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How to Easily Edit Caregivers Newsletter May 2015 English Online

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How to Edit and Download Caregivers Newsletter May 2015 English on Windows

Windows users are very common throughout the world. They have met a lot of applications that have offered them services in modifying PDF documents. However, they have always missed an important feature within these applications. CocoDoc wants to provide Windows users the ultimate experience of editing their documents across their online interface.

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What are the top 50 secrets to a long and healthy life?

1. Frozen is fineYou can eat a balanced diet even when fresh fruits and vegetables are out of season because frozen can be as good as or even better for life-extending nutrients. British scientists found that fresh fruit can lose nutrients after three days of refrigeration, while frozen fruits don’t suffer the same fate. Another study similarly found that frozen blueberries contained more vitamin C than fresh ones.2. Cut back on pain pillsRegular use of painkillers such as ibuprofen and naproxen — including over-the-counter brands such as Advil, Motrin, and Aleve — may raise your risk of heart attack and stroke by 10 percent, Reserve these drugs for severe pain, and use the lowest possible dose for the shortest amount of time.3. Please go to bedConsistently sleeping less than six hours a night nearly doubles your risk of heart attack and stroke, according to a review of 15 studies published in the European Heart Journal. Another study found that consistently sleep-deprived people were 12 percent more likely to die over the 25-year study period than those who got six to eight hours of sleep a night. These tips from the National Sleep Foundation can help ensure that you get good quality shut-eye, even if you’re among the half of people over 60 who have insomnia:Make the room pitch-black dark, and set the thermostat between 60 and 67 degrees.Exercise every day. It doesn’t matter what time of day you work out, just so it doesn’t interfere with your rest.Stick to a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and getting up at the same time each day.Shut down your electronics an hour before retiring, as the light from some devices can stimulate the brain.Replace your mattress if it’s more than 10 years old.4. But don’t always go right to sleepA Duke University study that followed 252 people for 25 years concluded that frequent sex “was a significant predictor of longevity” for men.ISTOCKMarriage is good for the heart in more ways than one.5. Get (or stay) hitchedMarriage truly is good for your health — and your longevity. The prestigious Framingham Offspring Study found that married men had a 46 percent lower risk of death than never-married men, in part due to marriage’s well-known impact on heart health. Indeed, a 2014 study by New York University’s Langone Medical Center found that married men and women had a 5 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease.6. Ripeness mattersNo, you won’t die from eating under-ripe produce, but new research shows that fully ripened fruit has more life-lengthening health benefits. For example, green bananas are low in fiber and high in astringent tannins that can cause constipation. Fully ripened pears and blackberries have more disease-fighting antioxidants. And in watermelon, a deep red color signifies more lycopene, an antioxidant that may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.7. Don’t sweeten with sugarA high-sugar diet boosts blood sugar, which in turn plays havoc with your heart by increasing levels of LDL cholesterol while lowering heart-friendly HDL cholesterol, and tripling your risk for fatal cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar a day, and men no more than 9 teaspoons (36 grams).8. Consider extra vitamin DVitamin D, a bright byproduct of sunlight, has many health benefits, including a link to longevity. But too much vitamin D increases your risk of dying as much as too little, according to a 2015 Danish study. So you want to get the right amount. Don’t just rely on outdoor time to get extra vitamin D; the rate of skin cancer rises as we age, so it’s important to limit exposure. The smart plan: Ask your doctor if you would benefit from extra D in pill form. University of Copenhagen researchers found that the ideal vitamin D level is more than 50 nanomoles per liter of blood, but less than 100 nmol/L.9. Go greenIf coffee’s not your thing, green tea also has proven longevity cred, likely because it contains powerful antioxidants known as catechins that may help combat diabetes and heart disease. In a large study of more than 40,000 Japanese men and women, drinking five or more cups of green tea a day was associated with a 12 percent decrease in mortality among men and a 23 percent decrease among women.GETTY IMAGESTaking a break from work and going on a vacation is crucial to your well being.10. Vacation … or ElseNot taking time off work might, indeed, be deadly. One study of men at high risk for coronary artery disease found that those who failed to take annual vacations were 32 percent more likely to die of a heart attack. And in the long-running Framingham Heart Study, women who vacationed just once every six years were eight times more likely to develop coronary artery disease or have a heart attack than women who vacationed twice a year.11. Eat whole grainsThe average American eats one serving of whole grains daily — and that may be just a single morning slice of toast. But eating three or more servings each day can cut overall death rate by about 20 percent, according to a 2016 study from Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Have some oatmeal or brown rice, or get adventurous and go for quinoa, barley, even farro.12. Spice it upEating hot chili peppers may add years to your life. In a 2016 analysis of the dietary habits of more than 16,000 men and women over 23 years, those who reported eating hot peppers reduced their risk of dying by 13 percent. Not a fan of those peppers? Even a little spice can have health benefits. That’s because the body produces endorphins to reduce the heat from the capsaicin in the peppers; those endorphins also reduce pain and inflammation.13. Drink whole milkYou’ve been told forever to drink low-fat or skim milk, or go for fat-free yogurt. But research published in the journal Circulation in 2016 concluded that those who consumed the most dairy fat had a 50 percent lower risk of developing diabetes, a disease that can shorten your life by eight to 10 years on average.14. Just add waterStaying adequately hydrated — measured by urine that’s light yellow or straw colored — can also help prolong a healthy life by reducing the risk of bladder and colon cancer and keeping kidneys in tip-top shape. Bonus: It might even help you lose weight. Researchers at the University of Illinois found that those who sipped more H2O ended up eating 68 to 205 fewer calories per day.Learn about health discoveries, explore brain games and read great articles in the 'Your Health' NewsletterNICK FERRARIA few cups of java a day might keep the doctor away.15. Say yes to that extra cupCoffee does more than help you wake up; it also reduces your risk of stroke, diabetes and some cancers. And in a 2015 study published in the journal Circulation, Harvard researchers discovered that “people who drank three to five cups of coffee per day had about a 15 percent lower [risk of premature] mortality compared to people who didn’t drink coffee,” says coauthor Walter Willett, M.D. Mind you, a cup is 8 ounces, so your 16-ounce Starbucks grande is really two cups by that measure.16. Live like the AmishA University of Maryland study found that Amish men live longer than typical Caucasian men in the United States, and both Amish men and women have lower rates of hospitalization. What are the Amish ways? Lots of physical activity, less smoking and drinking, and a supportive social structure involving family and community.17. End the day's eating by 9 p.m.Not only is eating late bad for your waistline — sleeping doesn’t exactly burn lots of calories — it also increases the risk of heart disease by 55 percent for men ages 45 to 82, according to a Harvard study.18. Eat your veggiesIn a study of 73,000 adults, most in their mid to upper 50s, vegetarians were 12 percent less likely than carnivores to have died from any cause during the six-year study period. The 2016 study, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that mortality rates were lowest overall for pesco-vegetarians (those who eat fish occasionally), followed by vegans (those who eat no animal products), and lacto-ovo vegetarians (those who eat dairy and eggs).19. Eat like the GreeksThe Mediterranean diet, with its reliance on fruits, vegetables, olive oil, fish and nuts, is one of the healthiest diets for both overall health and longevity. Harvard researchers, reporting in the BMJ in 2014, found that those who followed the diet most closely had longer telomeres, which cap the end of each strand of DNA and protect chromosomes from damage. Even those who only sporadically followed the diet reaped longevity benefits, researchers found.NICK FERRARICutting your portions helps you cut calories, which aids in weight loss and more.20. Eat lessIf you want to reach 100, put down the fork, says Dan Buettner, who studies longevity hot spots around the world, such as Okinawa, Japan. Buettner found that the oldest Okinawans stop eating when they feel 80 percent full. A National Institutes of Health-funded study similarly found that cutting back calories reduced blood pressure, cholesterol and insulin resistance.21. Drink less (here’s a trick)More-than-moderate alcohol consumption (generally, more than one drink a day for women or more than two a day for men) leads to a shorter life span. Here’s one way to cut your intake: Pour red wine into a white-wine glass, which is narrower. Studies by Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab found that people poured 12 percent more into red-wine glasses. You’ll also pour less wine into your glass if it’s sitting on the table, instead of in your hand, says Brian Wansink, the lab’s director.22. Save your penniesMoney might not make you happier, but it will help you live longer. A 2016 study by Stanford researchers published in JAMA found that people whose income bracket was in the top 1 percent lived nearly 15 years longer than those in the bottom 1 percent. The disparity could be attributed to healthier behaviors in higher-income groups, including less smoking and lower obesity rates, researchers say.23. Or move to one of these statesIf you’re not wealthy, consider moving to California, New York or Vermont, where studies show that low-income people tend to live the longest. Loma Linda, Calif., has the highest longevity thanks to vegetarian Seventh-day Adventists, who live eight to 10 years longer than the rest of us. Nevada, Indiana and Oklahoma have the lowest life expectancy (less than 78 years).24. Ponder a PonderosaExperiencing a sense of awe — such as when viewing the Grand Canyon or listening to Beethoven’s Ninth — may boost the body’s defense system, says research from the University of California, Berkeley. “That awe, wonder and beauty promote healthier levels of cytokines suggests that the things we do to experience these emotions — a walk in nature, losing oneself in music, beholding art — has