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How to Edit Your Exam 3c Online

When you edit your document, you may need to add text, fill out the date, and do other editing. CocoDoc makes it very easy to edit your form with the handy design. Let's see how to finish your work quickly.

  • Select the Get Form button on this page.
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How to Edit Text for Your Exam 3c with Adobe DC on Windows

Adobe DC on Windows is a popular tool to edit your file on a PC. This is especially useful when you deal with a lot of work about file edit without using a browser. So, let'get started.

  • Find and open the Adobe DC app on Windows.
  • Find and click the Edit PDF tool.
  • Click the Select a File button and upload a file for editing.
  • Click a text box to change the text font, size, and other formats.
  • Select File > Save or File > Save As to verify your change to Exam 3c.

How to Edit Your Exam 3c With Adobe Dc on Mac

  • Find the intended file to be edited and Open it with the Adobe DC for Mac.
  • Navigate to and click Edit PDF from the right position.
  • Edit your form as needed by selecting the tool from the top toolbar.
  • Click the Fill & Sign tool and select the Sign icon in the top toolbar to make you own signature.
  • Select File > Save save all editing.

How to Edit your Exam 3c from G Suite with CocoDoc

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  • Select the CocoDoc PDF option, and allow your Google account to integrate into CocoDoc in the popup windows.
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  • Click the tool in the top toolbar to edit your Exam 3c on the Target Position, like signing and adding text.
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What's the coldest thing a doctor has ever said to you?

