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Was Robert Kennedy's actions against the Mafia, led to his assassination?

Did Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s earlier actions against the Mafia as Attorney General of the United States somehow lead to his assassination? If they did, you can be sure the Mafia is pleased that the textbook, orthodox answer is that only some lone misfit named Sirhan Sirhan killed Kennedy for misguided reasons. Similarly, if others were behind RFK’s murder, you can be sure they are pleased to have us consider the Mafia as the chief alternate culprit — especially if they were also behind the earlier assassination of Kennedy's brother, Pres. John F. Kennedy, whom we were taught was slain by another lone misfit, named Lee Harvey Oswald, also for misguided reasons.More and more researchers now attribute JFK’s assassination to a joint operation by elements of the CIA and the Mob, with collusion by some members of the Secret Service and senior military, at the behest of Lyndon Johnson. The tracks leading back to the conspirators were covered by J. Edgar Hoover, who was rewarded for his efforts by Pres. Johnson with an exception from the mandatory government retirement age, becoming FBI Director for Life. Many of those tracks have now been retraced by dedicated and patriotic investigators doggedly pursuing the evidence and comparing notes via the Internet. If true, then the theory puts RFK’s assassination in a whole new light, as there can be no doubt that, had he been elected president, Robert Kennedy would have reopened the case of his brother’s assassination, one way or another.Bobby Kennedy ran the most relentless and effective Justice operation against the Mafia that had ever been seen. Remember, this was at a time when FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover wouldn’t even acknowledge that the Mafia existed, perhaps because the corrupt director was deep in its pockets and because mobster Meyer Lansky had explicit, incriminating photos of Hoover in flagrante delicto with his gay lover, Assistant FBI Director Clyde Tolson. At this time (and since), the CIA and the Mafia worked so closely with each other that the two organizations became nearly synonymous. They were essential to each other’s efforts against Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and in smuggling heroin through the French Connection out of Burma and South Vietnam.An under-reported aspect of the Iran-Contra scandal was the allegation that the CIA smuggled cocaine into the United States via the regional airport at Mena, Arkansas, in return for arms to the Contras, in an operation headed by then-Vice President George H. W. Bush and assisted by then-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton.The Mob connection with the Kennedy assassinations is extensive and has been the grist of many books. Some allege that Lucien Sarti, a Corsican drug trafficker and killer, and two other members of the Marseilles mob, accepted a contract to kill Pres. Kennedy. Some say Mob assassin Charles Harrelson was one of the killers and one of the Three Tramps detained from the railyard after the shooting. Teamster’s leader and mobster Jimmy Hoffa had told a federal informant that he would like to kill RFK but that his brother was the more desirable victim because “when you cut down the tree, the branches fall with it.” New Orleans Mob boss Carlos Marcello once reportedly explained why it was better to target JFK than RFK: “If you cut off a dog’s tail, the dog will only keep biting. But if you cut off its head, the dog will die.” An FBI informant testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) that Miami Mob boss Santos Trafficante had told him in 1962 that the president “was going to be hit.” In 1992, Frank Ragano, a longtime lawyer for Hoffa and Trafficante, told the New York Post that the two mobsters and Marcello had agreed to assassinate the president. Ragano claimed that Trafficante said on his deathbed: “Carlos f—ed up. We shouldn’t have gotten rid of Giovanni [John]. We should have killed Bobby.”In 1979, the HSCA concluded that Hoffa, Marcello, and Trafficante all had the motive, means, and opportunity to assassinate Kennedy. What was left unspoken was the fact that if the Mob had the motive, means, and opportunity, then how much more did Lyndon Johnson, who was able to leverage both the Mob and the CIA?Johnson needed to assassinate Pres. Kennedy, because he was desperate to avoid humiliation and imprisonment for profound corruption and even murder, not to mention political oblivion. An exposé regarding LBJ’s corrupt dealings with Senate Secretary Bobby Baker was about to be published in the Dec. 1, 1963 edition of Life Magazine. The story was based on information leaked on Johnson out of the Kennedy Justice Department. Johnson was not going to be asked by JFK to join him on the Democratic ticket in 1964. LBJ knew this full well. He allegedly blackmailed his way onto the Democratic ticket in 1960 on the basis of a damning dossier on JFK given to Johnson by his close friend and next-door neighbor of 17 years, J. Edgar Hoover. His getting kicked from the ticket was also a prediction Nixon had made to reporters during his visit to Dallas on the eve of the Kennedy motorcade. Johnson was involved in several murders, according to the sworn affidavit of convicted businessman Billie Sol Estes. None of that would come out with Johnson as president.Mob hitman James Files has