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How can a mechanical engineering student with average coding skills improve to compete with his CSE peers?

There are as many (or more) programmers out there without CS degrees, and if you have a degree in another engineering or scientific field (like math) you should have the requisite logic skills to develop into a good programmer of a specific language or DB.There is a significant difference between a programmer with and a programmer without an understanding of computer science.Someone who studies and understands computer science successfully can and should be able to program in just about any language (after a short period familiarizing oneself with the development environment and the syntax of the language). They know how to properly document their code. They know how to write code in a manner that is consistent with best practices which can be easily read, understood, maintained, and extended by other programmers. They understand the concepts that underlie software. The salient point being that all these skills are language independent.Many folks who come to programming from other disciplines can and do make decent programmers in one or two languages. How many help wanted ads say that they are looking for Java programmers, or C# programmers? These are ads written usually by HR or by a development manager without a true understanding of computer science.In interviewing and hiring programmers, hiring someone with a BS degree in Computer Science/Computer Engineering from a reputable school is a no brainer, a programmer without such training is a risk. I don't care what language they know.So, what do you need to learn to truly "compete with my CSE peers"? Here is an incomplete list:Object oriented programmingAssembly level programmingOperating systems and systems programmingAssemblers/compilersThreadsMultitaskingParallel processingRelational databasesDigital networksNote that it's the concepts that are important, not the particular language/operating system/database/...Now, I don't think you want to go back and get a CS degree, I do think you want to get a programming job. So learn and practice a particular language/database as well as you can and start responding to those ads looking for an insert-language/db-here programmer. Be willing to work in any programming job just to get a little real-world experience and continuously look to move on to better opportunities. Some languages in high demand: Java, C# and a database: Oracle.

How do I know the best world universities for my Master’s in humanities, sociology, and gender studies?

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word humanities? Hopefully, it’s not something along the lines of ‘easier than science’. There is so much more to it. Its a study of the human culture such as literature, philosophy, history etc. One gets to research about the best accomplishments of human beings till date (and no memes are not included, at least not yet). Humanities is a discipline that studies human society and culture. India has many distinguished universities but they are not as good for studying humanities as they are for engineering, law, etc. One can definitely study humanities in India but the scope is not really wide.So here are the top 10 universities in the world that provide an excellent curriculum for studying humanities.University of OxfordThis England based university does not require any introduction. With world-class facilities for every course that is offered here, it is considered to be one of the best universities in the world. It provides many scholarships and other programs for studying abroad. They have digitalized the humanities course and in addition to this, they have many historical sources such as the Bodleian library which is a great help to the students.Link: courtesy: PinterestHarvard UniversityIt is the oldest institution for higher studies in the US. The Harvard University has the largest academic library in the world where you can bury yourself deep in books and records of whatever you want to read, be it murder conspiracies, war stories or maybe even romantic vampire novels, your choice. And if you don’t feel like walking up to the library then no problem because the library comes to you. Not quite literally but they have a complete digital collection too. If that doesn’t impress you, get ready to meet and greet world-class leaders, Nobel prize winners, renowned artists- some of them might even turn out to be your professors and mentors. So all in all, your study here will live up to your expectations.Link: https://www.harvard.eduPicture Courtesy: Diary StoreUniversity of CambridgeThe School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Cambridge has a score of 98.4 in the world. This department is affiliated with the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH), which “supports, promotes and conducts interdisciplinary research of the highest order”. That’s the generic review. Cambridge is so much more. The university does not really have a campus. It’s spread throughout the beautiful city of Cambridge. So you get to do little sightseeing in between the lectures. Since Humanities is a subject which requires more practical studies, therefore, in Cambridge University, you get access to many museums, art exhibitions, theatres, orchestral concerts, ballet and so much more, for doing your research work, and getting some entertainment along the way.Link: Courtesy: NDTV.comThe