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A Guide of Editing Small Group Employee Application And Change Form on G Suite
Google Workplace is a powerful platform that has connected officials of a single workplace in a unique manner. If users want to share file across the platform, they are interconnected in covering all major tasks that can be carried out within a physical workplace.
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Is the Trump administration actively downplaying the domestic terrorism threat from white nationalists/supremacists?
This answer may contain sensitive images. Click on an image to unblur it.Yes, doing that and worse. There is an alarming pattern.It’s been clear for a while that he’s emboldened them, but it’s only gotten worse these past two years. Trump is ramping up their rage, giving them ideas for targets with words like “enemy,” playing up threats from other groups beyond what the facts support, and downplaying white nationalist plots when they happen.As if all that wasn’t bad enough, in spite of this serious problem, one that’s been growing for years, his administration has stripped funding and shuttered programs researching and combatting this type of homegrown terrorism.Let’s run through some examples…This week (written 2/21/19, updates at bottom):Self-proclaimed white nationalist planned mass terror attack 'to kill almost every last person on earth,’ authorities sayArrested Coast Guard Officer Allegedly Planned Attack 'On A Scale Rarely Seen'Here’s the arsenal he planned to use in his attack:We almost didn’t hear about it at all:The Department of Justice Loves Publicizing Arrests of Alleged Terrorists — but Not the White Nationalist Coast Guard OfficerThe only reason we even know about it is a professor happened to spot the court filing, not because of any information shared by the administration.Talking about it would serve a purpose. Trump and company may keep it quiet for political reasons but there are good reasons to publicize this sort of thing, and it goes beyond taking a victory lap for some favorable PR.Matt Miller, the Department of Justice’s former Chief Spokesperson explained there are law enforcement reasons why they usually like to publicize these cases:They want people with information about the case to come forward.“This isn’t the only white nationalist domestic terrorist case out there. These cases have been on the rise and by publicizing this case you send the message that we’ll take it seriously.“You also let other people who might be around potential domestic terrorists know the warning signs. If someone is stock piling guns and reading right wing manifestos, that’s a warning sign it’s time to call the FBI.”When word gets out, there are suddenly more people aware of the problem who might be more apt to report a colleague or relative they worry might be close to going over the edge into violence, so publicizing it is for the benefit of public safety.“It makes our country less safe by not publicizing these cases,” Miller told journalist Chris Hayes in a televised interview. (Hayes was one of the suspect’s targets)By not publicizing these cases, they miss these opportunities and do a disservice to the country. People tend to hear about other types of cases, but not these, and thus get an understated impression of the nature and severity of the problem.A president who loves talking about scary people coming to hurt Americans somehow hasn’t yet found the time to say anything about this one, even after six days. It’s hard not to wonder why…Is it because he’s a white nationalist?Is it because he was targeting Democrats?Is it because he was targeting the media?Would his thumbs not be sore from all the tweeting he’d be doing if the terrorist had been named Muhammed or Jose instead of Christopher Paul?Trump found time to attack the media as “the enemy of the people” and implicitly encourage more crazies to target the media, but not a word about the one that just did.Literally, days after a white nationalist terrorist targeted the media, Trump tweeted:THE RIGGED AND CORRUPT MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2019You’ll have to draw your own conclusions as to his intentions (not to mention his culpability should an attack succeed).Then he did it again, singling out the New York Times, in retaliation for publishing an exposé on his two year pattern of obstructing investigations (“Intimidation, Pressure and Humiliation: Inside Trump’s Two-Year War on the Investigations Encircling Him”), which included not just a recap but incriminating new details such as his attempts to reassign people overseeing investigations into him and replace them with loyalists.Is he secretly hoping someone tries to blow them up?The New York Times reporting is false. They are a true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 20, 2019Trump Attacks The Times, in a Week of Unease for the American PressCoast Guard officer held without bail, incriminating list found on work computer - The Boston GlobeWe all know how he defended the white supremacists at that Charlotesville rally where 19 were injured and a woman was murdered by one of them, saying there were “many fine people…”…but did you know another of those “fine people” attending the Charlotesville rally went on to attempt a separate terrorist attack last year?You probably didn’t hear, it wasn’t publicized much, but it’s true. Yet another “fine person” white supremacist was caught trying to kill people, in this case on an Amtrak train in Nebraska.FBI: Man with white supremacist ties stopped train in rural Nebraska with intent to harm passengersAmtrak terror suspect also attended "alt-right" event in Charlottesville, according to FBIIt not only wasn’t publicized much, it almost wasn’t publicized at all. If it were up to Trump, we’d never have heard about it. Just like happened this week, the Trump administration sat on the information. We only learned about it by chance, when a local reporter stumbled on it while combing through court filings, just as happened again this most recent time.Once again, former Justice Department Chief Spokesman Miller, confounded by the Trump administration’s decision not to tell the media anything, put it into context:It makes no sense. It’s not the way we did things when I was there. It’s not the way the Justice Department did things in previous administrations.It’s really hard to come up with a good reason. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt here, but I cannot come up with any reason why they wouldn’t publicize this case—any legitimate reason.Let’s also not forget about the attack on the Jewish temple in Pittsburgh just months ago, killing 11 people:11 Killed in Synagogue Massacre; Suspect Charged With 29 CountsPittsburgh synagogue shooting - WikipediaThe gunman was a white nationalist and follower of "aggressive online provocateurs of the right wing’s fringe."“He was heavily involved in websites such as [site I don’t want to promote] which has been described as ‘extremist friendly’ to neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the alt-right.”His profile featured Hitler references and a quote popular among neo-Nazis and white supremacists.“He also re-posted content by other anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi, white nationalist/supremacist and Holocaust-denying users.”How synagogue shooter went from conservative to white nationalistOn Extremist-Friendly Site, Pittsburgh Shooting Suspect Aired His Hatred in FullShortly before the attack, he indicated he was most angry about the Central American refugee caravans moving toward the border, the ones Trump and conservative media were riling people up about at that time, as part of their campaign strategy for the upcoming election. According to his post just before initiating the mass shooting, it tied in with his antisemitism because Jews, including the synagogue he attacked, sponsored the National Refugee Shabbat.Of course, this was the same week where we had another far right individual turn into a terrorist, a bomber targeting the media and prominent Democrats, all “enemies” of Donald Trump.Pipe Bombs Investigation Turns Toward Florida as More Trump Critics Are TargetedOutspoken Trump Supporter in Florida Charged in Attempted Bombing SpreeTrue to form, Donald Trump attacked the media on the same day the media was receiving bombs from one of his supporters who turned violent.Here’s the van of that bomber:Those crosshairs remind me of another relevant news item from this very week. Trump’s indicted longtime friend and advisor Roger Stone, while out on bail, published a photo of the federal judge on his case with crosshairs and a caption just waiting for a disturbed alt-right type to take as a signal to commit violence.Roger Stone Posted a Photo of a Judge Beside Cross Hairs. She Ordered Him to Court.Roger Stone Posts, Deletes Photo of Judge With CrosshairsRoger Stone Deletes Photo of Judge Presiding Over His Case, Says He Didn’t Mean to Threaten HerPeople really are going to get killed and it’s not hard to see who they’re taking their cues from.While we’re on the topic of Roger Stone, it’s worth noting “the long-time informal advisor to Donald Trump has close connections to the Proud Boys,” according to their Wikipedia page, which describes the group as a “far-right neo-fascist organization that admits only men as members and promotes political violence.” The FBI considers them “an extremist group with ties to white nationalism.”Proud Boys - WikipediaWho are the Proud Boys, 'western chauvinists' involved in political violence?FBI now classifies far-right Proud Boys as 'extremist group', documents sayNeo-Nazis, white nationalists, and internet trolls: who's who in the far rightStone is actually using them as his personal bodyguards, both during his current legal troubles, and before, when they “escorted [him] to and from the right-wing Mother of All Rallies.”The Proud Boys were also among the hate groups at the infamous “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville.Then there was another tragically misinformed individual who bought into a crazy white supremacist/alt-right/right wing conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton that led him to shoot up a pizzeria over what he believed was happening in their nonexistent basement.Even after this theory was widely debunked and the shooting up of an innocent pizzeria should’ve put the conspiracy theory to rest, the fake news rumors persisted in alt-right circles (including Trump’s incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, and his son, an employee of the Trump transition team), nearby businesses received threats (“to finish what the other guy didn't") and another attacker set fire to the pizzeria (it was put out).Pizzagate conspiracy theory - WikipediaHow The Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Behind "Pizzagate" Was SpreadWhat to Know About Pizzagate, the Fake News Story With Real ConsequencesN.C. man told police he went to D.C. pizzeria with assault rifle to 'self-investigate' election-related conspiracy theoryHow I became a target of the alt-right – What it’s like to be targeted by Neo-Nazis and supporters of Donald Trump online — and what I learned from itOn and on it goes.Trump talks about threats from asylum seekers at the border—though his own intelligence chiefs don’t consider the border to be a top threat right now—but he never seems to have anything to say about white supremacists.Here’s something that he would probably deny and certainly doesn’t want people to know:Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.And according to another study:“More than 100 people have been killed or wounded in the U.S. since 2014 by people believed to have been supporters of the “alt-right.”You know what else?Muslims Accused of Plotting Violence Get Seven Times More Media Attention and Four Times Longer SentencesTrump definitely doesn’t want to talk about that. It would totally undercut not just his message and world view, but the decisions made by his administration (Jeff Sessions, the Gorkas).What decisions am I talking about?In the months following Donald Trump’s inauguration, security analysts noted with increasing alarm what seemed to be a systematic erosion of the Department of Homeland Security’s analytic and operational capabilities with regard to countering violent