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Editing your form online is quite effortless. It is not necessary to install any software on your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy tool to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.
Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:
- Search CocoDoc official website on your laptop where you have your file.
- Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ option and click on it.
- Then you will browse this page. Just drag and drop the file, or append the file through the ‘Choose File’ option.
- Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
- When the modification is finished, press the ‘Download’ button to save the file.
How to Edit Forbearance Agreement And First Amendment To Loan Agreement on Windows
Windows is the most widely-used operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit file. In this case, you can install CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents effectively.
All you have to do is follow the instructions below:
- Download CocoDoc software from your Windows Store.
- Open the software and then attach your PDF document.
- You can also attach the PDF file from OneDrive.
- After that, edit the document as you needed by using the different tools on the top.
- Once done, you can now save the completed form to your device. You can also check more details about editing PDF documents.
How to Edit Forbearance Agreement And First Amendment To Loan Agreement on Mac
macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. By using CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac easily.
Follow the effortless instructions below to start editing:
- To get started, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
- Then, attach your PDF file through the app.
- You can select the file from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
- Edit, fill and sign your file by utilizing this help tool from CocoDoc.
- Lastly, download the file to save it on your device.
How to Edit PDF Forbearance Agreement And First Amendment To Loan Agreement via G Suite
G Suite is a widely-used Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your work faster and increase collaboration within teams. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF editing tool with G Suite can help to accomplish work easily.
Here are the instructions to do it:
- Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
- Search for CocoDoc PDF Editor and download the add-on.
- Select the file that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by choosing "Open with" in Drive.
- Edit and sign your file using the toolbar.
- Save the completed PDF file on your computer.
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What would you do if you were the President Of The United States Of America?
The first acts I would make or attempt to accomplish.I would overturn all executive orders by any president that were Unconstitutional, illegal or which bypassed congress and laws.I would push for the repeal of Obamacare. Then push for the foundation of non-profit catastrophic health insurance companies, but not run by the government.Move all government computers to Open Source unless an absolute need was presented that could only be done with closed source software. I would also invest in an OSS solutions panel to identify lacks in OSS software, test for security holes and develop solutions. This would cut the US gov IT budget by about 30%, vastly improve security and reliability. It would also standardize the government systems allowing for easier interaction between agencies.Put the E-Verify system in effect for all employers in the US for employment lasting longer than 2 weeks. Then announce mandatory jail sentences for anyone caught employing an Illegal whom did not do their best to verify all employees were US citizens or legally eligible to work in the US. The CEO or owner of the company and the HR director and the primary hiring official and manager would all receive mandatory jail sentences. 7 days for first offense. 30 for 2nd offense, 90 days for third and 180 days for each subsequent conviction. I would hunt down all duplicate SSNs, verify citizenship and resolve the duplication. Any one over the age of 80 working full time would be verified by someone in person. Any SSNs of deceased people in use would be investigated.Next any Illegal caught in the US or trying to cross the border would work off the expense of housing them and sending them back. Soon as they worked off their debt they’d be deported. Any with criminal offenses would be prosecuted and again made to work off court costs, fines and serve time in a work gang. The conditions would be humane but unpleasant as this is not to be a perm situation, just a harsh means to discourage people from crossing the border and encourage those that had to leave on their own dime before HS tracked them down. It would also defray most of the costs of rounding them up and deporting them. Though most would self deport as soon as the jobs dried up.I would slash guest worker visas and give a period of amnesty before prosecuting anyone caught abusing the program.I would send refugees from storms and similar crises that had long ago passed back home. Any who had not obtained US citizenship and could not pass an English profficiency exam would have citizenship revoked and be set for deportation hearings inside 90 days where’d they’d have a chance to retest for English proficiency. Any who’d never applied for citizenship would be deported unless they were heading to a nation which would likely execute or jail them for leaving. For example I would exempt Vietnamese, Chinese, Eastern Europeans and similar refugees who fled Communist governments as well as people who’d lived in the US 40 years or more.I would end all language support for US citizens outside of English. This alone would shave at least 1% off the US budget.I would increase legal immigration and move a number