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How would a Jackie Chan in his prime do in a fight with current MMA fighters?

Jackie Chan is primarily a Wushu practitioner and does not know karate as far as I've ever heard because despite the ignorance of the general population who think that Kung-fu and karate are the same thing, that's not true at all.Now Chan didn't actually learn real fighting Gungfu which is so rare and hard to find today it might as well be extinct. He was taught at the Peking Opera institute which teaches PERFORMANCE Kung-fu for entertainment purposes and shows as opposed to real fighting Gungfu which I happen to know for over 35 years now.This is the version that just about all movie stars, including what Keanu Reeves and others in the matrix movies learned from Yuen Woo Pings legendary fighting and stunt team, know today. The moves, forms and techniques are exactly the same.. BUT…the ALL IMPORTANT fighting drills and applications OF those moves has been deleted from the training but Mao and the cultural revolution. Thus 99% of most people learning so called Kung-fu today are only learning the moves and forms without the real function and fighting training. This is the Primary reason why when most WUSHU practitioners get into a real fight, they often lose, as used to Wu-Su practitioners who know the real fighting art and drills and practice and train for power and real street fights. THIS is what Bruce Lee learned originally from IpMan but then later branched off and picked up stuff from others arts, basically watering his Kung-fu down to the point where he merely fought like a boxer, karate man and a brawler, though with much more technique.Bruce Lee is reported to have said back in 1969 that in Hong Kong, 97.5% of all Kung-fu being taught is useless, and the other 2.5% of places that are teaching the real thing, will NEVER teach you mainly because you're non Asian… and that was back in 1969. Today the situation is Faaaar worse.. But I digress.Jackie Chan once said when asked about his fighting skills “Anymore can beat me up”. He elaborated on another occasion that he knows movie Kung-fu which is known as flowery fists and brocade (silk, soft) legs, which is an insult in the martial arts world which means your Kung-fu is good to look at but useless for fighting.Whether Jackie Chan was just being humble or not we won't know unless he gets into a real fight, but you can tell just from his movies that even though he hasn't learned real fighting Gungfu, he is still in excellent shape, is very strong, fast and extremely sharp and he had excellent reaction and timing so I'm sure he would at the very least put up a good fight if not win many times and the other person wouldn't get away Scott free for sure.I have found out that he does also practice boxing and wrestling I believe so as mentioned, he obviously has at least some fighting skills though no fight is ever going to look as clean like a choreographed Kungfu movie, but I'm sure he'd be able to handle himself fairly well at the least.

What country is good for African-Americans to emigrate to, and why?

Generally speaking I believe there are more opportunities in America for black people than in any other country. Reports say that only the poorest 5% of Americans are poorer than the poorest 5% of Britons. All other Americans are better off across each decile.( A black American has reported on Quora that the wealthiest blacks she knows are black Americans who have moved to The UK. But goes on to say that your average black American is financially better off in America ).If you have the money to get on to the London property rental market for example ( $500k+ min I would guess) you would probably do better in the UK. White British people don't "own" London. Central London is owned mostly by foreigners. There is no black or white quarter in Central London. A white aristocratic could very well find himself living next door to a Nigerian or Arab alot richer than himself. The police won't be asking what are you doing in this or that neighbourhood, or what business you have walking into a £10 million house. You could be an African who owns a gold mine back in your home country; so the authorities aren't going to bother you. But you are better off in America if you are still in the middle class.A report in a well known British magazine concludes that if the UK was an American state it would be poorer than all states bar Mississippi. In contrast if London was a US state it would be the 7th richest state in terms of Gdp per head of population; just ahead of Maryland and slightly behind Massachusetts. The report is in a magazine called The Spectator.I've heard there are African American expats working in Dubai, & Japan for example. But I don't know what they do. However I doubt it is General Administration work ! Expats tend to have a specific set of skills the country they are targeting needs; as foreign governments aren't in the business of making sure emigrants have a job ! So you'll need to compare the set of skills you've got with the opportunity you've spotted in the foreign country. For example there is currently a demand for Accident & Emergency doctors in the UK. So if that is your specialism there sits an opportunity you could take up. The days of mass unskilled immigration have long gone !Apart from Dubai & Japan I believe there are also African Americans working for US oil companies in Africa. Eg. In Equatorial Guinea. So presumably they are engineers. Africa, in general may be a good place for black engineers who have the capital to set up their own business, as there are lots of opportunities out there for entrepreneurs. Eg. A Nigerian MSc class mate of mine built up his own Civil Engineering construction company in Nigeria, that was turning over $100 million USD in the early 2000s. He started the company in the early 1990s. Company