a direct influence upon health and life expectancy,” says Dacher Keltner, a psychologist and coauthor of the study.GETTY IMAGESOwning a dog can help lower stress and boost physical activity.25. Get a friend with four legsA few studies on the link between pet ownership and health have found that owning a pet can reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, even improve the odds of surviving a heart attack. Now the American Heart Association has weighed in with a report published in the journal Circulation that recommends owning a dog, in particular, for those seeking to reduce their risk of deadly heart disease. Dog owners are more likely to be physically active and are also less vulnerable to the effects of stress, the report says.26. Find your purposeDo you wake up looking forward to something? In a 2014 study published in the Lancet, researchers found that those with the highest sense of purpose were 30 percent less likely to die during the 8.5-year study period. In fact, doing something that matters — whether it’s helping your children or interacting in a community of like-minded folks — is correlated with seven extra years of life, according to researchers who study people in “blue zones,” areas of the world where folks live the longest.27. Embrace your faithAttending religious services once a week has been shown to add between four and 14 years to life expectancy, according to researchers who study blue zones. Don’t belong to a church? Ask to join a friend at her services, or just drop in at a nearby house of worship; most have an open-door policy.28. Be food safeAbout 3,000 Americans die from food poisoning annually, say the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Even seemingly healthy foods — like sprouts, cantaloupe, berries and raw tuna — can make you sick or even kill you, says the FDA. Your action plan: Keep your kitchen pristine, wash your hands and utensils before and after handling food, separate raw and cooked foods, refrigerate perishable food promptly, and cook food to a safe temperature to kill deadly bacteria.29. Consider mountain lifePeople residing at higher altitudes tend to live longer, a study by the University of Colorado and the Harvard School of Global Health revealed. Of the 20 healthiest counties in America, many are in Colorado and Utah. Researchers think lower oxygen levels might cause your body to adapt in ways that strengthen your heart and circulation.NICK FERRARIEating a handful of nuts five times per week can lower your mortality risk from certain diseases.30. Go nutsIn a European study of adults ages 55 to 69, those who ate 10 grams of nuts daily — 8 almonds or 6 cashews — reduced their risk of death from any health-related cause by 23 percent. As for specific ailments, consuming a handful of nuts at least five times per week lowers the mortality risk for heart disease (by 29 percent), respiratory disease (24 percent) and cancer (11 percent), according to a previous U.S. study. Sorry, peanut butter fans: Spreads didn’t show the same benefits.31. Keep watching LOL cat videosLaughter really is the best medicine, helping to reduce stress, boost the immune system, reduce pain and improve blood flow to the brain. In fact, laughter has the same effect on blood vessels as exercise, report researchers from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.32. Get socialStudies show that loneliness increases the risk of early death by 45 percent. It weakens the immune system and raises blood pressure while increasing the risk for heart attacks and stroke. By contrast, people with strong ties to friends and family have as much as a 50 percent lower risk of dying, according to a study in PLOS Medicine. So visit a friend. And don’t discount your online friends. A 2016 study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego found that those who use Facebook also live longer, but only when online interactions don’t completely supplant face-to-face social interaction.33. Watch your grandkidsWhile babysitting every day is stressful, regularly watching the grands can lower your risk of dying by a third, according to a 2016 study published in Evolution and Human Behavior. That adds up to an extra five years of life, researchers say. They speculate that caregiving gives grandparents a sense of purpose, and keeps them mentally and physically active.34. Try to stay out of the hospitalA 2016 Johns Hopkins University study found that some 250,000 patients die each year in hospitals from medical mistakes, such as misdiagnoses, poor practices and conditions, and drug errors. Sometimes the best way to avoid a grave condition is not to enter the system at all.How does your brain score? Find out at Staying SharpNICK FERRARIReading gives muscle to your memory.35. Read moreSounds like we made it up, but scientific research supports the longevity benefits of reading — newspapers and magazines will do, but books are the best. “As little as a half-hour a day of book reading had a significant survival advantage over those who did not read,” said the study’s senior author, Becca R. Levy, a professor of epidemiology at Yale.36. Read the ‘AARP Bulletin’Really. This and other smart publications can keep you up to date on health info. Studies have shown that when people are empowered with information to make important medical decisions, it not only enhances their well-being but also improves a treatment’s effectiveness. So keep reading and Monitor yourselfDon’t wait for annual checkups to consider your health. By then, a small problem could have morphed into a life-threatening illness. In one English study, researchers found that less than 60 percent of people who developed unusual symptoms in the previous three months had seen a doctor. Symptoms that might point to