How to Edit and fill out Acupressure Points Chart Pdf Online
Read the following instructions to use CocoDoc to start editing and signing your Acupressure Points Chart Pdf:
- Firstly, direct to the “Get Form” button and tap it.
- Wait until Acupressure Points Chart Pdf is ready.
- Customize your document by using the toolbar on the top.
- Download your completed form and share it as you needed.
An Easy-to-Use Editing Tool for Modifying Acupressure Points Chart Pdf on Your Way

How to Edit Your PDF Acupressure Points Chart Pdf Online
Editing your form online is quite effortless. No need to get any software with your computer or phone to use this feature. CocoDoc offers an easy tool to edit your document directly through any web browser you use. The entire interface is well-organized.
Follow the step-by-step guide below to eidt your PDF files online:
- Search CocoDoc official website on your computer where you have your file.
- Seek the ‘Edit PDF Online’ button and tap it.
- Then you will browse this cool page. Just drag and drop the form, or upload the file through the ‘Choose File’ option.
- Once the document is uploaded, you can edit it using the toolbar as you needed.
- When the modification is finished, click on the ‘Download’ icon to save the file.
How to Edit Acupressure Points Chart Pdf on Windows
Windows is the most widely-used operating system. However, Windows does not contain any default application that can directly edit form. In this case, you can get CocoDoc's desktop software for Windows, which can help you to work on documents effectively.
All you have to do is follow the instructions below:
- Download CocoDoc software from your Windows Store.
- Open the software and then append your PDF document.
- You can also append the PDF file from URL.
- After that, edit the document as you needed by using the a wide range of tools on the top.
- Once done, you can now save the completed template to your cloud storage. You can also check more details about how do you edit a PDF file.
How to Edit Acupressure Points Chart Pdf on Mac
macOS comes with a default feature - Preview, to open PDF files. Although Mac users can view PDF files and even mark text on it, it does not support editing. Utilizing CocoDoc, you can edit your document on Mac without hassle.
Follow the effortless steps below to start editing:
- In the beginning, install CocoDoc desktop app on your Mac computer.
- Then, append your PDF file through the app.
- You can select the form from any cloud storage, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive.
- Edit, fill and sign your file by utilizing this amazing tool.
- Lastly, download the form to save it on your device.
How to Edit PDF Acupressure Points Chart Pdf through G Suite
G Suite is a widely-used Google's suite of intelligent apps, which is designed to make your work more efficiently and increase collaboration across departments. Integrating CocoDoc's PDF editor with G Suite can help to accomplish work easily.
Here are the instructions to do it:
- Open Google WorkPlace Marketplace on your laptop.
- Search for CocoDoc PDF Editor and install the add-on.
- Select the form that you want to edit and find CocoDoc PDF Editor by clicking "Open with" in Drive.
- Edit and sign your file using the toolbar.
- Save the completed PDF file on your laptop.
PDF Editor FAQ
How did you treat your migraine headaches?