activity involved clearing the route and digging the trench for new oil pipelines. However he said he only got the chance to build such a business because in Nigeria in the oil industry the $10m and $20m contracts are reserved for the locals, and his tribe was in power at the time, he said, so got the chance of a lifetime. He was a salesman before starting the business. That's how he got the $235000 USD together to purchase his first excavator he said.I believe, that in South Africa black professionals are given preferential treatment and certain breaks to start their own business. But it isn't something I've really looked into as South Africa is such a dangerous country to live in, in terms of the murder rate etc.There are opportunities in Zambia in the small scale hydroelectric power industry. There are similar opportunities in northern Brazil. I believe black Americans own some of the Hotels in The Caribbean. Luxembourg it is said is not to a racist country. It has one of the highest standards of living in the world. Singapore has more millionaires per head of population than any other country in the world. But in Singapore you are literally on your own if you are out of work and have no savings. My aunt used to work in Singapore back in the 1970's. Qatar has one of the highest standards of living in the world. About $120000 per head of population. But foreigners aren't allowed to set up a business generally speaking; unless you have a sponsor or have a business in one of their "free trade" zones. I believe fish farming is big business in West Africa.Basically you've got to do your own research based on the skills you've got. There aren't any Affirmative programmes for minorities in Europe or elsewhere. The exception may be South Africa; but it's still a developing country.In Switzerland even unskilled jobs pay very high wages because they haven't got enough workers for those essential menial jobs. But I believe Eastern Europeans have flocked into Switzerland in the past few years.There are Work Abroad books covering most countries. About 30000 African migrants now live in Australia. Some struggle to get a job. I don't know if things are any better for black Americans and Caribbeans.Wages are said to be very high for even blue collar jobs in Australia. There are a few YouTube videos where black Americans talk about what country xyz was like for them.There are a fair few black English Language teachers in Japan. Civil service jobs in The Middle East are reserved for Arab nationals.The Civil service is the best paid sector in those countries. Followed by Stem type jobs which the foreigners do. Trade jobs in the Middle East are reserved for guest workers from India and Pakistan. Quite a few black Americans work in Dubai, The UAE. But that does not mean as night follows day there is an opening for you in Dubai. You've got to do your own homework. I've looked into opportunities in the Oil Industry, because that's my field.There are black Americans in the UK but I don't know what they do or how they fair. Most Americans in London in very good jobs are white investment bankers living in some of the most expensive districts of the capital.I think it is more to do with quality of life why some black Americans move to Europe. Black people being largely strangers who've arrived in theircountry 10 to 60 years ago. That's what Mike Tyson liked about the UK. He got respect even in the most expensive shops because he has money.It would be worth the while of a black American or any American for that matter, with an old criminal record that's not too serious to relocate to Scotland. In Scotland if you have never been jailed for more than 2.5 years and you don't have any criminal convictions for stabbing somebody or using a gun in a crime or anything along those lines your criminal record will not be disclosed to employers after 15 years when applying for jobs such as a lawyer, doctor, dentist, or high school teacher ! So there's an opportunity. The law is different in England.I would only recommend the UK for a black person over America if you are the sort of person who can never find work. In the UK welfare is paid indefinitely. If you have a family with kids under 18 £26000 per annum is the maximun amount of welfare you can claim. And you don't have to start paying back your student loans until you start earning £21000+ If you never start earning £21000 per annum the government writes off the debt after 30 years. Also health care is free for everybody. Your doctor doesn't know whether you are a millionaire or unemployed.The only black American I remember meeting in the course of my day to day business growing up in the UK was a lecturer in the History Department at my London University College. ( I was studying Chemistry ). He was from Harvard University. So I took that to mean he wasn't stopping for good. He was a brown skinned to creole looking chap married to a white lady. That was back in the 1980s. Of late I've heard there are a couple of black American lecturers at University College London. I think one of them heads a department. UCL attracts lots of Americans who go there for their "Year Abroad". I bumped into a couple of black American female students at London University as a postgraduate 20 years ago; so I guess there are many more who visit 20 years on.If you would like to do your Major at Oxford University there is advice from Americans on Quora who have got in, about the admissions process. A Quora post says that for 2011/12 there were 389 applications from Americans, and 34 of those 389 were accepted. I've never studied at Oxford or Cambridge University myself so can't advice on the number of black Americans who get in. However they do accept a few Rhodes Scholars from the Caribbean each year. Both Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton were students at University College Oxford ( Both Oxford and