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Why is Melania Trump still sticking with Donald Trump?

[06/01/2017]When this happened about 6 months ago, it wasn’t clear that troll army IS *a thing* and that hate speech is actually a state-sponsored grammar with a clear semantic line and obvious bullet points.I had said somewhere on the text below that we needed to “hijack their memes”. well as long as we have text and text input as the gateway to online communication, bots and trolls are going to exist. The “solution” to this issue is going to have to be centered around voice interfaces and visuals which can better evade text-based scripting bots and content scraping.I am still on prototype mode (learning to code, folks:) but the solution is advancing storytelling to highly customizable form, preventing retweeting, eliminating text-based inputs on public forums by substituting it with voice interfaces and visuals.——————————————————————————-[11/24/16: comments disabled, DM me instead.] [11/26/16:This post has snowballed into 5 sections since first posted on 11/14/16.]Part1: This answer started as a harmless comment on Melania Trump’s reasons for staying with Donald. My comment painted Melania as a “cool”, honest person who likes handbags.Part2: “PS”. Strangely, I started getting hate speech and troll comments and began noticing odd and yet consistent syntactic (speech) patterns in these comments. [Syntactic = (the way the sentences were structured) as opposed to semantic (what the sentences & words “said”)].Part3: Learning from Goebbels: connecting the speech patterns I found to what I had read many years before on Hitler and Goebbels’ texts on Propaganda techniques (Part3).Part4: From Hitler to He-Man: how Fascism uses these techniques through cartoon-like magical-hate memes like “Build The Wall” and “Hillary The Crook”Part5: 11/25: How to respond to troll comments without getting annoyed, rationale, 2 different methods, basic algorithm and how to tell a troll comment from a normal comment (scroll to the bottom of the page.)[This will move to a blog somewhere in a few days - I’ll post the link here - but it will take a little while. Please check back here in 3–5 days. Happy Thanksgiving y’all!!!](Part1, original post)I swear to God I read an interview with Melania Trump around the time she married him, on Vogue or something. Or some article about her, a looong time ago. This described an interview with her, some sort of press conference. She was asked, by a man, “if Donald weren’t rich, would you have married him?”Her answer was “If I wasn’t beautiful, would he have married me?” which I never forgot, all these years. It showed that she was perfectly aware of the transactional nature of the relationship - she brought the youth and looks, he brought the money. If she were to get fat, he’d dump her in a second. If he became homeless, she’d be gone in no time.I always remembered this line when reading comments from men about dating, how women are “gold diggers”, or when I’d get messages from much older dudes on dating websites who would have some sort of description about how they liked dating “younger women”.The reality is, in order for these types of relationships to be balanced, the older man needs to have serious money. Most women don’t want to be treated as objects, even the super hot ones. The ones that are ok with that, need the man who can deliver the lifestyle in exchange for arm candy support. I mean I don’t think it’s controversial to say that Donald Trump is not an attractive man, especially if he is 25 years older than her. It’s not controversial to say that she was not chosen for her intellect either. She certainly did not choose him for his humble soul, his empathy or his toned physique.I don’t think there is a problem with that, as long as there is no hypocrisy. When men look for women who are much younger who are *extremely* attractive (i.e. they are not “partners”), they should be aware that they will also be objectified, not for their looks, but for their bank account. When women are treated like objects, and expected to perform like objects, there is always a price. In this case, no one is pretending, there is no hypocrisy.Regardless of his shortcomings, and I did NOT vote for him by the way - at least he isn’t like the clueless older men on dating websites who think much younger women would be interested in them for “who they are” when they are only interested in them for the shallowest reasons.Her comment told me she is perfectly fine with the marriage/business arrangement and cheating, he has more than delivered on his part of the deal - taking care of her. Because this is “business” she was not upset that he “cheated” on her. I don’t think “romance” is the idea here.If marital duties with Donald Trump were the job you do to get Chanel handbags, you’d probably be GLAD to hear he is “cheating”. The hard thing is doing the fake-cry thing that is meant to say you’re really “upset” about it.PS: My recollection of having read this interview or article that posited Melania Trump as a cool person had the opposite intended effect. It attracted a number of Trump-supporter “criticism” trolling comments. This criticism came in waves and I have been gathering relevant data on this pattern.My exclusive DELETE algorithm eliminates non-sense, hate speech and those who have just signed up to Quora to spew hatred against my spontaneous personal opinion. I mean it’s not like y’all have anything against the first amendment,right?The data I have gathered about this pattern of trolling so far suggests some kind of central information node that pushes out links for people troll under. All but one or two of the commenters had just signed up to Quora to comment on this.One curious pattern was the presence of links, to wikipedia and other clickbait, which would also suggest that their adtech propaganda machine aka “fake news” is related to tracking analytics, installing cookies, as well sustaining a cpm-generating business arm.Hatebait leaves its territorial “seeds” through these links. None of the people who left comments were able to construct a sentence that made any sense, it quickly descended into juvenilia such as “ do you support trans what about the others” or “it’s so funny that people on quora have to say out loud they did not vote for trump”. Virtually all if the comments used modal verbs “you should/should not” “can /can’t threatening language such as “be careful...”.They read like threats meant to create an atmosphere of fear. Like Hitler did in the 1930s. The best response is ignore and understand their patterns, so that we may learn and turn these memes into jokes. One thing all authoritarian regimes have in common is that they have no sense of humor. It enrages them beyond belief. Laughter is the truth of the child. It can’t be denied, or faked.It is safe to say that if we survive this presidency we have a chance at turning things around. We need relentless humor, and we need to hijack their hatred memes asap.The trolling pattern had entirely external sources, the vitality was generated outside of core Quora user groups. I can’t quite tell if some of these users were 100% coordinated trolls or if a percentage of them were bots, I will update the answer with data visualizations in the next few days. [UPDATE: I contacted Quora to see if I could have access to more specific analytics such as specific times when comments were written or if I could have access to some of the comments I deleted but the answer was, understandably, no. So no data = no data viz:(. As it turns out this was a blessing in disguise, as I will focus on assembling data from sentence patterns instead.](Update: one commenter suggested there might a Trumpalian “50-cent Army”, I had never heard of this term so I looked it up. It is…. “ is the colloquial term for Internet commentators i.e. trolls (Chinese: 网络评论员 wǎngluò pínglùn yuán) hired by Chinese propaganda authorities in an attempt to manipulate public opinion to the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party.”Yup it’s a *thing*. At this point this is a real possibility. Except that we also have capitalism which means that trolling has real business benefits.Their rationale and vocabulary suggests a type of repetitive/ quasi moral preaching devoid of logic, intertwined with trollish sexual innuendo and shock tactics more commonly found in defranchised subgroups. The pattern suggests a propaganda-like concentrated effort to paint Melania Trump as a genius worthy of a nobel prize.The trolling comments did not appear to grasp that my answer was complimentary to Melania. I think she is pretty cool is what I said.Guess what I have my own Jav-a-scriptin’ going y’all gonna have to work a whole lot faster to get with MACHINES-B-LEARNIN’ timezzzz. Data-gatherin’ y’all on my Anaconda-Jupyter child. Concatenatin’ a whole lotta strings. Baby Pandas r comin’.Meanwhile…call 1–800-Peter-Thiel for 140k-a-year jobs. He’s looking to hire at the Stanford of North Dakota campus.11/25: Now that the comments are closed, I can see clearly another interesting pattern that would suggest a coordinated content strategy with a “management” arm behind it.Initially the comments focused on “emotional” punchlines that used classic authoritarian power-play syntax (i.e. imperative voice, modal verb contractions and the use of third person singular, or, “YOU can’t say___ YOU shouldn’t ___ YOU will___, and the utmost, last-resort objectifying statement, “YOU are ____” , which attempts to shift Descartes’ Cogito ergo sum - “I think therefore I am” into objectifying, narcissistic paranoia: “I think therefore YOU are” ). In contrast, normal conversation and civilized commenting consists of the exposition of a specific topic; a back-and-forth and the (hopefully moderate) use of the first-person “I”.I started responding by flat-out copying t heir syntax style, content and memes. Examples: “YOU are a New York Times Liberal Lying Elite Media Liar #lockherup #buildthewall” “DO YOU need a safe space to process your snowflake feelings #hillarythecrook ”] while never showing the engagement and emotional reactions that had amused and encouraged trolls just a few minutes earlier. This actually worked.The issue of the second person is so important in setting the boundaries of subjective space in interpersonal communication that both German and French, for example, use a “polite” second person for all social interactions outside of one’s personal circle of friends and family. Vous (French) and Sie (German) . We all understand that people are self-determining and not defined by whoever grabs the second person microphone first and yells at them.The use of the “informal” tu (French) and du (German) only happens with people you are friends with, or of family. It’s unthinkable and barbaric to use the second person the way it was used on these comments. English does have the embedded informality which masks this well, but the entitled dominance gesture is still glaring.ALL the buttons of “authority” signifiers are pressed. Raging idiotic mobs, reveling in the barbaric attempt to dehumanize your subjective space. Whoever screams the loudest believes they will define *you*. Nah-ahn my friend. I don’t think so!We could get away with the idea that these are bots, but even then, words match what has been said by candidates too well. We can’t “unhear” it.Appendix A: Learning from Goebbels[Note: 11/26: Goebbels has probably been read by people who work in advertising and other persuasion-related fields as well as anyone interested in WWII, power and politics. I am not suggesting that Trump will DO any of the horrible things that Nazis have done, I truly don’t think he will at all.I wrote this to demonstrate the communication and language patterns I found on many of the comments left on my answer from Trump supporters. As I read, and responded to them and watched the patterns of comments appear in clusters, it eerily reminded me of these texts I had read many years ago.I am not a linguist, I don’t know linguistic theoretical terms, but I do speak 6 languages so I could not help but notice this.]Goebbels’ famous words- “A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”. are key here. Trump’s closest advisor is a quote-unquote white supremacist - I am not *saying this* - I read this in the “liberal media” #lockherup, which as you all know, is “full of lies” #buildthewall - y’all know they dig Hitler and shit.Goebbels was a great guy, an excellent German. He was organized in everything, keeping immaculate records and writing coherent and persuasive sentences while killing millions of people including his own six children:“On the evening of 1 May 1945, Goebbels arranged for an SS dentist, Helmut Kunz, to inject his six children with morphine so that when they were unconscious, an ampule of cyanide could be then crushed in each of their mouths.According to Kunz's later testimony, he gave the children morphine injections but it was Magda Goebbels and SS-Obersturmbannführer Ludwig Stumpfegger, Hitler's personal doctor, who administered the cyanide.”He and his wife then killed themselves shortly thereafter.This is the guy the president’s closest advisors have obviously read, extensively. And so have I.And this is the guy we have to read up on. Reading Goebbels is key to understanding the skeletons of this dystopian present we are experiencing. He was the architect of hate speech in the Hitlerian regime and he spoke of it very clearly.Understanding the mechanics and goals of hate speech help dispell it. Goebbels’ only gift to us, was his ability to distill his method clearly.“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.” [see #lockherup #buildthewall - the use of catchy visual memes ]“Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street.”“If you tell the same lie enough times, people will believe it; and the bigger the lie, the better.”