Idea Competition Registration Form: Fill & Download for Free


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The Guide of editing Idea Competition Registration Form Online

If you are curious about Edit and create a Idea Competition Registration Form, heare are the steps you need to follow:

  • Hit the "Get Form" Button on this page.
  • Wait in a petient way for the upload of your Idea Competition Registration Form.
  • You can erase, text, sign or highlight of your choice.
  • Click "Download" to keep the changes.
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A Revolutionary Tool to Edit and Create Idea Competition Registration Form

Edit or Convert Your Idea Competition Registration Form in Minutes

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How to Easily Edit Idea Competition Registration Form Online

CocoDoc has made it easier for people to Customize their important documents across online browser. They can easily Edit according to their choices. To know the process of editing PDF document or application across the online platform, you need to follow this stey-by-step guide:

  • Open the official website of CocoDoc on their device's browser.
  • Hit "Edit PDF Online" button and Choose the PDF file from the device without even logging in through an account.
  • Edit your PDF forms online by using this toolbar.
  • Once done, they can save the document from the platform.
  • Once the document is edited using online website, the user can easily export the document through your choice. CocoDoc provides a highly secure network environment for implementing the PDF documents.

How to Edit and Download Idea Competition Registration Form on Windows

Windows users are very common throughout the world. They have met a lot of applications that have offered them services in editing PDF documents. However, they have always missed an important feature within these applications. CocoDoc are willing to offer Windows users the ultimate experience of editing their documents across their online interface.

The steps of editing a PDF document with CocoDoc is very simple. You need to follow these steps.

  • Choose and Install CocoDoc from your Windows Store.
  • Open the software to Select the PDF file from your Windows device and proceed toward editing the document.
  • Customize the PDF file with the appropriate toolkit showed at CocoDoc.
  • Over completion, Hit "Download" to conserve the changes.

A Guide of Editing Idea Competition Registration Form on Mac

CocoDoc has brought an impressive solution for people who own a Mac. It has allowed them to have their documents edited quickly. Mac users can make a PDF fillable with the help of the online platform provided by CocoDoc.

In order to learn the process of editing form with CocoDoc, you should look across the steps presented as follows:

  • Install CocoDoc on you Mac firstly.
  • Once the tool is opened, the user can upload their PDF file from the Mac hasslefree.
  • Drag and Drop the file, or choose file by mouse-clicking "Choose File" button and start editing.
  • save the file on your device.

Mac users can export their resulting files in various ways. Downloading across devices and adding to cloud storage are all allowed, and they can even share with others through email. They are provided with the opportunity of editting file through multiple ways without downloading any tool within their device.

A Guide of Editing Idea Competition Registration Form on G Suite

Google Workplace is a powerful platform that has connected officials of a single workplace in a unique manner. While allowing users to share file across the platform, they are interconnected in covering all major tasks that can be carried out within a physical workplace.

follow the steps to eidt Idea Competition Registration Form on G Suite

  • move toward Google Workspace Marketplace and Install CocoDoc add-on.
  • Select the file and tab on "Open with" in Google Drive.
  • Moving forward to edit the document with the CocoDoc present in the PDF editing window.
  • When the file is edited completely, save it through the platform.

PDF Editor FAQ

How can I increase user registration on my website?

