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How to Edit Your PDF Universal Service Learning Form.Docx Online

Editing your form online is quite effortless. There is no need to download any software via your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy tool to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.

Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:

  • Browse CocoDoc official website on your laptop where you have your file.
  • Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ option and press it.
  • Then you will open this tool page. Just drag and drop the document, or import the file through the ‘Choose File’ option.
  • Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
  • When the modification is completed, press the ‘Download’ option to save the file.

How to Edit Universal Service Learning Form.Docx on Windows

Windows is the most conventional operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit PDF. In this case, you can download CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents efficiently.

All you have to do is follow the steps below:

  • Install CocoDoc software from your Windows Store.
  • Open the software and then select your PDF document.
  • You can also upload the PDF file from OneDrive.
  • After that, edit the document as you needed by using the various tools on the top.
  • Once done, you can now save the finished form to your cloud storage. You can also check more details about how to edit PDFs.

How to Edit Universal Service Learning Form.Docx on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. By using CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac instantly.

Follow the effortless instructions below to start editing:

  • To begin with, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
  • Then, select your PDF file through the app.
  • You can upload the PDF from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
  • Edit, fill and sign your template by utilizing this amazing tool.
  • Lastly, download the PDF to save it on your device.

How to Edit PDF Universal Service Learning Form.Docx via G Suite

G Suite is a conventional Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your work faster and increase collaboration across departments. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF document editor with G Suite can help to accomplish work handily.

Here are the steps to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Look for CocoDoc PDF Editor and download the add-on.
  • Upload the PDF that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by selecting "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your template using the toolbar.
  • Save the finished PDF file on your computer.

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How do you lay out a resume?