[ ok guys seriously: bullying people into believing that Ms. Trump is a genius is crossing the line. It’s straight SNL material right there. Even Goebbels would have been like “smh amateurs!”. He said it very clearly, trying to convert intelligent people does not work.]“There was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals…Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology.”For an extended treatise on this subject, I recommend reading chapter 6 of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” where he goes on and on about War Propaganda.On this chapter, Hitler describes propaganda’s spread of skillful lies and appeal to the “emotions”:“The whole art consists in doing this so skillfully that everyone will be convinced that the fact is real, the process necessary, the necessity correct, etc. But since propaganda is not and cannot be the necessity in itself, since its function…consists in attracting the attention of the crowd, and not in educating those who are already educated or who are striving after education and knowledge, its effect for the most part must be aimed at the emotions and only to a very limited degree at the so-called intellect.”On the need for propaganda to be adjusted for the “limited intelligence” of its audience:“All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be.”There is no need to fear, reading it does not make you a Nazi. But in order to understand this behavior clearly it’s best to get to the source and study it as if you were a detached scientist observing the behavior of bacteria.Not all people who post troll comments are self-conscious hate-mongers. But I would argue that Nazi speech IS the source of our contemporary trolling speech patterns, consciously or not. Therefore the “antidote” for hate speech must come from an in-depth understanding of the ideas, methods and speech patterns found at the source.The strange and gripping paradox in the success of hate speech, is that throughout history, the so-called leaders have openly despised their followers. Hitler and Goebbels have WRITTEN it themselves, calling them dumb and primitive and yet, the spell of hatred as the end-all-be-all solution, remains unabated.Magical-hate memes: The simple genius of FascismThe simple genius of fascism goes undetected by the educated “elites” because it is purposely designed to evade the intellect. It functions by activating a magical-hate-meme that in the blink of an eye, will make all your problems disappear.I am old enough to remember He-Man (a cartoon superhero with a Tyler Swift haircut). Skeletor is the BAD GUY. I mean He-Man’s and She-Ra’s life would be AMAZING if Skeletor were not around. Skeletor wants to destroy the world!!! HE-MAN!!! GET SKELETOR NOW!!!! Whose side are you on? Are you gonna side with Skeletor? WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU??!!! JESUS CHRIST YOU ARE INSANE CAN’T YOU SEE THAT SKELETOR WANTS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!ARE YOU TRYING TO DESTROY HUMANITY? ARE YOU BLIND!!! SKELETOR IS GONNA GET SHE-RA ANY MINUTE NOW!!!It’s pretty simple. #1 define evil #2 go get it!!!! How? Root for HE MAN!!!!! HE MAN is the only one who can fight evil and win in the end!!! HE MAN HAS A MAGIC SWORD!!!The follower’s fantasy, what he truly lives for, is for the eradication of the “evil” as presented by the Leader. The removal of the external-evil-target. THAT is exactly what the Leader presents. The removal of the pain point. THAT is why he is so powerful. So the memes presented by the leader are always related to the fulfillment of this eradication fantasy. Build The Wall, Hillary The Crook In Jail. The Liberal Media Lying about Lies. The Elites. Obama The Foreigner. The New York Times. If you only DARE get between the Leader and the meme YOU ARE JUST AS BAD AS SKELETOR HIMSELF!!! It really does not matter if the Leader is a member of the ACTUAL “Elite”. Because reason, logic, or basic math are not at play here. It’s all about having the *magical ability* to point to external- evil-targets that are “scary” and memes that are all-powerful and insta-pain-removers. How is anyone expected to believe you if you don’t have a magic sword??? GTFO!!!! Bad skin? Didn’t get a raise this year? Got ghosted on Tinder? Ran out of toilet paper? BUILD-A-WALL!!!!!IT ONLY COSTS 10 BILLION TO BUILD A WALL BEFORE STAFFING COSTS, MAINTENANCE AND INFRASTRUCTURE AND WE’RE A REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT THAT IS GONNA “CUT COSTS”. WHO YOU GONNA CALL?GHOST BUSTERS!!!The genius of this approach is making a tenuous connection appear solid, tangible and real. I am not disputing the problems that are real in peoples lives, such as the real opportunity gap, the lack of benefits and jobs that pay a lot lower than they once did. What I am saying is, the exploitation and “emotional connection” with the population happens outside of the problem-solution realm. It is achieved by exploiting magical thinking and presenting cartoon-like insta-solutions to the evil which is always entirely visible and right there in front of your face. How convenient! All you have to do it point to it.HOW TO ACTUALLY RESPOND TO TROLL COMMENTSTrolls are like happy mosquitos carrying the Zika virus.So the basic recipe really is holding up a mirror: using their own words so that you never have do say anything or even think. Copy and paste.Goebbels described followers as “tools” that carry ready-made messages concocted by “Leadership”. He believed that the “crowd” was not capable of generating ideas of their own, they only served to propagate the powerful magical hate memes spoken by the Leader. They are a little bit like mosquitos carrying the Zika virus. The mosquito is not connected to how the actual disease is generated. But without the mosquito you would not contract the disease.Reacting to troll comments is like taking mosquito bites personallyIf you think of troll comments as mechanical responses injected by hate tools you realize that having an emotional reaction to a troll message is a little bit like taking a mosquito bite personally. You aware it’s nature and you go on with your day. You don’t say “What have I done to deserve this???!!”. You don’t try to have a dialogue with mosquitos. You don’t spend energy engaging. They are desperate hungry mosquitos and you are a decent burger. There is no vegetarian option.Insects don’t feel. To mosquitos, your blood is their life. It’s not about “you”. Likewise, to trolls, your emotion is the only confirmation of success. You are not a person, but a response.If they were mosquitos you’d use OFF but since OFF does not work on trolls, it’s best to try and invent a solution yourself.Hate is a boolean operationWhat I have come to realize is that troll a speech is a boolean operation that seeks a “false” return. We give them this “false” when you say “WHAT are you talking about?, or react in an emotional, indignant manner. You are saying “I am NOT what you just said I am”. When you communicate emotion, their internal hate-filled javascript code returns a little window that says “success”.Yes, you CAN deny them that little pop up window of happiness.The solution is offering a “true” Boolean response.The only way to win over this is working to send a “true” response, where you present NO reaction and only confirm exactly what the troll message itself said. Because hate itself is a boolean operation that is written to achieve the false response ( you say “this is not true”). Hate is about defining “difference” at every turn. The essence of hate is, “That which is unlike me must be denied.” So by giving them a true response their system crashes.Hitler himself said, they can only handle up to 2 simple concepts at a time. They start wondering if the Magical Hate Memes the Leader showed them are really all that powerful since they are not getting a response. The pop up success window did not pop up this time. They’ll never blame you for it, though. They’ll automatically assume it’s an evil character the Leader has mentioned before. Most likely it’s…THE NEW YORK TIMES!!!! LYING THEIR LIBERAL ELITE LIES!!!!Solution 1: The Mindless Method (copy and paste)So if someone says “YOU are a nasty Liberal Elite TRANS snowflake”, you respond either by copying and pasting “YOU are a nasty Liberal Elite TRANS snowflake”. That is all. They will most likely respond with “YOU CAN’T eveyin sayin nothing back. Do your need a collective bathroom to cry?” #buildthewall (no it does not make sense but I think you know that by now). Your response, using the Mindless Method is, again, copy and paste.Solution 2: The Evil Characters and Insta-Memes database combinations[FYI: I don’t know A LOT of computer science and started teaching myself in september (2–3 months ago), so it’s possible that I may have misunderstood terms; The next step is creating a program where people can generate troll comment responses for self-defense purposes. There are still about 8 specific patterns to decode so this will take a little bit]You can also choose from the database of evil characters and insta-memes (this makes me laugh so I go for this one. I am doing a UML chart for this database but you know the contents. Obama The Kenyan, Hillary The Crook, The Liberal Media Spreading Lies. Illegals, Mexicans, Muslims, Asian, etc…each performing the predicted stereotypical operation that makes them evil. Example responses below.Basic structure:authoritarianSyntax + evilClass + evilClassOperation + magicalHateMemeThe core of it really is the combination of the evilClass (Gay, Trans, Muslim, Mexican, Women, Disabled, etc…) and the evilClassOperation (i.e what they do that *proves* they are evil).Examples below.Illegals Stealin UR job.Mexecans rapey people and Eat babys.Muslim are all terorists from syrian counitres includen isreeal and franch.YOU ARE Asiaen i wanrt yr JOB Elite Liberal GO HOME.The important part is having the basic structure down. You can repeat operations for different classes and add elements which I have not covered but I will come back here to later with my UML chart and so forth.You can say “YOU ARE homo YOU are a baby-eating Hillary The Crook chierld” (I am laughing as I type this:). One trick is to let your fingers “dance” in order to misspell words on purpose. It’s almost like a surrealist form of writing. Please leave it as is. They don’t get annoyed at misspelled words. “The Liberal Media That Lies” affects them more deeply. You can misspell words but the structure must be followed.OF COURSE you must not forget the special sauce: the now classic Magical hate-memes. Magical hate-memes must have hashtags at all times and should not be misspelled: #Lockherup. #buildthewall #liberalmediathatlies .The basic structure for the response is something like var authSyntaxSubj = "YOU"; var evilClass = "Mexecans"; var evilClassOperationA = "rapey"; var evilClassOperationB = "people"; var magicalHateMeme = "#BuildTheWall"; var result = authSyntaxSubj +" "+ evilClass +" "+ evilclassOperation "+ magicalHateMeme; document.write(result);what we get is:YOU Mexecans rapey people #BuildTheWallPlease forgive my bad code it may not even be actual code, I am learning, I don’t want to create a misspelling algorithm right now, you know how to do this manually. The code is not “for production” it’s just to show you how predictable “hate” it is.How to tell a troll comment from a normal commentHow can you tell what is a troll comment? Other than misspelled words which are present in probably 93% of the ones I encountered, The use of the authoritarian power play syntax (You+can’t/shouldn’t/are___), the imperative (Do this! Delete this! Remove this! or the use of “you” anywhere in the sentence and of course any mention of the cast of evil characters (Hillary The Crook, The Liberal Media That Lies) and magical hate memes (“Build The Wall”, “Lock Her Up”)One time before I created this method I attempted to respond to someone that kept saying that Melania was “a very successful businesswoman before she met Donald, she speaks 5 languages and she did not need to marry rich” with an actual argument. He then showed his true colors. I wrote back something like “DANANNLLD GEVEH ME CHANELLL HENDBEEGH. DANANNLLD PEENES SMALL MONEEY BIIIGGH” and he had the gall do say “hmm it looks like you had a problem with your keyboard”. I could hear the sociopath’s delight. I thought I was clever, but the reality is that he won. I had taken the bait. I used braincells. I assumed this was a conversation, I wanted to be clever.So whenever you read anything that appears to be a sentence, remember it’s a trap. Trolls don’t think for themselves. They don’t care about “you”. They just want your emotional reaction. Let me say this again: they just want your emotional reaction. Goebbels said it himself, avoid the intellect, go for the emotional reaction. Logic or reason will never work with hate. You must only speak their limited language of primitive stereotypes and magical thinking and structure it within the basic troll algorithm.After this comment I then learnt to block on Quora and subsequently created this “method”.][About me: I speak 6 (human) languages and 3 months ago started learning Javascript and other programming languages and paradigms on my own, both of which inform this comment. I have never worked in “intelligence” or government and I don’t have formal knowledge of the field of linguistics; my understanding of structure came as a result of learning languages. I just happened to connect a pattern of separate and seemingly related dots once my Quora answer started receiving trolling comments.I went to art school and my understanding of German and German culture comes from an interest in theories of the history of art and a short-lived part-time job in graduate school as a provenance research assistant for works of art acquired during the Nazi era. ]

E-learning: What are some good DataCamp courses?

