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Doesn't the Beach Boys' "Pet Sounds" album deserve a more artistic cover design?

Compared to all of the other album covers in the Beach Boys' discography up to that point in 1966, the Pet Sounds cover was a big departure from the usual. It was artsy and unique in its own way, and also was atypical by general pop/rock standards.Early Beach BoysOn the first few Beach Boys albums, you'll notice that their album artwork was closely tied to beach culture. Surf Rock was a new genre, and the Beach Boys were working at the forefront of vocal surf music. To guarantee that the Beach Boys were unmistakably associated with the surf music scene, their album covers featured big waves, sand and surfboards, as seen on Surfin' Safari, Surfin' USA and Surfer Girl.Expanding Surf CultureAs popular culture became more aware of American surf music and culture, people began to associate more items with the surf scene, among which were cars. The 1932 Ford Coupe, otherwise known as the Deuce Coupe, became heavily associated with the surf scene. Similarly, various woodies - cars with exterior wood framework and wood panels - also became associated with the scene. For the next two albums, Little Deuce Coupe and Shutdown Volume 2, the surf car culture became the central theme.Focus on the GuysUp until 1964, the Beach Boys album covers were more about selling a style of music as opposed to selling us on the band. On Surfin' USA and Little Deuce Coupe, the band doesn't even appear on the cover. The other album covers may as well have been ads for cars or surfboards. Only after their fifth album did the covers actually begin to focus on the band members and let us get a clear look at them. These came in two forms:Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!) and The Beach Boys Today feature the band posing.The Beach Boys Party and All Summer Long are like photo albums, with a series of candid shots of the guys having fun with friends.Pet SoundsPet Sounds combines the best elements of the "Focus on the Guys" phase into one place. It's a clear, large photo that gives us a good look at the guys - like what we saw in The Beach Boys Today! and Summer Party, mixed with the candid quality of the Beach Boys Party and All Summer Long. The guys are in a staged scenario, but they're not posing. That they aren't posing is key here: it gives the photo a sense of authenticity. Non-posing photos were unusual at the time, apart from live albums.It's also amusing to note that in the previous album covers, the extra props always served to sell the listener on the band's image. The surfboards, cars, sand, waves , and sailboats always sold their product: surf rock and good vibes. Here, the extra prop is animals, which don't help sell anything. The band has now gone full circle: like their first album covers, they have included a distracting item in the cover photo, but now it serves no real function.The Other Bea- BandThe randomness and silliness of Pet Sounds cover reminds me of the Beatles' Yesterday and Today, an album that was also released in 1966 shortly after Pet Sounds. The original cover was a group photo with the guys in butcher smocks while covered with chopped meat and plastic baby doll parts. They did it because they were tired of the usual photo shoots, which I suspect was the logic behind the Beach Boys doing something different with theirs. Unfortunately, the "Butcher Photo" was later withdrawn and replaced.What's interesting about the Pet Sounds and Yesterday and Today was that they were springboards for the bands to do more adventurous album covers. Both bands focused deeply on making progressive music, and the album covers became a part of their artistic progression. The Beatles next album was Revolver, a landmark record that had one of the most important album covers of pop music history, a combination of candid photos and a line drawing combines together Klaus Voorman.Meanwhile, Pet Sounds set the Beach Boys up for their next two album covers, Smiley Smile, Wild Honey and Friends, which had bold, psychedelic artwork consistent with the shift of music in the late 60s.SummaryMuch like the Beatles, who went through an evolution in order to deviate from the standardized group shots for their album covers, the Beach Boys underwent a similar evolution. Rubber Soul and Yesterday and Today were the transitional covers for the Beatles. Pet Sounds was the important one for the Beach Boys.

How true is the Roswell UFO incident?

The Roswell incident splits opinion. Some people say the upto 200 military and civilian witnesses are making it up. Others that have studied the weight of evidence come to the conclusion that Aliens crashed in the desert in 1947 and the government have covered it up ever since.The commader of the US Army Air Force Base, Major Jesse Marcel Snr was in charge of the wreckage at first being the most senior military person in the area and was initially in charge of the recovery of the wreckage. Having been to the scene he,an army man all his life,and quite knowledgable about flying objects,from top secret down announced to the media that the US army had recovered an extra terrestrial spacecraft.This was the next days paper.The world had changed.That is until the top brass in the secret service (before the Brits taught US the CIA) got wind of it and went up there and made Marcell retract the previous days findings and announce that he and dozens of other top army personnel had in fact NOT found an Alien space craft (flying saucer) with bodies but had misidentified one of their own weather balloons. It would be nearly 40 years before the presence of the bodies,saw by 100s of army and a handful of civil and, were explained by the Government as ‘crash text dummies.Note to US Government “ So you WERE lying that they were weather balloons.Why would they have crash test dummies.1947 a full on 16 years before crash test dummies were invented.Marcell was made to swallow the humiliation and made to ‘take one for the team’ in the most embarrassing way possible.They even had him pose the next day with a real weather balloon.The paper bought the story no questions asked,thus beginning of the end for freedom of the press and start of the Government manipulation of main stream media.The U-TurnMarcel humiliation was complete.He wrote a best selling book when he retired as did a plethora of other military personnel.Either way either 100s of top military men are lying or something happened quite literally out this world in Roswell and they been covering up ever since.If you look for yourself,(like I did looking for holes) at the weight of the evidence,it can only point in one direction. .This is just the tip of the iceberg of the credible evidence available for the UFO phenomenon to be scrutinised to your own satisfaction.It's also a good place for anyone to start.article/document:Roswell - The Facts, Truths and Eyewitness AccountsRichard Deanriginal source | fair use noticeSummary:Regarding all the speculation lately of the Roswell film release in August of the crash site and President Truman walking through the debris etc etc, I have typed the transcript of the actual events surrounding the Roswell incident for those people among us who don't really know what happened,or those who are after the facts surrounding the incident - not the rumours.I decided to post this because a guy named Alastair Carter requested the information and it took me a while to type it so I thought alot of other people might benefit from this posting as well. Anyway here it is.The facts, not the story (this viewpoint is quite skeptic actually. It takes into account all of the possibilities):One of the most contentious aspects of the UFO enigma is the allegation that a number of flying saucers have actually crash-landed and been recovered by the military in great secrecy. The claim has been generally dismissed for lack of proof, yet the evidence is compelling. Former US Air Force intelligence officer Leonard Stringfield, for example, has now collected at least forty such accounts, some of them from first-hand witnesses. One incident that now seems indisputable - in the sense that anomalous wreckage was recovered - occurred within a few days of the United Airlines sighting, and has been the subject of one of the most thoroughly documented investigations on record.On the evening of 2 July 1947 a bright, disc-shaped object was seen flying over Roswell, New Mexico, heading north-west. The following day widely scattered wreckage was discovered about seventy-five miles north-west of Roswell by a local ranch manager, William Brazel, together with his son and daughter. The authorities were eventually alerted and a quantity of wreckage was recovered by Major Jesse Marcel, a staff intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb Group Intelligence Office at the Army Air Forces base at Roswell Field, together with a Counter-Intelligence Corps officer. Once the officers had returned to the Roswell base, an official press statement was released, authorised by Colonel William Blanchard, confirming that the wreckage of a flying disc had been recovered. Marcel was ordered to load the debris on a B-29 and fly it to Wright field (now Wright-Patterson AFB) at