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Windows users are very common throughout the world. They have met hundreds of applications that have offered them services in modifying PDF documents. However, they have always missed an important feature within these applications. CocoDoc wants to provide Windows users the ultimate experience of editing their documents across their online interface.

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A Guide of Editing Please Bring This Completed Packet With You To Registration on Mac

CocoDoc has brought an impressive solution for people who own a Mac. It has allowed them to have their documents edited quickly. Mac users can make a PDF fillable online for free with the help of the online platform provided by CocoDoc.

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A Guide of Editing Please Bring This Completed Packet With You To Registration on G Suite

Google Workplace is a powerful platform that has connected officials of a single workplace in a unique manner. When allowing users to share file across the platform, they are interconnected in covering all major tasks that can be carried out within a physical workplace.

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PDF Editor FAQ

How true is the medicine given by Vaidya Narayana Murthy?

My mother suffering from cervix cancer for the last 6 years, we already undergo radiation therapy in 2013 and chemotherapy in 2017. present again cancer recurrence happened to my mother which spread to the liver. the doctor said that no more treatment may not help my mother.I recently heard about vaidya narayana muthy, narsipura, Karnataka cancer medicine. so i went there for checking my fate.journey from vijayawada to narsipura:I prefer to journey by train, there are many trains from Vijayawada to Bengalure. first I reached Bangalore. On Friday at 15:00 hrs train (20651) started and reached anandapuram at around 22:30. there are special auto-rickshaw for reaching narsipura they charge 50/- per person. narsipura a small village surrounded by vaidya narayana murthy house:when i reached narsipura vaidya narayana murthy sir house already 15 more persons put their luggage in queue in a line. so i am also put my bag next to them. please note that at that time you cannot get a water for drinking. so please bring some snacks and water along with you. though out night I roaming around that area because of there no place for even sitting. some persons came put their bags and belongings in the queue through out night. at early morning on satuarday at 5:00 there are almost 100 persons standing and some other sitting queue. so i am also stand in my place which i put a bag in the around 7:30 they started registrationen by taking a photo and charge 400/-. after the registration complete i received a token which shows number and picture of me. it will take time as per your number in queue.after that you may free to have breakfast etc. at around 14:00 they will open the gate and allow us to entry into the house as per token number. you may stand in queue atleast 1/2 hr to 2 hr upto your turn. for me it takes 40 minutes.when i reach vaidya ji, he is looking normal sitting in a chair, when my turn comes, i tried to said patient condition and showing reports, shockingly he even didn't see my reports, he only asked what cancer did my mother had, and is this operation completed or not? i said yes, then he put aluminum packets in my hand and one printed pamphlet which shows how to prepare medicine and diet we have to give patient.Review on the medicine:we are using the medicine from one month, we actually don't know whether it is working or not. but my mother is just stable as previous state.i asked many members at vaidya ji house, they said it working and patient condition stable. i thing whatever it is depends on how the patient body responds to medicine, diet patient taking and life style.

What is the funniest hospital experience as a patient?

