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How to Easily Edit 1 B B 11 &Quot Online

CocoDoc has made it easier for people to Fill their important documents on the online platform. They can easily Edit through their choices. To know the process of editing PDF document or application across the online platform, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open CocoDoc's website on their device's browser.
  • Hit "Edit PDF Online" button and Attach the PDF file from the device without even logging in through an account.
  • Edit your PDF document online by using this toolbar.
  • Once done, they can save the document from the platform.
  • Once the document is edited using online browser, you can download the document easily as what you want. CocoDoc ensures that you are provided with the best environment for implementing the PDF documents.

How to Edit and Download 1 B B 11 &Quot on Windows

Windows users are very common throughout the world. They have met millions of applications that have offered them services in modifying PDF documents. However, they have always missed an important feature within these applications. CocoDoc aims at provide Windows users the ultimate experience of editing their documents across their online interface.

The process of editing a PDF document with CocoDoc is simple. You need to follow these steps.

  • Pick and Install CocoDoc from your Windows Store.
  • Open the software to Select the PDF file from your Windows device and go on editing the document.
  • Fill the PDF file with the appropriate toolkit appeared at CocoDoc.
  • Over completion, Hit "Download" to conserve the changes.

A Guide of Editing 1 B B 11 &Quot on Mac

CocoDoc has brought an impressive solution for people who own a Mac. It has allowed them to have their documents edited quickly. Mac users can easily fill form with the help of the online platform provided by CocoDoc.

To understand the process of editing a form with CocoDoc, you should look across the steps presented as follows:

  • Install CocoDoc on you Mac in the beginning.
  • Once the tool is opened, the user can upload their PDF file from the Mac easily.
  • Drag and Drop the file, or choose file by mouse-clicking "Choose File" button and start editing.
  • save the file on your device.

Mac users can export their resulting files in various ways. Not only downloading and adding to cloud storage, but also sharing via email are also allowed by using CocoDoc.. They are provided with the opportunity of editting file through multiple ways without downloading any tool within their device.

A Guide of Editing 1 B B 11 &Quot on G Suite

Google Workplace is a powerful platform that has connected officials of a single workplace in a unique manner. If users want to share file across the platform, they are interconnected in covering all major tasks that can be carried out within a physical workplace.

follow the steps to eidt 1 B B 11 &Quot on G Suite

  • move toward Google Workspace Marketplace and Install CocoDoc add-on.
  • Attach the file and click "Open with" in Google Drive.
  • Moving forward to edit the document with the CocoDoc present in the PDF editing window.
  • When the file is edited ultimately, share it through the platform.

PDF Editor FAQ

What is the hardest question you’ve seen on a math paper?

It’s seems simple, But it tough.Which one is a prime number ?A. 1B. 11C. 111D. 11,111E. 1,111,111F. There are more than 1 choices correct.The answer is B. In the fact ofA. 1 is neither a prime number nor composite.B. 11 is a prime number.C. 111 = 1×3×37D. 11,111 = 1×41×271E. 1,111,111 = 1×239×4,649F. This is totally wrong.This is quite hard but interesting.

What are the greatest programming tips and tricks you have learned on your own by years of coding?

There are many many good ones already mentioned !My little gem is the "ArrowHead Anti-Pattern"Try to reduce NESTED IF'sIt goes like this:  if(a > 0){  //one or two lines simple code (updated)  if( b > 10 ){  //one or two lines simple code (updated)  if(c > 0) {  //complex code  }  } }  See the arrowhead above ?  Rather I prefer: if (a < 1 ){  return } if (b < 11 ){  return }  if (c < 1 ){  return }  //complex code  BUT ! Steve Barnes below has an even better solution that takes care of the early returns  bool OK = FALSE; OK = (a > 0); // Comment why OK &= (b > 10); // Comment why OK &= (c > 0); // Comment why if OK { // Good to go  // Do your stuff } return; 

What are some questions asked on the BITSAT 2017, held on 16 and 17 May?

