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  • Edit and sign your file using the toolbar.
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What is socially acceptable in America which is not anywhere else?

this totally acceptable double standardthis Black Friday sale that occurs every year and often results in deathsthis rapper with face tattoos now on trial for racketeering and gang related crime but will likely get out soon and make more money than most peoplethis Mugshot of Jeremy Meeks which went viral and led to modeling contracts, a music video where he sat in a chair for 4 hrs and got 120,000 dollars, a relationship with a Billionaire’s daughter and later millions in his bank accountthis woman (Tish Cyrus) posting bags of weed from her weed farm in California while people in other states still go to prison for a fraction of that amount.this.but also…this (Presidential Turkey pardoning on Thanksgiving)this movie with a Kim Jung Un character that actually upset Kim Jung Un.this (portion sizes are filling)this (#freedom)this. Elon Musk getting high and talking about reality, time and technology on a radio station. (#freedom)this. The only football we acknowledge.

Why is snowboarding so expensive?

Snow sports in general, are expensive because we purchase a lift ticket to go have fun letting Gravity pull us down hill, then ride up hill in some kind of contraption made by humans. Both halves of this equation are full of variables, some of these variables may be easily controllable, or not, by YOU. Others are easily controllable, some not so easy, by the businesses we call Ski resorts. Some people do go cross country skiing or backcountry skiing for free, this is called “ Earning your turns “But the Businesses we call Ski Resorts have to work hard to stay in business. Just like Farming, success is closely tied to the Weather. The money they take in has to pay salary for a small crew of people year round who answer the phone, get the mail, take the lift chairs off, grease that Cable good, put away all the safety equipment and signage, then every year when we are putting our Fleece on and taking pictures of pretty leaves falling down the Managers and Core personnel of Ski areas start all over again hiring/recruiting Veteran Ski Patrollers, Ski Instructors and Qualified Lift Attendants to come back to your area and work long hours essentially as Volunteers( I don’t think I can adequately explain the Volunteering without requiring you to read my book about the ins and outs of The Ski Industry), you asked a simple ? Why Is Skiing/Snowboarding So Expensive.The answer is Competition, on many levels. Competing lifestyles, Joe The Snowboarder who carries a Redbull in his pocket to wash down a Granola bar with Versus Antoine The Rich Smoldavian Brain Surgeon with his Supermodel wife and kids in The Audi SUV. They don’t care how much the lift ticket costs but the Snow should look more perfect than John Travolta’s leisure suit in Saturday Night Fever and they better not smell a single Mouse Turd in their fancy Slope side Chalet.Nowadays resorts are competing with Climate change deniers who have no clue that some regions with Ski areas used to have perfectly adequate and predictably frequent Powder Snows are buying artificial snowmaking equipment to have the trails in good shape, not just for Thanksgiving vacation, I’m talking Christmas vacation!! That is causing Lift Tickets to go up also.So your simple question has many complex answers, I only mentioned a few, hope I didn’t frustrate or bore youIt’s a Good question!

What are some unknown secrets about past US presidents we don’t know about?