Dayton, Ohio, for examination.On arrival at an intermediate stop at Carswell Army Air Forces Base, Fort Worth, Texas (headquarters of the Eight Air Force), General Roger Ramey took charge and ordered Marcel and others on the plane not to talk to reporters. A second press statement was issued which stated that the wreckage was nothing more than the remains of a weather balloon and it's attached tinfoil radar target, and this was prominently displayed at the press conference. Meanwhile, the _real_ wreckage arrived at Wright Field under armed guard; Marcel returned to Roswell, and Brazel was held incommunicado for nearly a week while the crash site was stripped of every scrap of debris.A news leak via press wire from Albuquerque describing this fantastic story was interrupted and the radio station in question, and another, were warned not to continue the broadcast:'ATTENTION ALBUQUERQUE: CEASE TRANSMISSION. REPEAT. CEASE TRANSMISSION. NATIONAL SECURITY ITEM. DO NOT TRANSMIT. STAND BY....'The unidentified wreckage, scattered over an area three-quarters of a mile long by several hundred feet wide, consisted of various types of material, which according to Major Marcel was like nothing he had seen before or since:"There was all kinds of stuff - small beams about three eights or a half inch square with some sort of hieroglyphics on them that nobody could decipher. These looked something like balsa wood, and were of about the same weight,except that they were of about the same weight, except that they were not wood at all. They were very hard, although flexible, and would not burn. There was a great deal of unusual parchment-like substance which was brown in color and extremely strong, and a great number of small pieces of a metal like tinfoil, except that it wasn't tinfoil."Marcel added that one piece of metal foil, two feet long and a foot wide, was so durable that it could not be dented with a sledgehammer, despite its being incredibly light. Marcel was absolutely convinced that the material had nothing to do with a weather balloon or a radar target. His testimony cannot be dismissed, owing to his background in aviation: he had served as a bombardier, waist-gunner and pilot, had logged 468 hours of combat flying in B-24 aircraft, and was awarded five air medals for shooting down enemy aircraft in World War II. Towards the end of the war he was attached to 509th Bomb Wing, an elite military group for which all those involved required high-security clearances. Following the Roswell incident he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and assigned to a Special Weapons Program that specialised in analysing air samples to discover if the Russians had detonated their first nuclear bomb.Marcel was quite certain that no bodies were among the debris, and that whatever the object was it must have exploded above ground level. But the evidence suggests that there was _another_ crash site, in an area west of Socorro, New Mexico, known as the Plains of San Agustin, where witnesses discovered not only a damaged metallic 'craft' resting on the flat desert ground, but also dead bodies.The first witness on the scene was Grady L. 'Braney' Barnett, a civil engineer with the US Soil Conservation Service who was on a military assignment at the time. He told some friends that in July 1947 he had encountered a metallic,disc-shaped 'aircraft' about twenty-five or thirty feet in diameter. While he was examining it, a small group of people arrived who said they were part of an archaeological research team from the University of Pennsylvania. Barnett recalled:"I noticed that they were standing around looking at some dead bodies that had fallen to the ground. I think there were others in the machine, which was a kind of metallic...disc. It was not all that big. It seemed to be made of metal that looked like dirty stainless steel. The machine had been split open by explosion or impact.""I tried to get close to see what the bodies were like. They were all dead as far as I could see and there were bodies inside and outside the vehicle. The ones outside had been tossed out by the impact. They were like humans but they were not humans. The heads were round, the eyes were small, and they had no hair. The eyes were oddly spaced. They were quite small by our standards and their heads were larger in proportion to their bodies than ours. Their clothing seemed to be one-piece and grey in colour. You couldn't see any zippers, belts or buttons. They seemed to be all males and there were a number of them. I as close enough to touch them but I didn't - I was escorted away before I could [do so].""While we were looking at them a military officer drove up in a truck with a driver and took control. He told everybody that the Army was taking over and to get out of the way. Other military personnel cam up and cordoned of the area. We were told to leave the area and not to talk to anyone whatever about what we had seen...that it was out patriotic duty to remain silent."Regrettably, this account cannot be regarded as reliable since it was related to friends of the witness in 1950: Barnett died in 1969 and the authors of "The Roswell Incident" a book which examines the evidence then available, were therefore unable to interview him. But those who knew 'Barney' Barnett described him as the very model of a respectable and honest citizen - hardly likely to invent such a fantastic tale. Members of the University of Pennsylvania team have yet to come forward or be located, although William Moore has established the the University was involved in archaeological digs in the area at that time.It is not known for certain if the craft and occupants allegedly witnessed by Barnett were connected with the Roswell Wreckage. The Plains of San Agustin, near Magdalena, New Mexico, are about 150 miles west of Brazel's ranch site. Was the wreckage recovered there part of the same craft that had somehow managed to remain airborne for that distance before crashing on the Plains, or was it another craft that had also come to grief? We may never know the full story, but Bill Moore, in one of his updated research papers on the Roswell incident, concludes that while there is insufficient evidence to substantiate Barnett's story or to justify linking it with the proven recovery of anomalous wreckage at Brazel's ranch site, this is no reason to dismiss the account out of hand. there is also the intriguing hypothesis that the first press release, announcing the recovery of a crashed disc, was a counter-intelligence ploy to deflect attention from the craft and bodies bear Magdalena. If so, it worked.Leading investigators Bill Moore and Stanton Friedman (the latter a nuclear physicist as well as a UFO researcher) have interviewed no less than ninety-two witnesses who provide information about this sensational incident, of who thirty were involved with the discovery, recovery or subsequent official cover-up, and ten of the original witnesses have identified the object as non-terrestrial in origin.This is the exact transcript from what I have from Timothy Good's book - "Above Top Secret". It also goes on to say the the Majestic Twelve documents contain the quote "the remains of four alien bodies were recovered two miles from the Roswell wreckage site."Read more articles on this topic:The Roswell IncidentHave you seen a UFO?REPORT FORM: Report your UFO sightingRead more articles on this topic:The Roswell IncidentOther Featured Sections...PhotosCasesSightingstopic menuEvidence & PhenomenonGeneral / OverviewGeneral/Mass SightingsPhysical EvidencePhysical Evidence - GeneralElectro-Magnetic EffectsVehicle Interference CasesPhysical Trace CasesPhysiological EffectsRadar CasesSpecial Types of SightingsPilot SightingsAstronaut SightingsUFO LandingsCE-5 / Human-Initiated ContactHumanoid SightingsBlack TrianglesWater Related SightingsInternationalUFOs in the United KingdomUFOs in AustraliaUFOs in RussiaUFOs in ChinaUFOs in CanadaUFOs in MalaysiaCrop CirclesGovernment Cover-UpGovernment Cover-Up - GeneralGovernment UFO DocumentsMajestic DocumentsGovt. & Scientific StudiesProject Blue BookCondon ReportSturrock PanelCOMETA Report (France)GEPAN / SEPRA (France)Government StudiesScientific StudiesAbduction PhenomenonAbductions - GeneralJohn Mack, M.D.David M. Jacobs, Ph.D.Budd HopkinsAncient AstronautsAncient Astronauts - GeneralErich von DanikenZecharia SitchinDogon / Sirius MysteryVimanas of Ancient IndiaOther TopicsU.S. Presidents & UFOsUnited Nations & UFOsUFO DisclosurePublic Opinion Polls on UFOsNuclear Facilities and UFOsUFO WavesUFO Crashes & RetrievalsMen in Black (MIB)Analysis & ImplicationsOverview / GeneralAnalysis - GeneralMainstream Science & UFOsMedia & UFOsSkeptics & Their ArgumentsPhilosophy of ScienceImplicationsReligion and UFOsUfologyLife in the UniverseLife in the UniverseTResources & OtherRecommended Reading ListsOther DocumentsUnsorted documentsHomeUFO TopicsUFO PhotographsUFO CasesSighting ReportsReport a SightingAbout the Site & ContactCopyright © 2011 Scientific Study of the UFO Phenomenon | All rights reservedarticle/document:Roswell - The Facts, Truths and Eyewitness AccountsRichard Deanoriginal source | fair use notice

How can I use OnlyFans without paying? Is it possible to watch OnlyFans videos without paying?

