemic, Endemic or Infectious Diseases35. Formidable epidemic, endemic or infectious diseasesThe provisions of this Act, unless otherwise expressed, in so far as they concernformidable epidemic, endemic or infectious disease, shall be deemed to applyto smallpox, plague, Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, sleeping sickness or humantrypanosomiasis and any other disease which the Minister may, by order, declareto be a formidable epidemic disease for the purpose of this Act.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.][Issue 1]P48 - 20CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health36. Rules for prevention of diseaseWhenever any part of Kenya appears to be threatened by any formidableepidemic, endemic or infectious disease, the Minister may make rules for all or anyof the following purposes, namely—(a) the speedy interment of the dead;(b) house to house visitation;(c) the provision of medical aid and accommodation, the promotionof cleansing, ventilation and disinfection and guarding against thespread of disease;(d) preventing any person from leaving any infected area withoutundergoing all or any of the following, namely, medical examination,disinfection, inoculation, vaccination or revaccination and passing aspecified period in an observation camp or station;(e) the formation of hospitals and observation camps or stations, andplacing therein persons who are suffering from or have been in contactwith persons suffering from infectious disease;(f) the destruction or disinfection of buildings, furniture, goods or otherarticles, which have been used by persons suffering from infectiousdisease, or which are likely to spread the infection;(g) the removal of persons who are suffering from an infectious diseaseand persons who have been in contact with such persons;(h) the removal of corpses;(i) the destruction of rats, the means and precautions to be taken onshore or on board vessels for preventing them passing from vesselsto the shore or from the shore to vessels, and the better prevention ofthe danger of spreading infection by rats;(j) the regulation of hospitals used for the reception of persons sufferingfrom an infectious disease and of observation camps and stations;(k) the removal and disinfection of articles which have been exposed toinfection;(l) prohibiting any person living in any building or using any building forany other purposes whatsoever, if in the opinion of the medical officerof health any such use is liable to cause the spread of any infectiousdisease; and any rule made under this paragraph may give the healthofficer or a medical officer of health power to prescribe the conditionson which such a building may be used;(m) any other purpose, whether of the same kind or nature as theforegoing or not, having for its object the prevention, control orsuppression of infectious diseases,and may by order declare all or any of the rules so made to be in force withinany area specified in the order, and such area shall be deemed an infected area,and to apply to any vessels, whether on inland waters or on arms or parts of thesea within the territorial jurisdiction of Kenya.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.][Issue 1] P48 - 21CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health37. Health authority to see to execution of rulesThe health authority of any area within which or part of which any rules madeunder section 36 of this Act are in force shall do and provide all such acts, mattersand things as may be necessary for mitigating any such disease, or aiding in theexecution of such rules, or for executing the same, as the case may require; andthe health authority or the medical officer of health may from time to time direct anyprosecution or legal proceedings for or in respect of the wilful violation or neglectof any such rules.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch., L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]38. Power of entryThe Director of Medical Services and his officers shall have power of entryon any premises or vessels for the purpose of executing or superintending theexecution of any rules made under section 36 of this Act.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]39. Deleted by L.N. 41/1970, Sch.40. Notification of sickness or mortality in animals suspected of plague(1) Every person who becomes aware of any unusual sickness or mortalityamong rats, mice, cats, dogs or other animals susceptible to plague or otherformidable epidemic diseases not due to poison or other obvious cause shallimmediately report the fact to the medical officer of health.(2) Any person who fails so to report shall be guilty of an offence.[L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]41. Medical officers of health to report notification of formidable epidemicdiseases by telegraphEvery medical officer of health shall immediately report to the Director of MedicalServices by telegraph or other expeditious means particulars of every notificationreceived by such medical officer of health of a case or suspected case of anyformidable epidemic disease, or of any unusual sickness or mortality in animalsmade under section 40 of this Act.[L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]42. Director of Medical Services may requisition buildings, equipment, etc.(1) Where an outbreak of any formidable epidemic disease exists or isthreatened, it shall be lawful for the Director of Medical Services to require anyperson owning or having charge of any land or any buildings or dwellings, notoccupied, or any person owning or having charge of tents, transport, bedding,hospital equipment, drugs, food or other appliances, materials or articles urgentlyrequired in connection with the outbreak, to hand over the use of any such land orbuilding or to supply or make available any such article, subject to the payment ofa reasonable amount as hire or purchase price.(2) Any person who, without reasonable cause, fails or refuses to comply withany such requirement shall be guilty of an offence.[Issue 1]P48 - 22CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public HealthPART V – VENEREAL DISEASES43. Venereal diseasesThe provisions of this Act, unless otherwise expressed, in so far as they concernvenereal diseases, shall be deemed to apply to syphilis, gonorrhoea, gonorrhoealophthalmia, soft chancre, venereal warts and venereal granuloma.44. Persons suffering from venereal disease to have themselves treated untilcured(1) Every person who knows or has reason to believe that he is suffering fromany venereal disease shall forthwith consult a medical practitioner with respectthereto, and shall place himself under treatment by that medical practitioner or bysome other medical practitioner, or shall attend for treatment at any hospital orother place available for the treatment of venereal diseases.(2) Every person undergoing treatment for any venereal disease as aforesaidshall, until cured or free from such disease in a communicable form, continue tosubmit himself to treatment at such intervals as may be prescribed by any suchmedical practitioner.(3) Any person who fails to comply with any provision of this section shall beguilty of an offence.45. Duties of medical practitionersEvery medical practitioner who attends or advises any patient in respect of anyvenereal disease from which the patient is suffering shall—(a) direct the attention of the patient to the infectious nature of the diseaseand to the penalties prescribed by this Act for infecting any otherperson with such disease;(b) warn the patient against contracting marriage unless and until hehas been cured of such disease or is free from such disease in acommunicable form; and(c) give to the patient such printed information relating to the treatmentof venereal disease and to the duties of persons suffering therefrom,as may be supplied to the medical practitioner by the MedicalDepartment.46. Duties of parents or guardians of infected children(1) Every parent or guardian of a child who knows or has reason to believethat such child is suffering from any venereal disease shall cause such child to betreated for such disease by a medical practitioner until such child is cured or freefrom such disease in a communicable form.(2) Every parent or guardian of any such child who fails or neglects to havethat child treated as aforesaid shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine notexceeding one thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding threemonths or to both.[Issue 1] P48 - 23CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health47. Infection by employees(1) Every person who, while suffering from any venereal disease in acommunicable form, accepts or continues in employment in or about any factory,shop, hotel, restaurant, house or other place in any capacity entailing the care ofchildren or the handling of food or food utensils intended for consumption or useby any other person shall be guilty of an offence, unless he proves that he did notknow or suspect, and had no reasonable means of knowing or suspecting, that hewas so suffering.(2) Every person shall be guilty of an offence who employs or continues toemploy any person suffering from any venereal disease in a communicable form if,by reason of such employment, such person is required or is permitted to have thecare of children orto handle any food or food utensils intended for consumption oruse by any person other than the person employed, unless the defendant provesthat he did not know or suspect, and had no reasonable means of knowing orsuspecting, that the person so employed by him was suffering from such disease.48. Duties of medical officers of health and district surgeons to report, andpowers of magistrates(1) It shall be the duty of every medical officer of health in his official capacityand of every Government medical officer and district surgeon who knows or hasreason to believe that any person is suffering from any venereal disease in acommunicable form and is not under treatment by a medical practitioner or isnot attending for medical treatment regularly and as prescribed by such medicalpractitioner to give notice to such person of the requirements of this Act in regardto attendance for treatment of persons suffering from venereal disease, and, ifthereafter such person does not comply with those requirements, to report thematter to the magistrate.(2) Upon receipt of any such report the magistrate shall make such furtherinquiry, or shall make such order or orders, or shall institute such proceedings, ashe may deem necessary for the proper enforcement of the provisions and for theattainment of the objects of this Part.(3) An order under this section may require the person named therein—(a) to furnish a certificate by a medical practitioner as to whether he is oris not suffering from a venereal disease in a communicable form; or(b) to attend at a specified time and place for examination by a medicalpractitioner named in the order; or(c) to attend regularly for medical treatment at times and at a placespecified in such order; or(d) to proceed or be removed to and to remain or be detained undertreatment in a special hospital or place of accommodation providedor established under this Part, either for a specified time or until curedor free from the disease in a communicable form.(4) Any person who fails to comply with any order made under this section, orwho escapes or attempts to escape from any hospital in which he has been orderedto remain or to be detained, shall be guilty of an offence.[Issue 1]P48 - 24CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health49. Conveyance of infection an offenceEvery person who wilfully or by culpable negligence infects any other personwith venereal disease or does or permits or suffers any act likely to lead to theinfection of any other person with any such disease shall be guilty of an offenceand liable to a fine not exceeding four thousand shillings or to imprisonment for aterm not exceeding six months or to both.50. Detention in hospital of infected person(1) Where any person sentenced to imprisonment under this Act or any otherlaw is suffering from a venereal disease in a communicable form, he may, by orderof the magistrate, be removed to a special hospital or place of accommodation,and be detained under treatment therein until the expiry of his sentence, and themagistrate, on the representation of the medical practitioner treating such person,and if satisfied that the public health cannot otherwise adequately be safeguardedand that such person when released is unlikely to undergo treatment by a medicalpractitioner for such disease, may order that he be detained in such hospital orplace either for a specified period after the expiry of his sentence or until he is curedor free from the disease in a communicable form.(2) Any person so detained in a hospital or other place of accommodation whoescapes or attempts to escape therefrom shall be guilty of an offence.51. Medical examination of inhabitants of localities where venereal diseasebelieved prevalent(1) Where the Minister on a report by a medical officer has reason to believethat a person is suffering from venereal disease, he may issue an order requiringthe examination by a medical practitioner of such person.(2) Any person who refuses to comply with such order or with any lawfulinstructions given thereunder or who obstructs any medical practitioner or otherduly authorized officer in the carrying out of such order shall be guilty of an offence.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.]52. Examination of femalesWhere any order is made under this Part requiring the medical examinationof any female and such female desires to be examined by a woman medicalpractitioner, such examination shall be made by a woman medical practitioner ifone is reasonably available.53. Rights of persons detained in hospital(1) Any person detained in hospital under this Part shall be entitled to arrange,at his own expense, for his examination by any medical practitioner, and a report ofsuch examination shall be furnished to the magistrate, who may thereupon causeto be made any further examination of such person which he may deem necessary.(2) No person shall be detained in hospital under this Part who is not, or is nolonger, suffering from a venereal disease in a communicable form.[Issue 1] P48 - 25CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health54. Secrecy of proceedings(1) Inquiries and proceedings before a magistrate or any court of law underthis Part shall be secret and conducted in camera, and the records thereof shall bekept in the manner and form prescribed by rule, subject to the provisions of section48 of this Act, anything to the contrary notwithstanding in any other law.(2) Any person publishing or divulging the name of any person dealt with underthis Part, or the nature, proceedings or contents of any report, certificate, documentor order in connexion therewith or any other matter coming to his knowledge inconnexion with anything arising under this Part to any unauthorized person, andany person who without lawful justification or excuse falsely alleges that any personis suffering or has suffered from venereal disease, shall be guilty of an offence.55. Publication of advertisements of cures(1) No person shall publish any advertisement or statement intended to promotethe sale of any medicine, appliance or article for the alleviation or cure of anyvenereal disease or disease affecting the generative organs or functions, or ofsexual impotence, or of any complaint or infirmity arising from or relating to sexualintercourse.(2) Any person who publishes any such advertisement or statement by printingit in any newspaper or exhibiting it to public view in any place or delivering oroffering or exhibiting it to any person in any street or public place or in any publicconveyance, or who sells, offers or shows it or sends it by post to any person, shallbe guilty of an offence.(3) For the purposes of this section, “advertisement” and “statement” includeany paper, document or book containing any such advertisement or statement, asthe case may be.(4) This section shall not apply to publications by the Medical Department orby any municipal council, public hospital or other public body in the discharge ofits lawful duties or by any society or person acting with the authority of the Ministerfirst obtained, or to any books, documents or papers published in good faith for theadvancement of medical science.(5) Deleted by Act No. 14 of 1971, Sch.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch., Act No. 14 of 1971, Sch.]PART VI – PORTS AND INLAND BORDERS OF KENYA56. Interpretation of PartFor the purposes of this Part—“master” in relation to any vessel means the person (other than a pilot)having at the time command or charge of that vessel;“oversea vessel” means a vessel other than one plying only between portsor places in Kenya;“port health officer” means any medical practitioner appointed by or actingas such under the authority and instructions of the Director of Medical Services.[Issue 1]P48 - 26CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health57. Application of Act as regards vesselsThe provisions of this Act as regards vessels, except where otherwise expresslystated, shall apply to every vessel of whatsoever kind anchoring off or arriving inany port or being elsewhere within territorial waters:Provided that the Minister may, subject to such conditions or limitations as maybe prescribed by him, exempt from any such provisions any warship of Kenya or ofany foreign country, or any vessel engaged solely in the coasting trade and plyingonly between ports of Kenya.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch., Act No. 21 of 1966, First Sch.]58. No communication between vessels and shore before granting ofpratique(1) Except in case of danger, no master of a vessel arriving at any port orplace in Kenya and no person on board thereof shall communicate or attempt tocommunicate with the shore or with any other vessel or any boat, and no personfrom the shore or from any other vessel or boat shall communicate with suchvessel, otherwise than by signal, until pratique has been granted to such vessel inaccordance with rules made under this Part:Provided that nothing in this subsection shall prevent any port officer, pilot orother duly authorized officer from coming alongside or boarding any such vessel.(2) No fee shall be payable in respect of the examination by the port healthofficer of, and the granting of pratique to, any vessel arriving at any port or placein Kenya.59. Notification of infectious disease or death on board of vessel(1) The provisions of this Act in respect of the notification of the occurrence ofcases of infectious disease in man, or of sickness or mortality in rodents or otheranimals susceptible to plague, shall apply to every vessel at any port or place inKenya, but, wherever it is therein required that notification be made to the healthauthority or medical officer of health, such notification shall be made to the porthealth officer.(2) No fee shall be payable to any ship surgeon or other medical officer of avessel or shipping company in respect of the notification of any case of infectiousdisease on board of any vessel.(3) For all purposes of this Act, every vessel shall be deemed to be a dwelling orpremises, and the master thereof shall be deemed to be the head of the householdor the owner or occupier of the premises.(4) It shall be the duty of the master to report to the port health officer the deathof any person who has died from any cause whatever on the vessel during thevoyage just completed, or while the vessel is in port, and also the cause of death.[L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]60. Powers of port health officer(1) The port health officer may at any time board any vessel and inspect anypart thereof or anything therein, and may medically examine any person on[Issue 1] P48 - 27CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Healthboard and require any such person to answer any question for the purpose ofascertaining whether or not infection exists or has recently existed on board.(2) Any person who refuses to allow any such officer to board any vessel or tomake any inspection or medical examination as aforesaid, or otherwise obstructsor hinders any such officer in the execution of his duty, or who fails or refuses to giveany information which he may lawfully be required to give, or who gives false ormisleading information to any such officer knowing it to be false or misleading, shallbe guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand shillings.61. Notification to medical officers of health at portsUpon the occurrence on any vessel of any case of or death from any notifiableinfectious disease, or of such other disease as the Minister may prescribe, or ofany sickness or mortality among rodents or other animals on any vessel or withinthe harbour area suspected to be due to any formidable epidemic disease, the porthealth officer shall forthwith inform the medical officer of health of the area in oradjoining which the port is situated of the occurrence and the measures taken orintended to be taken in connexion therewith.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch., L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]62. Granting of restricted or conditional pratique to and quarantining ofvesselsIn the case of any vessel having, or suspected on reasonable grounds of having,on board in any person, animal or thing the infection of any infectious disease, theport health officer, acting in accordance with instructions and with rules made underthis Part, may grant or continue pratique to such vessel subject to such conditionsor restrictions as may be deemed necessary, or, if he deems it necessary so to do,may withhold or withdraw pratique and place the vessel in quarantine:Provided that, when pratique restrictions are imposed or any vessel is placedin quarantine or when any person on board of or landed from any vessel iscompulsorily detained, isolated or removed, the port health officer shall immediatelyreport, by telegraph or other expeditious means, the action taken by him and thereasons therefor to the Director of Medical Services and the nearest medical officerof health.63. Declaration of infected places, ports of entry, etc.