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PDF Editor FAQ

Why is making changes to employer provided health or dental insurance not possible after the open enrollment?

I answered this question originally before the question was changed to specify employer based coverage. That, of course, fundamentally changes the answer - so my answer is now a two-fer because it answers both individual and employer based coverage.Employer based coverage:Once you're in the "group" market (primarily through an employer - but there are other ways too) you're bound to the terms of the contract the employer (or group) has with the insurance company.Since those terms (including actual premium cost, enrollment period and plan term) are significantly lower (and better) than what you can find on the individual market - there is almost no incentive for employees to "opt-out" and go buy individual insurance.One of the trade-offs that employers make in order to get a group rate is the benefit plan term after open-enrollment is over. Plan terms are designed to avoid the higher administration cost of lot's of churning and more importantly, the adverse selection that would ensue when employees would modify their coverage randomly based on insurance need.Car and home insurance isn't comparable because there is no employer participation for a group rate/discount. For auto and home insurance, everyone's basically n the individual market.Individual coverage:Changing insurance coverage is only a big problem in the individual insurance market - which is also why payers avoid that market. It's not just low-margin - it's no margin - and contrary to public mythology - the healthcare insurance industry is really a LOW margin business (even the big payers fight/claw their way to 5% net - and many don't make that).This problem (policy churn) has not been solved by the ACA - and remains a primary reason why many of the bigger payers (Aetna, Cigna, UHC) are staying out of many of the State insurance exchanges set to launch in October.The reason the problem is unsolved is because while there's a penalty for individuals who don't buy health insurance - it's less than the cost to get actual health insurance - so once again - adverse selection will occur (see Parker's answer).No one's really figured out a way to make money on the individual market (outside of late night "mini-meds" - which I wrote about last year here: Mini Meds For Maxi Greed).There are ~50M Americans today without healthcare insurance (and another 40M that are "under-insured"). The ACA *hopes* to change that from 50M to 20M uninsured - but what actually happens is all pure speculation.Best case scenario - 20M Americans will still be without healthcare insurance - so it's not a total solution.The 50M - by definition - are "individual" without access to group insurance - so it's THE big problem in healthcare - that no one wants to solve.There is a solution. It's called Universal Coverage - but it's been demonized as "single payer" - which it isn't. Those two terms - universal coverage and single payer are mutually exclusive - but are often lumped together to support a political POV.Of course once you're 65 - it's Medicare (the biggest group policy of all) and you can chose supplemental coverage or not.

What does the media in China say about Trump-Xi meeting at G20 2018?

