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The entire Israeli Defense Forces as of 2018 are mysteriously transported back in time to January 1942 just west of the Ural Mountains, including its weapons, support staff, and stockpiles. You are in command of them. What happens next?

Okay, this is not a moral answer and I don’t think it’s a good idea, but this is an emotional response.So, I’m now General Elke Weiss of the time traveling IDF. (Time travel actually seems more possible than me getting above private in an army) I have a well trained army, and all this incredible modern technology.First, I send in the Israeli air force, and we start bombing the tracks to the newly built Auschwitz concentration camp.We then blitz Germany with shock and awe that has not yet been seen. Our planes are so much faster and better than anything imaginable in 1942, our pilots are almost bored to death as they lay waste to everything the Third Reich built. Every German military base is destroyed.Then I turn to our navy, including the submarine-launched nuclear-capable cruise missiles. Ironically, our Dolphin Class submarines are made in Germany, but we’ll ignore that. Under my command, I’d say surrender or I’ll nuke Berlin.Yes, it’s a war crime. Yes, it’s immoral. This is hypothetical, and given that my family is being mass murdered, I’m not exactly rational and given that we’re a time traveling powerhouse, I doubt anyone would say much.I’m so sorry, Germans of today, you are awesome people. But right now, I’m in 1942 and seeing too much pain and suffering to be merciful.Then we sweep through, cleaning up any stray Nazis and save the vast majority of Jews, who we bring to the British Mandate. According to Christian Gerlach in his book, The Extermination of the European Jews, 3 million Jews were murdered in 1942, another 1.7 million Jews were murdered in 1943 and by 1944, 6,000 Jews were being gassed a day in Auschwitz alone.Well, those three million (and another two million future victims) won’t be murdered this time.In exchange for freeing Europe from the Nazi menace, the League of Nations gratefully gives the mandate of Palestine to become the new Jewish state, along with the Sinai, Lebanon, parts of Syria and Jordan. This includes the Golan Heights and Port Said. All Jews are welcome, including two million Jews from Russia, and five million from around the world, (The Americas, Middle East, Africa) swelling the numbers even more.Instead of 806,000 citizens of Israel as was historically on May 15, 1948, on January 26th, 1943, the state of Israel has 18,806,000 citizens, including the 176,500 active soldiers and the 445,000 reserve personnel, who are doctors, scientists, programmers and the peak of Israeli society.An illegal and foolhardy invasion by the neighboring countries leads Israel to a complete victory. Seeing the modern Israeli airplanes scare the far less technologically advanced armies causes a massive retreat of both military and civilians to Europe, African, North and South America, and Asia. Only the Druze and Circassian populations swear loyalty to Israel and remain.Israel DRASTICALLY expands the borders to include huge swaths of now empty land. (I’m not advocating this in real life, people, this is immoral and wrong and I do not advocate this in reality, this is written on the premise of a far less moral and far power mad Elke with a technological powerhouse behind her, egged on by a friend)(Source) Welcome to the land of Israel by alternative history. (Actually, that’s the Umayyad Empire)So, an alternate history emerges.In 1943, on the Israeli Independence day of January 26th, the around 19 million citizens of the new state of Israel, the has its first elections (and last elections) and in a landslide victory, I, General Elke Weiss take the Israeli name Elah Adir and becomes the first Prime Minister for Life of the country of Israel. (I’m not a dictator…I’m just democratically challenged)It’s a huge country, divided into 127 provinces (who gets the joke?) with as much local autonomy as possible with a civilian citizen legislature, not career politicians.I start with the creation of a Constitution, creating a secular Jewish homeland with local democracy for all inhabitants.Rules include mandatory schooling, mandatory military/national service, and a complete ban on chocolate (kidding)When the Chazon Ish gives the metaphor about the camels[1] , I say that was the stupidest things I ever heard, and that he will not be granted citizenship in this new country. “You can pack your bags and leave to return to your home in Belarus.”