of people from departments which were closing over to immigration to process immigration requests. All immigrants would have to pass a strict English proficiency test and swear allegiance the US. The goal would be to process the entire back log inside a year and grant or deny those requests.All anchor baby citizenship would be revoked. Only those whom had military service would be granted citizenship if they served honorably. The rest would need to prove full English proficiency, college degrees, over the age of 40 (had lived in US at least 90% of that time or if they were out of the country for more had to prove it was job related for an American employer and did not have dual citizenship in another nation. All who were born in the US then left immediately to be raised in another nation would be instantly disqualified if under 40.), or skilled trades would be allowed to apply for US citizenship and remain pending those hearing. Failure to appear would instantly disqualify them and enact revocation of their citizenship. This particular law would require a Constitutional amendment, though it could be enforced as an executive action until it ground it’s way up to the Supreme court. In which time it could be passed or rejected as a Constitutional amendment.I would reform hiring/firing practices for civil servants. Competence and job performance would become criteria to hire/fire. I would then push for removing the dead wood from the Civil service with a goal of reducing payroll by 10%.I wound push for legislation for a simplified income tax then set a goal of inside 20 years eliminating income tax completely on individuals. I would abolish the IRS and turn over it’s duties to the department of Treasury. Enforcement of tax laws would fall to the FBI.I would push for drastic reductions in corporate income tax on small and medium sized American owned businesses with tax rates as low as 0%. Major reductions in income tax on companies that derived most of their profits in the US. Also exempt companies for so many years that moved a certain number of jobs and facilities back to the US or whom moved too the US. Including tax exemptions, low interest loans, forbearance against certain regulations for up to 10 years.I would scrap OSHA and start over. It’s a great idea but the implementation has been botched so badly that OSHA is itself the biggest safety hazard to workers today in American companies. Litigation and greater awareness have gone a long ways toward improving job safety. A labor shortage will also increase safety. Unsafe employers will find it much more difficult to hire people. The replacement for OSHA would require that inspectors have had worked in the industry they are inspecting or a very similar industry for at least 10 years before they even apply at OSHA and that they can only work at OSHA for 10 years before that qualification expires and they have to work again outside of high management and safety to re-qualify to work for OSHA again. At least 5 years. OSHA would reserve hiring preferences for people over 50 with 10+ years industry experience in at least one domain, military veterans and retirees that are physically, mentally capable and whom have industry experience inside the last 10 years in at least one field. Middle and upper managers will be exempted. Laid off OSHA employees will be offered work at other government agencies as qualified. Each industry will be tasked with a set of safety guidelines for their industry. These will be compared with OSHA guidelines and an independent review to provide the best safety and least interference with operations.Departments of education and energy would be rolled up into the Department of the Interior. Same with the EPA. The entire employee base of the EPA would race a review and drastic changes in policies would take place. Far too often the EPA mandates the impossible such as telling Lubbock they had to clean up emissions when most of the problem was dust blowing in from other regions. This kind of wide spread incompetence in the EPA is costing the US tens of thousands of jobs, pushing companies overseas and making it exponentially expensive to hire Americans. All EPA regulations will require a justification as to the impact which includes if the regulation forces companies outside the US, what will be the overall pollution into the world environment as a result. The EPA’s primary focus will move to research on how to economically reduce pollution, practical alternates to existing technology which is commercially viable and finding sources of contaminates. The EPA inside 10 years should be a profit center more years than not by licensing technology they develop to other governments and private entities but shall be strictly monitored to prevent regulations which require the use of any EPA technology either directly or through regulations which would cause this. Congress alone shall require restrictions. The EPA just monitors and reports to congress as well as develops solutions and does proactive research into ways to help the environment. The EPA also enforces existing laws but makes none of it’s own. Probably 90% of the EPA would be shifted elsewhere in the government or laid off.I’d slash foreign aid. If there is not a dire humanitarian need, or a political advantage to the aid it will be dropped.I’d move German bases to Poland, Ukraine or Romania. Somewhere where we are welcome and who would give us the land and help or entirely build the bases for us. If possible any bases in Western Europe outside of the UK, Norway, Sweden, Finland would also be moved. Especially any in Spain, Italy, France and Greece all of whom have proved to be worthless allies and openly hostile to the US.I would pull our bases out of Turkey and relocate to a nation in the region which wants those bases. All US aid to nations where we pull bases will cease the minute we pull our bases or in nations like Philippines which forced us to close bases will be revoked immediately. I would keep