(1) The Minister may, by order—(a) declare that any place beyond or within Kenya is infected with aformidable epidemic disease or that a formidable epidemic diseaseis liable to be brought or carried from or through that place, andthereupon, and for so long as such order remains in force, that placeshall be a proclaimed place within the meaning of this Act;(b) declare any port in Kenya to be a first port of entry for all or forany particular class or description of overseas vessels coming froma proclaimed place, and require masters of such vessels bound forKenya to enter a port so declared before entering any other port ofKenya, except in case of danger or for other sufficient reason;[Issue 1]P48 - 28CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health(c) prohibit, restrict or regulate the immigration or importation into Kenyaof any person, animal, article or thing likely, in his opinion, to introduceany infectious disease, or impose restrictions or conditions as regardsthe examination, detention, disinfection or otherwise of any suchanimal, article or thing.(2) Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with an order made undersubsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding twothousand shillings.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]64. Master of vessel from proclaimed place to take precautionary measures(1) The master of any vessel bound for any port or place in Kenya which comesfrom or calls or touches at any proclaimed place shall, while his vessel is at thatplace and during the voyage to Kenya, take in respect of the vessel and her crew,passengers and cargo all such precautionary measures as may be prescribed bythe order.(2) Any master of a vessel failing so to do and thereafter entering any port ofKenya shall, unless he satisfies the court that he was unaware of the measuresrequired to be taken by him and that he took all reasonable means to ascertainwhether it was his duty to take any such measures, be guilty of an offence andliable to a fine not exceeding two thousand shillings.(3) Where a vessel has arrived from a proclaimed place and the prescribedprecautionary measures have not been taken, any measures considerednecessary by the port health officer, acting on the instructions of the Director ofMedical Services, may be carried out with respect to the vessel and her crew,passengers and cargo, at the expense of the owner of the vessel.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]65. Removal of quarantined vesselsWhere a vessel has been placed in quarantine at any port or place in Kenya, theMinister may, for the purpose of more effectually dealing with the infection on board,require the master thereof to remove such vessel, at his own risk and expense, toany other port or place within territorial waters.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.]66. Master of vessel may decline to submit to quarantine or removal(1) Where the master of a vessel has been informed by the port health officer orother duly authorized officer of the intention of placing that vessel in quarantine orof requiring him to move that vessel in quarantine to another port or place in Kenyaand where such master declines to submit to quarantine or refuses to remove thevessel as aforesaid, he shall immediately inform such officer accordingly and shallforthwith hoist the quarantine signal, as defined in rules made under this Part, onthe vessel and remove the vessel from the neighbourhood of any wharf or landingplace or any other vessel, and shall leave the port with all possible dispatch afternotifying the port health officer of the next intended port of call of the vessel.[Issue 1] P48 - 29CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health(2) Any vessel dealt with in the manner described in subsection (1) may, beforeleaving the port, take on board, subject to such precautions as may be prescribedby the port health or other duly authorized officer, any coal, water, provisions orstores.67. Removal of patient from vessel and treatment on shore(1) Where any person on board of any vessel is suffering from any infectiousor other disease and, in the opinion of the port health officer, is not accommodatedor is not being nursed or treated in such manner as to guard adequately againstthe spread of the disease or to promote recovery, the port health officer may causesuch person to be removed to a hospital or place of isolation on shore and thereaccommodated and treated for such period as may be considered necessary inthe interests of the patient or to prevent spread of infection.(2) All reasonable expenses necessarily incurred in dealing with a patient underthis section shall be a charge against the master or agent of the vessel, and maybe recovered from either or both of them by the Government.68. Surveillance or isolation of persons who have been exposed to infection(1) Where any person on board of any vessel is believed to have been recentlyexposed to the infection, and may be in the incubation stage of any notifiableinfectious disease, the port health officer may require such person to remain onboard such vessel, or alternatively to land and proceed direct to his place ofdestination and there report himself to the medical officer of health for medicalsurveillance by such medical officer of health until considered to be free frominfection.(2) Where in the opinion of the port health officer any such person cannototherwise be properly kept under medical surveillance or the public health cannotbe otherwise adequately safeguarded, such person may be removed to a place ofisolation on shore and there detained until considered free from infection.(3) The port health officer shall notify to the medical officer of health of thedistrict in or adjoining which the port is situated, and to the medical officer of healthof the district where such person’s place of destination is, the fact that such personis believed to have been recently exposed to infection and has been allowed toland and proceed to his destination.(4) Any person who refuses or fails to comply with, or wilfully obstructs theexecution of, any requirement lawfully made under this section shall be guilty of anoffence and liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand shillings or to imprisonmentfor a term not exceeding three months or to both.69. Burial of the bodies of persons dying on board of vesselWhere there is any dead body on board any vessel at any port or place inKenya, it shall be the duty of the master of such vessel to cause such body to beproperly buried; any reasonable and necessary expenses thereby incurred may berecovered by the master from any person legally liable for the same.[Issue 1]P48 - 30CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health70. Clearance papers may be withheld from vessels pending inquiry intooffenceWhenever the port health officer has reasonable grounds for believing that themaster of any vessel has committed an offence under this Act or fails or refusesto pay any charges lawfully made thereunder, the Commissioner of Customs andExcise or any officer authorized thereto by the Commissioner may, on the requestof the port health officer, withhold clearance papers from such vessel pending theinstitution of proceedings in any competent court:Provided that clearance papers shall not be withheld for more than thirty-sixhours (Sundays and public holidays excepted), unless such proceedings havebeen commenced before the expiry of that period.71. Powers to enforce precautions at frontiers(1) When it is considered necessary for the purpose of preventing theintroduction of infectious disease into Kenya, the Minister may, by order—(a) regulate, restrict or prohibit the entry into Kenya at its inland bordersor any part thereof or any persons, or of persons of any specified classor description or from any specified locality or area;(b) regulate, restrict or prohibit the introduction into Kenya at its inlandborders, or any specified part thereof, of any animal, article or thing;(c) impose requirements or conditions as regards the medicalexamination, detention, quarantine, disinfection, vaccination, isolationor medical surveillance or otherwise of persons entering, or theexamination, detention or disinfection or otherwise of such personsas aforesaid or of articles or things introduced into Kenya at its inlandborder or any part thereof;(d) apply with or without modifications any particular provisions of thisPart to persons, animals, articles or things entering or introduced intoor departing or removed from Kenya by means of aircraft.(2) Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with an order made undersubsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding onethousand shillings or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months orto both.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]72. Agreements with either governments regarding reciprocal notification ofoutbreaks(1) The Minister may enter into agreements with the Government of any foreigncountry, providing for the reciprocal notification of outbreaks of any formidableepidemic or other disease of any other matter affecting the public health relationsof Kenya with other countries.(2) The terms or a summary of every such agreement shall be notified in theGazette.[L.N. 365/1964, Sch., Act No. 21 of 1966, First Sch.][Issue 1] P48 - 31CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health73. Rules concerning port health mattersThe Minister may make rules—(a) prescribing the powers and duties of port health officers and theprocedure to be followed in the examination of, and the granting ofpratique to, vessels, and requiring every master of a vessel on arrivalat any port or place in Kenya to furnish a declaration of health inrespect of the existence or suspected existence on board, in anyperson, animal or thing, of any infectious disease, or any other diseasewhich the Minister may notify in the Gazette, prescribing the formof declaration, and empowering any port health officer or other dulyauthorized officer to require the master of any vessel to verify uponoath the statements in the declaration and to administer the necessaryoaths; such rules may prescribe modified requirements or procedurein respect of vessels arriving at a second or subsequent port of callin Kenya on the same voyage;(b) requiring the master of any vessel having or suspected of having onboard the infection of any infectious disease, or which has recentlytouched at any port or place which is a proclaimed place or is infectedwith any formidable epidemic disease or is situated near any placewhich is so infected, to furnish lists of passenger, crew or cargo, andprescribing the information to be given in any such list;(c) prescribing the measures which shall be taken by masters of vesselsto prevent the migration of rodents to or from vessels;(d) prescribing the measures which shall be taken for the disinfection of,or the destruction of rats, mice or insects in, vessels, the disposal ofbilge or other water on board, the cleansing of vessels, the provisionof a supply of pure water on board, and for preventing the pollutionof the water of the port with excreta and manure or any infective oroffensive matter;(e) as to the grant, refusal or withdrawal of pratique to vessels and thedetention in quarantine of vessels having or suspected of having onboard in any person, animal or thing, the infection of any infectiousdisease, or of persons suffering from, or who have recently beenexposed to the infection of, any such disease;(f) as to the prohibition or restriction of intercourse of persons on or fromthe land with vessels, where deemed necessary in order to preventthe spread of infectious disease;(g) requiring the disinfection of any article or thing contaminated, orbelieved to be contaminated, with the infection of any infectiousdisease, on board of or landed from any vessel, or, if such article orthing is of such a nature that it cannot be so disinfected, prohibitingthe landing or providing for the destruction thereof;(h) requiring the vaccination, before landing from any vessel, of anyperson who may have recently been exposed to the infection ofsmallpox and who does not produce evidence to the satisfaction ofthe port health officer of successful vaccination during the five yearsimmediately preceding;[Issue 1]P48 - 32CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health(i) appointing such sanitary anchorages as may be necessary for thepurposes of this Act:Provided that until other provisions are made the sanitary station atZanzibar shall be a sanitary station for the purposes of any rules madeor deemed to be made under this Act;(j) providing for the recovery from masters or owners or agents ofvessels of all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by theGovernment, or of charges in accordance with a prescribed tariff ofcharges, or for the furnishing by them of guarantees in respect of thepayment of such expenses or charges—(i) in dealing with any person who is on board or has recentlybeen landed and who is suffering, or suspected to be suffering,from any infectious disease or from any other disease whichthe Minister may notify in the Gazette;(ii) in connexion with the detention in quarantine of any vesselinfected with, or the isolation, accommodation, care andtreatment of any person suffering from, or who has beenexposed to the infection of, any infectious disease, and thedetention and repatriation of any such person if he is prohibitedfrom entering Kenya under any law relating to immigration;(iii) in eradicating the infection of any infectious disease in anyvessel, or in any article or thing on board of any vessel, or in anyarticle or thing which though landed therefrom, was infectedbefore it was landed;and the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, prescribe tariffs of charges whichshall be payable by masters or owners or agents of vessels in respect of any ofthe services aforesaid, but every such tariff, shall be fixed as nearly as may be onthe basis of average cost;(k) as to the departure from Kenya, whether by land or sea, of allpersons or of persons of any specified class or description, or ofpersons from any specified locality or place, and as to the restrictionsto be imposed on persons leaving Kenya, in relation to medicalexamination, disinfection or otherwise;(l) as to the exportation or removal from Kenya, whether by land or sea,of any article or thing considered likely to convey the infection ofany infectious disease, and the examination, detention, disinfectionor otherwise of any such article;(m) for securing and maintaining cleanliness and efficient sanitation andpreventing or remedying any nuisance or danger to health fromovercrowding or otherwise on board of any vessel or within any portor harbour;(n) as to the inspection of food on board vessels or at any port of Kenyaand the destruction or safe disposal of any diseased or unsound orunwholesome meat or food intended for human consumption, or ofany article of food or drink likely to convey any infectious disease, ifsuch article is on board any vessel or within any port or harbour, andproviding for the recovery of any expense incurred by the Governmentin so doing;[Issue 1] P48 - 33CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health(o) as to the disinfection of any second-hand clothing, bedding, rags orany similar article imported by sea, and the recovery from the ownerthereof or his agent of all expenses incurred by the Government inconnexion therewith,and generally for better carrying out the provisions and attaining the objects andpurposes of this Part.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch.]74. Orders, rules and penalties under Part(1) Any order or rule made under this Part may provide exemptions therefrom,may define the disease to which any particular provision shall apply and mayimpose duties in connexion therewith on masters or owners or agents of vesselsor on persons in charge of railway trains or of vehicles, or on employers of labour,labour recruiting agents or others.(2) Any person contravening any provision of this Part, or of any order orrule thereunder, shall be guilty of an offence and liable, save as hereinbefore andin subsection (3) provided, to a fine not exceeding one thousand shillings or toimprisonment without the option of a fine for a term not exceeding three monthsor to both.(3) If the master of a vessel contravenes any provision of this Act or any rulethereunder relating to pratique or quarantine, or makes any false statement or falseanswer to any question in any declaration of health, knowing the same to be false,he shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding four thousandshillings or to imprisonment without the option of a fine for a term not exceedingtwelve months or to both.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]75. Protection of GovernmentWherever under this Part powers are exercised by the Minister or other officerin accordance therewith and with the rules, and by reason of the exercise of suchpowers—(a) any vessel, person, article or thing is delayed or removed or detained;or(b) any article or thing is damaged or destroyed; or(c) any person is deprived of the use of any article or thing,the Government shall not be liable to pay compensation, provided due care andreasonable precautions have been taken to avoid unnecessary delay or damageor destruction.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]PART VII – LEPROSY76. Interpretation of PartFor the purposes of this Part—“asylum” means any building or collection of buildings erected andestablished under section 77 and used for the treatment or detention of personsaffected with leprosy, together with the land surrounding such buildings and setapart and defined under the said section for the occupation of such persons;[Issue 1]P48 - 34CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health“leprosy” means all forms of disease caused by the Bacillus leprae ofHansen;“specified area” means a local area specified in an order made by theMinister under section 77(3).[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch., L.N. 365/1964, Sch.]77. Establishment of leper asylums(1) It shall be lawful for the Minister to erect and establish from time to timeasylums for the detention of persons removed thereto under this Act, and forthe purpose of acquiring sites for the erection and establishment of asylums toappropriate and set apart any unalienated public land, and to order the fencing andenclosing of any land so appropriated and set apart.(2) The establishment of any asylum and boundaries of any land appropriatedand set apart for such purpose shall be notified and defined by notice in the Gazette.(3) For the purpose of preventing the spread of leprosy, the Minister may, byorder, direct that, from a date named therein until further order, all persons affectedwith leprosy found within any local area specified in such order shall be removedto and detained in an asylum.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch., L.N. 365/1964, Sch.]78. Duty to notify suspected case of leprosy within specified area(1) Whenever it comes to the knowledge of any person that some other personwithin a specified area outside an asylum and not exempted under section 102from the provisions of this Act is affected with or is suspected of being affected withleprosy, such first-named person shall forthwith report such fact or suspicion uponoath to a magistrate of the district in which he is residing.(2) Any person who neglects to act in accordance with subsection (1) shall beguilty of an offence.[L.N. 365/1964, Sch.]79. Magistrate to isolate suspect on notificationEvery magistrate to whom a report is made under section 78 shall issue an orderrequiring a police officer to take steps that the person mentioned in such report bedetained in a place of isolation in a manner prescribed by rules under this Act untilhe has been examined as in section 80 provided.80. Magistrate to arrange for medical examinationA magistrate who has issued such isolation order as aforesaid shall cause theperson to be examined as soon as possible by two medical practitioners, one ofwhom shall if possible be a medical officer, and obtain a report from them of suchexamination.81. Discharge of suspect if not affectedIf such medical practitioners aforesaid report that the person alleged to beaffected with leprosy is not so affected, the magistrate shall forthwith discharge himfrom detention in isolation.[Issue 1] P48 - 35CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health82. Interim reception order in doubtful case(1) If such medical practitioners aforesaid report that the person alleged to beaffected with leprosy is so affected, or that it is doubtful whether he is so affectedor not, the magistrate shall order him as in this section described to be removed toan asylum therein to be detained in accordance with the provisions of this Act.(2) Any such order as is in this section described shall be termed an interimreception order and shall be addressed to the superintendent of some asylum, andshall be delivered to a police officer, together with the report mentioned in section80.