Hey!So yesterday only, I was searching for questions asked in BITSAT on 16th, so, I know about that curiosity to know the type of questions asked in the exam. Here I am to give you a list of questions that were asked in mine.PHYSICS:-A simple question on emf induced where length of airplane wing(l), velocity(V), magnetic field(B) and angle b/w ‘B’ and ‘l ’ was given. Formula used : E = (V X B). LCharge on positive plate(q) and capacitance(c) were given and we had to find the potential difference(Δv). Formula used : Δv=q/cWhen an electron moves negative plate to positive plate in a capacitor, gain in KE was asked. Electric field intensity(E) and separation b/w plates(d) were given. Formula used: eΔv=ΔKE and Δv=E*lFormula for potential at the centre of thin spherical shell was asked. Ans: Q/(4*π*ε*R).One question on rotational mechanics. Mainly we had to find torque and eventually angular acceleration(α) and use the formula (ωf=ωi + αΔt) to find time taken. ωf and ωi were given.You and a car are moving at 6 m/s. You suddenly jump inside the car. What will be the final velocity of the car? Ans: 6m/s (momentum conservation).A person moves a block on a horizontal surface. Work done by gravity?Ans: 0A bucket of water of mass ‘m’ is rotated in vertical circular motion with constant speed. Water doesn’t fall on the topmost point. Velocity? Formula used: mg= mv^2/r.Dimensional formula for epsilon? Ans: M^-1 L^-3 T^4 A^2.No. of significant figures in 8.0025.For a particular frequency, photons have same: momentum and energy.For ohmic devices, dependency of ρ(rho) on eletric field? Ans: E= ρ*j , so ρ∝E.For a wave, phase difference b/w two particles at a distance of λ/2 from each other. Ans: ΔΦ=2π/λ * Δx where Δx is given as λ/2 .A hole is made in a material and temperature raised by 1°C, new radius? Given temp coefficient for volumetric expansion as γ. Ans: 2*π*r’= 2*π*r(1 + γ/3(ΔT)).Car+Man going up an incline at angle θ with constant velocity ‘v’, what is power delivered ? Ans: P=F*v, F=mg*sinθ.A charge(given) is dropped from spaceship on moon surface. Another charge(given) is stuck on spaceship. After it hits falls on the moon surface, electrostatic force b/w the two was given. We had to find the altitude at which the spaceship was from moon surface. Formula used: F=k*q1*q2/r^2 and find r.There was a question on damped oscillations.( I don’t remember this one :P)Total energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is ? Ans: Constant.Equation for force was given as a function of x. So we had to find change in KE for x=1 to x=4. Formula used: ∫f(x)dx = ΔKE.Car is moving on road and enters into a sandy region. First the left front wheel enters into the region, what will happen? Ans: Car will turn left.Two balls hit a rod(at rest) at a distance of 0.025 m from the the centre with two different velocities(given). We had to find translational and rotational velocity of rod after collision(mass of rod given). Concept used: Conservation of linear and angular momentum.Energy of an eletron in nth shell of hydrogen is proportional to ? Ans: 1/n^2.Total ‘X’(given) energy was provided. Only 50% of it was utilized and enthalpy of evaporation of H2O was given(let Y). What mass of H2O can be converted into vapour? Ans: X/2 = n*Y, and mass=18*n.A loop carrying current I is kept in x-y plane and magnetic field is along z-axis. Force and Torque is? Ans: Both 0.Surprisingly, both on 16th and 17th may, there were no questions on semiconductors or communication systems. (Thank God! Phew!)CHEMISTRY:-For fcc/ccp, radius was given and we had to find edge length. Formula used: √2 a = 4*r.Which colloid is not possible? Ans: Gas in gas.Two solutions have same osmotic pressure. Concentration for one was given and we had to find the same for the other one. Formula used: π=C*R*T.Standard Gibbs free energy was given and we had to give the expression for K(as you can’t calculate antilog without antilog table). Formula used: ΔG°=-R*T*ln(k).There was a question on ozonolysis. (I don’t remember it exactly)1 or 2 questions on s-block.Cis and Trans but-2-ene on bromination give ? Ans: Racemic and Meso compounds respectively.There was one question on P-block. Options contained bond angles for different compounds. We had to find incorrect option. Ans: Bond angle for Ph3 is 109.7°.