cancer include: unexplained weight loss of 10 pounds or more (this can be an indication of cancers of the esophagus, stomach or lungs); fever; extreme fatigue; changes in bowel or bladder habits; or unusual bleeding. Other unusual symptoms that could signal disease? A patch of rough, dark skin could indicate diabetes, and a strange color on your tongue could signal serious acid-reflux issues.38. Visit the hardware storeAmong the most common causes of “unintentional deaths” are carbon monoxide, radon and lead poisoning, the CDC reports. Make sure there’s a carbon monoxide detector near every bedroom, and be sure to test and replace the batteries every two years. Was your home built before 1978, when lead paint was outlawed? One trip to the store can get you all you need to test for these toxic substances.39. Practice home fire drillsJust 1 in 3 families have a fire-safety plan, says Robert Cole, president of Community Health Strategies, an injury-prevention education organization based in Pittsford, N.Y. “People underestimate the speed of a fire. Many waste time figuring out what to do, or trying to take belongings with them. Everyone should know what to do and how to get out safely.”ISTOCKStudies show that female doctors are more effective communicators than male physicians.40. Find a woman doctorWhen Harvard researchers in 2016 analyzed Medicare records documenting more than 1.5 million hospitalizations over four years, they found that patients who received care from a female physician were more likely to survive and less likely to be readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge. In fact, about 32,000 fewer people would die each year “if male physicians achieved the same outcomes as female physicians,” the researchers said. Previous studies have suggested that female doctors are more likely to follow clinical guidelines and are more effective communicators.41. Make peace with familyWhile we often stress about small stuff — the guests are here, and we’re not ready! — it’s the nagging, long-running forms of stress, such as a family dispute, that put your longevity at risk. Chronic stress hastens the cellular deterioration that leads to premature aging and a vast array of serious diseases, according to long-running research from the University of California, San Francisco. This sort of cell death “turns out to be one of the strongest predictors of early diseases of aging and in many studies of early mortality,” says lead researcher Elissa Epel. The remedy: Come to peace with the people in your life. Forgive your family, forgive yourself, put the past behind you — so you can have more life in front of you.42. Take the stairs — every dayA study by University of Geneva researchers found that taking the stairs instead of the elevators reduced the risk of dying prematurely by 15 percent. What’s more, a daily stair climb shaves six months off your “brain age,” according to researchers at Concordia University who performed MRI scans on 331 people ages 19 to 79. Gray matter shrinks naturally with age, but less so when people stay active.43. Toss that rugOne of the top risks for falls at home is throw rugs. Those slip-slidey accoutrements send 38,000 older adults to the emergency room each year, according to a 2013 study by the CDC. Banish these rugs from your home, and make sure bath mats have a nonslip bottom.44. Beware the high-tech dashNearly one in five traffic accidents and more than 400,000 crash-related injuries involve a distracted driver, the U.S. Department of Transportation reports. Top distractions, according to a recent Virginia Tech Transportation Institute study, are cellphones. But a less-obvious risk is using the touch screen on your car’s dashboard.GEBER86Yes, you can go carless and survive.45. And drive lessIn 2014, more than 5,700 older adults were killed and more than 236,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes. Per mile traveled, fatal crashes increase noticeably starting at age 70 and are highest among drivers age 85 and older, a highway safety organization says. If you’re feeling unsafe behind the wheel, it might be time to look for alternative transportation.46. Better yet, walkWhat’s the best prescription for a longer life? Exercise. And doctors are literally prescribing it instead of medication. “There is no pill that comes close to what exercise can do,” says Claude Bouchard, director of the human genomics laboratory at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana. It benefits your brain, heart, skin, mood and metabolism. Even as little as 10 minutes of brisk walking can help (that’s all it takes to burn off the calories of one chocolate chip cookie). Once you can do 10 minutes, push it to 15. Then 20. Start slow, but just start.47. Just not in the streetNearly 5,000 pedestrians are killed annually in the U.S., according to the latest federal figures, and nearly 20 percent of those deaths were among adults age 65 and older. If you walk for your health — and we hope you do — stay safe and consider doing so at the mall, a community health center or a park.48. And go a little fasterThe benefits of a brisk walk are real: A University of Pittsburgh study of adults 65 and older found that those whose usual walking pace exceeded one meter per second lived longer. While researchers say they can’t recommend brisk walking as a panacea for living longer, they did see increased survival in those who picked up the pace over the course of a year.49. Get fidgetyNever mind what your grade school teachers said; fidgeting is good. A 2016 British study finds that sitting for seven or more hours a day increases your risk of dying by 30 percent — except among active fidgeters, who see no increased risk.50. Enjoy Life

What's the easiest way to make money online?

