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PDF Editor FAQ
What happened to all the little Kings when all their little Germanies became the German Empire?
One has to look at the situation in the German CONFEDERATION 1815–1866 of which the Austrian Emperor was President, a poor substitute for Holy Roman Emperor.Then the Austro-Prussian War happened in which France was so incredibly stupid to watch at the sidelines. Most German countries supported Austria, a few Prussia..All the pink countries were Allies of Austria, the dark green Allies of Prussia. Italy joined Prussia and was severely beaten by Austria. Hardly surprizing because there were severe frictions WITHIN the Italian Army between North and South.More to the point Prussia did beat Austria and its Allies.. The following countries were annexed: the Kingdom of Hanover, the Electorate of Hesse-Kassel, the Duchy of Nassau, the Free City of Frankfurt, and a tiny bit of the Kingdom of Bavaria.The German Confederation ended, Austria withdrew from Germany and now there came into being a North German Confederation with the Prussian King as President. The South of Germany did not join as you can see.. And in 1870 Bismarck tricked France into war.. This was the result; a German bogus Empire that was a FEDERATION, not a Confederation!The remaining “little”German monarchs stayed in office but their wings were clipped. Several of them sulked: the Regent of Bavaria never attended unification parties, the Grandduke of Hesse-Darmstadt turned his duchy into a British Culture enclave,etc. . Many of the smaller rulers were more or less Liberal and supported local Liberal parties while Prussia stayed mainly Conservative.. And socially the majority of these royals fraternized with foreign royals and they kept the Prussian upstart robbers out..The main victim was the Guelph dynasty of Hanover. The former King was so enraged he supported France during the Prusso-French War with his private legion..George, the final King of Hanover; he was blind..Queen-Consort Marie of Hanover; she became very popular..Ernst August , Duke of Brunswick and a foolPrincess Viktoria Louise of Prussia, Duchess of Brunswick and the bait..People say Bismarck could not be bought.. Untrue as Bismarck confiscated the enormous fortune of the Guelphs and used it for nefarious purposes. Generations later Kaiser Wilhelm II angled for a dumb Guelph Prince using his charming daughter as bait. The moronic Guelph Prince was fooled and got the vacant throne of the Duchy of Brunswick instead of the Kingdom of Hanover..The Hanoverians themselves were not amused by the annexation and up to the fall of the bogus Empire 4 Hanover MPs were in the national German Parliament voting with the opposition..
Before WWI, why did the British and German Empires never ally with each other? Given the common ancestry and complimentary military strengths, and the thousand years of tension between Britain and France, this seems a match made in heaven.
This is a question I’ve asked myself since I was a kid.Britain’s natural enemy has always been France.Germany was England’s, then Britain’s ally until the twentieth century. Some examples:When the Papacy turned against John, he recruited Germans.Hessian (soldier): “During the American Revolutionary War, Landgrave Frederick II of Hesse-Kassel and other German princes hired out some of their regular army units to Great Britain for use to fight against the rebels in the American revolution. Of 30,067 German troops leased by Great Britain, 12,992 were supplied by Hesse-Kassel.[citation needed] They came not as individuals but in entire units with their usual uniforms, flags, equipment, and officers.”Then there was the Battle of Waterloo and Blucher, with his Prussian army.Consider, too, the British monarchy:House of Hanover: “a German royal dynasty that ruled the Electorate and then the Kingdom of Hanover, and that also provided monarchs of Great Britain and Ireland from 1714 and ruled the United Kingdomuntil the death of Queen Victoria in 1901.”Followed by:House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha: “Branches currently reign in Belgium through the descendants of Leopold I, and in the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms through the descendants of Prince Albert.”The turning point was the Franco-Prussian War, followed by German support for the Boers in South Africa; those and the growing German Empire.
How were fighter pilots’ victories confirmed in WWII?
U.S. pilots generally had to have gun camera film and/or a witness. German pilots had to have that sort of thing plus a witness statement from the crash site. They could do that because they were on the defensive.That’s a kill. Heinz Baar.This bad-ass picture reminds me how thoroughly I hate the fact that ‘Memphis Belle’ was put on stands at the AF Museum.February 1944. “Miss Ouachita”, a B-17F had had an uneventful flight to Hanover, its target for that day. When the formation had settled into its bomb run the gunners noticed shinky flecks of metal high above them; the sure sign on imminent enemy fighter attack. Four German FW 190’s peeled away in an attacking dive. They were spotted by the top turret gunner who screamed out, “Fighters at 5 o’clock!” and began to fire his Browning machine guns. One of the FW 190’s fell away from attack, its engines spewing out oil and smoke.“More fighters at 2’clock!” the co-pilot called out to alert all gunners, just before the whole length of the plane was raked with gunfire. Tail and waist guns were firing back wildly but the top turret remained ominously quiet. The operator had been hit in the first strike. The FW 190’s continued to pound the B-17. The co-pilot, radio operator and left waist gunner were hit and the aircraft was crippled still 20 miles south of Hanover. It was obvious to the pilot that he couldn’t maintain bombing formation at 25,000 feet. He ordered the wounded members of the crew to bailed out at 23,000 feed knowing that they would receive prompt medical treatment and turned the plane for home. But he couldn’t maintain height. “Miss Quachita” belly landed just short of the Dutch border. the crew survivors immediately tired to destroy the aircraft but they were arrested by the German Home Guard. The crew were eventually sent to POW camp.”The crew of Miss Ouachita2nd LT Spencer K OsterbergJohn E. Van Beran2nd LT George J. Zebrowski2nd LT Morris J. RoyS/SGT Samuel P AldridgeT/SGT Lambert R. BostromS/SGT Alexander W. SiatkowskiSGT Jay J. MilewskiT/SGT Harold KlemS/SGT Clayton E. MorningstarB-17 Bomber Flying Fortress - The Queen Of The SkiesHeinz Baar’s FW-190 or one of them.
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