(3) An interim reception order shall authorize any police officer to conductthe person named therein to the asylum named in such order, and shall furtherauthorize the reception and detention of such person in such asylum until theMinister has transmitted to the superintendent of the asylum an order of furtherdetention or discharge as hereinafter provided.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]83. Interim reception order and reports to be sent to MinisterAny superintendent who has received any person into an asylum under aninterim reception order shall as soon thereafter as possible transmit to the Minister—(a) the interim reception order;(b) the reports of the medical practitioners mentioned in section 80.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]84. Voluntary submission to treatment of persons affected with leprosyIf any person within a specified area suspects that he is affected with leprosyand desires to submit himself to treatment therefor or to be placed in isolation inaccordance with this Act, he may for such purpose present himself to a magistrateof the district in which he is residing, and such magistrate shall thereupon, havingordered such person to be detained in isolation as in section 79 is provided, requiretwo medical practitioners (one of whom shall if possible be a medical officer) toexamine such person; and if such medical practitioners report that such person isnot affected with leprosy the provisions of section 81 of this Act shall apply in thecase of such person; and if such medical practitioners report that such person isaffected with leprosy or that it is doubtful whether such person is so affected or notthe provisions of section 82 and 83 shall apply to such case.[L.N. 365/1964, Sch.]85. Where Minister satisfied that person detained under interim receptionorder is affected with leprosy(1) Whenever the Minister is satisfied that any person detained under an interimreception order as aforesaid is affected with leprosy, he shall make and sign anorder (herein described as a detention order), which shall be addressed to thesuperintendent of some asylum.(2) A detention order shall authorize the detention in accordance with this Actof the person named therein, and shall be in force until cancelled by the Minister.[Issue 1]P48 - 36CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health(3) The medical officer appointed to an asylum shall, at least once a year, andmore often if so required by the Minister, transmit to the Minister a report as to thecondition of each person detained in the asylum, and if on consideration of suchreport the Minister considers further detention of any person unnecessary he maycancel the detention order and direct such person to be discharged.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]86. Where Minister not satisfied that person detained under interim receptionorder is affected with leprosy(1) Whenever the Minister is not satisfied that a person detained under aninterim reception order is affected with leprosy, he shall submit all medical reportstransmitted to him under this Act concerning such person to the Director ofMedical Services, and may direct any further medical examination he may considernecessary of such person.(2) If on consideration of the report of the Director of Medical Services or of thefurther medical examination (if any) he is satisfied that such person is affected withleprosy, he shall make and sign a detention order as in section 85 provided.(3) If on consideration of the report of the Director of Medical Services aforesaidor of the further medical examination (if any) he is not satisfied that a persondetained under an interim reception order is affected with leprosy, he shall transmitan order to the superintendent of the asylum in which such person is detaineddirecting his discharge therefrom.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]87. Minister may order discharge from asylum at any timeThe Minister may, notwithstanding anything in this Act contained, at any timeon sufficient reason to him appearing, issue an order to the superintendent of anyasylum directing the discharge of any person from detention therein or the removalof any person detained therein to another asylum for detention under this Act, or,with the consent of such person, to a private asylum which has been named in anotice issued by the Minister under subsection (1) of section 102.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]88. Appointment of superintendent of asylum(1) The Minister may appoint from time to time superintendents, who shallhave the direction and management of any asylum to which they are respectivelyappointed but shall in carrying out their powers and duties be subject to thesupervision and directions of the Director of Medical Services.(2) The Director of Medical Services may from time to time, subject to any rulesmade under this Act, appoint medical officers, attendants, guards and other officersto any asylums and remove such officers.[L.N. 365/1964, Sch.]89. Duties of superintendentsIt shall be the duty of every superintendent to inspect from time to time inaccordance with rules made hereunder the asylum to which he has been appointedand the persons detained therein, and to cause proper food and necessarycomforts to be supplied to such persons, and to cause the premises to[Issue 1] P48 - 37CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Healthbe properly and cleanly kept, and to perform such other duties and exercise suchpowers as may be imposed and conferred upon him by this Act or by any rulesmade thereunder.90. Intercourse of persons detained in asylums(1) No person shall be permitted to enter any asylum except in accordance withthe rules made in that behalf under this Act.(2) Except as in this Act provided and save as may be provided by anyrules made thereunder, no communication or intercourse shall be allowed betweenpersons detained in any asylum and any person not detained therein who is notan officer or attendant thereof.91. Suspects and detained lepers deemed to be in lawful custody(1) Every person placed in isolation or during the course of removal to or whiledetained in an asylum under this Act shall be deemed to be in lawful custody untildischarged therefrom under this Act, and while in such custody shall be subject tothe provisions of this Act any rules made thereunder.(2) Any person who escapes from such lawful custody may be pursued,arrested without warrant and taken back into custody by any person whomsoeverand wheresoever he may be found.92. Visiting of persons detainedEvery person detained in lawful custody under this Act shall be permitted toreceive visits from relatives, friends or legal advisers at such reasonable times andsubject to such restrictions as may be determined by rules made under this Act.93. Cost of erection and maintenance of asylum to be defrayed out of publicfundsThe cost of the erection, establishment and maintenance of asylums, of theremoval of persons thereto, of the maintenance of persons detained therein (savein so far as such cost of maintenance may be otherwise defrayed in accordancewith section 94, of the salaries and wages of superintendents, attendants or otherofficers of asylums and of the disinfecting and cleansing of the residence of personsisolated and the maintenance of such persons during the period of isolation) shallbe defrayed out of the moneys provided by Parliament.94. Superintendent may recover certain sums from inmates and allow privatebuildingIt shall be lawful, subject to the approval of the Minister, for the superintendentin the case of any inmate of an asylum under this Part to receive or recover fromsuch inmate the expense of his maintenance, and to allow such inmate or anyother person to erect for the inmate (or contract for the erection of) a building withinthe limits of an asylum, and such superintendent may for such purpose enter intoon behalf of the Government special agreements with such person or his lawfulrepresentative.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.][Issue 1]P48 - 38CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health95. Court may appoint manager of detained persons(1) The High Court may appoint a manager for the temporary or permanent careand administration of any property of a person removed to an asylum for detentionunder this Act, and Part XI of the Mental Treatment Act (Cap. 248) shall mutatismutandis apply for the purposes of such care and administration of the propertyof any such person.(2) It shall be lawful for the Director of Public Prosecutions to lay any reports ofevidence concerning the removal of a person for detention under this Act togetherwith evidence as to any property possessed by such person before the High Courtfor its consideration, and the High Court may upon consideration of such reportsand evidence appoint a manager for the care or custody of the property of any suchperson aforesaid, and, where it appears to the High Court desirable that temporaryprovision should be made for the maintenance or other necessary requirements ofsuch person or any member of his family out of any money or available securitiesbelonging to him in the hands of his bankers or of any other person, the High Courtmay authorize such banker or other person to pay to the manager such sums asmay be deemed necessary and may give directions as to the application thereoffor the benefit of such person aforesaid or for the relief of his family or any memberthereof.[Act No. 12 of 2012, Sch.]96. Cleansing and disinfecting of residence of persons isolatedWhenever any person has been placed in isolation by order of a magistrateunder section 79, the medical officer of health shall cause the residence of thatperson to be forthwith cleansed and disinfected.97. Photographing of persons confined in asylums(1) It shall be the duty of every person detained in an asylum under this Act tosubmit himself to be photographed from time to time as the superintendent shallthink fit.(2) Any such person who refuses to allow himself to be photographed asaforesaid, or obstructs any person entrusted with this duty in the execution of suchduty, shall be guilty of an offence, punishable, on receipt of a report alone, in suchmanner as the Minister shall by rule prescribe.(3) Any person who gives, supplies or exhibits any such photograph obtainedunder this section to any person to whom he is not expressly or by rule authorizedto give, supply or exhibit such photograph shall be guilty of an offence.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.]98. Penalties for contravention of PartAny person who is guilty of an offence under this Part shall be liable to a fine notexceeding fifteen thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceedingone year or to both.[Act No. 2 of 2002, Sch.][Issue 1] P48 - 39CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health99. Rules under PartThe Minister may make rules and prescribe the penalties for the breach thereofnot exceeding the penalties mentioned in section 98—(a) for the isolation, examination and removal to asylums of personaffected or suspected of being affected with leprosy;(b) for the appointment and duties of superintendents, medical officers,guards, attendants and other officers of asylums, and the removal ofsuch officers;(c) for the classification, treatment, instruction and employment ofpersons detained in asylums;(d) as to the rations and clothing of persons detained in asylums;(e) as to the intercourse of persons detained in an asylum with each otherand with persons not so detained, and generally for the discipline andgood order of persons so detained;(f) for the removal to and detention within an asylum of any personserving or sentenced to a term of imprisonment if certified by a medicalofficer to be affected with leprosy;(g) as to the setting apart of places within any asylum for the specialconfinement and punishment of persons convicted and sentencedduring detention or whilst employed in an asylum, or of persons whohave been convicted and sentenced for any offence by a court andremoved to an asylum under this Act;(h) for the appointment and duties of a visiting committee to any asylum,or otherwise providing for the visitation of asylums;(i) prescribing forms to be used for the purposes of this Part.[L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch.]100. Examination and report of one medical practitioner to sufficetemporarily where two not availableNotwithstanding anything in this Act contained, the examination and report ofone medical practitioner shall suffice for the purpose of an interim reception orderunder this Act, whenever undue delay or inconvenience would result in obtainingan examination and report by two medical practitioners:Provided that the results of an examination and the report of one medicalpractitioner shall be confirmed by another medical practitioner as soon as the samecan conveniently be obtained.101. Police officer to execute orders under ActIt shall be the duty of every police officer to execute any lawful order of theMinister or any magistrate issued under this Act, and any person resisting orobstructing any magistrate, medical practitioner or other person charged with aduty under this Act in the execution of the duty shall be guilty of an offence.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]102. Private asylums(1) If the Minister is satisfied that proper provision will be made for the care,comfort and custody of persons affected with leprosy, and for regulating[Issue 1]P48 - 40CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Healthintercourse between such persons and persons not so affected in any private leperasylum, he may by notice in the Gazette exempt from the provisions of this Act allpersons affected with leprosy if and so long as they remain within the private leperasylum specified in such notice.(2) The Minister may at any time, by notice in the Gazette, cancel any exemptionmade by him under subsection (1), either in respect of all the inmates of a privateleper asylum specified in such notice or in respect of such inmate or inmates asmay be specified in the notice.(3) A medical officer may at any time enter any private leper establishmentspecified in any notice under subsection (1), and inspect the same and examinethe inmates; and every such asylum shall be inspected and a report thereon sent tothe Minister by a medical practitioner appointed by the Director of Medical Servicesin that behalf, at least once in every six months.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]PART VIII – PREVENTION OF THE SPREAD OF SMALLPOX103. Interpretation of PartFor the purposes of this Part—“child” means a person who is under, or who appears to be under, fifteenyears of age;“public vaccinator” includes a public vaccinator appointed by the Directorof Medical Services and any person appointed by the Director of MedicalServices to assist or act for a public vaccinator, and includes any Governmentmedical officer, medical officer of health or district surgeon;“unprotected person” means a person, including a child, who has notbeen protected from smallpox by having had the disease, either naturally or byinoculation or by having been successfully vaccinated, and who has not beencertified under this Act to be insusceptible to vaccination.104. Vaccination of childrenThe parent or guardian of every child in Kenya shall, unless such child isinsusceptible or unfit or has suffered from smallpox, cause such child to besuccessfully vaccinated by a public vaccinator, or other medical practitioner, andthe parent or guardian of every such child shall procure one of the followingcertificates on the form prescribed, signed by the public vaccinator or other medicalpractitioner—(a) a certificate of successful vaccination;(b) a certificate of insusceptibility to vaccination;(c) a certificate of unfitness for vaccination;(d) a certificate that the child has suffered from smallpox.105. Vaccination of persons entering Kenya(1) Every unvaccinated adult person, or the parent or guardian of everyunvaccinated child, in or entering Kenya shall cause himself or such child to besuccessfully vaccinated within twelve months after entering Kenya.[Issue 1] P48 - 41CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health(2) The conditions and exceptions mentioned in section 104 shall mutatismutandis apply to any adult person or child described in this section.(3) A person shall be deemed to be unvaccinated if he has not been or fails toprove that he has been successfully vaccinated:Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any person whocan prove that reasonable facilities for vaccination were not obtainable.106. Emergency vaccination of population in area threatened with smallpoxIn the event of the occurrence or threatened outbreak of smallpox in any area—(a) the medical officer of health or the district surgeon or otherGovernment medical officer may require are person to be forthwithvaccinated or revaccinated who has or is suspected to have been inany way recently exposed to smallpox infection, or may require theparent or guardian of any child who has or is suspected to have beenso exposed to have such child vaccinated or revaccinated forthwith;and any person failing to comply with such requirement shall be guiltyof an offence;(b) the municipal council may, or when instructed by the Minister on theadvice of the Board so to do shall require all persons within an areadefined to attend at centres according to instructions issued and toundergo inspection, vaccination or revaccination as circumstancesmay require; such instructions may be issued by notice in the press,or by notices posted in public places, or otherwise as may be deemedsufficient by the municipal council; and non-attendance shall be anoffence;(c) any district surgeon, public vaccinator or medical practitioner dulyauthorized by the Director of Medical Services may require any personin such area to furnish satisfactory proof (including the exhibition ofvaccination scars) that he has been successfully vaccinated withinfive years immediately preceding the date of such requirement; andany person who fails to furnish such proof as regards himself or asregards any child of which he is the parent or guardian, and refusesto allow himself or such child to be vaccinated, shall be guilty of anoffence.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch., L.N.256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]107. Person unfit for vaccination(1) If any public vaccinator or medical practitioner is of opinion that any adultor child is not in a fit state to be vaccinated, he shall give to the adult or to theparent or guardian of the child a certificate under his hand according to Form No.1 in the Schedule, or to the like effect, that the adult or child is then in a state unfitfor vaccination.(2) The said certificate shall remain in force for six months only, but shallbe renewable for successive periods of six months until the public vaccinator ormedical practitioner deems the adult or child to be fit for vaccination, when the adultor child shall with all reasonable dispatch be vaccinated.[Issue 1]P48 - 42CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health108. Person insusceptible of successful vaccination(1) If any public vaccinator or medical practitioner finds that any adult or childwhom he has three times unsuccessfully vaccinated is insusceptible of successfulvaccination, or that the adult or child coming or brought to him for vaccination hasalready been successfully inoculated or had the smallpox, he shall deliver to theadult or to the parent or guardian of the child a certificate under his hand in FormNo. 2 in the Schedule.(2) A certificate of insusceptibility to vaccination shall only be given by apublic vaccinator or other medical practitioner after three unsuccessful attempts atvaccination at intervals of not less than one month have been made by him withcalf vaccine lymph of known efficiency.109. Certificate to be given for successful vaccinationEvery public vaccinator or medical practitioner who has performed the operationof vaccination upon any adult or child, and has ascertained that the same has beensuccessful, shall deliver to such adult or to the parent or guardian of such child acertificate in Form No. 3 in the Schedule, or to the like effect, certifying that the saidadult or child has been successfully vaccinated.110. No fee to be charged by public vaccinator, and certificate to containdescription of person vaccinated(1) No fee or remuneration shall be charged to the person vaccinated by anypublic vaccinator for any certificate granted under this Act, nor for any vaccinationdone by him in pursuance of this Act.(2) A public vaccinator or medical practitioner giving any certificate under thisAct shall enter therein a description of the person in respect of whom the certificateis given sufficient for the purpose of identification.111. Vaccination of inmates of institutionsEvery superintendent or person in charge of a leper asylum or mental hospital orchronic sick hospital, jail, prison, reformatory, penitentiary or other similar institutionshall cause to be vaccinated within fourteen days following his admission to suchinstitution every inmate thereof who, being in a fit state of health to undergovaccination, has not been successfully vaccinated within the five years immediatelypreceding; and if such person is at the time unfit to undergo vaccination he shallbe vaccinated as soon as he is so fit.112. School children to be vaccinated(1) No child shall be admitted to or attend any school until there has beenproduced to the person in charge thereof a certificate or other satisfactory evidencethat the provisions of this Part in respect of such child have been complied with.