Below I have listed the 326 courses available and also the course instructors. Included is the length of each course. For more information on Datacamp visit my blog at where I have posted more details.CoursesAcquire new skills fast in courses that combine short expert videos with immediate hands-on-keyboard exercises.All Data Science CoursesIntroduction to RMaster the basics of data analysis by manipulating common data structures such as vectors, matrices, and data frames.Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 2)Continue to build your modern Data Science skills by learning about iterators and list comprehensions.Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 1)Learn the art of writing your own functions in Python, as well as key concepts like scoping and error handling.Introduction to Importing Data in PythonLearn to import data into Python from various sources, such as Excel, SQL, SAS and right from the web.Supervised Learning with scikit-learnLearn how to build and tune predictive models and evaluate how well they'll perform on unseen data.Introduction to SQLMaster the basics of querying tables in relational databases such as MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.Introduction to Deep Learning in PythonLearn the fundamentals of neural networks and how to build deep learning models using Keras 2.0.Machine Learning with Tree-Based Models in PythonIn this course, you'll learn how to use tree-based models and ensembles for regression and classification using sciki...Object-Oriented Programming in PythonLearn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming: classes, objects, methods, inheritance, polymorphism, and others!Intermediate RContinue your journey to becoming an R ninja by learning about conditional statements, loops, and vector functions.6 hoursFILIP SCHOUWENAARSData Science Instructor at DataCampIntroduction to Machine LearningLearn to train and assess models performing common machine learning tasks such as classification and clustering.6 hoursGILLES INGHELBRECHTDoctoral Student at Vrije Universiteit BrusselCleaning Data in RLearn to explore your data so you can properly clean and prepare it for analysis.4 hoursNICK CARCHEDIProduct Manager at DataCampIntermediate R: PracticeStrengthen your knowledge of the topics you learned in Intermediate R with a ton of new and fun exercises.4 hoursFILIP SCHOUWENAARSData Science Instructor at DataCampData Visualization with ggplot2 (Part 1)Learn to produce meaningful and beautiful data visualizations with ggplot2 by understanding the grammar of graphics.5 hoursRICK SCAVETTARick Scavetta is a co-founder of Scavetta Academy.Data Visualization with ggplot2 (Part 2)Take your data visualization skills to the next level with coordinates, facets, themes, and best practices in ggplot2.5 hoursRICK SCAVETTARick Scavetta is a co-founder of Scavetta Academy.Data Visualization with ggplot2 (Part 3)This course covers some advanced topics including strategies for handling large data sets and specialty plots.6 hoursRICK SCAVETTARick Scavetta is a co-founder of Scavetta Academy.Text Mining with Bag-of-Words in RLearn the bag of words technique for text mining with R.4 hoursTED KWARTLERSenior Director, Data Scientist at Liberty MutualCase Study: Exploring Baseball Pitching Data in RUse a rich baseball dataset from the MLB's Statcast system to practice your data exploration skills.4 hoursPlay previewBRIAN M. MILLSAssistant Professor at the University of FloridaIntroduction to Portfolio Analysis in RApply your finance and R skills to backtest, analyze, and optimize financial portfolios.5 hoursKRIS BOUDTProfessor of Finance and Econometrics at VUB and VUACredit Risk Modeling in RApply statistical modeling in a real-life setting using logistic regression and decision trees to model credit risk.4 hoursLORE DIRICKManager of Data Science Curriculum at Flatiron SchoolMachine Learning with caret in RThis course teaches the big ideas in machine learning like how to build and evaluate predictive models.4 hoursZACHARY DEANE-MAYERAutomation First Data Scientist at DataRobotIntroduction to Databases in PythonIn this course, you'll learn the basics of relational databases and how to interact with them.4 hoursPlay previewJASON MYERSCo-Author of Essential SQLAlchemy and Software EngineerManipulating Time Series Data with xts and zoo in RThe xts and zoo packages make the task of managing and manipulating ordered observations fast and mistake free.4 hoursPlay previewJEFFREY RYANCreator of xts and quantmodTime Series Analysis in RLearn the core techniques necessary to extract meaningful insights from time series data.4 hoursPlay previewDAVID S. MATTESONAssociate Professor at Cornell UniversityImporting & Cleaning Data in R: Case StudiesIn this series of four case studies, you'll revisit key concepts from our courses on importing and cleaning data in R.4 hoursNICK CARCHEDIProduct Manager at DataCampFinancial Trading in RThis course covers the basics of financial trading and how to use quantstrat to build signal-based trading strategies.5 hoursPlay previewILYA KIPNISProfessional Quantitative Analyst and R programmerImporting and Managing Financial Data in RLearn how to access financial data from local files as well as from internet sources.5 hoursPlay previewJOSHUA ULRICHQuantitative Analyst & member of R/Finance Conference committeeInteractive Data Visualization with BokehLearn how to create versatile and interactive data visualizations using Bokeh.4 hoursPlay previewTEAM ANACONDAData Science TrainingCase Study: Exploratory Data Analysis in RUse data manipulation and visualization skills to explore the historical voting of the United Nations General Assembly.4 hoursPlay previewDAVID ROBINSONChief Data Scientist, DataCampIntroduction to Importing Data in RIn this course, you will learn to read CSV, XLS, and text files in R using tools like readxl and data.table.3 hoursFILIP SCHOUWENAARSData Science Instructor at DataCampIntermediate Importing Data in RParse data in any format. Whether it's flat files, statistical software, databases, or data right from the web.3 hoursFILIP SCHOUWENAARSData Science Instructor at DataCampData Visualization in RThis course provides a comprehensive introduction to working with base graphics in R.4 hoursPlay previewRONALD PEARSONPhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from M.I.T.Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 1)Build the foundation you need to think statistically and to speak the language of your data.3 hoursPlay previewJUSTIN BOISLecturer at the California Institute of TechnologyStatistical Thinking in Python (Part 2)Learn to perform the two key tasks in statistical inference: parameter estimation and hypothesis testing.4 hoursPlay previewJUSTIN BOISLecturer at the California Institute of TechnologyIntroduction to Statistical Modeling in RThis course is designed to get you up to speed with the most important and powerful methodologies in statistics.4 hoursDANIEL KAPLANDeWitt Wallace Professor at Macalester CollegeIntermediate Statistical Modeling in RIn this follow-up course, you will expand your stat modeling skills from the introduction and dive into more advanced...4 hoursDANIEL KAPLANDeWitt Wallace Professor at Macalester CollegeIntermediate Portfolio Analysis in RAdvance you R finance skills to backtest, analyze, and optimize financial portfolios.5 hoursPlay previewROSS BENNETTCo-author of PortfolioAnalytics R packageIntermediate Importing Data in PythonImprove your Python data importing skills and learn to work with web and API data.2 hoursPlay previewHUGO BOWNE-ANDERSONData Scientist at DataCamppandas FoundationsLearn how to use the industry-standard pandas library to import, build, and manipulate DataFrames.4 hoursPlay previewTEAM ANACONDAData Science TrainingManipulating DataFrames with pandasYou will learn how to tidy, rearrange, and restructure your data using versatile pandas DataFrames.4 hoursPlay previewTEAM ANACONDAData Science TrainingMerging DataFrames with pandasThis course is all about the act of combining, or merging, DataFrames, an essential part your Data Scientist's toolbox.4 hoursPlay previewTEAM ANACONDAData Science TrainingBond Valuation and Analysis in RLearn to use R to develop models to evaluate and analyze bonds as well as protect them from interest rate changes.4 hoursPlay previewCLIFFORD ANGVice President at Compass LexeconFoundations of Inference in RLearn how to draw conclusions about a population from a sample of data via a process known as statistical inference.4 hoursPlay previewJO HARDINProfessor at Pomona CollegeIntroduction to Data Visualization in PythonLearn complex data visualization techniques using Matplotlib and seaborn.4 hoursPlay previewTEAM ANACONDAData Science TrainingExploratory Data Analysis in RLearn how to use graphical and numerical techniques to begin uncovering the structure of your data.4 hoursPlay previewANDREW BRAYAssistant Professor of Statistics at Reed CollegeCorrelation and Regression in RLearn how to describe relationships between two numerical quantities and characterize these relationships graphically.4 hoursPlay previewBEN BAUMERAssistant Professor at Smith CollegeIntroduction to Data in RLearn the language of data, study types, sampling strategies, and experimental design.4 hoursPlay previewMINE CETINKAYA-RUNDELAssociate Professor at Duke University & Data Scientist and Pr...ARIMA Models in RBecome an expert in fitting ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) models to time series data using R.4 hoursPlay previewDAVID STOFFERProfessor of Statistics at the University of PittsburghUnsupervised Learning in RThis course provides an intro to clustering and dimensionality reduction in R from a machine learning perspective.4 hoursPlay previewHANK ROARKSenior Data Scientist, BoeingVisualizing Geospatial Data in RLearn to read, explore, and manipulate spatial data then use your skills to create informative maps using R.4 hoursPlay previewCHARLOTTE WICKHAMAssistant Professor at Oregon State UniversityIntroduction to Network Analysis in PythonThis course will equip you with the skills to analyze, visualize, and make sense of networks using the NetworkX library.4 hoursPlay previewERIC MAData Carpentry instructor and author of nxviz packageCase Studies: Manipulating Time Series Data in RStrengthen your knowledge of the topics covered in Manipulating Time Series in R using real case study data.4 hoursPlay previewLORE DIRICKManager of Data Science Curriculum at Flatiron SchoolObject-Oriented Programming with S3 and R6 in RManage the complexity in your code using object-oriented programming with the S3 and R6 systems.4 hoursRICHIE COTTONCurriculum Architect at DataCampSentiment Analysis in RLearn sentiment analysis by identifying positive and negative language, specific emotional intent and making compelli...4 hoursTED KWARTLERSenior Director, Data Scientist at Liberty MutualCleaning Data in PythonThis course will equip you with all the skills you need to clean your data in Python.4 hoursPlay previewDANIEL CHENData Science Consultant at Lander AnalyticsUnsupervised Learning in PythonLearn how to cluster, transform, visualize, and extract insights from unlabeled datasets using scikit-learn and scipy.4 hoursPlay previewBENJAMIN WILSONDirector of Research at Lateral.ioVisualizing Time Series Data in RLearn how to visualize time series in R, then practice with a stock-picking case study.4 hoursPlay previewARNAUD AMSELLEMQuantitative Trader and creator of the R Trader blogLife Insurance Products Valuation in RLearn the basics of cash flow valuation, work with human mortality data and build life insurance products in R.4 hoursPlay previewKATRIEN ANTONIOProfessor, KU Leuven and University of AmsterdamFoundations of Probability in RIn this course, you'll learn about the concepts of random variables, distributions, and conditioning.4 hoursPlay previewDAVID ROBINSONChief Data Scientist, DataCampScalable Data Processing in RLearn how to write scalable code for working with big data in R using the bigmemory and iotools packages.4 hoursPlay previewMICHAEL KANEAssistant Professor at Yale UniversityCase Study: School Budgeting with Machine Learning i...Learn how to build a model to automatically classify items in a school budget.4 hoursPlay previewPETER BULLCo-founder of DrivenDataIntroduction to