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What did Kant mean by “I have therefore found it necessary to deny knowledge, in order to make room for faith"?

Ah, one of my favourite quotes from Kant. Like a riddle, nothing in the sentence is exactly as it appears. Behind every word, hidden details, and in every detail a clue to unlock the core mysteries of Kant’s philosophy. Why is it that Kant has to make room for faith – is it religious censors or perhaps Truth itself that coerce him? What is the knowledge that is to be denied, and for what purpose and to whose benefit? What is it, after all, to deny knowledge, and who is Kant to do so? Indeed, what is knowledge and what is faith, and how does denying one make room for the other?It may be a winding and narrow path through an epistemological morass, but if you are patient and listen to my story, you might be the wiser for it.The Three Main Questions of PhilosophyLike many a Kant story, ours begins in the Critique of Pure Reason (A: 1781/B: 1787) when Kant makes the claim that all “interest of my reason” is ultimately directed at answering the three cardinal questions:What can I know?What ought I to do?What may I hope?To emphasise the paramount importance of these questions, Kant notes that together they constitute the fundamental question of humanity: What is a Human Being?Our very rational capacity is divided according to the first two questions. In speculative or theoretical use our reason is directed at determining what is or exists, in order to answer the first question by mapping out the landscape of all possible knowledge. Practical reason, in turn, is the same rational capacity directed at determining what ought to be, and it is tasked with answering the second question by determining the fundamental moral law that ought to direct all our action.The third question, however, is a peculiar one. It can according to Kant only be answered when both the theoretical and the practical reason collaborate:The third question […] is simultaneously practical and theoretical, so that the practical leads like a clue to a reply to the theoretical question […]. For all hope concerns happiness, and with respect to the practical and the moral law [… it] finally comes down to the inference that something is […] because something ought to happen […].Critique of Pure Reason, A 805–6/B 833–4.Hope is bound both to knowledge and action – though we are not yet in position to see how it does so, or indeed, how faith enters the picture. Let us, then, wrap our sleeves and see whether Kant’s answer to the first question might bring light to the matter.Denying knowledgeIn order to draw the boundaries of knowledge, Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason was to ground scientific metaphysics: to develop and justify the correct scientific method for determining the truth of metaphysical propositions. In justifying metaphysics Kant comes to demarcate between scientific and pseudoscientific metaphysics, and, as it happens, several classical metaphysical concepts – chief among them the existence of God, freedom of will, and immortality of the soul – are exposed as pseudo-metaphysical.The age-old philosophical quest for knowledge about these concepts was in vain, for we can, Kant claims, know nothing about them – not even if there may be such things as God, the soul, or freedom to begin with. They are mere illusions, Kant tells us, seducing us to venture and eventually lose ourselves beyond the boundaries of what can be know.Think of a reflection behind the surface of a mirror. That the focal point appears behind the mirror is an optical illusion arising when we follow the laws of perspective that otherwise serve us well: we trace these rays of light to their supposed point of origin beyond the surface and project the object there where it in reality could not be. Similarly, Kant argues, the origin of the ideas of God, soul, and freedom lies in the very nature and laws of our reason, specifically in our quest to discover the unconditional grounds that justify everything else. Take for example a cause – any cause. As rational beings we know that it not only has effects but a further cause that brought it about. This in turn has yet another cause, and so our reason leads us ever further and further down the chain of causes. It comes, then, as a natural and rational assumption that there must somewhere be a first cause, something that anchors the chain of causes. But this, Kant argues, is nothing but an unavoidable rational illusion, and to project e.g. God beyond the world of experience as its ultimate ground is very much like projecting a mirror image beyond its surface.Now, crucially, Kant does not simply say: we cannot know whether there is God, therefore we must be content with faith. For with his mirror analogy he does not merely deny knowledge of the supernatural concepts of God, freedom, and immortality, but that these would even be objects of possible knowledge to begin with: by the very nature of the idea of God, its object is not something that we even should attempt to know. If the mirror shows a vase behind its surface, and if I understand how mirrors work, would it not miss the point completely to ask whether there really happens to be a vase there behind the mirror? Maybe by some luck there is, but that would have nothing to do with the mirror image. Similarly, Kant’s point is that if we understand how these ideas of pure reason arise in the first place, we should see that asking whether their objects in fact exist is in some profound way the wrong question.Thus we come to the first hidden clue in the quote in question: the word deny — a perhaps unfortunate translation of a tricky German concept: aufheben. (You may recognise it as one of the central concepts of Hegel’s logic.) The term means something like to cancel, to annul, to remove, or to suspend – in a concrete sense it means lifting something up. With it Kant does not merely want to say that we do not know e.g. whether God exists or not but that we should remove – aufheben – the very question from the sphere of knowledge. That is, to treat it as an issue of What can I know to begin with is to misunderstand the very idea of God.While the fact that we cannot know God, freedom, or immortality obviously explains why Kant would deny knowledge of them, it does not yet explain why he has to make room for faith in them. For this, we need to consult Kant’s views about the second question.What is, in the service of what ought to be doneWhile Kant may have banished these concepts from metaphysics, he did not cast them out altogether. For as we learn in the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), they will receive their proper role not in metaphysics but in support of ethics, as so-called postulates of pure practical reason, i.e. assumptions that we as rational beings are forced to make in order to act as moral beings.According to Kant, the moral law known as the categorical imperative states that there are things that we absolutely ought to do. But we can only be obligated to do something if we are free to do that something: we cannot be obligated to cancel gravity, for that is impossible. Only if we are free to choose does it make sense to demand that we ought to choose this rather than that. So Kant sets down his first postulate, namely that of freedom. Since – if we grant him this – we have moral duties, we must assume that we are free, for otherwise this duty would make no sense.So we have a kind of practical proof of freedom, as Kant puts it: the fact that we cannot directly prove freedom, as stated in the Critique of Pure Reason, still stands, but now we cannot help but believe in freedom nonetheless. In other words, we can neither prove that we are free nor that we are not free, so we are permitted to believe one way or the other. And the fact of morality itself requires us to believe that we are free – it is a kind of rational faith in our freedom. (To see how the other two ideas are derived, consult: Toni Kannisto's answer to Why does Kant need the three postulates of freedom, immortality and God, to arrive at his Categorical Imperative?)Thus Kant’s denial of knowledge of God, free will, and the soul – i.e. their removal from the domain of speculative reason – allows him to reinstate them through practical reason, through what ought to be. We get the following sentence right before the quote in question:Thus I cannot even assume God, freedom and immortality for the sake of the necessary practical use of my reason unless I simultaneously deprive speculative reason of its pretension to extravagant insights; because in order to attain such insights, speculative reason would have to help itself to principles that in fact reach only to objects of possible experience, and which, if they were to be applied to what cannot be an object of experience [i.e. God, freedom, and immortality], then they would always actually transform it into an appearance […].Critique of Pure Reason, B xxix–xxx.It is this re-instantiation of the ideas of God, freedom, and immortality through the devices of practical reason that explains why we need to make room for them. Kant first removes God, freedom, and immortality from the sphere of the first cardinal question and, with the help of practical reason and its answer to the second question, places them in the sphere of the third. They are not something we know but something that we hope for. We hope – indeed must hope according to Kant – that we are free, that there is God, and that our soul is immortal, for if we do not, we fail to be moral agents. That is, our reason postulates theoretically that God, freedom, and the soul exist because our practical reason states that something ought to be.Knowledge and faithTo see why Kant had to deny knowledge to make room for faith, and how faith factors in hope, we need to understand what knowledge and faith are. In this it is of paramount importance to recognise, first, that for Kant faith or belief (Glaube) is not a degree of knowledge but something different from it, and second, that restricting knowledge leaves room for faith because true faith can only survive in the absence of knowledge. (It is worth pointing out that German makes no distinction between faith and belief – for both Glaube is used. Thus when Kant speaks of faith, we must not take it solely in the religious sense, for his term encompasses both religious and non-religious belief. This is important because the quote in question applies also to freedom, which is not a religious term.)Kant distinguishes between opinion, belief/faith, and knowledge:I have an opinion if I take my judgment to be true while conscious of both the subjective and objective insufficiency of my grounds for doing so.Belief, in turn, is subjectively but not objectively sufficiently grounded.Knowledge, finally, is both subjectively and objectively sufficiently grounded.Subjective sufficiency Kant also calls conviction, objective sufficiency certainty.(Note that Kant does not understand belief in the same way contemporary epistemic logic treats it: belief in this sense is not a constituent of knowledge – as in justified true belief. This role in Kant is played by holding-to-be-true (Fürwahrhalten), and opinion, belief, and knowledge are varieties or modes of holding-to-be-true. But I digress. See: Toni Kannisto's answer to Did Kant ever write about epistemic logic in any way or form?)Now, if the sphere of knowledge were in no way even in principle restricted, there could be no faith proper. All belief would at best be incomplete knowledge that could, in time, be remedied. True belief, distinct from incomplete knowledge, is only possible according to Kant when we have subjective conviction while simultaneously recognising the objective insufficiency of our grounds. Or, what is the same, true belief is only possible where there is no possibility of knowledge. That is, and herein lies the crux: true faith in God, freedom, and the soul is only possible with the certainty that we cannot know whether there is a God, freedom, or souls.Hence Kant – well aware of the clash between science and religion – anticipates Kierkegaard in creating a self-contained and therefore positive role for faith, partly independent of knowledge:By contrast [to speculative rational hypothesis], rational faith, which rests on a need of reason’s use with a practical intent, could be called a postulate of reason – not as if it were an insight which did justice to all the logical demands for certainty, but because this holding to be true [rational faith] (if only the person is morally good) is not inferior in degree to knowing, even though it is completely different from it in kind.What Does It Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking? In: Kants gesammelte Schriften vol. 8: 141–2.Faith is not poor man’s knowledge. Nor can it supplant knowledge. But it can – indeed must – step forth to guide us when we venture beyond knowledge.But what is the positive role of faith or belief if it is not in service of knowledge? The pivotal moment in solving our mystery is this: it is to serve action, not knowledge.Faith and actionSay an