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Editing your form online is quite effortless. No need to get any software through your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy tool to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.

Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:

  • Find CocoDoc official website on your device where you have your file.
  • Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ icon and tap it.
  • Then you will visit this awesome tool page. Just drag and drop the file, or select the file through the ‘Choose File’ option.
  • Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
  • When the modification is done, tap the ‘Download’ icon to save the file.

How to Edit Lesson Plan Set 2: Forms Of Energy on Windows

Windows is the most widespread operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit form. In this case, you can get CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents easily.

All you have to do is follow the guidelines below:

  • Get CocoDoc software from your Windows Store.
  • Open the software and then choose your PDF document.
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  • After that, edit the document as you needed by using the a wide range of tools on the top.
  • Once done, you can now save the customized PDF to your laptop. You can also check more details about editing PDF in this post.

How to Edit Lesson Plan Set 2: Forms Of Energy on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. Through CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac easily.

Follow the effortless guidelines below to start editing:

  • To start with, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
  • Then, choose your PDF file through the app.
  • You can attach the form from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
  • Edit, fill and sign your paper by utilizing some online tools.
  • Lastly, download the form to save it on your device.

How to Edit PDF Lesson Plan Set 2: Forms Of Energy on G Suite

G Suite is a widespread Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your workforce more productive and increase collaboration between you and your colleagues. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF file editor with G Suite can help to accomplish work effectively.

Here are the guidelines to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Seek for CocoDoc PDF Editor and get the add-on.
  • Attach the form that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by clicking "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your paper using the toolbar.
  • Save the customized PDF file on your device.

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Is there such a thing as "fun" in the afterlife or is your soul only learning lessons from prior lifetimes and those needed for future reincarnations?

It really depends upon you and your soul group. I’ve filmed people who claimed their soul group was like “little children playing all the time.” When asked what they were playing she said “it’s some form of cosmic tag.” She said “but it’s very complex, they’re showing me the rules. People can hide anywhere in the universe, but they can do so by being invisible. Further, the rules allow people to hide in different realms (different universes) and you have to capture all six of us at the same time.”This woman was a skeptic who didn’t believe in the afterlife, or that she could do hypnosis. But I filmed her reporting this odd “tag” that she claims her soul group loves to play.People claim there are “classrooms” in the afterlife where we go to learn about “energy transformation.” In the 45 sessions I’ve filmed and the 5 I’ve done myself, I’ve visited a number of these classrooms (on different occassions with different hypnotherapists) and gotten specific answers from the teachers about what it is they’re teaching.Further, they claim (they being the 7000 cases of Michael Newton or the 2000 cases of Dr. Helen Wambach) that we get together to choose our next lifetime, based on how it’s going to benefit everyone in the group. We tend to work on themes together, almost like a classroom setting,where we all go off on a field trip to explore,examine and take notes on what that lifetime is like.When people talk about the “life planning session” there are a myriad of descriptions on how that takes place as well. One person said “It was like I was on stage arguing a doctoral thesis to my friends and guides about why I had chosen this next life” “I was given these various locales as options, I didn’t want to be somewhere too cold, but I wound up choosing a life in Russia” - we are as “serious” as we need to be in these planning sessions, or we can be as silly or flippant as we normally are - either way we are the ones who are promising to “fulfill the contract” by coming down here and doing what we planned to do.We can improvise, change the path, enhance the path if we want to… I get the impression that includes some form of “revisiting your guides” while you’re on the planet. What they consistently claim is that we only bring about a third of our conscious energy to any given lifetime, so that means that about 2/3s of our energy is always “back home” having adventures - or working out the details.Not my theory, opinion or philosophy - I’m just reporting what people consistently say about the journey.

What are the best ways I could motivate myself to start studying?