How do you lay out a resume? How to create stand out a resume? How to write an irresistible resume? Such questions are regular on Quora and I answered them when asked to me. Now for 2019, I have a special letter to job aspirants.This letter will make you write a Job Getting ResumeDear Job aspirant,If you are not successful with your resume in 2018, this letter will make you write a job getting resume. The letter is for unsuccessful pros.It will end the biggest problem of job applicants,NO response NO Interview.At the end of the year, you have many tips and advice about resume. I will not tell you anything on resume format, design, content size pages, fonts, color, etc.The main reason for a resume failure isA resume not customized for the job applied.You are not approaching the companies the right way.My goal is to make you free from resume worry so your job hunting will be natural and you get a job fast. And a warning, this is a serious issue affecting your career to spend time if you want to understand all aspects of the resume. I will talk1. Job Scan2. Recruiters3. Hiring managers4. Goal5. Job Process6. Resume industry7. Positioning8. Three InnovationThe 7th you never seriously think and 8th you will add to your resume to get an interview because you don’t have those elements on your resume.Let us begin.The Job SceneYou must understand the job Scene.Total jobs are among industry segments big and small businesses. Half of the posts are from the small sector. Here if we consider a small business that has less than 50 employees their share comes to one-third business.You should know where you are trying to get a job.Hiring BasicEvery Hiring Is DifferentThe procedures for hiring are different for every company. You hardly pay attention to it. The company has a specific requirement, and you must meet it. If you meet, you have a chance to get a job. They each have different ways to evaluate and select the candidates.The size of the company you are applying is the primary factor for the difference. But one universal truth is you have to convince hiring managers irrespective of the size of the firm.Almost half of the jobs are from the small scale that is not having regular HR practices. One-third of businesses are of less than 50 employees, and they hardly have an Application Tracking System - ATS, and a recruiter.RecruitersLinkedIn is full of stories with experiences of recruiters. They are essential, so you understand their working. The key is your suitability for the job, and you should accept the fact that unless you match their company’s criteria, you will not get a response.Your resume is the first contact with them so spend time with a recruiter whose requirement you meet.If you do, then you have a chance. Now you have to attract them and create an interest in you through your resume.How will you do it?Well, as said you have 6 seconds to convince recruiters that you are worth considering. You do it, then they will read your resume. If you convince them that you have the necessary skills company is looking you clear one gate.Hiring ManagersNext, are hiring managers. They are a hard nut to crack. I love them and urge you to love hiring managers. At least your fear for them is unfounded which I see among majority applicants.You know hiring managers have one big problem?Ask any HR pro, and he/she will say “We hardly get good candidates.”You should be happy that they have this problem. It’s your opportunity. They want ‘Good’ candidate.The issue is applying for the right job. Most applicants who are not successful 95% never match their skill and experience with job requirement.I wonder how one applies to 100+ jobs. It’s insane to do it after 5 or say 10 applications. There must be something wrong with you why you spend time and money when you don’t get results.Please understand it’s not a number game. It’s a matching game, and you will know it when you finish this letter.I believe you all have the skills needed by companies.The GoalKnow to whom you are writingThe first thing is to know you are writing to the company and what required for a resume.Unless you have a clear job in mind to apply, you will hardly succeed in your effort.Let us see your search journey.You start your job search.College/university placement service, Job sites, Craigslist, LinkedIn, company sites, friends, etc. are options you explore.And Applications - applications and more applications but results are hard to come.One view is• 72% of jobs not advertised• Networking is the wayThe most common advice to job hunter is to have• Professional profile• Excellent resume• Social media presenceDoes any of it work in getting you a job?Well, it will help, but the fact is you need a resume whatever way you go Advertisement, Network, or Reference.A common way of working on a resume goes a bit like this:1. State all your facts in sections Education, Experience, Award – Prize, Writing, Co-Curricular Activity, etc.2. Adjust font sizes, layout adjustment fixes grammar errors, and make sure it has the bullet points.3. Give a title to the resume4. Check for accuracy of contact info.5. SubmitIt won't work there is much more to resume. Keep reading.Job ProcessThe application goes through three stages• ATS• Recruiter• Hiring managerATS application tracking system matches applications with the company’s requirements and selects relevant resumes. It uses keywords to short out suitable candidates.The recruiter is the first human interaction for you. He/she will short what hiring manager asked them to find. They go for suitable candidates and scanning title, company, an experience they shortlist candidates.The hiring manager is the final authority to decide whom to hire. He/she looks for your suitability to the job. You have to sell yourself that you are the right fit for the job.Resume IndustryThere is a big industry shouting for various designs, templates and formats for resumes. You shell out $50+ to get a resume in minutes as they claim.The effective way is you do two things1. Tell upfront to HR Managers what you contribute to them? The headline will do it.2. Tell your experience with success stories because HR managers look for achievements and action takers.In the above scenario, you should have a good resume. Here is my take on Job Getting Resume.To have success you1. Define the job/post/company you want to apply2. Decide your positioning3. Match job functions and your skill setYou should match a job requirement and choose the job. And position yourself.PositioningHR Manager wants to knowWho are you and why you are fit for the job?There may be hundreds of applicants, but you can shine out when you position yourself. You should not only position yourself but also define and tell how you are different.Let us put your resume to work for you.Think you are meeting HR manager of the company you are applying. A resume is you in person virtually.What do you do when you meet someone? OR what you say when someone asks you what you do?Most of us say something like, ‘I am a lawyer,’ ‘I am an engineer.’Examples of Conversation with an HR ManagerExample OneQ: Hi Mukesh, what do you do?Mukesh: I do exciting online advertising and bring $2 for every $1 spends.Q: How do you do that?Mukesh: I use compelling headlines to help businesses get their message across. I am a trained headline writer.