athlete attempts to break the world record. If you were to ask the athlete how she knows that she will break the record, you would be asking the wrong question. For not only cannot she know this, but it is wholly irrelevant that she doesn’t. What is relevant is that a) she knows that the record can be broken, and that b) she believes or has enough faith in that she can do it in order to try. If knowledge of success were required for the athlete to try, she would forever hesitate to make the attempt. Rather, it is faith and desire that motivate her.Or consider any relationship based on trust. Indeed the very foundation of a relationship is likely built on a leap of faith: we do not e.g. ask someone out because we know they will say yes (or, at the very least, one waiting for objective certainty on this before asking will wait forever) but because we hope they will and believe that they might. Faith here is not some lofty idea like faith in God, but a very real and concrete, everyday expression of trust.No action in life is so mundane as to not be built on faith. Although I may not expressly think that I have faith in the metro system when I go to the station, my doing so does betray such faith – and if someone might ask how do I know the train will be there, I would be, when pressed, forced to admit that I do not: it ought to be there but before it stops in front of the platform and opens its doors to me, I cannot know. And I do not need to know – the vast majority of our everyday actions is taken without certainty, and at the end it is only in sciences and philosophy that certainty is, at least in some measure, demanded. We see, then, that going beyond knowledge is not some arcane and abstract act of a philosopher but something we do all the time. For while an attempt does produce knowledge of whether it is successful or not, at the time of the choosing the action its result is, in a very real sense, beyond knowledge. Yet we must leap.Of course, knowledge does play a role in motivating our action, but that role is negative in that knowledge sets boundaries to what is possible and what is not. To be sure, I go to the fridge partly because I know I have food there, or to the store because I know I don’t – but the store does. Knowledge, by restricting what is possible, narrows down possible actions. But which action I take is not determined by my knowledge of what is possible – it is determined also by my inclination or will: what I want and desire, value and covet. (The athlete does not attempt the record because she knows it is possible but because she desires to break the record and she knows it is possible.)Hope, then, is one of the main ingredients of action. An action is, at bottom, an attempt to bring about what one hopes. Faith, in turn, is the engine of action: faith constitutes the motivation that allows me to move from hope to action, a push to realise the hope – to actualise that which ought to be. It is here that the bridge between the first and second question finally comes to view: constrained in alternatives by what I know and in desires by what I ought to do, I may hope for what I desire and with sufficient faith I am propelled into action to make real that which I desire. In this way the theoretical and the practical together answer Kant’s third question: What may I hope?(For more on belief and action, see: Toni Kannisto's answer to Did Kant ever write about epistemic logic in any way or form?)The necessity of faithThe question – What may I hope – is not about the contingent hopes of this or that person, but generally about what all beings – insofar as they are moral – may hope for. This, Kant claims, is the highest good (summum bonum), the harmony of virtue and happiness: a state of the world in which we, as moral beings, are perfectly good, and in which we, as corporeal beings, are perfectly happy. Whatever precisely we believe to be good, and whatever precisely each of us longs for, none of us, if we are good, can avoid trying to reach for a world in which they both are realised together — for all of us.While we cannot know whether the highest good is possible, the moral imperative – if Kant is correct in that there is such an imperative – that we ought to work towards actualising it implies that it ought to be possible. And when a human being acts morally at all, it betrays a faith in this possibility and in everything required for that possibility – including freedom, God, and immortality (see Toni Kannisto's answer to Why does Kant need the three postulates of freedom, immortality and God, to arrive at his Categorical Imperative?)It is thus that we arrive at the necessity of having faith in the three ideas of God, freedom, and immortality. An expression of pure rational faith in an is arises from an ought to be. And while we may today be more sceptical than Kant was as to whether this faith should really be in God specifically, Kant’s philosophy here does disclose an intriguing and profound connection between morality, faith, and action. In some sense faith is the answer to the question, why should I do as the moral law demands? That is, I may agree with Kant that the categorical imperative expresses the true moral law, and that I ought to follow it – but this duty may remain abstract and distant, for why should I do it? While morality may stand proudly on its own two legs, indifferent to our self-doubt, we human beings as moral agents are in dire need of further incentives:Thus without [faith in] a God and a world that is now not visible to us but is hoped for, the majestic ideas of morality are, to be sure, objects of approbation and admiration but not incentives for resolve and realization.Critique of Pure Reason, A 813/B 841.This is a point Kant makes repeatedly throughout his philosophy: while morality itself has no need for faith, we as moral agents are paralysed without its power:He [a human being] tries to act according to the duties he finds grounded in his own nature; but he also has senses which present the opposite to him with a blinding bedazzlement, and if he had no further incentives and powers to resist it, then he would in the end be blinded by their dazzle.Lectures on the Philosophical Doctrine of Religion, Kants gesammelte Schriften vol 28: 1011–12.Ultimately we see that the role of faith for Kant is to enable free action. Knowledge cannot function as the motivation of action because we seldom if ever have any certainty that the action will succeed – we take the action nonetheless out of faith, conviction, and hope in that it will bring about what we desire. If knowledge reigned supreme, we would fail as moral beings, but luckily it does not: where we step beyond the borders of all that can be known, faith takes up its rightful role as a beacon that directs us. And so, in order to save our free agency, knowledge beyond its rightful domain must be denied so that faith could rule in its own.Summa summarum and TL;DRKant claims that we have to deny knowledge in order to make room for faith because,we cannot know whether there is God, freedom, or immortality, andwe are permitted to presuppose them only because in the absence of knowledge are we free to believe either way, andas moral agents we have to presuppose them to be motivated into action.

What are your favorite YouTube channels, especially educational?

I have taken this answer from a series of earlier posts (1 , 2) of mine on the UoQ blog.Here's a list of 86 channels you should subscribe to, sorted according to interests.Index:Serious learning (including official college courses and other MOOCs)Science and mathematicsNatureSpaceHistoryTechnologyLiteratureReal newsVaried interests (Channels that create content spread over multiple topics)Niche interests (Arts, Finance, Philosophy, Travel, Movies, Food, Magic, Farming, Gaming)Fun while learning (Videos that are informative as well as fun to watch)A. Serious learningA.1. College coursesYale Courses - The official channel of Yale offers full length lectures on various topics, by some of the world's leading and most-respected experts.The lectures are beautifully arranged and sorted as classes.To start, you can check out the series on Financial markets by Robert J. Shiller - a 2013 Nobel prize winner in Economics for his work on "empirical analysis of asset prices".MIT OpenCourseWare - Similar to Yale Courses, here's the official channel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.GreshamCollege - A collection of full video lectures and some interesting shorts by Gresham College, uploaded so that everyone can learn for free.A.2. Other official coursesKhan Academy - The official channel of the first true online educator, Salman Khan, that started off as simple videos for his niece.(*Subject-wise assorted playlists*)A.3. Everything elseBIO - A collection of biographies of some of the most famous people from all spheres of life.(*Sorted playlists - Olympic medalists, Oscar winners, actors, politicians, athletes et al*)DOCUMENTARY TUBE - A collection of full-length documentaries.Big Think - showcasing content that is actually relevant, analyzing the same, and featuring some of the most well-known thinkers of our time - Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Stephen Fry.B. Science and MathematicsApplied Science - Focusing more on the practical application of science rather than the theoretical, Applied Science does some really quirky videos like building an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) or the electron microscope image of a vinyl LP.Minute Physics - Explaining some basic concepts as well as some of the most FAQs related to science with the help of hand drawn animation, in videos of less than 4-5 mins. Perfect for the less patient ones.They also provide some definitive Quora-type answers. For example, this video that proves that running in the rain is better than walking if you can find a shelter before the rain stops. Else, both are the same.SciShow - Keeping you abreast of what is happening in Science, SciShow does a good job of combining news, theories, and random facts.Naked Science - Don't go by the name; it is a perfectly SFW channel. It is named so because it tries to unravel some of the mysteries and secrets of science.ASAP Science - Similar to Minute Physics in almost all respects. The only difference being that their horizon is broader and includes biology, philosophy, neurology and other fields.MinuteEarth - Part of the same family as MinutePhysics, MinuteEarth does a similar style of videos, but this time focusing on everything related to nature - biology, ecology, genetics etc.Sixty Symbols - A collection of random, fun videos about mostly Physics and Astronomy.StarTalk Radio - Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about everything science.Veritasium - A play on the word, Veritaserum (or the Truth Serum) from the Harry Potter series, Veritasium tries to bring the truth and dispel myths about science in the public.For example, the infamous myth that no person can stay in a perfect Anechoic chamber for more than 45 minutes, was disproved, when the creator Derek Muller stayed in one himself for more than an hour.NumberphileVideos about numbers - it's that simple.Reactions - The best Chemistry channel out there, bringing to you the chemical reactions behind some of the daily phenomenon you encounter, be it your morning coffee, or your dog sniffing another's butt.(*I especially love their Superhero series*)C. NatureAnimal PlanetBBC EarthNatGeoWildDiscoveryThe 4 biggest nature channels on TV offer some interesting content for nature lovers.This Place - "This place" is a veiled reference to the fact that we have only one planet. The channel tried to bring to notice some of the biggest issues with nature - viz-a-viz ecological preservation, and ties it to some of the basic theories of psychology and game theory.D. SpaceNASA - Stay updated on the latest events in Space exploration. And also on what is going behind the curtains with this playlist, updated weekly to offer a glimpse of life at NASA.(*This Week @NASA*)Scientific American Space Lab - Offering videos from the Space section of one of the most popular Science magazines.(Recommended: The *It Happened In Space* playlist.)VideoFromSpace -'s Youtube channel. Get a glimpse of life in space, especially from their videos featuring astronaut, Chris Hadfield.(*Astronauts, Cosmonauts, and Taikonauts*)E. HistoryIt's History - (Already featured on the blog)With an aim to cover every major event in recent human history - from the Industrial Revolution, to the numerous wars fought, the channel is a perfect one-lecture crash course for each topic.The Great War - A brilliant channel where the host, Indiana Neidell, aka Indy, aims to cover the entire World War 1 in real-time, with a lag of 100 years.It is a very ambitious project that will take 4 years to complete (2014-18).'The Great War' shows you the history of the First World War in the four years from 1914 to 1918, exactly 100 years ago. Our host Indy takes you back week by week and shows you what was going on in the past. Learn more about the Allies and the Central Powers, emperors, Winston Churchill, Wilhelm II, soldiers, battles and of the life aside the battlefield. Subscribe to our channel to watch a new video every Monday & Thursday!Using a combination of an impressive narrative voice, actual pictures and footage from the war, maps, sketches, and an apt setting for discussing a 100-year old war, Indy manages to present one of the biggest events in human history in a lucid and engaging manner.