R for FinanceLearn essential data structures such as lists and data frames and apply that knowledge directly to financial examples.4 hoursPlay previewLORE DIRICKManager of Data Science Curriculum at Flatiron SchoolIntermediate R for FinanceLearn about how dates work in R, and explore the world of if statements, loops, and functions using financial examples.5 hoursPlay previewLORE DIRICKManager of Data Science Curriculum at Flatiron SchoolSupervised Learning in R: ClassificationIn this course you will learn the basics of machine learning for classification.4 hoursPlay previewBRETT LANTZData Scientist at the University of MichiganString Manipulation with stringr in RLearn how to pull character strings apart, put them back together and use the stringr package.4 hoursPlay previewCHARLOTTE WICKHAMAssistant Professor at Oregon State UniversityWriting Efficient R CodeLearn to write faster R code, discover benchmarking and profiling, and unlock the secrets of parallel programming.4 hoursPlay previewCOLIN GILLESPIEAssoc Prof at Newcastle University, Consultant at Jumping RiversForecasting in RLearn how to make predictions about the future using time series forecasting in R.5 hoursPlay previewROB J. HYNDMANProfessor of Statistics at Monash UniversityMachine Learning with Tree-Based Models in RIn this course, you'll learn how to use tree-based models and ensembles for regression and classification.4 hoursPlay previewGABRIELA DE QUEIROZData Scientist and founder of R-LadiesWorking with Web Data in RLearn how to efficiently import data from the web into R.4 hoursPlay previewCHARLOTTE WICKHAMAssistant Professor at Oregon State UniversityQuantitative Risk Management in RWork with risk-factor return series, study their empirical properties, and make estimates of value-at-risk.5 hoursPlay previewALEXANDER J. MCNEILProfessor of Actuarial Science at the University of York.Spatial Statistics in RLearn how to make sense of spatial data and deal with various classes of statistical problems associated with it.4 hoursPlay previewBARRY ROWLINGSONResearch Fellow at Lancaster UniversityData Visualization with lattice in RLearn to visualize multivariate datasets using lattice graphics.4 hoursPlay previewDEEPAYAN SARKARMember of R-Core & the creator of latticeIntroduction to Spark with sparklyr in RLearn how to analyze huge datasets using Apache Spark and R using the sparklyr package.4 hoursPlay previewRICHIE COTTONCurriculum Architect at DataCampData Types for Data Science in PythonConsolidate and extend your knowledge of Python data types such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples, leveraging them t...4 hoursPlay previewJASON MYERSCo-Author of Essential SQLAlchemy and Software EngineerSentiment Analysis in R: The Tidy WayIn this course, you will the learn principles of sentiment analysis from a tidy data perspective.4 hoursPlay previewDATACAMP CONTENT CREATORCourse InstructorIntermediate Network Analysis in PythonAnalyze time series graphs, use bipartite graphs, and gain the skills to tackle advanced problems in network analytics.4 hoursPlay previewERIC MAData Carpentry instructor and author of nxviz packageMultiple and Logistic Regression in RIn this course you'll learn to add multiple variables to linear models and to use logistic regression for classificat...4 hoursPlay previewBEN BAUMERAssistant Professor at Smith CollegeInference for Linear Regression in RIn this course you'll learn how to perform inference using linear models.4 hoursJO HARDINProfessor at Pomona CollegeIntroduction to Natural Language Processing in PythonLearn fundamental natural language processing techniques using Python and how to apply them to extract insights from ...4 hoursPlay previewKATHARINE JARMULFounder, kjamistanBuilding Chatbots in PythonLearn the fundamentals of how to build conversational bots using rule-based systems as well as machine learning.4 hoursPlay previewALAN NICHOLCo-founder and CTO of RasaExtreme Gradient Boosting with XGBoostLearn the fundamentals of gradient boosting and build state-of-the-art machine learning models using XGBoost to solve...4 hoursPlay previewSERGEY FOGELSONVP of Analytics and Measurement Sciences, ViacomEquity Valuation in RLearn the fundamentals of valuing stocks.4 hoursPlay previewCLIFFORD ANGVice President at Compass LexeconCase Studies: Building Web Applications with Shiny in RPractice your Shiny skills while building some fun Shiny apps for real-life scenarios!4 hoursPlay previewDEAN ATTALIFounder & Lead R-Shiny Consultant at AttaliTech LtdSupervised Learning in R: RegressionIn this course you will learn how to predict future events using linear regression, generalized additive models, rand...4 hoursPlay previewJOHN MOUNTCo-founder, Principal Consultant at Win-Vector, LLCImporting and Managing Financial Data in PythonIn this course, you'll learn how to import and manage financial data in Python using various tools and sources.5 hoursPlay previewSTEFAN JANSENFounder & Lead Data Scientist at Applied Artificial IntelligenceOptimizing R Code with RcppUse C++ to dramatically boost the performance of your R code.4 hoursTEAM THINKRR TrainingManipulating Time Series Data in PythonIn this course you'll learn the basics of working with time series data.4 hoursPlay previewSTEFAN JANSENFounder & Lead Data Scientist at Applied Artificial IntelligenceTime Series Analysis in PythonIn this course you'll learn the basics of analyzing time series data.4 hoursPlay previewROB REIDERConsultant at Quantopian and Adjunct Professor at NYUParallel Programming with Dask in PythonLearn how to take the Python workflows you currently have and easily scale them up to large datasets without the need...4 hoursPlay previewTEAM ANACONDAData Science TrainingSpatial Analysis with sf and raster in RAnalyze spatial data using the sf and raster packages.4 hoursPlay previewZEV ROSSPresident, ZevRoss Spatial AnalysisIntroduction to PySparkLearn to implement distributed data management and machine learning in Spark using the PySpark package.4 hoursNICK SOLOMONData ScientistNetwork Analysis in RIn this course you'll learn to analyze and visualize network data with the igraph package.4 hoursPlay previewJAMES CURLEYAssociate Professor at UT AustinCase Studies in Statistical ThinkingTake vital steps towards mastery as you apply your statistical thinking skills to real-world data sets and extract ac...4 hoursPlay previewJUSTIN BOISLecturer at the California Institute of TechnologyJoining Data in SQLJoin two or three tables together into one, combine tables using set theory, and work with subqueries in PostgreSQL.5 hoursPlay previewCHESTER ISMAYData Science Evangelist at DataRobotIntroduction to the TidyverseGet started on the path to exploring and visualizing your own data with the tidyverse, a powerful and popular collect...4 hoursPlay previewDAVID ROBINSONChief Data Scientist, DataCampIntroduction to ShellThe Unix command line helps users combine existing programs in new ways, automate repetitive tasks, and run programs ...4 hoursGREG WILSONCo-founder of Software CarpentryDeveloping R PackagesCreate and share your own R Packages!4 hoursAIMEE GOTTHead of Skill Assessment Content at DataCampInference for Numerical Data in RIn this course you'll learn techniques for performing statistical inference on numerical data.4 hoursMINE CETINKAYA-RUNDELAssociate Professor at Duke University & Data Scientist and Pr...Visualizing Time Series Data in PythonVisualize seasonality, trends and other patterns in your time series data.4 hoursPlay previewTHOMAS VINCENTHead of Data Science at Getty ImagesData Manipulation with data.table in RMaster core concepts about data manipulation such as filtering, selecting and calculating groupwise statistics using ...4 hoursMATT DOWLEAuthor of data.tableFundamentals of Bayesian Data Analysis in RLearn what Bayesian data analysis is, how it works, and why it is a useful tool to have in your data science toolbox.4 hoursRASMUS BÅÅTHSenior Data Scientist at King (Activision Blizzard)Working with Dates and Times in RLearn the essentials of parsing, manipulating and computing with dates and times in R.4 hoursPlay previewCHARLOTTE WICKHAMAssistant Professor at Oregon State UniversityIntroduction to GitThis course is an introduction to version control with Git for data scientists.4 hoursGREG WILSONCo-founder of Software CarpentryPython for R UsersThis course is for R users who want to get up to speed with Python!5 hoursPlay previewDANIEL CHENData Science Consultant at Lander AnalyticsCluster Analysis in RDevelop a strong intuition for how hierarchical and k-means clustering work and learn how to apply them to extract in...4 hoursPlay previewDMITRIY GORENSHTEYNLead Data Scientist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterIntroduction to Financial Concepts in PythonUsing Python and NumPy, learn the most fundamental financial concepts.4 hoursPlay previewDAKOTA WIXOMQuantitative Analyst and Founder of Begin Your Quant Journey - Financial Timeseries AnalysisIntroduction to Portfolio Risk Management in PythonEvaluate portfolio risk and returns, construct market-cap weighted equity portfolios and learn how to forecast and he...4 hoursPlay previewDAKOTA WIXOMQuantitative Analyst and Founder of QuantCourse.comInference for Categorical Data in RIn this course you'll learn how to leverage statistical techniques for working with categorical data.4 hoursANDREW BRAYAssistant Professor of Statistics at Reed CollegeConda EssentialsLearn how to easily manage your software using conda.3 hoursTEAM ANACONDAData Science TrainingInteractive Data Visualization with plotly in RLearn to create interactive graphics entirely in R with plotly.4 hoursADAM LOYAssistant Professor of Statistics at Carleton CollegeVisualizing Big Data with TrelliscopeLearn how to visualize big data in R using ggplot2 and trelliscopejs.4 hoursRYAN HAFENAuthor of TrelliscopeJSBuilding Dashboards with flexdashboardIn this course you'll learn how to create static and interactive dashboards using flexdashboard and shiny.4 hoursELAINE MCVEYDirector of Quantitative Mobility, TransLocCommunicating with Data in the TidyverseLeverage the power of tidyverse tools to create publication-quality graphics and custom-styled reports that communica...4 hoursTIMO GROSSENBACHERData Journalist at SRF DataIntroduction to Linear Modeling in PythonExplore the concepts and applications of linear models with python and build models to describe, predict, and extract...4 hoursJASON VESTUTOData Scientist, University of Texas at AustinIntroduction to MongoDB in PythonLearn to manipulate and analyze flexibly structured data with MongoDB.4 hoursDONNY WINSTONDonny is a computer systems engineer at Lawrence Berkeley Nati...ChIP-seq Workflows in RLearn how to analyse and interpret ChIP-seq data with the help of Bioconductor using a human cancer dataset.4 hoursPETER HUMBURGStatisticianJoining Data with data.table in RThis course will show you how to combine and merge datasets with data.table.4 hoursSCOTT RITCHIEPostdoctoral Researcher in Systems GenomicsFoundations of Functional Programming with purrrLearn to easily summarize and manipulate lists using the purrr package.4 hoursDATACAMP CONTENT CREATORCourse InstructorVisualization Best Practices in RLearn to effectively convey your data with an overview of common charts, alternative visualization types, and percep...4 hoursNICHOLAS STRAYERBiostatistician at VanderbiltBuilding Dashboards with shinydashboardIn this course you'll learn to build dashboards using the shinydashboard package.4 hoursPlay previewLUCY D’AGOSTINO MCGOWANPostdoctoral fellow, Johns Hopkins Department of BiostatisticsModeling with Data in the TidyverseExplore Linear Regression in a tidy framework.4 hoursPlay previewALBERT Y. KIMAssistant Professor of Statistical & Data Sciences at Smith Co...Human Resources Analytics: Exploring Employee Data in RManipulate, visualize, and perform statistical tests on HR data.5 hoursPlay previewBEN TEUSCHPeople Analytics Partner at FacebookBusiness Process Analytics in RLearn how to analyze business processes in R and extract actionable insights from enormous sets of event data.4 hoursGERT JANSSENSWILLENAuthor of bupaR packageWorking with Data in the TidyverseLearn to work with data using tools from the tidyverse, and master the important skills of taming and tidying your data.4 hoursPlay previewALISON