confessed to firing the shot that killed the president from the Grassy Knoll. He claims Las Vegas mobster Johnny Roselli was another hitman, shooting from the Sixth Floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Roselli was the Mafioso who later told journalist Jack Anderson that Ruby was ordered to silence Oswald.In 1975 and 1976, at the time of congressional investigations into the connections of the Mob and the CIA, Sam Giancana was gunned down in his kitchen, Jimmy Hoffa disappeared, and Johnny Roselli was found dismembered, stuffed into an oil drum, and floating in Florida’s Inland Waterway.Oswald, too, had numerous Mob connections. His uncle and surrogate father, Dutz Murret, was a bookie in the Marcello organization. His mother, Marguerite, dated members of Marcello’s gang. Oswald also hung out with the likes of David Ferrie and Jack Ruby.Ferrie was an example of this blurred relationship between the Mob and the CIA. A peculiar but gifted anti-Castro operative, Ferrie not only flew clandestine missions for the CIA in Cuba but also piloted Marcello back to the United States from Guatemala, where RFK had had him dumped paperless and penniless, in his ruthless war with the Mob. Ferrie had known both Oswald and Ruby for years. Ferrie had trained Oswald in the Civil Air Patrol founded by businessman D.H. Byrd. Thanks to the brave testimony of Judyth Vary Baker, we now know that Ferrie worked with Oswald and others in a plot to assassinate Castro by injecting him with a virulent strain of cancer virus. Five days after a New Orleans newspaper announced Ferrie was a suspect in New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s investigation in JFK’s assassination, Ferrie was found dead in his apartment. Ferrie left behind two typewritten suicide notes, but the coroner concluded he had died of a cerebral hemorrhage.Another of Garrison’s suspects, Eladio Del Valle, was found dead in a parking lot just 12 hours later. He’d been tortured, shot at point-blank range in the heart, and his skull split open by an axe. His murder remains unsolved. He was but another in a long list of suspects and material eyewitnesses in the JFK assassination to die under suspicious circumstance. Many are detailed in the book Someone Would Have Talked. The London Times examined its own list of early and unnatural deaths and had an actuary calculate the odds. The newspaper concluded the odds against so many dying under such circumstances so soon after the assassination at 100,000 trillion to one.Ruby was a Dallas conduit to the Chicago Mob. As a young Jewish boy, Jacob Rubenstein was a runner for Al Capone. Ruby ran guns to Castro during his revolutionary campaign against Batista and, later, to anti-Castro Cubans after Castro moved Cuba into the Soviet orbit. In 1947, Ruby served on then-Congressman Richard Nixon’s staff as a favor to then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, for the purpose of exempting Ruby from having to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Ruby knew Oswald from their anti-Castro work. A dozen different witnesses have placed the two together. One of them, a stripper at Ruby’s club, remembered an encounter with Ruby and Oswald shortly before the assassination at which Oswald was introduced to her as “my friend, Lee, from the CIA.”In fact, Oswald was in U.S. Intelligence, originally working on U-2 overflights of the USSR and the PRC out of Atsugi Naval Air Station in Japan, then with the Office of Naval Intelligence, and probably later seconded to the CIA, to participate in a phony defector program to the Soviet Union. He became a paid informant for the FBI, at $200/month, and worked with FBI Agent Guy Bannister in an effort to penetrate Communist student groups and pro-Castro dockworkers in New Orleans. He was given the job at the Texas School Book Depository Building, owned by D.H. Byrd, just weeks before the assassination, through the help of Ruth Paine, a CIA asset.Oswald had apparently warned the USG of the plot against JFK’s life in Chicago, leading to the trip’s cancellation just weeks before Dallas. Oswald also may have warned the FBI regarding JFK’s upcoming Dallas visit, in a note that FBI Agent James Hosty admits he destroyed, allegedly on orders from his supervisor, after Ruby gunned down Oswald. The Dallas PD’s paraffin test shortly after his arrest showed Oswald hadn’t fired a rifle on the day of the assassination. Oswald probably had nothing to do with the assassination except that he was a loyal U.S. double-agent who worked harder than anyone to prevent it, even as disloyal elements of the CIA were setting him up to be the patsy in the conspiracy, to be gunned down before he could testify.Research where George H. W. Bush was on Nov. 22, 1963. He, too, was in Dallas. Photos seem to show him being questioned by Dallas Police after he was picked up as a suspicious person at the Dal-Tex Building, where many researchers believe the CIA had a sniper team. He phoned the FBI later that day with a false lead and noted that if they needed to contact him, he would be staying at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas. Coincidentally, Bush is one of only two Americans of his generation who doesn’t seem to remember what he was doing when he learned of the assassination. The other was Richard Nixon, who was recruited to politics by Prescott Bush, GHW’s father. Both Nixon and GHWB had worked together in the planning for the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion.Bobby