Two encounters with this.The first was October 3rd, 2011. Yes, I remember the exact date. I woke up that morning to my dad calling my name from the washroom.“Yeah papa bear?”“I need help,” came the reply.I got up and groggily made my way to the washroom. Dad had been diagnosed with stage 3C esophageal adenocarcinoma in May 2008. Despite our best efforts, and his oncologist’s aggressive treatments, the cancer had progressed to stage 4 and was no longer responding to current FDA-approved chemo. Radiation wouldn’t do enough to keep him comfortable, so he was now part of a drug trial with an experimental drug at an experimental dosage. This was the only time my dad experienced digestive upset from chemo and I figured he was going to get the upset at both ends. I entered the washroom, a waste basket in hand and held it in front of him.I noticed his hands twitching first, then they balled into fists; his pupils were dilated, and his entire body began twitching as he fell to the washroom floor. I dropped the garbage bin, ran back into my room and called for an ambulance advising them that my father was a cancer patient and seizing. I advised the paramedics that, due to the drug trial, we had to go to a specific hospital.I knew that this was it. It was the beginning of the end. He wouldn’t be coming home.After the paramedics left I put on some deodorant and threw on the first clothes I came across. I couldn’t even tell you what they were, knowing myself probably a sweatshirt and track pants. I made sure that the cat had food, water and litter while I called my uncle asking him to pick me up. He refused saying he’d meet me at the hospital. My face flushed. I was a bit outraged by this although in retrospect I understand his focus was on having someone there for my dad. I was the only one in my family who had been in the healthcare field and attended every appointment.I then called around to some of my friends. Disappointment began to seep in when I realized most of them were on their way to work and it was too close to their start time to call off. Then I called a friend who was a musician, she normally worked nights and had no problems getting me to the hospital. She didn’t even bother to dress. She picked me up in her pyjamas, slippers and house robe, her hair wasn’t even brushed! I suppose it’s fair since she never actually heard me that frantic before. ‘Course, then again, I never had a parent in the process of dying before.At the hospital they were being tight lipped with my uncle and tried to use medical jargon to speak to me, not being able to hide their surprise when I replied to them just as fluent in medical terminology. The oncologist on call was a presumptive donkey butt.“Your cancer has gone to your brain, you’re best to sign a DNR.”“You’ve seen this on an MRI?”“Don’t need it. The spot on his spine has spread to his brain.”“That minuscule tumour has been there for three years. It’s considered benign as it’s never grown and there’s never been any brain involvement in three and a half years. You’re telling me — without running any tests — that he’s gone from zero brain involvement to enough involvement that he’s having seizures? I don’t buy it. Do the CT and MRI, show us the evidence and then we’ll sign it.”“What do you do for a living?”This I knew was a trick question. Hidden meaning: You’re awfully defensive. Are you financially abusing your father? Other hidden meaning: Are you a doctor?The answer to both was no. I had gone to school to be a pharmacy technician, thus my knowledge didn’t amount to a doctor’s but I knew enough to spot laziness when I saw it. Since dad got sick, that career was put on hold and I used some of my connections in the music industry to ghost write lyrics. That’s how I supported myself.He gained a smug smirk on his face and told me that if I said another word he’d have security remove me. He coerced my dad into signing the DNR and left the room exclaiming, “I sealed the deal!”F*** f***witted jack*** a** f***!! I was livid!!! The first call I made when I got home that night was to the lawyer to see if I could legally have the DNR nullified because of my dad’s convulsions which, despite spots showing up in his brain on the CT, I still wasn’t convinced that they were from cancer. Unfortunately no, we couldn’t.My dad had an MRI the following morning. The MRI didn’t support cancer spreading to his brain. In all likelihood, my dad had picked up a parasitic infection. He passed away on October 13th 2011, four days after I turned 25.In effort to cover his own ass, this doctor spoke with my aunts and uncles, lying to them that my father did have tumours in his brain, so there was no need for an autopsy. My one uncle refused to let me do an autopsy (we no longer speak), but the pathology report backs the gut feeling I had.My dad was made to sign a DNR because he picked up a parasite from the mouse infestation within our building. I had the cat tested, she was fine.The second one was last December.I woke up December 22nd to my arm being swollen to three times its normal size, I couldn’t bend it. I could barely move it without screaming. I made an emergency appointment with the physician that had taken over my doctor’s practice. Luckily my best friend was able to go with me (after she came over help me get dressed, yes it really was that bad!).We get there, we’re called in fairly quickly, but when the doctor comes in I realize he isn’t looking at my swollen arm, he’s zeroed in on my face. I hadn’t applied my makeup that morning. He immediately starts going off about my adult acne. I snapped after he literally told me, “This is why you are single!”“I’m single because I choose to be. Get off the topic of my face and look at my arm! Did you go to Hollywood medical or what? You’re very unprofessional assuming all women seek out marriage,” I shot back.He refused to do anything until I agreed to seeing a dermatologist. My friend and I exchanged glances, stood up and walked out.There was a hospital on our way back to my place and we decided to drop in. The second that the triage nurse saw my arm she gasped, “Oh my! That looks painful.”When the ER doctor came into the exam room, his greeting was literally, “What brings you here to— HOLY $#%*!!”I was diagnosed with cellulitis and spent six days on IV antibiotics. Thank god my friend and I decided to go to the ER and get assessed there, another day I could’ve gone septic, lost my arm or my life.The picture is what my arm looked like that morning.

What kinds of inside jokes do mathematicians have?