extremism.Some examples of this erosion:Replacing professionals with political hacks…It began with the appointment of a new national-security team. Like their counterparts now running immigration policy, the team came from the fringe of conservative politics, some of them with connections to Islamophobic think tanks and [other] organizations…[peddling] anti-Muslim conspiracy theories.As the months passed, “it was clear that there were fewer and fewer of the career civil servants at the table for critical policy decisions.” Some political appointees seemed to have virtually no experience with the issues they had been tapped to advise on.Changing names and focus away from non-Islamic violence…The program, “Countering Violent Extremism,” would be changed to “Countering Islamic Extremism” or “Countering Radical Islamic Extremism,” the sources said, and would no longer target groups such as white supremacists who have also carried out bombings and shootings in the United States.Cutting off grant money…The Department of Homeland Security withheld grant money from several previously approved applicants whose focus was on studying extremists’ online networks and helping both white supremacists and Muslim extremists leave their movements.Reassigning personnel…[At] The Department of Homeland Security…Office of Intelligence and Analysis, analysts specifically looking at domestic terrorism and coordinating with local law enforcement were reassigned as public-affairs liaisons, Snyder says. “So no one is looking at the intelligence and connecting the dots, which is what the Department of Homeland Security was created to do.”Removing prevention steps…In the lingo of the counterterrorism world, the department’s responsibility is anything “left of boom,” meaning all the pre-emptive steps that might prevent an attack, from securing the borders to synthesizing and sharing intelligence to working with community leaders and local law enforcement to help them better identify risks. Today, at least for the federal government, Snyder says “left of boom is dead.”Exclusive: Trump to focus counter-extremism program solely on Islam...Trump Shut Programs to Counter Violent ExtremismDHS Strips Funding From Group That Counters Neo-Nazi ViolenceTrump admin will apparently not renew program to fight domestic terrorU.S. Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism. Now They Don’t Know How to Stop It.Is it less of a loss if the deaths are at the hands of a white supremacist?Apparently the Trump administration thinks so.2/22 Update: First peep out of Trump about the white nationalist terror plot foiled last week was a brief answer to a reporter’s question about it today. Very underwhelming statement few will hear and without the reporter’s question 7 days after the fact he apparently still wouldn’t have said anything.3/15 Update: A white nationalist just murdered 50 people and declared his support for Donald Trump in his anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, white-supremacy, 2nd Amendment manifesto, calling Trump “a symbol of renewed white identity.” “When asked whether he thought white nationalism was a rising threat in the wake of the attacks…Trump said: ‘I don’t really. I think it’s a small group of people.’”Reporter Sam Stein put Trump’s comment in context: “Imagine a world in which a Muslim terrorist group had executed an attack that killed 50 people and the response from the president was to say, in essence, this isn’t a big deal, “it’s just a small group of people.”For more answers like this, check out: Political Clarity, Demystifying U.S. Politics.
How did Robert Frost get recruited for NASA?
NASA doesn't need to recruit. They get most of their new hires via their co-op program (NASA Pathways). Students apply for co-op placement via the co-op office at their university. Co-ops receive semester long positions at a NASA center, either in the summer or during the fall or spring semesters. They usually do two or three of these rotations, and then, if they performed well, they receive a full time placement after graduation.I didn't even know there was such a program, while I was in university, so that's not how I got to NASA.During my final semester, one of my design team members disappeared for a few days. When he returned, he told me he'd been at NASA applying for a contractor position as an astronaut instructor for the ISS program. I wasn't aware such a thing existed, but it sounded like the ideal job for me. So, I visited the website of the new contractor that had been formed to provide operations for the STS and ISS programs, a company called United Space Alliance (USA). I submitted an application. They called me at my office in the Humanities Tutoring Center, the next morning and asked me to fly out for an interview and said they'd arrange a flight, hotel, and rental car.A week later, I was sitting in a huge room with 600 other applicants. There was a line of small booths set up and in each was a manager for a group. From the list of 600 names, they'd call out the ones they were interested in talking to. You'd go to that booth and be interviewed and then return to your seat and wait to see if another group called out your name or if an HR person would call your name to make an offer. I interviewed for the robotics group and for the avionics group and then accepted the offer from the avionics group.Eight years later, I was able to take advantage of the other way NASA hires. Operations for Shuttle was almost exclusively done by USA and they provided most of the people for ISS, too. Each group might have 10 USA employees, 2 NASA employees, and a NASA group lead. Those two NASA positions were usually filled via the co-op program, but once in a while, NASA would get permission from the government to open a position for an experienced person. Experienced contractors would apply, and if one was selected that person would undergo a badge conversion. I was fortunate enough to be one of those people. I swapped my USA badge for a NASA badge, but little else changed. I kept the same desk, the same phone number, and the same tasks, I just filled out a different timecard system and no longer had a contractor boss.