University of California, Berkeley (UCB)The campus is located in sunny California across the bay from San Francisco, so there is no doubt you will find the weather pleasant. Its largest faculty, the College of Letters and Science, which includes the school of Arts and Humanities, is the only one at the university to award Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees. They too have the digitalized humanities, which means you can sit on your bed in your dorm, order pizza and immerse yourself in studying from your laptops or even your phones. Just issue the books from the digital library. Academically Berkeley really challenges you so stay at the top of your game.Link: https://www.universityofcalifornia.eduPicture Courtesy: http://Ussportscampus.comStanford UniversityStanford University is known for its leading arts and humanities courses. Its excellent infrastructure consists of Cecil H. Green Library and the Cantor Center for Visual Arts Museum. And that’s just not enough to sum it up. With 24 galleries, sculpture gardens (where you can definitely get some weird and interesting photos), terraces and a courtyard, you will find that Stanford does not do ordinary. An impressive 277 of Stanford’s scholars are members of the highly regarded American Academy of Arts and Sciences. And someday you could be too. There is no scarcity of activities here for you to get involved in. They also provide resources for advising, counselling, internships, research and also encourages the students towards extracurricular activities. So prepare yourself to do a lot and gain from it.Link: https://www.stanford.eduPicture Courtesy: The Drinks BusinessPrinceton UniversityPrinceton University has its own Art Museum, which was established in 1882 to enable students to be enriched and inspired by access to original works of art. It contains over 92,000objects, ranging from ancient to contemporary art. Six members of Princeton University’s faculty of humanities have won the National Humanities Medal. Talk about getting some first-hand pragmatic knowledge. Needless to say, you will definitely find your thirst for knowledge quenched here.Link: Courtesy: yonder.ruAustralian National UniversityHailing from the land down under, ANU has consistently ranked among the best universities in the world. Located in Canberra with a campus that is spread over 145 hectares of parkland and an architecture that looks more like an art museum, you will find this university drawing you in with its excellent academic facilities. College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS) is a division of the Australian National University. It’s Humanities Research Centre (HRC) was established in 1972 as a national and international centre for excellence. It is also a catalyst for scholarship programs in collaboration with the ANU.Link: Courtesy: anyway Группа компаний "ПЛЮС" - недвижимость в Северо-Западе| ГК «ПЛЮС»College of Arts and Sciences at The University of Tokyo:All first- and second-year students study a comprehensive liberal arts education. Aiming at cultivating “cross-border knowledge” within students, the Senior Division of the College of Arts and Sciences provides education that focuses on humanities, sciences, and interdisciplinary areas integrating arts and sciences. As a humanities student, you will find yourself very lucky to be here. With Japan’s rich culture and history, you would be able to learn a lot. The faculty is really nice and constantly looking out for their students, even helping with the scholarships programs, both private and non-private.Link: Courtesy: Experience Tokyo with Your Ultimate Tokyo Guide - Tokyo.comSchool of Humanities at the University of Hong Kong (HKU)The students at HKU are taught to observe the world critically, think creatively, understand complex histories in depth, develop a strong moral sense, document the present with maximum objectivity, and strive for a civilized, beautiful, harmonious environment. This is done through critical and creative courses that emerge from their expertise in the study of human histories, cultures, and works of art, language and thought.Picture Courtesy: South China Morning PostGraduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Australia:This is part of the University of Melbourne, Australia. Their programs are of world-class quality and scholarship, and their academics encourage critical inquiry, creativity, and a questioning of ideas and theories. This is one of the most reputed university so once you take admission here, you are bound to feel privileged and bright. There is a well-developed exchange programme that exchanges with the prestigious universities like Oxford and UC Berkeley. The university is also quite apt at providing funds and facilities.Picture courtesy: Eduniversal Best Masters ranking worldwideIf you ever get a chance to study abroad, don’t ever miss it. There is scholarship program in the above-given universities that could help you financially. Furthermore, getting a stamp of these internationally acclaimed Universities would really help your career. After graduating you will find yourself with many job opportunities. So get your passport ready and take off to a world full of experience with these colleges

What should I do? My dad is saying that I am useless as I got 203 marks in the NEET 2018 and is saying to do a BSc. and get married, but I want to go to China for studying an MBBS? This was my 2nd attempt and I did coaching in Aakash after 12th.