(I highly recommend saving the official playlist that is updated regularly.*THIS WEEK 100 YEARS AGO - The Great War*)HISTORY - The official channel of the History (US TV network).Smithsonian - The official channel of the Smithsonian group of museums.F. TechnologyCodebabes - While the premise of the channel (women slowly taking off their clothes as the video tutorial progresses) is sexist and promotes the objectification of women (and is inspired from Naked News), the content however is really good, especially for beginners.Eli, the Computer Guy - For the ones who would love to get started with everything computers (Linux, basics of networking including DNS, TCP/IP, VoIP, basic Windows troubleshooting etc)LinusTechTips - Working for a Canadian software/hardware store as a product reviewer, Linus Sebastian soon started his own channel, which now has over 1.8 million subscribers.He reviews most of the incoming tech products, from gaming consoles, to unmanned drones.Also, check out his story on How I Became.G. LiteratureThe Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows - The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows is a website that creates new words; especially tailored to oddly-specific human emotions and experiences. Now they convert the same into beautiful videos.Just for starters,ambedon. a kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details—raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in your coffee—briefly soaking in the experience of being alive, an act that is done purely for its own sake.SpokenVerse - Some of the most important and influential poems of all time, narrated by creator Tom O'Bedlam.(*All of them wonderfully sorted by author*)wordsoftheworld -Ever wondered where a particular word originated? Not anymore.H. Real newsPulitzer Center - The official channel of the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the channel features stories from journalists around the world. Stories that need to be heard.Start with their featured stories collection.Test Tube News - News that actually matters, but is not TRP-worthy enough for channelsVICE -VICE specializes in exploring uncomfortable truths and going to places we don't belong. Herein you will find people talking frankly about their hatred and love for various things, general heresy, the only culture, travel and news documentaries you'll want to watch, tons of exclusive new stuff, and probably not a lot of cats.I. Across varied topicsTed Ed(uation) - The TED Ed channel focuses on disseminating knowledge across a wide variety of interest fields (superheroes, climate change, decoding the human mind, governments and politics, language, mathematics, writing etc.).(Check out their *curated playlists here.*)TEDx Talks - TED Talks are great. But there are a lot of underappreciated ones, that take place during those independently organized events (called TEDx) that go unnoticed.That is until now. The TEDx Talks channel brings you all such talks from all over the world.CrashCourse - Already featured on the blog twice (here and here), CrashCourse is a channel run by the Green brothers - John and Hank. John Green (author) is the reknowned author of multiple best-sellers including Looking for Alaska and The fault in our stars.It is the single best resource on Youtube for learning anything from World History, to US Politics, from Ecology to Astronomy.Start here with this fantastic series by Phil Plait, aka The Bad Astronomer.(playlist: *Astronomy - Crash Course*)In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt - (Already featured on the blog)This isn't exactly a course, but more like a meta course, where you get an erratic Professor who rambles on about dark matter and energy one day and insists on debating the age old question of "are we alone" the next.The best part about Kurzgesagt's videos is that they are beautifully animated. Using both Adobe Illustrator and After Effects, they come up with some stunning visuals which obviously takes a lot of time and effort, one of the primary reasons they only upload 1 or 2 videos per month.Start right here with the first (of two) videos on the Fermi paradox.VSauce - A what-if (XKCD) style collection of videos that seek to answer some of the most common hypothetical questions asked by people.CGP Grey - Educational videos spanning politics, British history, economics and geography.(*Sorted playlists*)#Education - An auto-generated Youtube channel featuring educational content from all the educational channels.Tell me why - Why does stuff happen the way it does? Know through this series of animated shorts.WonderWhy - Ever wondered exactly how many countries there are on our tiny, blue planet? Or why don't countries just print more money to pay off their debts?WonderWhy takes all such questions, some which might have struck us at some point in time, but were ignored, forgotten, or simply left unanswered. They also pick questions that are simply too weird or specific or weirdly specific to cross our thoughts in the course of a normal day.For example, do you know which two countries share the most unusual border in the world?Atlas Obscura - The official Youtube channel of Atlas Obscura, a website dedicated to finding and exploring the remotest places, the weirdest customs and rituals, and everything enigmatic.In an age where everything seems to have been explored and there is nothing new to be found, we celebrate a different way of looking at the world. If you're searching for miniature cities, glass flowers, books bound in human skin, gigantic flaming holes in the ground, bone churches, balancing pagodas, or homes built out of paper, Atlas Obscura is where you'll find them.It is run by Joshua Foer, a memory champion, and an extraordinarily smart guy.Start here, by learning about 41 of the most unusual places on Earth.iqsquared - Intelligence Squared (stylized as iqsquared) is a debate forum that highlights some of the most crucial, yet sadly overlooked, issues mankind must tackle. They hold live events - talks, speeches, debates, much like their more famous contemporary TED Talks.Over the years, they have had, among others, Stephen Fry, Richard Dawkings, Sean Penn, Salman Rushdie, and a host of other great thinkers and debaters.J. Niche InterestsJ.1. ArtsBFI (British Film Institute) - The official Youtube channel of British Film Institute, who maintain the world's largest film archive.J.2. FinanceeHow Finance - Sort of like the ELI5 version of the most common questions people have wrt Finance. eHow Finance does short videos trying to explain the myriad, basic concepts of stock markets, trading, insurance, personal finance etc.J.3. Philosophy, spirituality, metaphysicsRichard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science - The official channel of the foundation of the same name by Mr Dawkings. They have videos, interview clips, debates etc of Dawkins and a bunch of his contemporaries on the subject of God, the Universe, human consciousness and so forth.QualiaSoup - Animated videos to help facilitate discussions regarding phislosophy, theism vs atheism, and the science of morality.Spirit Science - Focusing on the spiritual side of the human world.Shots of Awe - A string of videos to shake the philosopher in you. Shots of awe does short videos on the various quandaries of life and at the same time is a wonderful recommendation channel for discovering some obscure papers and thought experiments in the field of philosophy.Academy of Ideas - Introductory videos to the various schools of thought in philosophy.Tragedy & Hope - As the name suggests, the channel in itself is a dichotomy. The various videos try and force the viewer to change their preset perspective on things. Some things are not as bad as they seem, but some are far worse than you could have comprehended.theJourneyofPurpose TJOP - One of humanity's longest crisis has been existential. Who are we? Why are we here? Is death painful? Combining powerful messages by the likes of Alan Watts and Rumi, TJOP tries to help humans reconcile with their limitations and their mortality.Seeker Stories"What you seek is seeking you" - Rumi.Seriously, all you need to do is go outside. There is so much the news won't tell you because it is not 'sensational'. There are thousands of stories, waiting to be heard and shared. Some die with the person, some fight and live on as folklore. Seeker Stories takes you on a journey across the world, trying to uncover these gems for you.AlanWattsLectures - Alan Watts is one of the most influential philosophy teachers of the past century. Watch some of his most impressive works visualized.J.4. TraveltravelfilmarchiveThe Travel Film Archive is a collection of travelogues and educational and industrial films -- many of them in color - that show the world the way it was between 1900 and 1970. Our holdings include archives of the renowned travel filmmakers Burton Holmes, Andre de la Varre, and James A. FitzPatrick, as well as footage shot by many other intinerant cameramen.TRAVEL BASECAMP - A few guys travel around the world and document their adventures and interactions, recommend places, cuisines, and things to do.Global Degree - Same as above, but funnier.Sixpenny Globe - Same as the two above, but with two ladies globetrotting.J.5. MoviesEvery Frame a Painting - Possibly my favorite channel here. EFAP is the work of a single freelance director and theater enthusiast Tony Zhou. Tony has the uncanny ability to explain the nuances of film-making - camera angles, use of physical comedy, expressions, the impact of action sequences etc - in a simple, yet informative manner.Not sure where to start?The Film Theorists - A fun channel for when you are bored. And for the fan theorist in you.J.6. Culinary ArtsFood Wishes - From and, the channel features 100s of recipes to help you get started on cooking.*All recipes sorted by cuisine and occasion*J.7. MagicDisturb Reality - Learn a few basic magic tricks to amaze your friendsJ.8. Lifehacksexpertvillage - Learn some of the most basic life skills.J.9. FarmingHow Farms Work - Farming is a profession slowly losing its charm. But if you aspire to have one, and have no idea where to start, this channel is for you.J.10 GamingExtra Credits - If you love video games, you will also love this channel by Daniel Floyd and James Portnow. In their 250+ videos, they touch upon various aspects of video games - storyline, narration, progressions, world-building, the importance of good design, the use of music, the disturbing lack of quality, non-sexualized female characters.If you don't have the time to watch all 250+ of them, how about 75, handpicked by Daniel?K. Fun while - Uploading 4-6 videos every day, WM is one of the best channels on YT if you simply want to relax and also learn something at the same time.They have a top 10 list on almost every topic - but majorly focusing on movies, music, TV shows, books, and comics.list25 - Same as WM, but with 25 items per list, and a little Buzzfeed styled content.Vi Hart - Vi Hart is a scribbling, fast-talking, restless piece of soul. Her videos are fast-paced, quirky, and at the same time informative. Don't believe me? Check her making hexaflexagons.Mental Floss - Official channel of, the channel is perfect for a laid back evening.Smarter Everyday - 140 videos, covering a wide variety of topics, uncovering some of the obscure aspects of science, religion, tradition, nature etc. Learn something new everyday for the next 4 months.Stuff You Should Know - HowStuffWorks - Know the logic that will help you make better informed decisions.TheBackyardScientist - Learn stuff by doing.WisecrackWisecrack is actually a weird collaboration that produces 4 different video series.THUG NOTES: Explore LITERATURE with yo' boy Sparky Sweets, PhD. It's classic literature, original gangster.EARTHLING CINEMA: Explore FILM ANALYSIS with Garyx Wormuloid. Your favorite movies get probed by an awkward alien.8-BIT PHILOSOPHY: Learn PHILOSOPHY from classic video games. Shiny little pixels answer humanity's most important questions.WISECRACK EDITION: Dive into the DEEPER MEANING of your favorite games, movies, TV shows, albums, and more!Life Noggin - A series of animated videos which touch upon a range of subjects - from philosophy to evolution, from a scientist's backyard chemistry lab to the cold reaches of the universe.kipkay - Probably the only DIY (Do It Yourself) channel on the list. From making your own functional laser, to chilling your can of coke (or beer) in less than 2 minutes.reddit- The official Youtube channel of Reddit posts original videos based on content contributed by the millions of site users.Hybrid LibrarianIt's Okay To Be SmartLife Noggin3 channels to help you satisfy your daily need of information trivia.

What are the most productive ways to spend time on the Internet?