(2) For the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of subsection (1)of this section are being observed, every public vaccinator is hereby authorizedand required whenever instructed by the Director of Medical Services to visit anyschool, and make therein such inspection of the children attending thereat as willenable him to furnish prescribed particulars to the Director of Medical Services asto the children who are unvaccinated.[Issue 1] P48 - 43CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health113. Prohibited methods of inoculationAny person who inoculates himself or any other person with material taken froma person suffering from smallpox or from a vaccine vesicle on another person orby any method not prescribed in the rules shall be guilty of an offence.114. RulesThe Minister, on the advice of the board, may make rules—(a) prescribing the form of certificates, notices, returns and books ofrecord to be used in connexion with public vaccination, and definingthe information to be furnished therein, and requiring the furnishingand prescribing the manner of use thereof by registrars of births,public vaccinators, local authorities, medical practitioners, parents orguardians of children, persons in charge of schools, employers oflabour and others;(b) conferring powers and imposing duties, in connexion with the carryingout or enforcement of vaccination, on magistrates, justices of thepeace, members of the police force or other Government officers,local authorities, persons in charge of schools, employers of labour,chiefs, headmen of locations and others;(c) prescribing the conditions under which vaccine lymph may besupplied free of charge to medical practitioners, municipal councilsand others;(d) providing for the vaccination or revaccination of persons andassigning where deemed desirable the responsibility for the carryingout of such vaccination or revaccination to municipal councils oremployers of labour;(e) as to the application and enforcement of the provisions of this Partto persons entering Kenya, whether by land or sea, and for requiring,where deemed necessary, the vaccination or revaccination of anyperson before so entering.[L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]PART IX – SANITATION AND HOUSING115. Nuisances prohibitedNo person shall cause a nuisance or shall suffer to exist on any land or premisesowned or occupied by him or of which he is in charge any nuisance or othercondition liable to be injurious or dangerous to health.116. Local authorities to maintain cleanliness and prevent nuisancesIt shall be the duty of every local authority to take all lawful, necessary andreasonably practicable measures for maintaining its district at all times in clean andsanitary condition, and for preventing the occurrence therein of, or for remedyingor causing to be remedied, any nuisance or condition liable to be injurious ordangerous to health, and to take proceedings at law against any person causingor responsible for the continuance of any such nuisance or condition.[Issue 1]P48 - 44CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health117. Health authorities to prevent or remedy danger to health from unsuitabledwellingsIt shall be the duty of every health authority to take all lawful, necessary andreasonably practicable measures for preventing or causing to be prevented orremedied all conditions liable to be injurious or dangerous to health arising fromthe erection or occupation of unhealthy dwellings or premises, or the erection ofdwellings or premises on unhealthy sites or on sites of insufficient extent, or fromovercrowding, or from the construction, condition or manner of use of any factory ortrade premises, and to take proceedings against any person causing or responsiblefor the continuance of any such condition.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]118. What constitutes nuisance(1) The following shall be deemed to be nuisances liable to be dealt with in themanner provided in this Part—(a) any vessel, and any railway carriage or other conveyance, in such astate or condition as to be injurious or dangerous to health;(b) any dwelling or premises or part thereof which is or are of suchconstruction or in such a state or so situated or so dirty or soverminous as to be, in the opinion of the medical officer of health,injurious or dangerous to health, or which is or are liable to favour thespread of any infectious disease;(c) any street, road or any part thereof, any stream, pool, ditch, gutter,watercourse, sink, water-tank, cistern, water-closet, earth-closet,privy, urinal, cesspool, soak-away pit, septic tank, cesspit, soil-pipe,waste-pipe, drain, sewer, garbage receptacle, dust-bin, dung-pit,refuse-pit, slop-tank, ash-pit or manure heap so foul or in such a stateor so situated or constructed as in the opinion of the medical officerof health to be offensive or to be injurious or dangerous to health;(d) any well or other source of water supply or any cistern or otherreceptacle for water, whether public or private, the water from which isused or is likely to be used by man for drinking or domestic purposesor in connexion with any dairy or milkshop, or in connexion with themanufacture or preparation of any article of food intended for humanconsumption, which is in the opinion of the medical officer of healthpolluted or otherwise liable to render any such water injurious ordangerous to health;(e) any noxious matter, or waste water, flowing or discharged from anypremises, wherever situated, into any public street, or into the gutteror side channel of any street, or into any nullah or watercourse,irrigation channel or bed thereof not approved for the reception of suchdischarge;(f) any stable, cow-shed or other building or premises used for keepingof animals or birds which is so constructed, situated, used or kept asto be offensive or which is injurious or dangerous to health;(g) any animal so kept as to be a nuisance or injurious to health;[Issue 1] P48 - 45CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health(h) any accumulation or deposit of refuse, offal, manure or other matterwhatsoever which is offensive or which is injurious or dangerous tohealth;(i) any accumulation of stones, timber or other material if such in theopinion of the medical officer of health is likely to harbour rats or othervermin;(j) any premises in such a state or condition and any building soconstructed as to be likely to harbour rats;(k) any dwelling or premises which is so overcrowded as to be injurious ordangerous to the health of the inmates, or is dilapidated or defectivein lighting or ventilation, or is not provided with or is so situated thatit cannot be provided with sanitary accommodation to the satisfactionof the medical officer of health;(l) any public or other building which is so situated, constructed, used orkept as to be unsafe, or injurious or dangerous to health;(m) any occupied dwelling for which such a proper, sufficient andwholesome water supply is not available within a reasonable distanceas under the circumstances it is possible to obtain;(n) any factory or trade premises not kept in a clean state and free fromoffensive smells arising from any drain, privy, water-closet, earth-closet or urinal, or not ventilated so as to destroy or render harmlessand inoffensive as far as practicable any gases, vapours, dust orother impurities generated, or so overcrowded or so badly lightedor ventilated as to be injurious or dangerous to the health of thoseemployed therein;(o) any factory or trade premises causing or giving rise to smells oreffluvia which are offensive or which are injurious or dangerous tohealth;(p) any area of land kept or permitted to remain in such a state asto be offensive, or liable to cause any infectious communicable orpreventable disease or injury or danger to health;(q) any chimney sending forth smoke in such quantity or in such manneras to be offensive or injurious or dangerous to health;(r) any cemetery, burial-place or place of sepulture so situated or socrowded or otherwise so conducted as to be offensive or injurious ordangerous to health;(s) any act, omission or thing which is, or may be, dangerous to life, orinjurious to health.(2) The author of a nuisance means the person by whose act, default orsufferance nuisance is caused, exists or is continued, whether he is the owner oroccupier or both owner and occupier or any other person.119. Notice to remove nuisanceThe medical officer of health, if satisfied of the existence of a nuisance, shallserve a notice on the author of the nuisance or, if he cannot be found, on theoccupier or owner of the dwelling or premises on which the nuisance arises orcontinues, requiring him to remove it within the time specified in the notice, and[Issue 1]P48 - 46CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Healthto execute such work and do such things as may be necessary for that purpose,and, if the medical officer of health think it desirable (but not otherwise), specifyingany work to be executed to prevent a recurrence of the said nuisance:Provided that—(i) where the nuisance arises from any want or defect of a structuralcharacter, or where the dwelling or premises are unoccupied, thenotice shall be served on the owner;(ii) where the author of the nuisance cannot be found and it is clearthat the nuisance does not arise or continue by the act or default orsufferance of the occupier or owner of the dwelling or premises, themedical officer of health shall remove the same and may do what isnecessary to prevent the recurrence thereof.[L.N. 142/1963, Sch., L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]120. Procedure if owner fails to comply with notice(1) If the person on whom a notice to remove a nuisance has been servedas aforesaid fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof within the timespecified, the medical officer of health shall cause a complaint relating to suchnuisance to be made before a magistrate, and such magistrate shall thereuponissue a summons requiring the person on whom the notice was served to appearbefore his court.(2) If the court is satisfied that the alleged nuisance exists, the court shall makean order on the author thereof, or the occupier or owner of the dwelling or premises,as the case may be, requiring him to comply with all or any of the requirements ofthe notice or otherwise to remove the nuisance within a time specified in the orderand to do any works necessary for that purpose.(3) The court may by such order impose a fine not exceeding two hundredshillings on the person on whom the order is made, and may also give directionsas to the payment of all costs incurred up to the time of the hearing or making ofthe order for the removal of the nuisance.(4) If the court is satisfied that the nuisance, although removed since the serviceof the notice, was not removed within the time specified in such notice, the courtmay impose a fine not exceeding two hundred shillings on the person on whomsuch notice was served, and may, in addition to or in substitution for such fine,order such person to pay all costs incurred up to the time of the hearing of the case.(5) If the nuisance, although removed since the service of the notice, in theopinion of the medical officer of health is likely to recur on the same premises, themedical officer of health shall cause a complaint relating to such nuisance to bemade before a magistrate, and the magistrate shall thereupon issue a summonsrequiring the person on whom the notice was served to appear before him.(6) If the court is satisfied that the alleged nuisance, although removed, is likelyto recur on the same premises, the court shall make an order on the author thereofor the occupier or owner of the dwelling or premises, as the case may be, requiringhim to do any specified work necessary to prevent the recurrence of the nuisanceand prohibiting its recurrence.[Issue 1] P48 - 47CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health(7) In the event of the person on whom such order as is specified in subsections(5) and (6) not complying with the order within a reasonable time, the medicalofficer of health shall again cause a complaint to be made to a magistrate, who shallthereupon issue a summons requiring such person to appear before him, and onproof that the order has not been complied with may impose a fine not exceedingtwo hundred shillings, and may also give directions as to the payment of all costsup to the time of the hearing.(8) Before making any order, the court may, if it thinks fit, adjourn the hearingor further hearing of the summons until an inspection, investigation or analysis inrespect of the nuisance alleged has been made by some competent person.(9) Where the nuisance proved to exist is such as to render a dwelling unfit,in the judgment of the court, for human habitation, the court may issue a closingorder prohibiting the use thereof as a dwelling until in its judgment the dwelling isfit for that purpose; and may further order that no rent shall be due or payable byor on behalf of the occupier of that dwelling in respect of the period in which theclosing order exists; and on the court being satisfied that it has been rendered fitfor use as a dwelling the court may terminate the closing order and by a furtherorder declare the dwelling habitable, and from the date thereof such dwelling maybe let or inhabited.(10) Notwithstanding a closing order, further proceedings may be taken inaccordance with this section in respect of the same dwelling in the event of anynuisance occurring or of the dwelling being again found to be unfit for humanhabitation.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]121. Penalty respecting nuisances(1) Any person who fails to obey an order to comply with the requirements ofthe medical officer of health or otherwise to remove the nuisance shall, unless hesatisfies the court that he has used all diligence to carry out such order, be guilty ofan offence and liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand five hundred shillingsfor every day during which the default continues; and any person wilfully actingin contravention of a closing order issued under section 120 shall be guilty of anoffence and liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand five hundred shillings forevery day during which the contravention continues.(2) The medical officer of health may in such case enter the premises towhich any such order relates, and remove the nuisance and do whatever may benecessary in the execution of such order, and recover in any competent court theexpenses incurred from the person on whom the order is made.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch., Act No. 2 of 2002, Sch.]122. Court may order health authority to execute works in certain casesWhenever it appears to the satisfaction of the court that the person by whoseact or default the nuisance arises, or that the owner or occupier of the premises, isnot known or cannot be found, the court may at once order the health authority toexecute the works thereby directed, and the cost of executing the same shall be acharge on the property on which the said nuisance exists.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970.][Issue 1]P48 - 48CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health123. Examination of premisesThe health authority or any of its officers, or the medical officer of health, orany sanitary inspector, or, on the order of a magistrate, any police officer of orabove the rank of Inspector, may enter any building or premises for the purpose ofexamining as to the existence of any nuisance therein at all reasonable times; andthe health authority or any of its officers may if necessary open up the ground ofsuch premises and cause the drains to be tested, or such other work to be doneas may be necessary for the effectual examination of the said premises:Provided that if no nuisance is found to exist the authority shall restore thepremises at its own expense.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]124. Demolition of unfit dwellings(1) Where any such nuisance as is mentioned in section 118 is proved toexist with respect to a dwelling, and the court is satisfied that such dwelling is sodilapidated or so defectively constructed or so situated that repairs to or alterationsof the same are not likely to remove the nuisance and make such dwelling fit forhuman habitation, the court may order the owner thereof to commence to demolishthe dwelling and any other structures on the premises on or before a specified day,being at least one month from the date of issuing the order, and to complete thedemolition and to remove the materials which comprised the same from the sitebefore another specified day.(2) The court shall give notice to the occupier of a dwelling in respect of whichsuch an order has been issued requiring him to move therefrom within a time to bespecified in such notice, and if any person fails to comply with such notice or enterthe dwelling or premises after the date fixed except for the purpose of demolitionhe shall be guilty of an offence.(3) If any person fails to comply with such an order for demolition, he shall beguilty of an offence and liable to pay the daily fine provided in section 121, and thehealth authority may cause the dwelling and any other structures on the premisesto be demolished, and may recover from the owner the expense incurred in doingso after deducting the net proceeds of the sale of the materials, which the healthauthority may sell by auction.(4) No compensation shall be paid by the health authority to the owner oroccupier of any dwelling or other structure in respect of the demolition thereof asaforesaid, and from the date of the demolition order no rent shall be due or payableby or on behalf of the occupier in respect of such dwelling or structure.(5) In this section, “the court” means a subordinate court of the first class.[Act No. 36 of 1962, Sch., L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]125. Duty of department as to overcrowding, etc.It shall be the duty of the Medical Department—(a) to collect, investigate and consider and publish the facts as to anyovercrowding or bad or insufficient housing in the various districts ofKenya;(b) to inquire into the best methods of dealing with any overcrowding orbad housing so ascertained to exist;[Issue 1] P48 - 49CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health(c) to make or publish such recommendations as may seem necessaryin respect of the result of any such investigation or inquiry.126. Rules under PartThe Minister, on the advice of the board, may make rules and may conferpowers and impose duties in connexion with the carrying out and enforcementthereof on local authorities, magistrates, owners and others as to—(a) the inspection of land, dwellings, buildings, factories and tradepremises, and for securing the keeping of the same clean and freefrom nuisance and so as not to endanger the health of the inmatesor the public health;(b) the construction of buildings, the provision of proper lighting andventilation and the prevention of over-crowding;(c) the periodical cleansing and whitewashing or other treatment ofdwellings, and the cleansing of land attached thereto, and the removalof rubbish or ref-use therefrom;(d) the drainage of land, streets or premises, the disposal of offensiveliquids and the removal and disposal of rubbish, refuse, manure andwaste matters;(e) the standard or standards or purity of any liquid which, after treatmentin any purification works, may be discharged therefrom as effluent;(f) the keeping of animals or birds and the construction, cleanliness anddrainage of places where animals or birds are kept;(g) the establishment and carrying on of factories or trade premises whichare liable to cause offensive smells or effluvia, or to discharge liquidor other material liable to cause such smells or effluvia, or to pollutestreams, or are otherwise liable to be a nuisance or injurious ordangerous to health, and for prohibiting the establishment or carryingon of such factories or trade premises in unsuitable localities or so asto be a nuisance or injurious or dangerous to health;(h) the subdivision and general lay-out of land intended to be used asbuilding sites, the level construction, number, direction and the widthof streets and thoroughfares, the limitation of the number of dwellingsor other buildings to be erected on such land, the proportion of anybuilding site which may be built upon and the establishment of zoneswithin which different limitations shall apply and of zones within whichmay be prohibited the establishment or conduct of occupations ortrades likely to cause nuisance or annoyance to persons residing inthe neighbourhood;(i) the inspection of the district of any local authority by that local authoritywith a view to ascertain whether the lands and buildings thereon arein a state to be injurious or dangerous to health, and the preparation,keeping and publication of such records as may be required.