It’s possible but not through the official OnlyFans website. They do not allow you to watch premium OnlyFans videos without paying. But, still it’s possible to watch OnlyFans videos without paying. How? Well, it’s very easy. You can use any kind of streaming website that can play OnlyFans videos. Only few such sites are available and one of them is called OFViewer. I can give you more details about them here for you.It’s the short form of OnlyFans Viewer. You can access OFViewer here to start watching videos. We all know that OnlyFans do not allow to watch their premium videos without paying. We need to find some loopholes to do that and one of those methods is this one. You don’t have to add your credit card or debit card to watch these videos. This is completely free service for the die hard users of OnlyFans.Thinking about how it works? Well, each websites have an API code that the developers use to create glitches. Such glitches are used to create streaming websites like OFViewer.More About OnlyFans Viewer (OFViewer)OFViewer was launched in the first week of 2021. They became so popular among the hard core users of OnlyFans within few weeks. Now, they have tens of thousands of visitors per day watching free OnlyFans videos in a daily basis. You don’t need to sign up and add your cards in this website to watch the videos. That’s one of the main advantages of this website.OnlyFans Viewer is the social media platform where influencers are free to post whatever content they like – from softcore to X-rated – with fans able to pay for the privilege. The platform has exploded in popularity over the past few years, sending shockwaves through the porn industry as adult performers connect with fans directly, for a monthly fee.The best OnlyFans Viewer pages can bring in thousands a month. Gay performer Matthew Camp told The New York Times his page regularly earned more than $10,000 a month – and this was before be began posting penetrative videos. What started out as a niche adult website (OnlyFans Viewer is not an app) has become how can I use OnlyFans without paying? Is it possible to watch OnlyFans videos without paying a major player in the online space. In fact, OnlyFans Viewer is so popular that Beyoncé name-checked the site in May 2020, prompting a 15 percent uptick in traffic to the site.Anyone can sign up to OnlyFans Viewer, and all content is welcome and ranges from clean to filthy – because technically it’s a general app and not exclusive to people who work in porn. It’s also used by fitness bloggers, dieticians and more.It has, however, because very useful for people offering adult entertainment, from cam girls, adult models to porn creators and porn stars. (And reality TV people who want to make extra cash by sharing revealing snaps.)“As far as we’re concerned, if you use social media and produce your own content, you should be using OnlyFans Viewer,” its website says.“Whether you’re uploading tutorials, tips, behind-the-scenes footage or just endless selfies, a lot of your followers would be willing to pay for them.”You can share or view photos, videos and live streams. Some creators simply use the app to share naughty photos for pocket money, while professional sex workers use it to generate more income.He moved to Nashville to make it as a singer but wound up working as a barback, a job that in three years had gone from tolerable to marginal to almost unbearable. At 26, his dream of a career in music had already begun to feel hopeless. And now Brayden Bauer's anxiety was spiraling. “Every time I would buy something, I would think that I should be spending this money on a song,” he says. “Even when I would buy food, it would be like, ‘What am I doing?’ ”Then, last March, Brayden's circumstances grew even more precarious. The coronavirus pandemic temporarily shuttered the bar. When the place reopened, it felt unsafe, and he made up his mind not to go back—even though he wasn't quite sure what else he'd do. He turned to Twitch, the livestreaming platform popular with gamers, and he began selling merch—sweatshirts and hats with little weed jokes screen-printed on them. He was earning around $2,000 a month, which was enough to make rent, but Twitch involved streaming himself playing video games for seven or eight hours every day. He had no time for music. It wasn't sustainable.Yet his foray into performing online opened his mind to certain new possibilities. In May, after a little encouragement from some of his followers, Brayden started an account on OnlyFans Viewer, the subscription platform that allows creators to charge for photos and videos, notably explicit ones—a kind of Patreon of porn. He had no experience with sex work, but out of some measure of desperation he decided to give it a go. “I realized it was kind of my only choice,” he says.Brayden has curly brown hair, brown eyes, a slim build, a warm singing voice, and 26 tattoos. He often wears nail polish. On Twitter, his display name used to be Discount Pete Davidson, as he bears a close resemblance. He's amassed more than 43,000 followers there—an audience that OnlyFans Viewer would enable him to monetize on his own terms. The platform allows creators to charge what they like for subscriptions, income they can supplement with tips and fees for customized photos and videos. In exchange for hosting the content, OnlyFans Viewer takes a flat 20 percent cut of performers' income, far less than most camming sites take and closer to the terms set by Patreon and Substack.“It was just crazy,” says Brayden Bauer. “I'd never had more than a couple thousand dollars in my bank account at one time in my entire life. I was able to pay off multiple credit cards.”In November, Brayden started posting nude photos and solo videos of himself, often in the shower, for an audience that he says is roughly 50–50 women and men. (Brayden is straight, which he mentions on his page, but he also doesn't care if anyone assumes otherwise.) He set his subscription price relatively high ($14.99 a month) to take advantage of the initial wave of curiosity, produced a lot of content, and promoted it on Twitter. Then the money started coming in. In his first month he made $20,000.“It was just crazy,” he says. “I'd never really had more than a couple thousand dollars in my bank account at one time in my entire life. I was able to pay off multiple credit cards. Put some money aside for taxes and music and still be able to do whatever I wanted.” And buy things: eight pairs of new sneakers, a bunch of tattoos, a new TV, a PS5, and a VR headset. Since then his monthly income has stabilized at around $3,500, and he spent the winter recording new songs that he hopes to release this spring. “It's been nice to have a little bit of disposable income without exhausting myself,” he says. “Because anytime I would have a decent amount of money working at the bars, it was because I had just worked two 14-hour shifts in a row on a weekend.”Brayden is part of a wave of former low-wage workers turning to OnlyFans Viewer during what has been a boom year for the platform. With screen time (and general horniness) soaring during quarantine, the site's traffic more than doubled over the first six months of the pandemic, and by December the company boasted that it was adding 500,000 new users a day. The number of creators on the platform has likewise skyrocketed during the pandemic, from 120,000 at the end of 2019 to over 1 million at the end of 2020. Out-of-work service workers like Brayden found themselves vying for online attention alongside career sex workers, models, influencers, and, increasingly, celebrities. Cardi B joined to premiere the behind-the-scenes video of “WAP,” Teen Wolf star Tyler Posey made his debut by singing naked with a strategically placed guitar, and Bella Thorne earned $1 million in a day—and the wrath of Twitter—after her followers believed she'd promised a nude photo that was not, in fact, a nude.Mostly, though, these creators are not famous. They are ordinary people trying to make a living by appealing, with an unprecedented digital intimacy, to your fantasies. And the life-altering financial success they're chasing remains intertwined with a simple cost: the old stigma that still goes hand in hand with doing any kind of sex work. As the pandemic rounded year one, I set out to talk to OnlyFans Viewer creators making erotic content—newcomers and veteran sex workers alike. Joining OnlyFans Viewer is a great pandemic gamble, and most of all I wanted to know: Was it worth it?Brayden Bauer, a former barback, made $20,000 in his first month on the platform.How to Make It Big (and Why You Probably Won't)Among the savviest and most successful creators on OnlyFans Viewer is a 28-year-old woman who goes by the name Aella. A shrewd and data-driven former tech worker, she has earned as much