Guantanamo bay open, if nothing else to irk the Cubans.I’d create a free college program under these circumstances. Serve in the US military or work off your debt working for the government. This would garner the US government access to a number of very qualified people, some of whom would stay in the civil service. It would provide free college. Only practical majors however would be allowed. Most Liberal arts degrees would not be covered. I would expand loan forgiveness for working in under served area programs as well as creating opportunities for people with student loan debt to work off part of that debt through service to the US government. The eventual goal is for most Americans to have at least an associates degree, preferably a bachelors.I would push for massive reforms in education. The biggest of these would be self paced study and the removal of politics from the class room. Teachers have a right to a political opinion but they have abused their trust in one of the most severe ways if they try to push their political views upon students. Any caught doing so should not only be fired but also criminally prosecuted. This is a far worse offense than sexual misconduct with a student in my opinion.Like Teddy Roosevelt I’d push for spelling reforms. We waste huge amounts of classroom time and money teaching spelling. People learning English struggle with spelling and even native American English speakers struggle with many words. So I’d start with the most misspelled words and reform their spelling. el or le, pick one and standardize all words using that spelling. This would be introduced gradually over the next 30 years and emphasize phonetic spelling. No kid should have to deal with spelling past the 3rd or 4th grade. We should be teaching literature, writing skills, critical thought and communication skills after that, not wasting everyone’s time memorizing spellings. The savings in document printing from just dropping silent letters alone could be hundreds of billions of dollars. Increases in reading speed and comprehension as well as freeing up instructors to deal with core concepts rather than trivial things like Spelling will produce better educated children, children who dread school just a little less and a more advanced society since more people will move on to more advanced thinking than do now due to being trapped in spelling hell for eons.If we reduce time spent and money on spelling we have more time for science, math, art, and intellectual development. Bilingual programs will be phased out.I would cease enforcement of Federal pot laws. Roll the DEA into the FBI. If local states wish to criminalize pot they may do so but the Feds will not. Anyone in prison for pot related charges will be instantly pardoned for pot charges. Any secondary charges such as illegal possession of weapons, money laundering and other non-violent charges will also be dismissed unless there were other crimes involved such as distribution of other drugs, theft, bribery, etc. This will drastically reduce the costs of drug enforcement and allow FBI agents tasked with this to concentrate on important drugs.I would expand FDA inspections by 1,000. Often using former OSHA, DEA and other laid off government workers to do these inspections. I would also reform clinical trials. A trial involves risk. As long as the risk can be morally and ethically justified and there are willing volunteers who know and understand the risks, then we should allow access to experimental drugs. In particular for people enduring great suffering or who will certainly die without them. I’d rescind regulations that forced testing on drugs that have been in use for decades without notable problems.I would also push for the creation of several non-profit drug research companies which will mostly self fund through proceeds from their research. These companies will be tasked with cures for people with uncommon diseases and antibiotics creation and research. They should be suitably funded to do this research and eligible for donations. They can at reasonable costs sell their work to recoup research expenses and research on other topics. They and their employees will be tax exempt to help hold down costs and subject ot public scrutiny over abuse of their status such as overcharging, allocations of funds, excessive salaries and similar issues.All candidates for federal offices, cabinet members, their staff will be automatically investigated every year they are in public service and once every few years there after. There will also be spot checks from other agencies who audit and individually investigate a certain number of random investigations to watch for corruption within the FBI. Every penny they earn be scrutinized. After leaving office they will be barred from serving as lobbyists, serving on the boards or special contracts for major corporations unless they already did so before running for office or they founded/co-founded the company. This includes subsidiaries or special non-profits where more than 10% of the funding comes from any corporate source of an individual whom might have benefited personally from anything that former politicians could or did do as part of federal service. We want charities like habitat for humanity to be possible and encouraged for former politicians but we want to lock down and prevent things like the Clinton foundation from ever happening again. We also want to block as many avenues for bribery and influence peddling as possible.I would ban congress from making, influencing or forcing purchases of anything by the armed services. This will close down a lot of kick back schemes, pork barrel projects and improve our military’s readiness. Projects like the F-35 should NEVER happen again.All US military hardware, uniforms and other resources will be 100% American made with 100% American made components. 