Cambridge universities are divided up into lots of colleges. You state on your application form the ones you are applying to, or leave that question blank if any of the colleges will do ! )Turning to Africans in London, some of them are rich; with business interests back in their home country. Even the poor ones doing a menial job, ( the majority ) may use some of their earnings to buy a rough diamond back in their home country; then sell the stone to dealers in Europe. The money from that sale they sometimes use to pay for private school for their kids. Many of the rich ones spend most of their time in their home country using London as a place to keep their wealth out of the hands of their own state / "somewhere safe". Others visit London to do their shopping. Eg. That Nigerian woman who's richer than Oprah Winfrey owns 5 apartments in an apartment block in central London. The blocks are called One Hyde Park. The apartments cost $50 million or pounds. They shop in London because there are no department stores in the "Bergdorf Goodman" or "Harrods" bracket in Lagos.Most AfroCaribbean female graduates in the UK are doing public sector jobs. AfroCaribbean male Stem graduates tend to work as Software Engineers. But Black university professors, and Chief of Police and jobs like that are still 99% white.Most black actors in the UK have to go to America to find work. Ditto for classical music and Opera.Jessie Jackson described the UK as 30 years behind America.What I know about other countries;France: Need native fluency in the language to get a good job. Arabs it is said are discriminated against more than blacks. Hard to get a job but once you have one it is difficult to get fired. To do with the unions. Black Americans like Paris.Belgium: said to be a very racist country in terms of what they think is funny. Eg.Gollwogs. However the European parliament is based in Brussels. So opportunities may be there for linguists and economists.Germany: US army's been there since 1945. Need fluent German for a good job. Frankfurt has lots of immigrants. Not sure where the US army is based.Spain : Poor country. Said to be very racist.Portugal : poor country.Norway: one of the richest countries in the world. Has some African migrants. They describe Norway as "very much the white man's country"Sweden: a Swedish chap once said about marriages between black American women and Swedes that the marriages don't usually last. He said black American women don't like being in the middle of nowhere ( in Sweden ) with heavy snow on the ground for 6 months of the year and the sun hardly rising for those 6 months. In Sweden when you loose your job welfare benefits are 90% of your last salary for 1 or 2 years ! Most blacks in Sweden are Somalians. They live in Malmo, a city in the very south of the country so a bit warmer.Denmark: quite a few black people and Indians live there but I don't know much else. Welfare provision is like Sweden.Luxembourg :very rich country but need to speak fluent French or German.Holland : Africans who have settled there in the last 10 years married to Dutch women haven't been able to find work. Average standard of living higher than the UK.Switzerland : very rich country. 20% or more of the population are foreigners. Africans live there. The only black American I know of in Switzerland is Diana Ross. However everybody can speak English. French, Swiss German, & Italian are the three official languages.Italy: Getting a job is about who you know than what you know ! Most of the migrants who arrive by boat you hear about on the news move on to other European countries. Northern Italy is as rich as Germany but the southern Italy is poor.Ireland: lots of Africans live in Dublin. Quite high salaries.Austria : very rich country, but said to be very racist, to the point that The UN repremanded Austria. Hitler's birthplace.Iceland : some Americans live there. Also US base been there since World War 2. High standard of living.Liechtenstein : very small country next to Switzerland. Income per head is about $145000. Banking the mainstay of economy. German speaking.Saudi Arabia: lots of health care jobsUAE: Engineering jobs and others. Tax free country. Lots of black Americans work in Dubai. Very rich city.Qatar: Engineering jobs and others. Tax free country. Very high standard of living.Kuwait: rich countryHong Kong : huge gap between rich & poor. No welfare provision.Singapore: huge gap between rich & poor. No welfare provision.Bermuda: major insurance centre. Salaries well over $100k but alot more expensive than New York or London. May need special permission to work if not from Bermuda.Cayman Islands: Major banking centre. Gdp $90k per head. There is an American community on the island. Bill Gates owns a home here.British Virgin Islands : Major Banking centre. Gdp $50k per headBarbados: known as "the Switzerland of The Caribbean".St.Barts, French Caribbean : Beyonce likes visiting. A white French Caribbean island. I think it's part of the EU. Luxury goods economy.Monaco : average Gdp per head of population $200k+ But don't know what opportunities are out there.South Korea, Japan, Taiwan & China: English language teaching. Lots of black Americans work in Japan. There's a US base here.Most Africans in China are Import/ Export business people supplying African countries with new clothes ordinary Africans in Africa can afford.UK Photo Album:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Oxford University​​​​​​​​​​​​​Cambridge University​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Graduation Day Oxford​​​​​​​​​​​​​University College London, Main building​​​​​​​​​​​​Kings College London, Main Library​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kings College London, Main Library​​​​​​​​​​​​Main Library for all University of London colleges.