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How to Edit Your PDF Packing List Ss#: 9022 From: Shipdate: Ship To: 05 31 14 Carrier: Health Partners In Online

Editing your form online is quite effortless. It is not necessary to download any software on your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy tool to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.

Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:

  • Browse CocoDoc official website from any web browser of the device where you have your file.
  • Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ button and press it.
  • Then you will open this tool page. Just drag and drop the file, or append the file through the ‘Choose File’ option.
  • Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
  • When the modification is completed, click on the ‘Download’ option to save the file.

How to Edit Packing List Ss#: 9022 From: Shipdate: Ship To: 05 31 14 Carrier: Health Partners In on Windows

Windows is the most conventional operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit file. In this case, you can download CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents efficiently.

All you have to do is follow the steps below:

  • Install CocoDoc software from your Windows Store.
  • Open the software and then upload your PDF document.
  • You can also select the PDF file from Google Drive.
  • After that, edit the document as you needed by using the different tools on the top.
  • Once done, you can now save the finished template to your cloud storage. You can also check more details about how to edit PDFs.

How to Edit Packing List Ss#: 9022 From: Shipdate: Ship To: 05 31 14 Carrier: Health Partners In on Mac

macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. Utilizing CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac easily.

Follow the effortless steps below to start editing:

  • First of All, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
  • Then, upload your PDF file through the app.
  • You can upload the file from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
  • Edit, fill and sign your template by utilizing several tools.
  • Lastly, download the file to save it on your device.

How to Edit PDF Packing List Ss#: 9022 From: Shipdate: Ship To: 05 31 14 Carrier: Health Partners In with G Suite

G Suite is a conventional Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your job easier and increase collaboration across departments. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF editing tool with G Suite can help to accomplish work handily.

Here are the steps to do it:

  • Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
  • Look for CocoDoc PDF Editor and install the add-on.
  • Upload the file that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by selecting "Open with" in Drive.
  • Edit and sign your template using the toolbar.
  • Save the finished PDF file on your cloud storage.

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What are the best tricks you know and want to share?

Need to remember something in the morning? Send yourself a text before you go to bed, but don’t open it until the next day.Install multiple applications at once with the help of Ninite. It’s the ultimate time-saver.When your phone battery is low, switch to airplane mode. The battery will last much longer.To download a Youtube video, insert “ss”, after www. and before YouTube.Want a quick way to unfreeze a frozen phone? Plug it into its charger.Find yourself in a hotel without your charger? Check the TV for a USB plugin.If you want to ignore someone, simply add them into your phone contact list as “Ignore” and make the ringtone of that contact silent.If the taxi driver asks if you are “ from around here”, lie and say yes.Sometimes they drive farther ( driving up the price) for tourists.Never use your favorite song as your alarm clock…you will just end up hating it.Someone’s incessant morning alarm is going off but the owner is refusing to get up and turn it off? Call the phone to turn it off for them.Whenever you make a packing list for a trip, make two copies. Use one to pack and the second to make sure you bring everything back.Store some emergency cash in between the small space of your phone and its phone case, just in case.Happy reading!Image source: Google.Footnotes:1) How to Nurse Your Phone’s Battery When It’s About to Die.2)Charge Your Phone at a Hotel Without the Wall Plug3)Ninite -Install multiple applicationsAB7@12

Is the Russian military better than the American military?