Index:A. QuoraB. RedditC. Youtube ChannelsD. Other websitesE. Blogs for MBA studentsF. Various interestsG. Short StoriesH. Wikipedia articlesA. Quora(Each link is a separate answer)Best questions on QuoraBest answers of 2015Best answers of 2014TechnologyMoviesEntrepreneurshipLiteratureBooksBook RecommendationsWritingComicsHinduismTravelCookingGoogleMarketingMilitaryHarry PotterB. RedditI. Have a question?AskReddit : The mother of all "ask" multi-reddits. Any question you have, shoot it to this 20 mn + community.AskScience : For questions pertaining to science. No bullshit tolerated. Answers generally contain authentic and credible sourcesAskScienceFiction : How can Superman fly at speed > c? Feel a disturbance in the force? Wanna become Batman? What about some Wizarding world's natural rules? A host of intriguing questions and equally incredible answers.AskAcademia : For academical pursuitsAskEngineers : For when you need stuff to get repaired. Or broken completely.AskHistorians : To take a look back in timeHomeworkHelp : When you are too lazy.ask_gender : For the socially awkwardtipofmytongue : Ever been confounded by something that you know but can't remember the name? May be a movie you saw when young? Or that song they played at the pub yesterday?what_is_this___ : Click a photograph. And the community will let you know what it isII. Wanna learn something?Explain Like I'm Five : A simple, layman explanation of even the most intriguing questions.Today I Learned (TIL) : A compendium of things/facts people stumble across on a daily basis.Life Pro Tips (LPT) : Stuff they don't teach you in school or collegeLifeHacks : Stuff they don't teach you in school or college. Part 2You Should Know (YSK) : Sort of like TIL but with a purpose. Stuff that you should know to lead a better life.HowTo : Learn how to do simple stuffDIY (Do It Yourself) : Learn how to build simple stuffUniversityofReddit : Probably an underrated sub. People actually take classes here. Sort of like Reddit Coursera.IWantToLearn : Wanna learn something? Ask. And someone will come along and teach you the same.III. Some really good, intense or offbeat stuff here:DepthHub : A collection of some of the best, in-depth conversations on Reddit.RedditThroughHistory : If Reddit existed way back, what kind of posts would the front page have.Futurology : The pseudo-counterpart to RedditThroughHistory. Discussions on upcoming technologies and the evolution and future of mankind.Foodforthought : Something to stimulate and excite your neurons. Things to ponder on.TrueReddit : Started off by some users when they saw that the quality of posts on reddit was declining. Almost all upvoted submissions are of wonderful quality.IAmA : The flagship community of reddit. Celebrities and unusual people come and field questions from the community. People like Obama, Bill Gates, Buzz Aldrin, Neil DeGrasse Tyson etc have done one.Here's the Google Calendar they use to track and notify users of upcoming AMAs:IAmA Scheduleblowit : Space for people to share stuff that is "mind-blowing" in a sentence of two.trees : for Marijuana lovers.UpliftingNews : Who doesn't need a dose of some good news in these times of distress. Witness people doing wonderful stuff, businessmen giving back to society, people reaching out to each other etc. A must-read for when you are feeling down.IV. Need some fun?Today I Fucked Up (TIFU) : People doing stupid shitShowerthoughts : People thinking stupid shit while showering.FanTheories : A place to speculate about stuff from books, movies, TV shows, anime etc. The reasoning and logical construction of some is brilliant.nottheonion : A collection of news that look like they belong to The Onion but are actually true.ExplainLikeImCalvin : The parodied version of Explain Like I'm Five. If you had a kid like Calvin, and he asked you a question, how would you tackle it.V. Can't sleep at night?All Things Horror: The umbrella sub.NoSleep : People posting original, long, detailed stories. Posted as "true" accounts and treated as the same.cryosleep: The sci-fi version of NoSleep.shortscarystories : The shorter version of NoSleep. Stories in less than 275 words.creepy : All things creepy - pics, stories, videos.creepypasta : A sub dedicated to the Creepypasta culture.Glitch_in_the_Matrix : Stories about stuff that you can't explain. Things that appear out of nowhere, or where they shouldn't be. Assuming out world is a matrix simulation, these phenomena are called glitches.LetsNotMeet : True accounts of people experiencing something terrifying - stalkers, strange noises etc.UnresolvedMysteries : self-explanatoryVI. Missed out on the news?worldnews : For all news except USnews: For all news (primarily US-centric)VII. For gamersgaming : The umbrella sub.A list of all gaming-related subreddits: Top Ten Video Game SubredditsVIII. For audiophilesI would recommend only two:/r/music : The mother reddit for all things music. Fridays are for in-depth discussions, Saturdays for fresh music.ListenToThis : For music recommendations.If you really want to get in-depth, a really comprehensive list of genre and interest based sub-reddits has been compiled by /r/music can be found here: musicsubreddits.IX. For comic loverscomics : For all web + print comics. Comics usually are strips posted by users or the artists themselves.comicbooks : Only for print. Interesting scenes, tid-bits, piece of history from the 2 major publication houses.manga : For all things manga.Webcomics : Only for webcomics.X. For the librocubicularistsbooks : The umbrella reddit. A wonderful sub with book-discussions, AMAs by popular authors, recommendations etc.A list of related sub-reddits here: relatedsubreddits - booksFor specific books and/or series.asoiaf : A Song of Ice and FireHunger GamesThe HobbitLord Of The RingsTheDarkTowerharrypotterThe Kingkiller ChronicleTheMortalInstrumentsXI. For the lovers of the visual mediummovies : For all stuff movies - trailers, discussions, articles, fan artstelevision : For all stuff TV.The top bar of the sub-reddit also lists specific sub-reddits for specific TV series sorted by genre.The Reddit Cinema Arts Feed : Feed curated using content from 26 movie related subreddits. Worth bookmarkingFor specific movies and TV seriesGame of ThronesTrueDetectiveTheWalkingDeadStar WarsArrested Developmenthow i met your motherBig Bang TheoryFamily GuyBreaking BadGothamHannibalHomelandHouse of CardsOrange is the New BlackDoctor WhoSupernaturalXII. For geeksTechnology : 5mn+ subscribers. A brilliant sub for all things tech.geek : Not a very social placeReddit Fantasy : For the fantasy genreMinecraft : duh!wowthissubexists : A sub-reddit discovery sub-reddit. People post about obscure subs that exist and might be of use to others.XIII. For the shutterbugsPhotography : The umbrella sub.I Took a Picture (ITAP) : People share personal clicks and others give feedback for appreciation and improvement.Photo Critique : Similar to ITAP.photomarket : For people to sell and buy photos.A list of related subreddits: metareddit - PhotographyXIV. For budding writerswriting : Discusses everything related to writing - techniques, advice, news etc. Has a weekly critique thread where people post their snippets for a good critique.worldbuilding : For people wanting to get into Fantasy writing. Focuses on developing the ability to conceptualize, create and develop fantasy worlds and back-stories before writing the actual thingScreenwriting : For budding screenwritersshutupandwrite : A self-help club where people push themselves and others to get thinking done and start writing.A list of all writing-related sub-reddits is compiled by the folks at WritingHub and is on their sidebar.XV. Reading/r/respectthreads - For anyone who loves comics, video games, anime, and manga (mostly).The people over at /r/respectthreads do exhaustive compilations (with proof) of the powers and feats of characters from different mediums. And I am serious when I say exhaustive.So, if you are new to comics (say) and want to how powerful or impressive a character is, head over there.E.g. Sentry respect thread, Dr. Strange respect thread, Green Lantern (Alan Scott) respect thread/r/tldr - A daily summary of the top posts on Reddit./r/hardscience - For the academically inclined, a collection of actual scientific papers, not pop-culture science./r/100yearsago - Catch up on history by reading what happened today, 100 years ago.XVI. Learning/r/learnuselesstalents - Things they don't teach you in school (or anywhere for that matter). Impress people by learning utterly useless stuff./r/UniversityofReddit - A group of learning enthusiasts who like to create and attend informal courses (the inspiration for my blog UoQ).XVII. Listening/r/treemusic - A never-ending playlist for when you are high.The sub-reddit player:!XVIII. Watching/r/mealtimevideos - Interesting videos for when you are eating. Not too short, not too long./r/EducativeVideos - Learn while you watch./r/ArtisanVideos - Watch the masters of various arts at work./r/fullmoviesonyoutube - Need I say more?/r/fullcartoonsonyoutube - Like above, but for cartoons.XIX. Related to Reddit/r/OutOfTheLoop - Do you ever feel left out on some hot or trending topic? Too afraid to ask people in case you come off as stupid? Worry not; get updated on anything you have been missing out on./r/wowthissubexists - A sort of meta sub to discover obscure subreddits on interesting, weird, and seemingly insignificant topics./r/subredditoftheday - Similar to WTSE, SROTD nominates one official sub-reddit each day. Kind of similar to the Quoran of the Day blog here on Quora./r/SubredditDrama - All the high-school type drama that goes on on Reddit, in one place. They have popcorn too.XX. Light reads/r/DogShowerThoughts - What is your dog thinking? Akin to the /r/showerthoughts sub (which has recently become full of inane and duplicate "thoughts"), but from a fresh perspective./r/explainlikeimcalvin - For parents with highly inquisitive kids./r/AnimalsBeingBros - To all bros on Quora. And all animals too./r/chemicalreactiongifs - Watch fascinating gifs of chemical reactions without risking burning down the lab./r/PerfectTiming - Every photographer's deepest desire is to click the perfectly-timed picture. Here, you can view everyone's lucky stroke.C. Youtube ChannelsHere's a list of 86 channels you should subscribe to, sorted according to interests.Index:Serious learning (including official college courses and other MOOCs)Science and mathematicsNatureSpaceHistoryTechnologyLiteratureReal newsVaried interests (Channels that create content spread over multiple topics)Niche interests (Arts, Finance, Philosophy, Travel, Food, Magic, Farming)Fun while learning (Videos that are informative as well as fun to watch)A. Serious learningA.1. College coursesYale Courses - The official channel of Yale offers full length lectures on various topics, by some of the world's leading and most-respected experts.The lectures are beautifully arranged and sorted as classes.To start, you can check out the series on Financial markets by Robert J. Shiller - a 2013 Nobel prize winner in Economics for his work on "empirical analysis of asset prices".MIT OpenCourseWare - Similar to Yale Courses, here's the official channel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.GreshamCollege - A collection of full video lectures and some interesting shorts by Gresham College, uploaded so that everyone can learn for free.A.2. Other official coursesKhan Academy - The official channel of the first true online educator, Salman Khan, that started off as simple videos for his niece.(*Subject-wise assorted playlists*)A.3. Everything elseBIO - A collection of biographies of some of the most famous people from all spheres of life.(*Sorted playlists - Olympic medalists, Oscar winners, actors, politicians, athletes et al*)DOCUMENTARY TUBE - A collection of full-length documentaries.Big Think - showcasing content that is actually relevant, analyzing the same, and featuring some of the most well-known thinkers of our time - Bill Nye, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Stephen Fry.B. Science and MathematicsApplied Science - Focusing more on the practical application of science rather than the theoretical, Applied Science does some really quirky videos like building an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) or the electron microscope image of a vinyl LP.Minute Physics - Explaining some basic concepts as well as some of the most FAQs related to science with the help of hand drawn animation, in videos of less than 4-5 mins. Perfect for the less patient ones.They also provide some definitive Quora-type answers. For example, this video that proves that running in the rain is better than walking if you can find a shelter before the rain stops. Else, both are the same.SciShow - Keeping you abreast of what is happening in Science, SciShow does a good job of combining news, theories, and random facts.Naked Science - Don't go by the name; it is a perfectly SFW channel. It is named so because it tries to unravel some of the mysteries and secrets of science.ASAP Science - Similar to Minute Physics in almost all respects. The only difference being that their horizon is broader and includes biology, philosophy, neurology and other fields.MinuteEarth - Part of the same family as MinutePhysics, MinuteEarth does a similar style of videos, but this time focusing on everything related to nature - biology, ecology, genetics etc.Sixty Symbols - A collection of random, fun videos about mostly Physics and Astronomy.StarTalk Radio - Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about everything science.Veritasium - A play on the word, Veritaserum (or the Truth Serum) from the Harry Potter series, Veritasium tries to bring the truth and dispel myths about science in the public.For example, the infamous myth that no person can stay in a perfect Anechoic chamber for more than 45 minutes, was disproved, when the creator Derek Muller stayed in one himself for more than an hour.NumberphileVideos about numbers - it's that simple.Reactions - The best Chemistry channel out there, bringing to you the chemical reactions behind some of the daily phenomenon you encounter, be it your morning coffee, or your dog sniffing another's butt.