I'm sad to say that students of today are still stuck with archaic study methods of the 18th century and applying them in the 21st century.As a result, they always find it hard to study!They don't realise that the best studying strategy is to study smart, by incorporating new and better ways of studying.Given a choice, and at least at the microcosmic level, this is what I would do, in order to study smart:1) Learn and practise proven efficient and effective study tools like SQ5R and Cornell Notes.Go to the net and download information on SQ5R and Cornell Notes:i) SQ5R reading/studying strategy;It's a structured system [SQ5R is an acronym for SURVEY, QUESTIONS, READ, RECORD, RECITE, REVIEW, REFLECT], but it equips you with efficient and effective ways to navigate academic materials, especially the intellectually-intense ones, with ease and expediency.ii) Cornell Notes;It's a far more superior system that the conventional outline method, known to most students in schools, college and universities.It's latent power comes from its simple and yet elegant three-column spatial configuration for taking notes and making notes.The "cue" column is the most powerful system I have ever known, as it facilitates - and expedites - your memory retention/recall via self-testing.2) Before you proceed to study/revise each academic subject, learn to categorise them into:(i) concept-based/memory-dependent;(ii) problem-solving;(iii) interpretation/prediction based;so that you can do a mix-up during lesson revision at home, and also to allow you to be more energy-efficient, particularly in using 25-minute revising/5-minute break over a 2-hour stretch, thus attaining more 'Primacy' and 'Recency Effects'.3) Preview your new lesson the night before class, by preparing preliminary notes.This is because, when you are learning something new in class, your prior knowledge will always come into play to make connections and create linkages. More schema, more understanding!4) Make sure that you thoroughly understand the content of all your class lectures; if not, you have to ask for clarification or elucidation from your lecturers or professors.To me, the acid test for understanding something new is your ability to explain the new concept to someone else, like your kid brother or even your grandma. No puns intended;5) At the end of a class lecture, always do a quick Recap, Review and Reinforce, preferably with mnemonics - I call this the 3R's strategy.Science says 80% of your information intake is lost if you do not execute this initiative within 24 hours;6) At least for every semester quarter, or a couple of weeks prior to your final test/exam time, spend time and effort to prepare global consolidated and summarised study notes, as part of your final test/exam prep, by incorporating:- preliminary notes from your textbook reading, the night before class;- notes taken and made during the lecture;- notes taken and made from lecture handouts, f any;- notes taken and made from class discussions or groupwork, if any;- notes from lab reports and/or field work;- other notes, e.g. from research at the library, or from the Internet search;7) Also, with the aid of your subject syllabus as well as exam syllabus, learn to identify and segregate "core material" from "elaborative material".- "core material" = important concepts, principles, theories, definitions, terminologies, nomenclatures, important diagrams or graphs, etc.;- "elaborative material" = illustrations, examples, anecdotes, etc.;Drawing on Pareto's Law: About 80% of your exam questions are likely to come from your "core material", and so you know what and where to focus first.This is not to say "elaborative material" is not important, but once you have the intellectual grasp of "core material" in the first instance, "elaborative material" will naturally falls into place - in your memory banks;Transcribe "core material" into 4x3 index cards for their pocket portability, using the proven Index Card Strategy, for "learning-on-the-go": commuting and/or waiting in queue, as this facilitates random self-quizzing;8) Review your learned class lesson within 24 hours, and then prepare a systematic spaced and distributed practice of revision/rehearsal, next 30 days/next 60 days/ next 90 days till test/exam time; this