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What did Martin Luther King Jr. think of Asian people?

Even just a cursory reading of Asian-American history proves that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would definitely have thought of Asian people as he did his own African-American people.The exclusionary laws of the late-19th and early-20th centuries severely limited the immigration of Asians and other non-white ethnic groups into America.In 1922, Asians were grouped alongside African-Americans as people of colour and were victims of segregation under a Supreme Court ruling. Until post-WWII, it was assumed that Asians were simply unqualified for US citizenship.By the 1960s, countless riots and lynchings all across the nation had destroyed not only African-American lives, but also Asian-American lives.Much has changed since the 60s — immigration quotas have been abolished, segregation has been outlawed, and systematic racism to non-whites no longer grips America.Is there an individual(s) that can be credited for the progress Asian-Americans enjoy today? Is there an Asian-American Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? Or is he the man who deserves that credit?Here is an interesting article of someone's view/thoughts on Asian-American debt owed to MLK: When Silence Is Betrayal: On Asian American Debt To The Radical King.Additional information on MLK’s thoughts on — and his relationships with, Asian people and their nations:From the early days of the Montgomery bus boycott, MLK Jr., referred to India's Mahatma Gandhi as the “guiding light of our technique of nonviolent social change.” Following the success of the boycott in 1956, King contemplated travelling to India to deepen his understanding of Gandhian principles, and so he did — finally embarking on his pilgrimage on February 3, 1959. To MLK, “India is the land where the techniques of nonviolent social change were developed that my people have used in Montgomery, Alabama and elsewhere throughout the American South.” He always paid tribute to Gandhi as one of the most important sources of his own values.Exactly one year before his assassination, on April 4, 1967, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., gave a speech that may have helped put a target on his back. That speech, entitled "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break The Silence," was an unequivocal denunciation of America's involvement in that Southeast Asian conflict.Even though he is revered today, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was widely disliked by the American public when he was killed. 75% of Americans disapproved of the civil rights leader as he spoke out against the Vietnam War and economic disparity in 1967 — and in the decades since his assassination, that Beyond Vietnam speech has all but disappeared from the public consciousness. His career is almost solely represented by the last half of his 1963 I Have A Dream speech, delivered at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, in which he anticipated a world where content of character matter more than skin colour — Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. - his “I Have A Dream" speech at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.In 1967, however, Beyond Vietnam, ignited an uproar. In its April 7 editorial “Dr. King's Error,” The New York Times lambasted King for fusing two problems that are “distinct and separate.”“The strategy of uniting the peace movement and civil rights could very well be disastrous for both causes,” the paper said. Similar criticism came from the black press as well as from the NAACP.“He created a firestorm … of criticism,” said Clarence B. Jones, King's adviser and the speechwriter who helped shaped the iconic I Have A Dream speech.

Do people in cults realize that they are in a cult?