YES.I will explain why. By the way, this is coming from a soldier of the United States Army.American SoldiersRussian SoldiersLet’s talk about the US Army. Civilians probably think it’s like this:LOL. We wish. Sure, sometimes we go to the field to actually train in our jobs. But the stuff you see in the Go Army commercials? Blatant propaganda. It’s mostly clips from Special Forces.The army is like this:PT Belts. Sometimes they’re not required during PT. It depends where you’re stationed. BUT PT belts are single-handedly the dumbest things ever. SGM says “Safety first!” Whoa, really? If I don’t wear this PT belt, will someone not see me? If I fall on top of my head wearing this PT belt, will I not get hurt? If you want to talk about safety, equip your soldiers with better winter gear. That shit barely works.The Bradley. Ok, you might be wondering how this makes the army dumb and stuff. Just hear me out. This is the M2A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle, or Bradley if you will. I no longer TC one, thank god. But there’s no room in there. No AC. It breaks down easily. If you put this vehicle up against a 1944 Panzer II, the Panzer would win. Every Monday, soldiers have to PMCS this trash of metal. We spend over $700 billion annually. It’s about time we get rid of these…Layouts. One of the biggest reasons I am getting out of the army and NEVER coming back. Layouts. Imagine laying this 1940’s equipment out in the sun, and sitting there almost all day for the commander to show up and see it. It has to be dress right dress. Even if you have to hold it up instead of the commander looking at it. These take hours and hours and days, weeks… US Military, the strongest military in the world. Still takes accountability of tools that we’re used by our ancestors in the f*cking civil war… This stuff is dusty, rusted, useless, and waste of space. Why do we still have these? And vehicle BII is no better. Not to mention, why does it take the commander 8 hours to leave his office just to see this and call it a day? If I were the commander, I’d get this out of the way by checking it, then going on with the rest of my day. That way my soldiers don’t sit out in the sun all day.Rules of engagement. I blame this for some deaths during war. On case you didn’t know how stupid the US military is, check this out:Can’t use a shotgun against a combatant. That’s a war crime. If you break a door with a shotgun, and someone was behind that door, you’re going to prison.Can’t kill a combatant, unless you’re accompanied by 2 other soldiers. The 3:1 ratio thing in the army is stupid.Can’t kill on sight. During WWII, Americans were given orders to kill the SS on sight. Now, if someone tries to kill me but then surrenders, I can’t kill him? I have to treat him with respect? FUCK THAT.If you’re a gunner on top of a vehicle and one person is shooting at you, you’ll have to grab your M4 from inside and use that. Shooting a .50 cal at 1 guy is a war crime.No flamethrowers, or weapons that cause unnecessary suffering. I kinda understand that…You can’t double tap. If you walk past a guy that is playing dead, then grabs his weapon and shoots you in the back, count your blessings.You can’t shoot at churches, even if they shoot at you from churches. Fine then, what do you want me to do?I guess I blame the Geneva Conventions for these. But that is so dumb… so dumb.Talking to a higher-up. Ok, so I guess this is in every army in the world but I HAVE to mention this. I’m a simple Sergeant in the army. I still get nervous when I walk to a Sergeant Major. You stand there at parade rest, thinking: One wrong word, and your life is in his hands. You stand there, scared, thinking how many people did this guy murder? How many people did he smoke? Oh my god. :oNo discipline. Please, PLEASE make army basic training tough again. There is virtually no discipline in these ranks. Some of the people around me act like 5 year old kids. You’re working. If you want to act like a child, do it on your own time. And if I yelled at them, they would cry. Bro… I am not staying in the army. I can’t trust some of these people during combat. Those Russians would totally kick out asses.The army is just… stupid… Yesterday was Friday. At first, they said final formation is at 1300. Then it changed to 1430. Then to 1500. We’ll guess what. We were still sweeping the Motorpool at 1647. Are you kidding me? We were sitting around all day. We couldn’t take care of this earlier? I love coming into work, and sitting there for 12 hours… If there is nothing going on, send the soldiers to their rooms or something. Why do you bring us to work, only to sit on our phones all day? OH, and let’s not forget!When I deployed to Korea, the battalion’s commander set up an EDRE packing list. In case you don’t know what that is, it’s a scenario we would do and stuff if North Korea attack. On that packing list, there were 5 bags… Full of PT’s and useless shit. If Korea attacked us, the last thing I would care for is getting some PT in. Are you kidding me? Now get this:We were forced to BUY all the stuff for the packing list. Because they were non issue items. We needed to have like 7 personal hygiene kits. Who weapons cleaning kits. Extra shoe laces. Sewing kits. Etc, etc. The Battalion Commander told us if we don’t have that stuff, there will be repercussions. EXCUSE ME???In the army, you CANNOT force someone to buy things they were not issued. You CANNOT. Simple as that. Yet, he made the whole battalion do it. You’re a lieutenant colonel, do you know how much less privates make monthly? A LOT. There were so many suicides in Korea, and I blame some of them on this stupid shit. This is why privates were killing themselves. You making them do all of this stupid stuff for however long their contracts were.I am getting out in a few months and I CAN’T wait. The army is so stupid, it’s unreal.So to answer your question…The Russian military would destroy the American military.EDIT: I’ll be blocking the comments until some of you learn to be nice. I will gladly refer you to Quora’s Policy in being nice, if you want. There is no need to insult me, or even send me harassing messages. When I joined Quora, I thought everyone was an adult on here. Apparently, that’s not the case with some people. Look, I love the army. This is the greatest job I ever had. But just because I don’t like the stupidity, doesn’t mean I’m some terrorist or something (someone called me that). Yes, I am getting out of the army. Being in the army is super easy, but it comes with a price. Yes, call me an unhappy private (I’m an E-5 by the way), or call me whatever. But it still won’t change the fact that the US Army is just… stupid sometimes. I hate to say it, considering how much I love this country and the veterans that actually went to combat for the preservation of liberty. I guess all I’m saying is, if you don’t have something nice to say then don’t say it. Save your time. It’s not worth it. Thanks for the upvotes, really. :)

Some people still say that the Wehrmacht were actually fighting a war in which they – as distinct from the SS – weren’t committing atrocities, but isn't that clearly nonsense and unsustainable in relation to the Holocaust as we now know it?

