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Windows is the most widely-used operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit file. In this case, you can install CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents effectively.

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macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. Using CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac quickly.

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How to Edit PDF Reading Ranger Forms through G Suite

G Suite is a widely-used Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your work more efficiently and increase collaboration across departments. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF editing tool with G Suite can help to accomplish work easily.

Here are the instructions to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Search for CocoDoc PDF Editor and download the add-on.
  • Select the file that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by choosing "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your file using the toolbar.
  • Save the completed PDF file on your laptop.

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How did one become a US Army Ranger during WW2?

The US Army Rangers were formed in World War Two and the first Ranger Battalion was made up from soldiers, recruited from among the 34th Infantry Division and the 1st Armored Division. These men were highly motivated, trained soldiers who had to volunteer to join Ranger units and went through a vigorous training regime before calling themselves US Army Rangers.The Ranger concept was not new and earlier Ranger units had been formed in the 17th and 18th-century wars between colonists and Native American tribes to support the British Army regular units based in America who were not accustomed to fighting on the frontier in some hostile environments and the Rangers who were frontiersmen were far more used to fighting in the wooded and mountainous areas of North America.Over a 200 year period various units were established such as, Colonel Benjamin Church’s Rangers formed in 1676 and Rogers Rangers formed in 1751 and other units were formed during the, American Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and during the US Civil War.The 2nd World War US Rangers had been formed following the formation of British Commando Unit’s, that had been formed from Regular British Army Unit’s in June 1940, on request from Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who said, "Enterprises must be prepared, with specially-trained troops of the hunter class, who can develop a reign of terror down these coasts, first of all on the "butcher and bolt" policy.Once the United States had come into the war in December 1941, Major General Lucian Truscott of the U.S. Army was a liaison officer with the British General Staff, submitted a proposal to General George Marshall that an American unit be set up "along the lines of the British Commandos".So on June 19th 1942, the 1st Ranger Battalion was formed. These early US Rangers were trained by British Commandos at the Commando Training Depot at Achnacarry in the Highlands of Scotland. This training course was hard and started with a 8 mile(13km) speech march from the Railway station to the Depot, before the training even started.Men could be “returned to unit at any time” if they did not reach the required standard. All exercises were carried out with live ammunition and the course included, climbing, skill at arms, boat work, speed and endurance marches over the mountain’s, unarmed combat, map reading, weapons training using US Weapons and captured enemy weapons.A great link to information about the Commando depot can be found here: A timeline of Commando TrainingThe first combat the early Rangers were involved in was, a select fifty or so of the first U.S. Rangers, who were dispersed through the British Commandos for the Dieppe Raid in August 1942; these were the first American soldiers to see ground combat in the European theater.The image below shows some of these Rangers with British Commandos sharing a smoke following the Dieppe raid:Following Dieppe, US Army Rangers, went on to fight in all theatres of the War and here is a timeline:1st Ranger Bn: Operation Torch - Nov 8th 1942. North Africa.The 29th Provisional Ranger Battalion: December 1942: Activated in the UK, also trained by British Commandos, but disbanded in November 1943 and did not see active service.2nd Ranger Bn: Activated - 1st April 1943. Camp Forrest, Tennessee.3rd Ranger Bn: Activated - 25th May 1943. North Africa.4th Ranger Bn: Activated - 8th June 1943. North Africa.3rd/4th Ranger Bn’s trained by 1st Ranger Bn at Nemours - North Africa in 1943.1st/3rd/4th Ranger Bn’s involved in Sicily invasion.5th Ranger Bn: Activated - 21st July 1943. Camp Forrest, Tennessee.6th Ranger Bn: Activated: 26th Sept 1944 - New Guinea (Pacific campaign:Raid on Cabanatuan)2nd and 5th were very famously at D-Day - Point Du Hoc. Omaha Beach.Famous Ranger:Colonel William Darby: Image below:And training at Achnacarry, Commando Depot 1942:In answer to the question, just like US Paratroopers, Rangers were volunteers who came from all units of the US Army and went through Ranger training based on the British Commando model, following the initial training of the 1st Bn.Other famous commando units formed in WW2, who were not Rangers but could be considered to be part of the Ranger ancestry of Modern US Army Rangers, were:First Special Service Force: Devils Brigade. This was a joint United States - Canadian Unit that bravely fought in Italy and North West Europe. The men were also Paratroopers but underwent training very similar to Rangers as well as being trained Skiers/Mountain warfare experts.5307th Composite Unit (Provisional): Merrill’s Marauders. This was a Long Range Penetration group that fought bravely in Burma. Trained, initially by the Chindits, British LRRPS.The WW2 Ranger tab/patch:

In D&D, what are some tips for playing a Ranger?