It pretty much parrots what western media says. The exception is the notation is that the truce is for 90 days that some western media says is not in China’s media? Last nights CCTV news cited the 90-day truce. So, where’s the disconnect? China has agreed to buy more and it sounds like they will do it immediately, not mentioned in the western media. The issue of IP theft, technology transfer, opening up more markets, and reducing import tariffs are the items to be chewed on, negotiated, and hopefully agreed to before the trade war can unwind.“The classic complaints against China, especially from the US are IP infringement, never mind that China pays over $30 billion in licensing fees and there is a structure of laws and courts to handle IP issues in China. Joint venture demands. There is nothing illegal about JV. If American companies don’t like them, they are not forced to sign up, but they do. Ask why? Profits! And opening up markets. China has been doing that. It is common practice for developing countries to protect their native industries until they become competitive. If not, that country becomes a colony of a developed country. China is opening up. The last go around opened financial, insurance, agriculture, energy, and logistics sectors. Companies like Tesla, Boeing, BMW(of America), and Exxon Mobile have announced new factories/plants since Trump’s trade war. Japanese, South Korean, and European companies also are expanding their footprint in China because the domestic market is the current place for a huge rise in sales. China’s domestic market is about the same size as the US now, but it is rising still, the US is not. US companies in China sell $600 billion into the Chinese domestic market, that’s $100 billion more than the total Chinese exports to the US.“China's Progress on Intellectual Property Rights (Yes, Really) Foreign firms have been slow to realize the substantial changes in China’s protection of IP rights.”China's Progress on Intellectual Property Rights (Yes, Really)“The increasingly accepted narrative in the West, especially in the United States, is that China acquires technology mostly through forced technology transfer from multinational companies investing in China and through outright theft. Overlooked are the data that suggest the popular narrative exaggerates the magnitude of China's forced technology transfer and theft and does not allow for the possibility that China's protection of intellectual property is improving rather than worsening.In fact, China's payments of licensing fees and royalties for the use of foreign technology have soared in recent years, reaching almost $30 billion last year, nearly a four-fold increase over the last decade.”China: Forced Technology Transfer and Theft?“"All the major US companies are in China. They all have a big operation in China. Some are even bigger than the US. You can't say that is not a success."Boeing sells more airplanes in China than anywhere else in the world. And Walmart produces more goods from China than any other company in the world."So if GM produces more cars in China than in the US - what's the company complaining about?"”How China is fighting back in the trade war“On July 1, China reduced tariffs on 1,449 taxable consumer goods from an average rate of 15.7 percent to 6.9 percent. The 20-to-25-percent tariffs for cars were cut to 15 percent, and duties on auto parts were lowered to 6 percent from the previous levels of 8 to 25 percent.It was the fifth round of tariff cuts for consumer goods since 2015."Significantly reducing the import tariffs for daily consumer goods is conducive to expanding China's opening-up and serves as a major measure and action of the country's initiative to open its market," the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council said.On June 28, China shortened its negative list for foreign investment, with the number of items down to 48 from 63 in the previous version. The new list widens market access for foreign investment in primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, detailing 22 opening-up measures in fields including finance, transportation, professional services, infrastructure, energy, resources and agriculture.By reducing tariffs and loosening restrictions on various industries, China keeps its promise to foster a more relaxed and orderly environment for entrepreneurs from home and abroad to make investment and start business, which undoubtedly provides more opportunities for cooperation with other countries, including its partners in Europe.”Spotlight: China's opening-up means more cooperation with Europe“"Our economic interests with China are significant and growing," said Jacob Parker, vice president of the US-China Business Council, a trade group that represents US companies' interests in China. "China is a $600 billion market for the American economy."”How China gets what it wants from American companiesChina eCommerce: “The top five countries for sales to Chinese consumers are Japan, U.S., South Korea, Germany, and Australia. Japanese and Korean exports comprise mostly cosmetics and beauty serums. Chinese often turn to Western countries for their baby products, food, vitamins, and supplements.Chinese consumers purchased $100.2 billion on goods from sellers in other countries in 2017, with the average spend per buyer (for the year) at $882, according to research firm eMarketer. The company estimates that in 2018, 249 million Chinese consumers will purchase products through cross-border ecommerce, known locally as “haitao,” or “buying overseas.””Chinese Consumers Are Eager to Buy Foreign Goods | Practical EcommerceShortlist of the thousands of American and foreign companies in China:American Corporations in ChinaChina’s domestic market is $7.00 trillion, the US market is $6.94 trillionTCdata360: Domestic market size index, 1-7 (best)Masao Miwa's answer to Given China's horrible track record, why is the US still trying to reach a trade deal with the country? How does it ensure China keeping its promises?BTW, who’s complaining to the WTO the most?“Have you looked at the complaints at the WTO on who is complaining against which country? Your guess is wrong. Take a look at WTO complaints, the leader is? Not China……..the US. The US has almost four times the number of complaints by other countries than China does. Ask yourself, if China keeps breaking promises, why is the US getting most of the complaints?The US has 151 complaints from other countries, China has 43. As a reference, Canada has 23, the EU has 85, India has 25, Japan 15, South Korea 18, Mexico 15,dispute settlement - disputes by country/territoryMasao Miwa's answer to Given China's horrible track record, why is the US still trying to reach a trade deal with the country? How does it ensure China keeping its promises?If Trump can accept what China is doing to improve all the conditions he demands, the trade war is over. If not, and his demands exceeds China’s ability to deliver, the trade war will continue. Even now, with the tariffs frozen for 90 days, US companies are having problems. Layoffs are happening and looming, companies are going belly up, farmers are filing for bankruptcy. So what happened to Trump’s aid money for farmers?Trump's trade war is already leading to layoffs and pain for American businessesThe American Casualties of Trump’s Trade WarThe trade war is already hurting US companies in ChinaFarm Bankruptcies Are on the Rise, and Trump’s Trade War Isn’t Helping

What is the best outcome we can expect from China/USA trade negotiations given that they both ignore provisions in trade pacts that they do not like?