I feel I should try answering this one because I have been there. Please do take time out and read till the end. It may just help. I'm assuming you took a drop for a year and hence it was your second attempt at NEET. Right? Things didn't go down as well during the preparation and therefore you're disheartened as to why it didn't happen like you had planned them. My dear, since I've been in a similar position I'm writing it here for you as a well-wisher with the best of intentions for you. In short , I took a drop and wasn't able to clear it and then went to China for MBBS but had to come back within a year as it was a very poorly taught course. I lost 3 good years after my 12th because of my obsession with MBBS. Then I switched lines and took up BSc and am at present working towards building a career in research.The thing to understand here is that MBBS is a very prestigious course infact and hats off to you for dreaming big. But China for MBBS! A BIG NO if you really wish to have a career ! You get into a seat by paying money to agents who are least bothered by the standards of education and living you get in those Chinese universities. Getting a seat in China is easy - just shell out some lacs and there you go. The thing to realise is that nothing comes easy. If you can purchase the seat so can every tom, dick and harry. The least eligible persons who couldn't even manage a decent score in class 12th get into the course with you. Meaning you don't have a good quality of fellow students who really work hard either. Believe you me, quality of peers matters. And the quality of education is already very low for the course you have bought with money in China. And both these qualities- good education & peers- you can get in by obtaining a seat in a premiere medical institute or central college or university based on merit not money because the fellow students with you in such premier institutes would also have studied hard to get there(Please try to understand that I'm not trying to discourage you here) When you go to China by paying money, even if the universities are centrally funded, your AGENT ALWAYS SENDS PEOPLE OR STUDENTS IN BULK IN THOSE UNIVERSITIES. THE UNIVERSITY THEN ALLOWS THE AGENT TO RUN A SEPARATE MBBS COURSE IN THE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS TAUGHT IN 'ENGLISH' since the Chinese people have their separate course in Chinese only. It is MBBS only for name sake but the way the curriculum follows is worse than a BSc & you're spending lacs on pursuing this course for five years. So it's a waste of good 5 years of your life and lots of your parental moneyAnother thing to understand is that you have to clear the MCI screening examination(licensing exam) when you come back to India in order to obtain your license to be able to practice in India since MBBS in China does not make you eligible to be able to practice in India right away. That exam is not very easy to clear considering the level of education you have in China. My friends who stayed and completed their course still have not been able to crack their licensing exam yet which makes their degree useless. So not only are you wasting your time and money but are playing with your future too! I honestly don't want you doing this to yourself!The bigger picture & the most important of all is the fact that CHINA IS A COMMUNIST NATION. If in case (and God forbid) you end up in a legal suit or are a victim of some sort of legal violation, understand that the legal system there will not help you on your INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS. Communists don't work that way. China after North Korea has been notorious for the maximum number of human rights violations. Even though the local population is civic & polite but you don't know the language & your rights well and the legal system there isn't made to protect your “individual rights”. That is what Communism is! Considering the diplomatic strains between India and China, do not expect your consulate or embassy to be able to do much about the same. Please take into consideration the geopolitical scenario and the demographics of a country before stepping in there. It's important to consult these points not only for China but for any other country you choose to travel to for that matter! Be sure about these bigger aspects!Having cleared on this, I want to warn you against any such agents who talk about studying MBBS in China or Russia or elsewhere. These people cash on your big dreams. They will get the money and they'll keep getting it in future too but your career and life will be spoilt by the time you realise it. I understand that even after trying ,at this point you're feeling confused and heartbroken & all those big emotions, but please do not excuse the emotions as a means to escape out of your situation. These agents feed on this confusion and lure you into joining their course which they claim as 'the best' & you don't want to be duped. My suggestion - please DON'T GO TO CHINA OR RUSSIA OR ANYWHERE FOR MBBS VIA AGENTS!! And also tell your friends not to.And YOU ARE NOT USELESS! You wanted to do something, you tried on it as best as you could but it didn't turn out as you had planned and that's how it goes in life more often than not. Cheers! That doesn't make you USELESS. So please stop feeling that way about yourself. You need to understand that feelings of inadequacy will only keep you from reaching your highest potential and will also blind you out of opportunities. Please take care of yourself first. Take care of your physical and mental health. Go