(It is 90° btw).What are arrhenius parameters? Ans: I am a bit confused in this one. (a) A and Ea; (b) A and e^-Ea/RT; (c) A and K.Given mass of NH3, we had to find mass of h2 utilized. Ans: Use the rxn N2 + 3H2 -> 2NH3.A solution had two components (A and B) both equimolar. Pa° and Pb° were given. We had to find mole fraction of B in vapour phase. Ans: Xa=Xb=1/2(in liquid phase); Yb/(1-Yb)=(Pb°/Pa°)*Xb/1-Xb.Strength of glucose solution given. Calculate molarity.Ka of an acid was given. Now two separate solutions(of same volume) were prepared with different [H3O+] (concentrations were given). After mixing two solutions what will be [H3O+]? Ans: I am not sure but I solved using M=M1*V1 + M2*V2/V1+V2.H2(g) + I2(g) ⇌ 2HI(g). Write cell representation.(Didn’t attempt as I was doubtful)How is fullerene manufactured?There was one question on DDT(didn’t attempt).See the figure below. What are these? Ans: Confirmational diastereomers.I would like to add here that there were some inorganic questions that just went over my head. So, I would recommend to go through NCERT corners and crevices for inorganic.MATHEMATICS:-There are 20 cards out of which 10 are labelled as ‘I’ and rest as ‘T’. Three are drawn without replacement. What is probability of forming ‘IIT’? Ans: 10/20 * 9/19 * 10/18.There was a 3° function. Maximum value of that function was asked. Ans: Find critical points by f’(x)=0 and then check which value of x gives least value for f’’(x).n(n+1)(n+2) where n∈N, is always divisible by (a)3 (b)12 (c)4 ? Ans: 3There was 1 question from solution of Δs chapter.2–3 questions on differential equation. I remember one of them:- dy/dx=sin^2(x-y). Find solution. Ans: Let x-y=t and proceed.∫sin^4(x) cos^2(x), limits 0->π/2. Ans: π/32.Lpp question: Find max value of Z=5/2(x)+y; Constraints: x,y>=0, 5x+2y<=10, 3x+5y<=15. Ans: 5(x-5)/(x+2)>0. X=? Ans: (-∞,-2)U(5,∞). Use wavey-curvey method.We had to find image of a given point about a given line.Two straight line equations were given. We had to find acute angle b/w them. Ans: Find slope for both and use formula tanθ=m1-m2/1+m1m2.tan^-1(w)+tan^-1(x)+tan^-1(y)+tan^-1(z)= ? (w,x,y and z were given) Ans: Use formula tan^-1(x)+tan^-1(y)=tan^-1(x+y/1-xy)There was an easy question on trigonometry, and one on continuity and differentiability.Foot of perpendicular from origin on a plane is (a,b,c). Find equation of plane. Ans: Now eqn of plane is (r-x).n=0. So here x=n=ai +bj+ ck. Hence eqn is ax+ by+ cz=a^2+ b^2+ c^2.1 +( -1/2 + i( √3/2 ) )^31 -( -1/2 + i( √3/2 ) )= ? Ans: ( -1/2 + i(√3/2))=ω. So w^31=w. So 1+ω-ω=1.∫( x^{e-1} + e^{x-1} )/( x^e + e^x ) dx= ? Ans: Take x^e + e^x = t(let) and solve.You are at origin and you can move only 1 unit in 1 step in +ve or -ve direction of x or y or z axis. Find probability after 3 steps, you are at a point where all coordinates are same. Ans: To take 1 step you have 6 ways. So total no. of outcomes are 6*6*6. Further, favourable outcomes are (1,1,1) or (-1,-1,-1). Now, for (1,1,1) there are 3! ways. So the ans will be 3!*2/6^3 = 1/18.Probability of A speaking truth and B speaking truth were given. Probability that they disagree on a matter.Two cards were drawn from deck with replacement. Probability distribution table for X=no. of aces was made. P(x=2) =? Ans: 4/52 * 4/52.There are 20 points out of which 10 are collinear. Find no. of lines that can be made by joining points. Ans: C(20,2) - C(10,2) +1.F(x) is an odd function. What is the correct statement?(a) for (-b,b), f'(c)=f(b)/b for some c∈(-b,b);(b) for (-b,b), f'(c)=f(2b)/b for some c∈(-b,b);(c) for (-b,b), f'(c)=f(b)/2b for some c∈(-b,b);(d) for (-b,b), f'(c)≠f(b)/b;Ans: Use lagrange’s theorem.ENGLISH AND LOGICAL REASONING:-I don’t remember the questions but they were very similar to the ones in the Arihant BITSAT book. There were 2–3 synonym questions btw.So at last, I would say do your best and don’t prejudge your bitsat score according to other tests.I managed to get a decent score of 301 but you can do better! You can do this!I hope this helps!(This took a lot of time so an upvote will be appreciated :) )Cheers!Edit:Thanks to Anindya Mahajan & Gadangi Nitish for pointing out the mistake in my answer to Maths Question 16.

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