Make sure your seat is comfortable, grab an extra cushion, you might want to fix a sandwich...I haven't been to the hospital many times, though, being in my fifties now I'm operating on an expired warranty and things are starting to fall apart like crazy.Nearly all of my hospital visits could have been Saturday Night Live sketches.Episode One: “Queen of My Heart”I got married at a particularly stupid age: eighteen. My lovely bride was so young, we couldn't get married in Georgia; we had to go to Alabama.Sadly, that's not a joke, it’s a big, flaming, red flag that I ignored.Just before Christmas, a little over a year into our marriage, I tried to be a tough guy and went to work with pneumonia. I didn't know I had pneumonia, I thought it was just a chest cold, and no chest cold is gonna slow me down. I was a laborer on a construction crew. It was a couple of weeks before Christmas. I ended up in the hospital with pericarditis. That's inflammation of the tissues around the heart.So, there I was, a not-quite-twenty-year-old, very sturdy construction worker in ICU. I learned somewhat later that I was considered something of a spectacle; young, tanned, lean, well-muscled, and utterly helpless. Attempting to sit up, with the help of two strong people, left me completely exhausted, wheezing for breath, and shaking all over. I didn't want them to catheterize me, so going to the bathroom was a ten-minute ordeal involving a couple of sturdy, very patient guys. I weighed over two hundred pounds, and none of it was fat, by the way.I ate like a king. As long as there was no salt, and not a lot of fat, I could eat all I wanted. So I did. On day one, a young lady came into the room and squeezed my arms and legs all up and down, then left with a look of concern on her face. She returned with a nurse and pointed out that my arms and legs were severely swollen and she feared that I was retaining water or worse. The nurse sighed and said, "Those are muscles, dear. This one is actually under seventy years old."Late that same very dark, very stormy night, my lovely young wife and our baby son appeared on the scene, a bit soggy, and she demanded that I give her a hundred dollars.Without voicing the fact (which she should have known) that I didn't have a hundred dollars — there was very little likelihood that I even had ten — I inquired, "Why, pray tell, do you need a hundred dollars?"She explained, "When I drove up here, your car ran off the road on the shortcut and got stuck..."Very loud alarms went off all over the room, and suddenly I had a herd of doctors and nurses in the room with me, and my wife had been shoved abruptly out the door.You see, my wife had no driver's license, she couldn't pass the road test. On her last attempt, the very nice, slightly pale highway patrolman who rode with her asked me to please never bring her back again. "My car" was a 1974 Chevrolet Bel-Air with four mismatched tires of questionable integrity, barely functioning brakes, one wall-eyed headlight gazing forlornly at the ground directly beside the car, no insurance, and no registration. I rode to work in the seatless back of an old Chevy van with four of my co-workers, paying ten bucks a week for gas. Lacking a drivable automobile, we did not yet own a baby seat to facilitate the safe transport of an infant in a car. The shortcut is a very narrow paved road bordered on one side by a concrete wall and on the other by a sixteen-foot ditch which became a flowing river when it rained like it was raining at that time.I was hooked up to a heart monitor.I learned somewhat later, thankfully no longer on a heart monitor, that she had driven the car into a shallow part of the ditch, only about ten feet deep, and managed to climb out with our son in her arms. The car was perpendicular to its normal disposition at the time, with the driver's side pointing mournfully up at the stars. There was a married couple in the car behind them who had seen what had happened and picked them up and took them to a nearby convenience store where they called a tow truck which was too small to move my two tons of Detroit steel from the deep, narrow ditch. In fact the tow truck managed to topple into the ditch too, requiring a front-end loader (a big, honking, twenty-five-ton tractor with a bucket) to be deployed to retrieve both vehicles; each of which had to be towed away. The car was a total loss, and I ended up relinquishing it to the towing company, which didn't really want it. The nice couple who picked them up waited through the whole several-hour ordeal and gave her a ride to the hospital. The hundred dollars was what she imagined the towing fee would be. No, it was eleven hundred dollars. They got my soggy, dripping, broken-down car instead.A few days later, as my convalescence progressed, I was sitting in my bed conversing with my marginally contrite wife when another young lady came in and said, "Well, Mr. Tom, today I'm going to help you pedangle."Wifey fairly leapt from her seat and proclaimed, "Like hell you will!"It