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Who are the new members of the National Academy of Sciences in 2015?
Newly elected members and their affiliations at the time of election are:Aeppli, Gabriel; professor of physics, ETH Zurich and EPF Lausanne, Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, SwitzerlandAndrews, Nancy C.; vice chancellor and dean, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, N.C.Balbus, Steven A.; Savilian Professor of Astronomy and head of astrophysics, department of astrophysics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United KingdomBass, Brenda L.; distinguished professor, department of biochemistry, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake CityBates, Robert H.; Eaton Professor of the Science of Government, department of government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.Behrmann Cohen, Marlene; professor, department of psychology, and director, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Carnegie Mellon University, PittsburghBerry, Joseph A.; faculty member, department of global ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford, Calif.Betzig, Eric; group leader, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, Va.Biggins, Sue; full member and associate director, division of basic sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, SeattleBowring, Samuel A.; professor, department of earth, atmospheric, and planetary sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, CambridgeBronner, Marianne E.; Albert Billings Ruddock Professor of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, PasadenaBurrows, Adam; professor of astrophysical sciences, department of astrophysical sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.Chakravarti, Aravinda; professor of medicine, pediatrics, molecular biology, and genetics, and director, Center for Complex Disease Genomics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, BaltimoreCheney, Dorothy L.; professor of biology and member of the graduate group, departments of psychology and anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, PhiladelphiaCooks, R. Graham; Henry Bohn Hass Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, department of chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.Dalla-Favera, Riccardo; Uris Professor of Pathology, department of genetics and development, and director, Institute for Cancer Genetics, Columbia University, New York CityDeaton, Angus; Dwight D. Eisenhower Professor of Economics and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and department of economics, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.Dell, Gary S.; professor, psychology department, University of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignDulac, Catherine; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor, department of molecular and cellular biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.Edwards, Scott V.; Alexander Agassiz Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, and curator of birds, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.Eskin, Alexander; professor, department of mathematics, University of Chicago, ChicagoFisher, Daniel S.; professor of applied physics, department of applied physics, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.Geman, Donald; professor, department of applied mathematics and statistics, Johns Hopkins University, BaltimoreGoldberg, Alfred L.; professor of cell biology, department of cell biology, Harvard Medical School, BostonGranick, Steve; director, Institute for Basic Science, Center for Soft and Living Matter, and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South KoreaHa, Taekjip; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor of physics, University of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignHastings, Alan; distinguished professor, department of environmental science and policy, University of California, DavisHe, Sheng Yang; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; and professor, MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, East LansingHead-Gordon, Martin; Kenneth S. Pitzer Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, department of chemistry, University of California, BerkeleyHinnebusch, Alan G.; chief, Laboratory of Gene Regulation and Development, and director, program in cellular regulation and metabolism, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.Holloway, Ralph L.; professor of anthropology, Columbia University, New York CityHooper, Lora V.