(*I especially love their Superhero series*)C. NatureAnimal PlanetBBC EarthNatGeoWildDiscoveryThe 4 biggest nature channels on TV offer some interesting content for nature lovers.This Place - "This place" is a veiled reference to the fact that we have only one planet. The channel tried to bring to notice some of the biggest issues with nature - viz-a-viz ecological preservation, and ties it to some of the basic theories of psychology and game theory.D. SpaceNASA - Stay updated on the latest events in Space exploration. And also on what is going behind the curtains with this playlist, updated weekly to offer a glimpse of life at NASA.(*This Week @NASA*)Scientific American Space Lab - Offering videos from the Space section of one of the most popular Science magazines.(Recommended: The *It Happened In Space* playlist.)VideoFromSpace -'s Youtube channel. Get a glimpse of life in space, especially from their videos featuring astronaut, Chris Hadfield.(*Astronauts, Cosmonauts, and Taikonauts*)E. HistoryIt's History - (Already featured on the blog)With an aim to cover every major event in recent human history - from the Industrial Revolution, to the numerous wars fought, the channel is a perfect one-lecture crash course for each topic.The Great War - A brilliant channel where the host, Indiana Neidell, aka Indy, aims to cover the entire World War 1 in real-time, with a lag of 100 years.It is a very ambitious project that will take 4 years to complete (2014-18).'The Great War' shows you the history of the First World War in the four years from 1914 to 1918, exactly 100 years ago. Our host Indy takes you back week by week and shows you what was going on in the past. Learn more about the Allies and the Central Powers, emperors, Winston Churchill, Wilhelm II, soldiers, battles and of the life aside the battlefield. Subscribe to our channel to watch a new video every Monday & Thursday!Using a combination of an impressive narrative voice, actual pictures and footage from the war, maps, sketches, and an apt setting for discussing a 100-year old war, Indy manages to present one of the biggest events in human history in a lucid and engaging manner.(I highly recommend saving the official playlist that is updated regularly.*THIS WEEK 100 YEARS AGO - The Great War*)HISTORY - The official channel of the History (US TV network).Smithsonian - The official channel of the Smithsonian group of museums.F. TechnologyCodebabes - While the premise of the channel (women slowly taking off their clothes as the video tutorial progresses) is sexist and promotes the objectification of women (and is inspired from Naked News), the content however is really good, especially for beginners.Eli, the Computer Guy - For the ones who would love to get started with everything computers (Linux, basics of networking including DNS, TCP/IP, VoIP, basic Windows troubleshooting etc)LinusTechTips - Working for a Canadian software/hardware store as a product reviewer, Linus Sebastian soon started his own channel, which now has over 1.8 million subscribers.He reviews most of the incoming tech products, from gaming consoles, to unmanned drones.Also, check out his story on How I Became.G. LiteratureThe Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows - The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows is a website that creates new words; especially tailored to oddly-specific human emotions and experiences. Now they convert the same into beautiful videos.Just for starters,ambedon. a kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details—raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in your coffee—briefly soaking in the experience of being alive, an act that is done purely for its own sake.SpokenVerse - Some of the most important and influential poems of all time, narrated by creator Tom O'Bedlam.(*All of them wonderfully sorted by author*)wordsoftheworld -Ever wondered where a particular word originated? Not anymore.H. Real newsPulitzer Center - The official channel of the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the channel features stories from journalists around the world. Stories that need to be heard.Start with their featured stories collection.Test Tube News - News that actually matters, but is not TRP-worthy enough for channelsVICE -VICE specializes in exploring uncomfortable truths and going to places we don't belong. Herein you will find people talking frankly about their hatred and love for various things, general heresy, the only culture, travel and news documentaries you'll want to watch, tons of exclusive new stuff, and probably not a lot of cats.I. Across varied topicsTed Ed(uation) - The TED Ed channel focuses on disseminating knowledge across a wide variety of interest fields (superheroes, climate change, decoding the human mind, governments and politics, language, mathematics, writing etc.).(Check out their *curated playlists here.*)TEDx Talks - TED Talks are great. But there are a lot of underappreciated ones, that take place during those independently organized events (called TEDx) that go unnoticed.That is until now. The TEDx Talks channel brings you all such talks from all over the world.CrashCourse - Already featured on the blog twice (here and here), CrashCourse is a channel run by the Green brothers - John and Hank. John Green (author) is the reknowned author of multiple best-sellers including Looking for Alaska and The fault in our stars.It is the single best resource on Youtube for learning anything from World History, to US Politics, from Ecology to Astronomy.Start here with this fantastic series by Phil Plait, aka The Bad Astronomer.(Full playlist: *Astronomy - Crash Course*)In a Nutshell – Kurzgesagt - (Already featured on the blog)This isn't exactly a course, but more like a meta course, where you get an erratic Professor who rambles on about dark matter and energy one day and insists on debating the age old question of "are we alone" the next.The best part about Kurzgesagt's videos is that they are beautifully animated. Using both Adobe Illustrator and After Effects, they come up with some stunning visuals which obviously takes a lot of time and effort, one of the primary reasons they only upload 1 or 2 videos per month.Start right here with the first (of two) videos on the Fermi paradox.VSauce - A what-if (XKCD) style collection of videos that seek to answer some of the most common hypothetical questions asked by people.CGP Grey - Educational videos spanning politics, British history, economics and geography.(*Sorted playlists*)#Education - An auto-generated Youtube channel featuring educational content from all the educational channels.Tell me why - Why does stuff happen the way it does? Know through this series of animated shorts.J. Niche InterestsJ.1. ArtsBFI (British Film Institute) - The official Youtube channel of British Film Institute, who maintain the world's largest film archive.J.2. FinanceeHow Finance - Sort of like the ELI5 version of the most common questions people have wrt Finance. eHow Finance does short videos trying to explain the myriad, basic concepts of stock markets, trading, insurance, personal finance etc.J.3. Philosophy, spirituality, metaphysicsRichard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science - The official channel of the foundation of the same name by Mr Dawkings. They have videos, interview clips, debates etc of Dawkins and a bunch of his contemporaries on the subject of God, the Universe, human consciousness and so forth.QualiaSoup - Animated videos to help facilitate discussions regarding phislosophy, theism vs atheism, and the science of morality.Spirit Science - Focusing on the spiritual side of the human world.J.4. TraveltravelfilmarchiveThe Travel Film Archive is a collection of travelogues and educational and industrial films -- many of them in color - that show the world the way it was between 1900 and 1970. Our holdings include archives of the renowned travel filmmakers Burton Holmes, Andre de la Varre, and James A. FitzPatrick, as well as footage shot by many other intinerant cameramen.J.5. Culinary ArtsFood Wishes - From and, the channel features 100s of recipes to help you get started on cooking.(*All recipes sorted by cuisine and occasion*)J.6. MagicDisturb Reality - Learn a few basic magic tricks to amaze your friendsJ.7. Lifehacksexpertvillage - Learn some of the most basic life skills.J.8. FarmingHow Farms Work - Farming is a profession slowly losing its charm. But if you aspire to have one, and have no idea where to start, this channel is for you.K. Fun while - Uploading 4-6 videos every day, WM is one of the best channels on YT if you simply want to relax and also learn something at the same time.They have a top 10 list on almost every topic - but majorly focusing on movies, music, TV shows, books, and comics.list25 - Same as WM, but with 25 items per list, and a little Buzzfeed styled content.Vi Hart - Vi Hart is a scribbling, fast-talking, restless piece of soul. Her videos are fast-paced, quirky, and at the same time informative. Don't believe me? Check her making hexaflexagons.Mental Floss - Official channel of, the channel is perfect for a laid back evening.Smarter Everyday - 140 videos, covering a wide variety of topics, uncovering some of the obscure aspects of science, religion, tradition, nature etc. Learn something new everyday for the next 4 months.Stuff You Should Know - HowStuffWorks - Know the logic that will help you make better informed decisions.TheBackyardScientist - Learn stuff by doing.Hybrid LibrarianIt's Okay To Be SmartLife Noggin3 channels to help you satisfy your daily need of information trivia.D. Other websitesLiterature and readingLetters of Note : Collecting letters, postcards, and all things not found in books by some of the most influential people in the : Providing free and open access to countless books, websites, songs, movies, and almost everything digital.Project Gutenberg : Thousands of free e-books.Brain Pickings : The best review/recommendation blog for your daily reading needs.Futility Closet : A collection of all oddities in literature and art.CliffsNotes : Helping you understand the plot, the conventions, the themes, the motifs, and character motivations from books.MOOCs: Helping you learn from the comfort of your roomKhan AcademyCourseraedXUdemyiversityUdacityFutureLearnMIT Open CourseWareOpen Learning at HarvardOpen Yale CoursesCMU - Open Learning InitiativeNPTELLearningDuolingo : A new languageCodeacademy : CodingChesscademy : Playing chessJustin Guitar : Playing the guitarLizard Point: GeographyTED : Great talks on various subjectsLifehacker : Tips and tricks for everyday lifeAddictiveTips : Tips and tricks for the techiesInstructables : Make it yourselfTop Documentary Films : Hundreds of free documentariesAlso, Documentary HavenMultiple StackExchange forums (depending on interest)The complete list can be found here: subreddits (again, depending on interest)Sub-reddit starter packBooster : Debunking myths. One at a time.TV Tropes : Breaking down the conventions used in all forms of art.Atlas Obscura : Exploring the unknowns of the world.Listverse : Lists, lists, and more lists.Neatorama : The alternative 'front page of the internet' - curating the most interesting things from the web.The Needle Drop : Music reviewsThe Art Of Manliness : Helping you become the perfect "man".Blogs for MBA aspirants (in the domains of Finance, Marketing, Economics, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship)Deepak Mehta (दीपक मेहता)'s answer to Which are the must read sites and blogs for an MBA student specifically for, e.g., finance, marketing, startups, technology, et cetera?E. Blogs for MBA studentsI. FinanceProf. Jayanth R. Varma's Financial Markets Blog: Prof Jayant Verma is a Professor of Finance (mainly Financial markets) at IIMA. He is one of the most impressive teachers I have ever met. He was one of the first members of SEBI and is on the board of multiple big companies including Infosys and Axis Bank. His blog, which has been up since 2005, is a brilliant resource on understanding the nuances of the financial markets.Dealbook (NYT): Dealbook is the news aggregator section of NYTimes to keep you updated on the current state of affairs of the Fin industry.Mergers & Inquisitions: Everything you need to know about every aspect of the Financial world - from big investment banks to boutique firms, from Private Equity to Hedge Funds and AM/WM firms.Investment Banking Blog: The holy mecca for preparation of i-Banking interviews, the IB Blog offers everything from bootcamps and interview prep courses (paid) to free resources like basic interview questions, overview of the industry etc.Wall Street Oasis: Similar to #2 above, but with more functionality to read the best articles of the month/week/day etc.FT Alphaville: Another news aggregator that will make sure you do not have any time left in your day (courtesy it's exhaustive coverage of current affairs)II. EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneur: Your companion on the entrepreneurial journey. The site will keep you updated with the start-up world, help you work on various aspects of your professional self, and also provide the much needed pep-talk when you are feeling down/exhausted/defeated.AVC: The chronicles of Fred Wilson ( a Venture Capitalist for the past 30 years) with some incredible credentials to his name (including investments in Twitter, Tumble, Zynga, Foursuare etc). AVC is probably the most widely-read VC blog in the world.III. MarketingMad Over Marketing: MoM is a fun blog. They capture everything from brand wars on twitter, to collection