Original Question | How did you treat your migraine headaches? I am suffering from migraine on daily basis. Please help me.The following is what I have done…I stopped all consuming caffeine and chocolate because I have a clear problem of triggers with both.I don’t smoke and stopped drinking alcohol. Alcohol was tolerated better when I was younger. I had terrible allergies and it helped to naturally dehydrate me so that the allergen effects (swelling in my head) were not as bad. As I have aged, I do not eat enough to compensate for the problems alcohol creates in my stomach and I do not exercise enough to increase my caloric intake and compensate for the deleterious effects of alcohol.I began to exercise every day to some degree and I limited foods (e.g. night shade plants) that cause swelling. As I have Ulcerative Colitis and inflammatory arthritis this is necessary to help keep swelling down in the joints and colon.I tried heat and cold application to my head areas to see how it affected or did not affect my head. Eventually just putting my hands in hot water would cause the dilated blood vessels in the back of my neck to shrink back to normal. Putting ice in that area helped reduce the dilation as well.I had bad allergies and knew my father’s migraines when he was younger could be triggered by sinus inflammation… so I also applied heat to my sinus cavities in case they were full with a horse shoe shaped microwavable heat wrap. I would put in on a flat surface where I could lay my face down with it covering my sinus areas. (You can also freeze it to use on the neck conversely. ) I got mine from DreamTime Inc.I used Tiger balm on my face (only on the sinus cavities) when the sinuses became too full to manage with heat alone. (I use the Ultra Strength which is white, as the red/Extra strength will stain clothing.) Any menthol type product would likely work as well. I also used this to help relieve muscle aches from tension.I went to the eye doctor and got glasses. I turns out that I have had an astigmatism for a long time which results in eye strain and muscle knots in my back after long periods of sitting at the computer. I was getting eye strain from the using my eyes so intensely for work and play, so I planned in breaks between each let my eyes rest.I wear sunglasses out of doors as I have light sensitivity and bright light can trigger a migraine to start.I evaluated my diet and learned to cook from raw foods rather than eating prepackaged meals or processed foods. I increased fresh fruits and vegetables, and added water to my daily diet when thirsty (rather than other liquids). I looked for common problematic foods and those that also similarly helped people like myself and did some experimentation as well as documentation. 9 Foods that Can Cause Chronic Pain and 9 that Can Alleviate It.I removed all added sugar and extra grain (bread and pasta) from my diet by conforming to some of Dr. Bernstein’s book recommendations that a friend was using to help control his diabetes. About - Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution. A Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars. Official Web Site & No Sugars, No Grains: Is This the Key to Long-Term Health? I realized my diet was high in processed foods, too high in foods that metabolized directly to sugar and not high enough in fruits, vegetables, water, and above all, I ate about 50% more than I needed to for my body.I watched the documentary Sugar Coated which shows how much of the starchy food that we eat is metabolized through the liver as sugar.I turned to food combining and bought a pocket guide for reference to aid in my food choices. Food Combining Charts - by Wayne Pickering - Momentum98I have also rearranged an image that is free to download as a PDF which includes food combining and digestion times for things in the stomach as well as descriptions of all food categories.(Updated 4–26–2019) To learn more about how the body digest you can go to this article How Long Does It Take to Digest FoodI incorporated eating using the 8 Hour diet to give my intestines a rest 8-Hour Diet: Fast 16 Hours to Lose. I also started moving to eating mostly plant based proteins rather than eating so much meat. (I do not need same amount of food, protein, and calories that those who worked a farm in the 1800′s did!) Forks Over Knives | Official Website Below is one image of a plant based protein meal…I found that my colitis was helped by resting my stomach once a week, so I fasted intermittently, which then seemed to help my head rest and recover from headache symptoms that had accumulated over that week.Intermittent fasting video added on 5–23–2019I educated myself in good dental health as my bite needed some help (and so did my brushing habits). Grinding my teeth at night out of stress did not help the situation. American Academy of Craniofacial Pain (AACP) ResourcesI investigated my posture’s affects on the overall muscle strain through my back to my head. I realized that my posture was bad. My head was pushed forward and did not float above my shoulders. While my shoulders were to be directly above my hips, when sitting my feet needed to be planted firmly on the ground, with my legs in the correct position straight from chair to floor.Instead I had been slouching and creating more strain for my neck, back and shoulder muscles as well as my gut. It took a while and some pain to reverse what had become natural. Poor Posture & Headache & Forward head posture.