scared the poor girl out of the room. She sent a young man in her place after that. I never got a chance to apologize to her.I'm not sure what my wife's interpretation of the young lady's statement might have been, I have some ideas; but she simply meant that I was to, for the first time in several days, hang my feet off the side of the bed and sit up with my legs dangling below me, unassisted.Episode Two: “Just Say No to Drugs”About ten years later, shortly after my son's terrifying bout of appendicitis and a severely ruptured appendix culminating in six hours of surgery, I was afflicted with abdominal pain that nearly threw me to the floor. I was rushed to the hospital, expecting a similar event to what my son had suffered through. It was on that afternoon that I was introduced to my dear friend, Mr. Demerol. I tend to have a somewhat exaggerated response to sedatives. I can't drive under the influence of two aspirin. My mother pointed this out to the nice doctor who was setting me up with my fix, so he put me on the tiniest drip possible. We had been in the emergency room a couple of hours when this was happening. After a couple of minutes of growing slowly woozier, I complained that this was taking forever, my son said, "Hmmm. What time is it?"I raised my hand to look at my watch and said, "It's almost eleven-thirty." When I looked away from my watch I was no longer in the hospital bed. I was in the back seat of my mother's car.This elicited gales of laughter from my dear son who was the only one who realized that I was seamlessly answering the question he had asked almost three hours previously.I learned that I had an “itty-bitty little, teensy-weensy” kidney stone that wasn't worth surgery and should pass with relative ease, and that I was being a total sissy about the whole thing. I was given a funnel with a screen, and told to pee through it until something lands in it and bring it back to the nice doctor.Later the following morning my anemic trickle turned suddenly into Niagara Falls, and a spikey little, pale, brown bee-bee appeared in the funnel.I dutifully took it to the doctor who replied, "Well, I'll be damned. That’s a doozey. Looks like we probably should have operated after all."Episode Three: “No Shrooms for You!”Sometime in my mid-thirties, I managed to contract what I thought was an explosive case of food poisoning.It turns out I have an extreme intolerance for certain mushrooms. All my life I've known that I have a severe intolerance for alcohol; a glass of wine can kill me. My dad was the same way, and so is my brother. Mushrooms are just as bad for me. Mushrooms stuffed with brandy-marinated crab may be absolutely delicious, but cyanide would be gentler to me.There was a sign in my intestines saying, "Two check-outs, no waiting!" and I kept passing out. I came to in a bed in the emergency room of my local hospital. A young man, whose name tag labeled him an "advanced intern," entered with a paper packet in his hand, dropped it, bent over to pick it up, kicked it under my bed, bumped his head — really hard — on the bed frame, dropped the packet to the floor again, gave up on it and pulled another from the pouch at his side and looked at me and said, "I'm sorry, I'm all thumbs today. Could I have your arm please? I need to find a vein to get this IV started."I'm told that my repeated, shrill screams of "Assassin! Assassin!" actually managed to get the police into the room, but I passed out again.Episode Four: “A Real Pain in the Arse”This one really is not for the squeamish...Roughly ten years ago, sit-down potty became somewhat painful for me. I was pretty certain my hemorrhoids had decided to try to ruin my life again. It got so bad that I began to lose sleep because I was pretty sure that I wasn't going have the good fortune to die before my next trip to the bathroom. I gave in and went to the urgent care center.The bad news was, it wasn't what I thought.If you want to lose a little sleep of your own, Google "perirectal cyst." I had a large, infected growth on the periphery of my exit.We began with antibiotics. I was told to come back in a week to see how much better it is. In two days I couldn't walk unassisted, and I couldn't sit down either.It really is hard to describe the feeling in the pit of your stomach when a jaundiced, old trauma doctor who has seen it all looks at your arse, gasps, and runs from the room. Neither is there relief to be derived from him reluctantly returning to the room and saying, gently, with pity in his trembling voice, "I've called an ambulance. You're going to the emergency room right now!"I remember thinking, "If there's a truly frustrating and humiliating way to die, I'm going to find it."There was no paperwork or delay of any kind, I went to the emergency room where a doctor was impatiently waiting.My arse became the spectacle du jour. Everybody who happened to be wearing scrubs came in to check out the old, fat, bald guy's butt.I simply can't describe the pain. It left me reminiscing fondly of the good