of some of the best and most important marketing campaigns. The blog is a very easy read and will help you broaden your horizon when it comes to thinking of how you can ante up your marketing/advertising game.Duct Tape Marketing: Duct Tape Marketing focuses on small businesses and startups. They take into account that small businesses do not have the funds that large corporations do. So their marketing tactics need to be tailored to their financial capacity.aimClear: aimClear wants to be the single resource when it comes to your personal as well as company brand by using every possible tool in the marketer's kitty - from social media to SEO, from conclaves to data management using basic tools like Excel.Bufferapp social: Bufferapp is an exhaustive resource to help you manage, grow, and track your social media persona.HubSpot Blog: A collection of 3 secondary blogs - focusing on sales, marketing, and your agency. This trio will help you streamline your sales activity, boost your pre-sales capabilities, help you traverse the maze of sales-killer questions like, "This is too costly", and also help you manage your time and productivity in a better manner.Marketing Land: The Dealbook of marketing, ML is the one-stop solution for your marketing trends news requirement.Startup Marketing | Ryan Gum: Ryan Gum is a growth hacker who helps create marketing plans for startups and small businesses starting from creating your initial pitch, attracting your first customer, and an exhaustive list of Startup Marketing Resources.The SumAll Blog: The SumAll blog is like the child of Buzzfeed and Medium (and not in a negative sense). They post content which is useful and is also written in a fun manner. The articles are often crisp and under a 5-min read.IV. EconomicsFreakonomics: The uthors of the best-selling economics-infused-with-pop-culture book have more to say and share than the 2 books. The blog is usually a collection of podcasts that aim to explore the "hidden side of economics" and highlight outliers, which although rare, are extremely critical.Why Nations Fail: On the same line as Freakonomics, the blog by Daren Acemoglu is a follow-up on his book of the same name and explores similar obscure events that shaped the rise and fall of nations and civilizations.Economixcomix: The companion blog for the graphic novel of the same name by Michael Goodwin, Economixcomix explains the basic tenets of Economics in a simple way, along with illustrations to make understanding easier.The Grumpy Economist: The perennial pessimist, the one who finds faults in everything, the dad who bores his kid during dinner with his constant rants and criticisms, John Cochrane provides an unabashed, and hard-hitting critique that exposes the not-so-sunny side of the world economy.Investing and Economics Blog: The Curios Cat blogs is for us. The laymen. The dabblers. It focuses heaving on personal finance, economics, financial literacy, tax planning, credit management et al; stuff that affects the majority of the populace on a regular basis.The Upshot: The NYT economics companion to its financial section, Dealbook, The Upshot is all you need to read to be perfectly updated of what is happening, why it is happening, what would be the consequences, and what could have been done better.Economist's View: A collection of self-posts and the hottest posts from other economics blogs.The Money Illusion: TMI focuses on the money and capital markets and provides wonderful commentary on financial crises, international economics, foreign reserve dynamics, monetary and fiscal policies, labor markets etc.V. LeadershipGuy Kawasaki: Guy is one of the most well known figures in Silicon Valley, and among the first "tech evangelist".All Things Workplace: As the name suggests, this is a blog for managers, bosses, and professionals and aims to cover all aspects of workplace management including effective communication, employee engagement, conflict management, incorporating cultural diversity and differences, various facets of leadership, boosting creativity, and so on.Seth's Blog: Seth is a funny guy. The funniest of all in this list. Although he calls his blog a marketing blog, it's more generic in nature and oft has funny quips and clever observations interspersed with longform articles.Lean In: Everyone knows the book by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook. The blog aims to continue the story and encourage and empower women to face challenges, voice their opinions, and grow themselves in the workplace.Switch & Shift: S&S aims at helping business transition from the traditional workplace model to the current, more information driven, globally-diverse-yet-connected workplace.Hot Momma's Project: Don't go by the sexist-sounding name, HMP is sort of a companion to LeanIn and strives to help women claim their rightful place in the corporate world.Culture University: In a globally inter-connected world, understanding, accepting, and imbibing cultural diversity is an important trait for organizations to sustain themselves and grow.Big Think: Having Bill Nye, TheScienceGuy, on board is a big achievement for Big Think which aims to be an idea hub, an "Youtube for ideas" as its founders put it.VI. OthersBob Sutton: Bob, a Professor of Management Science at Stanford, writes on everything including, but not limited to, workplace culture, book reviews, team management, employee management etc.Harvard Business Review: HBR is the most popular published management magazine that covers almost everything relevant to an MBA degree. If there has to be a starting point for an MBA student/aspirant, this is it.F. Various interestsDetailed posts to help you with the resources and recommendations to start learning new things. All posts first appeared on UoQGetting Started#1: Finance#2: Economics#3: Marketing#4: Philosophy#5: Game DevelopmentResources#1: 2 free courses on MS Excel (Basics, Macros)#2: For MBA aspirants#3: Best Youtube channels for learning#4: Everything on startups and entrepreneurship#5: The Android Classroom#6: A few more educational Youtube channels#7: Indian podcasts#8: 200+ Programming/Computer Science MOOCsInformal Courses#1: The Great War - Indiana Neidell#2: Crash Course - World History - John Green#3: Crash Course - Astronomy - Phil Plait (The Bad Astronomer)#4: In a nutshell - Kurzgesagt#5: The basics of animation - Ted-ed#6: Crash Course - Ecology - Hank Green#7: Managing your money - An introductory guide to Personal FinanceG. Short StoriesBelow is the list of 72 wonderful short stories that can be found online for free. (Click on the title to go to the story page.)So can you take a couple of days off from your busy schedule?Science fiction#1: All you zombies - Robert A. Heinlein (4.5 stars)Probably the most convoluted and complex of all time travel stories, All you zombies is a masterpiece that has been lauded for its originality and the sheer mind boggling complexity of its plot.#2: The last question - Isaac Asimov (5 stars)The best work of the best sci-fi writer that ever lived.The last question was asked for the first time, half in jest, on May 21, 2061, at a time when humanity first stepped into the light. The question came about as a result of a five dollar bet over highballsAsimov takes one simple, fundamental question and weaves a story around it - as story spanning billions of years, the vastness of the universe and the hyperspace. The narrative is captivating, enchanting and fast paced. There is a continued sense of awe throughout as the story nears completion. And then, in a single closing statement, Asimov pulls offs a stunner.*Since "The last question" is rated 5 stars, no other story will be.#3: A sound of thunder - Ray Bradbury (3.5 stars)2055. Time machines. Safaris to the past - humans going back millions of years to hunt exotic animals including dinosaurs. Every moment is carefully planned to avoid making even the slightest change to the future. Or is it?Butterfly effect!#4: They are made out of meat - Terry Bisson (3.5 stars)We are not alone. But we might never know that. And there's a reason why.#5: 2BR02B - Kurt Vonnegut (4 stars)The story of a utopia. Of mankind's most lusted after ambitions come true. And mankind's most dreaded horrors too. A painter, a father, a doctor, triplets, a woman with a strange job, drupelets and the Happy Hooligan.Vonnegut's dark "paradise" leaves much to be desired and pondered and answered.#6: The Nothing Equation - Tom Godwin (4 stars)The space ships were miracles of power and precision; the men who manned them, rich in endurance and courage. Every detail had been checked and double checked; every detail except—THE NOTHING EQUATION.An observation bubble at the edge of our galaxy. One man to oversee it surrounded by vast legions of nothingness. The first commits suicide, the second goes insane. Now there is a third.#7: I have no mouth, and I must scream - Harlan Ellison (4.5 stars)What begins off as another post-apocalyptic world story, where a sentient, all-powerful machine has annihilated humanity, gradually builds up to be a terrifying, what-if tale. 5 survivors of the end of humanity must endure against an immensely powerful and vengeful machine. And there's no way out. There is just the 5 of them and an eternity of pain and torture.#8: As long as you wish - John O'Keefe (3 stars)A coin with a paradoxical statement on both sides: THE STATEMENT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS COIN IS FALSE.A Professor of Philosophy.A strange discovery.A hidden message.#9: No moving parts - Murray F. Yaco (3.5 stars)The story of a time far ahead in the future where everything works perfectly. Human intervention is no longer needed to maintain or fix things. But everything's changing now.That light will be flashing with more and more frequency in the months to come. But not just to signal trouble in space. If I were a superstitious man, I’d think that the age of the perfect machine is about to be superseded by the age of the perfect failure—mechanical failures that can’t be explained on any level.I really believe, childishly, that the mechanics and motions of the galaxy may turn themselves upside down just to snap man out of his apathy and give him some work to do.”#10: The Veldt - Ray Bradbury (3.5 stars)A wonderful story of a utopia. Of a happy family. Of a time when the human civilization has advanced so much that everything you want is done by machines at the slightest thought. A story that explores the question of "How far can you go mechanizing things before you are redundant?"#11: The nine billion names of God - Arthur C. Clarke (3 stars)Lamas at a monastery have taken up an ambitious project - to list down all the 9 billion names of God. And they believe that this is what humanity was made to do. And once the 9 billionth name is listed, our purpose would be fulfilled.But what happens after that? If we have no more use for God, what happens to us? Will everything end? Or is it just the religious fantasy of a bunch of devout fanatics?#12: There will come soft rains - Ray Bradbury (3 stars)A mechanized house. A pre-planned schedule. Machines running around frantically, executing every job. But where are the masters?Bradbury's story is more than what it seems - a bleak commentary on the horrors of nuclear wars and their aftermath.#13: The star - Arthur C Clarke (3.5 stars)AD MAIOREM DEI GLORIAM - For the greater glory of GodA scientific voyage to the remnants of a supernova discover one lonely planet encircling the white dwarf. They stumble upon the carefully and intentionally preserved remains of a civilization - advanced, intelligent and in full bloom of its youth - wiped away by the same sun that gave them life.The team makes some calculations to estimate the date of the supernova explosion (it would have been visible on earth) and come across a startling revelation.#14: Harrison Bergeron - Kurt Vonnegut (3.5 stars)THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren't only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else.A few years into the future, everyone is equal. Now there are only two ways to achieve that - either uplift and empower everyone to the same level, or drag down everyone else to a lowest common ground. It's not surprising what the human race chose.#15: I don't know, Timmy, being God is a big responsibility - Sam Hughes (3 stars)Tim and Diane (and their team) have successfully built the first quantum computer - a device with infinite processing power and storage capacity. Diane programs a simulation of the Big Bang and creates a model of our universe to study. As she approaches the current day, she makes a startling discovery.#16: The coming of the Ice - Green Peyton (4 stars)Is love something entirely of the flesh, something created by an ironic God merely to propagate His race? Or can there be love without emotion, love without passion—love between two cold intellects?A doctor in the 20th century, has finally solved the age-old problem of immortality. Our hero volunteers to be the first to undergo the procedure. However, immortality comes at a price - emotions. Every emotion, starting from love to hate, fear to rage, joy to sorrow, slowly deserts you, until you are nothing more than an empty shell, a walking automaton, devoid of the joy and beauty in everything.Is the price worth paying?#17: The cold equations - Tom Goodwin (3 stars)What will you do when the only option is to kill someone? (No, this is not a case study on morality) But truly, the only option is to kill. There is no margin for error, no probability, however infinitesimal, that there could be an alternate recourse.Fantasy#1: A very old man with enormous wings - Gabriel Garcia Marquez (3 stars)A normal family with a normal backyard. An unexpected visitor. Is it a bird? Is it a moth? Is it a fairy?#2: Snow, Glass, Apples - Neil Gaiman (3.5 stars)In a retelling of one of the most loved fairy tales of all times, Neil Gaiman provides a starkly different viewpoint on the events that transpire and the conditions that lead to them.