*I learned the Alexander technique which is a very good way to manage your posture from a holistic approach rather simply trying to sit straight and move one body piece at a time into their correct positions.I went to Acupuncture to help reduce the physical pain I was in, to restore my immune system and get off of the drug Prednisone. The acupuncture was started for one reason but resulted in reducing my allergies and migraines as well as increasing my overall energy and feeling of well being.I took Biofeedback training so that I could learn how to calm down with deep breathing and focus. Each time I felt overwhelmed I used this technique to help deal with my emotions and their effects on my body.I learned Shiatsu and began massaging my muscles. I found that many muscle knots would cluster around my head and neck which might have started out as tension headaches but would eventually trigger a migraine. I also had clusters of muscles in my back that would create the right conditions to feed a migraine once triggered.I created a more restorative sleep regimen. I began making sure that I got enough rest and used sleeping techniques to help me get more quality level of sleep. I allow myself to catch the “sleep train.” My sister came up with this term which has been adopted by family members. It is the period that the body releases the natural sleep chemicals signaling that you are ready to sleep. Yawning, being drowsy, etc… However the train only comes to the station on it’s own schedule, if you’re not there to catch it, you need to wait out for the next one to arrive. And, that does not mean that another will come that night. ~Amanda LopezBasically… if you override your bodies natural ability to fall asleep, you will secrete an amount of adrenaline to push you through to a second wind state which will then need to be exhausted before your body will allow you to sleep again naturally. Maintaining natural sleep cycles are necessary for migraine prevention as they allow the brain and body to recover from both mental and physical stresses of each day. When these stresses build without rest, they can contribute to migraines.I stopped taking many preventative prescribed drugs. I would not say this is good thing for everyone to do, but I have had such marked side effects from almost every drug I take that reducing my intake of those that seemed (to me) superfluous, helped me decide which medications were doing what, and how much I needed in general. I asked doctors for recommendations to replace any medication with something natural, if there was a choice. I also followed the tenets that many healthy people follow, eat right, exercise, get out and be social, work at balance in all things, even the application of balance.I worked at reducing or managing stress. My emotional well being was more important than I surmised to stopping migraines before they became unstoppable. I might not have had the triggers bring me to full blown state of collapse if I was more aware of the mechanisms that fed into why they stayed once they were triggered. (I have mentioned many of the contributing factors already.)And finally…I wrote in a journal for a year and compiled the data. Understanding what triggers my own migraines was essential in figuring out how to manage them. Eventually some things began to “stick out” as closely related to when I got migraines. Yet the documentation alone was revealing in how much I was doing that was contrary to how I wished to live my life. So as best I could, I made changes in my exercise habits, social life, personal care and lastly my attitude toward myself. Making my health and the control of the migraines a priority was important. Also, realizing that I was the person in the very best position to understand my needs and accommodate them was essential.All the information from other sources were great, but I was the person who needed to implement them in a way that worked for me.There is probably more… so I will add if I think of it.Addendum:I started taking Selectrolytes when warranted. This product helps return electrolytes to your system after prolonged illness (fluid loss). It was created by a father who’s daughter, ISSY (Isabella) was dying of cancer. When she was physically ill (vomited) due to chemotherapy, which made keeping food down difficult, her electrolytes were lost also. This mixture replaced them for her. I once had a migraine due to severe stomach issues (diarrhea) causing the loss of my bodies electrolytes. One swig of this fluid and that particular type of migraine was cured! I buy it from Morin Labs a nutriceutical company committed to provide effective, affordable natural health products to assist those in need.I massage my head and ears. The head gets forgotten about when so much pain is centered there. While you do not have a headache, it is good to massage the head regularly as well as the outer parts of the ears. The former helps move blood and oxygen while treating muscles usually forgotten about, the latter helps to calm you as they are acupressure points that help calm people (and animals) when pressed.I restrict or eat food. When I have eaten something that I am not familiar with or so much that my stomach may be creating more problems than I can consider, I might restrict food and let what is in my stomach pass through to see if the situation clears up. However, if I have not eaten in some time, I may be getting a headache from lack of eating. In this case, I might lick peanut butter to give my body the salt, protein and fat it might need to recover in one shot. I do this slowly to see if it helps the headache get better, but if not, I stop eating it.I got allergy tested. I am allergic to trees & grass, dust, cosmetics, cats, smoke etc… being aware of this helped me make decisions about the environment that is best for me as well as steer clear of things I have a violent reaction to. They can all trigger a migraine or feed one.I went to a physical therapist. I was given a tens unit to deal with muscular knots and general pain. This helped me use non-invasive therapy to treat spasms that would previously been treated with palliative care using over the counter drugs. Instead the tens unit instruction from the PT helped treat many muscular problems rather than mask them.* (If you are very weak, this may harm rather than help so get advice from a doctor.)