Oh? Tell me what is it that China ignores in trade pacts she signed up for? Look at the WTO complaints so far, they are dominantly against the US recently. WTO complaints against countries are listed here:dispute settlement - disputes by country/territoryThe US has 151 complaints from other countries, China has 43. As a reference, Canada has 23, the EU has 85, India has 25, Japan 15, South Korea 18, Mexico 15,The classic complaints against China, especially from the US are IP infringement, never mind that China pays over $30 billion in licensing fees and there is a structure of laws and courts to handle IP issues in China. Joint venture demands. There is nothing illegal about JV. If American companies don’t like them, they are not forced to sign up, but they do. Ask why? Profits! And opening up markets. China has been doing that. It is common practice for developing countries to protect their native industries until they become competitive. If not, that country becomes a colony of a developed country. China is opening up. The last go around opened financial, insurance, agriculture, energy, and logistics sectors. Companies like Tesla, Boeing, BMW(of America), and Exxon Mobile have announced new factories/plants since Trump’s trade war. Japanese, South Korean, and European companies also are expanding their footprint in China because the domestic market is the current place for a huge rise in sales. China’s domestic market is about the same size as the US now, but it is rising still, the US is not. US companies in China sell $600 billion into the Chinese domestic market, that’s $100 billion more than the total Chinese exports to the US.“China's Progress on Intellectual Property Rights (Yes, Really) Foreign firms have been slow to realize the substantial changes in China’s protection of IP rights.”China's Progress on Intellectual Property Rights (Yes, Really)“The increasingly accepted narrative in the West, especially in the United States, is that China acquires technology mostly through forced technology transfer from multinational companies investing in China and through outright theft. Overlooked are the data that suggest the popular narrative exaggerates the magnitude of China's forced technology transfer and theft and does not allow for the possibility that China's protection of intellectual property is improving rather than worsening.In fact, China's payments of licensing fees and royalties for the use of foreign technology have soared in recent years, reaching almost $30 billion last year, nearly a four-fold increase over the last decade.”China: Forced Technology Transfer and Theft?“"All the major US companies are in China. They all have a big operation in China. Some are even bigger than the US. You can't say that is not a success."Boeing sells more airplanes in China than anywhere else in the world. And Walmart produces more goods from China than any other company in the world."So if GM produces more cars in China than in the US - what's the company complaining about?"”How China is fighting back in the trade war“On July 1, China reduced tariffs on 1,449 taxable consumer goods from an average rate of 15.7 percent to 6.9 percent. The 20-to-25-percent tariffs for cars were cut to 15 percent, and duties on auto parts were lowered to 6 percent from the previous levels of 8 to 25 percent.It was the fifth round of tariff cuts for consumer goods since 2015."Significantly reducing the import tariffs for daily consumer goods is conducive to expanding China's opening-up and serves as a major measure and action of the country's initiative to open its market," the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council said.On June 28, China shortened its negative list for foreign investment, with the number of items down to 48 from 63 in the previous version. The new list widens market access for foreign investment in primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, detailing 22 opening-up measures in fields including finance, transportation, professional services, infrastructure, energy, resources and agriculture.By reducing tariffs and loosening restrictions on various industries, China keeps its promise to foster a more relaxed and orderly environment for entrepreneurs from home and abroad to make investment and start business, which undoubtedly provides more opportunities for cooperation with other countries, including its partners in Europe.”Spotlight: China's opening-up means more cooperation with Europe“"Our economic interests with China are significant and growing," said Jacob Parker, vice president of the US-China Business Council, a trade group that represents US companies' interests in China. "China is a $600 billion market for the American economy."”How China gets what it wants from American companiesChina eCommerce: “The top five countries for sales to Chinese consumers are Japan, U.S., South Korea, Germany, and Australia. Japanese and Korean exports comprise mostly cosmetics and beauty serums. Chinese often turn to Western countries for their baby products, food, vitamins, and supplements.Chinese consumers purchased $100.2 billion on goods from sellers in other countries in 2017, with the average spend per buyer (for the year) at $882, according to research firm eMarketer. The company estimates that in 2018, 249 million Chinese consumers will purchase products through cross-border ecommerce, known locally as “haitao,” or “buying overseas.””Chinese Consumers Are Eager to Buy Foreign Goods | Practical EcommerceShortlist of the thousands of American and foreign companies in China:American Corporations in ChinaChina’s domestic market is $7.00 trillion, the US market is $6.94 trillionTCdata360: Domestic market size index, 1-7 (best)

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