#3: Nicholas was - Neil Gaiman (3 stars)A short story, short enough to be reproduced here in its entirety.Nicholas Was...older than sin, and his beard could grow no whiter. He wanted to die.The dwarfish natives of the Arctic caverns did not speak his language, but conversed in their own, twittering tongue, conducted incomprehensible rituals, when they were not actually working in the factories.Once every year they forced him, sobbing and protesting, into Endless Night. During the journey he would stand near every child in the world, leave one of the dwarves' invisible gifts by its bedside. The children slept, frozen into time.He envied Prometheus and Loki, Sisyphus and Judas. His punishment was harsher.Ho.Ho.Ho.Life and Philosophy#1: Signs and symbols - Vladimir Nabokov (3.5 stars)An old couple. A sickly child in the hospital. Referential mania. 3 calls from a wrong number.#2: Lorry Raja - Madhuri Vijay (4 stars)The story of a poor, wretched family, working in the iron mines, told through the eyes of the 2nd son, Lorry Raja is sure to stir up a lot of emotions in the reader. The plot is simple, the characters simpler still. And yet, the feeling it evokes isn't some thing that can be explained easily.#3: The necklace - Guy de Maupassant (4.5 stars)“Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, "It might have been.” ― Kurt VonnegutA simple couple. A simple life. A wife that yearns for a more exciting life. A party invitation. A borrowed necklace. A wonderful night. A life changed forever. "The necklace" is one of the best stories of love, support, yearnings, strength and regrets. The ending leaves one with an entangle of emotions, most significant of which is a sense of unfairness.#4: Silver Water - Amy Bloom (3 stars)Told from the first person perspective of Violet, Silver Water is a tale of her elder, mentally unstable sister Rose. The story weaves through a, though lightly comic at times, gritty and realistic narrative of having to deal with and adjusting with a family member suffering from acute Schizophrenia.#5: If you were a dinosaur, my love - Rachel Swirsky (3.5 stars)The first person narrative of a woman who wishes her fiancée was a dinosaur and then weaves a fictional world around it - a world of dinosaur operas and weddings. A tale that will leave you chuckling, pondering and going back to re-read the story.#6: The Egg - Andy Weir (4 stars)You were on your way home when you died. It was a card accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless.So begins a tale that spans religion, belief, life, death, afterlife, and reincarnation. Taking a leaf out of Asimov's book, The Egg builds up to a wonderful climax. And delivers.#7: Three questions - Leo Tolstoy (4 stars)In this story, Tolstoy addresses 3 fundamental questions, which since then have been passed down as life lessons and parables.#8: And all the earth a grave - C.C. MacApp (3 stars)There's nothing wrong with dying—it just hasn't ever had the proper sales pitch!You can sell everything if only you know how to. Even death. A brilliant satire on the current media industry and the wave of consumerism that has engulfed the world.#9: The snows of Kilimanjaro - Ernest Hemingway (3.5 stars)A writer. A festering wound. A re-living of regrets, of opportunities passed up, of chances not taken. The slow approach of death, like the night, creeping and inevitable interspersed with a melange of memories, good and bad.#10: To build a fire - Jack London (4 stars)A man and a dog hiking through the snow covered trails of the Yukon in Canada on a day that they shouldn't be. It is "too cold to be travelling along" but the man persists. To defeat the cold, he would need to start a fire. A fire that would be the difference between life and death.#11: The curious case of Benjamin Buttons - F Scott Fitzgerald (4 stars)We have all seen the box office hit starring Brad Pitt in the titular role but there is an eerily, haunting quality to Fitzgerald's writing that makes the experience even more wonderful. The story of a man who starts off as a old man when born and slowly ages backward, turning into a middle aged man, a teenager, a kid, an infant and finally an embryo is fascinating. It is a concept that has always had people wonder and Scott does a great deal of justice to it.#12: The last leaf - O Henry (4 stars)A woman, dying of pneumonia pegs her life to the last leaves on an ivy vine. Bereft of all hope, she plans to take her final breath as the last leaf falls. But will it? Will she?A story about hope. About struggles and finding the strength inside. A story of finding something to live for. We have been told numerous times that appearances can be deceptive. Nothing reinforces the notion more than this masterpiece by O' Henry.#13: An occurrence at Owl Creek bridge - Ambrose Bierce (3.5 stars)The scene opens with a condemned man being hanged on the bridge. Like everyone else on a death sentence, his whole life flashes in front of him. His only wish is to somehow escape the hanging, fall into the river and swim away to safety and his family. That is when the rope snaps.#14: The hunger artist - Franz Kafka (3.5 stars)The story of a man with an unusual occupation - a hunger artist. Someone who fasts for days on end to amuse the world and its spectators. The story is a clever satire on the world where the talented yet trivialized people spend their entire lives in search for a fragment of glory, a single word of appreciation, a small part of the acknowledgment they truly deserve.#15: The one who walks away from Omelas - Ursula K LeGuin (3.5 stars)A city that is the perfect description of a middle-age utopia with its beautiful people, its skilled artists, its bright festivals, its everlasting intellectual orgy of joy. A terrible secret revealed. A compromise that had to be struck. A price that had to be paid.#16: The School - Donald Barthelme (3 stars)30 orange trees planet by 30 kids of a class all dead. Soon followed by the snakes. And the herbs. And the fishes. Death creeps nearer each day. But everything is not as dreaded as you think. There is still hope somewhere out there. Or is it?#17: The yellow wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman (4 stars)A husband and wife move to a mansion temporarily, something that is grand but suspiciously cheap. The wife believes she is sick and has an eerie feeling about their new home. The husband, however, doesn't. And then there's the room and it's yellow, shabby wallpaper. There is something definitely wrong with it.#18: Hills like white elephants - Ernest Hemingway (4 stars)A couple waiting for a train on a railway station have some beer and a rather intriguing conversation which leaves the reader puzzled and pondering.#19: Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes (4.5 stars)“I don’t know what’s worse: to not know what you are and be happy, or to become what you’ve always wanted to be, and feel alone.”Rarely does a book stir up so many emotions in the reader. Flowers for Algernon is one such. The story is about simple and kind man, Charlie Gordon, with a below average IQ of 65, who undergoes an experimental procedure to triple his intelligence. Told in a narrative, progress report style (Charlie was required to compile a daily diary to monitor his progress), the prose develops in tandem with Charlie's intelligence - starting off as the scribbling of a kid, laced with spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, and evolving into the publication-worthy musings over Plato's allegory of the cave.Flowers for Algernon is a commentary on human condition, on our schadenfreud-ian tendencies, on the treatment meted out to the mentally challenged, and one man's journey of finding something he never had, and then living through the horror of losing it all over again.#20: Shooting an elephant - George Orwell (3 stars)If you are the conqueror, the master, the dictator, are you really in control? Or are you just a face, just a puppet being manipulated by millions of invisible strings? The strings of the will of the people you oppress?#21: Clean well-lighted place - Ernest Hemingway (4 stars)There is something simple and yet enthralling about Hemingway's words. There's a beauty in those plain sentences. You don't need to exert any efforts. You don't need to read the story. The story reads you. It hooks itself to you and then starts to devour you, but in a pleasant way. And, in a short time, you are completely engulfed. You are now the story.#22: Bullet in the brain - Tobias Wolff (3 stars)A bullet to the brain is surely one of the quickest ways to die. Or is it? To the shot, does the last few milliseconds feel like an eternity?#23: The bet - Anton Chekhov (3.5 stars)A somber gathering of gentlemen soon turns into a passionate discussion about the morality of the death sentence. The ones who advocated it said it was more merciful than life imprisonment - cleaner and quicker. The ones against brought God into the midst of things and stated that the State does not have the right to take someone's life when it itself cannot create life.A young banker agrees with the latter and boldly claims that he would take life imprisonment over death. The host, a rich and pompous banker, bets 2 million in exchange for the young guy living in solitary confinement for 15 years.This was on Nov 14, 1870. Today is Nov 14, 1885.#24: The dream of a ridiculous man - Fyodor Dostoevsky (4 stars)Dreams, as we all know, are very queer things: some parts are presented with appalling vividness, with details worked up with the elaborate finish of jewellery, while others one gallops through, as it were, without noticing them at all, as, for instance, through space and time.Yes they are. In a dream, you can live an eternity but wake up none the older for it. In a dream, you can achieve everything you have ever wanted, every aspired for, ever lusted after, but wake up none the richer for it.Our hero had had such a dream. And he was ridiculed for it. Mocked. Derided. Pronounced senile. Yes, you can call him a madman. But aren't we all?#25: The Happy Prince - Oscar Wilde (4.5 stars)It's astounding, the power of words. How they can sway us, infuriate us, flame our desires, preserve our hopes.This short story by the master is a perfect testament of the power of words in the hands of the wordsmith. A story that was part of the school curriculum, at least in India, and one I revisited after years.In a few thousand words, it encompasses a love story, a tale of sorrow, and a satire on human condition. In a few thousand words, it stirs up emotions of love, joy, sorrow, pain and contempt. In a few thousand words, it is as much the cold winds of the winter, as it is the warmth of the sun on a spring afternoon.#26: Happiness - Guy de Maupassant (3.5 stars)Happiness is relative. And a lot more simpler than it is made out to be.#27: The Sugargun Fairy - Kuzhali Manikavel (3 stars)"Because everyone must keep a box of things they don't understand and can't throw away"A story that is as simple as the daily ramblings of a teenager, and yet brooding and sinister at the same time. One about the fleeting passage of time, and yet the inevitable existence and decay of things.#28: A little cloud - James Joyce (3.5 stars)One of the most wonderful feelings in the world is catching up with an old friend. We might not have a time machine (yet), but an evening of smoky conversations and reminiscence with old pals is good enough. There's anticipation, carefree laughter, a hint of nostalgic fondness, and just the tiniest sliver of jealousy. Especially if the other friend has a life worth being envious of.#29: Across the bridge - Graham Greene (3 stars)Life's a curious case. In the end, does money matter? Or influence? Can one final act of kindness undo (at least in part) a life brimming with sin, theft, lies, and debauchery? What is the source of happiness? Of contentment?In this fast-paced story about a millionaire fraudster evading the law in a quiet, shabby town of Mexico, Graham Greene hopes to find the answer. At least to some of the questions.Horror/Thriller#1: The lottery - Shirley Jackson (4 stars)A village. 300 people. A charged morning. A lottery. A winner. A twist.#2: A face in the dark - Ruskin Bond (3.5 stars)From Mr. Bond, comes another story set in the backdrop of the hills and valleys of Shimla. The story of a boarding school and its brave headmaster. A story that brings out all of your primal fears. A story with the basic elements of horror - the dark of the night, the eeriness of the howling winds, a strange sighting and a twist ending.#3: In the penal colony - Franz Kafka (4 stars)In a fast-paced story that slowly reveals, in the true sense of an actual horror movie, its various twists and turns and its arsenal of fear, Kafka manages to scare the reader and at the same time fill them with a certain amount of sympathy for the devil and bewilderment at the actual happenings in the story.A traveler is invited to be the witness to a sentencing - a seemingly, outdated custom that tortures the guilty for hours before killing them. He must pass a judgement on it. What would it be?#4: Man From the South - Roald Dahl (4 stars)"A fine evening," he said. "They are all evenings fine here in Jamaica."In this brilliantly crafted tale of a bet between an old man and a young one, things suddenly take a turn for the grim. The pacing of the story is fantastic and keeps you hooked till the end. And the ending - another twist in the devil's tale.#5: The tell-tale heart - Edgar Allan Poe (4 stars)From the master of mystery, comes a tale worthy of his praise. The first person confession of a madman who murdered an old man and then describes it to the reader in vivid detail to prove his sanity. The story is eerie - you have the constant feeling of being watched because of the 'unreliable narrative' and the fact that the lunatic addresses the audience directly.