old days with the kidney stone.They put me on a Dilaudid drip. When my friend's mother was dying of cancer, and they had given up hope of saving her and just wanted to try to give her a little relief until she finally died, this was the stuff they gave her. It made Demerol look like Kool-Aid. It didn't knock me out, though. It just made me the world's worst stand-up comic, while lying down. It didn't stop the pain, it just made it remarkably interesting, and very, very funny.The doctor told me that our little hospital was not equipped to handle what needed to be done, so I was going to the big city where they were flying in a specialist to hack this thing off my arse. My response was, "Doooooooood! Cooooooooooooool!"The ambulance crew was all female. As they were transferring me from my hospital bed to the gurney to roll me to the ambulance, one of the women asked what I had that made this such an emergency. While one of her teammates reached for my papers, I explained, "I have what my ex-wife says I am!"There was a happy blur, and I was in a tiny room and my roommate and my son were looking down on me from opposite sides of the bed with expressions of deepest concern. My Dilaudid drip continued.I said, "You look like you collided and your heads stuck together. Why are your heads stuck together?"Another blur and a young woman comes in and introduces herself as Mary, and says she's my surgeon and she's going to fix me up in just a couple of minutes.So as I lay on my left side, with my knees almost to my chest, she stood behind me and asked if I wanted her to describe what she's doing, or to just do it. I asked for the play-by-play.Mary: "I'm going to clean the area first."Me: "...and I bet it needs it."Mary: "It's going to feel a little cool..."Me: "Cooooooooooool!"Mary: "We won't be knocking you out. I'm going to apply some Lidocaine. You may feel a slight stinging sensation."By "stinging sensation" she apparently meant "Tex-Mex, peppermint hell-fire."Me: Louder than any belligerent drunk — "Yeeeehaaah! Bring home some sour cream, baby! We're having jalapenos tonight!"Mary: "Please, sir. I can't be laughing with this scalpel in my hand."Me: Disappointed — "No jalapenos?"Mary: "No sir."Me: "No sour cream?"Mary: "Maybe later."Me: "Promise?"Mary: "Please stop talking..."Me: "Pizza?"Mary: "I haven’t eaten pizza since I got this job."Me: "Pizza has vitamins..."Mary: "You may feel a little prick..."Me: "What did you call me?"At this point I felt something cool touch my bad spot, there was a sudden, heavenly release of pressure, and everything was wonderful.There's a bit of a blank spot; I suppose I passed out for a moment. She was standing on my other side with her back to me, pulling off a pair of gloves.I must have made a sound because she turned around and looked at me. She was wearing a face covering that looked like a completely clear welding mask, and had on a long apron. She was covered from her waist to the top of her mask in blood and something a bit darker. I told her she was the most beautiful woman in the world. She congratulated me on being her most entertaining patient ever and said that someone would be by shortly to move me to my room.Do a Google search for "necrotizing fasciitis." That's what I had.Episode Five: “Walking Is Good for You”Almost seven years ago, thanks to the generosity of a couple of dear friends, I got to spend two weeks in Europe. We started in Dublin, Ireland; flew to Paris; drove up to Normandy; drove back to Paris to fly to London; drove to Stonehenge; drove to Edinburgh; drove out to Tantallon Castle in Scotland; back to Edinburgh; then we flew back to Dublin preparatory to our return to the States.We walked nearly every street in Dublin proper. We got lost in Paris, on foot, with dead batteries in our phones. We walked a good bit in London. We did the rounds several times at Stonehenge. We walked every street in Edinburgh, and tromped up and down Castle Rock all around Edinburgh Castle. We walked the grounds of Tantallon Castle, and even got to climb around on parts of the castle itself.The pedometer on my borrowed iPhone said that I walked over a hundred miles while in Europe.My second day back on the job in North Carolina, I knelt down in the sand on the beach, took a few photographs of the family I was photographing, and blew out my right knee.I was working with another photographer because we had a group of thirty-nine people, and we always send two photographers out for groups that size. I picked the right group to injure myself with. They were all military doctors, orthopedic surgeons and therapists, nurse practitioners, and hip, knee and leg specialists. There were also plenty of hale and hardy, large, young men there to schlep me up the beach to their deck.My shooting partner, like the pro he is, finished the whole shoot himself without flinching.We interrupted my boss’s fishing trip so he could drive me to the hospital in my own car. The doctor on call that day was the same one who had diagnosed my necrotizing fasciitis