​​​​​​​​​​​​Computer cluster in Main Library, London University​​​​​​​​​​Imperial College London, departmental building. ( School of Mines ). The red building to the right is the Jamaican High Commission / Embassy. The building with the tower half way down the street is The Royal College of Music. A college for classical musicians.​​​​​​​​​​​​​Oxford Street LondonA mile of shops. 5 minutes from UCL.​​​​​​​​​​​​Goldsmiths College​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Goldsmiths College, University of London. Steve McQueen studied here ( 12 Years a Slave ). Also Boy George ( 80's Pop singer ).​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Royal Holloway, University of LondonWhere I did my BSc.Runs exchange programmes with Dartmouth College, & Yale UniversityUSA.​​​​​​​​​​Edinburgh University, Scotland​​​​​​​​​​​Edinburgh University, Scotland, Graduation ceremony.​​​​​​​​​Brixton market LondonBlack neighbourhood, ( but less so nowadays because of house prices )​​​​​​​​​​For Sale. 3 bedroom house, Brixton, £875000 ($1.3 million USD ).​​​​​​​​Brixton​​​​​​​​​​​House for Sale, Golders Green London NW11, ( the main Jewish neighbourhood in suburban London ) £2.4million ( $3.6m USD ).​​​​​​​​​​​​​One Hyde Park, LondonNigeria's richest women owns 5 of the apartments.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​One Hyde Park apartment​​​​​​​​​​​​Tottenham, London N173 bedroom house for sale £420000 ( $630000 ). Tottenham is London's least expensive "black" neighbourhood. Riots in 2011. The word Black is in quotes because Tottenham is only say 20% black. Properties priced below £350000 in London are nearly all flats / apartments.​​​​​​​​​​​​For Sale. 5 bedroom detached house, Birmingham, UK. £ Your money in the UK goes alot further outside London.You can get a house in some parts of the UK for under £100000.

Can a TV show of one country be shown in another country without paying rights?

No, it cannot be shown at all, never mind without paying for the copyrights or license.Full stop end of story.For the long story see below:You cannot load a European DVD in a US DVD player, it uses a different standard. The same holds for internet downloads, they will not play in different regions. Not even news programs, or video snippets found on news sites will load in the US.If you want to watch foreign DVDs you can go to China Town and buy a “universal” DVD player (they are usually found behind the Rolex counter). They like their soap operas, and the market for DVDs bootleg or not, is huge. Korean soap operas also have a good following…You can also buy a VPN box with an IP address from the geographic area you want to download from, and proceed from there.Both Windows and Apple allow you a one time choice of geographic area.We are almost at the point where you will not even be served a stream unless you have a credit card registered (KYC) in the right zone. This has not been fully implemented since credit card penetration is very low in Europe, since they mostly use debit cards.China of course will not even allow its citizens to access foreign ip addresses. The US and the EU make it very difficult, but you can bypass the obvious restrictions with some technical knowledge.The historical breakdown for on air transmission and reception:The historical breakdown for DVD/PC playback:One can expect this segmentation to break down even further as each country secures its own digital space.If you down load a video from say YouTube, it gets served from the nearest server farm Google loaded the video on. The same goes for companies like Amazon.The same holds true for html pages. Which is why Amazon charges by the region (ie East or West coast etc). If you only locate in one region, and somebody wants to download in another, there will be a slight delay. On the other hand with cloud software offerings, SaaS etc, the delay might be far too noticeable to run software over the net.If you try to download a video from another geographic region (say from Europe in the US), the video feed will be served from that region. Worse case US east coast, a download from Singapore will take 3 seconds to bounce around the planet before it hits your device. On a stream, who cares… buffer it and move on. Live TV on the other hand, well its not quite live any more.Of course if you are running a software application from another continent, it will be a pretty degraded experience.There is very little consensus as to digital rights.As a matter of fact there is no concept of “intellectual property” in law. Its a Trade Secret under US State, not federal law. That could be argued otherwise on the basis of precedent, but not as a matter of legislation.Similarly copyright is used for purposes not originally intended.While the Berne Convention does somewhat standardize copyright worldwide, its application is uneven.Given that, a film is a film and a book is a book, and it is afforded protection in all jurisdictions that have signed up to the Berne Convention. The convention was ratified in 1886. It took the US one century to sign up, mostly due to the fact that it was the premier Pirate Nation for the first two centuries of its existence. It was only after it started exporting more than it imported that it signed up. The same argument can be made for PR-China.Copyright and patent does not afford any protection for software. That is specifically affirmed in the EU, Japan et al.To spare myself some of the static:Copyright Law of the USA & Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the USA Code, Circular 92, Section 102, (b): page10"In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to an idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated or embodied in such work."Council Directive 91/250/EEC of 14 May 1991 on the legal protection of computer programsWhereas, for the avoidance of doubt, it has to be made clear that only the expression of a computer program is protected and that ideas and principles which underlie