90% of civil government purchase shall likewise be American made right down to the last component. This will help create markets for American made components.I’d aggressively fight dumping and withdraw from trade agreements that hurt the US. Repeal tax codes that encourage outsourcing and punish companies that actively outsource or engage in guest worker abuse by banning them from Federal contracts or work for the Federal government. For example no purchases from Ford while they have plants outside the US that make cars for Americans. If a plant makes cars for the nation or region the plant is located in outside the US, that is their business. If it’s sold in the US and made elsewhere by an American company it will get NO Federal business whatsoever and I will shame them every chance I get until they bring those plants back to the US. It’d be far better to buy a Toyota which is manufactured in the US and many of the parts manufactured in the US than a Ford which is an American company only in name. They have outsourced part of the R&D and almost all their manufacturing. No company that outsources R&D or manufacture will do business with the US government. So HP, IBM, Microsoft and similar companies would be banned from US contracts and work. I wouldn’t even let their salesmen enter the building until they brought their R&D back to the US and used 95% or more US citizens to do it.I’d also initiate low interest loan programs and greatly expand the SBA with a mission to start over 10,000 American businesses a year escalating to a peak of 100,000 a year. While it is not possible for every American to own their own business, industries like 3D printing are making it possible for 50 million or more Americans to do so. Lets change the world in a positive way.In terms of foreign policy. I’d aggressively hunt down terrorists. This would start with Iran which funds, arms and organizes more terrorists than all the other entities in the world and is actively pursuing nuclear weapons. After taking down Iraq and it’s associated terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, I’d go after ISIS and it’s related terrorist groups. That’d start by deep talks with Saudi Arabia and nations similarly engaged to shut down funding. I would work closely with Western Europe, Russian and Chinese counter terrorism groups and form a coalition for the rapid destruction of military capabilities of any and all Muslim terrorist groups.Next I would target the culture by pushing out Western culture which erodes the value system of Iman culture. I’d start free radio, TV and other stations which attacked Imans, spread jokes ridiculing their fanatical take on religion and literature written by Muslims for Muslims which attack the values of the Iman system and the damage it’s done to nations which practice it. In short bring the Middle East out of the dark ages. Islam itself is not the problem, it is fanatical adherence to a very literal religion which is. Take out the fanaticism and the literalness and Islam again becomes a tolerant religion and compatible with the West. This means ruthless military strikes at fanatics and education of those who can be educated. It means the utter destruction of the culture which produces this fanaticism. Preferably by establishing new dress codes, adoption of English or another more modern language or the creation of a new language entirely. As much as possible the culture needs to be erased. Equally important is that we cannot force our culture and values on them. That would be self defeating and fail. We need to present it without actually saying it that it’s lose the culture or die. This is a complex dance that is performed from a position of strength but also exhibits compassion. We have to first spank them like the immature brats they are, then teach them and finally let them find their own way. It will be very akin to raising a child. There are a number of ways to accomplish this. For example every Muslim who’s willing gets adopted by several Westerners to just get to know each other. Establishing each other as people will go a long way to defuse tensions. Especially when each side is able to present it’s view to the others. Western influences will rub off far more than Muslim influences and while they are unlikely to become Westernized they’ll advance to something that isn’t basically goat herder culture which is what dominates most Middle Eastern nations. Those who resist get to die in drone strikes the second they touch a weapon or show radicalization. 1 death is martyrdom, 100 can be martyrs. 100,000 is just plain dead and the idea of martyrdom ceases to be a motivation. People will get tired of even saying it. Kill a million and even the most die hard are going to question the wisdom of their course. Over a million have died already in recent Middle Eastern conflicts, mostly by fanatics often killing other fanatics or Western or Russian armies killing fanatics.If unchecked several million Westerners, Chinese, Russians and Asians will die, as many as 20–30 million, depending how how difficult it is to shut down Iran’s nuclear program after dozens perhaps 100+ bombs have been distributed. While it might seem callous to target religious leaders, it’s absolutely necessary. High collateral damage is as well. To win a war you have to defeat the will of the enemy to continue fighting. Killing only terrorists is not working. Killing only a few civilians is just serving to recruit terrorists. We need to hit them where it hurts and hit them hard. Then play good cop bad cop with them. Offer them better alternates that don’t force them to become Westerners but do force them to purge the fanatical element from their society. Empowering women will be an especially effective weapon and targeting any who target women pushing for education reforms and more rights for women will be highly effective.A different set of tactics is necessary to target the zero poppers. If we relieve pressure on Right wing groups then terrorism ceases to happen. So that’s easy to solve. the above economic reforms and backing off completely on 1st and 2nd amendment