(This is you explain a process. Now the manager is interested. He is nodding and wants to know more. So, keep talking.Headlines are 80% responsible for reading your message. It is Your Positioning Statement. Because headlines are, a visual and people tend to relate to them. Finally, give them a result.)At eComLeads, an affiliate network how we solved high click costs by getting 10%+ CTR for Adwords campaigns. (A success from your experience)Example TwoNow let us look at an average conversationQ: Hi Mukesh, what do you do?Mukesh: I do advertising.Q: That’s cool. Which newspapers and magazines do you do?It’s now too late to steer the discussion because it’s already taken a different track.In the first conversation, I could control the line of questioning. It ensured that my message got through undiluted.You know now why this positioning is so vital.Job description you are applying to can give you a lot of the keywords. Spend some time evaluating their website and the job description.Resume must haveHeadlineWork TitleStoryHere is how you put a headlineI am sure you have heard how you only have a few seconds to get a hiring manager’s attention with your resume. Let us not debate it is 12 seconds or 8 seconds.I tell you how to get 100% attention.Put a Headline, Period.In the headline, you communicate key accomplishments, your branding statement, and critical information you do not want the employer to miss. It is not just what you say but how you say it.Keep in mind that whoever reviews your resume first will typically scan it for critical information. The first thing people read is your first line.First 50 words are crucial, and they must be your branding statement.This exact reason is why newspapers and news articles start with a great headline, give the most critical facts first. Start with your branding statement and make it answer the HR Manager’s questions.“Why should I care?” or “What’s in it for me?”Answering these questions first gives the HR Managers precisely what they need to know up front; then they can choose to keep on reading.Headlines I used.1. What By Not Hiring (Name) (Company Name) will Loose – New Customers2. Do (Company Name) want to be in Ink 500? - Hire (Name) founder (Company Name) 2015 Ink 500 company.3. 30% cost reduction is Routine for (Name) Production Pro Par Excellence.And write a story.StoriesShare situation or problem and the action you took to address it, and the result. Write the result by sharing how it positively affected your employer.Tell a story, and give the manager context. When writing your experiences, it is best to lead with the result to the employer because this is usually quantifiable.My ExampleAllow me to say my boss our President called me Hawk. It is because I changed his mind for scheduling and bidding ads with data from analytics he never used to have and make every campaign profitable.I prepared clicks figures for our search campaign for a month, and that gave real insight to when we get traffic.Date 9AM 11AM 1PM 3PM 5PM 7PM 9PM 11PM• Ad campaigns were not profitable.• Personally convinced President with data for the change in budget and spending practices.• Campaigns turned profitable.Once you have your situation, action, and a result you can write a story and add Situation, effort, and effects as bullets. Put them together to create bullet points.These I explain with my experience. Now let me show you how I do for clients with their version and my job getting the version. You decide which is better and adopt if you feel it will make a difference.You read a lot about top or above the fold portion of a resume is very important. I ask you to add1. Headline2. Functional Title3. Story.Headline and TitleExample of a headline and work title: Left is client’s and right is my suggested. You must tell upfront what you give to the company and why you are good and meet their criteria.The headline will get attention but let me show you how you will stand out and be in recruiters and hiring managers radar before they even read your resume?You will save your resume with a name I give. See why?Nowadays you send resume via an email as an attachment. So file attached will be shown as per the file name you saved it. It could be many things. I won't cite funny file names but assume you gave your name, as most people do and your file will be visible in an email.(Your Name) resume docxNow think you will give the name as per the title I suggest, and I always give functional names, your file name will be(Your Name) zero defect production pro resume docx for a production position OR(Your Name) sales achiever resume docx for a sales positionThink what will recruiter or hiring manager will feel when they see your resume for the first time?What will interest them? Your distinct, unique title or name resumes?The example resume is of an IT pro.StoryMost of you write,Accomplished...........Developed...............Supervised..............Coordinated............What wrong with this?Nothing wrong but there is a better way to the interest hiring manager, and it's a Branding story.You make general statements. A hundred others also claim super work done.The branding should read like it fulfills the company’s potential employee’s job requirement. It has few bullets and a statement.Example of branding story: Left is clients and right is my created.EffortsI am sure you put in a lot of effort for first college admission application and wrote its essay.You proudly wrote you played for a county or country. It’s not a typo; you achieved something. It is not only showing your wins you put an extra effort to write an excellent essay. You search university for how to write a unique piece. Talk to friends, dad and visit relative also to get a good idea for your theme.Now tell me how much effort you do for an application?Dear job seeker I give you enough to work. Hope this helps. You reading still mean you are serious. So I suggest my resume creator. It is an excellent resource to keep. You will transform your resume in an hour.You will add the three elements which add power to your resume. Your resume will be a two-page document most HR pros prefer. You will keep experience, education, etc. of your resume. You will make an irresistible resume which you will need many times in your career. Get Resume CreatorThanks for reading this letter and please write your comments. We learn from comments.Mukesh Shah.