about three years before. He examined my knee and said, “You never do anything just a little bit, do you?”Shortly after he left the room, a large, not especially friendly woman with only the word “MUSCLE” on her name tag entered, stood at the foot of the bed, and said, “We have to straighten this leg as soon as possible.”I told her that I was perfectly happy to keep this leg in the shape of the letter “L” for the rest of my life. It looks pretty good that way.She shook her head, sighed, put one hand under my ankle and the other on the front of my leg just below my knee, pulled the ankle and pushed the knee. There was a sound much akin to a dry twig snapping and a bright red flash of light.I screamed “Ffffiretruck!” in a register that would have embarrassed Minnie Mouse, and began demanding Dilaudid. Now!She shook her head and said, “You men are just a bunch of little girls.”It was at this point that I realized that there was absolutely no pain in my leg at all. I started to get up and she put both hands on my ankles and told me not to bend that leg until she gave me permission, and to stay put until she got back. Her tone of voice inspired in me a deep desire to obey without question.I was given a leg brace/immobilizer and ended up unable to walk unaided for nearly a week. I wasn’t allowed to bend it for three days.For some time after that, I could bend that knee just right and I would feel a gentle slip from inside followed by gut-wrenching pain. Having been properly taught, I know that I have to immediately straighten it out, getting the dry twig snapping sound and a bright red flash of light, then everything is okay after a few minutes of being perfectly still.If you made it all the way through this, congratulations. I hope you were able to find some entertainment value in it.Edit 4–24–2020: Sarah Madden, thanks for the edit suggestions. Except for one, they were exactly what I should have written. I’m gonna stick with “gonna” up near the beginning because, while not a quote, it more succinctly conveys my attitude at the time. I usually start all my longer stuff for online publication in Word and copy it over. I find that a bit easier than composing online. I got lazy on that one. Thank you for catching my slip-ups!Edit II 4–24–2020: Derek Allen, thanks. I really don’t know how I managed to miss that! It takes a village…

What are some pictures of "technology facts"?

Here we go guys….The Firefox logo isn’t a fox.There is a common misbelief that because the browser is named Firefox, the logo must be a fox.Surprisingly, the cute furry creature in the logo is actually a red panda!The first Apple logo isn’t what you would think.Originally, it featured Sir Isaac Newton sitting beneath a tree, with an apple about to fall on his head.It was designed back in 1976 and featured a phrase around the border which read “Newton…A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought…alone”.Seems kind of dark!Google rents out goats.You read that right, instead of mowing their lawn, Google rents goats to eat the grass at their Mountain View headquarters.A herder will bring 200 goats which are herded by a border collie named Jen.The name for “robot” has dark origins.If you look into the etymology of “robot,” it comes from the Czech word “robota” which translates to forced labor or work.The word was first used to refer to a fictional humanoid in a play in 1920.The first ever VCR was the size of a piano.When the first VCR (Video Camera Recorder) was made in 1956, it was the size of a piano.Way bigger than I would have guessed!Samsung is 38 years and 1 month older than Apple.Samsung was founded as a grocery store on March 1, 1938, by Lee Byung-Chull.Apple Founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created Apple Computer Inc. on April 1, 1976.A Petabyte is a lot of data.We all know 1 GB is the same 1024 MB, but did you know that 1 petabyte (PB) is equivalent to 1024 terabytes (TB)?To give an example of how big this is, a 1 PB hard drive could hold 13.3 years of HD-TV video.A 50 PB hard drive could hold the entire written works of mankind, from the beginning of recorded history, in all languages.Domain name registration used to be free.IWay back when people didn’t realize how huge the internet would be, registering a domain name was free until 1995.When a fee was introduced, it was high! Prices were typically $100 for two years of registration.Megabytes used to weigh hundreds of pounds.More specifically, 5 megabytes of data weighed one ton.In 1956, the first computer had something similar to a hard drive.At the time, it was a huge leap in storage capabilities, but the cabinet that contained the hard drive weighed over 2,200 pounds and could hold 5 MBs of data.The Radio took 38 years to reach an audience of 50 million.You would think the invention of the radio would be a big deal, but it took 38 years for the radio to reach an audience of 50 million.Meanwhile, the iPod only took 3 years to reach the same milestone!The first camera needed an incredibly long