HILLProfessor and Data ScientistSupervised Learning in R: Case StudiesApply your supervised machine learning skills by working through four case studies using data from the real world.4 hoursPlay previewDATACAMP CONTENT CREATORCourse InstructorForecasting Product Demand in RLearn how to identify important drivers of demand, look at seasonal effects, and predict demand for a hierarchy of pr...4 hoursPlay previewARIC LABARRDirector and Senior Scientist at Elder ResearchMachine Learning for Marketing Analytics in RIn this course you'll learn how to use data science for several common marketing tasks.4 hoursPlay previewVERENA PFLIEGERData Scientist at INWT StatisticsCase Studies: Network Analysis in RApply fundamental concepts in network analysis to large real-world datasets in 4 different case studies.4 hoursTED HARTSenior Data ScientistHierarchical and Mixed Effects Models in RIn this course you will learn to fit hierarchical models with random effects.4 hoursPlay previewRICHARD ERICKSONQuantitative EcologistMachine Learning for Time Series Data in PythonThis course focuses on feature engineering and machine learning for time series data.4 hoursCHRIS HOLDGRAFFellow at the Berkeley Institute for Data ScienceCustomer Analytics and A/B Testing in PythonLearn how to use Python to create, run, and analyze A/B tests to make proactive business decisions.4 hoursRYAN GROSSMANData Scientist at EDO Inc.Linear Classifiers in PythonIn this course you will learn the details of linear classifiers like logistic regression and SVM.4 hoursPlay previewMIKE GELBARTInstructor, the University of British ColumbiaHuman Resources Analytics: Predicting Employee Churn...In this course you'll learn how to apply machine learning in the HR domain.4 hoursHRANT DAVTYANAssistant Professor of Data Science at the American University...Parallel Programming in RThis course covers in detail the tools available in R for parallel computing.4 hoursPlay previewHANA SEVCIKOVASenior Research Scientist, University of WashingtonFeature Engineering with PySparkLearn the gritty details that data scientists are spending 70-80% of their time on; data wrangling and feature engine...4 hoursJOHN HOGUELead Data Scientist, General MillsIntroduction to BioconductorLearn to use essential bioconductor packages using datasets from virus, fungus, human and plants!4 hoursPAULA MARTINEZData ScientistHuman Resources Analytics: Predicting Employee Churn...Predict employee turnover and design retention strategies.4 hoursANURAG GUPTAPeople Analytics PractitionerMarketing Analytics: Predicting Customer Churn in Py...Learn how to use Python to analyze customer churn and build a model to predict it.4 hoursMARK PETERSONSenior Data Scientist at Alliance DataData Privacy and Anonymization in RPublicly release data sets with a differential privacy guarantee.4 hoursPlay previewCLAIRE BOWENPostdoctoral Researcher at the Los Alamos National LaboratoryNonlinear Modeling in R with GAMsGAMs model relationships in data as nonlinear functions that are highly adaptable to different types of data science ...4 hoursPlay previewDATACAMP CONTENT CREATORCourse InstructorBayesian Modeling with RJAGSIn this course, you'll learn how to implement more advanced Bayesian models using RJAGS.4 hoursALICIA JOHNSONAssociate Professor, Macalester CollegeStructural Equation Modeling with lavaan in RLearn how to create and assess measurement models used to confirm the structure of a scale or questionnaire.4 hoursPlay previewERIN BUCHANANProfessor at Harrisburg University of Science and TechnologyDifferential Expression Analysis with limma in RLearn to use the Bioconductor package limma for differential gene expression analysis.4 hoursJOHN BLISCHAKPostdoctoral Scholar at University of ChicagoFactor Analysis in RExplore latent variables, such as personality using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.4 hoursJENNIFER BRUSSOWPsychometrician at Ascend LearningIntroduction to Predictive Analytics in PythonIn this course you'll learn to use and present logistic regression models for making predictions.4 hoursNELE VERBIESTData Scientist at Python PredictionsChoice Modeling for Marketing in RLearn to analyze and model customer choice data in R.4 hoursELEA MCDONNELL FEITAssistant Professor of Marketing at Drexel UniversityCategorical Data in the TidyverseGet ready to categorize! In this course, you will work with non-numerical data, such as job titles or survey respons...4 hoursPlay previewEMILY ROBINSONData Scientist at DataCampMultivariate Probability Distributions in RLearn to analyze, plot, and model multivariate data.4 hoursSURAJIT RAYSenior Lecturer in Statistics, University of GlasgowAdvanced Deep Learning with KerasBuild multiple-input and multiple-output deep learning models using Keras.4 hoursPlay previewZACHARY DEANE-MAYERAutomation First Data Scientist at DataRobotExperimental Design in RIn this course you'll learn about basic experimental design, a crucial part of any data analysis.4 hoursPlay previewKAELEN MEDEIROSData ScientistPreprocessing for Machine Learning in PythonIn this course you'll learn how to get your cleaned data ready for modeling.4 hoursSARAH GUIDOSenior Data Scientist at InVisionMachine Learning for Finance in PythonLearn to model and predict stock data values using linear models, decision trees, random forests, and neural networks.4 hoursNATHAN GEORGEAssistant Professor of Data Science at Regis UniversityBuilding Response Models in RLearn to build simple models of market response to increase the effectiveness of your marketing plans.4 hoursKATHRIN GRUBERAssistant Professor of Econometrics, Erasmus University RotterdamBayesian Regression Modeling with rstanarmLearn how to leverage Bayesian estimation methods to make better inferences about linear regression models.4 hoursJAKE THOMPSONPsychometrician, ATLAS, University of KansasIntermediate Functional Programming with purrrContinue learning with purrr to create robust, clean, and easy to maintain iterative code.4 hoursCOLIN FAYData Scientist & R HackerIntroduction to Python for FinanceThis course introduces Python for financial analysis.4 hoursADINA HOWEAssistant Professor and Data ScientistAnalyzing Survey Data in RLearn survey design using common design structures followed by visualizing and analyzing survey results.4 hoursPlay previewKELLY MCCONVILLEAssistant Professor of Statistics at Reed CollegeMixture Models in RLearn mixture models: a convenient and formal statistical framework for probabilistic clustering and classification.4 hoursVÍCTOR MEDINADoctoral Researcher at The University of EdinburghNetwork Analysis in the TidyverseLearn how to analyze and visualize network data in the R programming language using the tidyverse approach.4 hoursMASSIMO FRANCESCHETProfessor of Data Science at the University of Udine (Italy)Hyperparameter Tuning in RLearn how to tune your model's hyperparameters to get the best predictive results.4 hoursSHIRIN ELSINGHORST (FORMERLY GLANDER)Data Scientist @ codecentricSupport Vector Machines in RThis course will introduce the support vector machine (SVM) using an intuitive, visual approach.4 hoursKAILASH AWATISenior Lecturer at University of Technology Sydney.Interactive Maps with leaflet in RLearn how to produce interactive web maps with ease using leaflet.4 hoursPlay previewRICH MAJERUSAssistant Vice President at Colby CollegeAnalyzing Election and Polling Data in RLearn R for data science by wrangling, visualizing, and modeling political data like polls and election results.4 hoursG ELLIOTT MORRISData JournalistA/B Testing in RLearn A/B testing: including hypothesis testing, experimental design, and confounding variables.4 hoursPAGE PICCININISenior Data Scientist at ClassyRNA-Seq with Bioconductor in RUse RNA-Seq differential expression analysis to identify genes likely to be important for different diseases or condi...4 hoursMARY PIPERBioinformatics Consultant and TrainerAnalyzing Police Activity with pandasExplore the Stanford Open Policing Project dataset and analyze the impact of gender on police behavior using pandas.4 hoursPlay previewKEVIN MARKHAMFounder of Data SchoolAnalyzing US Census Data in RLearn to rapidly visualize and explore demographic data from the United States Census Bureau using tidyverse tools.4 hoursKYLE WALKERGeography professor at TCU and spatial data science consultantConda for Building & Distributing PackagesLearn how to write Conda recipes and share them on Anaconda Cloud.3 hoursTEAM ANACONDAData Science TrainingIntermediate Data Visualization with SeabornUse Seaborn's sophisticated visualization tools to make beautiful, informative visualizations with ease.4 hoursPlay previewCHRIS MOFFITTCreator of Practical Business PythonAnomaly Detection in RLearn statistical tests for identifying outliers and how to use sophisticated anomaly scoring algorithms.4 hoursALASTAIR RUSHWORTHData ScientistStatistical Simulation in PythonLearn to solve increasingly complex problems using simulations to generate and analyze data.4 hoursTUSHAR SHANKERData Science Manager at UberFinancial Forecasting in PythonStep into the role of CFO and learn how to advise a board of directors on key metrics while building a financial fore...4 hoursVICTORIA CLARKChartered Global Management Accountant at CIMADealing With Missing Data in RMake it easy to visualise, explore, and impute missing data with naniar, a tidyverse friendly approach to missing data.4 hoursNICHOLAS TIERNEYStatisticianPython for MATLAB UsersTransition from MATLAB by learning some fundamental Python concepts, and diving into the NumPy and Matplotlib packages.4 hoursJUSTIN KIGGINSProduct ManagerVisualizing Geospatial Data in PythonLearn how to make attractive visualizations of geospatial data in Python using the geopandas package and folium maps.4 hoursMARY VAN VALKENBURGData Science Program Manager at Nashville Software SchoolSurvival Analysis in RLearn to work with time-to-event data. The event may be death or finding a job after unemployment. Learn to estimate,...4 hoursHEIDI SEIBOLDStatistician at LMU MunichBiomedical Image Analysis in PythonLearn the fundamentals of exploring, manipulating, and measuring biomedical image data.4 hoursPlay previewSTEPHEN BAILEYLead Data ScientistBuilding Recommendation Engines with PySparkLearn tools and techniques to leverage your own big data to facilitate positive experiences for your users.4 hoursJAMEN LONGData ScientistFinancial Analytics in RLearn how to speak the language (and do the math!) of corporate finance to pitch your next great business idea.4 hoursEMILY RIEDERERAnalytics ManagerInteractive Data Visualization with rbokehLearn rbokeh: a visualization library for interactive web-based plots.4 hoursOMAYMA SAIDData ScientistIntermediate Interactive Data Visualization with plo...Learn to create animated graphics and linked views entirely in R with plotly.4 hoursADAM LOYAssistant Professor of Statistics at Carleton CollegeMachine Learning in the TidyverseLeverage the tools in the tidyverse to generate, explore and evaluate machine learning models.5 hoursPlay previewDMITRIY GORENSHTEYNLead Data Scientist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterPredictive Analytics using Networked Data in RLearn to predict labels of nodes in networks using network learning and by extracting descriptive features from the n...4 hoursBART BAESENSProfessor in Analytics and Data Science at KU LeuvenPivot Tables in SpreadsheetsExplore the world of Pivot Tables within Google Sheets, and learn how to quickly organize thousands of data points wi...4 hoursPlay previewFRANK SUMANSKIFounder, Spreadsheet Allstars | Daily Microsoft Excel Tips and TricksIntermediate SQL ServerIn this course, you will use T-SQL, the flavor of SQL used in Microsoft's SQL Server for data analysis.4 hoursGINGER GRANTPrincipal Consultant, Desert Isle GroupWeb Scraping in PythonLearn to retrieve and parse information from the internet using the Python library scrapy.4 hoursTHOMAS LAETSCHData Scientist at New York UniversityWorking with Geospatial Data in PythonThis course will show you how to integrate spatial data into your Python Data Science workflow.4 hoursJORIS VAN DEN BOSSCHEOpen Source Software Developer; Core Developer of Pandas, GeoP...Designing and Analyzing Clinical Trials in RIn this course you will gain an overview clinical trial designs, determine the numbers of patients