Kennedy immediately suspected a conspiracy in his brother’s death, as did the president’s widow, Jackie. Kennedy soon learned that many of the elements involved were the very people that the Operation Mongoose he chaired as Attorney General had attempted to unleash against Castro. The sense of personal guilt reportedly haunted Bobby. Jackie suspected a conspiracy from the beginning because the Secret Service agent driving the presidential limo, William Greer, had all but stopped the car during the shooting. The loss of RFK to an assassin’s bullets and her belief that the new President of the United States had murdered her husband might help to explain Jackie’s later turning to Greek magnate Aristotle Onassis for the protection of her children.RFK understood that he would never be able to get to the bottom of who was really behind his brother’s death unless his family once again controlled the levers of government. He knew the conspiracy was far-reaching and went all of the way up to LBJ. He confronted Johnson on it at least twice, once asking him directly in person why he’d had his brother killed, and once in a testy telephone call, in which he compared Johnson to an animal and denied that he was planning his own counter-coup against Johnson’s government, “as reported” by the FBI. Johnson claimed he’d never received such a report from Hoover or anyone else. In fact, LBJ received an oral briefing on the movements of his political enemies almost daily.Johnson loathed RFK, and the feeling was mutual. Each was the other’s arch-nemesis. With Kennedy in the Oval Office, none of the conspirators would be safe. Johnson dropped out of the 1968 primaries only once he thought it too late for RFK to launch his own presidential bid. When Kennedy plunged in anyway, and his candidacy quickly caught fire, the conspirators became frantic. They had no other way to stop him than by killing him.When Kennedy won the winner-take-all California primary and looked poised to mount a successful fight for the Democratic nomination in Chicago, they struck. They accomplished this assassination with greater finesse than they had his brother’s. At the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, where RFK was to give his victory speech, they staged what appears to have been an MKUltra mind control subject to provide the necessary diversion. The subject, Sirhan Sirhan, was an Orthodox Christian Palestinian who was very susceptible to hypnosis. He waited in the kitchen pantry to which Kennedy was to be diverted. He was seen in the presence of a young woman in a polka-dot dress. He reached out across a serving table 3–6 feet from in front of Kennedy and, with a vacant stare on his face, rapidly discharged his pistol at Kennedy in front of a room full of witnesses. In his shirt pocket was found an incriminating newspaper clipping about RFK’s support of F-4 Phantom fighter jets for Israel, and at his house police found variants of the words “RFK must die” written over and over again in his diary — the sort of repetitive writing suggestive of hypnosis.What most people don’t know, however, is that famed Los Angeles County Coroner Dr. Thomas Noguchi’s painstaking autopsy revealed that the shots that hit Kennedy all came from point-blank range behind him, at an upward angle, not from in front where Sirhan was shooting wildly with a .22 caliber pistol. Kennedy was shot from directly behind him, where security guard Thane Eugene Cesar stood with gun drawn. One witness even swore he’d seen Cesar shooting Kennedy. The LAPD never tested Cesar’s .22 calliber pistol gun. Cesar variously claimed he sold the gun both before and after the killing. More bullets were retrieved from bulletholes and victims than what the magazine of Sirhan’s gun could hold. In 2004, a previously unacknowledged audio recording of the assassination was found in an archive. Tests on the audio indicate that 10-13 shots were fired. Sirhans gun held eight. Sirhan doesn’t remember the shooting. He said he only remembered being in a large room with bright lights when a woman offered him coffee.Sandra Serrano claimed she was sitting in a stairwell when Sirhan and a couple stepped past her. She said a half-hour later, the woman and her dark-complexioned partner ran past her again, implausibly chortling “We shot him. We shot him!” Shot who, Serrano said she asked. “Senator Kennedy,” replied the woman, who Serrano described as wearing a polka-dot dress. Serrano’s testimony withered under police questioning. But a dark-complexioned CIA agent, David Sanchez “El Indio” Morales, was identified by BBC filmmaker Shane O’Sullivan from photos of spectators in the ballroom just outside the murder scene, together with CIA agent George Joannides and contractor Gordon Campbell, all of whom had worked together at the CIA’s JM-WAVE station in Miami. The identification of Campbell is highly dubious, since he had died years before RFK’s assassination. Joannides, however, had links to Oswald, and his files comprise a major portion of the JFK assassination records still under seal at the National Archives. Watergate burglar and CIA agent E. Howard Hunt characterized Morales as a cold-blooded killer. Morales' former lawyer, Robert Walton, said in unpaid interviews that Morales boasted of involvement in the assassinations of both Kennedys.A teenager named Jamie Scott Enyart took nearly two of his three rolls of photographs from atop a desk in a corner of the pantry. His film was confiscated