WAYS TO MAKE EXTRA MONEY OFFLINEIf you prefer working offline, here are 40 ways to make extra money offline. But, it is 2019 > 20, so you will often need to promote your services online.1. House sit in your local area.Make extra money by house sitting for people in your local area. If your main job is online, you can also consider house sitting across the country instead of paying rent.2. Turn your car into a billboard.Earn money by placing advertising on your car.3. Mow lawns or offer gardening services.Pick up some short-term local work mowing lawns or gardening. If you enjoy it, you can grow it into a small business.4. Shovel snow.While other people are dreading snowstorms, you’ll be counting the cash. Start with a shovel and reinvest a part of your earnings into a snowblower or snow plow.5. Clean houses.This is a great side hustle that can grow into the kind of business where other people do the work for you.6. Babysit children.Responsible, caring babysitters are always in demand. If you enjoy it, you might consider growing your services into a full daycare center someday.7. Pet sit for dogs and cats.Pet sitting is a great way to make extra money or travel the world on a budget.8. Train dogs on the evenings and weekends.Every home that welcomes a new dog can benefit from training. Good dog trainers can have a lasting impact on the relationship between beloved family member and pet for many years. Consider in-home pet training at a premium price.9. Walk dogs and enjoy the exercise.If you love dogs, then dog walking is a great side hustle. This is a great choice if you sit at a computer all day or want to drop a couple pounds because you basically get paid to exercise.10. Help people move.Help people move from home to home, or deliver furniture. People who purchase furniture on Craigslist often need a delivery person to get their items home.11. Assemble furniture for other people.Pick up quick side work assembling furniture. Visit for jobs posted in your area. Or, list your services on Craigslist.12. Do office “temp” work through an agency.Use your vacation days to do temporary work like receptionist, customer service agent, or office assistant. Skilled work like programming and app development are also in high demand at temp agencies.13. Repair or restore cars.Offer discounted auto body repair or restoration services. Develop a good reputation, and you can build your way up to premium rates.14. Perform mobile oil changes.Offer at-home oil change services after hours and on the weekends – at a premium rate.15. Work as a mobile mechanic.If you know how to fix cars, offer mobile car repairs at a premium rate. To really pump up your earnings, offer on-call emergency services during the hours you’re not at your “day” job.16. Do mobile car washing and detailing.Offer personal hand-wash and/or detailing at people’s homes. They’re willing to pay to avoid sitting in line at the car wash or having to drop off and pick up for services.17. Paint houses or interiors.House painting isn’t limited to the outside of homes. For smaller, more frequent work, try offering a service that paints one room or even a wall. Everyone needs their walls maintained with great color!18. Wash Windows.Commercial or residential window washing is a great way to make extra money without high start-up costs or lengthy training.19. Repair bicycles.Offer in-home or mobile bicycle repair services. This is also a great chance to branch out into a business if you like bicycles. Consider renting, restoring, or reselling bicycles as along the way.20. Work as a handyman doing home repairs.Are you handy around the house? List your services at Craiglist, TaskRabbit, Nextdoor, or Facebook.21. Offer senior services.Help out senior citizens in your area by running errands, shopping, preparing meals, washing dishes, and doing odd jobs around the house.22. Clean boats.If you’re marine-inclined, consider offering boat cleanings or maintenance services in your spare time.23. Become a caregiver.Pick up a local part-time job as a caregiver. Spend your weekends helping busy moms, people with special needs, and senior citizens.24. Train people to use computers or special software.If you have any computer skills or special training, offer in-home computer lessons to people who want to learn.25. Provide graffiti removal and restoration services.Remove graffiti or restore property that’s been damaged. Look for part-time work with a company that offers graffiti removal, or start your own service.26. Offer mobile laundry services.Clean and fold people’s clothes. Busy professionals who are single almost always need help with laundry. Try targeting above-average rental communities, where you’ll find plenty of customers.27. Use your truck to remove junk.Haul old electronics and furniture out of people’s homes and deliver them to the proper disposal facilities.28. Become a notary republic.A notary republic gets paid to witness the signing of legal documents. Requirements vary from state to state, but if you have no criminal record this may be an great source of part-time income for you.29. Get people married.Become an ordained minister online, so you can officiate local weddings.30. Clean pools during the summertime.Offer pool cleaning services during the summer season. Control your schedule by working only with a handful of clients.31. Offer litter removal services.While it’s not a glamorous job, picking up trash in business parking lots can be a lucrative part-time income.32. Drive for a car ride service like Lyft.If you have a good car, are a social person, and can navigate your way around with GPS, this may be a good fit. Set your own hours and work as little or as much as you like.33. Deliver restaurant food.Services like GrubHub and Lyft all offer