I write short stories in my spare time. What can I do with these stories so it doesn't go to waste?

People write short stories for all kinds of reasons. The fact that you were motivated to write them suggests that writing fulfills a need.But, if you want to monetize your hobby, you’ll have to do some research. But where to start? Writing is a complicated business anyway. When you start thinking about publishing or doing something else with it, that can be really complicated.Now you don’t have to find a publisher. You can self-publish short stories. If you want to do that, look up self-publishing advice on Quora. I’m going to talk about how to get your short stories traditionally published, and to possibly get paid for it.All kinds of websites and magazines are looking for content, including short stories. You’ll have to learn how to read guidelines in order to take advantage of them. This is probably best explained through an example. Here is a very detailed set of guidelines for a magazine that I submit stories to from time to time.My comments are in brackets like this [my comments]***Update: new higher word-count limit for submissions: 11,000 words. (Unlocked as a goal from the BCS 200th Issue Subscription Drive. Thank you!)[You must adhere to the word count limitations. Those sometimes include low word counts, like 1000–7500 words.]What We WantBeneath Ceaseless Skiespublishes “literary adventure fantasy”: stories with a secondary-world setting and some traditional or classic fantasy feel, but written with a literary approach.[If you’re not familiar with any terms in a set of guidelines, don’t guess. Look them up or ask on Quora. It may be that the answer is here already. For example, literary style writing involves writing using literary devices like describing characters by what they’re doing instead of directly through hair color, eye color, etc. For more details on literary style or literary devices, check out Quora or Google literary devices. If your stories don’t have a literary bend to them, then this will not be the market for you.]Secondary-World Setting: We want stories set in what Tolkien called a “secondary world”: some other world that is different from our own primary world in some way. It could be different in terms of zoology (non-human creatures), ecology (climate), or physical laws (the presence of magic). It could be set on Earth but an Earth different from our primary world in terms of time (the historical past) or history (alternate history). It could have a “pre-tech” level of technology, or steampunk technology, or magic as technology, or anything else that’s not advanced or modern technology. However, the setting should contain some element that is in some way fantastical.The inhabitants of this secondary world should have developed their own culture in response to the uniqueness of their world. The characters should fit this culture, and the qualities of the secondary world should have some bearing on the plot.We are NOT interested in urban fantasy or other types of stories set in the “real world,” even if they contain fantasy elements, or in stories that move between the real world and a fantasy world.[It’s good that they defined secondary world here. Not all guidelines do that. This is a big hint to you as a writer that they get a lot of inappropriate submissions. Don’t waste their time or yours by sending a story that doesn’t fit their requirements! There are thousands of markets out there. Don’t spam them. Send only to ones that fit with your story or stories.]Characters: We prefer stories that focus on the characters. We strongly prefer characters who yearn for something, external or internal, and feel driven to attain it. Our favorite characters are “round characters”: ones who grow and change over the course of a story instead of remaining the same.[Internal and external conflicts are a big deal in professional writing. The fact that they mention internal and external conflicts (somewhat indirectly) suggests that the stories you’ve written will only be appropriate if you’ve got a rich mix of internal and external conflicts that resolve well.]Narrative Style: We prefer styles that are literary but readable. We love gorgeous, poetic prose, but in genre fiction it’s vital that the style be clear enough so the reader can understand what’s happening. Our favorite styles are lush yet still clear.We tend to prefer limited or ‘close’ executions of point-of-view, whether first-person or third-person; as opposed to external or ‘distant’ executions of point-of-view. We find it harder to empathize with a character if the story’s execution of point-of-view feels more from outside the character or at arm’s length from them. We rarely like second-person point-of-view; it feels annoying to us.We know grammar rules, such as which types of clauses should have commas between them and which types should not. We respect the author’s freedom to bend the rules as suits their story, but repeated ignorance of grammatical principles for no apparent artistic reason will make a manuscript look unprofessional to us.[This is a long way of saying: proof read carefully or we’ll reject your story no matter how awesome it is. Grammarly is your friend.]Originality: We prefer stories that are as original as possible, particularly in the setting. We are unlikely to enjoy stories featuring elements we have seen repeatedly, such as elves or barbarian swordsmen or an opening scene in a fantasy tavern, unless they present that element in a unique new way.[Again, they’re giving you a big hint that they see too much of RPG or Tolkien-esque stories. Don’t send any of your stories to them that have those tropes.]Extreme Content: We prefer that graphic sex and violence not escalate beyond the level of an R-rated movie. We also insist that sex and sadistic violence not be acted upon children.[Not all magazines post what they like or don’t like in terms of graphic content. If a magazine’s content is up for free, it’s a good idea to read a few issues to see what they’ve bought before.]Fairy Tales / Myths: We usually find that fairy tale-style or myth-style narratives don’t provide a gritty or immediate enough perspective to make us feel the texture of the secondary world or the direness of the protagonist’s struggle. Any fairy tale-type or myth-type story probably isn’t right for us.[Notice they say ‘right for us.’ Just because a market doesn’t accept the kind of stories that you write, that doesn’t mean that you need to change the stories that you write. You just have to find the right market.]Urban / Contemporary Fantasy: We aren’t interested in urban fantasy or other types of stories set in the “real world,” even if they contain fantasy elements. It’s just not what we prefer to read. Any story with a modern or contemporary setting isn’t right for us.