any element of a program, including those which underlie its interfaces, are not protected by copyright under this Directive;Whereas, in accordance with this principle of copyright, to the extent that logic, algorithms and programming languages comprise ideas and principles, those ideas and principles are not protected under this Directive;Whereas, in accordance with the legislation and jurisprudence of the Member States and the international copyright conventions, the expression of those ideas and principles is to be protected by copyright;Fifty years from now making traditional Hollywood movies will be as quaint as the Poet Laureate of yesteryear.The traditional boundaries between recorded or live entertainment, and software are already crumbling.An interactive multiplayer game is a combination of recorded, live and software driven elements.The huge investments made cannot be afforded protection through existing government granted monopolies (which is what patent and copyright are). Regardless the concept of the State and Government is a Sovereign concept, and for two and a half millennia of Roman Jurisprudence the reach of said right was based exclusively on Jurisdiction namely the exclusionary territorial legal rights of the Sovereign and post 1793 of the Sovereign State.The short of it is that US law can only be enforced in the US. And if you insist on “IP” the Japanese will politely tell you they have no idea what you are talking about.The Chinese will of course remind you that in China, the Party has the best interest of its Citizens at heart, and that they get to decide what the rules are. I would also like to point out that at no point in Chinese history did they have a concept of jurisprudence. The law began in China in 1993, and so did accounting. While they are warmly embracing said practices, the decision making authority is the authority.You cannot argue the law with a five thousand year old civilization that never developed jurisprudence. If you want to “enforce a contract” you are limited to employing English Common Law in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in Singapore in Common Law or in Taiwan under Prussian Law.India of course uses imported English Common Law.That leaves multiple options:Private encryption models etched into silicon since they are afforded Mask Patent Protections. This includes our current “game consoles”.Private Contracts under Contract Law. Problem is venue, where authorities like the EU insist that Contract Law should be the location where the goods are being served. Which means that if your server is in the US, but the customer is in the EU, EU contract law applies because Consumer Law dictates that the Consumer be protected.That is not necessarily the case in the US, where the initiator to the contract gets to decide venue. There are of course Federal and State Consumer Laws in place, but they cover the proverbial Shrink Wrap, not the interactive software as a service. Of course if the contract is between two corporations, venue is negotiable since consumer protections no longer apply. Commercial licenses are framed in that context.Consumer licenses for hybrid entertainment/software assets are currently in legal limbo.If you are consuming goods from Comcast all manner of consumer laws are not being applied. If you are consuming digital goods from non-communications regulated (FCC) companies, the licensing corporation is pretty much free to do whatever they want. That is the difference between a regulated communications monopoly and a non regulated monopoly like Google’s YouTube.The problem is that a digital good is not strictly consumed or purchased. Its leased for re-purpose.The computer operating my car’s transmission or entertainment system is not purchased, its leased. I might own the title to the mechanical components, but certainly not the software assets.If you buy a CD you own the CD and the contents thereof for non-commercial reproduction, distribution or playback. A digital download on an automotive digital playback system is the property of the lease holder.The same holds true for all other digital goods we consume.The failure in the system is that digital goods cannot be freely combined with a view to compensating the originator for their innovation, without granting them the power to decide who gets to re-purpose and re-mash the digital good. That is the legacy of the Berne Convention’s Moral Rights Clause.As good increasingly become pure digital transformational goods, all the 19th century legal constructs become obsolete.This will necessarily be bridged by contract, private licensing domains, or by sovereign legal constructs.The chances of an international consensus developing are nil.I will not touch the land grab for advertising capture for entertainment properties.Suffice it to say, there is no valid reason for a local company advertiser in the UK to pay for eyeballs in the US.The same holds for the goods provider, in as much as they might have different distribution agreements in different geographic areas.Television (of the on air variety) is an antiquated technology, dependent on an almost obsolete copyright, patent and trademark protection construct.As to the specifics of the question, no you cannot legally put an antenna in upstate NY and capture Canadian TV and legally get away with that. Of course the chances that the Canucks come grab your yanky ass are slim…If you VPN grab a digital serve from a foreign country, you are violating somebody’s copyright notice. They will shut this down via segregated digital standards, Know Your Customer checks, payment interdictions and some form of government or privately provided geographically determined encryption.The bigger the problem the bigger the opportunity…And that’s my story and I am sticking to it.Thanks for the ask, always a pleasure.

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