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Is there any source that can be cited of Hitler using the phrase "Third Reich"? A book I read states that there is no example of Hitler ever using the term "Third Reich" (the book quotes the historian Dr. Rex Curry).

It is very remarkable how the German people have become immune from those destructive tendencies under which another world is suffering. Many of our organizations which were not understood at all a few years ago are now accepted as a matter of course: the Young people, the Hitler Youth, BDM., Womanhood, Labor Service, SA, SS, NSKK, but above all the Labor Front in its magnificent departments--they are all building stones in that proud edifice which we call The Third Reich.On this historic occasion I must once again thank all those millions of unknown Germans, from every class and caste, profession and trade and from all the farmsteads, who have given their hearts, their lives and their sacrifices, for the new Reich. And all of us, gentlemen and members of the Reichstag, hereby join together in tendering our thanks to the women of Germany, to the millions of those German mothers who have given their children to the Third Reich. During these four years every mother who has presented a child to the nation has contributed by her pain and her joy to the happiness of the whole people. When I think of that healthy youth which belongs to our nation, then my faith in the future becomes a joyful certainty. And it is with a profound [sic] feeling that I realize the significance of the simple word which Ulrich von Huten wrote when he picked up his pen for the last time--Deutschland.Adolf Hitler - Speech before the ReichstagJanuary 30, 1937Adolf Hitler - Speech before theHitler Speech on Foreign Policy (1937)And I have taken care, that things should not happen as they did in the first World War, in which the homeland delivered troops, and as the furnisher of such troops allowed itself a 2,260% dividend; in which the homeland had to furnish leather-goods, for example, and paid the leather-goods profit organizations 2,700% dividends. Whoever makes profits on the war in the Third Reich dies.Adolf Hitler, Speech before the ReichstagJanuary 30, 1942Hitler speech January 30, 1942Nachdem es sich auch hier im wesentlichen um Juden handelt, die ja unserem deutschen Volke auf keinen Fall näher stehen als den Engländern, Franzosen usw., ja im Gegenteil infolge ihrer welt-bürgerlichen Veredelung von vornherein mehr in das Lager der Demokratien passen müßten, sollte man eigentlich annehmen, daß der unbesonnene Ausstoß dieser gottbegnadeten kulturträchtigen Elemente aus dem Dritten Reich gerade von den kulturbeflissenen, parlamentarisch-demokratischen Staaten als erfreulicher eigener Gewinn angesehen werden würde. Allein, dem ist nicht so. So hitzig sie im Wehklagen über die Verarmung des deutschen Kulturlebens sind, so kühl bedächtig sind sie in der Über- und Aufnahme der dadurch endlich frei gewordenen Repräsentanten eines wahrhaft höheren kulturellen und zivilisatorischen Menschentums. Daraus geht wohl auch hier hervor, daß der ganze aufgeregte Jammer der internationalen demokratischen Gazetten usw. über den deutschen Kulturverfall ein genau so aufgeregter Schwindel ist wie so viele andere Offenbarungen aus dieser Welt.Die Bauwerke, die im heutigen Reich entstehen, werden eine dauerhaftere und vor allem eindringlichere Sprache führen als das Gemauschel unserer demokratischen internationalen Kulturbegut­achter. Was sich diese armseligen Wichte von ihren Fingern ab-schrieben und -schreiben, wird — vielleicht sogar leider — die Welt wie so vieles andere bald restlos vergessen haben. Die gigantischen Werke im Zeichen der kulturellen Aufrichtung des Dritten Reiches werden aber einst zum unveräußerlichen Kulturgut der abendländi­schen Welt gehören, genau so, wie es die großen Kulturleistungen dieser Welt in der Vergangenheit heute für uns sind.HITLER REDE AUF DER KULTURTAGUNG DES PARTEITAG DER NSDAP IN NURNBERG 1938I can only say to our soldiers that our hearts, the hearts of all the old National Socialists, are with them. They are soldiers' hearts. How many of us were riddled with bullets in the Great War! How many were wounded! How many fought in the ranks! With flaming hearts, all of them watched the campaigns of our armies in the past year. Every single battlefield meant so much to them. It was a tremendous satisfaction to them to see that that for which through long years of terrible misfortune they had once shed their blood, and yet had not been able to achieve, was at last an accomplished fact. How proud they are today of their sons, of the young soldiers of the Third Reich. No one is more fitted to tell them this than the old party members, those old soldiers, who, when they returned from the Great War, refused to endure the disgrace they found at home and immediately began a new struggle within the country, the struggle against the destroyers of our country and of our home. Thus, we; National Socialists are now facing a new year of struggle. We all know that it will bring great decisions.Adolf Hitler Speech by Chancellor Hitler to the Nazi Party in Munich (February 1941)Argument 10: “Can you live with the uproar and accept responsibility for the misery that the laws of the Third Reich bring to thousands of Jewish families?” — Counterargument: “It is almost a miracle that absolutely nothing has happened to Jews in Germany, but rather that only gradually the rights they stole from the Germans in politics and culture have been restored.” (Alfred Rosenberg). But even if a few hundred Jewish families in Germany really did have to go hungry, what is that against the many millions of German families that the Jew murdered over the course of centuries through wars, revolutions, and civil strife, not to mention those ruined through usury and fraud. “In the battle between the races, there is no truce. If you are determined finally to defend yourself, German people, then be pitiless!” (Adolf Hitler).Ten Nazi Anti-Semitic ArgumentsThe Third Reich has been the target of its mockery, hatred, lies, and slander since 30 January 1933, especially from that part controlled by the Jews. The American press takes particular pleasure in criticizing Germany on grounds of humanitarianism, civilization, human rights, and culture. It has every right to do so. Its humanity is shown in most vivid form by lynchings. Its civilization is shown in economic and political scandals that stink to high heaven. Its human rights are displayed by eleven or twelve million unemployed, who apparently chose to be so. And its culture exists only because it is always borrowing from the older European nations. Such a nation is certainly justified in sneering at ancient Europe, whose nations and peoples looked back on centuries, even millennia, of cultural achievements long before America was even discovered.Goebbels on the United States (1939)It could be foreseen, however, that before long the Third Reich and its Jewish legislation would become a model for those states that only needed a nudge to go a similar way. The time when the Jews could say without contradiction that anti-Semitism (hatred of the Jews) was only shown by the German people is past. The knowledge of the Jews has long since spread over the borders of the Third Reich, kindling explosions even in nations once thought immune to anti-Semitic matters. Besides the hatred World Jewry has of everything non-Jewish, today the front of those nations is marching that has recognized in Bolshevism the radical manifestation of the Jewish world plague, and which is determined to extirpate it root and branch.Jules StreicherMadagascarThe endless column of 15,000 to 20,000 men marched past, with ever new banners, new S.A. bands. And that was not all. A large number arrived only in the late evening of Saturday or Sunday morning. About 1,000 Hitler Youths followed the S.A., and the S.S. ended the one-and-a-half hour march of the fighters for the coming Third Reich.Alfred RosenbergThe 1927 Nuremberg RallyIn order not to overburden the few in the audience, I give a short but sharp speech. I tear everything apart and bitch and complain. How we plan to construct the Third Reich and how we will master the social and economic conditions, well, the local group leader will certainly have told his people that already. Besides, they’ll see how it is done when the Third Reich arrives. Above all it is necessary to tell a lot of jokes so that the listeners can laugh heartily. The local group leader will certainly laugh too, and won’t feel so bad about the new deficit. In my conclusion I won’t say anything about contributing to the party or advertising the party press. And I won’t say anything about joining the S.A. or the party. The people know that already. Besides, the local group leader can do that. He’s always happy to be able to say something.F. EckthaserHow I Treat a Local Group LeaderThe Front soldiers brought this idea of Germany home with them. The front soldier Adolf Hitler made this idea of Germany the idea of the homeland, the idea of the German people, thus realizing the legacy of the Front. From this idea of Germany Adolf Hitler created the proud reality of the Third Reich. Had Adolf Hitler not lived, the idea of the Front soldiers would have died with them.During Adolf Hitler’s battle to make this idea the idea of Germany, during the struggle for the Third Reich, Horst Wessel gave his life in the service of the Führer and of his idea.Rudolph HessRudolf Hess Speech (13 June 1935)Not only German workers lead the German labor movement. There are also former members of the bourgeousie who have overcome it, renegades who fight not from envy, but rather because of hatred against a class that brought Germany to the edge of the abyss. They did not come to the proletariat to become bourgeois, but rather from a deep sense of responsibility, having found the way to a creative growth of the strength of the people.The German worker will extend his hand. From hand and mind will spring the miracle of the future: the third Reich.”Joseph GoebbelsThe Nazi-SoziThe church must affirm without reservation the Führer of the National Socialists, Adolf Hitler, the Chancellor of the German Reich. He expects the church to help build the Third Reich, and has proclaimed that National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which now forms the state, wants to stand on the foundation of positive Christianity. It is the task of the church to create and provide this foundation. It is the content of the absolute affirmation that the church has to make if it really wants to be a people’s church.Gerhard HahnThe Cross of Christ and the Swastika