initiative helps you to circumvent the deadly impact of the infamous Ebbinghaus Effect, or better known as the Forgetting Curve;9) Master the 100+ Test Verbs, often used by examiners in test/exam questions;10) Always remember [I hate to say this, but it's a harsh reality], tests/exams are a form of game, and you got to learn to be an excellent game player.First of all, a test/exam is always a game of PRECISION and SPEED.No matter how you look at it, examiners are only interested in your ability to answer questions PRECISELY and EXPEDIENTLY, all within the prescribed time limits.So, to beat them in the game, you got to learn to master the technique of doing a "surgical cut" of the exam questions at first glance, no matter how they are phrased.That's why (9) is critical here.For your strategy to win the game, learn and practice the Question Dissection Protocol (*), a powerful technique for dissecting test/exam questions, developed by award-winning educator Doug Buehl from Madison, Wisconsin;I have already written extensively about this technique on Quora. You can search their archives.11) Spend time and make concerted effort to tackle the past exam series, under simulated test/exam conditions;12) If you are familiar with the graphical methods of note-taking and note-making, like idea-mapping, cluster diagramming and/or graphic organising, apply what I call a 'Divide and Conquer' strategy by creating a global idea map for each of your subject matter, using the tapestry of contents of your textbook as branching ideas; alternatively, you can also use the core ideas captured in (7);13) I have in fact written an extended piece on final test/exam preparation, entitled:THE ART & DISCIPLINE OF REVISION STRATEGYHere's the link:THE ART & DISCIPLINE OF REVISION STRATEGY14) Last but not least, especially if you are interested, acquire a copy of Adam Robinson's 'What Smart Students Know' and Ronald Gross' 'Peak Learning', and do your best to read as well as digest them. Definitely, you will be amply rewarded!I take this opportunity to wish you a pleasant and successful academic journey, and may all your fondest dreams come true.Meanwhile, at the macro-cosmic level, I suggest that you take a close look at the larger scheme of things in your life.That is, sit down to explore and establish compelling, inspiring and overarching long-range goals, broken down into short-term, medium-term, and long-term perspectives, as follows:- what I want to BE;- what I want to DO;- what I want to HAVE;- what I want to IMPROVE;- what I want to CHANGE;and also considering the following major life dimensions in your life:- academic pursuit;- mental development;- career aspirations;- physical health;- financial wealth;- family relationships;- social networking;- recreational ventures (including hobbies, interests, sports, vacations, etc.);- spiritual development (including contributions to society, volunteering, etc.);Upon completion of reflection, contemplation and introspection, the next logical step for you is to work out a systematic game plan, whereby you need to translate all your long-range goals and objectives into specific, prioritised and executable tasks which you must do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and even annually, in hot pursuit of your desired outcomes or cherished dreams.GOALS, PRIORITIES, PLAN, set your directions and direct your focus on the things that matter to you the most.In a nut shell, GOALS, PRIORITIES PLAN, give your the reasons for getting out of bed quickly every morning, and for staying - and feeling - alive.GOALS, PRIORITIES PLAN, are like precise commands preset into the flight plan of a Tomahawk missile, homing on to a predefined long-distance target, to use a military analogy.All the strategic and tactical initiatives, as laid out in your systematic game plan, will embody the envisaged vivid image of your ultimate success achievement, which you are more than likely to hold in your head, thus serving as your personal driving force, keeping you inspired, motivated and focused, in the hot pursuit of your desired outcomes or cherished dreams.I have already written extensively about goal setting and goal achieving, including how to set up an systematic game plan on Quora. You can search their archives.