out with some friends to refresh. After that just take a look at how it went wrong without feeling sorry for it having gone unprecedented!Ask yourself if it is MBBS only that you want to do? ( In my case I realized that my ambition had turned into an obsession and that's very wrong. I had turned a blind eye to the other good opportunities around - like DU - I had a good score in 12th to get into DU colleges back then)Ask yourself if it is something else that you would like to pursue in place of MBBS? A BSc or B Pharma or any others! BSc has many options too - life sciences, biotechnology, biochemistry, medical sciences, applied science, forensic studies and many more.But in any case just take care of yourself, think from a balanced point of view and then decide. Don't let your fears get the better of you!1.If MBBS is all you want to do, then hardwork is the only way to go( I don't mean to be harsh or insensitive here but plain blunt about the fact). You might consider taking another drop , then just alter your strategy and charge towards that seat you so desire like a bull with all zeal and enthusiasm.The number of seats in India is very less. We only have around 10k or so if I'm not wrong which are further divided based on reservations. Prepare accordingly if you're going for that. Now you can even Google almost every question for competitive exams to get it's answer online. We didn't have this luxury in our times sadly! Give enough time to Bio, Chemistry and physicsYou might also consider MCAT or UKCAT. These are the respective entrance examinations for a medical seat in the US and UK. They aren't as well easy to crack and require lot of hard work, preparation and determination. Yet they are more concept based and have almost the same syllabus as that of Indian exams. I haven't taken the exam but have only seen the pattern. So please do your own share of internet research for this one.Another option is to apply for MBBS in Germany as almost the entire education is free if you can prove your merit and the quality is the best. But they require you to do an extensive German language course prior to MBBS as that is the medium of instruction. You can ask EURASIA language school and enquire at DAAD for the same. Please do your share of background search on this one too. It's a good option which I had considered once but didn't get too far into this one.2. If you're clear that you're done with MBBS , are no longer willing to push for it and are contemplating switching fields then I would say unhesitating go for BSc. it's not bad and don't consider it any lesser. It gives you so much flexibility to explore your horizons. You can get into teaching, research, even work in association with medicos later, industry, administrative services and so on! Medical is not everybody's cup of tea(that was for myself!). It requires years of not only hardwork but also persistence and patience - study and study more. If you don't then you're out of league and your career is gone! You can trust your Dad and take up BSc. He has seen more life than you have and is suggesting the best option for you.3. NEET score can also be used for getting admission into research institutes like IISc Bangalore in their prestigious BSc - Msc integrated program and it's one of the best in India. The same score can also be used for entry into IISERS (Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research) - these are research institutes and there are seven and all seven have integrated BSc - MSc program and these are highly research oriented premier institutions in India. Just check at your end what all courses and institutions can your NEET score be used to get admission into. It'll be really helpful. I didn't know this one back then and I regret it so bad now! NEET is not just for medical and dental seats but also for research based integrated programs.My suggestion is that don't go for a paid seat. Whether it's MBBS or BSc try to bag a seat on your own. The joy and sense of accomplishment are real :)See dear, you are hardly 18 or 19 years old I believe. You have your whole life in front of you. Disappointments are a part of life. It hardly ever goes the way you want it to. Dealing with it at your age is a bit of a challenge but please do not kill the life inside of you for whatever it is that you desire. Your parents will be deeply saddened by seeing you unhappy. They will not refuse directly to your demands of going to China in such a state but will very reluctantly send you out to study despite knowing that it's not right but because it is the only thing which is keeping you happy. Please do not take a hasty decision of going to China by giving in to your disappointments and feelings of inadequacies. It will most likely not be worth it. Your primary job at this time is to clear yourself out of the dismal state and think very clearly & objectively. Take a break, rejoice in some recreational activities you like - yoga, dancing, singing , painting, football or whatever and get back to normal. ONLY YOU CAN DO THAT!Then get clear on what you want in life and get working on it. You have so much to explore. I really hope you do well in life. Stay positive. It's going to be great. You're very wise to have asked this on quora to get some perspective- you surely will do great! And as far as China is concerned- it's a beautiful place to visit. Do visit it with your parents once you've established a career for yourself. I wish you all the very best.HOPE, LOVE AND LIGHT! :)[ Adding here : I am not talking about taking an admit on your own via application