In case you’re having difficulties meeting the target registration rate for your website, don’t dispare. You are not alone. Many organisations struggle with converting website visitors into registered users and feel that they are unable to utilize their website to its full potential. There a lot of possible solutions to your problems and using some of the traffic tools that can be at your disposal might be just the right thing for your website.The truth is that web users today have become very demanding, and a lot less patient. The average user spends no more than 15 seconds on a web page (Based on a study conducted by Chartbeat). There is a lot of great content out there and the competition is fierce, in almost every sector. If you are unable to grab your user’s attention and successfully (and quickly) lead them where you want them to go, you will lose out.From the moment a vistor lands on your site, by searching on Google, from a social media campaign, a referring website or any other source, the journey through to conversion begins.1. Give your users a great reason to registerThis might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many organisations simply don’t offer enough of an incentive to register on their site. Completing a registration form, no matter how simple (more about that in a minute) is asking a lot of your users. You need to make it worth their while. The incentive will differ greatly from organisation to organisation, but here are a few ideas that might work for you:Access to restricted content that is relevant to your target audience, such as guides, documents, images, videos or software.The ability to interact within a members-only community, including sending personal messages to other members, taking part in group discussions and sharing information.A personalised profile. If you have the option of creating a personalised member zone, complete with each user’s details and content catered specifically for them based on their preferences or past activity on your site, this is a great benefit and has the added value of providing a better user experience which is likely to result in your users returning to the site time and time again.A taste of your product or service. This is a great way of reaching out to people who have already shown an interest in your product or service and allowing them to get to know it better.A bonus gift. If all else fails, offer a small gift of appreciation such as a free item or a discount voucher. This small gesture to your user, thanking them for signing up on your site, will surely be appreciated and will undoubtedly increase your registration rate. Try to find a gift that is relevant to your organisation, to ensure that you are attracting the right audience.2. Provide a clear CTA (Call to Action) with prominent placementOk, you’ve given your users a great reason to register on your site. Now you have to make it extremely easy for them to find out where to do so. Your average user spends 15 seconds on your site, remember? Make it really simple (and fast) for them to find your registration form. A/B Testing and analyses of hundreds of websites around the world have come to the relatively intuitive conclusion that the more your ‘Call to Action’ stands out on your website, the more likely people are to click on it. How can you make sure your CTA stands out?Use colours, shapes and a font that attract attention. Use bold colours and shapes that stand out against the background of your site. Use an interesting font (but make sure it’s easy to read). Making your CTA prominent will draw the user’s attention to it.Use simple language. To ensure your users understand the action expected of them, use simple language on your CTA button such as “join us” or “donate now”. Creativity is definitely a plus as this will draw attention to your CTA, but it should first and foremost be simple and the message clear.Positioning your CTA. It is advisable to keep the amount of clicks a user has to make through to your form to an absolute minimum. Your user should be able to reach your registration form in one click, no matter where they are on your website. Therefore, it is important to have a sign up button on the homepage, but also on any other relevant page that your users might be accessing. Keep in mind that Google’s search results often link to internal pages, as opposed to your homepage, so the user might not have even passed through your homepage on the way to the current page they are viewing.3. Create an effective registration formYou’ve managed to bring your site visitor to the registration form, hurrah! Unfortunately, this is the most vulnerable place for user drop off. So it is now imperative that we take extra care to ensure the user follows through with the registration process.Here are a few things to keep in mind when designing (or reviewing) your form:Keep your form short. In a case study to determine the most effective way to set up online registration forms, short forms (3-4 fields long) outperformed long ones by a landslide, garnering a conversion rate of 74.6% (prospects who visited the landing page and completed the form), compared to only 50% from the longer form. So try to create a short form and only ask for the fields you absolutely need.Use headers and simple language. Make it easy for your users to understand what you are asking of them, and how best to complete your form by explaining each part simply and briefly and providing context in the form of headers where appropriate.Create informative error messages. One of the most frustrating scenarios your user might find themselves in, is filling out a form is not being able to submit it because of an error. Make sure your user can easily find their mistake by highlighting the problematic field and providing a helpful error message, such as “email addresses must be in the following format…”Using Auto-fill and images on your form. Using images instead of, or alongside text where appropriate, make the form easier to read and more visually pleasing. Using auto fill tools, such as Address finder web forms, reduce time and effort while filling out the form and also reduce input errors.Split the process into steps. If you require more than a handful of fields for registration, split the form up into parts so that it looks less intimidating. Users are more likely to carry through with filling out a form if they have already submitted a part of it.Show your user where they are in the process. Number the parts of the form and indicate to your user where they are at and what they still have left to complete (i.e. page 2 of 3).Choose your required fields carefully. Make sure you’re only asking for fields you absolutely need. If we haven’t convinced you of the importance of keeping a short registration form so far, this just might – When Expedia removed the “Company” field from their forms, their yearly revenue increased by $12 million.Optional fields? Should you leave some fields optional, so that the user can still submit the form if these are left blank? This is a matter of opinion. Some organisations add fields which are optional in the hopes that these will not scare off potential subscribers (by lengthening the form), but offer others a chance to fill out this information should they be so inclined. From our experience, this doesn’t usually work. The form will look longer and therefore more intimidating, and most users will not fill out optional fields anyway. We think it better to decide one way or another whether each field is truly important for your organisation and if not, leave it off of the form altogether.Progressive profiling. Here’s another option for those of you who are having trouble letting go of those “optional” fields. A newer, incremental approach to collecting profile data, is progressive profiling. By this method you collect small snippets of information at carefully staged opportunities. For example, after a user has registered on your website and performed some kind of an activity, you can ask them for a piece of personal information relating to that activity (such as adding their phone number when logging onto your website from a mobile device).Social Login is becoming an increasingly popular way of authenticating website users by using their existing social media accounts. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google contain information about their users, and by allowing social login you can obtain some of this information. This option simplifies the registration process immensely for the user but requires a certain degree of trust. Users are unlikely to provide their social media login details to a website they don’t trust completely. This option is also limited in that you cannot choose the fields yourself but must rely on the information provided to you via the social media platforms.Safety. If you’re asking users to provide credit card details or other sensitive information, you need to ensure that your website is properly secure. Apart from having safety features in place, you need to inform your users that this is indeed the case to put their mind at ease. Provide an icon or explanation about secure browsing and assure your users that security features are in place on your site.

What is a hackathon? What do you do in it? Is it a team event? If yes, what are team sizes?