[They probably get a lot of inappropriate submissions. This drives editors crazy. Magazines like this get so many submissions that even spending a few seconds to look at your story feels like a huge inconvenience. You want to develop a reputation for being a writer who pays attention to guidelines, otherwise you’ll be thought of as a spammer.]Science Fiction: We aren’t interested in science fiction; it’s not what we prefer to read. Any story with advanced realistic technology or set in a future time isn’t right for us.[Anyone who sends science fiction to a fantasy magazine is either a spammer or is really not paying attention. Again, if you don’t know what something means when you read it in a magazine’s guidelines, ask on Quora first before assuming that your story might or might not fit.]Steampunk / Weird West / Sixguns & Sorcery / Etc.: In addition to classic settings of pre-tech fantasy, we also enjoy stories set in other types of secondary world that likewise don’t have modern technology, including steampunk, smoke & sorcery, Weird West, etc. Feel free to send us anything that you think might fit.[This may be a silent signal to authors that they’d like to see more of these kinds of stories! If you have one, this would be an exciting market to send it to. Also, authors, when they read over guidelines, often use those guidelines as inspiration to write a new kind of story that they haven’t tried before.]Poetry: We don’t publish poetry; only prose fiction.Humor and Satire: We don’t mind humorous stories, but we have a very dry sense of humor. We love wry satire, but we rarely enjoy slapstick or puns. We haven’t published much humor, but if you have a dry satire that hits us just right....Length and PoliciesLength: We strongly prefer under10,00011,000 words. We will consider stories over that length, but the longer a story is, the better it must be.(This new, higher length was unlocked as a goal from the BCS 200th Issue Subscription Drive. Thank you!)Novel Excerpts or Serials: We are NOT interested in novel excerpts or serials–we only want self-standing stories.Reprints: We publish only originals (stories that have never previously appeared anywhere in print or online). We do not consider reprints (stories that have previously appeared anywhere in print or online, including on a personal website or blog, or self-published on Kindle, or as Patreon or Kickstarter rewards).(We buy First Serial rights–the right to be the first place to ever publish that story. If the story has already appeared in print or online, or been given to readers in exchange for a donation or patronage, the story has already been published, and therefore BCS can’t be the first place to ever publish it.)Multiple Submissions (more than one story submitted at a time): We do NOT accept these. Please wait until you have received a reply to your submission before sending another.Simultaneous Submissions (a story that is currently under submission to another market): We DO accept these, but ONLY if you state in your cover letter that your submission is simultaneous, and ONLY if you notify us IMMEDIATELY when another market accepts your story.(We accept simultaneous submissions as a favor to writers because we know that response times from short fiction magazines in the field can be long, but if people abuse this policy, we will rescind it.)New Writers: We welcome submissions from new and unpublished writers. We publish a lot of new and neo-pro writers. For many of our authors, their sale to BCS was their first short fiction sale or their first pro-rate sale, or their third pro sale and qualified them to join SFWA. All our rejection letters are personalized, which many authors tell us they find useful in revising their stories to submit elsewhere and in learning what we’re looking for.Acceptances, Payment, and RightsEditing: All accepted manuscripts will be line-edited for grammar, punctuation, and clarity. The author will have the opportunity to review and discuss all of these edits. Payment will be made after receipt of the final, line-edited manuscript.[This is not an excuse to send them anything but your best proofed work! Editors are human too and they know that writers overlook mistakes. But if you have serious grammar and spelling errors, especially on the first page, they won’t accept the work.]Payment: For standard acceptances, we pay 6 cents US per word, which as of 07/01/2014 is professional rate as defined by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA).[You don’t have to send to paying markets to receive benefits from your writing. Many writers find it extremely rewarding to be published at all. Having said that, it’s a good idea to send to paying markets first, and then work your way down the list.]Rights: For this payment, we purchase the following rights:First World Serial RightsFirst World Electronic RightsNon-Exclusive World Audio RightsAn Option to buy Non-Exclusive World Anthology Rights(This means that our payment buys the rights to publish your story on theBeneath Ceaseless Skieswebsite and in our ebooks, and to publish an audio podcast of it if we choose it for our podcast, as well as the option, at our choice, to pay you again at the reprint rate specified in the original contract (2 cents per word) and reprint it in any future anthology of stories fromBeneath Ceaseless Skiesand distribute that anthology anywhere in the world.)(You can’t publish that story as a first-run or “new” story anywhere else in the world, and you can’t have it appear anywhere else, in print or online or as audio, before or for 180 days after we publish or podcast it. But after that you can have it reprinted online and/or in a reprint magazine and/or in a reprint anthology, like one of the many Year’s Best collections, and you can resell non-exclusive audio rights, like to one of the many fiction podcast zines.)We also hope that you will let us keep the story in our online archives after 180 days.We are and always have been a SFWA-qualifying professional market, so any sale to us since BCS #1 in 2008 can be used to qualify the author for membership in SFWA.[If you ever have questions about copyright, and terms in a contract, ask on Quora. These terms are very generous and author-friendly.]How to SubmitFormat: Format your manuscript in Standard Manuscript Format. If you don’t know what that is, look it up. If you deviate from this in more than a few ways, your story will look unprofessional to us before we’ve read the first word.Include your name, address, and email on the first page, and a running header with your last name, the title, and page number at the top of every subsequent page.