infractions will demilitarize the Right. The extreme Left is more difficult. It is the unintended consequences of Left wing propaganda taken to it’s ultimate conclusion. You cannot block the voicing of these opinions and views without becoming a tyrant. You cannot target the culture without becoming a tyrant and introducing problems far worse than you hope to solve. Many on the far Left and Right fail to understand this. So identification and deprogramming of those susceptible to eco terrorism is about the only practical option. They’ll still hold their political views, what is necessary is to bring them back to understanding that it’s people just like them they seek to destroy. That humanity is a blessing not a disease upon this planet.An important thing not just to fight Left wing terrorism but because the planet is important and our duty as stewards is to work on practical environmental solutions that do not degrade our standard of living or impede our rights and lives. There are a zillion things we can do such as planting trees, better designed recycling, practical uses of alternate energy, most of all depoliticization of environmental issues. Science education, religion and the environment are places politics simply do not belong and will poison anything they touch if they are mixed. Lets seek out good answers. Reserving land to preserve a snail that’s going to extinct is senseless. Instead why not preserve the species in captivity and find a way to help it adapt to a more diverse environment? That satisfies all the goals without costing an arm and a leg and destroying people on one side or another. If we figure out sonar is really harming marine wildlife, lets put some effort into replacing it with an even more effective method. Ban ban ban accomplishes nothing. Practical efforts are what really help. Anything else is at best a band aid and often causes more harm than good. Many times creating problems which are exponentially worse than the problem they were trying to solve because of unforeseen impacts.I would push heavy on space exploration. The launching of the first colony ships would be a hard fast goal by the end of my first term. Space is essential for our survival as a nation and as a species. Sooner or later catastrophe will make the Earth uninhabitable. It’s not whether but a question of when. The Earth is our placenta, it’s time we were born as a sentient species. Time we realized that it’s a big bad universe out there and we are going to need to adapt and learn how to live outside the womb if we are going to survive as a species. In terms of national importance. The Space race is much like the colonization of the new world in the 1600s. The nations that engage in it now will be the powers in the centuries to come. Those that do not will fail and be left behind. Anyone who believes in the US should be 100% behind the space program. It is absolutely critical to our survival as a nation and people. Waiting until the perfect time to start colonies is like waiting for the perfect time to have a child. It’ll never happen. You either do it or don’t. You MAKE the time to do it. That’s what we have to do with space exploration. We are going to lose people, just as we’ve lost people exploring every frontier. We have to accept the risks and the inevitable losses and just get through it, for on the other side is the future of our race and only the nations that step through now will survive in that future.I would address energy independence not by inhibiting any resources we have but by expanding our capabilities. For example Yellowstone could power most of the central US with ease. Coastal wind, tidal and solar farms could provide water and energy to the rest of the nation. As much as possible food and energy should be produced as close to home as possible on a micro scale. This is for national security, environmental and economic reasons. We should research new uses for coal and oil. Push hydrogen, methane cars. Electric cars are for now a dead end and environmental disaster. Until battery capabilities are improved by about 100,000% they are never going to pay back the environmental footprint caused by their manufacture, vulnerability and disposal. Just the contamination of water tables from electric cars left in lakes and fields will be a massive and expensive undertaking that we cannot afford. This is especially poignant since we haven’t solved how to provide current electric needs with alternate energy. So replacing gas powered cars with ecologically damaging electric cars that do nothing to reduce emissions, just change the sources makes absolutely no sense. There are practical, economical and better solutions, lets use those.Why try to put anybody out of business? Just introduce practical and economic power generation and they’ll convert. Especially when you find alternate markets for coal and oil. We could be energy independent inside a decade if we took the politics and stupidity out of the quest.Very little of this could be done without support from the American people and congress. So for every issue tackled comes also reaching out to the people and using them to push congress. Until the American people are on board with an idea it’s a no go. That’s what Democracy is supposed to be about. Pushing unpopular ideas and legislation never solved a single problem in the US but sure generated lots. You cannot MAKE people do something, you can only talk to them and show them the benefits and hope they come on board and support your ideas and vision. The more success you have the easier this becomes.I have many many many more ideas. There are not many problems facing the country we cannot solve if we work at it a little and tackle it with good intentions and an eye to practical realities. Name a problem and I’ll formulate a solution for almost all of them. It’s not rocket science. Just a bit of practical sense, psychology and desire to help is all that’s needed.
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