restaurant delivery services. If you have a car, this can be a good way to make part-time money.34. Rent out your spare room.Do you have a nice guest room that doesn’t’ get enough use? Rent out your spare room to travelers.35. Rent out your car.Make money by renting out your car on the days it’s not in use. Peer to peer car-sharing services like Turo can help you find customers quickly.36. Work as a bicycle messenger.Pick up some part-time work as a bike messenger and get your exercise in while you work.37. Shop for and deliver other people’s groceries.Offer to do grocery shopping for a fee or signup to shop for a company like Shipt or Instacart.38. Distribute flyers.Find a local flyer distribution service and get paid to deliver flyers in your spare time.39. Work in a retail store during the holidays.If you’re a patient and social person, pick up some part-time shifts as a retail clerk during the holiday season. You’ll help people find the perfect gift and earn yourself some nice income and fat discounts along the way.40. Tutor young students.What’s your strongest subject? Math? English? History? Offer your services as a private tutor through schools and Craigslist.MAKE MONEY ONLINE WITHOUT A DEGREE OR CERTIFICATIONWork online from the convenience of your home. These are great ways to earn extra money online if you’re working around a demanding full-time job. Many of them can even be developed into full-time businesses.41. Help high school students with SAT Prep.Help high school students study for their SAT tests.42. Write product descriptions.Got a knack for writing? Start simple by writing product descriptions for businesses that sell online. If you like it, you can get some training along the way and grow into better-paying jobs.43. Proofread articles and essays.Proofread articles, college admission essays, or online content. Formal proofreading jobs often require a degree, but full-time writers are always looking for personal proofreaders who are good at what they do.44. Copyedit for professional writers.This profession often requires a degree or experience, but if you’re a native English writer, you can break into this field without a degree. Offer copyediting services to non-native speakers, to help their writing appear as if it’s been written by a native English speaker.45. Work as a virtual customer service rep.Answer phones, direct calls, and help customers by working as a virtual customer service specialist in your spare time.46. Do phone or chat support for an online company.Find part-time work as a phone or chat support specialist, where you can answer questions about products and services.47. Work as a technical support specialist.Do you have a knack for figuring things out? Consider taking a part-time job as a technical support specialist.48. Get paid to test websites.Companies pay to have regular people browse websites and give their opinions about the design and content. Consider testing websites from your home as a part-time side hustle.49. Make logos for brands.Skip the heavy requirements and get creative immediately by selling your logo-design services. Get started with logo design software that helps you create products quickly. Be sure your software licenses you to resell your designs.50. Work as an online researcher.Research is a great place to start working online. Sites like UpWork offer entry-level research work for a variety of companies. A typical research project might include visiting websites yo find contact information for sales departments.51. Edit videos.If you enjoy editing videos, this is a fun and profitable way to earn extra money. It’s also a great way to see if you might like to open your own video editing company someday.52. Pick up small programming projects.If you’ve been programming for fun, maybe it’s time to start making some extra money with your skills. You can contact companies directly or search online freelance forums to find part-time programming projects.53. Become a micro-influencer.Have you built an online following of 1000 people or more on any social media platform? Get paid to promote brands and products as a micro-influencer.WAYS TO MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR HIDDEN TALENTSDevelop your secret talents or passions while earning money at the same time. It might take a little while to sharpen your skills or learn new ones, but you’ll make a higher rate of pay in the long run.54. Voiceover ArtistDo people often tell you that you have a nice voice, or are you good at doing impressions? Consider selling your services as a voiceover artist through Fiverr or another agency.55. Makeup ArtistDo you love the cosmetics industry and often find yourself helping friends with makeup tips? Consider adding a bit of formal training so you can work as a makeup artist.56. First-year Music TeacherIf you’re good with kids and have a little music background, consider teaching first-year music. You can give kids a strong and fun first-year foundation, and then refer them to a more experienced teacher after the first year.57. Dance InstructorIf you took years of dance instruction as a kid, don’t let it go to waste. Consider teaching dance to create a nice side income for yourself.58. English as a 2nd Language InstructorYou don’t need to know a 2nd language in order to teach English as a second language. A little research and some preparation will help you find your way to part-time jobs that don’t require a degree or certification.59. TranslatorIf you can speak more than one language, you’ve got a valuable skill! Learn how to become a paid translator.60. Personal Fitness CoachBecome a fitness coach and help people improve their health and happiness.61. Custom TailorIf you find yourself using a sewing machine to make adjustments to your or