What kinds of inside jokes do mathematicians have?Why should you not mix alcohol and calculus? Because you should never drink and derive.Write the expression for the volume of a thick crust pizza with height "a" and radius "z". The formula for volume is π·(radius)**2·(height). In this case, pi·z·z·a.A physicist, a biologist, and a mathematician are sitting on a bench across from a house. They watch as two people go into the house, and then a little later, three people walk out.The physicist says, "The initial measurement was incorrect."The biologist says, "They must have reproduced."And the mathematician says, "If exactly one person enters that house, it will be empty."Father: What did you do in school today?Son: We played a guessing game!Father: I thought you had your math exam.Son: Exactly!How do you make seven an even number? Just remove the “s.”Infinitely many mathematicians walk into a bar. The first says, "I'll have a beer." The second says, "I'll have half a beer." The third says, "I'll have a quarter of a beer." Before anyone else can speak, the barman fills up exactly two glasses of beer and serves them. "Come on, now,” he says to the group, “You guys have got to learn your limits.”My girlfriend is the square root of -100. She’s a perfect 10, but purely imaginary.How do mathematicians scold their children? "If I've told you n times, I've told you n+1 times..."What’s the best way to woo a math teacher? Use acute angle.What do you call a number that can't keep still? A roamin' numeral.A farmer counted 196 cows in 
the field. But when he rounded them up, he had 200.Why should you never argue with decimals? Because decimals always have a point.[EDIT 1]A statistics professor is going through security at the airport when they discover a bomb in his carry-on. The TSA officer is livid. "I don't understand why you'd want to kill so many innocent people!" The professor laughs and explains that he never wanted to blow up the plane; in fact, he was trying to save them all. "So then why did you bring a bomb?!" The professor explains that the probability of a bomb being on an airplane is 1/1000, which is quite high if you think about it, and statistically relevant enough to prevent him from being able to fly stress-free. "So what does that have to do with you packing a bomb?" the TSA officer wants to know, so the professor explains. "You see, if there's 1/1000 probability of a bomb being on my plane, the chance that there are two bombs is 1/1000000. So if I bring a bomb, the chance there is another bomb is only 1/1000000, so we are all much safer."[EDIT 2] 14/Jan/2019 : Can’t stop myself adding few more, thanks for liking this. My apologies if these jokes are already written, there are so many answers to this question.Theorem. 3=4.Proof. Suppose a + b = cThis can also be written as: 4a − 3a + 4b − 3b = 4c − 3cAfter reorganizing: 4a + 4b − 4c = 3a + 3b − 3cTake the constants out of the brackets: 4(a + b − c) = 3(a + b − c)Remove the same term left and right:4=3A mathematician and an engineer are on a desert island. They find two palm trees with one coconut each. The engineer shinnies up one tree, gets the coconut, and eats it. The mathematician shinnies up the other tree, gets the coconut, climbs the other tree and puts it there. “Now we’ve reduced it to a problem we know how to solve.”There are a mathematician and a physicist and a burning building with people inside. There are a fire hydrant and a hose on the sidewalk. The physicist has to put the fire out…so, he attaches the hose to the hydrant, puts the fire out, and saves the house and the family. Then they put the people back in the house, set it on fire, and ask the mathematician to solve the problem. So, he takes the hose off the hydrant and lays it on the sidewalk. “Now I’ve reduced it to a previously solved problem” and walks away.Three men are in a hot-air balloon. Soon, they find themselves lost in a canyon somewhere. One of the three men says, “I’ve got an idea. We can call for help in this canyon and the echo will carry our voices far.” So he leans over the basket and yells out, “Helloooooo! Where are we?” (They hear the echo several times.) Fifteen minutes later, they hear this echoing voice: “Hellooooo! You’re lost!!” One of the men says, “That must have been a mathematician.” Puzzled, one of the other men asks, “Why do you say that?” The reply: “For three reasons: (1) He took a long time to answer, (2) he was absolutely correct, and (3) his answer was absolutely useless.”Q: What is a proof?A: One-half percent of alcohol.Q: What is gray and huge and has integer coefficients?A: An elephantine equation.Q: Why do truncated Maclaurin series fit the original function so well?A: Because they are “Taylor” made.Q: What is gray and huge and has integer coefficients?A: An elephantine equation.Q: What’s a polar bear?A: A rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.Q: What do you get if you cross a mosquito with a mountain climber?A: You can’t cross a vector with a scalar.Source: Funny Short Math Jokes and Puns, Math is Fun!Thanks!! Follow me

How can I get 3c's for the GCE A level?

Answered How can I get 3cs for the GCE A level?Simple. Score more than 60%, but less than 70% overall in the exams.If you'd like something a little more specific than that, you're going to have to provide more information such as the subjects, your grades in AS (or end of year 12 exams), what you're actually having difficulty with, any special needs or home consuderations, etc.

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