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and associate professor, department of immunology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, DallasIncandela, Joseph; professor, department of physics, University of California, Santa BarbaraJackson, Matthew O.; Eberle Professor, department of economics, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.Jacobs-Wagner, Christine; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology; and director of the Microbial Sciences Institute, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.Jasin, Maria; member and William E. Snee Chair, developmental biology program, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York CityKahn, Robert E.; president and CEO, Corporation for National Research Initiatives, Reston, Va.Kapitulnik, Aharon; professor of physics, department of physics, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.Karten, Harvey J.; professor of neurosciences and psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La JollaKliewer, Steven A.; Nancy B. and Jake L. Hamon Distinguished Chair in Basic Cancer Research and professor, departments of molecular biology and pharmacology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, DallasKling, Catherine; Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Agriculture and Life Sciences, professor of economics, and director, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, AmesLande, Russell; Royal Society Research Professor, division of biology, Imperial College London, Silwood Park, United KingdomLee, Jeannie T.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor of genetics and pathology, department of molecular biology, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, BostonLeonard, Warren J.; NIH Distinguished Investigator and chief, Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, and director, Immunology Center, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.Levi, Margaret; director, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, and professor, department of political science, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.Liao, James C.; Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Professor and chair, chemical and biomolecular engineering department, University of California, Los AngelesLis, John T.; Barbara McClintock Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics, department of molecular biology and genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.Lundblad, Victoria; professor, Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, Calif.MacDonald, Glen M.; UC Presidential Chair and distinguished professor, departments of geography and of ecology and evolutionary biology, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, University of California, Los AngelesMalhotra, Renu; professor, department of planetary sciences, University of Arizona, TucsonMalik, Jitendra; Arthur J. Chick Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, department of electrical engineering and computer sciences, University of California, BerkeleyMallouk, Thomas E.; Evan Pugh Professor of Materials Chemistry and Physics and professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, department of chemistry, Pennsylvania State University, University ParkMessing, Joachim; university professor of molecular biology, Selman A. Waksman Chair in Molecular Genetics, and director, Waksman Institute, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, PiscatawayMiller, Jeffery F.; M. Philip Davis Chair in Microbiology and Immunology and chair, department of microbiology, immunology, and molecular genetics, University of California, Los AngelesMoon, Randall T.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and William and Marilyn Conner Chair and director, department of pharmacology, Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Washington, SeattleMrowka, Tomasz; Singer Professor of Mathematics, department of mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, CambridgeMukamel, Shaul; distinguished professor of chemistry, department of chemistry, University of California, IrvineMurphy, Catherine J.; Peter C. and Gretchen Miller Markunas Professor of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignNeumark, Daniel M.; chair and Joel Hildebrand Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, department of chemistry, University of California, BerkeleyNogales, Eva; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, University of California, BerkeleyPoterba, James; Mitsui Professor of Economics, department of economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, CambridgeRamakrishnan, Lalita; professor of immunology and infectious diseases and Wellcome Trust Principal, department of medicine, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, University of Cambridge, United KingdomReinberg, Danny; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor, department of biochemistry and molecular pharmacology, New York University School of Medicine, New York CityRichards-Kortum, Rebecca; Stanley C. Moore Professor of Bioengineering and professor of electrical and computer engineering, Rice University, HoustonRicheson, Jennifer A.; professor, department of psychology and department of African American studies, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.Rogers, John A.; Swanlund Chair Professor, department of materials science and engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignRothstein, Rodney; professor of genetics and development, Columbia University Medical Center, New York CitySchoelkopf, Robert J.; Stirling Professor of Applied Physics and Physics, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.Schroeder, Julian I.; full professor and Novartis Chair in Plant Sciences, division of biological sciences, University of California, San Diego, La JollaSeager, Sara; professor of planetary science and physics and Class of 