[L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch.][Issue 1]P48 - 50CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health126A. By-laws as to buildings and sanitation(1) Every municipal council and every urban and area council may, and shall ifso required by the Minister for the time being responsible for local government withthe agreement of the Minister, make by-laws for all or any of the following matters—(a) as regards buildings—(i) for controlling the construction of buildings, and the materialsto be used in the construction of buildings;(ii) for controlling the space about buildings, the lighting andventilation of buildings and the dimensions of rooms intendedfor human habitation;(iii) for controlling the height of buildings, and the height ofchimneys (not being separate buildings) above the roof of thebuildings of which they form part;(iv) for prohibiting the erection or use of temporary or movablebuildings, whether standing on wheels or otherwise, and forprohibiting or restricting the use of tents or similar buildings forbusiness or dwelling purposes;(v) for requiring and regulating adequate provision for the escapeof the occupants of any building in the event of an outbreak offire;(vi) for preventing the occupation of a new or altered building untila certificate of the fitness thereof for occupation or habitationhas been issued by such local authority;(vii) to compel employers to provide housing for their employees;(viii) to compel owners to repair or demolish unsafe dangerous ordilapidated buildings;(b) as regards works and fittings—(i) for regulating sanitary conveniences in connexion withbuildings, the drainage of buildings (including the means forconveying refuse water and water from roofs and from yardsappurtenant to buildings), the cleansing, drainage and paving ofcourts, yards and open spaces used in connexion with buildingsand cesspools, and other means for the reception or disposalof foul matter in connexion with buildings;(ii) for regulating excavations of any kind in connexion withbuildings;(iii) for regulating wells, tanks and cisterns for the supply of waterfor human consumption in connexion with buildings;(iv) for regulating stoves and other fittings in buildings (not beingelectric stoves or fittings), in so far as by-laws with respect tosuch matters are required for the purposes of health and theprevention of fire;(v) for regulating private sewers and communications betweendrains and sewers and between sewers;[Issue 1] P48 - 51CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Healthfor regulating the erection and use of scaffolding and(vi)hoarding during the construction, demolition, repair, alterationor extension of any building;for prohibiting, securing the removal of and regulating(vii)projections and obstructions in front of buildings, andprojections over streets,but no such by-law shall be inconsistent with or repugnant to any written law inforce in the same area made under any other provision of this Act.(2) By-laws made under this section may include provisions—(a) as to the giving of notices and the deposit of plans, sections,specifications and written particulars; and(b) as to the inspection of work the testing of drains and sewers, and thetaking by such local authority as aforesaid of samples of materials tobe used in the construction of buildings, or in the execution of otherworks, and for the payment of such reasonable charges and fees asthe local authority may determine, for the doing of any of the thingsaforesaid.(3) By-laws under subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) of subsection (1)(a) may bemade with respect to—(a) structural alterations or extensions of buildings, and buildings so faras affected by alterations or extensions;(b) buildings or parts of buildings in cases where any material change,within the meaning of subsection (4), takes place in the purposes forwhich a building or, as the case may be, a part of a building is used,and, so far as they relate to the matters mentioned in this subsection, may be madeto apply to buildings erected before the date on which the by-laws came into force,but, save as aforesaid, shall not apply to buildings erected before that date.(4) For the purposes of subsection (3), there shall be deemed to be a materialchange in the purposes for which a building, or a part of a building, is used if—(a) a building, or a part of a building, being a building or part which was notoriginally constructed for occupation as a dwelling, or which thoughso constructed has been appropriated to other purposes, becomesused as a dwelling; or(b) a building, or a part of a building, being a building or part which wasoriginally constructed for occupation as a dwelling by one family only,becomes occupied by two or more families; or(c) where by-laws contain special provisions with respect to buildingsused for any particular purpose, a building or a part of a building, beinga building or part not previously used for that purpose, becomes soused.(5) The procedure for the making, approval and publication of by-laws madeunder this section shall be that prescribed in the Local Government Act (Cap. 265),and for the purposes of the enforcement thereof and the disposal of fines[Issue 1]P48 - 52CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Healthimposed for contravention thereof such by-laws shall be deemed to be by-lawsmade by the same local authority under that Act.(6) Rules may be made under any other provision of this Act notwithstandingthat they may be inconsistent with or repugnant to any by-law made under thissection and in force in the area to which such rules apply, and to the extent, if any,of such inconsistency or repugnancy as aforesaid, the rules shall prevail.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch.]126B. Power to relax requirements of building by-lawsWhere a local authority considers that the operation of any building by-law madeby it under section 126A would be unreasonable in relation to any particular case,it may, with the consent of the Minister for the time being responsible for localgovernment given with the agreement of the Minister, relax the requirements of theby-law or dispense with compliance therewith:Provided that the local authority shall give notice of any such proposedrelaxation of dispensation in such manner and to such persons, if any, as theMinister for the time being responsible for local government may direct, and thatthe Minister shall not give his consent before the expiration of one month from thegiving of the notice and, before giving his consent, shall take into consideration anyobjection which may have been received by him.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch.]126C. Passing or rejection of plans and retention of plans, etc.(1) Where plans of any proposed work are, in accordance with any building by-laws made under section 126A, deposited with a local authority, the local authorityshall, subject to any other provisions of this Act, or any rule or By-law madethereunder which expressly requires or authorizes it in certain cases to reject plans,pass the plans unless they either are defective, or show that the proposed workwould contravene any of those rules or by-laws, and, if the plans are defective orwould contravene any of those rules or by-laws, such local authority shall rejectthe plans.(2) The local authority shall within the prescribed period from the deposit of theplans give notice to the person by whom or on whose behalf they were depositedwhether or not they are passed, and—(a) a notice of rejection shall specify the defects on account of which,or the by-law or the provision of this Act or the rule (if any) madethereunder for non-conformity with which, or under the authority ofwhich, the plans have been rejected; and(b) a notice that plans have been passed shall state that the passing ofthe plans operates as an approval thereof only for the purposes of therequirements of the said building by-laws and of any such provision ofthis Act or any rule made thereunder as is referred to in subsection (1).(3) Any question arising under this section between a local authority and theperson by whom or on whose behalf plans are deposited as to whether the plans[Issue 1] P48 - 53CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Healthare defective, or whether the proposed work would contravene any of the saidbuilding by-laws may, on the application of that person, be determined by asubordinate court of the first class:Provided that no such application shall be entertained unless it is made beforethe proposed work has been substantially commenced.(4) For the purposes of this section, the prescribed period in relation to thepassing or rejection of plans is one month, but building by-laws made under section126A by a local authority whose meetings are normally held not more frequentlythan once a month, may provide that in the case of plans deposited less than threeclear days before a meeting of the local authority the prescribed period shall befive weeks:Provided that the local authority may, within the said period of one month or fiveweeks, as the case may be, by notice in writing extend such period in the case ofany particular application for a further period of one month.(5) Building by-laws made under section 126A may—(a) require that plans and other documents to be deposited in pursuanceof the by-laws shall be deposited in such number of copies as the localauthority may stipulate and, if the by-laws contain such a requirementthe local authority may retain one or more copy of any plans or otherdocuments so deposited, whether or not the plans are passed; and(b) require the payment of such reasonable fee as the local authority maydetermine for the examination by it of any plans or other documentsdeposited with it pursuant to such by-laws; and(c) stipulate the period within which a building shall be commenced andcompleted.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch.]126D. Power to require removal or alteration of work in certain cases(1) If any work, to which building by-laws made under section 126A areapplicable, contravenes any of those by-laws, the local authority which made them,without prejudice to its right to take proceedings in respect of the contravention,may by notice require the owner either to pull down or remove the work or, if heso elects, to effect such alterations therein as may be necessary to make it complywith the by-laws.(2) In a case where the local authority is, by any provision in this Act other thansection 126C or by any rules made thereunder other than building by-laws madeunder section 126A, expressly required or authorized to reject plans, then, if anywork to which such building by-laws are applicable is executed either without planshaving been deposited, or notwithstanding the rejection of the plans, or otherwisethan in accordance with any requirements subject to which the local authoritypassed the plans, the local authority may by notice to the owner either requirehim to pull down or remove the work, or if he so elects, to comply with any otherrequirements specified in the notice, being requirements which the local authoritymight have made under the provision or rule in question as a condition of passingplans.[Issue 1]P48 - 54CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health(3) A notice under subsection (1) or subsection (2) may be served eitherpersonally or by registered post or by attaching the same to such work or byadvertisement in not less than two consecutive issues of a newspaper circulatingin the area in which such work is situate.(4) Where such local authority is unable to ascertain the name and addressof the owner of the work, the owner of the land upon which the work stands shall,upon being required in writing so to do by the local authority within twenty-eightdays of the date of the service of such requirement, furnish the local authority withfull particulars of the name and address of the owner of such work, and if the ownerof the land without reasonable excuse fails to furnish the said particulars within thetime prescribed and if he in furnishing the particulars makes any statement whichproves to be false he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine notexceeding one thousand shillings, and if he shall thereafter continue to withholdthe said particulars he shall be liable to a further fine not exceeding thirty shillingsfor every day during which such offence shall continue.(5) If a person to whom notice has been given under subsection (1) orsubsection (2) fails to comply with the notice before the expiration of twenty-eightdays, or such longer period as may be specified in the notice or as a subordinatecourt of the first class may on his application allow, the local authority which gavethe notice may pull down or remove the work in question, and may if it thinks fit sellthe materials thereof or effect such alterations therein as it deems necessary.(6) The amount of any expenses incurred by a local authority under subsection(5), after giving credit for any amount realized by the sale of materials if sold, shallbe a civil debt recoverable summarily by the local authority from the owner of thework and the owner of the land upon which the work is situate jointly and severallyand the right of a local authority to recover any such amount, or any part thereof,from any person under this subsection shall not be barred by reason only of thelocal authority having obtained judgment for the same, or any part thereof, againstany other person, and where any person liable therefor pays to such local authoritythe full amount of any such expenses, he may recover from any other person liablejointly therefor such contribution, if any, as a subordinate court of the first class maydetermine to be just and equitable.(7) Any surplus in the hands of the local authority shall be paid by it to theowners of the work and the land on which the same is situate as those ownersagree; and if the owners do not agree as to the division of such surplus the localauthority shall be deemed by virtue of this subsection to be a trustee of the surplusfor such owners, and section 63 of the Trustee Act (Cap. 167) (which relates topayment into court by trustees) shall have effect accordingly.(8) The court, in determining for the purposes of this section the shares in whichany expenses shall be contributed by, or any surplus shall be divided between, twoor more persons, shall have regard to their respective interests in the work andthe land on which the same is situate, the right (if any) of the owner of the work toremove the same, the respective obligations and liabilities of the parties in respectof the maintenance and repair of the work, and all the other circumstances of thecase.(9) By-laws made under section 126A may provide for compensation to bepayable by the local authority to the owner or occupier of any work pulled down[Issue 1] P48 - 55CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Healthor removed, for such reasons or in such circumstances as may be specified in theby-laws by such local authority under section 126A(3) but, save as aforesaid, nocompensation shall be payable for any work so removed or pulled down.(10) No such notice as is mentioned in subsection (1) or subsection (2) shall begiven after the expiration of twelve months from the date of the completion of thework in question, and, in any case where plans were deposited, it shall not be opento the local authority to give such a notice on the ground that the work contravenesany building by-laws made under section 126A, or, as the case may be, does notcomply with its requirements under any other provision of this Act or rules madethereunder as aforesaid, if either the plans were passed by the local authority, ornotice of their rejection was not given within the prescribed period from the depositthereof, and if the work has been executed in accordance with the plans and of anyrequirement made by the local authority as a condition of passing the plans.(11) Nothing in this section shall affect the right of a local authority, or of theAttorney-General, or of any other person, to apply for an injunction for the removalor alteration of any work on the grounds that it contravenes any by-law or anyprovision in this Act, but if the work is one in respect of which plans were depositedand the plans were passed by the local authority or notice of their rejection wasnot given within the prescribed period after the deposit thereof, and if the work hasbeen executed in accordance with the plans, the court on granting the injunctionshall have power to order the local authority to pay to the owner of the work suchcompensation as the court thinks just, but before making any such order the courtshall cause the local authority, if not a party to the proceedings, to be joined as aparty thereto.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch.]PART X – PROTECTION OF FOODSTUFFS127. Construction and regulation of buildings used for storage of foodstuffs(1) All warehouses, godowns or buildings of whatever nature used for thestorage of foodstuffs shall be constructed of such materials and in such manner asshall in the opinion of the medical officer of health render such warehouse, godownor building rat-proof.(2) Where any warehouse, godown or building intended for the storage offoodstuffs aforesaid has fallen into a state of disrepair, or does not in the opinionof the medical officer of health afford sufficient protection against rat invasion byreason of the materials used in the construction of the same being defective, themedical officer of health may by written notice require the owner to effect suchrepairs and alterations as the notice shall prescribe within a time to be specified inthe said notice, and if such requirement is not complied with the health authoritymay enter upon the premises and effect such repairs and alterations, and mayrecover all costs and expenses incurred from the owner.(3) Where in the opinion of the medical officer of health and foodstuffs within awarehouse, godown or building are insufficiently protected, the owner thereof[Issue 1]P48 - 56CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Healthshall observe all written instructions and directions of the medical officer of healthwithin a time to be specified in the said notice for the better protection of the same:Provided that in the case of any prosecution under this section the court mayin its discretion acquit the accused if it is satisfied that all reasonable steps havebeen taken to exclude rats having regard to all the circumstances of the case.[L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]128. Prohibition of residing or sleeping in kitchens or food stores(1) No person shall reside or sleep in any kitchen or room in which foodstuffsare prepared or stored for sale.(2) If it appears to the medical officer of health that any such kitchen or roomis being so used contrary to the provisions of this section, or that any part of thepremises adjoining the room in which foodstuffs are stored or exposed for sale isbeing used as a sleeping apartment under such circumstances that the foodstuffsare likely to be contaminated or made unwholesome, he may serve upon theoffender or upon the owner of the house, or upon both, a notice calling for suchmeasures to be taken as will prevent the improper use of such kitchen and premiseswithin a time to be specified in the notice, and if such notice is not complied withthe party upon whom it was served shall be guilty of an offence.PART XI – PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES, MEAT,MILK AND OTHER ARTICLES OF FOOD129. Duty of local authority as to protection of water suppliesIt shall be the duty of every local authority to take all lawful, necessary andreasonably practicable measures—(a) for preventing any pollution dangerous to health of any supply of waterwhich the public within its district has a right to use and does use fordrinking or domestic purposes (whether such supply is derived fromsources within or beyond its district); and(b) for purifying any such supply which has become so polluted,and to take measures (including, if necessary, proceedings at law) against anyperson so polluting any such supply or polluting any stream so as to be a nuisanceor danger to health.130. Rules for protection of water supplies(1) The Minister, on the advice of the board, may make, and impose on localauthorities and others the duty of enforcing, rules in respect of defined areas—(a) prohibiting bathing in, and prohibiting or regulating the washing ofclothes or other articles or of animals in, or in any place draining into,any such water supply as is mentioned in section 129;(b) prohibiting or regulating the erection of dwellings, sanitaryconveniences, stables, cattle-kraals, pig-styes, ostrich-pens, dippingtanks, factories or other works likely to entail risk of harmful pollution[Issue 1] P48 - 57CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Healthand generally, for preventing the pollution dangerous to health of any supply ofwater which the public within its district has a right to use and does use for drinkingor domestic purposes and for purifying any such supply which has become sopolluted, and for preventing the pollution of streams so as to be a nuisance or adanger to health.(2) Rules under this section shall be made with due regard to the interests ofagricultural or any other industries.[L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch.]131. Sale of unwholesome food prohibited(1) No person shall sell or expose for sale or import or bring into any market orhave in his possession without reasonable excuse any food for man in a tainted,adulterated, diseased or unwholesome state, or which is unfit for use, or any foodfor any animal which is in an unwholesome state or unfit for their use, and anymedical officer of health, veterinary officer, sanitary inspector, meat inspector orpolice officer of or above the rank of Inspector may seize any such food, andany magistrate on the recommendation of the medical officer of health, a sanitaryinspector or a veterinary officer may order it to be destroyed, or to be so disposedof as to prevent it from being used as food for man or animal as the case may be.(2) No person shall collect, prepare, manufacture, keep, transmit or expose forsale any foodstuffs without taking adequate measures to guard against or preventany infection or contamination thereof.132. Seizure of unwholesome foodsAny medical officer of health, or other person duly authorized by the healthauthority in writing, may, at any time between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., enterany shop or premises used for the sale or preparation for sale or storage of foodto inspect and examine any food found therein which he has reason to believe isintended to be used as human food, and should such food appear to such officerto be unfit for such use he may seize the same, and any magistrate may order itto be disposed of as in section 131; the proof that such food was not exposed ordeposited for any such purpose shall rest with the person charged.