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Does the Exodus from Egypt have a basis in historical fact?

For a time, and that time is still now, people supposed that the Jewish people made up this fantastic story of being slaves who escaped Egypt and everyone accepted that.. including their neighbors the Egyptians. Because, everyone was making up stories like that... and getting folks to act like Jews keeping Kosher and all of that.. which is tough and gets you picked on because, eh.. that is what the cool kids did.. well.. not the Romans, Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians mmm.. Greeks.. nope.. who were the cool kids?But, in generally accepted Archeology texts and in academia in general these views called the Minimalists "school" are quite common. This school didn't win ascendency overnight, its claims are outrageous to the ears of Christians and Jews. But, rather these views were developed out of the various efforts at proving the Biblical narrative was true.However, the problem is that Archeology only sifts through scraps, it can't ask these people anything directly. Artifacts and writings which have survived the numerous wars, raiding and destruction by people who didn't want things remembered are really quite few. Intrepid explorers scanned the whole of the Holy Lands looking for evidence of the Exodus and came up with little or nothing.Now, the Bedouins Arabs have liven in these lands for thousands of years and they also left and leave little to mark their passage as anything left is lost and people who live in the desert learn quickly not to have anything to carry that isn't essential. But, that doesn't leave mounds, or walls, or piles of pottery to dig up. The rock and sand forget quickly the passage of feet or armies.But, this is not the real problem. Rather the problem became that the Bible is used as an authoritative history of the Ancient world. It is odd to cast this on paper in this day and age of skepticism but on the main, the records kept in the Bible and Talmud have been as reliable as any other record at least back to the time of the re-establishment of the 2nd Temple.And this is where the story gets "complicated." The Minimalist school pretty much dismisses any of the materials that provide a record of the 1st Temple period and all of the writings of events before that. The intellectual basis for this position and for the great rush to confirm the Bible's authenticity in the 1800's was the publishing of a number of books and articles calling into question Moses as the unique author of the Pentateuch (The first 5 Books of the Bible also called the Torah.) This theory is called the Documentary hypothesis.The idea that something was amiss in the text of the Torah was originally pursues by a number of philosophers and scholars including Thomas Hobbes, Baruch Spinoza, Richard Simon, and others but they came under withering condemnation. Generally, the issue being that if Moses was the writer of some of the text, he would need to know things he couldn't know, like the details of his own death.Jean Astruc, in 1753, hoped to refute the grumblings of this group of skeptics and attempted to do this using literary analysis that had been used to gain a greater understanding of the texts like the Iliad and the Odyssey to that gave clues that some of the text was added later. And, then he was surprised to see that Genesis seemed to be a collection of texts not the work of a single author. And, Johann Gottfried Eichhorn, extended Astuc's analysis to all five books of the Torah and by 1823, he had concluded that Moses had no part in writing any of it. And, by 1805, Wilhelm de Wette, who identified the Deuteronomist source, concluded that none of the text had been written before the Rule of King David.This analysis has stood the test of time and criticism. A fascinating and evocative book on these sources and their possible authors is Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard Elliott Friedman. But, this idea and its implications hit the world for Academic Christian faith and Jewish intellectuals like a brick bat. Some rejected the idea as preposterous, but the real problem is that once these differences are pointed out to someone proficient in Hebrew, they become obvious just as the Young Girl and Old Woman Optical Illusion. Once you see the one you weren't seeing, it becomes nearly impossible to un-see the alternate. After some staring you can switch more easily. But, in the case of Torah scholars, the proof was in front of them.But, how this came to be the way it is, is also mostly all there just the same. The sack and destruction of the 1st Temple destroyed all of the clay tables and lost books that are mentioned in the Bible. Friedman speculates that the sources we have where transcriptions of older texts written into modern context as place names change and in fact, at the time they were written this texts might have been not at all the center of attention. But, texts written on sheep skin or papyrus had one huge advantage over the old texts, they were portable.The Book of J: Harold Bloom, David Rosenberg looks at the "J" Source and speculates something very interesting. The "J" author may have been female. The only texts stories about women playing a crucial role seem to be carried in the "J" source as is traditional in all of the ancient Mediterranean texts. However, this text also references a number of other "lost" books and it is entirely reasonable that one person might concentrate on specific details when doing a project like this while another concentrates on others. Read any two accounts of the Assassination of JFK. Huge troves of verified information are available and yet these books are all fact based and yet different.From the Amazon description...In addition to Rosenberg's original translations, Bloom argues in several essays that "J" was not a religious writer but a fierce ironist and a woman living in the court of King Solomon. He also argues that J is a writer on par with Homer, Shakespeare and Tolstoy.Bloom also offers historical context, a discussion of the theory of how the different texts came together to create the Bible, and translation notes. Rosenberg's translations from the Hebrew bring J's stories to life and reveal her towering originality and grasp of humanity.But, standing back.. this puts "J" hundreds of years before source "D," the reputed writer of the Histories, Joshua, Judges, Samuel 1 & 2, and Kings 1 & 2. This author then was also only a few hundred years separated from the Exodus just the same.. and during the years of the Court of Solomon there was trade and close relations with the Pharaoh's of Egypt. It is funny that this brilliant author was able to write this text as fact if the Egyptians insisted it didn't.But, instead, the conflict is much the same as that with the Samaritans, regarding the central role of the Temple in Jerusalem which centralized the religion and the authority of the Priests in charge of Solomon's Temple. In the time of the fall of the Northern Kingdom, the Priests of the North questioned the supremacy of the Kohenim (Aaronid Priests) over all other Levites which is asserted in the text of Numbers 25:10–30:1 in the story of Phinehas and his intervention that prevented a much larger slaughter. For this, his progeny for ever where granted the privilege of the Priesthood.And though there is a doublet (two alternate practices) redacted as one.. regarding Passover. The Festival of Unleaven Bread and the Lord's Passover are both referred to in the text and this is two to having both sources reporting this same central Festival commemorating the Exodus from Egypt. The Rabbis of the Talmud seeing these doublings and noting the emphasis of which stories were doubled and thus seemingly retold as evidence of their importance. But, this makes even more sense when you note that this is an agreement between the sources. Thus these agreements should be given more weight as they thus represent streams of records dating further back than Solomon's Temple, as the city and worship center in Shiloh was established at the beginning of the Judges period soon after the re-conquest by Joshua.And, the oldest non-Biblical source is from a time near the time of the Founding of