1941 Professorship Chair, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, CambridgeSeveringhaus, Jeffrey P.; professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La JollaShen, Zhi-Xun; Paul Pigott Professor in Physical Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.Shenker, Stephen; Richard Herschel Weiland Professor, department of physics, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.Steinman, Lawrence; professor, departments of neurology and neurological sciences, pediatrics, and genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, Calif.Svoboda, Karel; group leader, Janelia Farm Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, Va.Tauxe, Lisa; distinguished professor of geophysics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La JollaTaylor, Richard; Robert and Luisa Fernholz Professor, School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N.J.Thorner, Jeremy; professor, division of biochemistry and molecular biology, University of California, BerkeleyVardi, Moshe Y.; George Distinguished Service Professor in Computational Engineering, department of computer science, Rice University, HoustonVosshall, Leslie B.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and Chemers Family Professor and head, Laboratory of Neurogenetics and Behavior, Rockefeller University, New York CityWard, William R.; institute scientist, department of space studies, Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, Colo.Western, Bruce; professor of sociology and Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Professor of Criminal Justice, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.Wu, Hao; Asa and Patricia Springer Professor, department of biological chemistry and molecular pharmacology, Harvard Medical School, and program in cellular and molecular medicine, Boston Children's HospitalZhang, Shoucheng; J.G. Jackson and C.J. Wood Professor of Physics, department of physics, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.Newly elected foreign associates, their affiliations at the time of election, and their country of citizenship are:Agrawal, Manindra; N. Rama Rao Chair Professor, department of computer science and engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India (India)Baillargeon, Renée; Alumni Distinguished Professor, psychology department, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Canada)Carrasco, Nancy; professor of cellular and molecular physiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn. (Mexico)Casanova, Jean-Laurent; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor and senior attending physician, St. Giles Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Rockefeller University, New York City (France)Gianotti, Fabiola; research physicist and director general designate, ATLAS Department, European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland (Italy)Halliday, Alex N.; head of the mathematical, physical and life sciences division, department of earth sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (United Kingdom)Ip, Nancy Y.; dean of science, the Morningside Chair Professor of Life Science, and director of the State Key Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong (People's Republic of China)Jahn, Reinhard; director, department of neurobiology, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany (Germany)Jones, Jonathan D.G.; staff scientist, John Innes Science Center, Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, United Kingdom (United Kingdom)Kontsevich, Maxim; professor of mathematics, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, France (France/Russia)Mayor, Satyajit; director, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India (India)Mehlhorn, Kurt; director, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany (Germany)Nagata, Shigekazu; professor of medical chemistry, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Japan (Japan)Nitzan, Abraham; director, Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies; and professor of chemistry, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Israel (Israel)Nobre, Carlos A.; director of the Center for Earth System Science and senior scientist, National Institute for Space Research-INPE, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil (Brazil)Radi, Rafael; professor and chair, department of biochemistry, University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay (Uruguay)Segev, Mordechai; Robert J. Shillman Distinguished Professor of Physics, department of physics, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel (Israel)Sonenberg, Nahum; full professor, department of biochemistry, Goodman Cander Research Centre, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Canada)Stenseth, Nils C.; founding chair, Centre for Ecology and Evolutionary Synthesis, and professor and chair, department of ecology and evolution, University of Oslo, Norway (Norway)Svoboda, Jan; professor in molecular biology, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic (Czech Republic)Tirole, Jean; scientific director, Institut d'Économie Industrielle, Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse, France (France)(from NAS Members and Foreign Associates Elected)