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]133. Penalty respecting unwholesome foodAny person in whose possession there is found any food liable to seizure undersection 131 or section 132 shall further be guilty of an offence and liable to a finenot exceeding two hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term notexceeding three years or to both.[Act No. 2 of 2002, Sch.]134. Rules for protection of foodThe Minister, on the advice of the board, may make rules regarding all or anyof the following matters—(a) the inspection of dairy stock and of animals intended for humanconsumption, and of dairies, stock-sheds or yards, milk-shops[Issue 1]P48 - 58CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health(b) the taking and examination of samples of milk, dairy produce, meator other articles of food and the removal or detention, pendingexamination or inquiry, of animals or articles which are suspectedof being diseased or unsound or unwholesome or unfit for humanconsumption, and the seizure and destruction or treatment, ordisposal so as not to endanger health, of any such article which isfound to be unwholesome or unsound or diseased or infected orcontaminated, and of diseased animals sold or intended or offeredor exposed for sale for human consumption; and such rules mayempower a medical officer of health, or in the case of meat aveterinary officer, to detain, seize or destroy any diseased, unsound orunwholesome article of food, but shall not confer on any other personany power beyond that of detention of such article for the purpose ofexamination by a medical officer of health, or in the case of meat aveterinary officer;(c) fixing standards of cleanliness of milk, and prescribing the warning tobe given to any cow-keeper, dairyman or purveyor of milk that any milksold or kept or transmitted or exposed for sale by him has been foundto be below any such standard, and the issue of orders prohibiting thesale or the keeping or exposure for sale of milk from any particularanimal or animals, or requiring the closing of any dairy stock-shedor yard or milk-shop the milk from which is found, after analysis andofficial warning, to be below any such standard;(d) the conveyance and distribution of milk and the labelling or markingof receptacles used for the conveyance of milk;(e) the veterinary inspection of dairy stock, the sampling andbacteriological examination of milk and dairy produce and theprevention of the sale, or the keeping, transmission or exposure forsale, of milk from a diseased or infected animal;(f) the duties of cow-keepers, dairymen and purveyors of milk inconnexion with the occurrence of infectious disease amongst personresiding or employed in or about their premises and the furnishing bythem of the names and addresses of their customers, and of cow-keepers in connexion with reporting the occurrence, in animals on thepremises or any dairy cattle of diseases which are communicable toman and of any disease of the udder;(g) the inspection and examination of, and the regulation, inspectionand supervision of the manufacture, preparation, storage, keepingand transmission of, any article of food intended for sale or forexport, and the prohibition of the manufacture, preparation storage,keeping transmission, sale or export of any such article which is,or contains an ingredient which is, diseased or unsound or unfit forhuman consumption, or which has been exposed to any infection orcontamination;(h) the establishment, locality, supervision, equipment, maintenance andmanagement of slaughterhouses and the disposal of the waste[Issue 1] P48 - 59CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health(i) prohibiting the importation of any article of food which is notclean, wholesome, sound and free from any disease or infectionor contamination, and the seizure and disposal by destruction orotherwise of any such article so imported;(j) the preparation, manufacture or importation and the storage and saleof or trade in articles of food which are packed in air-tight receptaclesor are otherwise preserved, and the marking of any such article orreceptacle with the date of manufacture or preparation;(k) prohibiting the importation, sale, possession or use of vessels whichare intended to contain milk or any liquid or semi-solid article of foodand which are rusty or defectively soldered or are made of materialcontaining in any part likely to come in contact with the contents, leador other poisonous or injurious substance in such proportion as tobe likely to cause injury or danger to health, and fixing the maximumproportions of such substances which may be used in such vessels;(l) in relation to food intended for sale or export, prescribing standards ofcomposition, strength and quality, for the prevention of adulteration,misbranding, misdescription or reduction below a prescribed standardand for securing the sale in a pure state and in a condition whichconforms with such standards.[L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch.]135. Orders for protection of foodThe Minister, on the advice of the Board, may make orders—(a) requiring the medical examination of any person in any premisesin which any milk or dairy produce or other article of food intendedfor sale is collected, kept, sold or exposed for sale, or of anyperson who has been engaged in the collection, preparation, keeping,conveyance or distribution of any such milk or produce or article;(b) prohibiting the registration as cow-keeper, dairyman or purveyor ofmilk, or the employment in connexion with the collection, preparation,storage, distribution or sale of milk, or dairy produce or any articleof food, of any person who has been proved to be a carrier of theinfection of typhoid or enteric fever or other infectious disease;(c) requiring the closing of any stock-shed or yard, dairy or milk-shop, orthe exclusion from any stock-shed or dairy premises of any animal themilk from which is believed to have conveyed or to be liable to conveyany infectious disease;(d) prohibiting the sale or exposure for sale of milk by any cow-keeper,dairyman or purveyor of milk who has been three times convicted ofoffences under any laws or rules regarding the milk trade.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.][Issue 1]P48 - 60CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health135A. Powers of certain municipal councils respecting milk, etc.(1) Every municipal council may with the approval of the Minister make by-lawsapplicable to its area for all or any of the following purposes—(a) for regulating, supervising and licensing purveyors of milk and ice-cream makers and vendors;(b) for regulating, inspecting, supervising and licensing dairies and milk-shops;(c) for regulating the conveyance and distribution and securing theidentification of the source of milk or milk products distributed, offeredfor sale or sold within its area of jurisdiction;(d) for prescribing the conditions subject to which any milk or milkproducts, wherever produced or prepared, may be introduced,distributed, stored, sold or used within its area of jurisdiction;(e) for enabling such municipal council to certify the quality of any milkand prohibiting the unauthorized use of any terms employed by themunicipal council in denoting such quality; and(f) for prohibiting the introduction, distribution, storage, sale or use withinits area of jurisdiction of any milk or milk products from any sourcewithin or without such area where it appears to such municipal councilor a committee thereof, on the certificate of its medical officer ofhealth or such other person as the municipal council may authorizein that behalf, that the consumption of such milk or milk products islikely to cause the outbreak or spread of any infectious or contagiousdiseases,but no such by-law or rule shall be inconsistent with or repugnant to any rule ororder under section 134 or section 135 in force in the area of jurisdiction of suchmunicipal council.(2) The procedure for the making, approval and publication of by-laws or rulesmade under this section shall be that prescribed in the Local Government Act (Cap.265) and for the purpose of the enforcement thereof, and the disposal of finesimposed for contravention thereof, such by-laws or rules, as the case may be, shallbe deemed to be by-laws or rules made by the same municipal council under thisAct.(3) Rules may be made under section 134 and orders may be made undersection 135 notwithstanding that they may be inconsistent with or repugnant to anyby-law or rule of a municipal council and in force in the area to which such rules ororders shall prevail over such By-law or rules of the municipal council.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch., Act No. 17 of 2006, s. 16.]PART XII – PREVENTION AND DESTRUCTION OF MOSQUITOES136. Breeding places of mosquitoes to be nuisancesFor the purposes of this Act—(a) all collections of water, sewage, rubbish, refuse, ordure or otherfluid or solid substances which permit or facilitate the breeding ormultiplication of animal or vegetable parasites of men or domesti[Issue 1] P48 - 61CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health(b) any collection of water in any well, pool, gutter, channel, depression,excavation, barrel, tub, bucket or any other article, and found tocontain any of the immature stages of the mosquito;(c) any cesspit, latrine, urinal, dung-pit or ash-pit found to contain any ofthe immature stages of the mosquito,shall be nuisances liable to be dealt with in the manner hereinbefore providedfor the treatment of nuisances.137. Yards to be kept free from bottles, whole or broken, etc.(1) The occupier or owner of any premises shall keep such premises free fromall bottles, whole or broken, whether fixed on walls or not, tins, boxes, calabashes,earthenware vessels, shells or any other articles which are kept so that they arelikely to retain water.(2) Any occupier or owner of any premises who fails to comply with theprovisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine notexceeding one hundred shillings.138. Premises not to be overgrownNo person shall within a township permit any premises or lands owned oroccupied by him or over which he has control to become overgrown with bush orlong grass of such a nature as, in the opinion of the medical officer of health, tobe likely to harbour mosquitoes.139. Wells, etc., to be covered(1) It shall not be lawful for any person to keep, or for the occupier or ownerof any premises to allow to be kept thereon, any collection of water in any well,barrel, tub, bucket, tank or other vessel intended for the storage of water, unlesssuch well, barrel, tub, bucket, tank or other vessel is fitted with a sufficient coverand is properly protected or screened to the satisfaction of the medical officer ofhealth so as to prevent the ingress of mosquitoes into the same.(2) Any person offending against the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guiltyof an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred shillings, and afternotice received from the medical officer of health to a further fine not exceedingtwenty shillings for each day during which he makes default.140. Cesspits to be screenedThe occupier or owner of any premises upon or attached to which is any cesspitshall cause such cesspit to be properly protected or screened to the satisfactionof the medical officer of health so as to prevent the ingress of mosquitoes intothe same, and in default he shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine notexceeding one hundred shillings, and to a further fine not exceeding twenty shillingsfor each day during which he continues to make such default after notice receivedfrom the health authority to comply with the provisions of this section.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.][Issue 1]P48 - 62CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health141. Gutters may be required to be perforatedIt shall be lawful for the medical officer of health by written notice to requirethe occupier or owner of any premises upon or attached to which is any gutter,pipe, groove or waterway used or intended for carrying off water from any roof orother place to cause the same to be perforated by holes at least every two feetin such a manner as to prevent the collection or accumulation of water therein,and if any person duly served with such notice fails to comply with the provisionsthereof within such times as may be specified therein he shall be guilty of an offenceand liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred shillings, and to a further fine notexceeding twenty shillings for each day during which he continues to make suchdefault.142. Larvae, etc., may be destroyedWhere any of the immature stages of the mosquito are found on any premisesin any collection of water in any cesspit, well, pool, channel, barrel, tub, bucket,tank or any other vessel, or in any bottle, whole or broken, whether fixed on a wallor not, tin, box, calabash, shell or any other article, it shall be lawful for the medicalofficer of health, health inspector or any person specially authorized in writing inthat behalf by the Director of Medical Services or the medical officer of health totake immediate steps to destroy any such immature stages of the mosquito by theapplication of oil or larvicide or otherwise, and to take such action as is necessaryto prevent the recurrence of the nuisance and to render any pools or collections ofwater unfit to become breeding places for mosquitoes.143. Mere presence of mosquito larvae an offenceNotwithstanding any provision of this Act, the occupier or owner of any house orpremises, or the owner or person having the charge of any vessel, timber, cask orother article, in or about which there is any collection of water found by the medicalofficer of health, health inspector or any other person appointed in writing by theDirector of Medical Services or the medical officer of health as an inspector for thepurpose to contain any of the immature stages of the mosquito shall be guilty of anoffence and liable in respect of each and every such collection of water to a finenot exceeding one hundred shillings, or in default to be imprisoned for seven days.PART XIII – CEMETERIES144. Dead to be buried in appointed cemeteries(1) It shall be lawful for the Minister to select and appoint and to notify in theGazette sufficient and proper places to be the sites of and to be used as cemeteries;and it shall be obligatory where such cemeteries exist to bury the dead in suchcemeteries in conformity with the provisions of rules made by any local authority.(2) Any person who is guilty of a breach of any such rule shall be guilty of anoffence and liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand five hundred shillings.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.][Issue 1] P48 - 63CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health145. Authorized cemeteriesAll cemeteries now being used as such, and such other cemeteries as may beauthorized by the Minister, notice whereof shall be published in the Gazette, shallbe deemed authorized cemeteries.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.]146. Permit to exhume(1) Subject to the provisions of section 147, it shall not be lawful to exhume anybody or the remains of any body which may have been interred in any authorizedcemetery or in any other cemetery, burial ground or other place without a permitgranted in manner hereinafter provided.(2) Such permit shall be granted only to the legal personal representative ornext of kin of the person buried, or to his or their duly authorized agent.(3) Such permit may be granted by the Minister in respect of any body or theremains of any body interred in any cemetery or burial ground or any other place.(4) The permitting authority may prescribe such precautions as he may deemfit as the condition of the grant of such permit, and any person who exhumes anybody or the remains of any body contrary to this Act, or who neglects to observe theprecautions prescribed as the condition of the permit, shall be guilty of an offenceand liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand five hundred shillings:Provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to affect the right of amagistrate to order the exhumation of a body or the remains of any body for thepurpose of holding an inquiry into the cause of death of any person.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]147. Exhumation needed for execution of public works may be ordered(1) It shall be lawful for the Minister, whenever he deems it expedient forthe execution of any public work or any public purpose, to remove any body orthe remains of any body from any grave whether in an authorized cemetery orelsewhere, and by order under his hand to direct such removal to be made in suchmanner as he thinks fit.(2) No such order shall be made in respect of any grave situated in anauthorized cemetery until six months’ notice of the intention to make it has beengiven by notification in the Gazette; copies of such notice shall be posted at ornear the grave, and copies shall be sent by post in a registered letter to the legalpersonal representative or next of kin of the person buried, if his or their addresscan be ascertained; and such copies shall be accompanied by a translation in thelanguage of the race to which the deceased person belonged.(3) When an order is made directing a removal from any grave aforesaidelsewhere than in an authorized cemetery, due notice of such order shall, so faras it is possible to do so, be given to the legal representative or next of kin of theperson buried before the work of removal is undertaken.(4) The Government shall make proper and fitting arrangements for the re-interment in an authorized cemetery of any body or remains of any body removedunder this section, and for the removal and re-erection of any monument, allcharges in connexion therewith being defrayed out of the public funds.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.][Issue 1]P48 - 64CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health148. Record of permits and orders for exhumation(1) There shall be kept a record of every permit granted and of every ordermade under section 146 or section 147.(2) Such record shall contain particulars, so far as the same can be ascertained,of the race, nationality, name, sex and age of the persons buried, the date of burialand the place of original burial and of reburial or removal.(3) Such record shall be open during office hours to inspection by any person.149. Closing of cemeteriesIt shall be lawful for the Minister to notify in the Gazette that any cemetery orburial ground shall, from a time in such notification to be specified, be closed, andthe same shall be closed accordingly, and whosoever, after the said specified time,buries any body or the remains of any body in the said cemetery or burial groundshall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand fivehundred shillings.[L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch.]150. Reimbursement of expenses to the board(1) All reasonable expenses incurred by the board in consequence of anydefault in complying with any order or notice issued under this Act shall be deemedto be money paid for the use and at the request of the person on whom the saidorder or notice was made, and shall be recoverable from him at the suit of the boardas a civil debt recoverable summarily.(2) The provisions of this section shall apply to any orders or notices issuedunder any rules by the local authority.PART XIV – GENERAL151. Basements not to be occupied without permissionIt shall not be lawful to live in, occupy or use, or to let or sublet, or to sufferor permit to be used, any basement for habitation, nor shall it be lawful, withoutthe written permission of the medical officer of health, to use such basement asa shop, workshop or factory, or for the preparation or storage of food, and nobasement shall be used unless it is well lit and ventilated and is free from dampand is rendered rat-proof to the satisfaction of the medical officer of health.[L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]152. Regulation of lodging-housesThe Minister, on the advice of the board, may make rules for the conduct andinspection of lodging-houses, and no person shall open, or keep open, a lodging-house unless the house is registered and the keeper thereof is licensed by thelocal authority.[L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch.]153. Regulation of nursing homes, etc.(1) The Minister, on the advice of the board, may make rules for the conductand inspection of nursing homes convalescent homes, private hospitals, private[Issue 1] P48 - 65CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Healthmental hospitals, maternity homes, infirmaries or any institutions where invalids,convalescents or children are treated or received upon payment of fees or charges,and no person shall open, or keep open, any such premises unless the premisesand the keeper thereof are licensed by the board.(2) The Director of Medical Services, on the advice of the board, may authorizea medical practitioner to visit and inspect any such premises, as are mentioned insubsection (1) and to report to the board upon any matter or thing connected withsuch premises or the use thereof.