the 2nd Temple, Egyptian Jews recorded in the Elephantine papyri a record of the proper way to celebrate PassoverThe 'Passover letter' of 419 BCE (discovered in 1907), which gives detailed instructions for properly keeping the passover is in the Egyptian Museum of Berlin.The Library of Alexandria didn't even exist yet, but the Egyptian Jewish community was independent of Judea and existed before the fall of the 1st Temple and the Prophet Jeremiah fled to Egypt, not Babylon. Thus, this community independently preserved the practices and records of the 1st Temple period.Thus, the Samaritan, Egyptian, Babylonian and Judean community communities all accepted the vast majority of the text as redacted in the Babylonian Exile where as the Samaritan and Egyptian and Judean Sadducee community rejected the notion of the Oral Torah as it became popularized during the time of the Hasmonean Dynasty.And, yet, in the midst of this, we also see that all of these sects indeed prepared rules for the observance of the commandments and these were taught to the community. Just as in the text from Egypt concerning the preparations and observance of Pasaach. (Passover). It is only reasonable that these basic rules would be taught from generation to generation and thus though they were informal, the understanding that they came from antiquity might very well be quite accurate. This is seen in today's Marrano communities that persisted in Spain, Portugal, France and Latin America in opposition to the forces that for centuries tried to get them to forget the Jewish customs and traditions by means of the Inquisition among other depredations. Considering the edict that forced to Marrano's into hiding as Christians occurred more than 500 years ago, it is not at all unreasonable to understand that these practices certainly able to be passed strictly by "oral" or practical transmission.But, the debate here is not the Oral Torah but to note what Judaism is really persistent in its practice and its debates. The Samaritans and the Karaites have persisted to this day in their oppositions to Rabbinic Judaism which means 2500 years+ of hard headed opposition. In the case of the Samaritans the corner of this opposition being to establishing the "Holy Place" in Jerusalem rather than Mount Gerizim as they maintain. The Samaritans though, also maintain that the establishment of Shiloh was a usurpation, a memory of their split with the other Tribes of the North but also of the underlying Crisis that occurred on the completion of Solomon's Temple but that waited until Solomon's death which divided Israel between North and South.This is recorded in 1 Kings as being because of Solomon's wickedness and Rehoboam's harsh rule, but in the fight between these traditions you can see the ripples caused by the rock that was dropped into the pond by David's transfer of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem from Shiloh. But, this just up's the ante to 3000 years of fighting over a difference of what Holy Place was specified by Moses. And, yet not one peep about Passover being unreal or even that such a controversy was possible.So, how did the controversy change into the almost assumption that these same hard headed people managed to decide to dream up out of whole cloth a claim to be descendants of slaves who escaped Egypt?This has two pieces. he Story of a King named Shishak and the story of Christmas.Shishak is best known for his campaign against the Kingdom of Judah, as recorded in the Hebrew Bible (1 Kings 14:25; 2 Chronicles 12:1-12).In the very early years after the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs, on chronological, historical, and linguistic grounds, nearly all Egyptologists identified Shishak with Sheshonk I. This position was maintained by most scholars ever since, and is still the majority position. The fact that Shoshenq I left behind "explicit records of a campaign into Canaan (scenes; a long list of Canaanite place-names from the Negev to Galilee; stelae), including a stela [found] at Megiddo" supports the traditional interpretation.[1]This agreed identification of an Egyptian King with the History in the Bible created a means of fabricating a timeline for both chronologies, a common fixed point. It turns out that indeed there are very few fixed points that allow the various calendars of the kingdoms and dynasties of antiquity. Each of these civilizations had their own calendar and they cared little about the calendars of others. Thus, it takes events that both civilizations witnessed and recorded in their own writings to "pin" their calendars together into a larger relationship.The history of the Ancient World actually relies on just a very few accepted fixed points. One of these crucial points is this co-incident report between the 1 Kings and the stela found at Megiddo. BUT, this particular fixed point breaks everything. It breaks everything so badly, that accepting it has taken most Archeologist to the brink of assuming that its very source, 1 Kings is a fantasy, because nothing makes sense in the History if this is correct at least until almost the time of the Babylonian Exile where another fixed point looms, The destruction of Thebes by Ashurbanipal in 664 BCE.Yes the same guy cited by Ezra (Ezra 4:10 and the other people whom the great and honorable Ashurbanipal deported and settled in the city of Samaria and elsewhere in Trans-Euphrates. ) as the Assyrian responsible for the replacement of the Jews of Samaria with people who just claim to be Jews.The problem with Shishak being the same Egyptian King as the one in 1 Kings 14:25 is that if he is.. then there is no way that King David and King Solomon had the Kingdoms described in 1 Kings. Egypt was in full control of Canaan at that time in the reckoning of the "Standard Timeline." There was no upstart Kingdom or the wealth of Solomon, especially as this time at the beginning of the Iron age was a time of poverty in the lands of Israel.Archeologists can determine the state of technology and the basic time period relative to other cultures based on the materials used for pottery, weapons and such. Much of the surveys that have been done reflect this sort of analysis and the findings are good science, but they rely on the Timeline to eject a date from what is found as well as some assumptions about the spread of certain items.Beyond this.. and I promised to get to Christmas.. Christian scholars and this included many of the Archeologists studying this subject know that Christians would adopt the local pagan traditions and holidays to ease the conversion of these people to Christianity. This is a reflection of the Roman Empire. The Romans were remarkably tolerant of local religion with the exception that while Rome added each new territories deities to their Pantheon of Roman deitieseach territory must also accept the supremacy of Rome.Religion in ancient Rome - WikipediaAs the Romans extended their dominance throughout the Mediterranean world, their policy in general was to absorb the deities and cults of other peoples rather than try to eradicate them,[4] since they believed that preserving tradition promoted social stability.[5] One way that Rome incorporated diverse peoples was by supporting their religious heritage, building temples to local deities that framed their theology within the hierarchy of Roman religion. Inscriptions throughout the Empire record the side-by-side worship of local and Roman deities, including dedications made by Romans to local gods.[6] By the height of the Empire, numerous international deities were cultivated at Rome and had been carried to even the most remote provinces, among them Cybele, Isis, Epona, and gods of solar monism such as Mithras and Sol Invictus, found as far north as Roman Britain. Because Romans had never been obligated to cultivate one god or one cult only, religious tolerance was not an issue in the sense that it is for competing monotheistic systems.[7] The monotheistic rigor of Judaism posed difficulties for Roman policy that led at times to compromise and the granting of special exemptions, but sometimes to intractable conflict.When Rome converted to Christianity as its "official" religion, the Roman way persisted.From the 2nd century onward, the Church Fathers began to condemn the diverse religions practiced throughout the Empire collectively as "pagan."