What is a Ranger?When I started playing D&D, I had not yet seen nor read Lord of the Rings. My ideas of what Rangers were was formed by stories of Robert’s Rangers during the colonial period, and later the US Army Rangers in WWII.A Ranger is a predator. A hunter. He exists on the ragged edge between civilization and savagery, not fully one or the other. For cinema, Hawkeye and Benjamin Martin are good models of the Ranger.So how would I go about playing a Ranger?He carries as little kit as possible, but he carries everything he needs. He knows every possible use for every tool he carries because he must get the most out of everything, yet he understands some tools are best when the do one and only one job.I’ve done plenty of camping in the real world, so I know what sort of kit to carry. I can feel it on me when I get in my character’s head. For example, most of my rangers have carried a small three or four inch knife horizontally to the left of their belt buckle, because when I’m not carrying a folding knife, that’s very convenient place to carry a small tool knife. Doesn’t work as well for riflemen when you go prone, but if you’re an archer that’s not much of an issue. Plus you can just shove it back to your hip at need.In actual history, back quivers were very uncommon, despite their prevalence in fiction. Belt quivers were more used. So think about which side your ranger carries his arrows on, and which side he carries his hand-weapon on.In action he should be slow and deliberate. Carelessness gets you killed. Rangers ought to be planners. But when the moment for action is at hand, they act without hesitation. It’s that killer instinct, the savage coming to the fore. Kill or be killed, and by Crom it won’t be me that dies.Rangers should be aware of what’s going on around them. Mechanically, I’ve never built a Ranger that didn’t have exceptional perception. He should notice sights, sounds, and smells before the dog does.In role-playing, when we’ve had a quiet moment on the trail, a common thing I’ve done is to be chatting with another PC and either drift off and look away, or stop speaking abruptly like a cat with a scent, before returning to the discussion. This builds the idea in the player’s heads that the Ranger may be chit-chatting, but he is perennially alert. I started doing this after a buddy pointed out that I actually do this for real when hiking.And when the Ranger decides it’s time for you to die, you cannot run far enough or fast enough. He will hunt you as DEATH coming for a lost soul, across trackless wastes, through grim forest, through tempest and Hell itself, he will run you to ground, find you, and kill you.Humans evolved to be persistence hunters. We literally walked our prey to death. They would run away, overheat, and rest, and we’d track them down and just sort of…show up. And they’d run again. And we’d show up again. Until they could run no more, with exhausted limbs and heaving chest and terrified eyes that see only death approach, and we’d walk up and poke them with a spear and feast. Our own greatest monsters are ourselves magnified. We are the terminator. And the Ranger is the ultimate expression of that persistent hunter. The barbarian may beat his breast, the fighter brandish his shield, the mage fling devilish magic, but the Ranger will never stop hunting you.Woe betide the fool who earns the ire of a Ranger.To help out a buddy, I even rewrote the 5E Ranger to both be balanced but exemplify this ideal hunter.Original question-In D&D, what are some tips for playing a Ranger?

What was U.S Army ranger school like for you?

Really fucking hard.I lost 33 pounds (from a start weight of 155, not much of it fat), and ended up looking like a refugee from a concentration camp. I still have little marks where my hip bones rubbed the skin over them against my ruck until I bled. For years afterwards I’d wake up, at home, in bed, in a panic because I couldn’t see little ranger eyes (glow in the dark tape) around me and thought the patrol had left me after I fell asleep. Dreams…I went 37 years ago, give or take. It’s only in the last two that I’ve remembered any dream that wasn’t nightmarish enough to wake me in the middle of it.Here: Go read this: Ranger School: The Soul of the US ArmyNote, here, that Ranger School is not a commando course. Rather, it’s a combat leadership course, that a) uses the hardest kind of leadership, peer to peer, and b) adds stresses to equal or exceed the stress of combat. The stresses come in several forms: sleep deprivation, starvation, fear of failure, and physical fear. The first two of those have been reduced for a couple of reason. I think that’s a mistake. (They started, in school propaganda, emphasizing the commando aspects and de-emphasizing the combat leadership aspects some years ago in a plain attempt to keep women out. It didn’t work.)

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