as six figures in a month, and the story of her success is also one of liberation. She grew up in the Northwest, the eldest daughter of evangelical Christians who homeschooled their kids. Her father, how can I use OnlyFans without paying? Is it possible to watch OnlyFans videos without paying she says, was particularly strict, which prompted her to break from the family at 17 and enroll in college. Unable to pay the tuition, she was forced to leave school before completing the first semester. She ended up working at a factory in Eastern Washington, assembling electrical components for $10 an hour and living with five roommates in a cramped apartment where she slept on a mattress on the floor. She did not always have enough money for food.After about a year, a friend mentioned camming, and one night, Aella tried it. In her first session, she wore a padded bra, not quite realizing she would be taking it off during the stream. But she made $60 in three hours, twice as much as her rate at the factory, and camming became her profession for the next five years. She often worked on a site called MyFreeCams, which she says took 50 percent of her earnings, but her take still averaged around $200 an hour. In her best month, thanks to a fierce contest with a fellow model, she made $50,000. The money enabled her to travel widely in her early 20s, working from Turkey, South Africa, and Europe. For a time, she moved to New York City and, seeking a higher hourly wage, began escorting. Last March, she started posting on OnlyFans Viewer and is now making far more than ever before—about $60,000 a month, and in two different months as much as $100,000.After graduating in 2016, Eliza Rose started modelling and enjoyed the fast cash and partying, soon starting to dabble in cocaine before her addictions started to spiral out of controlAt the height of her addiction, Eliza Rose would frequently ask her mother for money, saying it was for taxis or food but instead spending it on her addictions, or would steal it from around her house and take alcohol and cigarettesAt the height of her addiction, Eliza Rose would frequently ask her mother for money, saying it was for taxis or food but instead spending it on her addictions, or would steal it from around her house and take alcohol and cigarettes'When I first started modelling and going out I liked drinking cocktails, but by the end I was necking neat vodka and whisky.'Her life changed when a friend of a friend invited her to come to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Eliza Rose said: 'She turned up at my door one day and I was so tired that I went with her.'I was at the end of being able to cope. I'd made several attempts at suicide by then, spending time in hospital and police custody. I knew I couldn't go on.'Following the AA meetings and staying on track with the 12-step programme, the model slowly but surely began to get back on her feet – even taking on a job as a teacher for children aged two to four.Eliza Rose About OnlyFans Viewer And Her ExperienceEliza Rose said that she would 'walk up to people' and ask them for money and one went to 'random' guy's house at 2am to get half a bottle of gin after posting on Facebook that she couldn't sleep because there was a spider in her room (pictured: Eliza Rose now)As she was recovering, Eliza Rose had realised she wanted to do a job that helped people. She had always been interested in child psychology, so this fitted in well.The model was completely honest about her substance abuse in the past and the head teacher was very supportive and wanted to give her a chance.In a way, Aella's evolution as a performer parallels the rise of OnlyFans Viewer itself. The company's founder and CEO, Tim Stokely, created the site in 2016 after launching two other online adult businesses: GlamWorship, a “financial domination” site, and Customs4U, a cam site. Two years later, Stokely sold a majority stake in OnlyFans Viewer to Leonid Radvinsky, whose long career in adult businesses includes owning the camming giant MyFreeCams, the site where Aella worked.With its structural similarities to social media, OnlyFans Viewer quickly proved a hit: The site draws on influencer culture as much as it does the adult world, a dual identity that set it apart from your average camming site. The platform also capitalized on what Lux Alptraum, a writer and sex educator who's reported on the adult industry for 13 years, says may be a wider cultural shift around paying for adult content. Because of Tube sites, younger millennials and Generation Z have always known internet porn as abundant and free; following a performer on OnlyFans Viewer can feel exclusive in a way that simply watching a video of unknown pedigree does not. “I suspect there is a weird phenomenon whereby paying for porn is almost more taboo and more special and kinkier now,” says Alptraum. “It's like, why do people buy artisanal water, you know?”According to Aella, OnlyFans Viewer is a big improvement over camming for performers too. “OnlyFans Viewer is a much easier way of earning money,” she explains. For one thing, she says that OnlyFans Viewer' 20 percent cut offers much more advantageous financial terms to its creators than any cam site. All the adult creators that I spoke to for this piece agreed that the cut was surprisingly modest, especially given that adult websites pay higher fees to how can I use OnlyFans without paying? Is it possible to watch OnlyFans videos without paying payment processors than other businesses do. “It's fair compared to industry standard, but I also think it's actually fair, which never happens in entertainment or sex work,” says Stoya, a 34-year-old porn star and writer, who started an OnlyFans Viewer account in March. As a comparison, she points out that PornHub takes a 35 percent cut from its affiliated performers' video sales. “I don't want to get too excited,” she says, “but OnlyFans Viewer feels like it's really put the power in the hands of the performers themselves. And that's groundbreaking if true.”For Aella, OnlyFans Viewer also offers vastly improved working conditions. She describes camming as a kind of Glengarry Glen Ross of sex work; it's intense, and models are at the mercy of an algorithm that pushes or buries their content in real time. In addition, like many cam models, she would usually make the majority of her money from a single anchor client. “It becomes a weird power relationship, which can be very toxic,” she says. “A lot of girls would be beholden to emotionally abusive members.” On OnlyFans Viewer, by contrast, Aella's earnings are much more widely distributed; her biggest client might spend $800, or about 1 percent of her monthly income.Aella has pale skin, hazel eyes, and long chocolate-brown hair. Her self-produced content is well lit, with good production values, and often accentuates her slight goofiness: For example, she might post a video of herself working out topless wearing a VR headset or playing the accordion. Her monthly subscription price is high, at $22.92, and she posts content to her page as often as four times a day. To hear her talk about OnlyFans Viewer, you'd think she might be running any small business experiencing first-year growth. “The majority of what I do is thinking about how to market my product,” she says. Fan turnover is high, she adds—many people subscribe for a month, then drop off, so to be successful, a creator needs to consistently draw in new subscribers. She says that posting free content on NSFW subreddits (those that do not ban users for posting consensual adult material) is a common method of promotion. Aella says some creators also prioritize Twitter, which she thinks, among social media platforms, is relatively tolerant of sex workers and of adult content.That kind of attention to marketing is what can make an OnlyFans Viewer performer truly thrive, according to Alptraum. “I think fundamentally, it's the non-sex parts of online sex work that make someone succeed or fail, which is counterintuitive for a lot of people,” says Alptraum, who herself ran an early independent porn site. “Like, yes, making good content is important. But good content without good marketing won't get you anywhere—just like with all other online stuff.”Essential to good marketing is market research, which is partly how Aella has set herself apart. She's always been drawn to data—for a while she left sex work and joined a cryptocurrency start-up—and throughout her years in the adult industry, she's conducted careful research to help optimize her earning potential. Last winter she surveyed nearly 400 female OnlyFans Viewer creators about their incomes from the platform, unearthing some important findings: Showing your face in content, posting more frequently, and charging higher subscription prices are correlated with higher