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What is the ultrafiltration market?
Ultrafiltration is a type of membrane technology that uses applied forces such as pressure or concentration gradients for the separation of suspended solids, colloids, bacteria and virus through a semipermeable membrane. The membrane used in this process has a pore size between 1-100nm. Ultrafiltration process is employed in industries such as chemical & pharmaceutical manufacturing, food and beverage processing, and wastewater treatment for the purpose of flow recycling or value addition to later products. Ultrafiltration is also used in blood dialysis.According to Verified Market Research, The Global Ultrafiltration Market was valued at USD 1.04 Billion in 2018 and is projected to reach USD 3.06 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 14.40% from 2019 to 2026.Global Ultrafiltration Market OutlookIn the report, the market outlook section mainly encompasses the fundamental dynamics of the market which include drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges faced by the industry. Drivers and Restraints are intrinsic factors whereas opportunities and challenges are extrinsic factors of the market.To GET | Download Sample Copy CLICK HEREGlobal Ultrafiltration Market Competitive LandscapeThe “Global Ultrafiltration Market” study report will provide a valuable insight with an emphasis on global market including some of the major players such as DowDuPont Inc., Hyflux Ltd., Inge GmbH, Toray Industries, Inc., GE Water & Process Technologies, Hydranautics, Pentair plc, SUEZ, WesTech Engineering, Inc, Koch Membrane Systems, Evoqua Water Technologies LLC, Pall Corporation, and Dynatec Systems, Inc. Our market analysis also entails a section solely dedicated for such major players wherein our analysts provide an insight to the financial statements of all the major players, along with its product benchmarking and SWOT analysis. The competitive landscape section also includes key development strategies, market share and market ranking analysis of the above-mentioned players globally.Global Ultrafiltration Market, By Type• Polymeric Ultrafiltrationo PS & PESo PVDFo Others• Ceramic UltrafiltrationGlobal Ultrafiltration Market, By Application• Municipal Treatmento Desalinationo Public Utility Water Treatmento Wastewater Reuse• Industrial Treatmento Food & Beverage Processingo Pharmaceutical Processingo Chemical & Petrochemical Processingo OthersGlobal Ultrafiltration Market, By Module• Plate & frame• Tubular• Hollow fiber• OthersGlobal Ultrafiltration Market Geographic Scope• North Americao U.S.o Canadao Mexico• Europeo Germanyo UKo Franceo Rest of Europe• Asia Pacifico Chinao Japano Indiao Rest of Asia Pacific• Latin Americao Brazil• Rest of the World
What is the first year syllabus (ECE branch) in VIT?
In VIT , you have choice or flexibility to choose which subject you want to study and when you want to study as part of CAL & FFCS.So there is no fixed subject for any year as you can choose when you want to study that subject.Here are the syllabus for some subjects which all ECE students take mostly in first year:Subject:Engineering Physics:Introduction to Modern PhysicsApplications of Quantum PhysicsNanophysicsLaser Principles and Engineering ApplicationElectromagnetic Theory and its applicationPropagation of EM waves in Optical fibersOptoelectronic Devices & Applications of Optical fibersSpecial Theory of RelativityEngineering ChemistryTypes of impurities in water – Physical, chemical and biological including hardness causing impurities;pH, DO, TDS, COD and BOD in water; Alkalinity of water and its estimation; Estimation of hardness by EDTA method-numerical problems.Boiler troubles - scale, sludge, priming, foaming, caustic embrittlement and boiler corrosion;Internal conditioning – Phosphate and calgon conditioning methods;External softening methods: Lime Soda process-numerical problems, Zeolite process and ion exchange including mixed bed ion exchange processes.Specifications for potable water – Steps involved in treatment of water for municipal supply –Disinfection of water by chlorination, ozonisation and UV treatment; Reverse osmosis & its significance; Types of Membranes – Ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration (example. ZnO)Types and mechanism – dry and wet corrosion; Forms of corrosion [Differential aeration, pitting, Galvanic and stress corrosion cracking];Corrosion control methods: Inhibitors – anodic and cathodic and their action; Cathodic protection – sacrificial anodic and impressed current protection methods; galvanizing and tinning; electroplating-process and typical applications, metal cladding; Coating processes –PVD and CVD and applications.Basic concepts of cells and batteries-nominal voltage, operating voltage, capacity, self discharge, depth of discharge, energy density, service life, shelf life. Electrochemistry of Primary cells – Comparative features and applications of Lechlanche, alkaline and Li-primary cells.Secondary cells - Lead – acid, Ni-Cd, Ni-MH cells; Rechargeable lithium cells – chemistry and applications.Fuel cells – Electrochemistry of a H2–O2 fuel cell, Basics of solid oxide fuel cells-applicationsCalorific value - Definition of LCV, HCV. Measurement of calorific value using bomb calorimeter and Boy’s calorimeter including numerical problems.Coal analysis-proximate and ultimate analysis and significance. Calculation of minimum quantity of air by volume and by weight-Numerical problems.Knocking and chemical structure, octane number and cetane number and their importance;Biodiesel-synthesis, advantages and