by police. It was then placed under seal as evidence for 20 years. When the period ended, Enyart petitioned for a return of his photos. The police claimed it had lost the film. Enyart sued. “Miraculously,” the police then “found” the film and arranged to returned it to Enyart. On the way the courier had to pull over his rental car at a service station. It seems one of its tires had been slashed. While the courier was preoccupied, someone reached into his car’s partially opened window and stole his jacket and the envelope containing the film. Some contact proofs were later provided separately, but Enyart insists several key photos are missing.It’s strange that RFK should be slain by a Palestinian. The Kennedy Brothers were hardly Israel’s biggest champions. JFK had threatened to cut off aid to Israel unless Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion allowed inspections of its nuclear plant at Dimona. He wanted Palestinians expelled from Israel to be granted the right of return. RFK went no farther than what was expected from a Democratic candidate wooing the Jewish vote.I’m quite convinced that many of the same Deep State elements that murdered Pres. Kennedy on behalf of Lyndon Johnson were also complicit in the murder of Sen. Kennedy, and of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., too, for that matter. Both political enemies were assassinated in Johnson’s last year in office in crimes that bear some of the hallmarks of USG involvement. I believe these were not unconnected but, with Pres. Kennedy’s assassination, serial murders on behalf of an American Caligula who came to power in a palace coup with the help of a patrician class that has secretly ruled America from behind the scenes ever since — up until the last election, at least.Until recently, Americans have had only a handful of different sources from which we received our news, but we believed they competed against each other, and we congratulated ourselves on the blessings of a free press. We also believed “our” government. But over the years we experienced the Tonkin Gulf incident, Vietnam, the USS Liberty incident, the Credibility Gap, and Watergate. We began to see the inconsistencies in the Warren Commission Report and the evidence in the JFK assassination. We saw the media become increasingly monopolized. We learned it had been thoroughly penetrated by the CIA as part of Operation Mockingbird. We discovered that the CIA was behind the effort to depict “conspiracy theorists” as kooks. We saw inexplicable physical phenomena on 9/11. We invaded Iraq on a wild goose chase for WMD. We learned through leaks how a major network had passed debate questions to a presidential candidate in advance. Many of us finally stopped putting credence in the government and mainstream media. Fortunately, at the same time we experienced the advent of the Internet. It has eased research considerably and allowed the pieces of the puzzle finally to emerge.We now have a better understanding, for example, of the motive behind the break-in and burglary that led to the unraveling of the Nixon presidency. The so-called “Plumber’s Unit” wasn’t created to plug leaks related to the Pentagon Papers, so much as it was to suppress evidence related to the assassination of Pres. Kennedy. As White House Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman related in his book The Ends of Power, Nixon instructed him to warn the CIA that the investigation would "open up the whole Bay of Pigs thing again.” Haldeman wrote: “It seems that in all those references to the Bay of Pigs, he was actually referring to the Kennedy assassination.”E. Howard Hunt confessed to his son on videotape shortly before his death that he'd been a "bench warmer" for the "Big Event," the CIA's assassination of JFK, at the behest of Johnson. Hunt had been a primary architect of the CIA’s overthrow of democratically elected Jacobo Árbenz in Guatemala in 1954. U.S. double agent Marita Lorenz once testified in open court that Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis and others had picked her up in Miami in November 1963 and driven toward Dallas for a job. She claimed she had bailed when she learned the target was an American citizen. Sturgis called her just after the assassination and crowed: "You should have been with us today. We made history."I’ve only just scratched the surface. So much is yet hidden from us. All Americans should demand the release of the remaining files still under seal at the National Archives, scheduled for release in October. Americans deserve to know the truth.The extent, if any, of Mob involvement in the RFK assassination is unclear. Certainly the Mob's motive for killing Bobby Kennedy was strong. Its long involvement with the CIA is well-documented. But the motives of the conspirators who were really behind the murder of Pres. John F. Kennedy would be stronger still. A growing number among us can now see that that murder was the result of a joint operation of the Mafia and elements of the government led by a faction within the CIA. That conclusion was supported by the verdict of the jury that acquitted Liberty Lobby in E. Howard Hunt's lawsuit for defamation against its The Spotlight magazine back in 1985. But the supposition that the Mob was also involved in Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's murder remains less likely than the involvement of the CIA and is still untested in court.

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