and then going for HSK4 and then MBBS. Its a given fact that the agent would tell you of a direct admission without requiring you to go for HSK if you pay the money - that is how studenten are “dispatched” to these Chinese universities via agents and that is what I talk about. And most of these agents have been former MBBS students at these Chinese universities and after they couldn’t secure a medical career(but they won’t tell you this), they switched to business i.e. making money out of sending people to China or Ukraine or Russia or wherever. These agents have an extensive network with similar quacks and sometimes doctors/private organizations who share common business interests. (As far as taking an admit on your own via application and not an agency is concerned,then why just apply to China? If you can apply to China via application, then you can as well apply to Germany, US or UK. The level of education is even better and the application procedure takes place online except for a few things. But NOT VIA AGENTS please) Dream big, its your life and please don’t fall for these quacks cum agents. Its easy to tell someone not to regret as another person in the other answer has said (I can bet looking at her profile she works with those agents for Chinese MBBS and hence is being defensive because all the good Indian doctors I've talked to don't hold a positive view about MBBS in China for obvious reasons! Duh! Its true the universities are centrally funded and have all the facilities but YOUR COURSE IS DIFFERENT FROM CHINESE STUDENTS - they cleared the entrance to get into their course. They have earned the good course on MERIT whereas YOU HAVE ONLY PAID FOR A SPACE IN THAT UNIVERSITY WHICH IS SIMPLY GRANTED TO YOUR AGENT TO RUN THEIR SO CALLED MBBS. She won't tell you about the statistics of the people who actually clear the licensing or FMGE exam. Don't pay heed. She's only furthering her business agenda). It's true that one shouldn't regret the choices they have made but ‘time’ once lost cannot be recovered & it's the best resource you have in hand - TIME (and your dad's hard earned money of course). And you can always start over but better be safe than sorry - you can never get back the years you lost! The agents and their ‘associates’ from various organizations only see you as a money yielding source and both only wish to expand their business by mutually helping one another out in ‘recruiting’ new students. Do not fall for them. If it comes to their own children, they will be the last people to send their kids to the universities they boastfully send you off to like a shipment. Not being negative here but just stating a fact. Hardly 3%(on the upper side) of all the students who go to these Chinese, Ukrainian or Russian universities are actually able to clear the Licensing exam. Trust me, the university administration doesn't care about the quality of your SO CALLED MBBS COURSE since they have contracts with the agents. So long as it's generating money for the administration and the agents, they're okay with alloting space to the agent & taking in as many students to the SO CALLED MBBS as they can. The more the students, the better the riches!!“Being a doctor is a privilege as well as a great responsibility. It's no joke. You will be working on human lives if you become one. That is reason enough to go for good quality education.”As someone has rightly saidListen to your heart, never lose hope and give your best in whichever decision you take for yourself. Have no regrets in life.Ps. (adding to the above from my side) Listen to your heart but take your mind with you, invest your time and energy wisely and stay clear of those who prey on your big dreams & vulnerabilities for generating money for themselves :)]NOTE : Someone in the comments asked if they should pursue Ayurvedic medicine or not? I'm going to make a short edit in the answer itself because anonymity is not available in the comment section.Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery(BAMS) is a very sought after course and is a great option especially in urban population considering the rise in lifestyle diseases. But keep in mind BAMS is not easy to get into either. You have to crack the entrance and are then allotted seats based on merit. The syllabus for entrance exam follows the similar lines i.e MCQs in PCB. It's a very good course though if you make it & the curriculum is like MBBS only. You study Anatomy, physiology , biochemistry, immunology, community medicine etc, apart from which you study the ayurvedic system of medicine alongside. The ayurvedic practitioner whom I consult with for myself, told me it's even more rigorous a program but equally enjoyable. So establishing a career in Ayurvedic medicine is a good idea. You can also learn Yoga and traditional ayurvedic massage therapy later. Then you can open your own clinic and even run a yoga and ayurvedic therapy center once you gather enough resources. The income is good too. Patanjali also offers good jobs to Ayurvedic practitioners across India. You can also consider HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE & NATUROPATHY apart from AYURVEDIC MEDICINE. But please do your share of background research on the criteria and the good institutions taking up these programs, the number of seats etc. Ask someone who has done it.Ps. Someone has written Ayurveda is a Pseudoscience . I would humbly disagree. It's not true. Ayurveda is an ‘ancient science' and has its own value just like allopathy does. That is why US researchers have been so hell bent on claiming