What 3 habits can transform my life completely?

If you want an extraordinary life you must develop extraordinary habits.“My definition of success is knowing that what you are doing is helping you and others lead a better, happier, healthier life.”— Kara Goldin#1 - Wake Up EarlyOur entire day often depends on what we do when we wake up in the morning and the momentum we generate. When you consider it, our early hours set the general tone for the entire day.Let’s consider this further – if a few hours of the day often determine the mood for the day and the quality of performance for whole day, wouldn’t it make sense to start the day earlier than usual?#2 - Prayer/MeditationOur entire well being depends on the quality of our spiritual as well as our mental health.Prayer is a form of divine communication with God. It refers to an act of supplication, intercession, divine worship and thanksgiving towards The Creator.The aim of prayer is to bring us to a point of total peace with ourselves and with our Maker.Prayer is not only a way of supplication but also a way of showing gratitude for the numerous blessings we enjoy in life.Meditation is a common practice to relieve stress, anxiety, depression and pain. Although meditation takes the form of prayer it is different from prayer.Meditation doesn’t have to be religious.All the great and successful people I know attribute their success to the quality of prayer/meditation they practice consistently each day.#3 - Exercise/WorkoutsThe human body must be kept fit in order to function effectively. Make exercise your daily ritual and your body will help you to perform your daily activities effectively.Did you know that physical exercise contributes to the longevity of life?Did you know that physical exercise increases testosterone levels?Did you know that physical exercise enhances brain health and increases your capacity to think?Did you know that physical exercise has a host of other health benefits that cannot all be mentioned in a Q/A forum such as this one?Instead of waking up slowly, get up and do some stretches, morning walk, jogging or gym workouts.Rigorous activities such as workouts or jogging set your metabolism to high speed for the day.#4 - DisciplineThe human body is naturally indisciplined and lazy. Given the chance, the human body will just drift into complete comfort and relaxation.This will not benefit you greatly, since you want your body to work for you and deliver results.Taking a cold shower every morning especially following physical exercises or workouts, awakens your senses, puts your mind into alert mode and enhances your immune system.This completes your fitness cycle and kicks off your body into discipline mode for the rest of the day.The purpose of your body is to carry you around so that you can perform your daily activities in optimum mode.The battle for success is won or lost depending on the quality of discipline you build into yourself.#5 - DietYou need a strong, healthy body in order to function and deal with daily challenges. Feeding your body with good stuff will enhance your health and optimize your body to give you quality performance.Start off your day with a good breakfast and drink a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated for the rest of the day.The quality of the meal you eat especially for breakfast determines the level of energy you get to face the rigors of the day and also sets the mood for the whole day.Avoid junk food and other substances that are not prescribed by the doctor.#6 - Skills AcquisitionThere’s no better way to enhance your net worth than by increasing your skills.We live in a highly competitive world, therefore learning something new each day puts you ahead of the competition.Information is becoming obsolete at a faster rate than at any other period in history. The modern man or woman must continuously self-educate themselves in order to catch up with the latest technological trends, news, skills, etc.The methods you choose for learning will depend on what you do and how things change in your particular world.Make learning your lifelong goal and your net worth will never deplete.#7 - Time ManagementOf all the skills that can enhance your success, perhaps time management is your greatest value proposition.Your time is precious, and you should allocate it prudently. If you’re failing in life, then examine how and where you’re allocating your time.We all have 24 hours a day, no more no less.8 hours for Rest8 hours for Work or College8 hours BonusWhat makes some people different from the rest of the people is how they choose to spend the bonus hours.#8 - Focus on High Level ActivitiesNot every activity you undertake every day will give you a high return on investment, and most activities will give you a loss.Your level of results is governed by the 80/20 principle.What this means is that 20% of activities will yield 80% of the results. For example, 20% of your time will give you 80% of performance, 20% of your employees will give you 80% of performance, and 20% of customers will yield 80% of your income, and so on…Once you identify what the 20% of your activities are, focus on these 20% activities and invest more resources, effort, time and financial resources to these activities.#9 - PlanningPlanning is thinking forward and failing to plan is planning to fail.Planning for the day’s activities should be done the previous day. This means today, you should be planning for tomorrow’s activities.After a hard day’s work, you are likely to make mistakes and some things may not go according to plan. This is not a problem since these are simply human shortcomings, which means no one can predict the future with reliable accuracy.However, what went wrong yesterday should be used as a lesson for today’s planning so that you avoid repeating the same mistake.#10 - RestLife in a modern day is fast paced and filled with rigorous work and exhaustion. A single day can leave anyone completely exhausted and burned out.In a high capacity environment, if you are not taking the proper amount of time to rest, your body will crash, and the consequences can be disastrous.Therefore it makes much sense to take rest seriously. Simply, if you don’t give your body enough rest it will just collapse on you.No need to inform you that you need to sleep for 8 hours every night or to wake up at a specific hour. That’s entirely up to you.Your goal should be to find the right work-rest balance and go to bed at the right time in order to wake up at the right time, so you can get enough rest, stay healthy and feel energized.

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I used this product for a while to get our documents signed securely. It was pretty easy to navigate and stored the documents for later retrieval. It's nice for making sure your docs are legally signed but that's about it.

Justin Miller