*The unit I received was not what you may see today that people buy with multiple settings of chopping, massaging, kneading for muscles, mine has simple two setting knobs of pulse width and frequency. Then you can increase or decrease the steady current to your own desired strength as in the picture below.I got my hormones checked. While I was given a choice to take supplements to replace them, I chose to forgo them and allow my body to find some sort of balance without adding more substances to it. (This was my personal choice.)I asked doctors for help. While this was my first step, it has been a long road and it is 40 years after my initial problems began. Now I use advice from traditional as well as non-traditional sources, American and foreign medical professionals to find things that may apply to me. I have turned away from medication and found all the things listed as helpful in my own journey, while I admit some people do not have the ability to remove medications that help. I personally had reactions that left me turning from medicine for something less invasive/more holistic.I took Bee Propolis and drank water with organic raw honey to aid in increasing my immune system health, using natural substances to bolster it. I was weak from medication side effects and my ability to gain energy to recover from colds, etc… All of my weakness was contributing to my migraine trigger response.There is a concoction that my friend uses which helps her in this same category but is too stringent for my stomach. She uses it for a detox/cleanse type of situation and it helps her with migraines. My 3-Ingredient Migraine and Headache Detox Remedy*I bought a Lumo Lift to help remind me that I was slouching. It is a small (less than 1″) very light device that magnetically attaches to/through clothing. Once set, it give’s near immediate feedback through a buzzing to the chest that indicates you are not sitting in the posture you set it to maintain (the posture you wish to reinforce). This is the most current technology I know of that reminds you to correct your posture continually as you work. You can link it to a cell phone and adjust the time intervals to longer or shorter and track you progress if that is what you desire.Update 7–6–2018:I massage myself with a wand, my neck and under my scull cap in the back where muscles can get knotted. I use it on my back where there are knots from over use of muscles. I also massage my head daily (with my hands too). I use a massage wand on the knots that are too hard for my hands to work out (or when my hands get tired). I always suggest to get the most simple wand possible with 2–3 speeds. You do not need one with variable speed algorithms to work out knots, you need one with a few steady speeds, so be careful and read the literature before you buy.I stretch daily (all day long for short periods) even if I cannot find the time to exercise, stretching and breathing help to oxygenate my system and allow the muscles some simple unwinding and relief. This can help condition the body towards preventing much of the associated problems of muscle during migraines. (I usually do the upper body stretching a few times an hour at my desk, while other floor exercises I do in the morning or evening or when I have the space and privacy.)I bought and sit on a Backjoy at my desk to help coax me to sit up properly when working at my computer. (It takes many reminders for me to keep my posture from creating more problems with my neck, back, shoulders etc…)Update 7–26–2018:Learned to breath fully with the following videos. This helps to retrain your body in correct breathing techniques, correct body position and learning why they are so important to your overall health. The first is with How to breathe | Belisa VranichThe next is Breathe to Heal | Max Strom | TEDxCapeMayI use a handheld wooden back massager to get to muscles in my back that I can’t reach. This also helps get at the two groups of muscles on either side of the spine. The spine is the communication line from the brain to the body. When you are tense, stressed or ill, this line gets congested, for lack of a better term. By massaging this area you can help clear much of the “congestion” which can help your body be more effective in healing itself naturally.I also use reflexology on my feet and hands to help me. It helps find what parts of me are needing some attention. And I can use a host of other non powered implements to help with the massaging.Besides all that I have said here… I have more to addUpdate 8–31–2018:I take Metagenics protien mix and herbulk as a food replacement when my stomach is upset as I have Ulcerative Colitis and an upset stomach can also spark a migraine (and keep it fueled). To calm my system down but keep from starving it of nutrients, I will stop eating meals but take this supplemental food and drink lots of water. It is a protien/vitamin/mineral mix that serves as a replacement source of nutrients. (I was sure I posted this here before!)I may take probiotics, my brand is VSL 3 (especially for UC sufferers) to help replace the good flora in my stomach and when I am having stomach problems and digestion gets really difficult.I may also add digestive enzymes to help my system in it’s efforts digesting. This is specific to my system and my problems so you might want to ask your doctor or your pharmacist whether these things are harmful at all, or may just waste your money. My whole digestive track has had to be rebuilt from years of using medications which slowed it down. I was told to begin by eating baby food but found that after 30 years of medication, my stomach needs some help.There are some that types of probiotic + digestive enzymes combinations you can find, so that you are covered both way in helping your digestion. Enzymes and Probiotics: Partners in Digestion
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