I'm not really sure if it's possible to know an unknown secret, but here goes, in semi-sequential order:George Washington’s teeth weren’t made of wood.Contrary to popular belief, Washington’s teeth weren’t wooden at all. Rather, his dentures comprised a peculiar combination of animal teeth, brass screws, lead, gold wire, hippopotamus ivory, and even bone.James Madison was by far the smallest President.Madison was 5′ 4″ tall and tipped the scale at a little under 100 lbs. A proverbial 98 pound weakling indeed! Where's Charles Atlas when you need him?John Quincy Adams skinny dipped in the Potomac River daily.Adams didn’t mind going for a dip in the Potomac River buck naked. It was fairly common to bathe in rivers during that time. Legend says a female gossip columnist sat on his clothes during one of his dips, and she refused to give them up until he agreed to an interview.Andrew Jackson is the only US President to kill a man in a duel.Andrew Jackson may just be the most violent president of all time. Born and raised in the backcountry of the Carolinas, Jackson often participated in fights, and it's said he fought 100 duels. In one such duel, he killed a man for insulting his wife Rachel. Jackson took a bullet in this duel, which stayed in his chest the rest of his life.Martin Van Buren is credited for the phrase “OK.”The origin of “OK” comes from the reelection campaign for Martin Van Buren in 1840. Van Buren had adopted the nickname, Old Kinderhook simply because he was born in Kinderhook, New York. His supporters used to shorten the name to OK during rallies — and the rest is history.William Henry Harrison gave the longest inauguration speech to date.Estimated to be more than 8,000 words long, the speech ran over 90 minutes in length. Sadly, Harrison delivered the speech in horrible weather conditions, which is believed to be why he fell ill and died about a month after his inauguration.William Henry Harrison also has the distinction of fathering more children than any other President.Harrison had 10 legitimate children with his wife, and at least another 6 fathered on slaves. He was the first POTUS to die in office, and served the shortest term of any President … 32 days. Harrison was also the first to use a Presidential campaign slogan: “Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too.”John Tyler, who was born in 1790, still has two living grandchildren.Born 230 years ago, the 10th president of the United States still has two living grandchildren right now. Lyon Gardiner Tyler Jr. and Harrison Ruffin Tyler were born in 1924 and 1928, respectively. He had 15 legitimate children, which is also a record.James K. Polk banned any and all fun activities from the White House.Polk and his wife did not go down in history for being the life of the party. In fact, they were pretty much a pair of sticks in the mud. The Polks banned alcohol, card playing, and dancing from the White House. Kevin Bacon would have had fits.Millard Fillmore, who became president upon the death of Zachary Taylor, never had a vice president.Fillmore was the first of four presidents to serve without a vice president. At the time, the Constitution didn't allow for replacing vice presidents who had died or left office. That didn't change until 1967, when the 25th Amendment was ratified, allowing a president to appoint a vice president, with the approval of Congress.Franklin Pierce was once arrested for running over a woman with his horse.Pierce never received jail time, though, likely because of insufficient evidence. The case was dropped in 1853, his first year in office. The horse was released on its own recognizance.Abraham Lincoln was a very successful, skilled wrestler.Lincoln claimed he lost only one of nearly 300 wrestling matches, and was honored with an award from the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in 1992. The WWE has offered Lincoln no recognition, though he could work the crowd with the best of them. Lincoln to the crowd after a win: “I’m the big buck of this lick. If any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horn!”Andrew Johnson made all of his own suits while serving as president.Johnson had a pretty rough childhood growing up. The later impeached president and his brother were sent away at a young age by their mom to be a tailor’s indentured servants. After two years, the boys ran away. From his experience working with the tailor, Johnson cut a pretty mean suit.Canaries froze to death at Ulyssess S.Grant’s inauguration.Grant’s inaugural ball in 1873 was spruced up with the addition of beautiful canaries. Unfortunately, due to the extremely cold temperatures, the canaries froze to death. Fortunately for Grant, there was no ASPCA at that time.Ulysses S. Grant also was pretty much a chain smoker.He smoked at least 20 cigars a day. After the Battle of Shiloh, grateful residents there sent him 10,000 boxes of cigars. Grant died of throat cancer in 1885.Rutherford B. Hayes was the only president to be wounded in the Civil War.Apparently, Hayes was one tough son of a gun. Hayes was injured five separate times, including three bullet wounds. On top of that, on four other occasions Hayes’ horses were shot out from beneath him.James Garfield could write in two different languages at the same time.Garfield, among many things, was ambidextrous, but his skills went far beyond being able to write with both his left and right hands. He had the ability to simultaneously write in Greek with one hand, and in Latin with the other.Chester Arthur sold historical artifacts to redecorate the White House.Arthur wanted to give the White House an entirely new look. To fund this makeover, he sold 24 wagons filled with antiques from past presidents. One of John Quincy Adams’ hats and a pair of Lincoln’s pants were among the items sold at this White House garage sale.Grover Cleveland’s adopted daughter became his wife in later years.After the death of his law partner, Cleveland became the legal guardian of his former partner’s 11 year old daughter. After 10 years, the two were married. She was the youngest First Lady in history at the age of 21. He was more than twice her age at 48 years old.Another first for Grover Cleveland was to become the only president to serve as a hangman.Not only was Cleveland the first president to serve two nonconsecutive terms, he was the first to serve as a government executioner. At one point, he was the sheriff of Erie County, New York, where he had to drop the trap at a hanging. Not once, but two times.Grover Cleveland had his hand in multiple pies. In 1873, Cleveland was accused of