What is the most historically inaccurate thing you have ever heard someone say?

Back before the 2016 presidential election in America, my youth group leader decided to host a meeting on racism. We are a very diverse parish with a majority of the youth group being people of color (primarily Hispanic, but also Asian and African-American), so this was a topic that hit close to home for us.I remember having a productive and informative discussion, but unfortuntately, only one thing really sticks in my memory. Because there is a reluctance to use descriptors like “black” and “white,” one girl got herself into a bit of a predicament. She began to talk about Apartheid and the significance of Nelson Mandela. The only issue? She described it as a time when “white people in South Africa were discriminating against African-Americans in the country.”I assume I don’t need to point out why this statement is inaccurate…

What's the best discount or clearance deal you've ever received in a store?

I have a wonderful story for you guys.In ye olden days of this last summer, I was in North Carolina/Tennessee for a bit of a hiking adventure in the Appalachians with a bunch of friends. Before we left for the mountains proper, the group we were with was given free reign over the wonderful, beautiful city of Boone, NC.We found an antique store.We wandered around—two of us were interested in antique cameras, and man, there’s a lot of fun stuff in antique stores. And we found what was probably the best thing I’ve ever seen in an antique store, ever.A mannequin leg.Just the leg. We saw a few dismembered heads around, but no bodies missing a leg. It was just a lonely mannequin leg.We fell in love.The price tag: $12.50. We called our group leader, the adult and stuff, laughing hysterically and technically underground (the antique store had a basement, which is where we were), so she couldn’t really understand anything we said. We were pretty sure she said we could bring a mannequin leg home to Florida, even though it didn’t fit in our duffel bags.We brought it to the check-out, along with a plastic decoy duck one of my friends found and adopted. The duck was, I believe, $8.We huddled around a corner and debated how to pay. We all wanted to split the cost but had to figure out who had cash, who had card, wait they don’t take card, who wants to be the one to buy a mannequin leg?Finally we march up.The guy at the counter stares at us, stares at the leg, stares at us.“Where’s the rest of it?”No, there was only a leg.“Oh. Do you want to find the rest of a mannequin? There’re some heads.”Nope. We want the leg.“Oh. Well… I don’t remember having a leg. It should go with a full mannequin. I don’t know how much it costs.”There’s a price tag—$12.50.“That sounds wrong. Here, I—it’s just a leg. Take it for $8.”And thus we bought a mannequin leg for $8. $4.50 cheaper than the original price! What a steal.We named her Legslie B. Armstrong.(The B. stands for Body, but that’s a secret.)She’s a famous model now.Legslie currently lives in the youth building at our church—that’s the group we went with—where she hangs from a window in a partition wall, scaring anyone who walks by in dim lighting.She’s living her best life.

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