patents on herbal plants having medicinal value which are getting revoked now. Just google the time when the US tried filing patents on basmati, haldi and neem due their medicinal and nutritional values. It was a classic case some 20 years ago. India revoked it in international court because their medicinal value and features have been well documented in ancient Indian texts - You can't file a patent on something which is already documented and is not novel. The US then had to withdraw the patents. then US has been making numerous attempts to make patents on plants mentioned in Indian and Chinese system of medicine. To counter this CSIR Pune started a huge project to catalogue all these herbal plants with medicinal values(which have been mentioned in ancient ayurvedic texts) in their TKDL digital library so that US cannot file patents on those plants, because patenting would restrict their use in India in Ayurvedic system. It is a national level project where they have been translating the sanskrit texts corresponding to the various plants mentioned therein and thus document the same with copyrights. Also, it is no longer a secret that CURCUMIN which is the medicinal component of haldi or turmeric has been continually researched upon. And haldi as we know is one of the most prominent Ayurvedic medicine and is used in households by the word of mouth itself. Now why would US be so worried about a pseudoscience if it didn't see any potential or market value in it?So in my view, go for Ayurvedic medicine if you're considering it. It's a well documented Indian science and has a great place in terms of market value too (The problem with allopathic practitioners which I've seen is that they readily discard anything which they consider does not go well with their understanding . The market value is one of the reasons why allopathic practitioners despise it so much :P)I have tried Ayurvedic for my own ailments and it worked wonders for me and many of my close ones where allopathy had failed completely. It is a trusted system and can be pursued.Good luck!Here comes another edit : For those asking about BDSChoosing between BDS and BAMS : I hope it is understood that BAMS has its own unique place. Now about BDS - It completely depends on your liking and passion. If you are interested in pursuing it BAMS then go for that, in case you feel BDS is a better choice then again its your call. Just try to foresee the future prospects for both. After BDS you would probably be working in a hospital or have a clinic of your own(we know there is absolutely no shortage of dentists around the town, so please see if that is what you would like to do)BDS - let us try to see the prospects. Since you initially only wanted to do MBBS but somehow your score landed you in BDS and so you have taken it with a little bit of reluctance. In case you completed the course and are happy with the outcome i.e. you practising as a full time dentist at a reputed hospital or government hospital or clinic, good enough!(since you feel fulfilled and may even consider doing an MDS). During this course, if in case you realize that it is not the thing you wish to continue with and are thinking about alternatives upon completion of your course, then also I believe you will have sufficient options too. Upon making it with a BDS degree, you might want to go for a PhD in India or abroad(considering the profile and your education, you can expect a good admit in US , Australia , Germany, Singapore etc). For Phd in India the qualifying exams are different - PhD entrances, NET ,JRF etc. For abroad its GRE and TOEFL/IELTS apart from your work profile or CV. Ps. I am just suggesting these in case you really do go for BDS because I believe one should have a plan of action for atleast the immediate if not distant future. If you really are passionate about BDS then please do follow it :)BAMS - Well BAMS is well accepted and now with the rejuvenation and widespread acceptance of alternative system of medicine and Yoga in India and across the globe, Ayurveda does hold good credibilty and the job prospects have increased tremendously! The only thing one needs to have is interest and passion for the field. I think one can probably look for research prospects here as well in case they want to but I am not really sure. You will have to kindly check at your endAnother option would be to take a drop and prepare even better for MBBS, if that is solely what you want.Personally, at your age, I would probably have left both the choices because i didn’t see Ayurveda or alternative medicine in good light(lack of knowledge makes you stubborn - thats a joke on myself :P) and going for BDS was a big no no at that time for me. But given a chance now, I will take up BAMS any day, because now I so relate to the ancient system of medicine and the treasures it holds. I hope I didn’t confuse you! And since I am no expert about taking questions on BDS, I would please ask you to check at your end about it and ask a few other people too!Congratulations for achieving a counselling. You must have worked hard . Kudos and All the very best for your future2. For the other person contemplating BDS I hope the above edit helped.HUMBLE REQUEST : Please do not make any further questions in comments. Kindly post your questions separately and send the link for the same in the comments section as it would be getting annoying for everyone to read out of context stuff here to the actual question. I will try to answer all those ASAP and anonymously ;) Thanks !

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