(3) Any person who knowingly obstructs an authorized medical practitioner inany inspection authorized by the Director of Medical Services, under subsection(2), shall be guilty of an offence.(4) The board may refuse to grant a licence and may cancel any licence whichhas been granted under this section on any of the following grounds—(a) that the premises in respect of which a licence is sought or hasbeen granted are unsuitable or otherwise do not conform with therequirements of any rules made under this section;(b) that the granting or continuance of a licence would be contrary to thepublic interest;(c) that the person in respect of whom a keeper’s licence is sought or hasbeen granted has failed to satisfy the board that he or she is a fit andproper person to be trusted to conduct or to continue to conduct thepremises for which the keeper’s licence is sought or has been granted.[L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch.]154. MarketsFor the purposes of this Act, the Minister may make rules for the establishment,control and closing of all markets and market buildings.[L.N. 187/1956, Sch., L.N. 172/1960, Sch.]155. Board may apply for additional public latrines on unleased public landWhen in the opinion of the local authority additional public latrineaccommodation is required in any locality upon unleased public land, the localauthority shall apply in writing to the Minister, specifying the site upon which itdesires the erection of a public latrine, and the accommodation to be provided bysuch latrine, and the Minister shall, after due inquiry, give his decision on the matter.[Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch., L.N. 365/1964, Sch.]156. Regulation of public washermenEvery local authority may by public notice prohibit the washing of clothes bywashermen in the exercise of their calling except at public wash-houses or at suchother places as it may appoint for the purpose.157. Control of irrigated land, and rules for the regulation of standing orrunning water(1) Where it is shown to the satisfaction of the Minister, upon the advice of theboard, that the growing of any crop or the irrigation of any land being within[Issue 1]P48 - 66CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Healththe boundaries of a township or within three miles of such boundaries is unhealthfulor insanitary, the Minister may, after consultation with the Minister for the timebeing responsible for Agriculture, by order, prohibit the growing of any crop or theirrigation of any land within any area, within the boundaries of a township or withinthree miles of such boundaries, and may cause any permit or authorization issuedfor the diversion, abstraction or use of water for such purpose to be cancelled uponsuch terms as may appear to him equitable.(2) The Minister may make rules for ensuring that the health of the inhabitantsof a district may be safeguarded in respect of—(a) the prevention of pools of standing water;(b) the drainage and control of such pools when they exist;(c) the inspection, repair and cleansing of open channels, canals anddrains.[L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch., Act No. 28 of 1961, Sch.]158. Supervision of importation or manufacture of vaccines, etc.(1) The Minister may provide for the inspection, sampling and examination,by officers of the Medical Department, of vaccines, vaccine lymphs, sera andsimilar substances imported or manufactured in Kenya and intended or used forthe prevention or treatment of human diseases, and may prohibit the importation,manufacture or use of any such substance which is considered to be unsafe or tobe liable to be harmful or deleterious.(2) The Minister may make such rules as he may consider necessary forproperly carrying out the provisions of this section.[L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch.]PART XV – MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS159. Notices, etc., may be printed or writtenNotices, orders and other documents under this Act may be in writing or print,or partly in writing and partly in print, and if the same require authentication by theboard, or a local authority, the signature thereof respectively by the secretary, townclerk, medical officer of health, sanitary inspector or District Commissioner, as thecase may be, shall be sufficient authentication.160. Service of notices, etc.Notices, orders and other documents required or authorized to be served underthis Act may be served by delivering the same to or at the residence of the personto whom they are respectively addressed, or where addressed to the owner oroccupier of premises by delivering the same, or a true copy thereof, to some personon the premises, or if there is no person on the premises who can be served byfixing the same on some conspicuous part of the premises; they may also be servedby post by a prepaid letter, and if served by post shall prima facie be deemedto have been served at the time when the letter containing the same would bedelivered in the ordinary course of post, and in proving such service it shall besufficient to prove that the notice, order or other document was properly addressedand put in the post.[Issue 1] P48 - 67CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public Health161. Power and duties of officers of departmentThe Deputy Director of Medical Services, or any assistant director of medicalservices, medical officer of health, port health officer or medical officer of thedepartment, may with the authority and on behalf of the Director of MedicalServices discharge any of the duties or functions of the Director of MedicalServices, and any duties imposed or powers conferred by this Act on medicalofficers of health, port health officers, district surgeons or medical officers may becarried out or exercised by the Director of Medical Services, the Deputy Directorof Medical Services or any assistant director of medical services or medical officerdesignated by the Director of Medical Services for that purpose.162. Defect in form not to invalidate notices, etc.No defect in the form of any notice or order made under this Act shall invalidateor render unlawful the administrative action, or be a ground for exception to anylegal proceedings, which may be taken in the matter to which such notice or orderrelates, provided the requirements thereof are substantially and intelligibly set forth.163. Powers of entry and inspection of premises and penalties forobstruction(1) Any medical officer of health or health inspector, district surgeon orport health officer, or any police officer of or above the rank of Inspector, orany other person generally or specially authorized in writing by the Director ofMedical Services, medical officer of health or municipal council, may, at any hourreasonable for the proper performance of the duty, enter any land or premises tomake any inspection or to perform any work or to do anything which is requiredor authorized by this Act or any other law to do, if such inspection, work or thingis necessary for or incidental to the performance of his duties or the exercise ofhis powers.(2) Any person who fails to give or refuses access to any officer, inspector orperson mentioned in or authorized under subsection (1) if he requests entranceon any land or premises, or obstructs or hinders him in the execution of his dutiesunder this Act, or who fails or refuses to give information that he may lawfullybe required to give to such officer, inspector or person, or who gives to suchofficer, inspector or person false or misleading information knowing it to be falseor misleading, or who prevents the owner or any of his servants or workmen fromentering any land or dwelling or premises for the purpose of complying with anyrequirement under this Act, shall be guilty of an offence.[L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]164. Penalty where not expressly providedAny person who is guilty of an offence under or of any contravention of ordefault in complying with any provision of, this Act shall, if no penalty is expresslyprovided for such offence, contravention or default, be liable on conviction to a finenot exceeding fifty thousand shillings, or to imprisonment for a term not exceedingsix months, or to both and, if the offence, contravention or default is of a continuingnature, to a further fine not exceeding one thousand shillings for each day itcontinues.[Act No. 16 of 1977, Sch., Act No. 2 of 2002, Sch.][Issue 1]P48 - 68CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health165. Liability of secretary or manager of companyWhere a contravention of any of the provisions of this Act is committed by anycompany or corporation, the secretary or manager thereof may be summoned andshall be held liable for such contravention and the consequences thereof.166. Proceedings against several personsWhere proceedings under this Act are competent against several persons inrespect of the joint act or default of such persons, it shall be sufficient to proceedagainst one or more of them without proceeding against the others.167. Prosecutions(1) A health authority may, by any of its officers or by any person generally orspecially authorized in writing by the authority, prosecute for any contravention of,offence against, or default in complying with, any provision of this Act or any rulemade or deemed to be made thereunder, if the contravention, offence or default isto have been committed within or to affect his area.(2) Where any officer or person has, under subsection (1), prosecuted anyperson for any contravention of, offence against or default in complying with anyprovision of this Act, or any rule made or deemed to be made thereunder, andthe accused has been convicted of that contravention, offence or default, all finesand penalties imposed may be recovered by such officer or person as a civil debtrecoverable summarily.[L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]168. Power of municipal council outside its areaNothing in any law specially governing any municipal council shall be construedas preventing such municipal council from exercising any power or performing anyduty under this Act by reason only that in exercising such power or performing suchduty it must do some act or thing or incur expenditure outside its area.[L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]168A. Power of municipal councils respecting mosquitoes, flies, etc.(1) Every municipal council may, with the approval of the Minister, make by-laws for preventing and abating conditions permitting or favouring the breeding ofmosquitoes and flies and, generally, for the prevention of malaria and other insect-borne diseases.(2) Section 135A(2) shall apply in respect of any by-laws made under thissection as it applies to by-laws may under that section.[L.N. 256/1963, Fourth Sch., L.N. 41/1970, Sch.]169. General power to make rulesThe Minister shall have power to make rules generally for the carrying out ofthe purposes of this Act.[Act No. 39 of 1956, Sch., L.N. 188/1956, Sch., L.N. 173/1960, Sch.][Issue 1] P48 - 69CAP. 242[Rev. 2012]Public HealthSCHEDULE[Issue 1]P48 - 70CAP. 242 [Rev. 2012]Public Health[Issue 1] P48 - 70compied by William atemi

How will Trump's base react to the Coronavirus spreading in the U.S.?

Another standing committee meeting; Infected woman drives from Wuhan to Beijing; More evidence of coverups in Wuha…Bill Bishop at Sinocism <[email protected]:19 PM (15 minutes ago)Read in browserI decided to make today’s issue of the newsletter free. If you like what you see please sign up for the Sinocism China Newsletter here. Group and education discounts are available.Another standing committee meeting; Infected woman drives from Wuhan to Beijing; More evidence of coverups in Wuhan; Q1 GDP growth 0?Bill BishopFeb 26The growth of new cases in Hubei and the rest of China continues to slow according to the official data.A loyal reader in China suggests that I add one more item to my unmistakable signs the Party thinks victory really is at hand.Xi visits Wuhan;The announcement of a date for the “Two Meetings”Kids go back to schoolThis reader is correct, as the political risk of sending kids into harm’s way is too high. And until it is safe for kids to go back to school it is hard to see the economy operating at anywhere near normal levels.The Chinese Internet is in a bit of an uproar after a woman was able to travel from Wuhan to Beijing by car last week, after leaving prison. She is now in Beijing and is confirmed to have the virus. The speculation is she must be somehow very connected, but now that the news has exploded online it has become a political problem and an investigation is underway. There is more on this in item #5, as well as reports from Caixin and Caijing that give more evidence of a coverup in Wuhan at the start of the outbreak.I will hold another open thread tomorrow morning, this time for paying subscribers only. I’d love to hear from you.Thanks for reading.The Essential Eight1. Another standing committee meetingI don't remember so many reports about standing committees in such a compressed period of time.Xi Focus: Xi chairs leadership meeting on COVID-19 control, makes donation - XinhuaXi Jinping,...chaired a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).Responding to a call of the CPC Central Committee to all Party members, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Zhao Leji and Han Zheng all made donations to support the COVID-19 prevention and control work.Addressing the meeting, Xi said the positive trend in preventing and controlling the epidemic is expanding and economic and social development is rapidly recovering, but the situation in Hubei Province and its capital city of Wuhan remains complex and grim, and the risk of a rebound of the epidemic in other regions can not be overlooked...Prevention and control work in Beijing and other key provincial-level regions should be strengthened to resolutely block any possible source of infection, according to the meeting.The meeting demanded better protection measures for special venues such as the elderly care, childcare and mental health facilities where vulnerable groups of people are housed in enclosed premises.Comment: Interesting to see that PBSC specifically mentioned “elderly care” given the Caixin report about deaths in nursing homes in Hubei.CCTV Evening News on the meeting, no video from inside- 中共中央政治局常务委员会召开会议 分析新冠肺炎疫情形势研究近期防控重点工作 中共中央总书记习近平主持会议 响应党中央对广大党员的号召 习近平李克强栗战书汪洋王沪宁赵乐际韩正同《大国战“疫”》近期出版The CCP’s propaganda department said it will soon publish a book on China’s efforts to combat the coronavirus, and the book “focus on showing General Secretary Xi Jinping, as a major power leader, his care for the people, his sense of mission and responsibility, his strategic vision and great leadership.” It will be published in six different languages.2. The outbreakMainland China reports 406 new cases of coronavirus on February 25, deaths up by 52 - ReutersAll the new deaths were in Hubei province, the epicentre of the outbreak. Hubei also reported 401 new cases on Feb. 25, down from 499 a day earlier.Outside Hubei, the number of new mainland China cases fell to 5, down for the fifth consecutive day and the lowest since Jan. 20, when the NHC began publishing nationwide figures.China Tightens Screening of Travelers, Fearing Reinfection From Abroad - WSJ $$A number of Chinese municipal governments are imposing stricter health screenings on people entering China and, in some cases, even quarantine measures on those arriving from coronavirus-afflicted countries. These controls come after Beijing waged a concerted campaign urging other governments not to impose restrictions on travel to and from China, saying such measures were out of line with World Health Organization guidance.Beijing to quarantine people if they visited countries seriously hit by coronavirus - ReutersChina’s capital will quarantine people for 14 days at home or in groups if they have been to countries seriously hit by the coronavirus, the city’s health commission spokesman Gao Xiaojun told a press briefing on Wednesday.14% of Recovered Covid-19 Patients in Guangdong Tested Positive Again - CaixinThere is no clear conclusion on why it happens and whether such patients could still be infectious, said Song Tie, deputy director of the Guangdong Center of Disease Control And Prevention (Guangdong CDC), at a Tuesday briefing.Teachers advised to wear masks in class after primary schools reopen - XinhuaTeachers are advised to wear medical masks in class after primary and middle schools reopen in China as part of the country's novel coronavirus prevention and control efforts, according to a circular issued by authorities.Jingmen Party chief, mayor sanctioned for reporting incorrect numbers of COVID-19 infection - Global TimesParty chief Zhang Aiguo and city mayor Sun Bing of Jingmen, Hubei Province, have been punished by the provincial Party discipline watchdog on Wednesday, after the city reported minus 107 cases to the daily update feed on confirmed cases of COVID-19 on February 19, showing an obvious numerical error.Beijing offers free medical, psychological, legal consultation amid epidemic - XinhuaThe experts are renowned specialists in related areas or professors at Beijing's top universities, said Qi Jinli, deputy head of the united front work department of Beijing.So far the hotline has received over 5,500 phone calls, Qi said, adding that most calls were from people who need help with psychological issues related to the epidemic, with some suffering from insomnia and stress.3. EconomyFive more Chinese regions lower emergency response level as virus threat recedes - ReutersThe northwestern Chinese regions of Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang, the southwestern province of Sichuan, the northeastern province of Jilin and the southern island of Hainan have all cut their emergency response levels.Comment: Mother-in-law has been in Hainan, the last few days things have started to loosen upAs China’s Economy Suffers, Xi Faces Pressure to Lift Virus Restrictions - WSJ $$Businesses executives and some local leaders are becoming more vocal about the need to streamline rules to reopen factories and get workers and supplies moving again in many parts of the country where activity remains at a standstill.But many local officials fear doing so could risk a resurgence of infections, prolonging the outbreak and putting their jobs on the line. Many privately complain that President Xi Jinping has put them in an impossible position, demanding they keep growth on track while also ensuring the virus doesn’t spread...“Propaganda can’t move mountains,” wrote Zhang Anyuan, an economist at CFC Financial, a Chinese securities firm, in a Feb. 24 report. Mr. Zhang is among the experts who think first-quarter growth could come in at zero or worse.“Based on the seriousness of the economic losses in the first quarter, adjusting and downplaying growth targets would be understandable and acceptable to the people,” he said.张岸元:疫情冲击下的经济、政策与金融市场Very detailed analysis of the coronavirus’ impact on Chinese economy by former NDRC economist Zhang Anyuan. He believes it will be “extremely difficult” for China to achieve the 5% growth goal for 2020 if there is zero growth in Q1. He also said the capital flight out of China in the past years has been “stunning 触目惊心”. His calculation suggests that since 2015 the capital flight not included in China’s official statistics has totaled nearly one trillion USD.The COVID-19 coronavirus and its economic impact (updated 26th Feb.) - Capital EconomicsThe charts on this page track the spread of the virus in China and its economic impact. Most include daily data, which we are updating every working day. This page also contains links to our latest analysis on the impact of the outbreak in China and around the world.Comment: Useful charts, and in a note this morning the analysts wrote:With normal activity taking longer to recover than seemed likely earlier this month, we now think that China's economy will contract outright in year-on-year terms this quarter, for the first time since at least the 1990. The leadership appears to be readying significant stimulus which should restore employment and output by the third quarter, but the hit to output during the first half of the year will still result in much slower annual growth北京日报:全国中小企业的复工率目前只有30%左右China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said in a presser yesterday that the small- and mid-sized companies in China so far have resumed only 30% of their business.China ups measures to support catering, accommodation sectors amid epidemic - XinhuaAs the epidemic has had a great impact on the sectors, the value-added tax will be waived from their revenues, Xian Guoyi, an official with the MOC told a press conference Wednesday.In the meantime, enterprises in the hardest-hit Hubei Province will be exempted from pension, unemployment and work-related injury insurance premiums from February to June this year with a 5-percent electricity price cut, while the payment of the housing accumulation fund will be deferred, Xian said.Caixin: Companies Jump on Coronavirus Bandwagon With $8 Billion of Bond SalesChinese companies have wasted no time taking advantage of a “green channel” created to fast-track bond sales by businesses needing money to fund operations related to the Covid-19 epidemic or who are suffering liquidity pressure stemming from the coronavirus outbreak...A closer look at the details in the bond prospectuses suggests many companies are taking advantage of the “green channel” to get quicker access to cash and at a lower cost...Of the total amount raised, only 22.4% on average is being used to directly support prevention and control activities, with the bulk of the money earmarked for paying down existing debt or supplementing working capital, according to Caixin calculations based on data from Wind Information独家|不是谁都能拿专项再贷款!