“But under Stalin…”“Yes? Anyone unwilling to work to support the country and serve in the military will be deported back to Eastern Europe. Yes, it’s a death sentence, but that’s your choice. You can remain in my country and obey the laws or you can leave.”A few Anti-Zionist rabbis leave Israel and return to Eastern Europe. They fall behind the Iron Curtain and starve to death in gulags.The rest see the light and become secular Zionists. Religion is abandoned.In revenge for the starved rabbis, Israel assassinates Stalin and his senior party officials through drones. The Soviet Union is broken up into many countries, all far more stable and free. For this suggestion, John Grantham was granted Governorship of Germany.Israel is a fantastically wealthy country, with strong manufacturing, agricultural, entertainment, and technology sector.We are the real life Wakanda. We have 100% employment, we can’t fill jobs fast enough. Israel has far more than $61.7 trillion in natural resources in their Eastern provinces alone, and an overall 53% of the world’s oil (Here Are the Countries With the Most Natural Resources) Towns are built up to support the people working the fields. Despite this, there’s a strong renewable energy scene, as Israel wants to stop global warming in its tracks.Israel offers 100% funding of all the great scientists who agree to come to live there.The Technion Theoretical Physics department’s senior research staff are headed by Professor Albert Einstein and Professor Edward Teller, where they also receive lectures from visiting scholars from other Israeli universities, such as Dr. Klaus Fuchs of Ophira University, Professor James Franck of Tel Aiv University, as well as Dr. Enrico Fermi and Dr. Dieter Gruen, Professor Elizabeth Rona and Professor Hans Bethe who run the labs at the physics department at Hebrew University.These and other Martians form the backbone of Hebrew University, the Technion, and Weizmann Institute of Science, the three becoming the new Ivy League of the world. (thank you, Manny Jacobowitz)Non-Jewish scientists and academics get residency to the Universities. In the world school rankings, top 20 areHebrew University, Jerusalem, IsraelThe Technion, Haifa, IsraelThe Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, IsraelThe Adir Institute of the Negev, Beer Sheva, IsraelElah University, Damesek, IsraelJerusalem University, Tel Aviv, IsraelTel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, IsraelHaifa University, Haifa, IsraelOphira University, Cheleb, IsraelNehemiah University, Mishkan, IsraelAaronson University, Kfar Adira, IsraelErez University, Alexandria, IsraelIbn Gabirol University, Shoshana, IsraelUniversity of Mumbai, IndiaPeking University, ChinaNew York University, USAOxford University, UKStanford University, USANational University of Singapore, SingaporeEzra University, Bait Ezra, IsraelHere’s a tour of just one area in 1950, through the eyes of 34-year-old Cecelia, an Austrian Jewish immigrant.Cecelia is a fashion designer. She lives in the Sinai region, in the city of Ophira on the beautiful Red Sea. She just moved there a year ago, into a lovely home with a pool.She is married to an environmental scientist named Lev Katz, who specializes in the preservation of coral reefs.They have three children. She has six-year-old twin sons named Naftali (Tal) and Yeshaya (Shai), and a three-year-old daughter named Malka (Mali). She’s pregnant with her fourth child, a little girl. She plans to name her Adira, after the Glorious President for life.The Katz family moved to Ophira, for work. Lev will be doing research at Gal College of Marine Life at Ophira University, focusing on eco-friendly concrete. At Gal, a subdivision of Adir University Red Sea, scientists are not only bringing technology to the world but updating it.Cecelia is opening up her own store, selling her latest fashion lines.Ophira isn’t just a university town, a growing tourism industry takes off. People flock from all over the world for fine dining, great concerts, and lovely beaches, with incredible coral reefs.The world-class hotels are a feast for the eyes, including the great shopping like Cecelia’s own shop “Bobby’s”.Tal and Shai attend first grade at Tikva Academy, designed by the Israeli Minister of Education, Janusz Korczak, pen name of Hillel Zahavi/Henryk Goldszmit. They receive a world-class education and look absolutely adorable in their little uniforms.Mali is in a state-subsidized day-care.Cecelia’s niece, 16-year-old Erna/Einat is living with Cecelia and studying nursing in the summer high school program at the University where