exposure.The first photograph ever taken in 1826 took 8 hours to expose!The creator of that camera, Louis Daguerre, was able to lower that time drastically to just 15 minutes in 1839.Credit card chips have been around for a LONG time.To many, credit card chips are a relatively new fad. However, the chip technology has been around since 1986!It was first used in France, followed shortly after by Germany.Alexa is always listening to your conversations.This probably isn’t new to you. Siri has been doing it forever.Alexa stores your dialogue history to its cloud to help improve your Alexa experience.But, you can review and delete these recordings, either in bulk, or individually.People read faster or slower depending what they read from.Not only do you blink less when you’re on a computer, but reading from a screen also slows you down.On average, people read 10% slower from a screen than from paper!As for the blinking part, did you know that during everyday life, people normally blink at a rate of twenty times per minute?But put them in front of a computer, and that number drops way down to seven times per minute!GPS is free… for some.Even though it is free to use GPS globally, it costs $2 million dollars to operate every day.This money comes from American tax revenue.There are Amish computers.There are computers specially designed without internet, video, or music capabilities, just for the Amish.The features include word processing, drawing, accounting, spreadsheets, and more – but not much more.Mac computers were named after the apple.It’s not a coincidence that “Macintosh” is similar to the apples called “mcintosh”.The name was misspelled on purpose to avoid conflict with a manufacturer called “McIntosh Laboratory”.Back in 1964, Doug Engelbart invented the first ever computer mouse! Back then, it was made out of wood.It was rectangular and featured a little button on the top right.He called it a mouse because the cord coming out of the back reminded him of the tiny rodents.Which came first, Spam mail or Spam meat?Spam mail was named after the canned meat! In a Monty Python skit, they said Spam meat was “horrible and being ubiquitous and inescapable”.Sounds pretty accurate to the annoying junk mail I get!Also, did you know that On average, for every spam email sent, they only get one reply for every twelve million spam emails sent.Is it even worth it at that point?The original Xbox had sound snippets of real space missions.The original Xbox contained edited sound bites from actual transmissions from the Apollo missions.If you left the Xbox on the home screen, eventually you’ll hear whispers of conversation – actual chatter from the Apollo mission.The majority of the people plug in their USB wrong.86% of people try to plus in their USB devices upside down.That makes me feel a lot better about getting it wrong every time!Steve Jobs used sleight of hand at the first iPhone presentation.The first iPhone presentation happened six months before the iPhone was set to hit the market.At that time, the phone was too buggy to use, so Steve Jobs often had to switch phones behind his desk.Otherwise, it would run out of RAM and crash.The first alarm clock could only ring at one time.Literally, one time! The first mechanical alarm clock could only ring at 4 a.m. invented by Levi Hutchins in 1787.It wasn’t until 1876 that a wind-up alarm clock was made that could be set for any time.Computer Security Day is celebrated on November 30thIt was started in 1988 to help raise the awareness of computer related security issues.To celebrate Computer Security Day is easy, and important – check your privacy settings on Facebook, change your passwords to something stronger.You can also read the latest technology facts and make sure your data stored on your phone, or in the cloud is secure.The government used PlayStation 3’s… but not for gaming.In 2010, the United States Air Force used 1,760 PlayStation 3 consoles to build a supercomputer for the Department of Defense.They used PS3’s because it was more cost efficient and “green.”The first online gaming was before the year 2000.Sega Dreamcast was the first 128-bit console to hit the market.Released in 1999, it was the first console that allowed real-time online play.Unfortunately it was a little too early for it’s time, as back then, most internet connections were not reliable enough.The first product scanned was a packet of chewing gum in 1974.Norman Joseph Woodland invented the barcode, and received a patent in October 1952.It wasn’t until 22 years later, when he was employed by IBM that the barcode was developed to be used for product labeling.Known as the Universal Product Code (UPC), a system that is still used today.You’re in good hands if your surgeon was a gamer.Oddly enough, surgeons that grew up playing video games more than 3 hours per week make 37% fewer errors!Not only that, but they also had a 42% faster completion rate when it comes to performing laparoscopic surgery, as well as suturing.iTunes has an unusual Terms & Conditions.When