your family’s clothes, consider taking it a step further. Make premium part-time income by offering custom tailoring services.62. Social Media ManagementIf you enjoy social media and love communicating, social media writing can be a lucrative career. Find out what’s involved in social media management by visiting Post Planner.63. Social Media MarketingHelp businesses build and engage audiences on social media platforms.64. Google AdWords SpecialistIf you’re good with math and analytics, you might like picking up some Google AdWords freelance work. You can get free AdWords training and become certified online at Google Academy.65. Facebook Ads ManagerIf you have a flair for both writing and math, consider becoming a Facebook ads manager. You’ll incorporate your writing and analytic skills to help businesses place successful Facebook ads. Training and certification for Facebook ads is available at Facebook Blueprint.66. CopywriterIf you love sales and enjoy the art of language, consider commercial copywriting as a source of part or full-time income. As a copywriter, you’ll write things like landing pages, emails, and sales copy. Try Len Smith’s “Copywriting Secrets” course at Udemy to get an idea of what copywriters do.67. Content WriterContent writers compile research to write articles, reports, whitepapers, and other types of online content. It’s a tough field to break into, but if you’re a good writer, it can be a lucrative and rewarding way to earn part or full-time income.68. Script WriterLearn how to write commercial scripts for video, radio, and television.69. Speech WriterHone your speech writing skills, and you can make serious extra income writing speeches for politicians and business people.70. WordPress Site BuilderDo you find yourself enjoying the process of WordPress site building more than marketing, writing, or sales? New businesses need people who can build websites with WordPress. This can be lucrative part or full-time freelance work.71. WordPress Site Maintenance SpecialistDo you like working with WordPress? Consider part time work as a WordPress site maintenance professional. You’ll update, optimize, backup, protect, and moderate comments. SEO maintenance and security is also part of the job.If you need to round out some of your WordPress skills, stop by Treehouse Academy. They offer excellent WordPress tracks for a reasonable monthly subscription fee.72. Transcription ExpertAre you a quick typist? Make extra money transcribing video and audio into written text.73. Commercial Videos ProducerIf you like working with videos, consider producing whiteboard explainer videos for online businesses.74. Graphic DesignerArtists or people with a good eye for visual design can pick up quick extra cash as graphic designers. Learn how to use graphic design software and make the most of your talents.75. Become a wedding photographer.If you have a talent for taking photos and a love for making memories, wedding photography might be a nice way to earn extra money.It may take a few months to build your reputation, but startup costs are low and there are plenty of free online resources to help you start your own wedding photography business.IDEAS FOR OPENING A LOW STARTUP-COST BUSINESSMany of the extra-income opportunities we’ve listed so far can be turned into full-time businesses if you want to pursue them. Here are a few more ideas for businesses that can be started on a budget in your spare time:76. Start an apartment locators business.Earn nice commissions by matching clients to apartment homes.77. Create an Etsy shop.Do you have a knack for creating handmade gifts or decor? Consider opening an online shop at Etsy, where you can earn nice profits from your hobby.78. Draw pet portraits.Do you have a talent for drawing? Draw pet portraits in your spare time for some nice extra income.79. Start an online store that sells drop-shipped items.Create a dropshipping business and earn passive income in your spare time. If you enjoy business marketing and sales, this is a great outlet for turning your skills into profits.80. Become a blogger or vlogger.Are you a great communicator? Are you the person that people turn to for expert advice on a specific topic? Or, do you have a special interest that you’ve developed over the years?You don’t need any experience to become a blogger or vlogger, but these traits give you an edge on the competition. Build an audience and you can earn income through affiliate marketing, advertising, and product sales.81. Create passive income through affiliate marketing.Become an affiliate marketer and earn an income while you sleep. Natural salespeople will enjoy this commission-based selling model.82. Resell auto parts online or in-person.Knowledge of auto parts and car maintenance is a profitable asset that opens up a number of ways to earn extra income. Consider buying and selling auto parts online at Amazon or eBay, or in-person to earn extra income.83. Become an Amazon or eBay reseller.Are you great at finding deals? Love to shop? Consider reselling items through Amazon or eBay to pick up some part-time income.84. Sell used electronics.Electronics geeks can make the most of their hobby by buying and selling used electronics. For example, buying and selling used phones on Craigslist or eBay can be a profitable part-time activity.85. Refurbish used electronics.If you’ve got a knack for fixing electronics, consider refurbishing non-working devices and reselling them through your own store, Amazon, or Craigslist.86. Shop for gifts.Gift-shopping services are a great way to pick up extra cash, especially during the holidays.87. Fix phone screens and offer same-day mobile service.People are constantly dropping their phones. If you’re able to replace their screens quickly, you