commercial applications.Introduction to Polymers- ClassificationTypes of Polymerization (Chain & Step growth);Plastics: Thermoplastic & Thermo setting resinsProperties and engineering applications of ABS, PVC, Teflon and Bakelite.Compression, injection, extrusion, Transfer moulding methods of plasticsConducting polymers: Polyacetylene and Polyaniline - Mechanism of Conduction, doping;applications of Conducting polymers.Degradable Polymers- modes of degradation - Biodegradation;Conditions for biodegradationDiscussion on current scientific topic by facultyCalculus for EngineersSingle variable differentiationApplications of Single variable differentiationSingle IntegralLaplace transforms ( as application of integration)Multivariable CalculusApplications of Multivariable CalculusMultiple integralsVector DifferentiationVector IntegrationEnvironmental SciencesEnvironment and EcosystemBiodiversitySustaining Natural Resources and Environmental QualityEnergy ResourcesEnvironmental Impact AssessmentHuman Population Change and EnvironmentEthics & Values:What is Ethics?Gandhian Concept of Truth and Non-ViolenceWorkplace Sexual HarassmentPrevention of TerrorismCorruption in IndiaAnti-Corruption Framework in IndiaPersonal Social ResponsibilitySOCIAL INTERESTS VS SELF INTERESTSComparative analysis of leaders of past and presentFUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL CIRCUITSDC circuit AnalysisNetwork TheoremsDc TransientsAC Circuit AnalysisComplex Power & resonanceMagnetic CircuitsNetwork Theory:Sinusoidal Steady-State analysisNetwork GraphsCircuit analysis in S domainApplication of Fourier series in circuit analysisApplication of Fourier Transform in circuit analysisTwo-port NetworksSemiconductor Devices and Circuits(MOST IMPORTANT ECE SUBJECT IN FIRST YEAR)Module:1 Semiconductor Fundamentals:Formation of energy bands, Fermi level, energy- band models, direct and indirect band gap, electrons and holes, doping, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, elemental and compound semiconductor, generation, recombination and injection of carriers, Drift and Diffusion of carriers, basic governing equations in semiconductors , Transport EquationsModule:2 PN Junction diodes:PN Junctions, Formation of Junction, Physical operation of diode, Contact potential and Space Charge phenomena, I - V Characteristics, Zener diode, Physical operation of special diode s (Tunnel diode, LED, OLED, Varactor diode and Photo Diode).Module:3 Diode Circuits:Dc Analysis – Small Signals and Large signal models of PN junction diode and AC equivalent circuit.Module:4 Diode Applications:Rectifier circuits, Clipper and Clamper circuits, Photodiode and LED circuits.Module:5 Transistor DevicesBipolar Junction Transistor: Device structure and physical operation, current – voltage characteristics.Field Effect Transistor (FET): MOS Capacitor: Device Structure and mode of operation, C- V Characteristics, Threshold Voltage.Module:6 Transistor CircuitsBipolar Junction Transistor: DC Analysis of BJT Circuits, CB, CE and CC Configuration,Biasing BJT Circuits, Switch.Field Effect Transistor (FET): DC Analysis of MOSFET Circuits, biasing circuits.Module:7 Applications of MOSFETsCMOS device structure, characteristics, gates and inverters. MOSFET CS, CG and Source Follower Circuits.Signals & Systems:Introduction to SignalsSystems ConceptsFourier Analysis of Continuous-time SignalsFourier Analysis of Discrete-time SignalsConvolution and CorrelationSystem Analysis using Laplace transformSystem Analysis using z-TransformContemporary Topics(RADAR)Application of differential and difference equationMatricesFourier seriesSolution of Ordinary differential equationsStrum Liouville Problems and Power Series SolutionsSolution of system of equations by matrix approachSolution of differential equations through Laplace transformZ-TransformDifference equationIntroduction to Innovative projectsIt’s a 2 Credit course with 1 hr Theory and 4 hrs Project per week.NO CAT , NO FAT for this subject :-)Objectives:To understand self, ones own Strengths and Weaknesses through SWOT analysis.To realize the existence of Blind Self in everyone through JOHARI window.To get out of Inferiority ComplexTo gain Self Confidence to do extra ordinary things.Topics covered:BrainstormingThinking SkillSWOTJOHARI windowLATERAL THINKINGCreativity etc…Soft-skill courses includes→Writing: Writing on current news topics, responding to News articles, Movie Review,Book Review, Mind Map, Radial Tree, Concept MapCommunication: Letter Writing for making enquiries, Registering complaints, asking for information, giving information, placing orders, sending repliesMass Communication: Design of Posters, Advertisements, notices, writing formal and informal invitationsSocial Media: Creating a blog, use of messaging applications, creating a website to showcase individual talent, Creation of a LinkedIn ProfilePresentation: How to organize Content, use of Colour, use of Fonts, Animations, What not to doEtiquette: Hygiene, Courtesy, Culture differences, use of cell phone, Profanity, Slang,Protocol, Workplace, Conference Call, Elevator Behaviour, CafeteriaSocial Interaction: Introducing self, Just A Minute, Adzap, Story telling, Five Beats of Story TellingTime Management: Prioritize, Procrastination, Scheduling Tasks, MultitaskingSome more suggested subjects , which you can complete in first year itself→Computer programming subjects(Python & Object-Oriented programming in C++) ,Statistics for Engineers,Sensors and Instrumentation ,Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, OPTO-ELECTRONICS.
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