What problems did you face while living in Germany without being fluent in German?
Not knowing German is a big challenge in your daily life, especially as a newbie to Germany. Although, there has been increasing number of people speaking English, German is absolutely required.Some of the challenges I faced were :City registration : I moved to Germany in 2014. This is the first thing I needed to do. Without this, its not possible to get bank account, Tax Id etc. I went to the Foreigner’s office with the documents and passport. The lady at the counter did not speak English, and was in a bad mood due to lack of my German skills. This was even more weird since the city was Heidelberg, which an International students city,Doctors & Hospitals : I was hard pressed to find doctors who can speak English. Even though a lot of them can understand English when I speak to them, they will reply in German. This left me without a clue as to what they were saying. I had the same experience when I took my wife to hospital in Munich, none of the staff talked in English (it was much better in Berlin hospital though where I went to support a friend),Jobs : Luckily for me, despite having a finance profile, I was able to find English speaking job and company. Only IT jobs are available without German language knowledge. Most or even all of the roles in Finance, Marketing, Operations, HR and Accounting require German language proficiency (there are of course some exceptions in each of these functions). If the company does not have too many international employees, all the mails and meetings will also be in German.Some consultants contacted me, had a nice professional talk. They did not even come back to me after they realised my German language proficiency.Networking : I attend a lot of events to keep be professionally updated. Lack of language is a challenge after the event when the networking happens. It is very normal to see small groups form, based on the language being spoken.Driving licence : When I was enrolled for a driving licence, the school had only 1 English speaking instructor. This meant, that his availability was very limited. I was able to get just 1 class (90 mins) with him in a week. This was a challenge since I need to complete atleast 7–8 classes with him.LABO (in Berlin) : To appear for the written driving test, a letter is required from the LABO office in Berlin. They checked my Indian driving licence and issued the letter. Now,since I already had a licence since 2000, I did not physically need to attend DL classes and hence no certificate was required,on the day of the written test, when I submitted the LABO letter, I was told that I need to attend the classes,I had to go back to LABO, explain the situation, get the right letter, after which I could give the written test, after which the practical test was scheduled.Driving test : The instructor will speak in English, but all the driving instructions were in German. This, he explained, was because my driving test instructor will only speak in German,Finanzamt (Finance authority) : Once I got a job, I needed to change my tax class and went to the finance authority office. There I was told why I could not speak German. The work was done during the same appointment.Verpflichtungserklärung from LABO : This is the letter to invite parents from India to Germany. It declares that you take the financial and health responsibility for your parents when they are in Germany. This letter is part of the visa application in India. I took the form and went to office, and was again told why dont I speak German, next time get someone who speaks German. The work was completed in the same appointment.PR (Permanent residency) : I had learnt German by this time. Still I took a German colleague along. During the appointment, my friend was told that she can not speak and I need to talk in German. Though nervous, I was able to talk to the lady and get my work done during the appointment.Letters from bank, credit card, finance authority (tax returns), electricity company etc : all of these come in physical posts. All of these are in German. Initially, these used to be a challenge to read, interpret and understand.Making friends : Luckily for me, my wife was in Germany for 1 year before me. She had a group of international friends. If I was in a small city, which was not a student city (like Heidelberg), then it would have been very difficult to make friends.I have shared these personal experiences so that you know that coming to Germany is not the only challenge. Getting a job and landing here is only the start of a long integration process.Though I had these experiences before, I have learn enough German to be comfortable now. All those who are coming or planning to come to Germany, should put in sincere efforts to learn German. This will significantly make life easier here, especially for those coming with kids.EDIT : I have mentioned the challenges to answer the question specifically. This should not be taken to mean that there is not a much more supportive and helpful side of German community. I get a lot of messages about how to move to Germany, get a job and PR here. This answer is an attempt to showcase the daily life challenges, which might sometimes be bigger than getting a job in Germany.Thank you - Ayushi SharmaIf you want to know more about how to create international careers, then follow Quora space : CDG - Career Development
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