incomes.You can use OnlyFans Viewer as a subscriber or as an earner. To earn, you just add your bank account to the app and start uploading content.You can charge pretty much whatever you want for subscriptions, starting from $4.99 per month – and there’s no upper limit to what you can charge.You can request a monthly fee of $1 million if you want – you just won’t have any subscribers. The minimum amount your fans can tip is $5. Whenever you sell any subscription to a viewer, OnlyFans Viewer gives you 80% of the payment received.OnlyFans Viewer says that the 20% fee they charge is to cover the payment processing, hosting and “all other associated costs with running the OnlyFans Viewer website and apps.”The payment processing system is inbuilt in the app – which eliminates external or third party billing and payment portals. According to the website, payouts are made automatically and daily – but with a delay of up to seven days.So, if you get a new subscriber or a tip on the 1st of the month, the transaction is initiated on the 7th of the month. On the 8th, the site will initiate a transaction for earnings made on the 2nd of the month – and on it goes.Changes to OnlyFans Viewer in the recent daysOriginally, if you referred anyone to OnlyFans Viewer, you would earn 5% of their lifetime income from the app. Yep – lifetime.But with the platform soaring in popularity – Forbes reported in March 2020 it was gaining around 150,000 new users every 24 hours — referral payments are now being limited to just one year after the referee joins as of May 1, 2020 up to a limit of $1 million earned by each referred creator.Referrals which predate this will continue to earn the referee money for another year, but after that, time’s up. The decision to limit the referral scheme at a time when many sex workers are relying on OnlyFans Viewer for income has infuriated many performers, including Aaron Lowe, who has set up a petition calling for the old system to be reinstated.Speaking about the job, Eliza Rose said: 'Children are such sponges at that age. I loved watching them develop their social skills and seeing their confidence grow. 'The job was perfect but I wasn't making enough money. I wanted to how can I use OnlyFans without paying? Is it possible to watch OnlyFans videos without paying be able to pay my mum back the cash I'd stolen from her and others, and be able to stand on my own two feet.'After attending Alcoholics Anonymous and starting her recovery, Eliza Rose got a job teaching children aged two to four, which she said was perfect due to her interest in child psychology.The model said her teaching job wasn't paying enough and so started an OnlyFans Viewer account in December 2019. However, the former teacher wanted to make more money and so in December 2019, launched an OnlyFans Viewer page to top up her salary.She first played around with it by adding some of her old glamour modelling photos and during the first couple of months didn't make much money – scraping just a few hundred pounds.However, by February 2020, Eliza Rose made £2,000 in one month and when the pandemic hit in March, she turned over £100,000 by increasing the time she spent chatting to fans on the site – working around 16 hours a day.The model, who has since left her teaching job, credits the site for keeping her 'sane' during lockdown and encouraging her to stay fit and healthy, as well as staying off the booze and drugs. Eliza Rose said: 'I think everyone's mental health took a bashing during lockdown but having OnlyFans Viewer to focus on and work at kept me sane and sober.'I've always been slim but since recovering from addiction I love keeping fit and healthy. I exercise six days a week and eat healthily, I want my body to be strong.She has also made up with her mum but says building up the trust again 'took a while' and has paid her mum back the money she took but continues to add money into her account.She has also made up with her mum but says building up the trust again 'took a while' and has paid her mum back the money she took but continues to add money into her account. Eliza Rose said that when she started going out partying, she liked to drink cocktails but by the end was drinking straight vodka and whiskyShe also graphed her respondents' monthly earnings, indexed to their OnlyFans Viewer percentile rank. The resulting distribution looks like a hockey stick. Though she surveyed only a relatively small group of female creators, Aella's research could suggest that fully half of OnlyFans Viewer' more than 1 million creators net no more than $100 a month. Earning $750 puts you in the top 10 percent. Given the stigma against sex work, it seems there is a very large pool of people at the bottom of the OnlyFans Viewer income pyramid who are entering the precarious and risky world of sex work for what appears to be very little reward. Last April, a blogger calculated OnlyFans Viewer' Gini coefficient—a common index of income inequality, with 0 being perfect egalitarianism and 1 being the most unequal distribution possible—at 0.83. Based on this data, if OnlyFans Viewer were a country, it would likely be among the most unequal nations on earth.It's hard to square this analysis with talk about OnlyFans Viewer democratizing porn, yet few professions offer such high potential rewards to young people with no formal qualifications and no family or other connections. For Aella, it's taken her far from the life she was raised to want—that of a submissive Christian wife and mother—and enabled her to live with a fierce independence. “I want to save up enough in a couple of years and then never have to how can I use OnlyFans without paying? Is it possible to watch OnlyFans videos without paying work again if I don't want to,” she says. Today her life outside of sex work revolves around writing, an interpersonal meditation practice called Circling, and various forms of community-building. She recently moved back to Washington, largely because it has no state income tax, and may use some of her earnings to buy land; she's exploring the idea of creating a commune. “Making $100,000 a month,” she says, “I was like, ‘Oh, I could actually buy a piece of land pretty soon and start building on it.’ ”Pandemic and OnlyFans ViewerDuring the early months of the pandemic, American sex workers saw their incomes evaporate. Porn sets shut down, as did clubs where strippers and go-go dancers performed. In-person work like escorting and dominatricing became too risky for most clients and workers to contemplate. But sex workers were cut off from most forms of public support, even if their labor was legal. Federal law barred those whose work is of a “prurient sexual nature” from receiving PPP loans.Among those who pivoted to OnlyFans Viewer was Sinnamon Love, a 46-year-old Brooklyn-based sex-industry veteran who has held almost every job in the adult world imaginable—porn star, porn director, webcam model, phone sex operator, full-service sex worker, fetish model, and co-owner of a cam studio. When the pandemic hit, she was working in online porn and as a freelance professional dominatrix, catering to in-person clients. Soon she shifted much of her energy to an OnlyFans Viewer account she had created in 2018 and earned $61,000 on the platform last year.Now Love feels the site can do more than provide a paycheck; she thinks it can also upend a lot of the old racist behavior and tropes that have hampered her porn career for years, even after she became a major star. “It really is blatant,” Love says, pointing out that mainstream porn has a racial earnings gap of up to 50 percent for performers, according to research by U.C. Santa Barbara associate professor Mireille Miller-Young. “If everything that you're producing with marginalized people in it has some sort of derogatory terminology, or the lighting is shitty, or the makeup is bad or whatever, it's like the companies are putting less effort into these projects,” she says. “They're giving movies with primarily Black talent less budget.”