[If your manuscript is not in the requested format, it’s usually rejected with a form letter without being read. It’s not just a matter of making the manuscript as readable and useful to the editor as possible. It’s a test to see if you’re going to be easy to work with. Professional writers treat writing like a job (because it is!) and are usually easy to work with. Unprofessional writers might argue over single word changes for no valid reason, they might deliver required edits so late that the story misses it’s publication date, might grovel so that the editor feels uncomfortable working with them, or might act like they’re the next Stephen King and must be treated with unquestioning loyalty. If your manuscript is in the format required (and sometimes they’ll ask for something non-standard so watch out) they can feel somewhat reassured that they’re working with a writer that’s at least somewhat agreeable to following the rules.]Cover Letter: We do prefer a SHORT cover letter with every submission. Type it into the body of your email. Mention the title of your story in case the attachment gets lost. If you have prior fiction sales, list the best one or two. If you’ve been to any writing workshops, mention them. TELL US if this is a simultaneous submission. DO NOT give a synopsis or summary of your story; we’ll learn what it’s about when we read it.[This is another test. The shorter your cover letter, the better, assuming that you cover all the bases in the process. It’s totally acceptable to writeDear (insert name of editor), please consider my 2500 word fantasy short story, “Under the Wall”, for publication in Beneath Ceaseless Skies Magazine. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, (your name).If you have other publishing credits, mention them (briefly.)]Manuscript File: Attach your manuscript to an email as either a *.DOC MS Word document file or a *.RTF rich-text-format file, with the normal “.DOC” or “.RTF” file-name extention at the end of the name of your file. If you can’t get either of these formats to work, you may paste the text of your manuscript into the body of your email.DO NOT send a *.DOCX file (the default format that Word 2007 uses); we can’t open those files. DO NOT post your file to a third-party storage site such as SkyDrive and email us the link; we do not download attachments from third-party sites.Send your email to. Use the subject line Submission: (the title of your story).IMPORTANT: your subject line MUST include the word “Submission” or our spam filter will delete your email.[More tests! They really do want to read your story, as long as it fits their guidelines. Most magazines love ‘discovering’ new authors. Some of their guidelines involve technical things. Notice they say that they can’t open a .docx. Well, they probably could by using a workaround or a personal computer or phone, but that increases their already heavy work load. They need to work with writers who are going to make things easy for them, not writers that make things harder. The magazine business is hard enough!]Our Process and Response TimesAuto-Reply Email: You should receive our email auto-reply within 24 hours after sending your submission.If you don’t, check your spam filter to be sure it didn’t get caught there. Then make sure your subject line starts with “Submission” so our filter won’t delete your email and send your story again. If you still don’t receive the auto-reply 24 hours after that, query using the email form on our Contact page. We will get back to you as soon as we can.[I like that they have a process for maintaining communication lines. Not all editors do. Quite a few don’t have their submission process automated. If you submit to such a market, you must be patient and not pester them. That means that it may be that your submission is lost, and no one will know until months later. That’s okay, because you’ll still be writing more stories and submitting to other markets, right?]Response Time: Our response times average 2-4 weeks, occasionally as long as 5-7 weeks; during Spring 2014, as short as 1-3 weeks.[This is great information. If a magazine doesn’t list its response time and doesn’t have a mechanism for tracking whether or not a manuscript is received, you’ll have to find out yourself. There are services that track response times for paying markets. If you’ve sent a story to a market, and there’s no tracking system, and you haven’t heard anything in a long time, it’s a good idea to look up the average response time. If you haven’t heard anything and it’s past the regular response time, you can write a polite letter or email asking about it. “Dear (editor’s name), On (exact date) I sent my fantasy short story, “Under the Wall,” for consideration. Did you receive it? Thank you for your time. Sincerely, (your name.)”]Slush Updates: To keep writers informed on our reading progress, we post periodic Slush Updates on our News page, under the category Slush Updates, saying what date up to which we have currently read all submissions.[I love this feature. I wish all markets accepting submissions had this.]Querying: If we post a Slush Update saying that we’ve replied to all submissions sent before a certain date, and you sent yours before that date, please query us using the email form on our Contact page. We really mean this; it’s not necessary to wait.Please do not query if we haven’t announced that we’ve replied to all submissions up to the date you sent yours.All rejections and acceptances will be notified by email.[This is a big, flashing sign saying “Please don’t bother us, we’re working as fast as we can. Be patient!]Unsolicited Rewrites: We DO NOT accept unsolicited rewrites of stories that we’ve already rejected. (That is a nearly universal policy among short fiction markets of all genres.)[This is true. MOST markets will not accept unsolicited rewrites. Read my next comment for more on this.]As discussed in this comment thread, we intend the personalized comments in our rejections as explanation of why that story didn’t work for us, and we hope that insight into what we’re looking for will be of help to the author with their next submission. They are not an invitation to resubmit the same story, even if it has been revised.[If you get a personalized comment on your story, congratulations! That means they cared enough about the story to try to help you make the next one better. Even if the comment is a negative comment, like “there’s too much dialogue and not enough description for us,” you made them care enough to write that. Editors are very, very busy and slush readers are overwhelmed all the time with submissions. If they take the time to write anything other than what’s on the form, that means your story was a near miss.But, even if it doesn’t specify in the guidelines, don’t send your story to the same market, even after a drastic rewrite, unless they ask for a rewrite. That’s called a rewrite request, and it’s a good thing. It means you’re almost in, though it’s not guaranteed. (Don’t mess up your rewrite! Though, of course you can refuse to rewrite too. It’s your story. They won’t buy it without a rewrite, but someone else might.)What do you do if you get a personalized comment but they rejected your story? You can send your story to another market without changes. There might be nothing wrong with your story at all. Everyone has their preferences, and another editor might like your story just as it is. BUT if you agree with the comments the editor made, you should think about tweaking the story a bit before you send it out again. Whether you do or don’t change the story, KEEP WRITING and learn from your rejections.]I hope that this has been helpful to you. Good luck!

