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Is it true that ancient Chinese pictographs contain details of events reported in the Biblical book of Genesis? Does this suggest the earliest Chinese were familiar with Genesis?

According to Harvard’s Chinese-Japanese Yenching Library, written Chinese is dated back approximately to 2500 B.C. which closely correlates to the date of the end of the biblical flood.Researchers C.H. Kang and Ethel A. Nelson did an intensive 40-year study on ancient Chinese and interestingly enough, they came across ancient Chinese pictorial writings which seemed to be patterned after some parts of the Hebrew book of Genesis. They had published their findings in the book titled, “The Discovery of Genesis: How the Truths of Genesis Were Found Hidden in the Chinese Language” (1979).In 1997, Dr. Nelson, Dr. Ginger Tong Chock, and Richard E. Broadberry released the book, “God’s Promise to the Chinese”, which helped to improve the study by using oracle bone characters (the oldest Chinese writing known).Some of their research:The researcher Vance Ferrell briefly summarizes some of their research on the Ancient Chinese-Genesis account this way:1. “The Chinese character for ‘Devil’ is formed from three other characters: man, garden, and private (Genesis 3:1-7).”2. “‘Tempter’ is a combination of the three words: devil, cover, and tree (Genesis 3:1-6).”3. “‘Righteousness’ combines sheep, I or me, and hand (Genesis 4:2-5).”4. “The Chinese word for ‘Total’ is in uniting of eight people who join hands over the earth (Genesis 7:7).”5. “‘Boat’, in Chinese, brings together three words into one. The three words are vessel, eight, and mouth (Genesis 7:7, 13;8:13).”6. “‘Rebellion’ and ‘Confusion’ have the same script: a linking together of the words for tongue and walking (Genesis 11:4-9).”7. “One example of the unusual discoveries is ‘Garden’ or ‘Field’ which is a square. Inside the square are four straight lines radiating outward in a “plus sign” shape. According to Genesis 2:9-14, a river flowed outward in four streams and watered the entire garden.”Kang and Nelson also provided dozens of other ancient Chinese pictograms which suggest a relationship to the Hebrew book of Genesis. Here are a few other examples:THE CREATION OF MAN://Above: God created male and female (Genesis 1:27).//Above: God made the first man from the dust of the ground infused with the breath (spirit) of life (Genesis 2:27).THE TOWER OF BABEL://Above: In Genesis 11, humans in their pride and fear tried to come together in one collective group by constructing the Tower of Babel in an attempt to reach God in the Heavens as well as to save themselves from another threat of a worldwide flood. The "weeds" character suggests that something is bad or evil about this undertaking.//Above: The Tower of Babel is an undertaking in clay construction.//Above: God transforms the common language of the construction workers into a thousands of languages.//Above: The Bible tells us that after God confuses the common language into a thousand different ones, the workers end up separating from each other and scatter throughout the world. The "right leg" character indicates how the workers of the Tower of Babel walked away from each other. According to the Genesis 11, this event explains the formation of different countries with different languages.According to Biblical thinkers, after the descendants of the Chinese workers who were scattered from the Tower of Babel, left the Tower construction site to go into the various locations around the world as well as formulated their picture writing, the ancient Chinese people recollected some of those important earlier events with their “picture words”, such as (found in Genesis 3-11):The Creation of ManThe Fall of ManThe Early Sacrificial SystemThe Worldwide FloodThe Tower of BabelTo atheists and most skeptics, this would seem to be too far-fetched because [1] they, for one, don’t believe in God, [2] some accounts from this research may seem to be simple coincidence, [3] simply too far-fetched in their opinion, [4] are militantly hateful of anything related to theological evidence, or [5] think it is 100% wrong (without any truth in it whatsoever).Sadly, some atheists actually believe that the majority of those who have what they call a “religious crutch” are far less superior in intelligence than them when it comes to critical analysis which gives them reason to doubt anything related to any evidence that supposedly proves any part of the Historical details of the Hebrew and Christian Bible without giving it a fair hearing.On the other hand, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched for Biblical Christians, who believe in ALL the historical accounts of the Bible, to understand that perhaps the ancient civilizations after the Biblical worldwide flood and the Tower of Babel had retained some knowledge about the God of Adam and Eve given that they are some of the descendants of the family of Noah according to the Biblical account.ANSWER: Regardless of what you may believe on either side, the matter is still quite interesting in the least! It is up to you to decide if what those authors said in their book “suggest” any reliable parallels from the book of Genesis and ancient Chinese pictograms to be “true” given an impartial look into what has been proposed.Optional Read: God and Ancient Egypt

What do you think of Answers in Genesis' "debunking" of John H Sailhamer's OEC, science-friendly interpretation of Genesis? Is AiG doing legitimate scholarship, or are they biased toward YEC interpretations?