[8] In the early 4th century, Constantine I became the first emperor to favor Christianity, initiating the era of Christian hegemony. The emperor Julian made a short-lived attempt to revive traditional and Hellenistic religion and to affirm the special status of Judaism, but in 391 under Theodosius I, Nicene Christianity became the official state religion of the Roman Empire. Pleas for religious tolerance from traditionalists such as the senator Symmachus (d. 402) were rejected, and Christian monotheism became a feature of Imperial domination. Heretics as well as non-Christians were subject to exclusion from public life or persecution, but Rome's original religious hierarchy and many aspects of its ritual influenced Christian forms,[9] and many pre-Christian beliefs and practices survived in Christian festivals and local traditions.And thus, Saturnalia, the festival in honor of Saturn, Father of Jupiter.Macrobius (5th century AD) presents an interpretation of the Saturnalia as a festival of light leading to the winter solstice.[37] The renewal of light and the coming of the new year was celebrated in the later Roman Empire at the Dies Natalis of Sol Invictus, the "Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun," on December 25.[38]Thus the "Birth of the Sun" was morphed into the "Birth of the Son." Politically, this unified all of Rome including the larger number of followers of Hellenistic Judaism that were being forced to renounce Judaism and its practices but being competed for by the Christian sects in an often bitter rivalry with traditional Jewish leaders of the day.Thus Christian scholars might suppose that Jews would modify Judaism to incorporate the holidays of the Caananites to create a nation, just as the Romans and later the Christian Church of Rome adopted Saturnalia for their own purposes. But, this is also fuel for the sects of Christianity that de-emphasize Christmas as the look to Easter as the primal Christian holiday and Christmas as a usurper.Why Some Christians Don't Celebrate ChristmasBut, this generalization about Jews and their behavior is against all evidence. This is why the long and boring discussion of just how hard headed Jews are about these things. Jewish custom and Jewish practice reject and are commanded to reject the Customs and Holidays of the Caananites. If Passover was a Caananite holiday adapted for comity, then it would have been rejected in the King Josiah's reformations to purify the Jewish community of pagan practices. The records that provided the narrative for the Histories - Joshua through 2 Kings would have made such a thing quite clear at least to its author, who by the Documentary Hypothesis also wrote the text we know as Deuteronomy, re-telling the story of the Exodus in a form that pulls the whole of the Books of Exodus and Numbers into a unified Theological charge to the people of Israel. And, lest we accuse the Deuteronomist of "making it up" we must just as well allow that these texts could have been included in the trove that was the 1st Temple's library, but their publication was the key to moving the reform into the whole of the Jewish public. This just may not have been an issue to the Priests before whom the burden of observance primarily rested with the exception of the pilgrimage festivals.And, if it was just Solomon in a bit of pluralism that decreed the observance of Passover as an adapting of the Caananite spring rituals then surely the this would have been an issue in the fight between the North, the South and the Samaritans, but instead we get Golden Bulls and Mountains. Jews would be fighting about this to this day, just as they do over the Oral Torah. But, nope. Not at all.So we go onto the issue of Joshua and Egypt. The standard Chronology has no room for Joshua or the Battle of Jericho. Though we know for certain that Jericho was destroyed violently and we know an altar was built there on the same plan as the Sanctuary of the Tabernacle (the portable Temple of the Exodus) and the Temple of Solomon.The Iron Age I Structure on Mt. EbalJoshua's altar found on Mount Ebal - Interview with Adam ZertalNow the interesting thing about the text that refers to the Altar at Mt. Ebal is that is is in Deuteronomy! Thus the writer of Deuteronomy, who also wrote Joshua knew of this structure as did others who knew of it and accepted it as genuine in their time, which was near the end of the 1St Temple period. And, shockingly, in almost scholarly references, the Deuteronomist points to the "Book of Jashar" (Joshua 10:13 and Samuel 1:18) as a source for this history. As one might note, the "J" source cited a number of references including "The Book of the Wars of Adonai" (Numbers 21:14)But, the Standard Chronology says there was no record of any upheaval in the Trans-Jordan Highlands in the years that the Exodus is recorded to have occurred according to the Histories.Except the Egyptians have records of just such an upheaval nearly 200 years earlier in the el-Amarna texts tell of just this sort of conquest.Habiru - the mysterious invaders of the high country of Caanan in the 14th Century BCE. - WikipediaA number of the Amarna letters—sent to pharaohs Amenhotep III, Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) and, briefly, his two successors from vassal kings in Canaan and Syria in the 14th century BC — mention the "Habiru". These letters, written by Canaanite scribes in the cuneiform-based Akkadian language, complain about attacks by armed groups who were willing to fight and plunder on any side of the local wars in exchange for equipment, provisions, and quarters.But, there is no record of an Exodus of a huge number of people from Egypt especially in the time of Ramesses II arguably one of the most succesful and powerful Pharaoh's of Egypt who lived to a ripe old age and conquered all he wished to attack. The Standard Chronology matches the Exodus up with the years of Rameses rule.So, no matter what, the movie The Prince of Egypt is part fairy tale, as there is no way in any reasonable analysis Ramesses II is the Pharaoh of the Bible.But, this gets interesting. There was a presence of a LARGE community of people who built Israelite style houses and lived in ways very different from the Egyptian peoples. And, there is an unquestioned record of that community leaving Egypt in the years preceding the writing of the el-Amarna texts.And, Josephus reporting on texts he read in Egypt identifies the expulsion of the Hyksos that occurred on the collapse of the Northern Kingdom of Egypt as the event of the Exodus.The Hyksos in the writings of Manetho and Josephus Flaviusand recent Archeological digs have confirmed that indeed people very much like what is reported in Genesis and Exodus lived in the land of Goshen prior to the fall of the Hyksos. The Hyksos also claimed the title of Pharaoh for their King and their rule persisted nearly 400 years. Mmmmm....Hebrew/Israelite Four-Room houses at Avaris (Hyksos capital in northern Egypt)But, the Hyksos Collapse and Expulsion is way too early according to the Standard Chronology..Are we starting to see a pattern here??The Standard Chronology with respect to the Bible stands on a pillar that accepts 1 Kings as authoritative in fixing the reign of a Pharaoh named Sheshonk I and the Pharaoh Shishak of 1 Kings. But, then the very same Chronology uses this fixed point to discredit all of the rest of the history reported same author including the very existence of David and Solomon.This is very much like the petulant claims of Atheists about the horrors of the Israelite people and Bible being genocidal and etc. while at the same time discounting the whole work as mythology. Which is it?Recently, evidence has been popping up to support the narrative of the Histories.One of the first of these finds was the broken Tel Dan Stele.In the second half of the 9th century BCE (the most widely accepted date for the stele) the kingdom of Aram, under its ruler Hazael, was a major power in the Levant. Dan, just 70 miles from Hazael's capital of Damascus, would almost certainly have come under its sway. This is borne out by the archaeological evidence: Israelite remains do not appear until the 8th century BCE, and it appears that Dan was already in the orbit of Damascus even before Hazael became king in c.843 BCE.