Who is responsible for all the evil occurring, man or God?
Who is responsible for all the evil occurring, man or God?First, I applaud your inquisitive nature. However, from the structure of your question I see your cognitive dissidence has gotten the better of you!Now about evil. Short answer: Man. God or gods are an invention of the human mind.Alternate responses, none of which involve God or god(s): Science suggests the universe likes balance: so yin and yang, light and dark, negative & positive charge, good and evil. Good and evil are like many things in life: a matter of your perspective. The ability to do ‘Evil’ is the part of human nature which places survival (survive to procreate) above all other goals. Our reality is a (metaphor) 3D video game and pan-dimensional beings come here to play (as biological creatures) and experience corporeal life and accumulate memories (an amusement park). Our perceived ‘good’ & ‘evil’ are built into the game to make things interesting – and emotional. Strong emotions lead to vivid memories. Hey, this notion is every bit as provable as that shoveled up by the most elaborate fraud ever perpetrated on the human race: organized religion!To help you understand my response I suggest these three books to start, particularly the first one1) Breaking The Spell Religion as a natural phenomenona) By Daniel C. Dennett ©2006 (an American philosopher, writer, and cognitive scientist)2) Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari ©20153) Homo Deus A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari ©2017Followed these with a good course in critical thinking, a solid base of science, college physics, then particle and quantum physics, and some good books on great philosophers like Benedict de Spinoza. Then begin a though study of theology. Read the holy books of all the major religions, study numerology, astrology, and major league sports – all the things man worships. Study the works of anthropologists who specialize in the times some of the “holy” people lived and find the truth, as best we can prove it, behind history and how these religions evolved and were refined by man.When you are moderately educated on some of the aspects of the history and reality of life on this planet, then you can decide for yourself about good and evil and gods. As a parting thought, I read an article recently a prominent physicist who suggested that: “A PhD in Physics is a good beginning for your education”. Hey, it’s your life. I suggest you not waste it is a fantasy land of ignorance & superstition.Here is a beginning reading list:1. The Demon-Haunted World Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan ©19962. The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 1, II, III New Millennium Edition – Feynman, Leighton, Sands ©1963, 2006, 2010 by California Institute of Technology3. A Universe From Nothing Why There is Something Rather Than Nothing by Lawrence M. Krauss ©20124. The Greatest Story Ever Told – So Far Why we are here by Lawrence M. Krauss ©20175. How We Know What Isn’t So The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life By Thomas Gilovich ©19916. Irreducible Mind Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century By Edward F. Kelly, Emily Williams Kelly, Adam Crabtree, Alan Gauld, Michael Grosse, & Bruce Greyson. ©20077. The Holographic Universe By Michael Talbot (reviews works of physicist David Bohm & neurophysiologist Karl Pribram) ©20118. Wholeness and the Implicate Order By David Bohm ©1980 20059. The Ghost in the Atom By P.C.W. Davies and J.R. Brown ©198610. Black Holes and Time Warps Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy By Kip S. Thorne ©199411. The Science of Interstellar By Kip Thorne ©2014 (the movie Interstellar)12. The Field The Quest For The Secret Force Of The Universe By Lynne McTaggart ©2002 (discussion of the zero-point field)13. From Eternity to Here The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time By Sean Carroll ©2010 (Time, the universe, structure of physical reality)14. The Particle Garden Our Universe as Understood by Particle Physicists By Gordon Kane ©199515. Dreams of a Final Theory by Steven Weinberg©1992 In search of the ultimate building blocks By Gerard’t Hooft ©1997 (Joint winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize for Physics)16. The Charm of Strange Quarks Mysteries and Revolutions Of Particle Physics By R. Michael Barnett, Henry Mühry, Helen R. Quinn ©200017. Spooky Action At A Distance – The Phenomenon That Reimagines Space And Time – And What It Means For Black Holes, The Big Bang, And Theories Of Everything. George Musser ©2015 by George Musser.18. Biocentrism How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe By Robert Lanza, MD with Bob Berman ©201019. The God Theory Universes, Zero-Point Fields and What’s Behind it All By Bernard Haisch Ph.D. (Astrophysics) ©2006
Who is the most connected person in Silicon Valley?