rape.A store clerk named Maria Halpin said that he attacked her after a night out, resulting in her pregnancy. Even with no paternity test, Cleveland agreed to pay her child support. It gets weirder. The baby boy was named Oscar Folsom Cleveland, after Cleveland's best friend, whose daughter Cleveland adopted, then later married. “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” It's better than a soap opera!William McKinley removed his good luck charm and was assassinated shortly thereafter.McKinley had long believed that carnations brought good luck, so he wore one everywhere he went. On Sept. 6, 1901, he removed the carnation from his lapel to give to a little girl, only to be shot shortly afterward.Every member of Teddy Roosevelt’s family owned a pair of stilts.Roosevelt had a secret pastime … walking on stilts. Apparently, each and every one of Roosevelt’s family members had their own individual pair. Even the First Lady had a set of her own.Woodrow Wilson painted his golf balls black during the winter.While Wilson is remembered for leading the US through WWI and the League of Nations, he had another passion that perhaps isn’t as well known … golfing. Wilson loved to golf no matter the season. In the winter months, when layers of snow covered the ground, he painted his golf balls black so that he could easily find them in the snow.Warren G. Harding had a daughter through one his many extramarital affairs.In one of these affairs, Harding impregnated a woman by the name of Nan Britton. Britton wrote “The President’s Daughter,” about her daughter being Harding’s child. In 2005, an official DNA test proved Harding was indeed the father.Calvin Coolidge had two pet raccoons by the names of Reuben and Rebecca.In November, 1926, Coolidge pardoned a live animal intended for his Thanksgiving dinner, and adopted it as a pet. No, not a turkey, but a raccoon named Rebecca. About a year later, Reuben raccoon was added to Coolidge's menagerie, which included dogs, cats, canaries, a black-haired bear from Mexico, an African pygmy hippopotamus, and even a pair of live lion cubs, to which Wilson gave the names “Tax Reduction” and “Budget Bureau.”Calvin Coolidge had many peculiar ways about him, particularly with the White House staff.At unusual times of day or night, Coolidge would deliberately press all the buttons in the Oval Office, sending bells ringing throughout the White House … and then hide to watch his staff run in. Why? He just wanted to see who was working.Herbert Hoover and his wife spoke Mandarin in the White House.Long before he became President, Hoover lived in China with his wife, where the two learned one of China’s native languages. When Hoover wanted to have a private conversation with his wife, they would speak in Mandarin so no one could eavesdrop.Harry S. Truman was the only president of the 20th century who didn’t earn a college degree.Truman, who grew up as a poor farm boy in Missouri, did briefly attend a small business college, but never graduated. in 1996 the Missouri Supreme Court issued Truman a posthumous honorary law license. Truman has no middle name. Just the letter “S”.Dwight D. Eisenhower had a personal mission to rid the White House lawn of squirrels.Eisenhower was a dedicated golfer, and the squirrels that scurried about the grounds were guilty of digging up the putting green to bury nuts. Ike was so angered that he finally ordered his valet to kill them off by shooting them. Fortunately, the Secret Service vetoed that idea and instead had groundskeepers trap the squirrels and release them into Rock Creek Park nearby. Shades of Caddyshack.John F. Kennedy got into Harvard despite a bad recommendation letter from his own Dad.JFK’s father, while generous enough to give him $1 million on his 21st birthday, was not as kind to him in his letter of recommendation to Harvard University. He wrote that JFK lacked application and was careless. Apparently, Harvard didn't care, because Kennedy was still accepted.John F. Kennedy also has the unique distinction of receiving his last rites 3 different times in his life.Kennedy had very poor health, mainly due to having Addison's disease. On three separate occasions he was sick enough to need a priest to read his last rites. Had he not died so abruptly, it could've been four times.Lyndon B. Johnson’s life was saved by an unexpected bowel movement.During World War II, Johnson boarded a bomber for a mission in the South Pacific, but before the plane took off, he hopped off to use the restroom. When he returned, Johnson boarded a different plane for the mission, as his original flight had taken off. The original plane Johnson was supposed to board crashed, killing everyone on board.Richard Nixon could play five musical instruments.While Nixon is widely associated with the Watergate scandal, what many may not know about him is his hidden musical talents. Nixon played the piano, clarinet, saxophone, violin, and accordion. He could play these instruments despite never learning to read music.Gerald Ford was the first and only president so far to serve as both president and vice president without ever being elected to either office.In his earlier years, Ford was a professional model, and was a star football player at the University of Michigan, where he played center and linebacker. He actually turned down offers from two professional football teams.Jimmy Carter is the only president thus far to report a UFO sighting.Carter claimed to have spotted the UFO in October 1969, but he did not file a report with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena until four years later.Bill Clinton has won two Grammy Awards.Bill Clinton won a Grammy in 2004 for Best Spoken Word Album for Children, narrating the English version of Russian “Wolf Tracks,” and another in 2005 for Best Spoken Word Album, for his audiobook, “My Life.”George W. Bush is the only president to have been a head cheerleader in high school.Bush went to Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, and was head cheerleader there. Bush hails from a politically involved family. His father was president, his brother Jeb was a governor, and his paternal grandfather Preston was a senator.Barack Obama doesn’t like ice cream.One of Obama’s first jobs was scooping ice cream at a Baskin-Robbins store. He believed that all the ice cream he was eating was hurting his jump shot, and he thinks that is why he lost his taste for the treat.Thanks for reading, and I'm always grateful for the opportunity to learn more from your contributions.

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