[6]The author of the inscription mentions conflict with the kings of Israel and the 'House of David'. The names of the two enemy kings are only partially legible. Biran and Naveh reconstructed them as Joram, son of Ahab, King of Israel, and Ahaziah, son of Joram of the House of David. Scholars seem to be evenly divided on these identifications.[7] It is dependent on a particular arrangement of the fragments, and not all scholars agree on this.Another of these relates to scribes from the time of Jeremiah including a Seal ring and a Bulla that both name Hilkiah, the high priest, mentioned in 2 Kings and Chronicles. These extra Biblical finds in the early 1980's were some of the first to tie the text to events prior to the Babylonian Exile and these names are in the Histories written by the Deuteronomist, confirmed through time 2600 years later.Another Key artifact is known as the scrolls of Ketef Hinnom.The 2004 team described the scrolls as "one of most significant discoveries ever made" for biblical studies.[7] Apart from their significance for our knowledge of the development of the Hebrew alphabet, the scrolls "preserve the earliest known citations of texts also found in the Hebrew Bible and ... the earliest examples of confessional statements concerning Yahweh." The reference to Yahweh as "Rebuker of Evil," found in later incantations and amulets associated with Israel, is evidence that these artifacts were also amulets.[6]Dr. Wayne Pitard has stated that although evidence for the antiquity of the Priestly Blessing is now compelling, this does not necessarily mean that the Book of Numbers already existed at that time.[6] Dr. James R. Davila has similarly pointed out that the idea that the scrolls are "proof that the Five Books of Moses were in existence during the First Temple period" (as described in an article in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz) is "an overinterpretation of the evidence." He nonetheless acknowledged that the find proves that at least "some of the material found in the Five Books of Moses existed in the First Temple period."[8]So, as the Biblical narrative slowly gains support from evidence, something has to give.Oddly, in the Standard Chronology a problem has long existed, Greek Dark Ages, when history seemed to have stopped for 300 years. An interesting problem when you have other records and events of antiquity that seem to be off by hundreds of years. This Dark Age seems to plague a number of the civilizations around the Mediterranean, and several scholars have started picking at this thread with varying success.The most famous of the Archeologists is David Rohl. But, Rohl is by no means alone. Rohl proposed a New Chronology (Rohl) that has stirred controversy to say the least. Rohl noticed a problem in the record of the bulls kept by the Egyptian Dynasties.Rohl notes that no Apis bull burials are recorded in the Lesser Vaults at Saqqara for the 21st and early 22nd dynasties of Egypt. He also argues that the reburial sequence of the mummies of the New Kingdom pharaohs in the Royal Cache (TT 320) indicates that these two dynasties were contemporary (thus explaining why there are insufficient Apis burials for the period). Rohl finds confirmation of this scenario of parallel dynasties in the royal burial ground at Tanis where it appears that the tomb of Osorkon II of the 22nd Dynasty was built before that of Psusennes I of the 21st Dynasty. In Rohl's view this can only be explained if the two dynasties were contemporary.This is an interview with Rohl from 2013. the end, the question is still being debated, but it is unreasonable to suppose that the History kept by people determined to keep that history even when that history is acutely embarrassing for thousands of years might be worthy of a bit of benefit of the doubt over our inability to explain a confused record left by Egyptians who are famous for obliterating any records that they found embarrassing.Hopefully the days of famous Rabbis explaining that the Exodus is actually a fiction are numbered, but time will tell.The Exodus and historical doubts Archaeology, many scholars say, shows it didn't happen. Does this undercut the feast of Passover?But, the fact that Rabbis pay attention to even evidence that confronts the very foundations of Judaism has always been a sign of the Strength of this faith, rather than its weakness.A new movie on this topic was released since I wrote this answer.

Which police case were closed as paranormal cases?

Let's start with one of the most publicized unsolved cases, so popular, there's even a website dedicated to tracking this murderer down.1. The Zodiac KillerProject MK-ZODIAC (An Investigation of the Zodiac Killer)Most people are usually quiet about their crimes, but "Zodiac", as he dubbed himself, was anything but. From 1968-1969, he terrorized San Francisco with his murder spree, taunting the police with his coded letters to the local paper. He had at least five killings directly connected to him, although he claims to have killed 37 people. His terror began when Betty Lou Jensen, 16, and David Arthur Faraday, 17, were found lying outside of their bullet-peppered car. Jensen was found dead at the scene with five gunshot wounds to her back, while Faraday died of a bullet to the head en route to the hospital. Half a year later, a couple who parked their car four miles away from that crime scene was also gunned down, one injured and one killed. The survivor, Michael Mageau, was able to give a description of the killer. He described a heavyset white man around 5'8". It would be the Zodiac Killer himself that would give the police the remaining evidence.At 12:48 a.m. that same night, police received a strange call:"I wish to report a double murder. If you go one mile east in Columbus Parkway to a public park, you will find the kids in a brown car. They have been shot with a nine-millimeter Luger. I also killed those kids last year. Good-bye."A month later, newspapers received the first letter from the Zodiac Killer. He demanded them publish the letter on the front page or he'd go on a killing rampage. The letter described the murders, all written with mysterious ciphers that seemed to form a code. This was a common theme with the other letters he would send, all signed with a crossed-circle symbol. One such letter was decoded by a high-school teacher and his wife. It read:"I LIKE KILLING PEOPLE BECAUSE IT IS SO MUCH FUN IT IS MORE FUN THAN KILLING WILD GAME IN THE FORREST BECAUSE MAN IS THE MOST DANGEROUE ANAMAL OF ALL TO KILL SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING YOUR ROCKS OFF WITH A GIRL THE BEST PART OF IT IS THAE WHEN I DIE I WILL BE REBORN IN PARADICE AND THEI HAVE KILLED WILL BECOME MY SLAVES I WILL NOT GIVE YOU MY NAME BECAUSE YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG OF SLAVES FOR MY AFTERLIFE EBEORIETEMETHHPITI."The Zodiac Killer would go on killing and leaving frustrating evidence for the police— coded letters, anonymous phone calls, the crossed-circle written on victims' cars, sending over blood-stained shirts, accounts from survivors— but the police never found him.Read more about the Zodiac Killer here.2. The Taman Shud CaseOdd Xtreme Paranormal OdditiesThe Zodiac Killer wasn't the only one who loved to use codes. On the morning of December 1st, 1948, a body was found on Somerton Beach in Adelaide, Australia. The man's body was in perfect condition, with no injuries to be found. He was well dressed, although all the labels on his clothes were missing. In his pocket was a train ticket to Henley Beach, never to be used. It would be a month later when they would find a suitcase linked to him at Adelaide Railroad Station. Its label was removed as well as those on the articles of clothing inside it. Unfortunately, it led to no clues, just like his autopsy, which reported no foreign substance in his body that could directly link his death to poisioning. A month later they would find the most substantial but puzzling evidence in a secret pocket in the man's trousers. It read, "Taman Shud."Public library officials called in to translate the phrase. They concluded that it meant "ended" or "finished", which can be found in a collection of poems entitled The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Immediately police ran a nationwide search for the book where this scrap paper was torn from. A man came forward, claiming that he found the book in the backseat of his unlocked car a week or two before they discovered the body. On the back of it was a strange code scrawled out in pencil. A phone number linking to a nurse was also discovered, though the nurse said she had given a copy of the Rubaiyat to an army officer named Alfred Boxall. Both the man who found the book and the nurse denied any connection with the dead man. They never got any further with the case, although many suspect it may have been a suicide since the book's theme was about having no regrets when life ends. Others think he may be a spy. And until there are any breaks in the case, his grave will remain reading, "Here lies the unknown man who was found at Somerton Beach 1st Dec. 1948."Read more about The Taman Shud Case here.3. The Tara Calico Casehttp://crimelibrary.comOn the morning of September 20th, 1988 in Belen, New Mexico, it seemed like a perfect day to ride a bike. Tara Calico borrowed her mother's pink bike to go out for a spin. Extroverted and active, she worked as a bank teller and was studying to become either a psychologist or psychiatrist. She planned to play tennis that afternoon and asked her mom to drive out after her in case she got a flat tire and didn't return home by noon. She never did return. Every lead went to a dead end until a year later, when a photo was found depicting a young woman her age and a missing boy, both gagged.The Polaroid photograph was found in a parking lot outside a Junior Food Store in Florida. The nine-year-old, Michael Henley, went missing in the same area as Calico in April of 1988 when he was hunting turkeys with his father. They appeared to be in the back of a van, with a copy of a book written by V.C. Andrews, Calico's favorite author, lying right beside the girl. Initially, Tara's mother didn't think the girl was her, but the girl in the photograph had a scar identical to Calico. But still, due to the lack of evidence, many experts dismiss the photograph. In 1990, Michael Henley's body was found in Zuni Mountains where he was hunting, which strongly disconnects the theory that the two were abducted and taken to Florida. Calico's parents would eventually die, never finding out who took their daughter.Read more about the Tara Calico Case here.4. The Severed Feet MysteryThe Daily BeastIn 2007, a girl was roaming a beach in British Columbia when she found a sneaker. To her horror, as she opened up the sock, she found that a human foot was inside. Since then, a number of severed feet have washed ashore. The feet have been connected to five men, one a woman, and three of unknown sex. Throughout the years, with a hoax foot thrown here and there, the case has never been completely closed, with many theories floating around as to who the feet belonged to.The Vancouver police managed to identify one foot in 2008, matching its DNA to a man who was described as suicidal. They later were able to match two other feet to a woman who was also believed to have committed suicide. Because of these findings, many speculate that the feet belong to those who jumped off a bridge to their deaths. However, because of the rarity of only feet and no other body parts showing up, some believe that the feet were connected to a plane crash by a nearby island. Other suggest they were those of the victims of the Asian Tsunami in 2004, since the make of the shoes were all manufactured before 2004. Whatever sources these feet are coming from, they have left the world baffled for years.Read more about The Severed Feet Mystery here.5. The Dead Woman Who Named Her KillerUnexplained Mysteries | Historic MysteriesAlthough this case has been solved, how it was solved remains a mystery. In 1977, a respiratory therapist in Chicago was murdered in her apartment. Teresita Basa was found under a flaming mattress, a butcher knife buried in her chest. Police attempted to track her stolen jewelry with no luck. They also failed in trying to link any of the suspects to the crime. It seemed impossible to find the perpetrator, that is, until Remy Chua, a co-worker who barely knew the victim, involuntarily became a leading source of information.Chua began having frequent visions and nightmares about Basa. It started in the locker room of her work, where she experienced seeing a man's face behind Basa. This would repeat in her dreams. Chua then began channeling Basa's spirit when conversing with her husband. While channeling Basa's shirit, Chua told her husband the entire story of Basa's murder. She claimed an orderly at the hospital named Alan Showery was helping Basa with her television when he assaulted her. He then killed her and set her mattress on fire. The spirit was even able to give the details of what happened to her jewelry, which was given to Showery's common-law-wife. Mr. Chua convinced his wife to give these details to the police.The police were skeptical at first, but after seeing the Basa's jewelry on Showery's wife (Basa's cousin was able to confirm it just as the spirit said she could), the police were able to convict the man for fourteen years in jail. Unfortunately, there was not enough evidence to convict him longer. But was it really Basa's ghost who named her killer? Perhaps Chua had knew some facts in the case and disguised it as a spirit possessing her? What ever led police to the killer remains to be a mystery.Read more about the case of The Dead Woman Who Named Her Killer here.6. The Boy in the Boxnydailnews Resources and Information. / / Multimedia PostersIt was the year 1957 in Philadelphia when a hunter found the bruised body of a boy in a JC Penney box. The boy, around four to six years-old, was nude and wrapped in flannel. He seemed to have died from blows to the head. Fearing his muskrat traps would be confiscated by police, the hunter didn't report the body. It was two days later when a college student found the body, that the police started on the case of "America's Unknown Child." It immediately attracted the media's attention, and flyers of the boy were seen throughout Pennsylvania.Although police received thousands of leads, they were never able to uncover the identity of the young boy. They tried tracing back the JC Penney box and checking the boy's fingerprints, but everything led to a dead end. However, there were two promising leads of note. One lead involved a foster home located 1.5 miles away.A medical examiner, who pursued the case until his death, had a psychic lead him to the foster home, where he found a bassinet similar to the one that was sold in the box. Hanging on the clothesline were blankets much like the one wrapped around the boy. He believed the boy belonged to the stepdaughter of the man who ran the home, and she didn't want to be found as an unwed mother. Police interviewed the couple, but closed the investigation.In 2003, they opened the case again when interviewing a woman identified as "M" who claimed her abusive mother bought the child back in 1954. According to her, her mother killed the boy in a fit of rage. Because "M" was mentally unstable, the investigation was closed as well, leaving the boy to remain "America's Unknown Child."Read more about The Boy in the Box here.7. The Jeanette DePalma CaseYour Travel Guide to New Jersey's Local Legends and Best Kept SecretsUsually people connect witches to Salem, MA, but for this particular case, the witches were in Springfield, New Jersey. It all started in 1972 when a dog brought home a decomposed forearm home. This prompted a police search and a body was soon found afterwards atop a cliff in Springfield. The body was identified to be that of Jeanette DePalmer, a 16-year-old who had gone missing for six weeks. Immediately, rumors began spreading as to the cause of her death. The hill where she was discovered was covered with occult symbols and many believed her body was placed on a makeshift altar. Many locals, even some police members, blame a coven of witches, otherwise known as Satanists, who used DePalma for a human sacrifice.Because of a flood, much of