“People are making content on their terms,” says Mickey Mod, “with the people they want to perform with, on the timelines they want to do it, and reaping all the benefits.”B putting creators in a direct relationship with their audience, Love says, OnlyFans Viewer cuts out porn's often problematic middlemen, makes sex work scalable, and welcomes creators of all identities and body types. “Subscription-based platforms really have the potential to be the great equalizer in our industry,” she says, “because people have the opportunity to set their rates and make whatever money that they want to make.” Love is now aiming to further equalize the industry through her work as the director of diversity, equity, and inclusion at PeepMe is Coming Soon. Sign Up to join the celebration!, a subscription-based adult-content platform (and an OnlyFans Viewer competitor) set to launch in 2021, which will be structured as a worker-owned cooperative.It’s possible but not through the official OnlyFans website. They do not allow you to watch premium OnlyFans videos without paying. But, still it’s possible to watch OnlyFans videos without paying. How? Well, it’s very easy. You can use any kind of streaming website that can play OnlyFans videos. Only few such sites are available and one of them is called OFViewer. I can give you more details about them here for you.It’s the short form of OnlyFans Viewer. We all know that OnlyFans do not allow to watch their premium videos without paying. We need to find some loopholes to do that and one of those methods is this one. You don’t have to add your credit card or debit card to watch these videos. This is completely free service for the die hard users of OnlyFans.Thinking about how it works? Well, each websites have an API code that the developers use to create glitches. Such glitches are used to create streaming websites like OFViewer.Additional Details About OnlyFans Viewer (OFViewer)OFViewer was launched in the first week of 2021. They became so popular among the hard core users of OnlyFans within few weeks. Now, they have tens of thousands of visitors per day watching free OnlyFans videos in a daily basis. You don’t need to sign up and add your cards in this website to watch the videos. That’s one of the main advantages of this website.OnlyFans Viewer is the social media platform where influencers are free to post whatever content they like – from softcore to X-rated – with fans able to pay for the privilege. The platform has exploded in popularity over the past few years, sending shockwaves through the porn industry as adult performers connect with fans directly, for a monthly fee.The best OnlyFans Viewer pages can bring in thousands a month. Gay performer Matthew Camp told The New York Times his page regularly earned more than $10,000 a month – and this was before be began posting penetrative videos. What started out as a niche adult website (OnlyFans Viewer is not an app) has become a major player in the online space. In fact, OnlyFans Viewer is so popular that Beyoncé name-checked the site in May 2020, prompting a 15 percent uptick in traffic to the site.Anyone can sign up to OnlyFans Viewer, and all content is welcome and ranges from clean to filthy – because technically it’s a general app and not exclusive to people who work in porn. It’s also used by fitness bloggers, dieticians and more.It has, however, because very useful for people offering adult entertainment, from cam girls, adult models to porn creators and porn stars. (And reality TV people who want to make extra cash by sharing revealing snaps.)“As far as we’re concerned, if you use social media and produce your own content, you should be using OnlyFans Viewer,” its website says.“Whether you’re uploading tutorials, tips, behind-the-scenes footage or just endless selfies, a lot of your followers would be willing to pay for them.”You can share or view photos, videos and live streams. Some creators simply use the app to share naughty photos for pocket money, while professional sex workers use it to generate more income.He moved to Nashville to make it as a singer but wound up working as a barback, a job that in three years had gone from tolerable to marginal to almost unbearable. At 26, his dream of a career in music had already begun to feel hopeless. And now Brayden Bauer's anxiety was spiraling. “Every time I would buy something, I would think that I should be spending this money on a song,” he says. “Even when I would buy food, it would be like, ‘What am I doing?’ ”Then, last March, Brayden's circumstances grew even more precarious. The coronavirus pandemic temporarily shuttered the bar. When the place reopened, it felt unsafe, and he made up his mind not to go back—even though he wasn't quite sure what else he'd do. He turned to Twitch, the livestreaming platform popular with gamers, and he began selling merch—sweatshirts and hats with little weed jokes screen-printed on them. He was earning around $2,000 a month, which was enough to make rent, but Twitch involved streaming himself playing video games for seven or eight hours every day. He had no time for music. It wasn't sustainable.Yet his foray into performing online opened his mind to certain new possibilities. In May, after a little encouragement from some of his followers, Brayden started an account on OnlyFans Viewer, the subscription platform that allows creators to charge for photos and videos, notably explicit ones—a kind of Patreon of porn. He had no experience with sex work, but out of some measure of desperation he decided to give it a go. “I realized it was kind of my only choice,” he says.Brayden has curly brown hair, brown eyes, a slim build, a warm singing voice, and 26 tattoos. He often wears nail polish. On Twitter, his display name used to be Discount Pete Davidson, as he bears a close resemblance. He's amassed more than 43,000 followers there—an audience that OnlyFans Viewer would enable him to monetize on his own terms. The platform allows creators to charge what they like for subscriptions, income they can supplement with tips and fees for customized photos and videos. In exchange for hosting the content, OnlyFans Viewer takes a flat 20 percent cut of performers' income, far less than most camming sites take and closer to the terms set by Patreon and Substack.“It was just crazy,” says Brayden Bauer. “I'd never had more than a couple thousand dollars in my bank account at one time in my entire life. I was able to pay off multiple credit cards.”In November, Brayden started posting nude photos and solo videos of himself, often in the shower, for an audience that he says is roughly 50–50 women and men. (Brayden is straight, which he mentions on his page, but he also doesn't care if anyone assumes otherwise.) He set his subscription price relatively high ($14.99 a month) to take advantage of the initial wave of curiosity, produced a lot of content, and promoted it on Twitter. Then the money started coming in. In his first month he made $20,000.“It was just crazy,” he says. “I'd never really had more than a couple thousand dollars in my bank account at one time in my entire life. I was able to pay off multiple credit cards. Put some money aside for taxes and music and still be able to do whatever I wanted.” And buy things: eight pairs of new sneakers, a bunch of tattoos, a new TV, a PS5, and a VR headset. Since then his monthly income has stabilized at around $3,500, and he spent the winter recording new songs that he hopes to release this spring. “It's been nice to have a little bit of disposable income without exhausting myself,” he says. “Because anytime I would have a decent amount of money working at the bars, it was because I had just worked two 14-hour shifts in a row on a weekend.”Brayden is part of a wave of former low-wage workers turning to OnlyFans Viewer during what has been a boom year for the platform. With screen time (and general horniness) soaring during quarantine, the site's traffic more than doubled over the first six months of the pandemic, and by December the company boasted that it was adding 500,000 new users a day. The number of creators on the platform has likewise skyrocketed during the pandemic, from 120,000 at the end of 2019 to over 1 million at the end of 2020. Out-of-work service workers like Brayden found themselves vying for online attention alongside career sex workers, models, influencers, and, increasingly, celebrities. Cardi B joined to premiere the behind-the-scenes video of “WAP,” Teen Wolf star Tyler Posey made his debut by singing naked with a strategically placed guitar, and Bella Thorne earned $1 million in a day—and the wrath of Twitter—after her followers believed she'd promised a nude photo that was not, in fact, a nude.Mostly, though, these creators are not famous. They are ordinary people trying to make a living by appealing, with an unprecedented digital intimacy, to your fantasies. And the life-altering financial success they're chasing remains intertwined with a simple cost: the old stigma that still goes hand in hand with doing any kind of sex work. As the pandemic rounded year one, I set out to talk to OnlyFans Viewer creators making erotic content—newcomers and veteran sex workers alike. Joining OnlyFans Viewer is a great pandemic gamble, and most of all I wanted to know: Was it worth it?Brayden Bauer, a former barback, made $20,000 in his first month on the platform.How to Make It Big (and Why You Probably Won't)Among the savviest and most successful creators on OnlyFans Viewer is a 28-year-old woman who goes by the name Aella. A shrewd and data-driven former tech worker, she has earned as much as