Lev teaches.Einat is studying with renowned experts, who are working on printing organs, as well as treating illness on a DNA level. Einat is dating a young newly drafted soldier names Abram Pinkenson, (Avi Vardi) a violinist who is hoping to study at Hebrew University, the top musical university in the world. Her roommate is Lea Deutsch, (Leah Dan) an acting student. Other friends include Petr Ginz (Paz Ben Tov) and Rutka Laskier. (Reut Lavie)Cecelia’s niece Magda is studying education at Hebrew University and is dating Yitskhok Rudashevski. (Yitz Ruach-Ami) Her best friends are her roommates Eva Heyman, a photography student and Anne Frank, a journalism major, both studying under Professor Franciszka Arnsztajnowa.Cecelia’s niece Judith is in high school where she’s in student orchestra, studying under Professor Casimir Oberfeld.Cecelia’s parents live in Jerusalem where her father overseas a fancy bread bakery and her mother is a midwife. They live in a beautiful flat overlooking the old city.In this vast country is plenty of room for the Jewish people from the US and the Arab world who flood into the new world power. New cities are built to accommodate them.The cities of Mecca and Medina are ruled over by Ahmadiya Muslims, since they seem lovely.As Israel is the most technologically advanced country, with 2018 level tech, due to time travel, under my leadership, Israel quickly becomes the technological hegemon.Not only do we control almost half of the world’s oil supplies, (which we drill and sell ourselves, it’s a nationalized industry) but we are practically dripping with genius.Israel. We have cell phones. We have drones. We have Maxi-padsMy government under my command begin modernizing the country.1944-Israel creates the “Elah” computer.This was the computer people haveIsrael brings out this model, as well as the internet.Our technology is lightyears above others.We have planes faster than anyone in the period can imagine.We have cars and submarines better than anyone in the period can imagine. We also have an awesome subway system in Israel, called the Elahvated. Funny, no?We have medical technology better than anyone in the period can imagine. And free health care.We have everything better than anyone in the period can imagine.And we sell it to our allies for very good profits. Given my ultra-talented staff, I transform Israel into Start Up Nation 70 years earlier. The sheer amount of tech makes Israel into a Wakanda.I don’t totally eliminate religion. I do give Israel a chief rabbi: Rabbi Regina Jonas. The Ultra-Orthodox world has left Israel and religion slowly falls away in Israel, invading the religious community as well. As more and more Jews fall away, by 2018, all Jews are convinced atheists and religion is no longer part of the culture. Israel abandons the post of the chief rabbi and replaces it with Chief Skeptic.Although the time-traveling soldiers are heartbroken to lose their loved ones, they are aware they saved the Jewish world, and marry again and find peace. Shortly after taking office, I myself marry a handsome Israeli military scientist I meet, who is also stranded in the past. Let’s call him Eitan Pulichever.I work hard to create a just society, making sure that affordable housing is built. Given that all tech must be produced in Israel to prevent corporate espionage, the country enjoys full employment and a booming economy.I promote the Israeli dream.A nice home, good jobs, two kids and a good income.Prisons are focused on rehabilitation.Strong environmental laws keep the country safe.The best health care in the world is found in Israel, and the wealthy come from all over the world to enjoy it.The Israeli Universities remain the height of culture, everyone wants to study there and the best minds are brought to collaborate. The Adir University of the Negev is a premier institution.There is a strong entertainment culture in Israel, with many books, movies and television shows, and Hollywood now centers on Israel. There is also an amazing arts scene, that is wildly popular all over the world.I achieve many great victories in my thirty-five years ruling Israel. Despite those who called my time draconian, I leave office after 36 years of service to retire to the countryside of Cordoba, knowing I have brought the new Israeli state to the forefront of world power.In my personal life, Eitan and I adopt two little girls from China, Hadar, and Eden. Since we’re secular, we do not convert the children and both remain Jewish only by adoption. Hadar becomes a tech designer and Eden becomes a petroleum engineer. I retire and