As the very name suggests in hackathon we try to use tech to hack into real world problem to solve them better. It's a 24–72 hours product making competition where every team needs to develop a product from scratch during those pretty hours. A team size can vary from 2–6 depending on the organization who is organizing it.I would like to share my first hackathon experience at HackCBS organized by SSCBS under Delhi University. Our team consisted of Me and my two friends from my University. Being a first year student it was a great opportunity to learn and meet new people. Our team name was “Bin2Byte”. We despatched from our hostel at 6:00AM and reached the college around 8:00AM.(Me in the middle)The first keynote session was to start at 9:00AM. After gathering in the auditorium with hundreds of other developers our first keynote session was with Dr. Himanshu from Adobe. He greeted all of us present there and gave a lecture on Artificial intelligence. After an hour we had a break and then attended a workshop on Jenkins & DevOps ( God knows what the instructor was teaching ). Then again after these 2 hours workshop we had a workshop on ethical hacking. It was an interactive session with the instructors. Some people were even pranked to reveal their Facebook authentication details by phishing. This workshop was great. Then we had our last keynote session on Entrepreneurship by an entrepreneur ( Co-founder of Red Carpet Technologies ). Moments after his presentation we had our hackathon theme discussion with around 600 developers.At 7:30PM we were alloted our area to work on. At 8:00PM the hackathon started. First few hours took the initial idea to develop. At 12:00AM it was the first round of idea judgement.Our idea was “Smart parking lot booking system integrated with waste management system and smart health system”. Our idea seemed healthy to the judges and appreciated us for our idea. Then came the development process. It was 2:00AM. We designed user registration forms and login forms.( Feeling sleepy )Then at 3:00AM we slept. Again waking up at 5:00AM I started coding and developing the product. It was tiresome working continuously till 2:00PM with just a half-hour break for breakfast. Still then our product was not ready and health and waste management system was not even started. We focused on UI development of our parking system to make it mobile friendly.Now came the 2nd judgement round. We were criticised by the judge for making a website. He liked our idea but told us that we should have made a mobile application instead of a website and could have integrated Google maps with it. Since we didn't knew working with Google maps API and creating an Android application we couldn't help it out. We lost our hopes of winning.At 6:00PM the results were out. The judges selected top 19 teams for re-evaluation out of more than 170 teams. We found our name wasn't present in that list. Being heavily tired and sleepy we despatched from the SSCBS, reached our hostel by 9:00PM and had a great sleep that night.I would suggest to participate in hackathons. It was my first experience and helped me to find my learning curriculum.Edit : This time after a year I participated in Hack.IT@BVP Hackathon organized by Bharti Vidyapeeth College of Engineering and we won the 1st prize. Our team name was FrameShift.

How good is amma full body health check up in Chennai?

The Amma Master Health Check up at General Hospital, Park Town Chennai which I underwent on 15 Feb 2020 was the most disgusting and disappointing experience ! I was mislead by the high rating/ reviews of this facility as available on Quora and other websites. This is what I found :The online appointment facility as given on the hospital website does not work. The registration process totally depends on your bully power, by pushing through the crowd and snatching the registration form from the guard who starts distributing it to the waiting crowd at 7.45 amIf you reach early or exactly at 7.30 am it is of no use. You will be asked to wait in a dingy dirty canteen until the guard decides to distribute the registration forms. the serial no. on the basis of which you can reach the payment counter is written on the form.You will be asked to remove your footwear before entering the centre, which is a good idea to keep the floor of the centre clean. However the staff of the centre are found to be roaming around with their dirty footwear which defeats the whole purpose.The AC in the corridor of the blood test, scan and ECG facility does not work. The staff informed that it has not been working for quite sometime. So you have to sit there in the suffocating heat waiting for your turn.The most filthy is the scan room where the bed sheet on the examining table had turned dark brown with black stains from it’s original light blue colour. Health seekers are shepherded into that small chamber like cattles. You will enter to find one person trying to get into her clothes while another one lying half naked on the filthy table and you will be asked to remove your clothes and jump onto the table the moment it is free. Initially the light in this chamber was not working, later they replaced it.The free breakfast, part of the package, is unappetizing, served in a badly maintained dinning hall. The server sternly tells you that spoons are not provided. The water in wash basin does not drain out quickly. You might feel like throwing up there.Thereafter you will need a very brave heart to get into the unspeakably filthy washroom to give your urine sample. In the ladies section one washroom was full of faeces while the other one had dirty water stagnating on the floor. And remember you are not allowed to use your footwear inside the centre.All the tests are being conducted by interns who seem to have no sense of belongingness to the centre. So they treat you as experimental guinea pigs, just as a means to have completed their course of study.The History section is like answering a firing round in a quiz competition. The intern notes down something in his illegible handwriting even before you have replied.Finally due to utter lack of coordination all the health seekers turn up at the last chamber of Dexa Scan together. There you got to wait hungry and irritated till your turn comes long past lunch time.The report was supposed to be ready on Monday after the health check up done on Saturday. Fortunately with my highly disappointing experience I thought of calling up to ensure that my report was ready before travelling all the way to the centre. And guess what ! No the report is not yet ready !!

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