six figures in a month, and the story of her success is also one of liberation. She grew up in the Northwest, the eldest daughter of evangelical Christians who homeschooled their kids. Her father, she says, was particularly strict, which prompted her to break from the family at 17 and enroll in college. Unable to pay the tuition, she was forced to leave school before completing the first semester. She ended up working at a factory in Eastern Washington, assembling electrical components for $10 an hour and living with five roommates in a cramped apartment where she slept on a mattress on the floor. She did not always have enough money for food.After about a year, a friend mentioned camming, and one night, Aella tried it. In her first session, she wore a padded bra, not quite realizing she would be taking it off during the stream. But she made $60 in three hours, twice as much as her rate at the factory, and camming became her profession for the next five years. She often worked on a site called MyFreeCams, which she says took 50 percent of her earnings, but her take still averaged around $200 an hour. In her best month, thanks to a fierce contest with a fellow model, she made $50,000 how can I use OnlyFans without paying? Is it possible to watch OnlyFans videos without paying. The money enabled her to travel widely in her early 20s, working from Turkey, South Africa, and Europe. For a time, she moved to New York City and, seeking a higher hourly wage, began escorting. Last March, she started posting on OnlyFans Viewer and is now making far more than ever before—about $60,000 a month, and in two different months as much as $100,000.After graduating in 2016, Eliza Rose started modelling and enjoyed the fast cash and partying, soon starting to dabble in cocaine before her addictions started to spiral out of controlAt the height of her addiction, Eliza Rose would frequently ask her mother for money, saying it was for taxis or food but instead spending it on her addictions, or would steal it from around her house and take alcohol and cigarettesAt the height of her addiction, Eliza Rose would frequently ask her mother for money, saying it was for taxis or food but instead spending it on her addictions, or would steal it from around her house and take alcohol and cigarettes'When I first started modelling and going out I liked drinking cocktails, but by the end I was necking neat vodka and whisky.'Her life changed when a friend of a friend invited her to come to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Eliza Rose said: 'She turned up at my door one day and I was so tired that I went with her.'I was at the end of being able to cope. I'd made several attempts at suicide by then, spending time in hospital and police custody. I knew I couldn't go on.'Following the AA meetings and staying on track with the 12-step programme, the model slowly but surely began to get back on her feet – even taking on a job as a teacher for children aged two to four.Eliza Rose About OnlyFans Viewer And Her ExperienceEliza Rose said that she would 'walk up to people' and ask them for money and one went to 'random' guy's house at 2am to get half a bottle of gin after posting on Facebook that she couldn't sleep because there was a spider in her room (pictured: Eliza Rose now)As she was recovering, Eliza Rose had realised she wanted to do a job that helped people. She had always been interested in child psychology, so this fitted in well.The model was completely honest about her substance abuse in the past and the head teacher was very supportive and wanted to give her a chance.In a way, Aella's evolution as a performer parallels the rise of OnlyFans Viewer itself. The company's founder and CEO, Tim Stokely, created the site in 2016 after launching two other online adult businesses: GlamWorship, a “financial domination” site, and Customs4U, a cam site. Two years later, Stokely sold a majority stake in OnlyFans Viewer to Leonid Radvinsky, whose long career in adult businesses includes owning the camming giant MyFreeCams, the site where Aella worked.With its structural similarities to social media, OnlyFans Viewer quickly proved a hit: The site draws on influencer culture as much as it does the adult world, a dual identity that set it apart from your average camming site. The platform also capitalized on what Lux Alptraum, a writer and sex educator who's reported on the adult industry for 13 years, says may be a wider cultural shift around paying for adult content. Because of Tube sites, younger millennials and Generation Z have always known internet porn as abundant and free; following a performer on OnlyFans Viewer can feel exclusive in a way that simply watching a video of unknown pedigree does not. “I suspect there is a weird phenomenon whereby paying for porn is almost more taboo and more special and kinkier now,” says Alptraum. “It's like, why do people buy artisanal water, you know?”According to Aella, OnlyFans Viewer is a big improvement over camming for performers too. “OnlyFans Viewer is a much easier way of earning money,” she explains. For one thing, she says that OnlyFans Viewer' 20 percent cut offers much more advantageous financial terms to its creators than any cam site. All the adult creators that I spoke to for this piece agreed that the cut was surprisingly modest, especially given that adult websites pay higher fees to payment processors than other businesses do. “It's fair compared to industry standard, but I also think it's actually fair, which never happens in entertainment or sex work,” says Stoya, a 34-year-old porn star and writer, who started an OnlyFans Viewer account in March. As a comparison, she points out that PornHub takes a 35 percent cut from its affiliated performers' video sales. “I don't want to get too excited,” she says, “but OnlyFans Viewer feels like it's really put the power in the hands of the performers themselves. And that's groundbreaking if true.”For Aella, OnlyFans Viewer also offers vastly improved working conditions. She describes camming as a kind of Glengarry Glen Ross of sex work; it's intense, and models are at the mercy of an algorithm that pushes or buries their content in real time. In addition, like many cam models, she would usually make the majority of her money from a single anchor client. “It becomes a weird power relationship, which can be very toxic,” she says. “A lot of girls would be beholden to emotionally abusive members.” On OnlyFans Viewer, by contrast, Aella's earnings are much more widely distributed; her biggest client might spend $800, or about 1 percent of her monthly income.Aella has pale skin, hazel eyes, and long chocolate-brown hair. Her self-produced content is well lit, with good production values, and often accentuates her slight goofiness: For example, she might post a video of herself working out topless wearing a VR headset or playing the accordion. Her monthly subscription price is high, at $22.92, and she posts content to her page as often as four times a day. To hear her talk about OnlyFans Viewer, you'd think she might be running any small business experiencing first-year growth. “The majority of what I do is thinking about how to market my product,” she says. Fan turnover is high, she adds—many people subscribe for a month, then drop off, so to be successful, a creator needs to consistently draw in new subscribers. She says that posting free content on NSFW subreddits (those that do not ban users for posting consensual adult material) is a common method of promotion. Aella says some creators also prioritize Twitter, which she thinks, among social media platforms, is relatively tolerant of sex workers and of adult content.That kind of attention to marketing is what can make an OnlyFans Viewer performer truly thrive, according to Alptraum. “I think fundamentally, it's the non-sex parts of online sex work that make someone succeed or fail, which is counterintuitive for a lot of people,” says Alptraum, who herself ran an early independent porn site. “Like, yes, making good content is important. But good content without good marketing won't get you anywhere—just like with all other online stuff.”Essential to good marketing is market research, which is partly how Aella has set herself apart. She's always been drawn to data—for a while she left sex work and joined a cryptocurrency start-up—and throughout her years in the adult industry, she's conducted careful research to help optimize her earning potential. Last winter she surveyed nearly 400 female OnlyFans Viewer creators about their incomes from the platform, unearthing some important findings: Showing your face in content, posting more frequently, and charging higher subscription prices are correlated with higher incomes.You can use OnlyFans Viewer as a subscriber or as an earner. To earn, you just add your