How are résumés changing in 2019?

Resumes are evolving and for 2019 resume success here is my recipe.You will write a successful resume or transform your unsuccessful resume, guaranteed.You change your resume and transform your career.If you are trying to get a job and not having success the first thing you need is, a job getting resume. If you don’t have one you will write one or transform your current one. Your time will be well spent.It would be a game changer.Let us not forget the worst part of a job getting.Failure.Here is what job seekers tell on LinkedIn1500+ Applications, 300+ rejections.Finding a job is hard, especially when the online job application process can seem like a black hole of time and energy. I applied to over 300 jobs online over the course of 2 months and got a zero percent engagement rate.I’ve sent out 300 resumes and got one interview. What am I doing wrong?You are havingInsecurityYour biggest concern NO response NO Interview.While you are trying your job hunt, how do you know if it works?What do you do?ComplexityResume today include many sections and unfortunately its made complex.Even if you are determined a series of applications and No response is heartbreaking.I promise none of the above will be your case. Keep reading.It's not standard traditional resumef you are not successful with your resume in 2018, you will write a job getting resume. Unsuccessful pros if you follow;It will end your biggest problem.NO response NO Interview.You have many tips and advice about resume. I will not tell you anything on resume format, design, content size pages, fonts, color, etc.The main reason for a resume failure isA resume not customized for the job applied.You are not approaching the companies the right way.My goal is to make you free from resume worry so your job hunting will be natural and you get a job fast. And a warning, this is a serious issue affecting your career to spend time if you want to understand all aspects of the resume. I will talk1. Job Scan2. Recruiters3. Hiring managers4. Goal5. Job Process6. Resume industry7. Positioning8. Three InnovationThe 7th you never seriously think and 8th you will add to your resume to get an interview because you don’t have those elements on your resume. Let me tell what you should do?Let us begin.The Job SceneYou must understand the job Scene.Total jobs are among industry segments big and small businesses. Half of the posts are from the small sector. Here if we consider a small business that has less than 50 employees their share comes to one-third business.You should know where you are trying to get a job.Hiring BasicEvery Hiring Is DifferentThe procedures for hiring are different for every company. You hardly pay attention to it. The company has a specific requirement, and you must meet it. If you meet, you have a chance to get a job. They each have different ways to evaluate and select the candidates.The size of the company you are applying is the primary factor for the difference. But one universal truth is you have to convince hiring managers irrespective of the size of the firm.Almost half of the jobs are from the small scale that is not having regular HR practices. One-third of businesses are of less than 50 employees, and they hardly have an Application Tracking System - ATS, and a recruiter.RecruitersLinkedIn is full of pros stories with experiences of recruiters. They are essential, so you understand their working. The key is your suitability for the job, and you should accept the fact that unless you match their company’s criteria, you will not get a response.Your resume is the first contact with them so spend time with a recruiter whose requirement you meet.If you do, then you have a chance. Now you have to attract them and create an interest in you through your resume.How will you do it?Well, as said you have 6 seconds to convince recruiters that you are worth considering. You do it, then they will read your resume. If you convince them that you have the necessary skills company is looking you clear one gate.Hiring ManagersNext, are hiring managers. They are a hard nut to crack. I love them and urge you to love hiring managers. At least your fear for them is unfounded which I see among majority applicants.Do you know hiring managers have one big problem?Ask any HR pro, and he/she will say “We hardly get good candidates.”You should be happy that they have this problem. It’s your opportunity. They want ‘Good’ candidate.The issue is applying for the right job. Most applicants who are not successful 95% never match their skill and experience with job requirement.I wonder how one applies to 100+ jobs. It’s insane to do it after 5 or say 10 applications. There must be something wrong with you why you spend time and money when you don’t get results.Please understand it’s not a number game. It’s a matching game, and you will know it when you finish this letter.I believe you all have the skills needed by companies.The GoalKnow to whom you are writingThe first thing is to know you are writing to the company and what required for a resume.Unless you have a clear job in mind to apply, you will hardly succeed in your effort.Let us see your search journey.You start your job search.College/university placement service, Job sites, Craigslist, LinkedIn, company sites, friends, etc. are options you explore.And Applications - applications and more applications but results are hard to come.One view is• 72% of jobs not advertised• Networking is the wayThe most common advice to job hunter is to have• Professional profile• Excellent resume• Social media presenceDoes any of it work in getting you a job?Well, it will help, but the fact is you need a resume whatever way you go Advertisement, Network, or Reference.A common way of working on a resume goes a bit like this:1. State all your facts in sections Education, Experience, Award – Prize, Writing, Co-Curricular Activity, etc.2. Adjust font sizes, layout adjustment fixes grammar errors, and make sure it has the bullet points.3. Give a title to the resume4. Check for accuracy of contact info.5. SubmitIt won't work there is much more to resume. Keep reading.Job ProcessThe application goes through three stages• ATS• Recruiter• Hiring managerATS application tracking system matches applications with the company’s requirements and selects relevant resumes. It uses keywords to short out suitable candidates.The recruiter is the first human interaction for you. He/she will short what hiring manager asked them to find. They go for suitable candidates and scanning title, company, an experience they shortlist candidates.The hiring manager is the final authority to decide whom to hire. He/she looks for your suitability to the job. You have to sell yourself that you are the right fit for the job.Resume IndustryThere is a big industry shouting for various designs, templates and formats for resumes. You shell out $50+ to get a resume in minutes as they claim.The effective way is you do two things1. Tell upfront to HR Managers what you contribute to them? The headline will do it.2. Tell your experience with success stories because HR managers look for achievements and action takers.In the above scenario, you should have a good resume. Here is my take on Job Getting Resume.To have success you1. Define the job/post/company you want to apply2. Decide your positioning3. Match job functions and your skill setYou should match a job requirement and choose the job. And position yourself.PositioningHR Manager wants to knowWho are you and why you are fit for the job?There may be hundreds of applicants, but you can shine out when you position yourself. You should not only position yourself but also define and tell how you are different.Let us put your resume to work for you.Think you are meeting HR manager of the company you are applying. A resume is you in person virtually.What do you do when you meet someone? OR what you say when someone asks you what you do?Most of us say something like, ‘I am a lawyer,’ ‘I am an engineer.’Examples of Conversation with an HR ManagerExample OneQ: Hi Mukesh, what do you do?Mukesh: I do exciting online advertising and bring $2 for every $1 spends.Q: How do you do that?Mukesh: I use compelling headlines to help businesses get their message across. I am a trained headline writer.(This is you explain a process. Now the manager is interested. He is nodding and wants to know more. So, keep talking.Headlines are 80% responsible for reading your message. It is Your Positioning Statement. Because headlines are, a visual and people tend to relate to them. Finally, give them a result.)At eComLeads, an affiliate network how we solved high click costs by getting 10%+ CTR for Adwords campaigns. (A success from your experience)Example TwoNow let us look at an average conversationQ: Hi Mukesh, what do you do?Mukesh: I do advertising.Q: That’s cool. Which newspapers and magazines do you do?It’s now too late to steer the discussion because it’s already taken a different track.In the first conversation, I could control the line of questioning. It ensured that my message got through undiluted.You know now why this positioning is so vital.Job description you are applying to can give you a lot of the keywords. Spend some time evaluating their website and the job description.Resume must haveHeadlineWork TitleStoryHere is how you put a headlineI am sure you have heard how you only have a few seconds to get a hiring manager’s attention with your resume. Let us not debate it is 12 seconds or 8 seconds.I tell you how to get 100% attention.First:Get noticed before people read your resumeYou should be in recruiters mind before they see your resume?I will get you the recruiter’s attention and hiring manager’s interest even before they read your resume.You will save your resume with a name I give which you will agree while resume creation. See why?Nowadays you send resume via an email