the case's details have since been destroyed. However, some reports from local papers mention that police couldn't determine the cause of death due to her badly decomposed body. They had also investigated a local homeless man who was a prime suspect, only to find no connection with the killing. As for the occult theory, many believe that DePalma may have provoked a group of Satan worshipping teens at her high school when she was trying to evangelize them. She was involved with a group who helped drug addicts by finding faith in Christ. The reverend who ran the group theorized that she was selected as a sacrifice to the group because of this. Was she a human sacrifice? Or did these suspicions help hide the real killer? Perhaps no one will ever know.Read more of The Jeanette DePalma Case here.8. The Glico-Morinaga CaseKizazOkay, brace yourselves, because this case is as twisted as a TV crime show. It deals with the Japanese companies Ezaki Glico, best known for its Pocky snacks, and Morinaga. In 1984, two armed men in masks broke into CEO Katsuhisa Ezaki's mother's home and bound her, taking the house key of Glico's CEO. Entering his house, they also tied up his wife and daughter. Mrs. Ezaki attempted to negotiate money with the men, but they were after something else. Cutting off the telephone cords, they raided the bathroom, where Ezaki and his other two children were hiding. They abducted Ezaki and held him hostage at a warehouse. They issued a ransom for 1 billion yen and 100 kilograms of gold bars. Their plans were discovered when Ezaki managed to escape three days later.A few weeks later, just when the company thought it had escaped extortion, vehicles in its headquarter's parking lot were set on fire. Then, a container with hydrochloric acid and a threatening letter addressed to Glico were found in Ibaraki, where the warehouse was located. This began a string of letters from a person or group that dubbed itself "The Monster with 21 Faces," named after a villain in a Japanese detective series. The letters threatened the company's products, claiming that their candies were laced with potassium cyanide soda. Glico was forced to pull the products off the shelves, resulting in a $21 million loss and the layoff of 450 part-time workers.After months of tormenting Glico, the Monster with 21 Faces decided to look for fun someplace else. Their final letter towards the company read, "We forgive Glico!" With that abrupt ending, they turned their sights on the food companies Marudai Ham, House Foods Corporation, and Fujiya. In exchange of stopping their harassment towards Marudai, one of its employee was to hand them ransom money on a train. That was when an investigator, who disguised himself as an employee, saw the prime suspect, known as the "Fox-Eyed Man." The man was well-built, his hair cut short and permed, with "eyes like those of a fox." After dropping the ransom as instructed, he and another investigator attempted to follow the Fox-Eyed Man, only to lose him. They would get a second chance later on, but he again evaded them.After continuing harassment towards the police, a year later Police Superintendent Yamamoto committed suicide by setting himself on fire, ashamed of his failure to capture the Fox-Eyed Man. Five days following the death, the Monster with 21 Faces sent its final letter to the media:"Yamamoto of Shiga Prefecture Police died. How stupid of him! We've got no friends or secret hiding place in Shiga. It's Yoshino or Shikata who should have died. What have they been doing for as long as one year and five months? Don't let bad guys like us get away with it. There are many more fools who want to copy us. No-career Yamamoto died like a man. So we decided to give our condolence. We decided to forget about torturing food-making companies. If anyone blackmails any of the food-making companies, it's not us but someone copying us. We are bad guys. That means we've got more to do other than bullying companies. It's fun to lead a bad man's life. Monster with 21 Faces."And with that final statement, the Monster with 21 Faces disappeared, never to be heard from again.Read more about the Glico-Morinaga Case here.9. The SS Ourang MedanParanormalqcGhost ships aren't just portrayed in legends and movies such as The Pirates of the Caribbean. In this true story, the entire crew mysteriously perished. It all started in 1947, when ships traveling the straits of Malacca (located between Sumatra and Malaysia) heard a troubling distress call:“All officers including captain are dead, lying in chartroom and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead.” Following the message was some indecipherable Morse code and then finally, “I die.”An American ship called Silver Star answered the distress call and found the Ourang Medan, but there were no signs of the crew on the deck, even when they tried to call to them. And so they boarded the ship, only to find themselves in a horror scene. Scattered across the deck were the corpses of the Dutchmen, their faces construed in such a way one would think they had witnessed something ghastly before their demise. Even the dog was dead, its face also contorted in agony. The captain's body was found on the bridge, while the communication officer was still at his post, his cold fingers still pressing the telegraph. The American crew went down to the boiler deck to find the same situation. Despite it being over a hundred degrees down there, a cold chill came over them.Retreating to their ship again, they decided to tow the Ourang Medan to port. But as soon as they attached the tow line, smoke began billowing out of the ship. Moments later it exploded, sinking into its watery grave, taking all its secrets along with it. What horrible thing did the crew witness? Some believe it was the work of the paranormal. Perhaps a band of ghost pirates raided the ship or aliens decided to drop in. Such unexplainable things do happen, as firefighter and EMT Mick Mayers have experienced in his firehouse. Others, however, have more scientific explanations.Many theorize that the Dutch ship was smuggling hazardous materials such as potassium cyanide and nitroglycerin. Sea water may have interacted with the cargo, causing the toxic gases to be released and poison the crew. The nitroglycerin would later cause the explosion. Or maybe there was trouble in the boiler room and carbon monoxide killed the crew and a fire got out of hand and destroyed the ship. What is most troubling is the fact that, although the Silver Star is very real, there isn't any registration records of the ship. Did the ship even exist, or is it merely a sailor's tale?Read more about The SS Ourang Medan here.10. The Cape IntruderConnecting people with their local governmentThis final unsolved case is not a famous case, but a local one that I remember from years ago, occurring in a neighboring town. If not for a brief mention of it in an old clip archive regarding a neighborhood watch, I might have thought it was just my imagination. Back in 2005, in the affluent town of Cape Elizabeth, Maine, the community experienced something unnerving. During the night, victims who kept their doors unlocked, would wake up in the morning to catch a brief glimpse of a man staring at them. Before they could react, the man would flee the scene, leaving the house just as it was before he entered it. Nothing was stolen. Nobody was injured or killed. All that he took was their privacy when he snuck into their bedrooms to watch them sleep.A rough sketch depicting a man in his early twenties played on the local news. Everybody seemed to think they knew who it was and the police received a number of calls from concerned citizens naming possible suspects. Although two people named the same person, the police never did catch the "Cape Intruder". After some intrusions in August, December, and February, he never did break in again. Perhaps he had his fill of staring at sleeping bodies during that time period. But the thought that such a person existed and still walks among us is enough to give anyone the chills. And of course, serves as a grim reminder to lock our doors.

How do Egyptians feel about Hollywood whitewashing Egyptian history? How do they feel about the white Nefertiti bust and white King Tut bust?