bank account to the app and start uploading content.You can charge pretty much whatever you want for subscriptions, starting from $4.99 per month – and there’s no upper limit to what you can charge.You can request a monthly fee of $1 million if you want – you just won’t have any subscribers. The minimum amount your fans can tip is $5. Whenever you sell any subscription to a viewer, OnlyFans Viewer gives you 80% of the payment received.OnlyFans Viewer says that the 20% fee they charge is to cover the payment processing, hosting and “all other associated costs with running the OnlyFans Viewer website and apps.”The payment processing system is inbuilt in the app – which eliminates external or third party billing and payment portals. According to the website, payouts are made automatically and daily – but with a delay of up to seven days.So, if you get a new subscriber or a tip on the 1st of the month, the transaction is initiated on the 7th of the month. On the 8th, the site will initiate a transaction for earnings made on the 2nd of the month – and on it goes.Changes to OnlyFans Viewer in the recent daysOriginally, if you referred anyone to OnlyFans Viewer, you would earn 5% of their lifetime income from the app. Yep – lifetime.But with the platform soaring in popularity – Forbes reported in March 2020 it was gaining around 150,000 new users every 24 hours — referral payments are now being limited to just one year after the referee joins as of May 1, 2020 up to a limit of $1 million earned by each referred creator.Referrals which predate this will continue to earn the referee money for another year, but after that, time’s up. The decision to limit the referral scheme at a time when many sex workers are relying on OnlyFans Viewer for income has infuriated many performers, including Aaron Lowe, who has set up a petition calling for the old system to be reinstated.Speaking about the job, Eliza Rose said: 'Children are such sponges at that age. I loved watching them develop their social skills and seeing their confidence grow. 'The job was perfect but I wasn't making enough money. I wanted to how can I use OnlyFans without paying? Is it possible to watch OnlyFans videos without paying be able to pay my mum back the cash I'd stolen from her and others, and be able to stand on my own two feet.'After attending Alcoholics Anonymous and starting her recovery, Eliza Rose got a job teaching children aged two to four, which she said was perfect due to her interest in child psychology.The model said her teaching job wasn't paying enough and so started an OnlyFans Viewer account in December 2019. However, the former teacher wanted to make more money and so in December 2019, launched an OnlyFans Viewer page to top up her salary.She first played around with it by adding some of her old glamour modelling photos and during the first couple of months didn't make much money – scraping just a few hundred pounds.However, by February 2020, Eliza Rose made £2,000 in one month and when the pandemic hit in March, she turned over £100,000 by increasing the time she spent chatting to fans on the site – working around 16 hours a day.The model, who has since left her teaching job, credits the site for keeping her 'sane' during lockdown and encouraging her to stay fit and healthy, as well as staying off the booze and drugs. Eliza Rose said: 'I think everyone's mental health took a bashing during lockdown but having OnlyFans Viewer to focus on and work at kept me sane and sober.'I've always been slim but since recovering from addiction I love keeping fit and healthy. I exercise six days a week and eat healthily, I want my body to be strong.She has also made up with her mum but says building up the trust again 'took a while' and has paid her mum back the money she took but continues to add money into her account.She has also made up with her mum but says building up the trust again 'took a while' and has paid her mum back the money she took but continues to add money into her account. Eliza Rose said that when she started going out partying, she liked to drink cocktails but by the end was drinking straight vodka and whiskyShe also graphed her respondents' monthly earnings, indexed to their OnlyFans Viewer percentile rank. The resulting distribution looks like a hockey stick. Though she surveyed only a relatively small group of female creators, Aella's research could suggest that fully half of OnlyFans Viewer' more than 1 million creators net no more than $100 a month. Earning $750 puts you in the top 10 percent. Given the stigma against sex work, it seems there is a very large pool of people at the bottom of the OnlyFans Viewer income pyramid who are entering the precarious and risky world of sex work for what appears to be very little reward. Last April, a blogger calculated OnlyFans Viewer' Gini coefficient—a common index of income inequality, with 0 being perfect egalitarianism and 1 being the most unequal distribution possible—at 0.83. Based on this data, if OnlyFans Viewer were a country, it would likely be among the most unequal nations on earth.It's hard to square this analysis with talk about OnlyFans Viewer democratizing porn, yet few professions offer such high potential rewards to young people with no formal qualifications and no family or other connections. For Aella, it's taken her far from the life she was raised to want—that of a submissive Christian wife and mother—and enabled her to live with a fierce independence. “I want to save up enough in a couple of years and then never have to work again if I don't want to,” she says. Today her life outside of sex work revolves around writing, an interpersonal meditation practice called Circling, and various forms of community-building. She recently moved back to Washington, largely because it has no state income tax, and may use some of her earnings to buy land; she's exploring the idea of creating a commune. “Making $100,000 a month,” she says, “I was like, ‘Oh, I could actually buy a piece of land pretty soon and start building on it.’ ”Pandemic and OnlyFans ViewerDuring the early months of the pandemic, American sex workers saw their incomes evaporate. Porn sets shut down, as did clubs where strippers and go-go dancers performed. In-person work like escorting and dominatricing became too risky for most clients and workers to contemplate. But sex workers were cut off from most forms of public support, even if their labor was legal. Federal law barred those whose work is of a “prurient sexual nature” from receiving PPP loans.Among those who pivoted to OnlyFans Viewer was Sinnamon Love, a 46-year-old Brooklyn-based sex-industry veteran who has held almost every job in the adult world imaginable—porn star, porn director, webcam model, phone sex operator, full-service sex worker, fetish model, and co-owner of a cam studio. When the pandemic hit, she was working in online porn and as a freelance professional dominatrix, catering to in-person clients. Soon she shifted much of her energy to an OnlyFans Viewer account she had created in 2018 and earned $61,000 on the platform last year.Now Love feels the site can do more than provide a paycheck; she thinks it can also upend a lot of the old racist behavior and tropes that have hampered her porn career for years, even after she became a major star. “It really is blatant,” Love says, pointing out that mainstream porn has a racial earnings gap of up to 50 percent for performers, according to research by U.C. Santa Barbara associate professor Mireille Miller-Young. “If everything that you're producing with marginalized people in it has some sort of derogatory terminology, or the lighting is shitty, or the makeup is bad or whatever, it's like the companies are putting less effort into these projects,” she says. “They're giving movies with primarily Black talent less budget.”“People are making content on their terms,” says Mickey Mod, “with the people they want to perform with, on the timelines they want to do it, and reaping all the benefits.”B putting creators in a direct relationship with their audience, Love says, OnlyFans Viewer cuts out porn's often problematic middlemen, makes sex work scalable, and welcomes creators of all identities and body types. “Subscription-based platforms really have the potential to be the great equalizer in our industry,” she says, “because people have the opportunity to set their rates and make whatever money that they want to make.” Love is now aiming to further equalize the industry through her work as the director of diversity, equity, and inclusion at PeepMe is Coming Soon. Sign Up to join the celebration!, a subscription-based adult-content platform (and an OnlyFans Viewer competitor) set to launch in 2021, which will be structured as a worker-owned cooperative.

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