needed and conduct...4 hoursTAMUNO ALFREDPhD. BiostatisticianSingle-Cell RNA-Seq Workflows in RAnalyze single-cell RNA-Seq data using normalization, dimensionality reduction, clustering and differential expression.4 hoursFANNY PERRAUDEAUSenior Data Scientist, Whole BiomeIntermediate SpreadsheetsExpand your spreadsheets vocabulary by diving deeper into data types, including numeric data, logical data, and missi...4 hoursPlay previewRICHIE COTTONCurriculum Architect at DataCampImage Processing with Keras in PythonLearn powerful techniques for image analysis in Python using deep learning and convolutional neural networks in Keras.4 hoursPlay previewARIEL ROKEMSenior Data Scientist, University of WashingtonLinear Algebra for Data Science in RThis course is an introduction to linear algebra, one of the most important mathematical topics underpinning data sci...4 hoursERIC EAGERData Scientist at Pro Football FocusGeneralized Linear Models in RThe Generalized Linear Model course expands your regression toolbox to include logistic and Poisson regression.4 hoursRICHARD ERICKSONQuantitative EcologistWriting Functions and Stored Procedures in SQL ServerMaster SQL Server programming by learning to create, update, and execute functions and stored procedures.4 hoursMEGHAN KWARTLERIT ConsultantAdvanced NLP with spaCyLearn how to use spaCy to build advanced natural language understanding systems, using both rule-based and machine le...5 hoursINES MONTANIspaCy core developer and co-founder of Explosion AIIntroduction to SpreadsheetsLearn the basics of spreadsheets by working with rows, columns, addresses, and ranges.2 hoursVINCENT VANKRUNKELSVENData Science Instructor at DataCampData Analysis in SpreadsheetsLearn how to analyze data with spreadsheets using functions such as SUM(), AVERAGE(), and VLOOKUP().3 hoursVINCENT VANKRUNKELSVENData Science Instructor at DataCampSupply Chain Analytics in PythonLeverage the power of Python and PuLP to optimize supply chains.4 hoursAAREN STUBBERFIELDManager, Supply Chain Analytics @ Ingredion IncorporatedFraud Detection in RLearn to detect fraud with analytics in R.4 hoursBART BAESENSProfessor in Analytics and Data Science at KU LeuvenAnalyzing Social Media Data in PythonIn this course, you'll learn how to collect Twitter data and analyze Twitter text, networks, and geographical origin.4 hoursALEX HANNAComputational Social ScientistGARCH Models in RSpecify and fit GARCH models to forecast time-varying volatility and value-at-risk.4 hoursKRIS BOUDTProfessor of Finance and Econometrics at VUB and VUACourse Creation at DataCampLearn all about how DataCamp builds the best platform to learn and teach data skills.3 hoursCONTENT TEAMData Science EnthusiastsLongitudinal Analysis in RLearn how to analyze and model longitudinal data.4 hoursDATACAMP CONTENT CREATORCourse InstructorFraud Detection in PythonLearn how to detect fraud using Python.4 hoursCHARLOTTE WERGERDirector of Advanced Analytics at NikeData Visualization in SpreadsheetsLearn the fundamentals of data visualization using spreadsheets.4 hoursRAINA HAWLEYOwner/Instructor, OzGrid Business ApplicationsAdvanced Dimensionality Reduction in RLearn how to apply advanced dimensionality techniques such as t-SNE and GLRM.4 hoursFEDERICO CASTANEDOData Scientist at DataRobotCustomer Segmentation in PythonLearn how to segment customers in Python.4 hoursKAROLIS URBONASHead of Machine Learning and ScienceTopic Modeling in RLearn how to fit topic models using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation algorithm.4 hoursPAVEL OLEINIKOVAssociate Director, Quantitative Analysis Center, Wesleyan Uni...Probability Puzzles in RLearn strategies for answering probability questions in R by solving a variety of probability puzzles.4 hoursPETER CHIAssistant Professor of Statistics, Villanova UniversityFeature Engineering in RLearn a variety of feature engineering techniques to develop meaningful features that will uncover useful insights ab...4 hoursJOSE HERNANDEZData Scientist, University of WashingtonDefensive R ProgrammingLearn defensive programming in R to make your code more robust.4 hoursCOLIN GILLESPIEAssoc Prof at Newcastle University, Consultant at Jumping RiversR For SAS UsersLearn how to translate your SAS knowledge into R and analyze data using this free and powerful software language.4 hoursMELINDA HIGGINSResearch Professor, Senior BiostatisticianIntermediate Predictive Analytics in PythonLearn how to prepare and organize your data for predictive analytics.4 hoursNELE VERBIESTData Scientist at Python PredictionsAnalyzing US Census Data in PythonLearn to use the Census API to work with demographic and socioeconomic data.5 hoursLEE HACHADOORIANAsst. Professor of Instruction, Temple UniversityBig Data Fundamentals with PySparkLearn the fundamentals of working with big data with PySpark.4 hoursUPENDRA KUMAR DEVISETTYScience Analyst at CyVerseDimensionality Reduction in PythonLearn to reduce dimensionality in Python.4 hoursJEROEN BOEYEMachine Learning Engineer @ FaktionWorking with Dates and Times in PythonLearn how to work with dates and times in Python.4 hoursMAX SHRONData Scientist and AuthorDesigning Machine Learning Workflows in PythonLearn to build pipelines that stand the test of time.4 hoursCHRISTOFOROS ANAGNOSTOPOULOSHonorary Associate ProfessorSoftware Engineering for Data Scientists in PythonLearn all about modularity, documentation, & automated testing to help you solve Data Science problems quicker an...4 hoursADAM SPANNBAUERMachine Learning Engineer at EastmanExploratory Data Analysis in SQLLearn how to explore what's available in a database: the tables, relationships between them, and data stored in them.4 hoursCHRISTINA MAIMONEData Scientist, Northwestern UniversityIntermediate SQLMaster the complex SQL queries necessary to answer a wide variety of data science questions and prepare robust data s...4 hoursPlay previewMONA KHALILData Scientist, Greenhouse SoftwareWriting Efficient Python CodeLearn to write efficient code that executes quickly and allocates resources skillfully to avoid unnecessary overhead.Continue CourseIntroduction to Data Science in PythonDive into data science using Python and learn how to effectively analyze and visualize your data.4 hoursPlay previewHILLARY GREEN-LERMANLead Data Scientist, LookerIntroduction to Relational Databases in SQLLearn how to create one of the most efficient ways of storing data - relational databases!Continue CourseIntroduction to SQL ServerBecome proficient at using SQL Server to perform common data manipulation tasks.4 hoursJOHN MACKINTOSHData ManagerIntroduction to Data Visualization with MatplotlibLearn how to create, customize, and share data visualizations using Matplotlib.4 hoursARIEL ROKEMSenior Data Scientist, University of WashingtonIntroduction to Text Analysis in RAnalyze text data in R using the tidy framework.4 hoursMARC DOTSONAssistant Professor of Marketing, BYU Marriott School of BusinessFeature Engineering for Machine Learning in PythonCreate new features to improve the performance of your Machine Learning models.4 hoursPlay previewROBERT O'CALLAGHANDirector of Data Science, OrdergrooveIntroduction to Statistics in SpreadsheetsLearn how to leverage statistical techniques using spreadsheets to more effectively work with and extract insights fr...4 hoursTED KWARTLERSenior Director, Data Scientist at Liberty MutualPostgreSQL Summary Stats and Window FunctionsLearn how to create queries for analytics and data engineering with window functions, the SQL secret weapon!4 hoursFERNANDO GONZALEZ PRADAData Science ConsultantReporting in SQLLearn how to build your very own dashboard by applying all the SQL concepts and functions you have learned in previou...4 hoursTYLER PERNESLearning & Development ConsultantFoundations of Probability in PythonLearn fundamental probability concepts like random variables, mean and variance, probability distributions, and condi...5 hoursALEXANDER A. RAMÍREZ M.CEO at Synergy VisionWriting Efficient Code with pandasLearn efficient techniques in pandas to optimize your Python code.4 hoursLEONIDAS SOULIOTISPhD @ University of WarwickPython for Spreadsheet UsersUse your knowledge of common spreadsheet functions and techniques to explore Python!4 hoursPlay previewCHRIS CARDILLOData Scientist at DataCampImproving Your Data Visualizations in PythonLearn to construct compelling and attractive visualizations that help communicate results efficiently and effectively.4 hoursNICHOLAS STRAYERBiostatistician at VanderbiltClustering Methods with SciPyIn this course, you will be introduced to unsupervised learning through techniques such as hierarchical and k-means c...4 hoursSHAUMIK DAITYARIBusiness Analyst at American ExpressAI FundamentalsLearn the fundamentals of AI. No programming experience required!4 hoursNEMANJA RADOJKOVIĆSenior Data Scientist @ DatarootsApplying SQL to Real-World ProblemsFind tables, store and manage new tables and views, and write maintainable SQL code to answer business questions.4 hoursDMITRIY GORENSHTEYNLead Data Scientist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer CenterAnalyzing Marketing Campaigns with pandasBuild up your pandas skills and answer marketing questions by merging, slicing, visualizing, and more!4 hoursJILL ROSOKData Scientist at SpotifyFinancial Analytics in SpreadsheetsLearn how to build a graphical dashboard with spreadsheets to track the performance of financial securities.4 hoursDAVID ARDIAProfessor of Quantitative Methods for FinanceMachine Learning with PySparkLearn how to make predictions with Apache Spark.4 hoursANDREW COLLIERData Scientist @ Exegetic AnalyticsFinancial Modeling in SpreadsheetsLearn basic business modeling including cash flows, investments, annuities, loan amortization, and more using Sheets.4 hoursERIN BUCHANANProfessor at Harrisburg University of Science and TechnologyIntroduction to Spark SQL in PythonLearn how to manipulate data and create machine learning feature sets in Spark using SQL in Python.4 hoursMARK PLUTOWSKIBig Data Architect & Scientist @ FlipboardConditional Formatting in SpreadsheetsLearn how to use conditional formatting with your data through built-in options and by creating custom formulas.4 hoursADAM STEINFURTHInstructor at DataCampIntroduction to TensorFlow in PythonLearn the fundamentals of neural networks and how to build deep learning models using TensorFlow.4 hoursISAIAH HULLEconomistModel Validation in PythonLearn the basics of model validation, validation techniques, and begin creating validated and high performing models.4 hoursKASEY JONESResearch Data ScientistHyperparameter Tuning in PythonLearn to tune hyperparameters in Python.4 hoursALEX SCRIVENData Scientist @ New South Wales GovernmentIntroduction to Data Visualization with SeabornLearn how to create informative and attractive visualizations in Python using the Seaborn library.4 hoursERIN CASEData ScientistImproving Query Performance in SQL ServerIn this course, students will learn to write queries that are both efficient and easy to read and understand.4 hoursDEAN SMITHFounder, Atamai AnalyticsAnalyzing Business Data in SQLLearn to write SQL queries to calculate key metrics that businesses use to measure performance.4 hoursMICHEL SEMAANData ScientistEnsemble Methods in PythonLearn how to build advanced and effective machine learning models in Python using ensemble techniques such as bagging...4 hoursROMÁN DE LAS HERASData Scientist at SAP and Data Science Team Lead at Agile Solu...Exploratory Data Analysis in PythonLearn how to explore, visualize, and extract insights from data.4 hoursALLEN DOWNEYProfessor, Olin CollegeGeneralized Linear Models in PythonExtend your regression toolbox with the logistic and Poisson models and learn to train, understand, and validate them...5 hoursITA CIROVIC DONEVData Science consultantData-Driven Decision Making in SQLLearn how to analyze a SQL table and report insights to management.4 hoursBART BAESENSProfessor in Analytics and Data Science at KU LeuvenIntroduction to Deep Learning with PyTorchLearn to create deep learning models with the PyTorch library.4 hoursISMAIL ELEZIResearcher PHD Student at Ca' Foscari University of VeniceMarketing Analytics in SpreadsheetsLearn how to ensure clean data entry and build dynamic dashboards to display your marketing data.4 hoursLUKE PAJERDigital Marketing SpecialistWriting