Yes. Yes it is. It is clearly nonsense. But it is nonsense well worth dissecting- and as someone who himself has been part of that myth for a while in the past and certainly isn’t proud of it, I believe I am in a good position to answer how this came to be the case.Fundamentally, the myth of the clean Wehrmacht was borne out of a grave error- and the opportunity it gave to a lot of people. The legal and popular indictment of the SS as a criminal institution, rooted in the Nuremberg Trials, would go on to have grave consequences.The aforementioned indictment was rooted in understandable motivations: the SS, as an institution, had been guilty of a significant list of crimes. And to be fair to the Nuremberg Trials here, the original indictment there was more nuanced and understandable than what it later became in popular memory through a mix of perception and enforcement. But the key problem with regards to this criminalization, especially in the popular mind, was that it created the dangerous misperception that criminals in the SS were and became criminals because they were in the SS, and not because of actions they themselves might have undertaken and personality traits they themselves possessed. Crude application of institutional guilt understated the factor of the individual, and drowned out motivations and beliefs that needed analysis. Criminality was assigned unto the group, and stemmed from the group.Criminalizing the members of the SS en masse where other major institutions of state, for obvious reasons, escaped such censure, was understandable, but it had the side effect of causing the misconception that criminals in the SS were criminals because they were in the SS, or had become such because they were in the SS- this was, to some degree, true, but the importance of individual factors went ignored.And this misconception, and the focused legal censure on the SS, meant that the SS, as an institution, made an extremely suitable scapegoat.An organization known to have been linked to an array of atrocities, and whose all volunteer members were indicted and declared at Nuremberg as criminals, the SS couldn’t exactly be expected to defend itself and be particularly credible. This meant that practically anyone in the Third Reich who wasn’t in the SS, and who could possibly be linked to any of the regime’s more unsavory activities, could blame everything on the SS, and rely on the Nuremberg decisions to put legitimacy to their claims. Nobody would speak in defense of the SS, other than the SS- and if the SS did it, few would believe it.This meant everyone was willing to, and able to, pile their dirty laundry on the SS- including Wehrmacht men, some trying to save themselves, some the military’s honour. And with the major crimes of which the SS was guilty already known, nobody really batted an eye at the thought that they might’ve done more and more. The Waffen-SS followed the same ideal, trying to pack themselves in with the Wehrmacht and piling their own laundry on even more despicable elements of the SS(such as the Einsatzgruppen and concentration camp personnel) while obfuscating the connections between these and the Waffen-SS.The core of this problem came from a deep lethargy on behalf of the International Military Tribunal. On one hand, the Nuremberg Trials proved strikingly unwilling to take the effort necessary to open the background into the motivations and the actions of the SS and instead favored a blanket condemnation- on the other hand, it similarly lacked the will and verve to open up the history of the the actions of the Wehrmacht beyond targeting of the highest commanders.In sum, the Trials either failed to realize the fact that the line that separated criminality from acceptable conduct ran through the Wehrmacht and the SS rather than in between them, or lacked either the interest or the vigor for the intensive research it would entail to draw said line in an accurate fashion. The end result created an easy scapegoat for all the ills of the Reich, one that was seized upon to create a myth that to this day lasts to various degrees.Was it true? Of course it wasn’t. As said, the line between conduct with integrity and criminal activity went through the Wehrmacht, and a lot of people were on the wrong side of it. Just as much as many individual soldiers were individually innocent, many others of all ranks weren’t.It appears too late, by now, to know the extent. Archival record that might have served to establish more clear numbers of the guilty has been long lost, or abandoned at the bottom of archives where few seek to delve into them. People who might’ve testified or confessed are dead. The great scope of the Eastern Front devoured the countless horrors of the war, where they now lie in the sodden soil and nobody knows where.But in the end, history has shown that, it wasn’t simply just one or two random incidents. That although we may never be able to give a coherent, ironclad number to the question ‘how much?’, what is known suffices to give the answer, ‘enough.’ Like everyone, the Wehrmacht ought to carry the burden of its own sins, which it certainly wasn’t free of.It might well be true to make the statement that the Wehrmacht was, overall, cleaner than the SS was- but that doesn’t mean it was clean. All must face the consequences of their actions, and we the world of today, must not repeat the faults of the International Military Tribunal.It’s an old myth. It’s understandable why it became so prominent. I can’t exactly blame anyone for having adhered to it- as said, I myself had been there at some point in the past, and I understand how it works, came to be, and became so everpresent.But it’s past time it’s laid to rest.

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