#6: A good man is hard to find - Flannery O'Connor (3 stars)A normal family. Mother, father, kids, grandmother. A routine family vacation. A little detour to find something exciting. An accident and a deadly encounter.#7: The face on the wall - E. V. Lucas (3.5 stars)A group of people discussing the supernatural. An outsider with a real narrative. Three extraordinary things about the story.#8: The open window - Hector Hugh Munro (Saki) (3 stars)A man with a nervous condition visits an old lady on the behest of his sister to calm his nerves. While waiting for her, he engages in conversation with her niece and tale goes grim.#9: The most dangerous game - Richard Connell (4 stars)A celebrated hunter and a published author is thrown overboard a ship on a dark night. With every ounce of energy in his body, he manages to swim to safety and arrives on an island, uninhabited by humans except for a game hunter and his looming man-servant.Discussion over dinner soon converges to the one common topic - hunting. And how, for someone who has hunted all his life, most game is boring and no longer a thrill. That is when the hunter reveals a chilling truth - the discovery of an entirely new game that promises to break the monotony of the 'cunning hunter vs the dumb prey' routine.#10: Where are you going, where have you been? - Joyce Carol Oates (4.5 stars)A story that leaves you perplexed and befuddled. One where you are not sure what the story really was about?Over the years, many people have attempted many interpretations of Oates' masterpiece, but every alternative eventually leaves out something. This could be a story told from a delusional victim's standpoint about the advances of her predator. Or it could be an allegorical tale about the corruption of young people by satanic cults. Or it could be on the broader theme of giving in to sins.I don't know. Let me, if you do.Comedy#1: The secret life of Walter Mitty - James Thurber (3 stars)Made into a motion picture starring Ben Stiller, The secret life of Walter Mitty is a comical narrative of a man who's blurred the lines between reality day-dreaming. Weaving through multiple episodes of real life and fantasy, it is a wonderfully paced story that will leave you chuckling at the end.#2: Cookies - Douglas Adams (3.5 stars)A train journey. 2 strangers. And a packet of cookies.#3: The nose - Nikolai Gogol (3.5 stars)A barber wakes up one day and finds a nose in his roll. Another gentleman wakes up and finds his nose gone.However absurd, or improbable, this may seem, it does happen. (Or does it?). Gogol again displays a knack for weaving stories out of the pure bizarre and sprinkle it with his signature flavor of comedy.Romance#1: About love - Anton Chekhov (4 stars)What is love? Is it rational? Can it be defined scientifically or diagnosed medically? Why do people fall in love? Why, sometimes, do they fall for someone who is their exact opposite? What is it about love that leaves even the strongest of people completely hapless?Is it fine to love someone who is already with another person? Is it fine to profess your love to them knowing well that it could disrupt their perfectly peaceful existence?All these and a multitude of other questions are answered in this beautifully crafted tale by the master himself.#2: A girl I knew - JD Salinger (4 stars)I saw a girl standing on it, completely submerged in the pool of autumn twilight. She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together. The way the profile of her face and body refracted in the soupy twilight made me feel a little drunk.A story that is not as much about love as it is about losing it. The story of aman who flunks college and is sent to Europe to master his trade, is advised against socializing much and falling in love, but who inadvertently manages to do just the opposite. A classic love story of romance, of the first jitters of love, of moving away, of writing letters. A wonderful love piece with a few splotches of some grime here and there.#3: Selkie stories are for losers - Sofia Samatar (3.5 stars)A weird tale of love and loss. With just a pinch of folklore and fantasy. While you are jumping from one narrative to another, you feel like being shaken intensely without being allowed the time to understand what exactly is going on. But once the dust settles, you can see the whole picture.#4: The eyes have it - Ruskin Bond (4 stars)A blind man on a train journey meets a female companion. During their 3 hour conversation, he doesn't let her know that he lacks sight. And then her station arrives and she leaves. (Oh the simplicity of it!)#5: The water that falls on you from nowhere - John Chu (3.5 stars)In the near future water falls from the sky whenever someone lies (either a mist or a torrential flood depending on the intensity of the lie). This makes life difficult for Matt as he maneuvers the marriage question with his lover and how best to “come out” to his traditional Chinese parents.The story of Matt and Gus, a same-sex couple who truly love each other, but do not know it yet is one that upholds the roots of traditional story-telling. There is no embellishments, no forced sub-plots. Everything leads to the next thing in a way that is simple, yet beautiful. The premise of the story is new and straightforward, but the narrative, due to the way it is seamlessly weaved together, lingers with you like the misty air on a December evening.#6: The silence here owns everything - Kirsten Clodfelter (2.5 stars)The perfect companion piece to the previous story by John Chu. It's a story of two girls - Natalie and Kendra. Friends on the surface. Lovers and probable soulmates deep beneath.Throughout the narrative, you can pick up subtle hints that Nat is in love with Kendra, but somehow, every opportunity where she could express it eludes her. The story ends abruptly, as if a teenage girl one day, simply forgot to take out her diary and pen her memoirs. It leaves you with a certain sense of absence, and yet you can feel that it's the ending you really wanted.#7: On seeing the 100% perfect girl one beautiful April morning - Haruki Murakami (3 stars)What do you do when you chance upon your 100% perfect girl? What do you say? Haruki Murakami comes up with the perfect story for such a rare happenstance.#8: A rose for Miss Emily - William Faulkner (4.5 stars)Faces are treacherous things. Behind the serene expressions that people carry lie complex machinations that no human technology or intuition can completely comprehend.And so is love. Love drives us to do great things. It goads us to reach out, extend our arms, and push ourselves to achieve the impossible. But it also pushes us over the cliff once in a while - over the boundaries of sanity, of happiness, of self-preservation.Crime#1: Lamb to the slaughter - Roald Dahl (3 stars)A perfectly happy couple. An expecting mother. A confession. A leg of lamb. And an intricately covered up murder.H. Wikipedia Articles(Total 301 articles spread over 12 categories:Music, Lists, Horror/Creepy/Mysterious, Funny/Humorous, Religion and Mythology, Language and Semantics, Law, Interesting, Mathematics, Paradoxes, puzzles and thought experiments, Badass people, The universe)MusicList of songs considered the bestPearl JamThe BeatlesJohn LennonAlice in ChainsLed ZeppelinPink FloydMetallicaThe Rolling StonesU2NirvanaRadioheadMichael JacksonAC/DCDavid BowieElvis PresleyBob DylanThe Smashing PumpkinsDeath of Jimi HendrixJimi HendrixEminemListsList of lists of listsWikipedia:Unusual articles (an articles linking to possibly thousands of other articles. Basically a goldmine)Wikipedia:Silly ThingsList of animals with fraudulent diplomasList of unusual deathsList of inventors killed by their own inventionsList of common misconceptionsList of Latin phrases (full)List of people who disappeared mysteriouslyList of military tacticsList of events named massacresList of extremely hazardous substancesList of treesLargest artificial non-nuclear explosionsList of paradoxesList of memory biasesList of fallaciesList of poisoningsList of explorersList of fictional demonsList of most massive starsTraffic-light signalling and operationList of most expensive photographsList of mythological placesList of recurring Mario franchise enemiesList of largest monoliths in the worldList of phobiasList of paraphiliasList of technical terms for nonparaphilic sexual interestsHorror/Creepy/MysteriousAlbert FishHinterkaifeckKilling of Tim McLeanUnit 731Armin MeiwesDyatlov Pass incidentLocked-in syndromeBoston Molasses DisasterCluster headacheMurder of James BulgerIssei SagawaBunny ManBubbly CreekMad Gasser of MattoonTanganyika laughter epidemicMurder of Junko FurutaOriginal Spanish KitchenSedlec OssuaryVisual release hallucinationsVoynich manuscriptAlien hand syndromeCapgras delusionBrain transplantPolywaterHead transplantLost Dutchman's Gold MinePope Lick MonsterJames Dallas Egbert IIIBermuda TriangleSpring-heeled JackGoatman (Maryland)Who put Bella in the Wych Elm?Adam (murder victim)Original Night StalkerDisappearance of Frederick ValentichThe Licked HandGefJohn Murray SpearTunguska eventAtukAokigaharaRaymond Robinson (Green Man)Belchen TunnelMoberly–Jourdain incidentRosenheim PoltergeistBachelor's Grove CemeteryKate MorganPremature burialZombieMercy Brown vampire incidentClapham Wood MysteryBlack dog (ghost)Thomas Lyon-Bowes (heir to Lord Glamis, born 1821)Princes in the TowerBloopDevil's FootprintsThe Great ThunderstormJersey DevilThe Devil's Chair (urban legend)Devil's Tramping GroundFunny/HumorousFlorence Foster JenkinsList of names for turkeysList of animals with fraudulent diplomasList of nicknames used by George W. BushList of sandwichesList of premature obituariesWikipedia:List of really, really, really stupid article ideas that you really, really, really should not createReligion and MythologyEmpusaBook of LifeCthulhu Mythos in popular cultureLanguage and semanticsList of linguistic example sentencesColorless green ideas sleep furiouslyBuffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffaloSemantic satiationEats, Shoots & LeavesThat that is is that that is not is not is that it it isLion-Eating Poet in the Stone DenJames while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacherHomophonic puns in Mandarin ChineseOne-syllable articleLawBreach of duty in English lawPerson having ordinary skill in the artThe man on the Clapham omnibusReasonable personMan on the Bondi tramContractual termInteresting/InformativeTimeline of the far futureTimeline of the near future3rd millenniumList of millenniaGeorge Mason University's historical hoaxesControversial Reddit communitiesTower of BabelSynesthesiaConstructed languageAs Slow as PossibleLibrary of AlexandriaDeath of Ludwig van BeethovenAthletics at the 1904 Summer Olympics – Men's marathonSemantic satiationList of linguistic example sentencesBuffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffaloColorless green ideas sleep furiouslyEats, Shoots & LeavesLion-Eating Poet in the Stone DenThat that is is that that is not is not is that it it isEmerging technologiesFloating timelineMad scientistAutomatic writingAncient astronaut hypothesisDendera lightPhantom islandOut-of-place artifactShakespeare ApocryphaSigil (magic)Anthropodermic bibliopegyNecronomiconRongorongoLost cityBlue PeacockMojave phone boothPrometheus (tree)Emperor NortonJoseph JaggerJust-world hypothesisHumanzeeEtaoin shrdluAlexamenos graffitoHomunculusMathematicsSigned zero0.999...2 + 2 = 5Mathematical fallacyAsch conformity experimentsErdős–Bacon numberGraham's numberHyperoperationAckermann functionKruskal's tree theoremGoodstein's theoremRamsey's theoremHappy numberIllegal primeInfinite monkey theoremMonty Hall problemNarcissistic numberNothing up my sleeve numberMinkowski's question mark functionUlam spiralVampire numberWill Rogers phenomenonParadoxes, puzzles and thought experimentsInteresting number paradoxBoy or Girl paradoxSleeping Beauty problemTwo envelopes problemSt. Petersburg paradoxNewcomb's paradoxEllsberg paradoxGambler's ruinExponential growthKelly criterionPascal's muggingZeno's paradoxesAllais paradoxGambler's conceitInverse gambler's fallacyRoss–Littlewood paradoxWhat the Tortoise Said to AchillesThomson's lampHilbert's paradox of the Grand HotelShip of TheseusFalse positive paradoxBanach–Tarski paradoxCoastline paradoxArcher's paradoxFermi paradoxHeat death paradoxEPR paradoxExtinction paradoxBootstrap paradoxTemporal paradoxGrandfather paradoxThe Lady, or the Tiger?Kavka's toxin puzzleLaplace's demonPascal's WagerRetrocausalityMartian scientistDemon (thought experiment)Ideological Turing TestVanishing Sun modelSphere-worldSimulated realityBadass peopleHugh GlassJuliane KoepckeLeonid RogozovMichael MalloyChing ShihKhutulunSimo HäyhäJack ChurchillSubutaiSamuel WhittemoreTank ManRoy BenavidezBoudicaAlbert JackaAgrippina the YoungerRonald SpeirsYogendra Singh YadavChesty PullerMiyamoto MusashiBlackbeardAdrian Carton de WiartAlvin C. YorkGenghis KhanAudie MurphyBrian BlessedWitold PileckiThomas Baker (Medal of Honor)Joan Pujol GarciaThe UniverseBig BangGraphical timeline of the Big BangChronology of the universeCosmic CalendarDark energyDark-energy-dominated eraUltimate fate of the universeHeat death of the universeFuture of an expanding universeGraphical timeline from Big Bang to Heat DeathBig RipBig CrunchBig BounceCyclic modelEntropy (arrow of time)Galaxy formation and evolutionStellar evolutionFormation and evolution of the Solar SystemHistory of the EarthAge of the EarthHistory of Mars observationDyson's eternal intelligenceList of Deep FieldsList of minor planetsList of notable asteroids90377 Sedna243 IdaList of geological features on 243 Ida and DactylList of potentially habitable exoplanetsList of nearest terrestrial exoplanet candidatesAsteroid beltAsteroid miningAries (constellation)Hubble Deep FieldOort cloudSupernovaRings of Neptune

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