Functions in PythonLearn to use best practices to write maintainable, reusable, complex functions with good documentation.4 hoursSHAYNE MIELDirector of Software Engineering @ American EfficientData Processing in ShellLearn powerful command-line skills to download, process, and transform data, including machine learning pipeline.4 hoursSUSAN SUNData PersonFunctions for Manipulating Data in SQL ServerLearn the most important functions for manipulating, processing, and transforming data in SQL Server.4 hoursANA VOICUSoftware DeveloperUnit Testing for Data Science in PythonLearn how to write unit tests for your Data Science projects in Python using pytest.4 hoursDIBYA CHAKRAVORTYSenior Python Developer, TECH-5Error and Uncertainty in SpreadsheetsLearn to distinguish real differences from random noise, and explore psychological crutches we use that interfere wit...4 hoursEVAN KRAMERData ScientistAnalyzing IoT Data in PythonLearn how to import, clean and manipulate IoT data in Python to make it ready for machine learning.4 hoursMATTHIAS VOPPICHLERSoftware DeveloperImproving Query Performance in PostgreSQLLearn how to structure your PostgreSQL queries to run in a fraction of the time.4 hoursAMY MCCARTYData AnalystPracticing Coding Interview Questions in PythonPrepare for your next coding interviews in Python.4 hoursKIRILL SMIRNOVData Science Consultant @ AltranPracticing Statistics Interview Questions in PythonPrepare for your next statistics interview by reviewing concepts like conditional probabilities, A/B testing, the bia...4 hoursCONOR DEWEYData Scientist, SquarespaceIntroduction to Deep Learning with KerasLearn to start developing deep learning models with Keras.4 hoursMIGUEL ESTEBANData Scientist & FounderCleaning Data with PySparkLearn how to clean data with Apache Spark in Python.4 hoursMIKE METZGERData Engineer Consultant @ Flexible CreationsExperimental Design in PythonLearn about experimental design, and how to explore your data to ask and answer meaningful questions.4 hoursLUKE HAYDENPostdoctoral ResearcherFeature Engineering for NLP in PythonLearn techniques to extract useful information from text and process them into a format suitable for machine learning.4 hoursROUNAK BANIKData Scientist at Fractal AnalyticsStreamlined Data Ingestion with pandasLearn to acquire data from common file formats and systems such as CSV files, spreadsheets, JSON, SQL databases, and ...4 hoursAMANY MAHFOUZData scientist via spatial analytics and geography.Building and Optimizing Triggers in SQL ServerLearn how to design and implement triggers in SQL Server using real-world examples.4 hoursFLORIN ANGELESCUDatabase DeveloperHierarchical and Recursive Queries in SQL ServerLearn how to write recursive queries and query hierarchical data structures.4 hoursDOMINIK EGARTERData Engineering EnthusiastWinning a Kaggle Competition in PythonLearn how to approach and win competitions on Kaggle.Continue CourseSentiment Analysis in PythonAre customers thrilled with your products or is your service lacking? Learn how to perform an end-to-end sentiment an...4 hoursVIOLETA MISHEVAData ScientistImage Processing in PythonLearn to process, transform, and manipulate images at your will.4 hoursREBECA GONZÁLEZData Engineer & Co-FounderFunctions for Manipulating Data in PostgreSQLLearn the most important PostgreSQL functions for manipulating, processing, and transforming data.4 hoursBRIAN PICCOLOSr. Director, Digital StrategyTime Series Analysis in SQL ServerExplore ways to work with date and time data in SQL Server for time series analysis5 hoursKEVIN FEASELCTO, EnvizageSurvey and Measurement Development in RDesign surveys to get actionable insights via reviewing of survey design structures and visualizing and analyzing sur...4 hoursGEORGE MOUNTData analytics educatorRegular Expressions in PythonLearn about string manipulation and become a master at using regular expressions.4 hoursMARIA EUGENIA INZAUGARATData ScientistARIMA Models in PythonLearn about ARIMA models in Python and become an expert in time series analysis.4 hoursJAMES FULTONClimate Informatics ResearcherDealing with Missing Data in PythonLearn how to identify, analyze, remove and impute missing data in Python.4 hoursSURAJ DONTHIDeep Learning & Computer Vision ConsultantIntroduction to AWS Boto in PythonLearn about AWS Boto and harnessing cloud technology to optimize your data workflow.4 hoursMAKSIM PECHERSKIYData EngineerData Science for BusinessLearn about data science and how can you use it to strengthen your organization.4 hoursMICHAEL CHOWAssessment Research Lead at DataCampMachine Translation in PythonAre you curious about the inner workings of the models that are behind products like Google Translate?4 hoursTHUSHAN GANEGEDARAData Scientist and AuthorSpoken Language Processing in PythonLearn to load, transform, and transcribe human speech from raw audio files in Python.4 hoursDANIEL BOURKEMachine Learning Engineer and YouTube creatorBuilding Data Engineering Pipelines in PythonLearn how to build data engineering pipelines in Python.4 hoursKAI ZHANGData Engineer at Data MindedIntroduction to Portfolio Analysis in PythonLearn how to calculate meaningful measures of risk and performance, and how to compile an optimal portfolio for the d...4 hoursCHARLOTTE WERGERDirector of Advanced Analytics at NikePracticing Machine Learning Interview Questions in RPrepare for your upcoming machine learning interview by working through these practice questions that span across imp...4 hoursRAFAEL FALCONData Scientist at ShopifyTransactions and Error Handling in SQL ServerLearn to write scripts that will catch and handle errors and control for multiple operations happening at once.4 hoursMIRIAM ANTONASoftware EngineerCredit Risk Modeling in PythonLearn how to prepare credit application data, apply machine learning and business rules to reduce risk and ensure pro...4 hoursMICHAEL CRABTREEData ScientistIntroduction to TensorFlow in RLearn how to use TensorFlow, a state-of-the-art machine learning framework that specializes in the ability to develop...4 hoursCOLLEEN BOBBIEInstructorIntroduction to Natural Language Processing in RGain an overview of all the skills and tools needed to excel in Natural Language Processing in R.4 hoursKASEY JONESResearch Data ScientistMachine Learning for Marketing in PythonFrom customer lifetime value, predicting churn to segmentation - learn and implement Machine Learning use cases for M...4 hoursKAROLIS URBONASHead of Machine Learning and SciencePracticing Machine Learning Interview Questions in P...Sharpen your knowledge in machine learning, and prepare for any potential question you might get in a machine learnin...4 hoursLISA STUARTData ScientistData Manipulation with dplyrLearn to transform and manipulate your data using dplyr.4 hoursCHRIS CARDILLOData Scientist at DataCampIntroduction to Data EngineeringLearn about the world of data engineering with an overview of all its relevant topics and tools!4 hoursVINCENT VANKRUNKELSVENData and Software Engineer @DataCampPandas Joins for Spreadsheet UsersLearn how to effectively and efficiently join datasets in tabular format using the Python Pandas library.4 hoursJOHN MILLERData ScientistIntroduction to ScalaBegin your journey with Scala, a popular language for scalable applications and data engineering infrastructure.3 hoursDAVID VENTURICurriculum Manager at DataCampIntroduction to Writing Functions in RTake your R skills up a notch by learning to write efficient, reusable functions.4 hoursRICHIE COTTONCurriculum Architect at DataCampAnalyzing Social Media Data in RExtract and visualize Twitter data, perform sentiment and network analysis, and map the geolocation of your tweets.4 hoursSOWMYA VIVEKData Science CoachIntroduction to Data Visualization with ggplot2Learn to produce meaningful and beautiful data visualizations with ggplot2 by understanding the grammar of graphics.4 hoursRICK SCAVETTARick Scavetta is a co-founder of Scavetta Academy.Creating PostgreSQL DatabasesThis course teaches you the skills and knowledge necessary to create and manage your own PostgreSQL databases.4 hoursDARRYL REEVESAssistant Professor, Long Island University - BrooklynIntermediate Data Visualization with ggplot2Learn to use facets, coordinate systems and statistics in ggplot2 to create meaningful explanatory plots.4 hoursRICK SCAVETTARick Scavetta is a co-founder of Scavetta Academy.Practicing Statistics Interview Questions in RIn this course, you'll prepare for the most frequently covered statistical topics from distributions to hypothesis t...4 hoursZUZANNA CHMIELEWSKAActuaryJoining Data with dplyrLearn to combine data across multiple tables to answer more complex questions with dplyr.4 hoursCHRIS CARDILLOData Scientist at DataCampPredicting CTR with Machine Learning in PythonLearn how to predict click-through rates on ads and implement basic machine learning models in Python so that you can...4 hoursKEVIN HUOData ScientistDatabase DesignLearn to design databases in SQL.4 hoursLIS SULMONTCurriculum Manager at DataCampData Science for EveryoneAn introduction to data science with no coding involved.4 hoursHADRIEN LACROIXContent Developer at DataCampDimensionality Reduction in RDevelop your intuition for when to reduce dimensionality in your data, and master the fundamentals of how to do so in R.4 hoursALEXANDROS TANTOSAssistant Professor, Aristotle University of ThessalonikiTime Series with data.table in RMaster time series data using data.table in R.4 hoursJAMES LAMBStaff Data Scientist, UptakeCreating Robust Workflows in PythonLearn to develop a set of principles for your data science and software development projects.4 hoursMARTIN SKARZYNSKICo-Chair, Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (F...Options Trading in SpreadsheetsLearn how to price options contracts and visualize payout of various options strategies using spreadsheets.4 hoursSERGEI BALASHOVChartered Financial AnalystLoan Amortization in SpreadsheetsLearn how to build an amortization dashboard in spreadsheets with financial and conditional formulas.4 hoursBRENT ALLENFinancial Spreadsheets SpecialistCommand Line Automation in PythonLearn to automate many common file system tasks and be able to manage and communicate with processes.4 hoursNOAH GIFTLecturer and consultant in data scienceRecurrent Neural Networks for Language Modeling in P...Use RNNs to classify text sentiment, generate sentences, and translate text between languages.4 hoursDAVID CECCHINIData ScientistMarket Basket Analysis in RExplore association rules in market basket analysis with R by analyzing retail data and creating movie recommendations.4 hoursCHRISTOPHER BRUFFAERTSStatisticianBuilding Web Applications with Shiny in RShiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps directly in R, allowing your team to explore y...4 hoursKAELEN MEDEIROSData ScientistQuantitative Risk Management in PythonLearn about risk management, value at risk and more applied to the 2008 financial crisis using Python.4 hoursJAMSHEED SHORISHComputational EconomistNatural Language Generation in PythonImitate Shakespear, translate language and autocomplete sentences using Deep Learning in Python.4 hoursBISWANATH HALDERData ScientistIntroduction to Oracle SQLLearn how to import and manipulate data with Oracle SQL.4 hoursHADRIEN LACROIXContent Developer at DataCampIntermediate Regular Expressions in RManipulate text data, analyze it and more by mastering regular expressions and string distances in R.4 hoursANGELO ZEHRData JournalistIntroduction to Bash ScriptingBash scripting allows you to build analytics pipelines in the cloud and work with data stored across multiple files.4 hoursALEX SCRIVENData Scientist @ New South Wales GovernmentData Manipulation with pandasUse the world’s most popular Python data science package to manipulate data and calculate summary statistics.4 hoursRICHIE COTTONCurriculum Architect at DataCampIntroduction to TableauGet started with Tableau, a widely used business intelligence (BI) and analytics software to explore, visualize, and ...4 hoursHADRIEN LACROIXContent Developer at DataCampIntroduction to PythonMaster the basics of data analysis in Python. Expand your skillset by learning scientific computing with numpy.Intermediate PythonLevel up your data science skills by creating visualizations using Matplotlib and manipulating DataFrames with pandas.