become a doting grandmum.Hadar lives next door to my home, with her husband Adrian O'Mara, and children, Fiona and Chiara, and Liam.Eden and her wife Alice and son Timothy live close by as well.My Deputy takes over, and proves to be adept at ruling the country.Israel prospers.Of course, leaving behind everyone is immensely difficult.However, there are benefits.My aunt Raizel doesn’t die in a mass grave but lives to become a computer engineer. She lives in Maale Adumim, and marries a Mossad intelligence agent. They has three children, Yedida, Atara and Moshe-Dov. She is good friends with famed Israeli artist, Aniela Cukier, (Chen Kikar) whose studio is a few blocks away.The Mossad is run by Helene Moszkiewiez, now called Hila Maor. Among their high ranking agents are Tatiana Markus, now called Tehilla Markus and Violeta Yakova,now called Sigal Yaakov.My uncle Isaac doesn’t get gassed in Auschwitz. Instead, he grows up to be an urban planner in Hebron. He marries an energy scientist and has four kids, Shifra, Yonatan, Yechiel and Deborah. Isaac’s wife loves the theatre, especially famed actress Miriam Orleska and ballet dancer Franceska Mann.My great aunt Regina Weitz doesn’t die in Auschwitz, but becomes a successful businesswoman, managing a successful supermarket chain in Kfar Adira (Kfar Vadim). Instead of dying as children, her daughters grow up and have awesome lives. All three find love and joy.Magda Weitz becomes a teacher and eventually principal of a renowned school for math and science education in Ranana, working under Professor Moshe Pardes (Mojżesz Presburger) and Herman Auerbach -. She is the married mother of three beautiful children, Asher, Noa, and Shira.Erna Weitz becomes an ER nurse from Jerusalem University under the supervision of Chief Nurse Masha Bruskina, now called Meira Ben Ami. Erna is married and has two sons, Geffen and Sa’ar and an adopted daughter from China, Gal. The family lives in Haifa.Judith Weitz becomes a petroleum engineer, but later in life becomes a violinist in Damascus under Conductor Frieda Belinfante, performing the works of David Beigelman. She adopted three daughters from the US, Dahlia, Arava, and Kinneret.Israel has a strong military. One such hero is Major General Mordechai Anielewicz who Hebraized his name to Mordechai Amichai. Mordechai and his wife, Lt. Colonel Mira Fuchrer (Maya) live happily in Bethlehem, with two children, Dan and Yael.My great Uncle Nathan becomes a captain (eventually, a general) in the Israeli Army, in charge of border security with Pakistan under the command of Lt. Colonel Rachel Ofra (Rachel Zilberberg) (thank you, Manny Jacobowitz)Nathan and his wife and their kids survive, and move to Mishkan (the former city of Mashad, renamed) to the military base (seen below) and have three more children as well, Tikva (after her grandmother Sphrintze), Penina (after her grandfather Pinchas) and Binyamin after Hertzl. Instead of dying as babies, Akiva and Edith both join the military, Akiva spends his time working with security drones and Edith becomes a helicopter pilot on the border, serving under Major General Frumka Płotnicka, now called Nofar Dror.Akiva rises up the military ranks, eventually becoming an air force base commander and marries a fantastic person, and adopts two kids.Edith becomes Israel’s first woman astronaut and eventually, Minister of Science. She marries and has two kids, Lilach and Lior.Uncle Nathan retires and moves to Tel Aviv.The other five siblings have happy lives, including my grandpa.They have no idea their cousin is the President. For the sake of the timeline, I keep it that way.One day in the 1970s, I meet their cousin, a pretty young blond National Service member from Akko. “Hello, Prime Minister,” she says. She is a teacher for young children.I blink back tears. “It’s an honor to meet you, Leah. Have you considered going out on a date with that nice guy?” I point to a handsome army officer, working in intelligence.She blushes. “He is cute,” she says.“His name is Meni and he’s very nice. I really suggest you ask him out.”She does. They fall in love and marry.Yeah, I may never see my “parents” again, but I’ll know they are happy. To prevent a time loop, time is rewritten. I warm them to have Meni’s mother checked for cancer and I discreetly make sure Meni and Leah and their children Micha and Chaya have the best of everything.Israel rules the world as the most powerful nation in terms of technology, and Jews are finally safe from persecution.Sounds good?Footnotes[1] "Avrohom Yeshaya Karelitz" on

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