How do the Egyptians feel about Hollywood whitewashing their culture? How do they feel about the white Nefertiti bust and white King Tut bust? Well I guess it depends on which modern Egyptians you ask. I find it strange to have Nefertiti and King Tut so light when they have pictures in the tombs being reddish brown.Tomb paintings of him show him as a man of color reddish- brown.The results of a CT scan done on King Tutankhamun's mummy indicate the boy king was not murdered, but may have suffered a badly broken leg shortly before his death at age 19 - a wound that could have become infected, Egypt's top archaeologist said on Oct 7, 2018.A CT scan does not tell you the color of a person. Also, some archaeologists will tell you that you can not always tell race from the skull of a Mixed race person.At the exhibit, "Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs," at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art: On the side of the glass case, there is a disclaimer that reads, "The features of [Tutankhamen's] face are based on scientific data. But the exact color of his skin and the size and shape of many facial details cannot be determined with full certainty."King Tut was a Pharaoh of the New Kingdom. Most of these Kings in this time span would be mixed. However, DNA analysis shows he had majority Sub-Saharan DNA and then Eurasia DNA.DNA testing is the only way to determine the racial origin of ancient people, however all DNA studies from two white companies linked these Ancient Egyptian royal mummies to have mixed DNA however The Egyptian Gene is Sub-Saharan African in origin; The highest % went to DNA of sub-Saharan Africans. If you want to know true Egyptians, take the DNA from Royals…not commoners who could easily been buried anywhere.The Egyptian Gene - DNA Consultants King Tut Gene - DNA Consultants Akhenaten Gene - DNA Consultants II's mom The Thuya Gene - DNA Consultants ppl say the black kings did not exist first in Egypt, that is like saying the Indian wasn't in America...u rarely see a 100% native Indian in America now, but the fact remains they were. Now-a- days, some modern Egyptians only want to trace their ancestry back to the Arabs.Egypt experienced many conquests, colorizations, and mass immigration across all of its extended history. Its complexion, culture, ethnicity, and borders changed because of this.There were black, white, and mixed Pharaohs during different time spans. That is why it is so important to post dates.The Pharaohs married many Foreign Princesses to bind treaties and had many Bi-racial kids. However, before 1640 BC, Ancient Egypt started first with black Africans who were indigenous tribes to the Nile Valley located in Africa…then Egypt became’s not rocket science; The African Kings existed from the start.Considering the number of foreign slaves that Egypt had captured from wars, the pharaohs marrying foreign princesses to bind treaties, having many Bi-racial kids, plus being a major trading center since the 2rd Dynasty…One has to be reminded of the fact that ancient Egypt was NOT a racially and ethnically Homogenous society even if Africans made up the bulk of the population. You will find paintings and statues of all races in various tombs.Hollywood whitewashes ALL cultures. No one is exempt. I am sure some of the Egyptians feel the same as the American Indian. In many of the old Western movies, white actors played Indians with painted skin tones. Some Egyptians feel the same way as the Asian actors. Hollywood would simply create a white man to look Asian. Remember; Mickey Rooney’s performance of I. Y. Yunioshi in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Thas been the subject of extensive critical commentary and review since its theatrical release. Hollywood would use white actor in blackface for blacks. Blackface - WikipediaAll races have been oppressed at some time in History and all have at one time felt bad about it. You feel unloved and invisible.The media has a lot of influence over our self-esteem. ( If you allow it). Symbolic annihilation, is the idea that if you don’t see people like you in a positive light, in the media you consume, you must somehow be unimportant. It covers race, gender, sexual preference, etc.. The TV show, Will and Grace, was very important because it showed positive gay characters. During its original run Will & Grace was one of the most successful television series with gay principal characters.That is why it is very important to know your history. If you truly wanted to learn the TRUTH, do your own research...Google is your friend. Also, visit a library, open some history books and read information on the subject. You'll have all the access you need to lead you in the right direction.When ppl say the black kings did not exist first in Egypt, that is like saying the Indian wasn't in America...u rarely see a 100% native Indian in America now, but the fact remains they were.How can a people indigenous to the Nile Valley located in Africa be from Middle East? Ancient Egypt, before 1640 BC, was ethnically African, the founders came from the South and extended the Kingdom to the North. The South is referred to the Upper Nile which includes Northern Sudan and Southern Egypt. The truth is ancient Egyptians were Ethnically and indigenously African.When you speak of Egypt you must specify what period of time you are talking about. Are you talking about the Old Kingdom, the Middle kingdom, or the New Kingdom. Why? Because ownership of this land has been passed around from various empires like a football during a Super bowl game.Excerpts from Modern Humans Came Out of Africa, "Definitive" Study Says1. Modern humans (Homo sapiens) have a single origin in Africa. Everyone was black at one time. Africa is the mother of all races. Tribes started to migrate to different parts of the earth. (Tower of Babylon in the Bible) The farther away people lived from Africa, the lighter they became due to genetic mutation. The tribes always settled near rivers of water. Some African tribes settled along the whole length of the Nile. These tribes grew and became settlements. The settlements grew and became villages. The villages grew and became towns, then cities, and then kingdoms.Egypt is in Africa. Egypt (Greek name) is at the top of Africa by the Sudan. Its ancient name was Kermit or Kemet meaning black soil. The Africans were Kings there first before the foreign invaders. Then you have invasions from foreigners such as: the Hyksos 1640 BC - 1532 BC, Assyrians invaded around 671 BC,, the Persians 525 BC, the Greeks in 332 BC, the Romans invaded in 30 BC to make Egypt part of the Roman Empire, then the Arabs came around 600 AD.Archaeology is an important science that confirms the historical accuracy of the Bible. Since the Bible refers to hundreds of cities, kings, and places, we would expect to find evidence from on-site excavations of statues, maps, and scrolls of ancient Egypt. is a Bust of Pharaoh Huni from 3rd dynasty. Huni - WikipediaThere is a bust from Sahure from the 5th Dynasty. - Wikipedia notice the two serpents on his crown. He is King of Cush and King of Egypt.Taharqa - Wikipedia notice the two serpents on his crown. He is King of Cush and King of Egypt.Bust of Pharaoh Shabaka - Wikipedia 25th DynastyNubians were the elite soldiers of Ancient Egypt. They were called the Medjay. They became part of the Ancient Egyptian military as scouts.The Nubians existed since the Old Kingdom. They were mercenaries first and then progressed to be military scouts They made a BIG IMPACT!!!The Medjay were an elite paramilitary police force"We have come to serve Pharaoh": A study of the Medjay and Pangrave as an ethnic group and as mercenaries from c. 2300 BCE until c. 1050BCEThis places the Medjay in the Old kingdom. ( 2686–2181 BC)The Medjay worked in all parts of Egyptian society, as palace attendants, temple employees, merchants, soldiers and more.The Medjay worked in Egyptian fortifications in Nubia and patrolled the desert along with other Egyptian soldiers, like the Akhwty.The Egyptian army during the Second Intermediate Period was largely made up of Medjay, Nubian warriors who fought as mercenaries. Medjay served as scouts, light infantry, and finally as cavalry units. also were sometimes employed as soldiers (as we know from the stele of Res and Ptahwer). And during the Second Intermediate Period, they were even used during Kamose's campaign against the Hyksos.The Medjay became instrumental in making the Egyptian state into a military power. That means they made a big impact. Medjay - WikipediaNubia called the Land of the bow. “Land of the Bow” is the meaning of Ta-Seti, an ancient Egyptian term used to denote Nubia for thousands of years in antiquity. They were expert Archers.Relations between Egypt and Nubia, show peaceful cultural interchange and cooperation, including mixed marriages.Depictions of Nubians in the Tomb of Amenhotep Huy, in Egypt, show they ranged in skin color. Some of them have the reddish-brown complexions, while others are darker.See below.Nubians Were Pharaohs and Queens (Including but not just limited to 25th Dynasty). This is proven by the tomb drawings from Mentuhotep II temple complex.Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II (reigned c. 2061 BC – 2010 BC) was a Pharaoh of the 11th Dynasty who reigned for 51 years. Around his 39th year on the throne he reunited Egypt, thus ending the First Intermediate Period. Consequently, he is considered the first pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom. is from the inside of Queen Aashyt chamber in Mentuhotep II temple.Even back in Biblical times, the descendants of the 3 sons of Noah, intermingled with each other. Plus, the Kings and Pharaohs would have many wives and concubines. Some of the wives would come from foreign royalty in foreign lands, to bind treaties of the powerful nations at that time. So their offspring would be Bi-racial.Example: 1 Kings 1–4 states: The Hebrew and Christian Bible tells us that the Jewish King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. The wives were described as foreign princesses, including Pharaoh's daughter and women of Moab, Ammon, Edom, Sidon and of the Hittites.In the Quran, Solomon is considered a major prophet, and Muslimsgenerally refer to him by the Arabic variant Sulayman, son of David.Genesis 41 :45 Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife. And Joseph went throughout the land of Egypt.Race was not much of a factor, but class or status was important. The Egyptians also elevated some human beings to gods. Their leaders, called pharaohs, were believed to be gods in human form.So, there was much race mixing even in biblical times. Egypt was a major trading center. Ordinary people also mingled together. Also, since the Middle Kingdom, foreign slaves mainly from Asia, became increasingly numerous. They were either prisoners of war or traded by slave merchants. See Slavery, its causes and practiceTherefore, you begin to see many shades of Colored People from the darkest eggplant hue to honey-colored caramel, to brownish- tan, to reddish brown (ruddy colored), etc.For example: Pharaoh Amenhotep III is known to have married several foreign princesses as part of treaties which balanced power between nations. Notice how many foreign princess he had. This is a good indicator of a Nation’s power. During this time frame, Egypt was a major force to be reckon with. Egypt did not give too many of their princesses away.Amenhotep III: Biography, Family & Death | Biography, Sons & Family Tree | Amenhotep III • Gilukhepa, the daughter of Shuttarna II of Mitanni, in the tenth year of his reign. • Tadukhepa, the daughter of his ally Tushratta of Mitanni, Around Year 36 of his reign • A daughter of Kurigalzu, king of Babylon. • A daughter of Kadashman-Enlil, king of Babylon. • A daughter of Tarhundaradu, ruler of Arzawa. • A daughter of the ruler of Ammia (in modern Syria).The Bible said Egypt is the Land of Ham. The Bible refers to Egypt as "the land of Ham" in Psalms 78:51; 105:23,27 ; 106:22; 1 Chronicles 4:40. The Bible never mentions once the lands of either England or Germany. However, African nations are mentioned again and again.It has over forty references to Ethiopia and over one hundred references to Egypt. Even ancient sources, biblical and non-biblical, mention both Ethiopia and Egypt together long before either country was on any map. Egypt's ancient name was Kermit or Kemet meaning black soil. It talks about the wars that involved the major superpowers since mankind started. These wars can be proven to be true from History books and archaeological finds.Psalm 105:23-27 (KJV)23 Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.24 And he increased his people greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies.25 He turned their heart to hate his people, to deal subtly with his servants.26 He sent Moses his servant; and Aaron whom he had chosen.27 They shewed his signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham.Psalm 106:20-22 20They exchanged their glorious God for an image of a bull, which eats grass. 21They forgot the God who saved them, who had done great things in Egypt, miracles in the land of Ham and awesome deeds by the Red Sea.The Egyptologist Darrell Baker states that the 14th dynasty being of Canaanite origin. Canaan was the brother to Mizriam (Egypt) and to Cush( Ethiopia), and Put. These brothers helped each other fight the western invaders.A. Amarna Tablets are a collection of 382 clay tablets written by the Canaanites to Pharaoh of Egypt, asking his brother for help....Help me Brother, oh great Egypt ......I need help. I am getting attacked!!!!the letters include requests for military help in the north against Hittite invaders, and in the south to fight against the Habiru (Hebrew).Yes, Canaan needed help in defending themselves from the invading Israelite's under Joshua. At the time of the Conquest of Canaan by Israel (Joshua) Egypt was nominally in control of the region. go to: to: The Bible has historical events that have been proven to be true: The brothers helped each other fight as describe in Jerimiah and other chapters - Jeremiah 46:9 Charge, you horses! Drive furiously, you charioteers! March on, you warriors-men of Cush and Put who carry shields, men of Lydia who draw the bow. (They march out of Egypt, arranged in their divisions; cavalry, chariots, and infantry to begin the campaign.) The forty-sixth chapter contains two prophecies concerning it: one was the discomfiture of Pharaoh Necho at Carchemish by Nebuchadnezzar.Nahum 3:9 Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and it was infinite; Put and Lubim were thy helpers.Ezekiel 25-32 consists of prophecies against nations.Ezekiel 30:5 states: Ethiopia, and Libya, and Lydia — (The names in Hebrew are Cush, Phut, and Lud, which are mentioned together as the Egyptian allies), and the people of the covenant land will fall by the sword along with Egypt.The Egyptians, employed mercenary soldiers from their brother’s tribes.Ethiopians—Hebrew name is Cush:Libyans--Phut, Mauritania, west of Egypt (compare Genesis 10:6 ). The Libyans used long shields extending to the feet.Lydians sometimes called Ludim ( Genesis 10:13 , 1 Chronicles 1:11 , Nahum 3:9 Isaiah 66:19 ; Jeremiah 46:9 ; Ezekiel 27:10 ; Ezekiel 30:5 and 38:5 )Ludim --, an African nation descended from Egypt (Mizraim);Mizraite people or tribe descended from Ludim the son of Mizraim; also called Lydians. It is probable that the Ludim were settled to the west of Egypt, perhaps farther than any other Mizraite tribe. Lud and the Ludim are mentioned in four passages of the prophets.Timeline of the kingdoms: Excerpts from Look at the pictures also. Many of the Pharaohs that are mentioned in the Bible can be found in the writings of the historians Herodotus. Josephus Flavius, and Manetho. Manetho wrote the "Aegyptiaca" (History of Egypt) in which he divided the rulers into dynasties (or ruling houses) which forms the basis of the modern system of dating Ancient Egypt.Diodorus of Sicily writes: {quote} The Ethiopians say that the Egyptians are one of their colonies which was brought into Egypt by Osiris. They even allege that this country was originally under water, but that the Nile, dragging much mud as it flowed from Ethiopia, had finally filled it in and made it a part of the continent. ... They add that from them, as from their authors and ancestors, the Egyptians get most of their laws. It is from them that the Egyptians have learned to honorQuote from Lucian (Greek writer) when describing an Egyptian:"This boy is not merely black; he has thick lips and his legs are too thin..." Quote from Aeschylus (when describing the Egyptians): "I can see the crew with their black limbs and white tunics."6. The DNA study of Ramses III and his son. . very interesting. DNA Evidence On Egyptian Pharaohs: Ramses III A Sub-Saharan African BlackLook at the art work on the caves/tombs, Papyrus, etc. Look at Ramses fighting in Kadesh. in the battle of Kadesh versus Hittites who were the Turks/Syrians aka NEAR EASTERNERS. Google it up. Look at the people he's killing versus his own complexion. He's the same color as his Horse (Arabian horse).Then look up the Puntites (Somalians/Ethiopians) and you tell me if they don't look exactly like the Egyptians.Look at PUNT - A brother of Mizram, Cush, and Canaan. Egypt use to trade gold with her. Go to the link and scroll down to the bottom. look at the solders Land of Punt - Wikipedia

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