The following are held by members of the Board of Answers in Genesis to be either consistent with Scripture or implied by Scripture:Scripture teaches a recent origin for man and the whole creation, spanning approximately 4,000 years from creation to Christ.The days in Genesis do not correspond to geologic ages, but are six [6] consecutive twenty-four [24] hour days of creation.The Noachian Flood was a significant geological event and much (but not all) fossiliferous sediment originated at that time.The gap theory has no basis in Scripture.The view, commonly used to evade the implications or the authority of biblical teaching, that knowledge and/or truth may be divided into secular and religious, is rejected.By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record. Of primary importance is the fact that evidence is always subject to interpretation by fallible people who do not possess all information.Statement of FaithAiG is made up of Christians who unite to defend the authority of the Bible in today’s secular culture. And that is what we are “on about”—the authority of the Bible, often in Genesis—a foundational book, but also other places (like the gospel message of the New Testament).For example, the secular world has been teaching that the earth is billions of years old. The Bible, based on genealogies recorded throughout the Scriptures and the context of the Hebrew word yom (day) in Genesis 1, reveal that the earth is thousands of years old. So, this question becomes a biblical authority issue. Is one going to trust a perfect God who created all things (Genesis 1:1), has always been there (Revelation 22:13), knows all things (Colossians 2:1–3), and cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18), or trust imperfect and fallible humankind who was not there and speculates on the past?Where Do We Draw the Line?

Has modern science proved genesis?

If you mean “shown that a literal reading of Genesis 1–8 happened as history”, then the answer is NO! (I might even say Hell No)Any claim to the contrary involves either lying about science, lying about Genesis 1–8, or lying about both. Brett Passmore’s answer is an example of both.Yes, science shows that the universe had a beginning. (BTW, here Brett uses “evolutionists” as a synonym for atheists. Basically, Brett is lying that evolution = atheism.) However, science has also shown that some things do not have a cause! At the quantum level, things happen without a cause. For instance, take the decay of tritium (H^3) to hydrogen. It evolves the emission of a beta particle. So we have to look at the cause of that particular beta particle. There is none. There is no cause for that particular tritium atom to decay when it does. In terms of the universe, one possibility is that the universe is an uncaused quantum event. (Another possibility is that deity created the universe. Science is agnostic.)This is a lie about the “biogenesis”. The Theory of Biogenesis Yes, not only is abiogenesis possible, but you can do it in your kitchen. Read here: 1. My Scientific Discussions of Evolution for the Pope and His Scientists; Experimental retracement of the origins of a protocellYes, we have fossils of marine animals on every continent. BUT, that does not mean all the earth was under water at the same time. The statement ignores the Canadian Shield, which is granite above water all through earth’s history. It also ignores continental drift and plate tectonics, and that other parts of the earth were above water when the Alps were a seabed. A world-wide Flood was falsified by scientists (most of whom were ministers) by 1831.This is where Brett lies about scripture. In Mark 10 and Matthew 14 the Pharisees ask Jesus about divorce. Jesus 1) states that the Bible was written by humans and 2) that those humans makes mistakes. One of the mistakes is Deut 24:1 where Moses says it is OK for a man to divorce his wife. Jesus references Genesis 1 to make a theological point: “But ‘God made them male and female’[ from the beginning of creation. ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, et no one split apart what God has joined together.” The theological point is that it is not all right for a man to divorce his wife. Jesus is not saying “God spoke men and women into existence as it says in Genesis 1:27.” After all, Yahweh creating humans by evolution still has Yahweh creating them male and female from the beginning. Also, notice the “God’s Word”. In the Bible, what are the only times “Word” is capitalized? Is it to refer to the Bible? This is where false idol worship is showing.Genetics confirms evolution. Phylogenetic analysis shows that there are no barriers between “kinds”. Instead, genetics shows that widely different species, i.e. corn and humans, are interrelated by their historical connections: evolution.Humans right now are so well-adapted to their environment, and are expanding their resources so fast, that there is little natural selection. In those conditions, genetic drift can keep slightly deleterious mutations in the gene pool. This is an evolutionarily recent phenomenon for people. Through most of our evolutionary history, our population was about 50,000 total individuals (10,000 effective individuals who could produce children). World-wide. 12,000 years ago the world-wide population was about 1 million. 2,000 years ago it was 200 million. 200 years ago 1 billion. Today over 7 billion. In natural selection, populations remain constant because the resources are constant. Our resources are not constant and neither is our population. So selection is not removing alleles.If we look at the article Brett cited, we see “Although the human per-generation mutation rate is exceptionally high, on a per-cell division basis, the human germline mutation rate is lower than that recorded for any other species. “ There are about 20 mutations per human per generation. That is not enough to add 70 VDS per person per generation as Brett claims.The creation stories in Genesis 1–3 were meant to tell theological truths, not history. The price to claim them to be history is massive violation of the 9th Commandment, completely ignoring God in His Creation, and making a false idol to worship.

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successfully copied all my daughters message from her Android device to iPhone. Would have been clearer if it had told me not to setup any whatsapp on the target device before I started but end result still a success

Justin Miller