as an attachment. So the file attached will be shown as per the file name you saved it. It could be many things. I won't cite funny file names but assume you gave your name, as most people do and your file will be visible in an email(Your Name) resume docxNow think you will give the name as per the title I suggest, and I always give functional names, your file name will be(Your Name) zero defect production pro resume docx for a production position OR(Your Name) sales achiever resume docx for a sales positionThink what will recruiter or hiring manager will feel when they see your resume for the first time?What will interest them? Your distinct, unique title or normal name resumes?Second:Attract Recruiters and Hiring ManagersMy take on resumesThe purpose of a resume is to get an interview, period.A resume is your most important career document.It is a sales document. You are selling yourself to the company you apply. You have to shout to win the competition. I say shout from the rooftop.I am an ad man and use ad elements a headline, trigger, and branding to differentiate you. I deviate from standard to achieve your success, get you the attention of recruiters and hiring managers; and your next level interview.I can’t imagine a sales document without a headline.Put a headline on your resume, which you don’t have and see the impact.Third.Interest Hiring managersGetting the attention of HR pros is easy but interesting them in you is a task. Hiring managers are hard nuts to crack.You know they have a big problem? Ask any HR pro and he/she will say “We hardly get good candidates.”This problem is your opportunity. Tell them you are a good fit for the job and they will call you for an interview.And you can do it easily by telling your story. You all list your experience and educations on resumes. It won’t work. It's boring.You may have heard or read HR pros telling “Resume should TALK.”Your resume must talk and the best way is telling your story.See how the headline, title, and story looks. First is client version and then is my version.Branding Resume: It is a statement with bullets telling what you contribute to the company. It supplements the headline.(Name)Phone: Email:SummaryAs a dedicated and knowledgeable professional with experience in technician responsibilities, customer service, and leadership, I seek to bring my abilities to increase the effectiveness of the organization. I am a self-motivated individual with skills that balance technical expertise, client service, and communications ability to deliver productive results.Core CompetenciesDoes ExxonMobil want to add to it team a pipeline expert who always maintains a smooth flow of fluids plus keep team happy and ready for any eventuality?(Name)Pipeline Controller a Safety WallPhone: Email:Pipelines are my fort. I enjoy every moment of it. My team and I are ready to face any eventuality, and I am always learning.Accurately monitor pressure, flow, gravity, tank levels, and other operating parametersAnalyze and understand data and trendsControl and monitor valve and pump status from the Operations Control CenterEffectively communicate with internal and external customersExcellent track record of prompt, calm, and efficient response to emergency situationsResume with Experience Story: Executive resume has branding and experience story.(Name, Address, Contacts)A c c o m p l i s h e d A v i a t i o n M e c h a n i c | P r o d u c t i o n M a n a g e r &P l a n n e r / S c h e d u l e rS e e k i n gPRODUCTION | MANUFACTURING | MAINTENANCE OPPORTUNITIESExperience SummaryMy background encompasses over 19 years of experience in the aviation industry as a Structural Technician.This also includes 6 years in management positions to include Maintenance Planner/Production Manager andProduction Supervisor. I currently have 4+ years Production Planning/Scheduling experience with NRCregulated nuclear projects. I have managed and supervised projects for various customers such as Fed Ex, USAirways, Omni International and USA 3000 to meet deadlines and maintain budget and cost in high stressenvironments while maintaining a professional demeanor and not sacrificing quality. I have gained technicalexperience and ability performing extensive maintenance, modifications and inspections of airframes forairworthiness on various type aircraft. Special Skills include layout, assembly, installation, refurbish, removal andreplacement of parts and assemblies, including shipside fabrications, corrosion control, major and minorstructural repairs (heavy structure), aircraft electrical, hydraulics and air conditioning system repair, fiberglassrepair, Honey comb repair, interior repair, fuel/defuel, aircraft towing, Equipment skills: Hand tools, pneumatictools, hot dimple, breaks, shears, roller, band saws, beader, stretcher/shrinker, jig and form block tooling,English wheel, GPU, tug, 36000 lbs. forklift, Crane, stair truck, scissor lift, man lift, small forklift. In addition, Ihave production scheduling experience in non-aviation manufacturing with welded plate steel structures. I amproficient in blueprint reading, Structural Repair Manuals, maintenance manuals, Illustrated Parts Catalog, AC43.13.1B-2A, employee time keeping, work order estimation, disposition, and parts/materials. I currently holdvalid TWIC card.(Name, Address, Contacts)EXPERIENCE(Trigger)My interest in planning started by my leader who entrusted me to lead a small group of planners and it is my career. The largest project I've completed was $900 million Capital Nuclear Power Plant modular building which testifies my team capabilities. I am good at building a capable team. I didn't view my team as employees. I saw them as coworkers and a valued resource. I am rolling up my sleeves to work beside them to accomplish goals. The mission is not meeting the goals of the project but exceeding the goals. I am good at,Defining an appropriate WBS in line with the adopted project development and project delivery strategyMonitoring and control the project through the various phases of the project lifecycleManage the interface between the various contractsMaximizing the efficiency of the project strategy concerning cost, time and contingencyRisk and opportunity managementIdentifying activities impacting the schedule’s critical path and facilitating the identification of rectification measuresReporting on trends, forecasts, and workflowReporting on project contingency, and schedule risks and opportunitiesMonitoring budgets and track materials.Remember HR wants your resume to TALK.Why branding?Remember when you want a job, you must answer the question "What makes me worth hiring?"You write your job functions usually,Accomplished...........Developed...............Supervised..............Coordinated............What wrong with this?Nothing wrong but there is a better way to interest hiring manager, and it's Branding.You make general statements. A hundred others also claim super work done.The branding should read like it fulfills the company’s potential employee’s job requirement. It has few bullets and a statement. You show one above.Here is one for a sales pro resume:Self-learning and training made me ‘Customer First’ person and I become a trainer for colleagues by bosses. That earned me a place in ‘Winner Circle,’ an exclusive club of high achievers.10 years sales experience.Proven results were exceeding goals in a customer-oriented, results-driven environment.Responsible for building client relations.Meet and exceed sales budget always.This branding is put after the name, title and before experiences, which is usually objective or summary and both are irrelevant today. I use that space to your advantage to convey what you contribute to the company you apply.Are you with me?Let me show how branding help.You think what this headline and branding.....Who does it on resumes................How it looks..............People may laugh .......ridicule.......I agree, and it's perception because of standard resume never have headlines or branding bullets and statement.But think beyond the resume and ask what gets attention in any communication, newspaper, or media?The answer is a Headline. No dispute.Headline writers are in demand and paid handsomely. Fortunately, I am a trained one.You must get the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. Branding is telling your suitability upfront. They will read further with interest. They did not read interested resumes they comb it and branding gives them points to discuss.You have seen title, headline, experience story, and branding. You will create all every time you apply and I leave judgment on you to do it or not.Be your Resume CreatorNow onward your rule for a resume is"A resume must be specific to the job you apply."Never try to create a generic resume. It hardly gets a response.You will create an irresistible resume withHeadlineTitle andBrandingYou don't have them on your resume.Your resume will,Stand out before the resume is read with a file name.Pass 6-second test. Get recruiters and hiring managers attention.Contain only what hiring managers want.Interest hiring managers by telling a story.End NO response NO interview cycle.To achieve you,Write your functional title.Create a headline.Create a branding story.Brush up your experience, education, and skills of your current resume.Create a new resume and save with a functional title to be sent.Hiring Managers want you to tell your storyDo you know the problem of HR pros? I told you earlier. They don't get good candidates.This is your opportunity. They are tired of standard resumes, all are the lists. Be different. One another advise HR give is "Your resume should TALK.The branding story will do exactly that telling your story. It tells your development revealing your personality.Hope this help. You can visit my site jobgettingresume.comMukesh Shah.

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