Speaking from experience, no.The cult I was in for 31 years, to me, seemed like it was us that was the normal ones and those “in the world” (as we called them) were the odd ones.The cult dictated and controlled, literally, every aspect of your life.(See Jean-Marie Valheur's answer to Do people in cults realize that they are in a cult? He was so accurate I'm able to explain my experiences following some of his observations).We called each other brother and sister, but if they left the cult for any reason we were to completely shun them. This includes family members. Parents would shun their own children, children would shun their parents, brothers shun their sisters etc.[1] My mother, for example, tells people that I’m dead.If you left the cult you were “doomed for destruction” at armageddon (which is always “just around the corner”). Belief in god wont save you, loyalty to Jesus wont save you, praying wont save you - only association with the cult leaders can give you the hope of salvation. That’s not a typo. A hope of salvation. Not even a guarantee.If you left the cult your name would be read to the congregation and everyone would immediately begin shunning you. Literally, pretend you’re invisible.People could be expelled from the cult for any number of reasons: voting, smoking, waving a flag, singing the national anthem, joining the army, disagreeing with the leaders or anything they teach, being happy for someone who married a non-cult member, attending the wedding of a cult member to a non-cult member, eating too much or being smelly.Possible defectors or those suspected “independent thought”[2] are interrogated in a locked back room with three elders and cross examined. No witnesses are allowed to be present for you or recordings made. This is worse for women as they’re occasionally asked very intimate sexually detailed questions. Rape victims are to explain in detail the rape and if they got aroused or if they enjoyed it. Some have even been expelled and shunned for refusing to turn up to this treatment.If any members spoke to expelled members, they would then run the risk of having their names read out to the congregation too and they’d be shunned also.People who leave for any reason are always labelled as “weak”, “sinful”, “prideful”, “wanting to sin”, “lover of the world”, “apostate”, “spiritually dead” and even “mentally diseased”. The cult even tells members that apostates (those who speak out about the cult) have a mental disease which cult members can catch by merely speaking to them or reading anything they write.[3]The leaders are chosen by the other leaders. So only “yes men” and those who will toe the party line are ever promoted to leadership positions.The cult has many (many!) child abuse allegations which the members are commanded to ignore. It’s only since the internet and worldwide news that it’s coming to light among insiders and outsiders. One of the leaders admitted in court that their organization has a problem with child molesters in their ranks and the cult has policies in place to actually protect child molesters from being reported to the police because it makes the organization look bad. They even have a database of child abusers which they refuse to hand over to the police.Looking back, a real fear was implanted in my mind, and into the minds of all my fellow cult members of former members. Especially former members who were critical of the cult. We were told Satan was using them to tempt us away from “the truth” (the term we always used to refer to our cult).The second fear was the outside world, which we called “the world”. You’re either “in the world” or “in the truth”. An evil, sinful, dangerous non-member or in the holy, loving, clean cult. THERE WAS NO MIDDLE GROUND.The first thing any concerned family members or friends need to know about cult members is - you cant wake them up.They have to wake up on their own.Showing them where their cult is wrong or harmful will immediately make them think the cult is right because we were told Satan would use our family and friends to turn us against “the truth”.Trying to drag them away (physically or mentally) will have the same effect. Plus the cult would use it as “proof” that “people of the world” are angry and violent.The cult I was in, to this day, teaches that Jesus is really a super-angel called Michael[4] and that he chose the cult to be his one true organization in 1919.[5] That he became king in heaven in 1914 and thrown Satan out of heaven down to the earth and that he lives here with his demons and that that’s why there’s so much evil in the world.[6] Jesus (aka Michel) is not your mediator, he’s only the mediator for 144,000 specially chosen cult members (including the leaders)[7] and so only by associating with the leaders and obeying their every whim and command can you have even a hope of surviving armageddon where Michael (aka Jesus), who is now an old man in heaven) and the leaders (former and present) in angelic form will slaughter all non-members[8] - including children, the disabled and babies,[9] on flying horses. Then all cult members can (hopefully) become immortal vegetarians[10] and live in a socialist, caliphate on earth for all eternity where we’ll still have to obey the leaders from heaven for 1,000 years until Michael tests us again.[11]Actual image of an elderly Michael (aka Jesus) and the cult leaders past and present in angelic form on their flying horses killing non-cult members for the crime of not being in their cult.[12]Sound legit?The cult I was in was the Jehovah’s Witnesses. But they wont tell you all of that information until you’re well initiated.As always, you’ll see I’ve cited my sources from their own publications.Footnotes[1][2][3] Page on[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]

Are there any cat pics that you’re especially proud of?

I’ll post the most recent photos I’ve taken of His Grace Buddy, First of His Name, Protector of the Yums and Sovereign King Over the Fields of Turkey. I Photoshopped a few of the backgrounds for a ridiculous blog post about Buddy being a fierce jungle cat, and Buddy with Thor. You can see photo #3 and photo #4 are the same: The original, taken on my boring balcony where the light is good, and the Photoshop of that same shot of him in the jungle. Edit: Quora always uses downsampled preview photos so the page will load quicker, but you can click each photo to see the HD original of each photo. They’re much sharper.

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