I considered this exact question around 1999 when I kept reading popular press news articles saying things like “Vinod Khosla is the most connected VC in Silicon Valley.” As a university professor, researcher, and mathematician, I wanted to create a quantitative, precise, and repeatable mathematical solution to answer that question, so I embarked on a research project to do just that. The branch of math called Graph Theory brings concepts and calculations to this type of question, as it is used to model environments or situations that can be represented as points connected by links.I began by collecting data on Board Members of every technology firm (hardware, software, networks, data, Web, etc.) that went public on the NASDAQ between January of 1998 and October of 2001 (the heart of the dot-com boom). Searching S-1 filings of those firms yielded a dataset comprised of 749 firms, 4057 individual Board Members, and 30412 connection dyads (i.e., records of pairs of Board Members, as in: [BoardMemberX, BoardMemberY]). I counted as a connection the dyad created when two individuals sat on the same Board of Directors. Obviously, this constrains the extent to which my results can be used as a direct answer to the original question, but I thought it was a pretty good surrogate, especially considering the data collection issues at the time. Also, I used the concept of “Degrees of Separation” as a measure of connectedness as it’s a generic measure of “network centrality” that indicates “how connected” is a node in a network.It turns out that about 60% (2375) of the individuals on those firms’ Boards of Directors were “reachable” from/to each other, meaning they were part of a single network of connected individuals. The other 1682 individuals were on smaller “islands” of connected individuals that were not connected to the larger network or to the other smaller networks. One result of that research project was a list of the “Top 100” most-connected venture capitalists. As this project was executed prior to nice tools for website scraping and easily-searched SEC filings, I and a graduate student completed the data collection by hand. Obviously, the whole project could be completed today much more quickly and easily. In fact, I’d be interested in seeing what the results would be in today’s Silicon Valley, and compare them to my results from the early 2000s.To find a small write-up of the project, surf to:Who Are the Most-Connected Venture Capitalist Board Members in the Technology SectorI’m not able to paste in the exact table of “Top 100 Venture Capitalists” that appears at the page linked above, but you can see below a poorly formatted version of that list. The list is in order of “most connected VC” as measured by the average shortest path from each Board Member to every other Board Member. Given that, from 1998–2001, the most connected Venture Capitalist in Silicon Valley (using the process I describe above) was John Doerr.Rank First Name Middle Name Last Name Pre/Suffix DOS value1 L John Doerr 4.51202 C Richard Kramlich 4.68003 William R Stensrud 4.70694 Thomas J Meredith 4.79035 John L Walecka 4.80346 David D Hiller 4.88137 Larry W Sonsini 4.89058 William D Savoy 4.90449 Neal Douglas 4.949110 Scott Kriens 4.963811 Vinod Khosla 4.969712 Michael J Moritz 4.972213 Jerome D Colonna 4.980614 Edward J Zander 4.982715 Robert C Hawk 4.984416 Mitchell E Kertzman 4.992817 Irwin Federman 4.996618 James W Breyer 4.997119 Andrew W Verhalen 5.001320 Mark Tebbe 5.005121 James E Cowie 5.005122 Richard M Moley 5.011423 Nancy J Schoendorf 5.018924 Harvey C Jones Jr 5.020225 William R Hearst III 5.021926 Kevin R Compton 5.034927 Peter M Neupert 5.044228 Howard D Schultz 5.062729 Joseph A Graziano 5.070730 David M Beirne 5.074531 Brook H Byers 5.082532 Tench Coxe 5.089733 John G Taysom 5.090934 Lawrence P Begley 5.096435 Judith H Hamilton 5.107836 Peter T Morris 5.118737 Donald J Listwin 5.122538 Arthur C Patterson 5.132639 Thomas J Casey 5.136840 Daniel J Nova 5.138941 David C Bohnett 5.140642 William E Kelvie 5.142743 George R Garrick 5.145744 Yogen K Dalal 5.151245 A Brooke Seawell 5.160046 Keith B Geeslin 5.165947 Joseph B Costello 5.167648 Garrett P Gruener 5.168449 Pradeep Sindhu 5.168850 Christos M Cotsakos 5.170151 William S Kaiser 5.171852 Thomas A Jermoluk 5.174753 James H Clark 5.174754 Tadataka Yamada MD 5.174755 William W McGuire MD 5.174756 Michael K Hoover 5.174757 W Michael Long 5.174758 Laura D'Andrea Tyson 5.174759 P E Sadler 5.174760 Robert E Davoli 5.175661 Jeffrey P Bezos 5.182362 Michael C Brooks 5.184063 Catherine M Hapka 5.185764 Reed E Hundt 5.189165 James C Gaither 5.189166 John R Oltman 5.196267 Eric C Cooper 5.212668 Glen T Meakem 5.212669 David A Noble 5.212670 Sam E Kinney Jr 5.212671 Andrew J Filipowski 5.218572 Barry M Weinman 5.227473 Robert J Zollars 5.229974 Barry J Schiffman 5.231675 Ronald A Weinberg 5.233376 Bruce W Ravenel 5.233377 John H Brandon 5.233378 John T Kernan 5.233379 Carl Zeiger 5.233380 Thomas F Nagel 5.233381 Jeffrey P Sanderson 5.233382 Bradley P Dusto 5.233383 Mark A Stevens 5.234584 Eric C Hippeau 5.242985 Daniel C Lynch 5.243886 Jay C Hoag 5.244287 G Bradford Jones 5.248088 Geoffrey Y Yang 5.253189 Paul D Carbery 5.254790 Martin J Yudkovitz 5.255691 Peter H Mills 5.257392 Robert R Maxfield 5.267493 Andrew S Rachleff 5.276294 David M Tolmie 5.279295 Gian Fulgoni 5.279296 Susan Mayer 5.283497 Ken L Harrison 5.283498 Richard W Shapero 5.284299 William J Razzouk 5.2855100 Thomas R Baruch JD 5.2897
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