What are some common illogical scenes that occur in films? I'm not talking about medical conditions that don't exist or physics-defying stunts, but just common, illogical things that don't really happen in real life.

Persons wake up with no bed hair.Blowing up A Asteroid the size of Texas would has no collateral damage.A woman can easily be altered to beautiful by straighten her hair and remove her glasses.It's easy to defeat multiple foes because instead of logically attacking the person at the same time the person fights 1 person then repeats until all foes are defeated or they retreat.Criminals murder persons during the morning and in a Public Place where most likely other persons witness the crime.Cops don't get fired for operating out of their jurisdiction in another State without the Department approval.Cops don't get fired after being removed from the Criminal Case by continuing to investigate or while suspended and the evidence is still used.A detective will say a specefic death threat to a person in a Public place in front of witnesses and won't be investigated and sent to Prison for conspiracy to commit murder because of a specefic death threat.A cop can shoot a person in response to him or her saying diplomatic immunity,and won't get charged with murder.Persons slide down a rope no gloves and won't have the damage of rope burns.Persons jump into a garbage barrel no broken bones, don't die, and no infections.Kids easily fight and defeat adults.A kid knocks out a sober adult.A Underdog wins a Martial Arts tournament defeating foes that have been trained way damn longer than the underdog. I'm talking more than 1 year.A Martial Arts tournament hitting the face is allowed and legal to score points.A adult seeing a person has a bulletresistent vest won't use the logical action of the damn unprotected area his or her head instead continue with futility by shooting the protected area.A Student that shows up more than 3 hours later that is in Elementary school and isn't asked why is he or she is late because the Adult didn't inform the Teacher he or she would be late with a valid explanation.Bulletresistent Vests are also effective for stopping stabs from bladed weapons. Not all bulletresistent vests have that freakin advantage but movies say screw logic.A student can easily hack into the School attendance records to alter his or her absences, and no investigation will happen after a Employee sees that alteration.A envelope can be thrown fast to cut a person's hand or body part off.A person uses the nonsensical combo Over and Out when communicating on the Radio.A cop drinks beer or alcohol on duty and during a dangerous situation, and persons don't smell the alcohol even when the Cop is a reaching distance away.Freezers in Grocery Stores and other businesses have a dry ice that is released when you open the door.A person using for a argument that he or she can't support a idea could be a blood orchid can renew youth for humans and provides no explanation why he or she can't support a certain idea.Flashing a badge and persons including a Security Guard won't ask to see the Badge to remove the flaw of being conned or fooled.A Record keeper at the Playboy mansion won't ask for ids if a person claims certain visible persons are with the Health Department, and won't be suspicious when the person claiming tp be a pool cleaner doesn't provide any specefic details with what is the problem that the pool cleaner needs to fix. The crying or becoming sad will persuade to let this person into the Backyard.A Security Guard won't be suspicious seeing a person that he hasn't seen before in a restricted area of a specefic Buisness.Tables, doors, and other things is effective cover when guns are shot.A person will be convinced a person is a celebrity with 0 verifiable visual evidence.Bullets can move underwater.Syndicates that have Ninjas.Secret Societies will put Logos in Public areas even though it's nonsensical because since secret societies can't remain secret to outsiders when a name and logo is advertised like that secret society is a McDonald's.A human can instantly change clothes like he is Superman.Space Jam, Mighty Ducks 3, etc you see how much time is left on the clock and you can see that the real time lasts longer because it's been over the amount of seconds left when looking at the timer information and that does not happen in Sports games in the Real World.Sound in space including space ships that use weapons.Humans survive the implausible because plot armor . Hung by a damn chain hanging for over 4 seconds off the damn ground, thrown in a fire surviving a explosion that destroys a house, standing behind a Vending machine during a explosion, a human survives falling from a damn Skyscraper, in a open area with a explosion moving through a tunnel it doesn't move to that open area, repeatedly stsbbed in fatal areas as shown in Scream, fallingfrom a Building into the back of a Garbage Truck, etc.Humans won't recognize a persom that doesn't modify his or her voice while wearing a mask.Humans won't recognize a person with a flimsy disguise which is the person wearing a domino mask.No recoil for guns.The devices incorrectly called silencers not suppressors, and the devices reduce the sound a high degree.A Megalodon shark isn't discovered by humans for over 500 years.Amacondas live also in Borneo not just the Amazon Jungle.Animals can play in Sports league because the logic is accepted no rule that says a dog or some animal can't play a sport.Criminals can easily find a witness to a crime even with only see the back of his head.A FBI agent will know a person witnessed a crime even though the witness told no person.A group of Terrorists easily can take over a Navy Ship because being hugely outnumbered would not be a challenging flaw at all.A human doesn't react after boiling water is thrown at the person, and doesn't have burnt skin.Humans don't get sunburned after being exposed to the sun for more than 1 hour, not wearing sunscreen, and while on a Island or some other area during the hot season.Persons in Jungles not drinking water for more than 1 hour have 0 issues from dehydration and heat, and won't throw up.Persons can rapidly fire guns, and don't have to reload for a long period of time.Not guilty by reason of insanity if successful the defendant is free and not sent to a mental hospital.Lightning ressurects a person.Persons fall from a high distance whether on a car, into water, ground, aren't killed, not injured or damaged.Persons don't have to treat gun shot wounds, and can still fight, run, etc no problem.Persons drop to the ground instantly after getting shot even if not the head, heart, etc.More than 5 persons shooting with 1 person running away, and the person avoids getting shot.A bullet will stop moving after killing a person, and not the person behind him or her.Couples wake up and kiss each other in the morning because humans don't have bad breath in the morning.Kids that play in Pro Sports leagues even though they aren't legal age, and no lawsuits for violating the child labor laws along with criticizing the Pro League and that team.Animals in the Amazon jungle go out of their way to attack you.A freakin phone rings while still being used instead of a beep noise to altert you someone is on the other line.When using a computer the images on the computer will be shown on your face.Christmas Lights on a house will be so bright it can be seen from space, and will be projected outside a Computer screen when a person looks online at the house using a Google maps style system.When a person falls in the Amazon river or in the area of piranhas the piranhaa will attack and kill that person.Sharks swim backwards.Anacondas can move at great speeds, and easily move upward.No broken bones, messed up hair, or blood when persons fight.Persons in the area of explosions 10 yards away or less aren't harmed. I'm talking explosions that exceed a SUV or Tank, and longer than 4 yards.Men go into Women's bathrooms and the men don't get in trouble for violating the Law.You can easily find another person in a Big City.Escaped Prisoners won't be spotted in a Big City even with their faces on the front of a damn Newspaper.A FBI agent a smart or intelligent person won't be suspicious or discover a kid is lying to him or her, and won't know the truth until after the kid niforms him or her the truth.A Bank manager will accept with 0 verification that a kid is someone he claims to be and gives that kid something valuable. This is the embarrassment awful movie Blank Check that is so damn unbelievable that Walt Disney rolled over in his grave 1 billion times because how dumb, moronic, asinine, implausible and nonsensical most of this damn awful movie is. It's a embarrassment and a insult to plausibility, believability, logic, movies, and Fiction.It's so damn easy to enter a Warehouse and kidnap a NFL QB because dressing like NFL players fools persons.A person can catch and stop a bullet with their teeth.Bank robbers would go the airport and use a airplane to escape of the same City where they robbed a bank.Criminals can get guns on a Public airplane after 9/11.The opening of a fast food restaurant is on the same level as the premier of a Hollywood feature movie so it will have a red carpet and more than a dozen persons.Persons don't get arrested for trespassing in the employees only area of a restaurant.A person can pay a debt to a restaurant by washing dishes even though that violates laws because that logic of Laws including employees only gets thrown out the window for a debt.The Manager or owner of a Fast Food restaurant will use something illegal and poisonous on Burgers or food to defeat the competition and disregarding that has a huge flaw of FBI, Police, The Health Department and the general Public will be extremely suspicious why persons after eating Burgers from a specific restaurant are becoming sick, or possibly dying.Persons can deliever fast food into a Pro Sport Stadium to a Pro athlete and won't have to stop at the Check in area, also not sued for destruction of property because of breaking a board at the Check in Area, and driving inside a Basketball arena without approval.A person that sees a contract favors the other person for amount of money signs that disadvantageous to that person contract.A man meets his favorite Playboy Playmate because she is in the same City as him, and she wants to date him because chemistry and a mutal attraction.Fall in love with a person at first sight, and same person will see that person years later in a Big City that he or she moved to not knowing it's the same city that person lives.Persons get rewarded with a vacation for getting a answer wrong what is the Capital of a Country, or any Capital. Also a person rewarded isn't suspicious something is wrong getting rewarded for a wrong answer.A person shoots a gun with more bullets than the gun be loaded with.Kids play in Pro Sports leagues and no lawsuits even though kids are not legal and violating child labor laws.Defibrillators are lethal weapons similar to Tazers.Persons jump into water from certain high areas and aren't killed or injured. The Most unbelievable and implausible is Richard jumping into water in The Fugitive with Sam talking about the implausible of why he wouldn't survive that jump.The egregious bullcrap science for how persons alter their appearance by replacing the bone marrow and killing the bone marrow of a patient that doesn't kill them.

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