agree to the Terms & Conditions for iTunes, you are agreeing to not use it to make nuclear weapons.The clause states, “You also agree that you will not use these products for….the development, design, manufacture, or production of nuclear, missile, or chemical or biological weapons.”Nintendo didn’t start as a video games company.Founded in 1889, Nintendo was around long before computers! So what did they sell?From 1889-1956, Nintendo was a playing card company.They still manufacture playing cards in Japan, and even have a bridge tournament called the “Nintendo Cup”.Apollo 11 astronauts couldn’t afford insurance.Life insurance for a space mission cost a fortune, because the risks were extremely high back then.So instead, the astronauts of Apollo 11 signed hundreds of covers that their families could sell in case anything went wrong.People are still using dial up.As of 2017, 2.1 million people still use AOL’s dial up service.Mainly, these customers live in rural America where it can be expensive and unreliable to get high-speed internet.Meanwhile, dial up is only $20 per month.You can spell your email in Morse code.In 2004, the @ symbol became the first new character to be added to Morse code for the first time in many decades.The character is called a “Commat,” and consists of the signals for A and C with no break in between.Yahoo’s original name was a mouthful.The original URL for Yahoo was name Yahoo was selected because it was derived from Gulliver’s Travels slang, “Yahoo” which was a fictional race of beings in the book.Bonus Fact: Amazon wasn’t always Amazon either! Originally named “,” Cadabra was an online bookstore only.CEO Jeff Bezos explored other options in the 90’s, some of which still redirect to Amazon, like Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more.Amazon was registered in 1994, and has grown into the monolith that it is today.Bonus Bonus Fact: When Snapchat first launched in 2011, it was named Picaboo.It wasn’t renamed to what we know as Snapchat until 2012.Everyone uses Google as a spellcheck.Most everyone, anyway! 97% of people type in words to Google just to see if they spelled it right.I know I’m definitely among that 97%!The first word to ever be auto-corrected was “teh.”Back in the day, autocorrect wasn’t as efficient as it is now.In order to auto-correct “teh” to “the,” you had to press the left arrow and F3.The Nintendo Game Boy went to space.In 1993, a Soviet cosmonaut brought his Nintendo Game Boy to space on the TM-17 space mission.It is said to have orbited Earth 3,000 times and was later auctioned for $1,220.PlayStation 1 had Scratch and Sniff discs.In 1999, Gran Turismo 2, the 2-disc edition of the game, the blue disc featured the smell of fuel and burning rubber.When FIFA 2001 was released in 2000, they used Scratch and Sniff technology on their discs so it smelled like football stadium turf.“Android” is gender specific.The word “Android” literally means a human with a male robot appearance.The female equivalent of this word is a “Gynoid.”Google searches hit the billions every month.There are over 35 billion Google searches each month.In May 2019, the top three most Googled words were “facebook” at 233 million searches, “youtube” with 194 million searches, and “amazon” with 103 million searches.There’s a name for when you feel your phone vibrate… but it doesn’t.This is my favorite tech fact on this list!“Phantom Vibration Syndrome” is the name for when someone thinks their phone is vibrating, but it isn’t.Research suggests the cause for this is someone being over-involved with their phone.Smoking will void your Apple warranty.Apple has a “smoking” ban on their computers, meaning if you smoke while using any Apple computer, the warranty becomes void.Technology is now influencing baby names.In 2012, at least six girls were named Apple, 49 boys were named Mac, and at least 17 girls were named Siri.However, the number of babies named Alexa in the U.S has dropped from 6,050 in 2015 (the year Amazon’s Alexa became available) to 3,053 in 2018.Alexa was the 32ndmost popular name for girls born in 2015, but dropped to 90thplace in 2018.Blind people can use cell phones.There is special Braille technology and accessories for blind people to use cell phones.It uses special pins that go up and down so the user can touch and read the info.Googles first tweet was gibberish.To a normal human, Google’s first ever tweet on Twitter was nonsense!It reads, “I’m 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010”.Translated from binary to English, this tweet says “I’m feeling lucky.”The first cell phone call was in New York City.In 1973, the first ever mobile phone call was made by Martin Cooper, an employee of Motorola, made from the streets of New York City.It wasn’t until 19 years later when Neil Papworth sent the first SMS message, which brings us onto our next tech fact:Thanks for scrolling down please do upvote if you like 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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