煤炭、城投等48家企业出局Citing sources, Caixin reported that to prevent moral hazard, the central government had named 48 companies, mostly state-owned enterprises in industries with overcapacity, who will be denied access to the preferential loans issued for “anti-virus” purpose. The article mentioned that some of these companies had tried to get these cheap loans by pretending to produce things like disinfectant and masks.China’s Virus-Hit Airlines Are Showing Signs of Recovery - BloombergScheduled airline capacity within China is up more than 25% -- by 1.3 million seats -- week-on-week thanks to a rebound in domestic capacity, according to OAG Aviation Worldwide. Air China Ltd. appears the most optimistic as it has added back 306,000 seats, almost double its capacity from the previous week, analyst John Grant wroteCoronavirus: China’s legal system ‘will be more lenient’ on private sector | South China Morning Post“If the law allows more lenient measures, [we] should try not to use forceful measures that would limit their personal freedom and property rights,” Zhang Shuyuan, vice-president of the Supreme People’s Court, said during a Wednesday press conference in Beijing.Apple iPhone maker Foxconn taps famed scientist as coronavirus advisor - CNBCNow Foxconn has tapped his expertise in respiratory diseases to serve as a consultant for the firm’s prevention and rehabilitation efforts. In a statement on Tuesday, Foxconn said Zhong Nanshan will give advice and guidance to the company.Air Canada cancels China flights until April amid coronavirus outbreak | NewsAfter announcing last month it was temporarily suspending all direct flights to Beijing and Shanghai until February 29 amidst growing concern surrounding coronavirus, Air Canada said on Tuesday it has extended that timeline until April 10 – a move it said is reflective of “reduced market demand.”Big unknowns for millions as they return to work in China’s economic powerhouse | South China Morning PostFeng Huiqiang, a senior official from provincial health commission of Guangdong, said: “We want to tell people from high-risk areas that they should not rush to return to Guangdong. If they must come back, then they should first stay under quarantine for 14 days. All conferences and sporting activities should be cancelled to prevent people from gathering.“Everyone should follow the guidelines – apart from going to work, don’t go out, don’t gather, don’t dine together, don’t eat wild animals. And don’t be over optimistic.”Coronavirus, trade war a ‘double whammy’ for foreign firms in China, EU chamber boss says | South China Morning PostAfter more than 19 months of uncertainty and difficulties caused by the US-China trade war, the signing of an interim deal to end the conflict on January 15 gave many foreign firms reason to be optimistic. But their hopes were short-lived as the virus outbreak delivered a painful “double whammy”, said Paul Sives, chairman of the southwest branch of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China...“Some member companies have already moved certain production lines to factories they have elsewhere in the world, to supply the goods that they cannot supply from China,” Sives said.4. Will the propaganda and censorship work?Coronavirus: China tries to contain outbreak of freedom of speech, closing critics’ WeChat accounts | South China Morning PostQin Qianhong, a law professor from Wuhan University, a top-ranking institution in the city that has been the epicentre of the outbreak, said his WeChat account had been disabled since last Wednesday.He said it could be because he raised concerns in his WeChat posts over the extreme lockdown measures imposed on the Hubei provincial capital, and questioned state media reports that praised the sacrifices of Wuhan residents.The Story of Jiangshanjiao (江山娇) – Elephant Room: Make China Relatable12 hours, that was how long I lived, from the moment I was launched on the Chinese Internet to the moment I vanished, along with my younger brother Hongqiman. Our short lifespan was something no one expected; we were born to be something great, something iconic. We were made to be stars, or more accurately, to be idols. We were going to be huge hits; people, especially China’s young generation of patriotic netizens, were going to love us.We had absolutely all the right elements to be loved, or at least, that was what our creator, the Communist Youth League believed. China’s young generation loved the League, which had been known for its agility in catching up with the latest internet trends. On Weibo, my creator had almost 13 million followers, and even a cute nickname, Tuantuan (团团)...But the public reception of our launch took a completely unexpected direction: the League’s Weibo account was flooded with negative comments. People hated us, or more accurately, they hated the fact that the Youth League tried to idolize its own image by creating us. As it turned out, the strategy of personifying a party organization for political purposes didn’t work as well as my smart creator had planned...You see what I am trying to say here? People have noticed. By February 17th, the day of my debut, the Chinese people, at least those who use social media, had been fed up with many of the government’s conducts. They had noticed the authority’s sneaky little tricks in managing this national crisis; the corruption, the irresponsibilities, the inefficiencies, all laid bare like never before thanks to the internet.Coronavirus Weakens China’s Powerful Propaganda Machine - The New York Times“Even if I say that I don’t trust the government, what could I do?” Ms. Lu said. “It seems there’s nothing I can do.”There’s no scientific way to gauge public sentiment in China. But hers is probably a widely shared attitude, and one that the Chinese government wants to nurture.To get there, Beijing has intensified internet censorship in the past few weeks. Social media accounts have been deleted or suspended. Starting Saturday, online platforms will be subject to new regulations that could ensure even tighter limits.Turning on the Kitsch | China Media ProjectIn yesterday’s People’s Daily we can find a consummate piece of kitsch propaganda given position of prominence right below the masthead. The article, “Heroic City, Heroic People,” is an emotional hymn dedicated to front-line medical workers, officials and ordinary people. But the real objective of the article is to underscore the Chinese Communist Party as the enabler of miraculous human feats.Comment: The mask has been ripped off in previous disasters too. Will the outcome be any different this time when it comes to political activism, or will more people just become more cynical and want to emigrate?5. Wuhan governance failings continuing财新:北京新怡家园确诊案例来自武汉, 系刑满释放22日回京A Beijing coronavirus patient is causing a huge scandal. She arrived in Beijing from Wuhan on Feb 22. Caixin reports she made it out of Wuhan despite the lockdown because she was newly released from prison and her family drove her all the way back to their apartment in Beijing. Rumors are swirling that she must have some powerful connections to make it through all the checkpoints between Wuhan and Beijing, and because she lives in a residential area who apartments cost 120,000 RMB per square meter. There has been a massive social media uproar and now there is an official investigation.胡锡进: 希望武汉官方和监狱管理机构及时对此事做出说明Global Times editor-in-chief Hu Xijin demands an explanation from the Wuhan authorities on why the woman was able to make it out of Wuhan and came all the way to Beijing, so not to undermine the public’s confidence in Wuhan’s ability to control the virus spread.How did COVID-19 patient leave Wuhan for Beijing? - Global TimesA confirmed COVID-19 patient returned from Wuhan on Saturday to Beijing, leading to questions over the management of the Wuhan government again two days after it issued a traffic easing policy but retracted it hours later.Such questions against Wuhan government have lurked on Chinese social media for days, as the central government repeated that channels to and out of Wuhan must be strictly controlled to win the battle against the epidemic.The woman, surnamed Huang, was found on Monday in a residential community in Dongcheng district. She came to Beijing from Wuhan on Saturday and underwent inspection right after her arrival, as she had been suffering intermittent fevers and throat pain since February 18 in Wuhan, said the Beijing Center for Diseases Prevention and Control on Wednesday.澎湃新闻:湖北多地继续严控离鄂通道ThePaper reported that local governments in Hubei have ramped up the measures to make sure no one can leave the province. Those temporary entry-exit permits issued earlier have been rescinded.Officials in China's Wuhan Deny Reports of Elderly Care Home Fever Deaths - RFACutting-edge news website Caixin said in a recent report that 11 elderly people had died at the Wuhan Social Welfare Institute from "fevers and respiratory failure."A statement on the official website of the Wuhan municipal cyberspace administration denied the report.Caixin then doubled down and published the names and dates of all of the deaths after a local official threatened to pursue the organization for rumor-mongering, a crime carrying a maximum jail sentence of seven years in China.独家|新冠病毒基因测序溯源:警报是何时拉响的Caixin reported that as many as nine virus samples had been examined by Chinese labs in late December and early January, and the labs had notified the authorities about the new virus. But somehow the government failed to act soon enough, and the Hubei officials tried to block the release of test results.回望2019年12月底至今年1月初的那几天,原本应是决定无数人命运的关键时刻。但彼时,公众对这种病毒日后会引发的后果还浑然不知。一位基因测序公司人士透露,2020年1月1日,他接到湖北省卫健委一位官员电话,通知他武汉如有新冠肺炎的病例样本送检,不能再检;已有的病例样本必须销毁,不能对外透露样本信息,不能对外发布相关论文和相关数据,“如果你们在日后检测到了,一定要向我们报告”。财经:追问卫健委第二批专家:为何没发现“人传人”?One member of the second expert group sent from Beijing in early January to investigate the coronavirus in Wuhan told Caijing magazine they didn’t find enough evidence of human-to-human transmission because the Wuhan Health Commission was hiding the truth from them. The expert group once told the Chinese public the disease is “preventable and controllable”.《财经》:为什么会出现这种情况?专家:他们根本不合作,这是最主要的问题。比如医务人员感染的事,你哪怕报一个医务人员感染,我们也就意识到它有传染性。《财经》:既然有怀疑,为什么没有直接向当地的政府或者医院发问?专家:当时我们讨论的时候,我们让他如实报。卫健委的领导当场就说了,他说,“你们是不是怀疑我瞒报啊?”他公开反问我们,专家组的都在场。他都这么说了我们还能说什么?《财经》:听到这句话,专家组心里是什么感觉?专家:你不应该找我们,你应该找找那个领导层去了解。现在这个卫健委的人已经被免职了。(注:2月10日,湖北省委常委会决定:免去张晋的湖北省卫生健康委员会党组书记职务;免去刘英姿的湖北省卫生健康委员会主任职务;上述两职务,由新到任的湖北省委常委王贺胜兼任。)6. Medical workers on the frontlineWuhan nurses' plea for international medics to help fight coronavirus | The GuardianYingchun Zeng, of the Guangzhou Medical hospital, and Yan Zhen, of the Sun Yet-sen Memorial hospital, also in Guangzhou, published a letter in the medical journal the Lancet on Monday describing mental and physical exhaustion and severe supply shortages on the frontlines of the outbreak...The virus has claimed more than 2,715 lives and infected at least 80,000 people. On Monday, China’s National Health Commission said more than 3,200 health workers had contracted Covid-19, about 90% of those cases in Hubei province. According to tallies of deaths reported in the Chinese media, at least 22 health workers have died from the virus.The letter - Chinese medical staff request international medical assistance in fighting against COVID-19 - The Lancet Global HealthIn addition to the physical exhaustion, we are also suffering psychologically. While we are professional nurses, we are also human. Like everyone else, we feel helplessness, anxiety, and fear. Experienced nurses occasionally find the time to comfort colleagues and try to relieve our anxiety. But even experienced nurses may also cry, possibly because we do not know how long we need to stay here and we are the highest-risk group for COVID-19 infection. So far 1716 Chinese staff [Note: Over 3000 now] have been infected with COVID-19 and nine of them have unfortunately passed away. Due to an extreme shortage of health-care professionals in Wuhan, 14 000 nurses from across China have voluntarily come to Wuhan to support local medical health-care professionals. But we need much more help. We are asking nurses and medical staff from countries around the world to come to China now, to help us in this battle.广东援助湖北武汉医疗队:请柳叶刀撤销文章 澄清事实并道歉The Guangdong medical team in Wuhan soon issued a statement through Southern Metropolis Daily saying the two authors are not part of their team and the article is a “outright misrepresentation”. But this statement has been deleted.Shaved Heads, Adult Diapers: Life as a Nurse in the Coronavirus Outbreak - The New York TimesThe most difficult moment for Ms. Zhang came when her superiors — almost all men — told her and her female colleagues that they “lacked the spirit of devotion” and discipline after they sought help getting pads and tampons.Coronavirus: China not sharing data on medical personnel cases, WHO says - The Washington Post“We received disaggregated information at intervals, though not details about health care workers,” said Tarik Jasaravic, a spokesperson for the Geneva-based organization.The comment, in a Saturday email to The Post, was one of the first instances that the U.N. health agency has directly addressed shortcomings in China’s reporting or handling of the coronavirus crisis.陈一新抗疫这一招的背后寓意是什么?-中国长安网Chen Yixin convenes meeting of alumnae of Wuhan universities and Hubei business representatives to ask them to make donations to help front line medical workersCCTV Evening News on the meeting, no video from inside the meetingComment: I don't remember so many reports about standing committees in such a compressed period of time .7. New Hong Kong budgetSpotlight: HKSAR government's new budget unveils 15-bln-USD measures to ride out economic difficulties - XinhuaFinancial Secretary Paul Chan said in his speech on the 2020-2021 budget that 2019 was "an unsettling year fraught with obstacles" for Hong Kong, while the spread of COVID-19 in 2020 "has dealt a severe blow to economic activities and sentiment in Hong Kong."Chan said Hong Kong's economy contracted by 1.2 percent in 2019, and he forecast full-year growth of between minus 1.5 percent and 0.5 percent in 2020...Chan also announced a payment of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars to each Hong Kong permanent residents aged 18 or above, with a view to encouraging and boosting local consumption on the one hand, and relieving people's financial burden on the other. This measure is expected to benefit about 7 million people.Hong Kong budget: HK$2.7 billion jobs outlay largely aimed at training programmes, employer subsidies | South China Morning PostHong Kong’s newest budget has set aside HK$2.7 billion (US$347 million) to bolster efforts to create and retain jobs amid the economic downturn, with HK$200 million of the amount aimed at the city’s struggling construction sector...The lion’s share of the employee support portion of the budget – HK$2.5 billion – will go toward bolstering existing vocational, innovative and generic skills-training programs for the unemployed and underemployed.Hong Kong police to ramp up manpower by more than 7 per cent with 2,500 new posts in ‘biggest boost since 1997’ | South China Morning PostHong Kong’s police force will ramp up manpower by more than 7 per cent in its biggest boost in decades, with an extra 2,500 posts to cope with operational needs, according to force insiders citing the latest budget address.The figures also showed that police overtime pay and other allowances in the 2019-20 financial year soared to HK$2.5 billion (US$321 million), 10 times the original estimate of HK$256 million.8. US-ChinaWIPO, world don’t need US bullying and interference - Global TimesNext week, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will hold an election for its next director general. This was supposed to be a serious but standard matter handled in line with existing regulations and procedures of the agency. But the US, as it has done many times before, is seeking to interfere in the election and bend the agency's 191 other members to its political will and put its economic interests over those of others.After China nominated Wang Binying, who has risen through the ranks to be deputy director general in her 28-year career at the agency, to be the next director general, Washington apparently became paranoid and launched an extensive campaign against Wang's nomination. ..That brings us to the ulterior motives behind the US campaign against Wang's nomination: preserving its fading dominance in trade and technology through political gambits. The US has waged trade wars with not just China but also major economies in Europe and beyond. The US has also put up barriers to disrupt global cooperation in technology.Comment: It will be hugely embarrassing for the US if Wang become the director-general.Break with China? Top Trump aide eyes an opening with coronavirus - POLITICOPeter Navarro, the leading China critic in the Trump administration, is seizing the moment.The White House’s director of trade and manufacturing policy and the administration’s other China hawks are pushing to use the coronavirus crisis to press U.S. companies to end their dependence on foreign suppliers...Navarro also has written memos on the coronavirus that he's circulated to other White House officials, according to an administration official and an official from the National Security Council.The renewed focus on America First for medical manufacturing is a sign of what could become a broader push as multinational companies face the prospect of crippled supply chains as the virus shutters factories around the globe.Chinese naval fleet wraps up far sea exercise deep in Pacific Ocean - China MilitaryA far sea joint training fleet of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy returned to base after sailing 14,000 nautical miles and crossing the International Date Line deep into the Pacific Ocean for the first time, a move that challenges US hegemony in the open waters and will become increasingly frequent in the future, experts said on Wednesday.US sanction on Chinese firms rebuked as 'long-arm jurisdiction' - Global TimesThe manager of a high-tech Chinese company sanctioned by the US for "helping" Iran's missile program denied on Wednesday that his company sells products to Iranian entities while Chinese observers believed that the US latest move shows Washington has never restrained from bullying practices as it imposed"long-arm jurisdiction"to sanction Chinese firms and exercised hegemonism as China is fighting arduously against the COVID-19 outbreak.China firmly opposes Pompeo's groundless accusation of COVID-19 control: spokesperson - Xinhua"Since Mr. Pompeo talks about freedom of speech so much, would he care to explain why he cursed at an NPR journalist? Why was the journalist denied press credentials to travel with him? Is that Mr. Pompeo's definition of 'freedom of speech'? I think it's typical discourse monopoly and double standards," said a Foreign Ministry spokesperson.China urges U.S. to stop interfering in China's internal affairs under pretext of religion - XinhuaSpokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks at a press conference when responding to a question on the words of Sam Brownback, the U.S. ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom, slandering China's measures regarding Muslims.Certain people in the United States have repeatedly made wanton accusations and rumors, attempting to undermine China's ethnic harmony and interfere in China's internal affairs under the pretext of religious freedom, Zhao said. "We firmly oppose that."China says Wall Street Journal ‘admitted its mistake’ over ‘sick man of Asia’ headline | South China Morning PostMinistry spokesman Zhao Lijian questioned the paper’s political motives and said it had yet to hold any individuals responsible for the headline, “China is the Real Sick Man of Asia”, on a February 3 column about the novel coronavirus outbreak...“The Wall Street Journal has already admitted its mistake and engaged in self-reflection, so why did Pompeo ignore international public opinion and continuously cheer for this paper, and criticise the Chinese side?” Zhao said.“This makes one wonder, is The Wall Street Journal an agent for the US state department?”不容种族歧视者胡说(钟声)In Wednesday’s People’s Daily Zhong Sheng weighs in on the WSJ's headline. The propaganda organs are really flogging this hardBusiness, Economy and TradeYicai Global - China-led Consortium to Operate Pakistan's First Metro Line Guangzhou Metro Group said it has formed a consortium with two other companies and the trio will take over the operation and maintenance of the Orange Line Metro service, Pakistan's first-ever mass rapid urban transit, for an eight-year term.Out of Stock: Coronavirus in China Threatens Amazon Sellers - WSJ $ Thousands of Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more Inc. sellers who built their businesses using China’s cheap and efficient manufacturers are on the spot as the coronavirus shuts factories there. Sellers say Amazon’s ranking algorithm demotes products that are out of stock. To avoid that painful fate, many are raising prices to slow sales, and attempting to shift production to other countries.BYD electric bus deal one of the biggest for US · TechNode Shenzhen-based BYD will deliver a total of 130 all-electric buses to Los Angeles as part of the city’s initiative to convert its entire public bus fleet to zero-emission vehicles by the start of the 2028 Summer Olympics, the company said in a statement sent to TechNode on Monday. Two of four BYD buses from an earlier deal had already been delivered.Politics and Law...[Message clipped] View entire message

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