can make some nice extra cash – and probably collect a few friends along the way!88. Offer local tour guide services.Love showing people around your city? Become a tour guide and turn your love for your city into a profitable business that earns extra money.89. Create an online stock photography business.Sell your beautiful photos by creating your own online stock photography business.90. Coach a sports team.Were you an avid sports player in high school or college? Consider coaching sports teams on the weekends or after work on the weekdays.91. Open a custom t-shirt shop.T-shirts never go out of style. If you’re good at creating unique sayings that make people laugh, a custom t-shirt shop can be a fast way to make extra money.92. Repair people’s appliances.Do you like to fix appliances yourself instead of calling a repair person? Start your own repair business to earn extra income. If you need help polishing your skills or generating leads, there are websites that can help you get appliance repair customers.93. Clean carpets.If that tiny spot on the carpet drives you crazy and if you crave physical work, consider cleaning carpets to earn a few extra dollars.94. Install flooring.Are you skilled at installing carpet and tile? People with this skill can make great extra income by earning both a materials commission plus labor fee for floor installation.95. Pressure-washing concrete.Pressure-washing is a business that requires an initial investment and some paperwork to get started. But, it gets you outside and away from a desk to earn decent part or full-time income.96. Offer meal services to busy professionals.Cook in your home and deliver to theirs. Target busy professionals who will pay high prices for healthy home-cooked meals delivered to their door.97. Organize people’s closets and cupboards.Are your closets and cupboards so well-organized that your friends are jealous? Consider starting a home-organization business to earn money in your spare time.98. Plan parties and events.People who have a love for events and a talent for planning can earn extra income by starting an event-planning business. You’ll give up many of your nights and weekends, but in exchange, you get to help other people create memories that mark some of the most important cornerstones of their lives.99. Offer interior design consultations.Do your friends turn to you for advice on how to turn a bland-looking room into something that’s warm and welcoming? If you have a talent for interior design, consider offering interior design consultations to earn extra income.100. Conduct genealogy research.If you loved assembling your own family tree, put your investigative skills and passion to good use. Help people uncover their family trees with genealogy research.Learn how to turn your passion into an online business with our eBook “3 Keys to Business Profits” – read it for free when you sign up for our business newsletter.QUICK AND EASY WAYS TO MAKE MONEY MAKING STUFFLike to create things? Choose products that are always in demand and can be sold for more than the materials and time cost it takes you to create them. The key to profiting from handmade items is learning how to brand and market your products. Whether you open an online store or sell your products locally, you’ll gain valuable marketing and branding experience that can be applied to future businesses. Here are some suggestions for products you can make and sell:101. Handmade scarvesBeautiful handmade scarfs sell between $40 – $99 apiece online. This may be one of the quickest, most profitable ways to earn an income for people with an artistic flair and knack for working with materials.102. Hand-Knitted sweatersHand-knitted sweaters are a hot sales item for people in the midwest and on the east coast. A typical hand-knit sweater sells for $100 – $300 or more.103. Wall artYou don’t have to be an artist to create stunning wall art that can be sold in-person or online. For wall art ideas you can make and resell on your own, visit Brit & Co.104. Specialty soaps and candlesChoose a specialty like scented, unscented, or organic soaps and candles to profit from creating an reselling your own products.105. Gourmet sugar scrubsGourmet sugar scrubs sell for $20 – $25 at flea markets and in high-end spas. Even if you use the best of ingredients, gourmet sugar scrubs cost under $5 and take less than five minutes to create.106. JewelryBeaded jewelry and traditional jewelry can be learned by taking a class at a local bead store or community college. Or, learn how to make jewelry by watching YouTube videos.107. Refurbished wood furnitureBuy used wood furniture at thrift stores and repaint it in a trending style like Pier 1 Imports or Pottery Barn.108. Home-made organic mealsStart your own subscription service or offer mobile local delivery that sells homemade genuine organic meals.109. Baked goodsWhip up your best muffins or dessert and find local convenience stores, coffee shops, and restaurants who will sell them on consignment.110. Seasonal decorSell Christmas, Halloween, and Valentine’s outdoor decor. Or, create handmade sentimental items like stockings or personalized gifts.111. Gift wrapping (Christmas)Get paid to wrap gifts in your local area. Travel to people’s homes or offer pick-up and delivery services. Or, rent a kiosk in your local mall and wrap gifts for people as they’re shopping.112. Customized wedding/anniversary giftsFind artistic ways to commemorate special events, and promote your products on a platform like Fiverr.113. 3D Printed productsThere’s a bit of investment required to buy a 3D printer and materials. It may cost about $3500 to get started, but the income possibilities are endless and worth considering.

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